Biography of Britney Spears (Britney Spears), personal life, husband, children, creativity. How old is Britney Spears? Where did Britney Spears sing

Biography of Britney Spears (Britney Spears), personal life, husband, children, creativity.  How old is Britney Spears?  Where did Britney Spears sing
Biography of Britney Spears (Britney Spears), personal life, husband, children, creativity. How old is Britney Spears? Where did Britney Spears sing

Every week HELLO.RU talks about what celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of the eldest daughter of Drew Barrymore and Will Kopelman - Olive, and today the heroes of our column are the sons of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline - Sean Preston and Jayden James.

Britney Spears and her sons - Sean and Jayden

September 14, 2005 at the Santa Monica Medical Center in California, singer Britney Spears gave birth to their first child - the son of Sean Preston. The father of the child was the dancer Kevin Federline, with whom the pupil of the Mickey Mouse Club got married 3 months after the start of the relationship.

A few months after Sean was born, rumors surfaced that Britney was pregnant again. In May 2006, the singer confirmed these rumors, and on September 12 she successfully gave birth to her second son, who was named Jayden James. But their family happiness was not destined to happen: already in November, Spears filed for divorce, citing "insurmountable differences" with Federline.

After that, a black streak began in the life of the singer: deep depression, wild life, fines for drunk driving, attempts to commit suicide and deprivation of custody of children. Britney has been called a "bad mother" more than once, and the paparazzi now and then tried to prove it with provocative pictures. Once the singer was driving a car with Sean Preston on her lap. On another occasion, she almost dropped her baby in public: she held her son in one hand and a glass of water in the other.

Britney Spears and her son SeanBritney Spears with Jayden James

The singer managed to return to normal life and re-enter the stage only in 2009. She recorded a new album and starred in a joint video with Madonna. After that, Spears' career took off, her mental state improved, and she was allowed to raise her kids again.

Britney Spears and her sonBritney Spears with JaydenBritney Spears and her son

Despite the difficult history of their childhood, Sean and Jayden grow up to be very cheerful and athletic children. They play football and baseball, and father Kevin Federline and Britney's mother regularly come to matches with their participation, along with boyfriend David Lucado. With the latter, by the way, Sean and Jayden get along well - they walk together, go in for sports and travel. Two months ago, they rested with the whole family in the Hawaiian Islands, where they frolicked merrily on the beach and showed their bright shorts to Britney's Instagram followers.

Britney Spears and David Lucado with children in Hawaii
Britney Spears with childrenBritney Spears and David Lucado with children
Britney Spears, Sean and Jayden
Britney Spears, Sean and Jayden

Speaking of shorts, it's time to talk about the style of these star children. Since childhood, Britney tried to dress her sons creatively and comfortably - just like their dad Kevin likes to walk. The dancer and rapper prefers to wear hats, wide shorts, sneakers and T-shirts that are several sizes larger. Needless to say, Sean and Jayden also have a lot of such things in their wardrobe? However, Britney also prefers convenience and sporty style in everyday life, and she herself is not averse to wearing a cap or trousers for fitness.

In addition to R&B clothing, Sean and Jayden wear jeans with patch pockets, plaid shirts and striped T-shirts. Seeing boys in formal outfits is rare. The last time, perhaps, the sons of Britney Spears wore classic suits to the wedding of their aunt - Jamie Lynn. But even in the family photo on the day of the wedding, the cheerful guys did not stop making faces. Let's hope we see Sean and Jayden in bow ties again very soon - at the wedding of their mom and David Lucado.

Newlyweds Jamie Lynn and Jamie Watson with familyBritney Spears with childrenJayden FederlineBritney Spears with Jayden

Britney Spears is undoubtedly considered the world legend of show business. This charming and confident girl, already at the age of 17, was able to conquer millions of fans with her singing and attractive stage image.

For many years she remained the most coveted and highest paid performer. Britney - like a fantastic butterfly, took off with lightning speed to the heights of glory, but also repeatedly burned her wings from too bright sun.

Nevertheless, she remains the best pop singer of the early 21st century.

Star childhood

The future pop star was born in the small town of McComb, Mississippi, in 1981. Her mother worked as a teacher at a local school, and her father was a builder.

In addition to Britney, the family had two more children - Brian and Jamie-Lynn. They, in the future, also connected their lives with show business. But still, the eldest daughter was the main star in the family.

