Biography System of a Down. Biography System of a Down System of A DOWN Armenian Group

Biography System of a Down. Biography System of a Down System of A DOWN Armenian Group

System of a Down is a group that never ceases to delight and surprise its fans for 14 years. Once in 1994, the 26-year-old keyboard player of one little-known SERJ Tankian group (Serge Tancan) met a novice guitarist Daron "A Malakian" A (Daron Malakian), which was about 18. It turned out that the Daron group "A had to rehearse together on one studio with a group serj "a.

They shovel due to the fact that both musicians had common musical addictions and Armenian roots. The result of this was the emergence of a new group on the light, which was named SOIL.

Soon they are joined by their overall school familiar Shavarsh "Shavo" Odadjian (Shavarsh "Shavo" Odagyan), which the group SOIL really liked. Then he took the post manager. At that time, Shavo was engaged in transfer translations to the bank and played the bass guitar in another group. In the future, the place behind the shock was taken by Andranik "Andy" Khatchadurian, but unfortunately not for long.

Exalted in this composition until 1995, Andy leaves SOIL due to disagreements in the group. His place for the drums took John Dolmayan (John Dolmayyan). Meanwhile, Shavo throws a job in a bank and radically changes its place of work from the manager to the bass player of the musical group. This is where the history of the group called System Of A Down begins. The name happened from the social poem "Victims of a Down", which Daron wrote. The word "System" was taken as a more expressive, generalizing everything.

The very first concert of the System of A Down group was held at the Roxy Club, which is in Hollywood. Next, they participated in a number of massive musical events and won some fame among the representatives of the musical press.

After that, a demo record with three songs was first among the American Metal Fans, and then somehow got into Europe and even in New Zealand!

At one of the next performances of System of a Down, a famous Rick Rubin producer was present, Chapter American Recordings. System made a very strong and indelible impression on him. The group concluded a contract with American Recordings at the end of 1997. A year later, the group comes out the first album of the same name (1998), which became the result of System of A Down and Rubin cooperation.

It was a new wave of numerous concert speeches of the group. They had to perform on the same stage with such famous rock monsters, alternatives and metal, like Incubus, Soulfly, Limp Bizkit, Slayer, Metallica and even Black Sabbath. One of the most famous festivals where they participated - Ozzfest.

Gradually developing, System of A Down is beginning to cooperate with the most famous groups, participate in the records of various collections, soundtracks. For three years, SOAD won great authority not only from fans, but also from the most famous critics. In 2001, a new second album was released - "Toxicity", which helped consolidate success. The disc becomes platinum, occupying the upper lines of numerous tops and hit parade. In the album, the group experimenting a lot using a variety of musical instruments. For the recording of some songs a friend Serj "a, Arto TuncBoyaciyan multi-instrumentalist (Arto Tundzboyania) was invited.

Interestingly, when the album "Toxicity" happened, an unpleasant story happened. For him (album) about 30 tracks were recorded. Hackers hacked a network of sound recorder and stole them. Soon the tracks appeared on various pirated Internet sites.

Overwriting some stolen and wringing new songs, System of a down produce a third album with a loud and very clear name "Steal This Album!" ("Stopping this album!"), Consisting of 16 tracks recorded from 1995 to 2001.

System of a Down has achieved deafening popularity by won the audience not only America, but also around the world.

Conforming its current image and active political, as well as a social position, System of A Down takes part in a variety of bright and large stocks. On the SERJICAL STRIKE's own recording studio, SERJ records a joint project with its friend, multi-instrumentalist and performer of Armenian folklore Arto TuncBoyaciyan. The disc was released on May 20, 2003 called "Serart".

In 2005, finally, the group dual album comes out. In fact, this is still two albums: Mezmerize came out on May 17, and Hypnotize - November 22. Fans were very pleased with such a gift! However, some of the group admirers have complained that it is already "completely different System of A Down." Nevertheless, these two albums have become great popularity and love in the world. These albums appeared in some songs of the back vocal Daron appeared in some songs.

Currently, SOAD participants are not involved in creating creativity for the benefit of the whole group. Everyone is engaged in their affairs. Serge Tankyan, for example, produces solo. Some individuals say that the team has collapsed at all, but so far it's just no rumors and official confirmation. Therefore, we will wait for new works born by the general efforts of Serzh, Daron, Shvo and John.


