Biography Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryaka. Dmitry Narcsovich Mamin-Sibiryak - Writer with sincere children's soul

Biography Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryaka. Dmitry Narcsovich Mamin-Sibiryak - Writer with sincere children's soul
Biography Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryaka. Dmitry Narcsovich Mamin-Sibiryak - Writer with sincere children's soul

Dmitry Narcisovich Mamin *, known to us under the pseudonym Mamin-Sibiryak, was born on November 6, 1852 in the Vicimim-Shaitansky factory (now the village of Visim under the Lower Tagil). Mamines were hereditary priests. Father, Narcis Matveevich Mamin, served as the abbot in the Nikolsky temple of Visim. At the same time, together with his wife, he taught at the local church-party school, but at the same time was a member of the Ural Society of Natural Lovers. The mother of the future writer, nee Anna Semenovna Stepanova - Dyakon's daughter. Dmitry became the second child of 4 her mother's children, he had 2 more brothers and 1 sister.

Mitya received a home education, then studied in the Visima school for children workers.

Parents wanted the Son to go in the footsteps of the ancestors. Therefore, in 1866, they gave the boy to the Ekaterinburg Spiritual School. He stayed there until 1868, then moved to the Permian spiritual seminary. In Perm, the young man became interested in literature.

In the spring of 1871, a young man went to St. Petersburg and entered the Medical and Surgery Academy, for the veterinary department, later translated into medical. After 3 years, Mimin signed up for the Natural Faculty of St. Petersburg University, where he studied for another 2 years. But on this, his studies did not end. Since 1876, the young man was engaged in the Faculty of Faculty of the University, however, did not graduate from this course, was forced to interrupt training due to material difficulties and a sharp deterioration in health - Dmitry found tuberculosis. The disease was captured at the initial stage, so that he fully cured.

All Petersburg years Dmitry wrote small reports and stories for metropolitan newspapers. And he has become published since 1872.

In 1877, Dmitry Narcisovich returned to his parents to the lower saldo, where they then lived. In the summer of the same year, on a picnic, a young man met the wife of a local engineer, a 30-year-old mother of 3 children Maria Yakimovna Alekseeva. Dmitry fell in love. Woman answered reciprocity. Roman began.

Maria Yakimovna was quite secured by the lady, her father occupied a great post in the Demidov factories. In 1878, a woman left her husband and under the pretext that she intends to give children a good education, bought her home in Yekaterinburg and with two sons and her daughter moved there. At the same time, Dmitry Narcisovich moved to her, the first mother-father died and no one could prevent a forbooth. A little later in Yekaterinburg moved the whole family of moms. In the sin of Maria Yakimovna and Dmitry Narcsovich lived 12 years. Alekseeva became the first adviser of his lover in his work. It was in those years that Mamin wrote the Great Roman "Privalov Millions".

Dmitry Narcsovich traveled a lot in the Urals, studied literature on history, economics, ethnography. I earned journalism for life, but I basically contained Maria Yakimovna. In 1881-1882, the writer issued a series of travel essays "from the Urals to Moscow" and published them in the metropolitan editions under the pseudonym D. Sibiryak. The pseudonym automatically joined the author's name and turned out to the writer Mamin-Sibiryak.

In 1883, the Publication of "Privalovsky Millions" took place in the magazine "Case". Soon the second novel was followed - "Mountain Nest". After his release for Dmitry Narcovic, the glory of the outstanding writer-realist was entrusted. Mamin-Sibiryak bought a house for mother and brothers in Yekaterinburg for the received fees.

In the autumn of 1890, Dmitry Narcsovich fell in love with the daughter of the Yekaterinburg photographer Gainrich - Maria Morithin Abramov. She was an actress and married to the actor Abramov. The wife of Maria did not live and chase with theatrical troupes in Russia.

The stormy love romance of the writer and the actress ended with the gap of the Mine-Siberian with Alexeva and moving lovers to St. Petersburg. On the eve of the rupture, the writer managed to publish his third novel - "Three End", which was devoted to Alexeyeva.

Since the first spouse did not give Abram divorce, they lived with Dmitry Narcisovich in an illegal marriage. On April 4, 1892, Maria Morithsna gave birth to her daughter and the next day died. The girl was called Elena, affectionately - Alyonushka. It was unfortunate, from the birth of a serious sick child. Alyonushka suffered from dancing sv. Witta - she constantly twitched the face, convulsions happened.