While still at school, she was engaged in dancing and singing. She performed with the choir of the Baptist Church. And at one of the concerts, her talent was noticed. And soon the producers from New York learned about it.

Spears was offered a job at the Disney show The Mickey Mouse Club. By the way, it was on it that she met her future boyfriend Justin Timberlake.

Soon, the girl entered the New York Professional School of the Arts. So, at an early age, the young performer got acquainted with show business.

Rapid takeoff

The beginning of a serious musical career for a girl from Louisiana is connected with 1997. At that time, she sang in a small group, but began to seriously think about her own solo performance.

Jive Records agreed to release her first single "...Baby One More Time" and did not lose. The success was simply colossal. 9 million copies - that was the circulation of the disc with this song.

Not a bad result for a beginner singer. A year later, the first album of Britney Spears was released. It became the most successful commercial project of the pop singer.

The songs of the young performer, in the image of a cheeky schoolgirl, are a huge success. Her clips cause delight, both in teenagers and in the older audience of listeners.

Britney is beginning to be compared to Madonna herself. And the most authoritative hit parade of the Billboard Hot 100 keeps “…Baby One More Time” in the top 10 US songs for several months in a row.

In the 2000s, the pop star holds several world tours. Her albums are still selling like hot cakes. In 2003, the equally successful 4th studio album was released.

Its highlight is "Toxis", for which the singer receives the most prestigious Grammy music award.

It seemed a little more, and she would take her well-deserved place in the hall of fame of the kings of music, along with Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson. But, in 2004, everything went awry.

All life is a show

The personal life of the singer deserves a whole book. She was filled with scandals and gossip, loud breaks and litigation. The girl's first boyfriend was.

But the couple never legalized the relationship and after 4 years they broke up. The singer tried in every possible way to hint to the press that the girl was cheating on him, and that it was he who was the first man in the life of the scandalous singer. Although she completely denied everything, retaining the image of a young virgin.

After 2 years, she marries Jason Alexander. The marriage took place in Las Vegas and legally lasted 54 hours.

Spears later admitted that she was not aware of her actions and simply wanted to feel married.

A longer union with the singer came out with Kevin Federline. They had two children, Sean and Jayden. But the unfortunate mother began to abuse alcohol and drugs.

Several times she ended up in a special clinic. She was sued for child abuse. First, she was seen driving with one-year-old Sean on her lap, and then she almost dropped the boy, being in an inadequate state.

By a court decision, the singer was sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment, and the children were handed over to their father for upbringing.

But still, Britney Spears was able to survive all this, and will return to the stage. Since 2008, she continues to perform in front of millions of fans. She also has her own perfume business and several restaurants.

What is the life of musicians and who has achieved tangible results in their career?

Childhood in the biography of Britney Spears took place in the classroom: in addition to school, the girl sang in the choir, was fond of rhythmic gymnastics. Britney's musical career began with participation in the show "The New Mickey Mouse Club". Starting to sing solo, she recorded a disc, signed a contract with Jive Records. The first time I sang before the performances of groups.

Huge popularity in the biography of Britney Spears came after the song "Baby One More Time". Her album was released in 1999 and spent 60 weeks in the top 20 albums. Britney's world tour kicked off after the release of her second album Oops!

…. I Did It Again. The third album in Spears's biography ("Britney") confirmed her status as a star. The fourth - "In The Zone" was released in 2003.

For the song "Toxic", and the dance performed to it, Britney received a Grammy award. In October 2007, the Blackout album was released, but did not turn out to be as popular as the previous 4 albums. But the song "Piece of Me" and the video for it in 2008 brought Britney 3 wins at the VMAs.

As for the acting career in the biography of Britney Spears, the popular singer has been participating in various productions since the age of 8. The first big role in the film "Crossroads" (2002) earned Spears the title of worst actress. Then Britney starred in several episodic roles, began to host the television show "Saturday Night".

Of great interest to fans is the personal life of the singer. At the beginning of her biography, Britney Spears was associated with Justin Timberlake, whom she met for 4 years and broke off relations in 2001. And in 2004, Spears married Kevin Federline, from whom she gave birth to two sons (in 2005, Sean Preston, and in 2006, Jayden James ). In 2007, Spears divorced Kevin Federline in her biography.