System of a Down is known to have no definite style. In their music there are elements of various musical directions - heavy metal, new metal, metal, punk rock, and even Armenian folk music. Another distinguishing feature of the Armenian-American team is their critical texts. Their critics are aimed primarily on American politics, as well as for the media. Also in some songs S.O.A.D. Draw the attention of listeners to the Armenian Genocide.

In addition to political and social texts, the group has songs telling about everyday situations; For example, in the song "Kill Rock" N Roll "describes how guitarist Darurov Malakian moved a hare. Humor also plays an important role in the work of the group. Bright examples for this - Composition" This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm on This Song "Or" Vicinity of obscenity ". Almost all texts write guitarist Daruron Malakian and vocalist Serge Tankian.

Characterized for System of A Down is also a contrasting vocal. The powerful voice of the first soloist Serzh Tankyan is usually accompanied by loud, fast and aggressive guitar reefs, and the higher and soft vocals of Daron Malakyan Beck-vocalist - slower and melodious passages.

Although the group has songs about drugs, none of the participants in the group does not suffer dependence on heroin, cocaine or any other heavy drug. But at the same time, they do not deny that they sometimes smoke "herbs".

System of a Down (S.O.A.D.) - Armenian-American rock band from Los Angeles, which plays alternative metal, founded in 1995. All five released groups of studio albums became platinum.

History of the group

In 1993, the soloist Serge Tankian and guitarist Darurov Malakian are based on the group "SOIL". Then the drums played Andy Khachaturian, who left the team in 1995 and now plays in the group The Apex Theory. At the same time, in 1995, the school of Odagyan was connected to the group. He visited the same private school in California as Tankian and Malakian, and therefore was well acquainted with both musicians. At first, he had to become a group manager, but it turned out that it was he who replenished the empta of the bass guitarist. The vacancy of the drummer took John Dolmayyan, and the System of A Down group was founded.

In the same year, the musicians receive a contract for the release of the album from the well-known musical producer Rick Rubin and start recording their first album "System of A Down". This album is presented for the first time at the SLAYER concert, where System of A Down act as a "warming up" group. The next album Musicians produced 3 years after their debut plate. "Toxicity" is not much different from the first album and continues the musical philosophy of the team. The listeners like contrast, but, nevertheless, harmoniously sound transitions from fast passages to slow and from high-profile melodies to quiet. This is based on the music of the group - and it becomes the System of A Down business card, which rapidly conquer new fans both in the United States and abroad. In 2002, the third album is published - Steal This Album!, Which contains songs originally written for toxicity, but not published on it. As in previous albums, speech in the texts of the songs is about the policies of the American government, which is being tight criticism, as well as social issues. It takes three years after the previous album, after which the next plate is coming. In 2005, System Of A Down release the MEZMERIZE album. He enjoys a huge commercial success and for a long time will take the 1st place in the charts of 11 countries. But MEZMERIZE is only part of a group of group consisting of two albums. Together with the "Hypnotize" album released on November 18, 2005, it forms a single integer, both in the musical terms and in terms of content. According to musicians, they divided these two albums to give time to students will familiarize themselves with the first part of their songs, before the release of the second half.

System of a Down is known to have no specific style. In their music there are elements of various musical directions - heavy metal, new metal, metal, punk rock, and even Armenian folk music. Another distinguishing feature of the Armenian-American team is their critical texts. Their critics are aimed primarily on American politics, as well as for the media. Also in some songs S.O.A.D. Draw the attention of listeners to the Armenian Genocide.

In addition to political and social texts, the group has songs telling about everyday situations; For example, in the song "Kill Rock" N Roll "describes how guitarist Daruron Malakian moved a hare. Humor also plays an important role in the work of the group. Bright examples for this - composition" This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I "M On This Song "Or" VicInity of Obscenity ". Almost all texts write guitarist Daruron Malakian and vocalist Serge Tankian.

Characterized for System of A Down is also a contrasting vocal. The powerful voice of the first soloist of Tankian is usually accompanied by loud, fast and aggressive guitar reefs, and a higher and soft Bek vocalist Malacani vocalist - slower and melodious passages.

The name of the "System of A Down" group comes from the name of the poem written by Daron Malakyan, which is called "Victims of A Down", in which Article "A" is a reduction from the word "America" \u200b\u200b(Rus. "Victims of American Fall"). Therefore, the name of the System of A DOWN can be translated into Russian as a "American Fall System". [A source?]

Although the group has songs about drugs, none of the participants in the group does not suffer dependence on heroin, cocaine or any other heavy drug. But at the same time, they do not deny that sometimes smoke marijuana.