Dmitry Narcsovich was shocked by the death of his beloved woman. He put himself a goal to grow a sick daughter and devoted her the rest of his life.

In 1894, the writer published his first work for children - the famous fairy tale "Gray Shaika" about the clarification with a broken wing. In a gray neck, he saw his own little sick daughter. Created in 1894-1896 "Alyonushkina Tales" finally secured for Dmitry Narcsovich, the glory of the great storyter.

In 1900, the writer was legitimate for the first time - on the educator of his daughter Olga Franventov Gouwal.

The main misfortune for Momin-Siberian was the illegal birth of a girl. Since the end of 1901, the writer has led the struggle for her adoption. Mary Moriatsovna husband was recorded by the father of Alyonushka. After receiving his abandonment of the child, the court took place and from March 1902 the girl became a lawful daughter Dmitry Narcisovich.

Of course, all these years, Mamin-Sibiryak did not leave the novelist, he composed and published the novels "Bread", "features from the life of the pepko" and "Falling stars." Ural stories used very popularity. However, all these works did not reach the heights of the Privalov Millions, created under the supervision of Mary Yakimovna.

In 1911, the writer had a stroke, and he was partially paralyzed. Dmitry Narcisovich Mamin-Sibiryak died on November 15, 1912 in St. Petersburg. He was buried next to his wife at the graveyard Alexander Nevsky Lavra. After a year and a half, in the fall of 1914, his Alyonushka died from a stealless consumers. The girl found a rest next to his parents. In the 1950s, the remains of the family of the Mine-Siberian family were reburied on Leningrad's wolf cemetery.


* The surname occurs either from the Tatar name - Mamin or from the Bashkir name - Mamin, so it was originally uttered with an emphasis on the last syllable - Mother.

Alenushkina fairy tales

E. Permyakov. Alenushkina fairy tales. Staging.

Gray Shaika

I. Medvedeva, T. Shishov. Gray neck. Staging.

Berezko. Gray neck. Scenario.

Dmitry Mammin was born on October 25 (November 6, N.S.) of 1852 in the Vicimo-Shaitansky plant of the then Perm province (now - the village of Visim Sverdlovsk region, under the lower Tagil) in the family of the priest. He received a home education, then he studied in Visima school for children workers.

My father's father wanted him to go to the future in the footsteps of his parents and was a servant of the Church. Therefore, in 1866, parents gave the boy to receive spiritual education in the Yekaterinburg Spiritual School, where he studied until 1868, and then continued his studies in the Permian spiritual seminary. In these years, he participates in the circle of advanced seminarists, is influenced by the ideas of Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov, Herzen. To stay here include his first creative attempts.

After the seminary, Dmitry Mother in the spring of 1871 moved to St. Petersburg and entered the Medical and Surgery Academy for the veterinary department, and then translated into medical.

In 1874, Mimin passed the exams in St. Petersburg University. For about two years, he studied at the natural faculty.

In 1876, he moved to the Faculty of Faculty of University, but never ended there even the course. Mother was forced to leave their studies due to material difficulties and a sharp deterioration in health. The young men began to develop tuberculosis. Fortunately, a young organism was able to overcome a severe illness.

In the student years, Mamin engaged in writing small reports and stories in the newspaper. The first small stories of the Mine-Siberian appeared in the press in 1872.

His student years, the first difficult steps in the literature along with the acute material needs Momin described well in the autobiographical novel "The features from the life of the pepko", which became not only one of the best, bright works of the writer, but also perfectly showed his worldview, views and ideas.

In the summer of 1877, Mamin-Sibiryak returned to the parents to the Urals. Next year his father died. All the severity of concerns about the family lay on Dmitry Mine. In order to educate brothers and sister, as well as to make money, the family decided to move to Ekaterinburg. Here, a new life of a novice writer began.

Soon he married Mary Alexeyeva, who became also a good adviser on literary issues.

During these years, he commits many trips throughout the Urals, studying literature on history, economy, the ethnography of the Urals, immersed in folk life, communicates with people who have enormous life experience.

Two long departures to the capital (1881-82, 1885-86) strengthened the literary ties of the writer: he meets Corolenko, Zlatovratsky, Goltsy, and others. In these years, writes and prints many small stories, essays.