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Her debut album "...Baby One More Time" made her world famous, and the single of the same name topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Britney's first album contained five powerful hits. Spears' second album, Oops!... I Did It Again, was released in the spring of 2000 and only cemented her status as a pop star. Her third album, Britney, was released in the fall of 2001, followed by In The Zone in the fall of 2003. For the single "Toxic", Spears received her first Grammy. A hits collection, Greatest Hits: My Prerogative, was released in the fall of 2004, followed by a remix collection, B in the Mix: The Remixes. After a break in his career, the album "Blackout" was released in October 2007, his first single "Gimme More" became a worldwide hit. For the song "Piece Of Me" she received three awards - for best pop song, best female video and video of 2007. In December 2008, Spears' new album, Circus, was released, and the first single, "Womanizer", again topped the Billboard Hot 100. Further, "3" is the first single from The Singles Collection: Britney Spears. This single debuted at number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 even without any promotional video or performances. After one year of silence, Britney releases the single "Hold It Against Me".
According to the Recording Industry Association of America, Britney Spears has sold more than 100 million copies of her albums worldwide, and with her singles sold, over 200 million records. And her debut album “…Baby One More Time” sold 28 copies in one year.

Britney Spears is a world pop idol, the idol of millions, a luxurious blonde and one of the richest women on the planet. Every fan of the beauty knows how many children Britney Spears has and what their names are, but it is far from a secret, as well as the fact that she probably will not become the “mother of the year”. The press and fans will never forget her days of public shame, deep depression, riotous lifestyle and careless behavior with children. No matter how hard she tries, for many years the reputation of the past will follow her on her heels. But first things first.

From love to hate

Being at the peak of her popularity, in 2004, she married dancer and rapper Kevin Federline, and already in 2005 the singer became a mother for the first time. Their first child was born, who was named Sean Preston Spears Federline. Fans around the world rejoiced at the happiness of Britney and closely followed the development of events. Only everyone managed to get used to the idea that Spears became a mother, as rumors began to spread about her new pregnancy. It turned out to be true - the singer carried another son under her heart. In 2006, Jayden James became the second child of star parents. Everything was going great, but Britney and Kevin's stunning divorce shocked the world. The children of Britney Spears, whose names not everyone had time to remember, were too small, but the singer herself was very upset by the gap. No one expected such a public collapse of her personal happiness and reputation. Britney could not cope with her emotions, and went into all serious trouble, and her company was made up of infamous girlfriends and. High-profile headlines and photographs regularly appeared in the press, which mercilessly finished Britney's reputation. Britney, in front of everyone, almost dropped her little son, and used to drive drunk with a child on her lap. Everything would have gotten away with the world famous star, if not for the father of the children of Britney Spears, who decided to take advantage of the situation. Yes, and the State Child Protection Service could not help but intervene, and in 2007 Britney was deprived of parental rights. Some felt sorry for her, others for the children. The news spread to all corners of the world. Britney herself was crushed. What the children experienced, one can only guess, but for sure it left an irreparable mark on their psyche, even though the boys were still very young. How old were the children of Britney Spears at that time? The eldest is two years old, and the youngest is not yet a year old.

On a right way

For another two years, the singer tried to cope with her unbalanced condition, was under the supervision of doctors and even tried to commit suicide. But in 2009, she was again allowed to raise her children. Six years have passed since then, and Britney not only returned the children, but also restored her solo career. Today she spends almost all her free time with her sons. Children are actively involved in sports, and new cheerful photos appear in the press. The boys grow smiling and look absolutely happy. Father Kevin visits them regularly and keeps track of all sporting achievements. In clothes, like Britney in everyday life, boys prefer a sporty style - checkered shirts and long shorts with patch pockets, striped T-shirts and wide trousers. They are unlikely to become the most stylish children of celebrities, but this only proves the fact that they live an ordinary life, frolic, hooligans, behave like ordinary boys. To date, the press has not been able to convict Britney of negligence towards children.

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In September 2015, Britney gave the boys an enchanting party in honor of their name day. Sean is 10 and Jayden is 9. Relatives, relatives, friends of Sean and Jaden - all appreciated the efforts of Britney. It is probably not easy to be the children of a star mother, but the boys love her madly. She gave them life and will forever remain the kindest and most caring mother on the planet.