System of a Down (LP, June 30, 1998) - platinum
Toxicity (LP, September 4, 2001) - Platinum three times
Steal This Album! (LP, November 26, 2002) - platinum
MEZMERIZE (LP, May 17, 2005) - Platinum
HYPNOTIZE (LP, November 22, 2005) - Platinum

1999: Sugar E.P.
2000: Spiders.
2001: Johnny.
2001: Chop Suey!
2001: Toxicity.
2002: Aerials.
2005: B.Y.O.B.
2005: Question!
2005: Hypnotize.
2006: Lonely Day

1998: War?
1998: Sugar - Director: Nathan Cox
1999: Spiders - Rainer: Charlie Dew
2001: Chop Suey - Directors: Marcos Siega / Shavo Odagyan
2002: Toxicity - Director: Shavo Odagyan
2002: Aerials - Director: Shavo Odagyan
2003: Boom! - Director: Michael Moore
2005: B.Y.O.B. - Director: Jake Nava
2005: Question! - Directors: Shavo Odagyan / Hauard Greenhol
2005: HYPNOTIZE - Director: Shavo Odagyan
2006: Lonely Day - Directors: Josh Melnik and Xander Cherity

2005: MTV Europe Music Award - Best Alternative Group
2006: Grammy - Best Hard Rock Speech (for the song B.Y.O.B.)
2006: Echo - the best international alternative group

Tankyan, Serge

Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia

Real Name Serge Tankian
Date of birth August 211967
Beirut Birthplace, Lebanon
Years of 1995-
Country: USA
Profession singer, keys, guitar
Genre Rock
Serge Tankian (English. Serj Tankian; August 21, 1967, Beirut, Lebanon) - a vocalist of the American rock band System of A DOWN. Armenian by origin.

Serge was born in Lebanon (August 21, 1967), he lived for children there. At the age of 8, along with his parents and younger brother Severmit, he moved to Los Angeles. There he began to make music in the Armenian school "Rose & Alex Pilibosl", while studying marketing. Also in Los Angeles, he joined the large Armenian community. He has its own Label Serjical Strike Records, he also published his book of poems "Cool Gardens". Serge paid the first editions of the book at the expense of his small firm for the production of Ultimate Solutions.
In 1994, he meets Daron Malakan, together they organized the group "SOIL". The same drummer Andy also entered the same (Ansesem will kill Khachaturian). But then because of the disagreement, he left the group, meanwhile our heroes get acquainted with Shavo Odagyan. At that time, he worked in a bank and studied in the same music school as Serge. Temporarily he became their manager, but later threw the work and became a bass player, thereby organized a group of System of A Down. In which he also played and playing John Dolmayan who came to replace Andy.
In 2005 They meet again. But they are already consisting of people, almost everyone has their own business (from a small cafe to a record company). So the album "Mezmerize" and then "hypnotize" is released.
Now Serge Tankian solo project. His debut album ELECT THE DEAD, consisting of both old songs, for one reason or other reasons that have not included in the repertoire of System of A DOWN, and completely new material, will be released on October 23. The Concert Tour in support of his album Tankian plans to collect the composition, which will be called Serj Tankian and The FCC. The tour in support of the album began on October 12 in Chicago. For each of the 12 songs, the album is planned to withdraw the clip.
01 - Empty Walls
02 - The Unthinking Majority
03 - Money
04 - Feed US
05 - Saving US
06 - Sky Is Over
07 - Baby.
08 - Honking Antelope
10 - Praise The Lord and Pass The Ammunition
11 - Beethoven "S Cunt

There is also a Limited Edition version of the album, which includes 17 songs: 12 of the above

13 - Blue
14 - Empty Walls (Acoustic)
15 - Feed US (Acoustic)
16 - Falling Stars
17 - The Reverend King

The text of the biography of System of a Down is taken from open sources or added by the user.

We strive to ensure that the information provided on the site was the most accurate and complete. If you have add-ons or you noticed inaccuracy in biographies System Of A DownYou can edit the biography given your comments. After moderation, the biography of System of A DOWN with your additions and adjustments will be available to other users. Registered users can recruit points for adding information (biographies, texts, chords), thus participating in the ranking of the most active users.