In 1881-1882 A series of way essays "from the Urals to Moscow" appears, published in the Moscow newspaper "Russian Vedomosti". Then his Ural stories and essays appear in the publications of the "founders", "case", "Journal of Europe", "Russian Thought", "Patriotic Notes".

Some of the works of this time were signed by the pseudonym "D.Sibiryak". Attaching the pseudonym to his name, the writer quickly gained popularity, and Mamin-Sibiryak's signature remained for him forever.

In these creations of the writer, creative motives characteristic of the Mine-Siberian begin to be traced: a chic description of the grandiose Ural nature (not subject to any other writers), to show its impact on life, human tragedy. In the works of Mine-Siberian, the plot and nature are inseparable, interrelated.

In 1883, the first novel of Mamin-Siberian - "Privalovsky Millions" appears on the pages of the magazine "Case". He worked on him as ten (!) Years. The novel was a great success.

In 1884, his second novel is already coming out in the "domestic notes" - "Mountain Nest", which consolidated the fame of the Writer-Realist writer for Mamis Siberian.

In 1890, Mamin-Siberian divorces the first wife and marries a talented artist of the Yekaterinburg Dramatic Theater M. Abramova. Together with her, he moves forever to Petersburg, where the last stage of his life takes place.

A year after the relocation, Abramov dies because of heavy gods, leaving the sick daughter Alynushka on the hands of his father. The death of his wife, which he loved himself, shocked the Mine-Siberian to the depths of the soul. He suffers very much, does not find himself places. The writer fell into a deep depression, as evidenced by his letters to their homeland.

Mamin-Siberian begins to write a lot again, including children. So he wrote for his daughter "Alenushkina Fairy Tales" (1894-96), which were gained great popularity. "Alenushkin's fairy tales" are full of optimism, light faith in good. "Alenushkin's fairy tales" are forever entered the children's classics.

In 1895, the writer publishes the Roman "Bread", as well as a two-volume collection "Ural stories".

The last major works of the writer are the novels "features from the life of Pepko" (1894), "Falling stars" (1899) and the story "Mumma" (1907).

"Can I be satisfied with one of your life. No, live by a thousand lives, suffer and enjoy a thousand hearts - this is where life and real happiness! "says Mamm in the "features from the life of the pepko". He wants to live for everyone to experience everything and remove everything.

At the age of 60 November 2 (November 15, N.S.), 1912, Dmitry Nirkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak died in St. Petersburg.

In 2002, to the 150th anniversary of the writer D.N. Mine-Siberian, in the Urals established his behalf. The prize is awarded annually on the birthday of D. N. Mine-Siberian - November 6

Mamin-Sibiryak Dmitry Narcsovich (1852 - 1912) - famous Russian writer, Belletrist-ethnographer, prose, playwright and storyteller.

Mamin-Sibiryak (real surname Mommin) was born on November 6, 1852 in the Vysimo-Shaitansky factory village of Verkhotur district of Perm Province, 140 km from Nizhny Tagil. This village, which was in the depths of the Ural Mountains, was founded by Peter I, and the rich merchant of Demidov built a factory manufactured here. The father of the future writer was the factory priest Narcis Matveevich Mammin (1827-1878). The family had four children. Lived modestly: the father received a small salary, a little more factory worker. For many years, he taught children for free in the factory school. "Without work I did not see a father nor a mother. Their day was always full of difficulty, "recalled Dmitry Narcisovich.

From 1860 to 1864, Mamin-Sibiryak studied in the Visima settlement elementary school for children of workers, placed in great hut. When the boy was 12 years old, his father took him and her older brother Nicholas to Yekaterinburg and gave them to the spiritual school. True, wild Burstsky morals have so worked on an impressionable child that he fell ill, and his father took it from the school. With great joy, the Mamin-Siberian returned home and for two years he felt completely happy: reading alternated with wrappings in the mountains, overnight stays in the forest and houses of positional workers. Two years flew quickly. The father had no funds to give his son to the gymnasium, and he was taken again in the same Bursa.

Got a home education, then he studied in the Vishima school for children workers, later in the Yekaterinburg Spiritual School (1866-1868) and in the Permological Seminary (1868-1872).
To stay here include his first creative attempts.

