White Hot Ice biography. White Hot Ice Biography White Hot ICE biography is taken from open sources or added by user

White Hot Ice biography. White Hot Ice Biography White Hot ICE biography is taken from open sources or added by user

The "White Hot Ice" group was created in 1992 in the composition of Vitaly Orlov and Roman. The novel left, and since then, Vitaly thinks to take a person, maybe not one, but those who fit are busy in other groups, and those who are not busy - Do not suit. And so in the group there is a lot of people, but not the scene, therefore they are not visible.
In 1992-1993, one underground company, whose name was not preserved, was released an album "in fools" (very small circulation, separated by friends and alleged producers).
After that, there was participation in many collections: hip-hop info and others. Recently, the group recently produced the company KVAD-Disk (buildings "Neous", "RAP in Russian", "Adidas Streetball Challenge 2001")
Albums: 1992-1993 "in fools"
1994-1999 "Blood Pati"
2002 "in fools" (Remastering)
2007 "Rastaman"

The text of the White Hot Ice biography is taken from open sources or added by the user.

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White Hot Ice

date added: 12.02.2008

The group "White Hot Ice" is useless to ask about why they called this way. And because - will be the answer. Because it is just a sequence of words, so wanted, and it was called. Although, if you try, you can look for a meaning. In any person there is a lot, and flame, and good, and evil. In anyone - including in the participants of the group.
Appeared to the light "White Hot Ice" in 1992. Originally consisted of two musicians - Vitaly Orlova and the novel. After the novel left the group. And here Vitaly is trying to replenish the composition of the group by another participant, except for himself, but not succeeded. Then those whom he is willing to take is already playing somewhere with someone. Or vice versa, those who ask for some reason Casting is not passing. In general, in the group, of course, not one Vitaly, but a very big creative team. Only on the stage he is one.
1992-1993 comes out the half-day record of the album "in fools". They released this cassette mini-circulation, purely in order to give familiar, and those who could become a producer of the team.
Then the individual songs of the group were included in various collections (for example, "hip-hop info").
Collaboration with the Studio Quadro-Disk and participation in the buildings "Neous", "Rap of Russian" and "Adidas Streetball Challenge-2001".
Songs who are written under the brand White Hot Ice, as on the selection, about the life of mafia and drug addicts. Although Vitaly himself generally adheres to the idea of \u200b\u200ba healthy lifestyle, but not alien to drugs. Such is another bizarre combination of hot and cold in one person.
In general, Vitaly is a joiner. Real. It is exactly the "case for life", he learned under the pressure of his parents. And to music, it began to pull it only from adolescent age - the time of love, growing up and a song under the guitar. In general, in the musical genres, he is omitant, can listen to a heavy rock, and pop. He says that it all depends on the skill of the performers, the genre is secondary in any case.
Vitaly is confident that music does not disperse in twenty years later. Just does not know - what it will be.

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Biography, WHITE HOT ICE Life Story

The name of the WHITE HOT ICE group is just a set of words. And also - these are two opposites that live in each and are not combined with each other. How cold and hot, like bad and good. But all this in the group is embossed. And therefore she is so! A group was created in 1992. Then it consisted of two people - Vitaly Orlov and Roman. Then Roman went. And since then, Vitaly occasionally thinks about to take a second person (and even a few people). But usually the casting does not end with anything, because those people who are already occupied in other teams. Well, those who want to work himself - do not fit. Here is such a discrepancy of cold and hot ice. And so in the group there is a lot of people, just not on stage, so he is not visible. In 1992-1993 A cassette was released with one underground company, the name of which was forgotten from time to time called "in fools". She came out very little circulation. And immediately separated between friends and alleged producers. After that there was participation in a variety of collections, such as "hip-hop info", and many others. Recently, the group has recently released a company Avadro-Disk: this is the series of buildings "Neous" and "Rap in Russian" and "Adidas Streetball Challenge-2001". This year it is planned to release a solo album, which is ready. It remains only to fake, reduce the studio. Of course, the clip is planned. It will probably be on the song "in fools", unless any song is more successful after processing in the studio. The album is planned 15-16 songs. All of them are gangster-narcotic themes, with shooting in subtext. Such is our life. Although Vitaly and for a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes can sometimes smoke. In friends appreciates honesty and openness, and still courage and mind. Does not love betrayal. The profession of soloist has nothing to do with music - he is a joiner. The desire was not Vitaly, but parents. Yes, he did not think that he would make music. How much he was offered to a music school to sign up, he refused so many times. And only for 14 years, he played the guitar in the yard and sang puzzled pop songs about love. In general, Vitaly takes all the music - and the metal like, and soul, and many other directions. If people are professionals - they are always nice to listen to what they would not play. Vitaly Orlov says that in 20 years - he will also be engaged in music, but what is another question.

The icon of Russian rap music Vitaly Orlov (under a completely unpainted pseudonym White Hot Ice) - Mysterious personality ...
Name his "ascending star" the hand does not rise: all those who light on the dance floors today rose on his tracks, promoting and developing rap, hip-hop, R'n'B. The famous and no less charismatic Rustaveli from the most popular underground-rap-gang "Multiple" is recognized that he began to engage in creativity under the impression of listening to the White Hot Ice album. 1992 year is a reference point for WHI, the date of creation of the group of the same name.
Regarding the name of Orlov himself says that it is "just a set of words. "White hot ice". Although - if more precisely, these are two opposites that live in each of us and do not combine anyone with each other. "
Three WHI letters on the cover of the new Album "Rastaman" - from the "smart enough" series: a password for dedicated to. "Who needs it - he will understand," says ICE. I want to believe. Especially after watching the clip on the title song called "Vovan Kozhemyakin", created as if to twist the charts of music TV channels. Black and white gangster video on the track in Lou Bega style removed the talented St. Petersburg director Konstantin Cherepkov. Another video on the same song - the concert version of the room for the popular youth series "Club" - can be seen on the MTV channel.
In the near future, Vovan Kozheyakin appears on the radio stations of DFM and Radio NEXT, and the clip - in the MTV channel grid
By the way, WHI is the first project, published under the new lablom NEXT PROJECT. This subsidiary "Studio Monolith", specializing in the most fashionable and actual musical directions - hip-hop and R'n'B. In the nearest plans, Next Proventet - the publication of several other albums and collections of potential commercially successful performers.