Alternative metal group from Glendale, pcs. California, USA, founded in 1994. All five issued by a group of studio albums became platinum. All group members have Armenian roots.
In 1992, the soloist Serge Tancan and Guitarist Darurov Malakian founded the group "Soil" (not to be confused with the SOIL group from Chicago, pcs. Illinois), on the drums played Domingo Larnyo, and on the bass guitar Dave Khakopyan. At about this time they met Shavo Odagyan. About a year later, having in his asset a similarity of the Jem Seychen and one living concert, Dave and Domingo leave the group. In their opinion, she has no future (Khakopyan will later create the group The Apex Theory, which in 2007 will change the name on Mt. Helium). "SOIL" lately broke up and tankyan and Malakian founded a new group "System of a Down". The name of the System of A DowN group comes from the name of the poem written by Daron Malakyan, called "Victims of a Down". Shavo Odagyan considered that the word System (system, device) would like the public much more than Victims (sacrifices) they also wanted their plates in one row with the plates of the Slayer group. Odajyan was originally a manager and promoter, but soon took the place of the bass guitarist, the vacancy of the drummer took Andy Khachaturian (also one of the founders of The Apex Theory group), which in 1997 left the team because of the injury of his hand and John got up Dolmayan

As the group "SOIL", as well as "System of a Down" fought and still fight against the negation of the Turks of the Armenian Genocide in 1915, promotes the adoption of the genocide of the Genocide of US and Turkey.

In 1995, the musicians receive a contract for the release of the album from the famous musical producer Rick Rubin and start recording their first album "System of A Down". This album is submitted for the first time at the SLAYER concert, where System of A Down act as a "warming" group. The next album Musicians produced 3 years after their debut plate. Toxicity in style is not very different from the first album and continues the musical philosophy of the team. The listeners like contrast, but, nevertheless, harmoniously sound transitions from fast passages to slow and from high-profile melodies to quiet. This is based on the music of the group - and it becomes the System of A Down business card, which rapidly conquer new fans both in the United States and abroad.

In 2002, the third album is published - Steal This Album!, Which contains songs originally written for toxicity, but not published on it. As in previous albums, speech in the texts of the songs is about the policies of the American government, which is being tight criticism, as well as social issues.

In 2003, Tankian collaborates with Armenian avant-garde artist Folk Music Arto Tankboyan, the result is the project of the SERART and the output of the same plate of the same name.

In 2005, System of A Down release the album "Mezmerize". He enjoys a huge commercial success and for a long time ranks 1st in the chait-parades of 11 countries. But MEZMERIZE is only part of a group of group consisting of two albums. Together with the album Hypnotize released on November 18, 2005, it forms a single whole, both in the musical terms and in terms of content. According to musicians, they divided these two albums to give time to students will familiarize themselves with the first part of their songs, before the release of the second half.

System of a Down is known to have no specific style. In their music, there are elements of various musical directions - metal, havi-metal, nu-metal, metal, punk rock, and even Armenian folk music. Another distinguishing feature of the Armenian-American team is their critical texts. Their critics are aimed primarily on American politics, as well as for the media. Almost all texts writes the guitarist of the Daruron Malakian Group. Characterized for System of A Down is also a contrasting vocal. The powerful voice of the first soloist of Tankian is usually accompanied by loud, fast and aggressive guitar reefs, and a higher and soft Bek vocalist Malacani vocalist - slower and melodious passages. In 2005, the System of A Down Group took off the documentary called Screamers, which brings the Armenian Genocide. This film is voiced in English, and subtitles are given to him in Armenian.

In May 2006, the Group announced a "vacation". Malakian stated that most of the "vacation" would last for several years, Odagyan, in an interview with the magazine "Guitar", has established more specific deadlines, at least three years. On TV channel MTV, he said the following: "We do not fall apart, we simply declare a long break to deal with our affairs. We have been dedicated to System of A Down for more than 10 years, it's time to take a pause."

And then happened! 10/31/2009 A long-awaited performance was held almost the full composition of the group, with the exception of Serge. It is also unknown, either in the group, and maybe just for the company, Franki Franki, the second guitarist SCARS on Broadway. Serge still does not comment on the reunion of System OF a down, but hopefully, in the near future, the group will play the former composition :)



* System of a Down (LP, June 30, 1998) - platinum
* Toxicity (LP, September 4, 2001) - Platinum three times
* Steal this album! (LP, November 26, 2002) - platinum
* MEZMERIZE (LP, May 17, 2005) - Platinum
* Hypnotize (LP, November 22, 2005) - Platinum


* 1999: Sugar E.P.
* 2000: Spiders
* 2001: Johnny
* 2001: Chop Suey!
* 2001: Toxicity
* 2002: Aerials
* 2005: B.Y.O.B.
* 2005: Question!
* 2006: Lonely Day

The official website of the group:

Russian sites: - All about System Of A Down - Serge Tancan - informal blog with the latest news

Alternative metal group from Glendale, pcs. California, USA, founded in 1994. All five issued by a group of studio albums became platinum. All group members have Armenian roots.