In the spring of 1871, Mamin moved to Petersburg and enters the Medical and Surgery Academy to the veterinary department, and then goes to medical. In 1874, Mimin stood the university exam and, having stayed for about two years on the natural faculty.

Began to be printed in 1875.
Configuration of talent, good acquaintance with nature and the life of the region is noticed in this work.
The author's style is clearly planned in them: the desire for the image of nature and its influence on a person, sensitivity to changes occurring around.

In 1876, Mamum-Sibiryak moved to the legal, but the course did not finish the course. At the Law Faculty, he studied about a year. Excessive work, poor nutrition, lack of leisure donated a young organism. He began a charkotka (tuberculosis). In addition, due to the material difficulties and sickness of the father, Mamin-Sibiryak could not make a fee fee and was soon excluded from the university. In the spring of 1877, the writer went from St. Petersburg. With all his heart, the young man reached the Urals. He was cured of illness and found strength for new works.

Once in native places, Mamin Sibiryak collects material for a new novel from the Ural life. Trips along the Urals and Vyuraral were expanded and deepened by his knowledge of folk life. But the new novel, conceived back in St. Petersburg, had to postpone. He fell ill and a father died in January 1878. Dmitry remained the only breadwinner of a big family. In search of work, as well as to educate brothers and sisters, the family in April 1878 moves to Ekaterinburg. But in a large industrial city, a hazardous student could not get a service. Dmitry began to give lessons behind the gymnasists. The tedious work was paid bad, but the teacher from Mine came out good, and soon he acquired the fame of the best tutor in the city. He did not leave in a new place and literary work; When not enough time during the day, wrote at night. Despite the monetary difficulties, he discharged a book from St. Petersburg.

In Yekaterinburg, 14 years of life of the writer are held (1877-1891). He marries Maria Yakimovna Alekseeva, who became not only his wife and friend, but also an excellent adviser on literary issues. During these years, he performs many trips in the Urals, studying literature on history, economy, ethnography of the Urals, immersed in a folk life, communicates with the "arms" who have enormous life experience, and is even elected by the vowels of the Ekaterinburg City Duma. Two prolonged departures to the capital (1881-1882, 1885-1886) strengthened the literary ties of the writer: he meets Corolenko, Zlatovratsky, Goltsy and others. During these years, writes and prints many small stories, essays.

But in 1890, Mamin-Sibiryak is divorced with the first wife, and in January 1891 he marries the talented artist of the Yekaterinburg Dramatic Theater Mary Morbamovna Abramova and moves with her to Petersburg, where the last stage of his life takes place. Here he soon became close to populists - N. Mikhailovsky, Asspensky and others, and later, at the turn of the century, and with the largest writers of the new generation - A. Chekhov, A. Kupin, M. Gorky, I. Bunin, high Estimated his works. In a year (March 22, 1892), the Favorite wife Maria Morithsna Abramova dies, leaving the sick daughter Alyonushka in his father's hands, shocked by this death.

Mamin-Sibiryak treated for children's literature. He called the Children's Book of Living Thread, which brings the child from the children's room and connects with a wide world of life. Turning to writers, their contemporaries, Mamin Sibiryak called them to truthfully tell the children about the life and labor of the people. He often said that only an honest and sincere book benefits: "Children's book is a spring sunshine that makes the dormant forces of the children's soul and causes the growth of seeds thrown on this fertile soil."

Children's works are very diverse and intended for children of different ages. The younger guys know well "Alenushkin's fairy tales." They have fun in them and speak animals, birds, fish, insects, plants and toys. For example: Komar Komarovich - Long Nose, Shaggy Misha - Short Tail, Brave Hare - Long Ears - Kosy Eyes - Short Tail, Sparrow Vorobeich and Ersh Ershovich. Talking about the fun adventures of animals and toys, the author skillfully connects fascinating content with useful information, kids learn to observe life, they develop feelings of a partnership and friendship, modesty and hard work. The works of Mine-Siberian for older children talk about the life and labor of the workers and peasants of the Urals and Siberia, about the fate of children working at factories, fishers and mines, about young travelers in the picturesque slopes of the Ural Mountains. A wide and diverse world, the life of man and nature is revealed to young readers in these works. The story of the Mine-Siberian "Emelya-Hunter", marked in 1884 by the International Prize, was highly evaluated by readers.