In 1992, the soloist Serge Tancan and Guitarist Darurov Malakian founded the group "Soil" (not to be confused with the SOIL group from Chicago, pcs. Illinois), on the drums played Domingo Larnyo, and on the bass guitar Dave Khakopyan. At about this time they met Shavo Odagyan. About a year later, having in his asset a similarity of the Jem Seychen and one living concert, Dave and Domingo leave the group. In their opinion, she has no future (Khakopyan will later create the group The Apex Theory, which in 2007 will change the name on Mt. Helium). "Soil" later broke up and tankyan and Malakian founded a new group "System of A Down". The name of the System of A DOWN group comes from the name of the poem written by Daron Malakyan, which is called "Victims Of A Down". Shavo Odagyan considered that the word System (system, device) would like the public much more than Victims (sacrifices) they also wanted their plates in one row with the plates of the Slayer group. Odajyan was originally a manager and promoter, but soon took the place of the bass guitarist, the vacancy of the drummer took Andy Khachaturian (also one of the founders of The Apex Theory group), which in 1997 left the team because of the injury of his hand and John got up Dolmayan

As the group "SOIL", as well as "System of a Down" fought and still fight against the negation of the Turks of the Armenian Genocide in 1915, promotes the adoption of the fact of the genocide by the US and Turkey ghenocides.

In 1995, the musicians receive a contract for the release of the album from the famous musical producer Rick Rubin and start recording their first album "System of A Down". This album is submitted for the first time at the SLAYER concert, where System of A Down act as a "warming" group. The next album Musicians produced 3 years after their debut plate. Toxicity in style is not very different from the first album and continues the musical philosophy of the team. The listeners like contrast, but, nevertheless, harmoniously sound transitions from fast passages to slow and from high-profile melodies to quiet. This is based on the music of the group - and it becomes the System of A Down business card, which rapidly conquer new fans both in the United States and abroad.

In 2002, the third album is published - Steal This Album!, Which contains songs originally written for toxicity, but not published on it. As in previous albums, speech in the texts of the songs is about the policies of the American government, which is being tight criticism, as well as social issues.

In 2003, Tankian collaborates with Armenian avant-garde artist Folk Music Arto Tankboyan, the result is the project of the SERART and the output of the same plate of the same name.

In 2005, System of A Down release the album "Mezmerize". He enjoys a huge commercial success and for a long time ranks 1st in the chait-parades of 11 countries. But MEZMERIZE is only part of a group of group consisting of two albums. Together with the album Hypnotize released on November 18, 2005, it forms a single whole, both in the musical terms and in terms of content. According to musicians, they divided these two albums to give time to students will familiarize themselves with the first part of their songs, before the release of the second half.

System of a Down is known to have no specific style. In their music, there are elements of various musical directions - metal, havi-metal, nu-metal, metal, punk rock, and even Armenian folk music. Another distinguishing feature of the Armenian-American team is their critical texts. Their critics are aimed primarily on American politics, as well as for the media. Almost all texts writes the guitarist of the Daruron Malakian Group. Characterized for System of A Down is also a contrasting vocal. The powerful voice of the first soloist of Tankian is usually accompanied by loud, fast and aggressive guitar reefs, and a higher and soft Bek vocalist Malacani vocalist - slower and melodious passages. In 2005, the System of A Down Group took off the documentary called Screamers, which brings the Armenian Genocide. This film is voiced in English, and subtitles are given to him in Armenian.

In May 2006, the Group announced a "vacation". Malakian stated that most of the "vacation" would last for several years, Odajyan, in an interview with the magazine "Guitar", set more specific deadlines, at least three years. He said the following: "We do not fall apart, we simply declare a long break to deal with their affairs. We were dedicated to System of a Down for more than 10 years, it is time to take a pause. "

And then happened! 10/31/2009 A long-awaited performance was held almost the full composition of the group, with the exception of Serge. It is also unknown, either in the group, and maybe just for the company, Franki Franki, the second guitarist SCARS on Broadway. Serge still does not comment on the reunion of System OF A DOWN, but hopefully, in the near future, the group will play the former composition.

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