Many works of Mine-Siberian, opening high simplicity, the noble naturalness of feelings and love of their author's life, spiritualizing the poetic mastery of pets, birds, flowers, insects (Sat Story, Children's Shadows, 1894; Emelya Strains Hunter, 1884; wintering on the student, 1892; gray neck, 1893; Alenushkina fairy tales, 1894-1896).

The last years of life writer was seriously ill. On October 26, 1912, in St. Petersburg there was a forty-eyed of his creative activity, but Momin had already taken himself badly to congratulate him - in a week, on November 15, 1912, he died. Many newspapers placed necrologists. The Bolshevik newspaper "True" dedicated to Mamina-Siberian a special article in which he celebrated a big revolutionary value of his works: "The bright, talented, heart writer died, under the pen of which the pages of the past Urals, a whole epoch of the procession of capital, predatory, washing, who did not know retaining not with anything". True, "Highly appreciated the merits of the writer and in children's literature:" He was attracted by a clean soul of a child, and in this area he gave a number of beautiful essays and stories. "

D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak was buried at the Nikolsky cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra; Two years later, there was a supreme daughter of the writer "Alyonushka", the Mamina, Elena Dmitrievna (1892-1914). In 1915, a granite monument with bronze bas-relief was established on the grave. And in 1956, the dust and monument to the writer, his daughter and spouse, M.M. Abramova, were transferred to the literal view of the Volkovsky cemetery. On the gravestone monument of the Mine-Siberian words were carved by the words: "Living with thousands of lives, suffer and enjoy a thousand hearts - this is where real life and real happiness."

List of works

  • Features from the life of Pepko (1984)

Date of birth: November 6, 1852
Date of death: November 15, 1912
Place of birth: Vice-Shaitansky factory settlement, Perm province

Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak - Great Prose, playwright and writer. Dmitry Narcsovich Mamin-Sibiryak Born on November 6, 1852 in the small village of Vicimo-Shaitan (now Vissim in the Sverdlovsk region). His father was a representative of the clergy and very much wanted the Son to also devoted his life to the ministry to the Lord. His family was enlightened, so the boy received a wonderful secular home education and entered the local school to continue their education.

According to the instruction of the Father, he entered in 1866 to the spiritual School of Yekaterinburg, and then successfully moved to the spiritual seminary Perm. His character and a non-standard mind appear there, he participates in several circles where he starts familiarizing with the ideas of Herzen, Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov. It is during training in the seminary, he begins to write small stories, showing, albeit rough, but talent.

He successfully released from the seminary of 1871 and went to St. Petersburg. He was not attracted by the profession of a priest, and therefore he decided to continue his studies on the scientific field.

He entered the Medical and Surgical Academy, where he studied first on the veterinarian, and then on the medical department. Science becomes even more interesting for him, in 1874 he entered the University of St. Petersburg at the Faculty of Natural Science, and in two years he was transferred to the faculty of jurisprudence. At this time, he starts material difficulties and tuberculosis develops.

During the student period, he was already published, wrote small stories, but paid a small payment. This period of poverty and enthusiasm journalism, he described in the autobiographical novel "Features from the life of the pepko".

In 1877, he returned to the Urals, and in 1878 buried his father and became the head of the family. He needed to provide education for brothers and sisters. Earnings could be found only in a big city and therefore in the same year his family moves to Yekaterinburg, where Dmitry met in a beautiful woman, Maria Alexeeva.

She became his wife, as well as a partner in literary activities. Mamin-Siberian traveled a lot in the Urals and during the connectors paid attention to the economy, the history of regions, folklore. He scored a huge amount of material for his literary activities.

His travel notes are published in the collection "from the Urals to Moscow", which they saw the light in the Russian Vedomosti newspaper. It was a undoubted success that attracted the attention of several publications at once, including well-known magazines "Domestic Notes", "Journal of Europe", "Russian Thought and Others. At the same time he takes a double surname. Dmitry Sibiryak is his literary alias that has become Part of the last name.

The motives of his creativity remain unchanged, he continues to write about the life of the Russian people in the Urals. In 1883, Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak finished work on the large novel "Privalov Millions", which he wrote for ten years. This novel brought him fame after publishing in the magazine "Case". Then the "domestic notes" publishes his romance "mountain nest", which immediately was accepted by the public and critics, which determined him as a very talented writer in the genre of realism.

In 1890, Dmitry broke up with his first wife and married M. Abramova, actress of the Dramatic Theater of Yekaterinburg. Together with this woman he moved to St. Petersburg. His family happiness was short-lived, the wife died of just a year after very severe birth. This tragedy put an imprint on the life of a writer who remained with a sick daughter Alana in his arms.

His depression did not interfere with him to concentrate on the upbringing of his daughter and start writing children's stories. It was during this period that he wrote a very famous cycle of "Alenushkin's fairy tales", which was written specifically for her daughter. Over the next decade, he lived in St. Petersburg, paying daughters as much attention as possible. He also wrote a lot of excellent stories, the ages and novels, among which the "Ural stories" and the famous Roman "Bread" are allocated. Unfortunately, at the same time his health worsens due to developing tuberculosis.

He died from the CHAGOPE on November 15, 1912, and his daughter died two years after that. Mamin-Siberian left behind a huge literary heritage. The most important achievement can be considered the use of unique characters and images that he created for children.

His fairy tales are always permeated not only with love and understanding, but also high morality. He defended his native nature and tried to teach the same readers, and also reflected many changes in the public life of Russia in their novels and stories.

Important milestones of life Dmitry Mamin-Siberian:

Born November 6, 1852
- Admission to the spiritual School of Yekaterinburg in 1866
- Admission to the spiritual seminary Perm in 1868
- Admission to the Medical and Surgery Academy of St. Petersburg in 1872
- Transfer to the faculty of jurisprudence in 1876
- married Maria Alekseeva and began to travel through the Urals after returning from St. Petersburg in 1877
- Publication of the series of essays "prospectors" and work in the magazine "Russian thought" in 1882
- Publication of the novel "Privalov Millions" in 1883
- Publication of the novel "Mountain Nest" in the journal "Domestic notes" in 1884
- married M. Abramova in 1890
- moved to Petersburg, lost his wife and began working on fairy tales and children's stories in 1891
- Publication of the novel "Gold", entering the light of "oxygen eyebrows" in 1892
- Publication of a two-volume collection "Ural Stories", Printing a novel "Bread" in 1895

Interesting facts from the biography of Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryaka:

Dmitry Narcisovich Mamin-Sibiryak - a real name - Mamm. Born on October 25 (November 6) of 1852 in the Vicimo-Shaitan plant of the Perm province in the family of the factory priest. Got a home education, then studied in the Vishima school for children workers. In 1866 he was adopted in the Ekaterinburg spiritual school, where he studied until 1868, then he continued to education in the Permological seminary (until 1872). In these years, participates in the circle of advanced seminars, experiencing the impact of the ideas of Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov, Herzen.

In 1872, Mamin-Sibiryak enters the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgery Academy to the veterinary department. In 1876, without graduating from the academy, proceeds to the Law Faculty of the University of St. Petersburg, but, after studying the year, it is forced to leave him because of the material difficulties and a sharp deterioration in health (tuberculosis began). The 1877 returned to the Urals, to the parents. The following year, the father died, and all the severity of worries about the family lay on the Mine-Siberian. To educate brothers and sister and be able to earn, it was decided to move to a major cultural center. Yekaterinburg was chosen, where his new life begins. Here he married Maria Alekseeva, who became not only his wife, but also a friend and an excellent adviser on literary issues. During these years, he performs many trips in the Urals, studying literature on history, economy, ethnography of the Urals, is immersed in a folk life, communicates with the "arms", having a huge life experience. The first fruit of this study became a series of travel essays "from the Urals to Moscow" Later, many Russian writers will draw inspiration here (1881-1882), published in the Moscow newspaper "Russian Vedomosti"; Then in the magazine "Case" came out of his essays "in the stones", stories ("at the turn of Asia", "in thin souls", etc.). Many were signed by the pseudonym D. Sibiryak. The first major work of the writer was the novel "Privalovsky Millions" (1883), which throughout the year printed in the magazine "Case" and had a great success. In 1884, a roman "Mountain Nest" appeared in the journal "Domestic Notes", who secured the reputation of an outstanding writer-realistic writer. Forbid to the capital (1881-1882, 1885-1886) (1881-1882, 1885-1886) strengthened the writer's literary connections: he meets Korolenko, Zlatovratsky, Goltsy. During these years, there is a lot of small stories, essays. Submitted processes in the Urals after the peasant reform of 1861 are dedicated to the novel "Three End. Ural Chronicle" (1890); In hard naturalistic details, gold mining season in Gold novel (1892), hunger in the Ural village of 1891-1892 in the Bread novel (1895), transmitting and the repretal and love of the author to the endangered details of the architecture (characteristic and for the stories cycle "Near the Lord" (1900)). Spare drama, abundance of suicide and disasters in the works of Mine-Siberian, "Russian Silica", recognized by one of the creators of the domestic sociological novel, was one of the important faces of the public mindset of Russia of the end of the century: a sense of the complete dependence of a person from socio-economic circumstances performing in modern Conditions function of unpredictable and inexorable antique rock. In 1890, it is divorced with the first wife and marries a talented artist of the Yekaterinburg Dramatic Theater M. Abramova and moves to Petersburg, where the last stage of his life is held (1891-1912). A year later, Abramov dies, leaving the sick daughter Alynushka in his father's hands, shocked by this death. The public movement at the beginning of the 1890s contributed to the emergence of such works as Gold novels (1892), the tale of the eyebrow (1892). Mamina-Siberian for children acquired wide fame: "Alenushkina Fairy Tales" (1894-1896), "Gray Shaika" (1893), "Zarnitsa" (1897), "in the Urals" (1899) and other large works of the writer - The novels "features from the life of Pepko" (1894), "Falling stars" (1899) and the story "Mumma" (1907).


Barin, do you want to take a bear? - I offered me my Kucher Andrew.

And where he?

Yes, the neighbors. They gave familiar hunters. Nice bass, just three weeks. Funny beast, in one word.

Why do neighbors give, if it is glorious?

Who knows them. I have seen a bear: no more mittens. And so funny rolls.

I lived in the Urals, in the county city. The apartment was big. Why not take a bear? In fact, the beast is funny. Let live, and we will see what to do with it.

No sooner said than done. Andrei went to the neighbors and after half an hour brought a tiny bear, who really was not more than his mittens, with the difference that this living mitten was so funny walking on his four legs and even more funful than cute blue eyes.

Behind the bear came a whole crowd of street kids, so I had to go to the gate. Once in the room, the bear was not embarrassed by Nimalo, but on the contrary, I felt very freely, I came home exactly. He calmly looked around, went around the walls, everything sniffed, something tried his black paw and, it seems, found that everything is in order.

My gymnasists dragged him milk, lumps, crackers. Bear took everything as proper and, sitting in a corner on the hind legs, prepared to eat. He did everything with an extraordinary comical importance.

Medvedko, do you want milk?

Medvedko, here are crackers.

Medvedko! ..

While all this bustle occurred, my hunting dog was unnoticed in the room, the old redhead setter. The dog immediately pulled out the presence of some unknown beast, stretched out, shattered, and did not have time to look back, as she had already made a rack over a small guest. It was necessary to see the picture: the bear was hammered into the corner, sat down on the rear paws and looked at the slow-moving dog with such evil eyes.

The dog was old, experienced, and therefore she did not rush right away, and he looked at the wrong guest with surprise with his big eyes for a long time, - she considered these rooms with his own, and then a unknown beast was climbing, sat down in the corner and looks at her as anything Did not happen.

I saw the setter began to tremble from excitement, and prepared to grab it. If he rushed to the baby Bear Bed! But it turned out completely different, which no one expected. The dog looked at me, exactly asking consent, and moved forward slow, calculated by steps. Before the bear had all the half ARSHIN, but the dog did not decide to make the last step, but only even more stretched out and pulled the air heavily: she wanted on a dog habit, at first sniffing an unknown enemy.

But it was at this critical moment that the little guest was swollen and instantly hit the dog with the right paw right in the face. Probably, the blow was very strong, because the dog bounced off and sneak.

So well done Medvedko! - approved the gymnasists. - so small and nothing is afraid ...

The dog was confused and embarrassed in the kitchen.

The bear was calmly ate milk and a bun, and then climbed to my knees, rushed with a glomerulo and cooled like a kitten.

Oh, what is it cute! - repeated the gymnasists in one voice. "We will leave him with us to live ... He is so small and nothing can do."

Well, let him live, "I agreed, admiring the crumbling animals.

And how was it not to admire! He purred so nicely, so trusting my hands with his black tongue and ended in that he fell asleep in my arms, like a small child.