Biographies, stories, facts, photos. Aerosmith Group (Aerosmith) Group history and composition

Biographies, stories, facts, photos. Aerosmith Group (Aerosmith) Group history and composition
Biographies, stories, facts, photos. Aerosmith Group (Aerosmith) Group history and composition

Aerosmith Group - Legend, Rock Icon. Musicians on the stage for half a century, part of the fans are many times younger than their songs. Their creativity is marked by 4 Grammy, 10 MTV Video Music Award and the 4th in the entire history of the International Artist Award. In addition, Aerosmith is the leader among American teams both by the volume of albums - over 150 million and by the number of plates with "precious" gold and platinum statuses. Music TV channel VH1 included a group among 100 great musicians of all time.

History of the group and composition

The biography of the Aerosmith group began in 1970 in Boston, because the team is sometimes referred to as "The Bad Boys from Boston". According to some reports, the future participants of Stephen Tallarico, known as, and Joe Perry met in Sunapi long before that. The first has already performed with the Chain Reaction collected by him and released a couple of singles. The second played in Jam Band along with the friend - the bass guitarist Tom Hamilton.

Since the performers coincided in genre preferences - Hard and Glam Rock, Blues and Rock and Roll, Perry offered Tyler to collect a new team. The drummer Joey Kramer from Turnpikes and Guitarist Ray Tabano, who had lost his place in Brad Whitford in about a year later, were joined. In addition to the guitar, Brad knew how to play a pipe.

The first concert of the new team took place at Nipmuc Regional High School, still called The Hookers. The word "Aerosmith" came to the head of the splash, according to rumors, it was generally his nickname. At first, the group performed on bars and schools, earning $ 200 in the evening, then moved to Boston, but still copied, and. Over time and with the experience of Aerosmith gained its own recognizable face.

In 1971, the President of Columbia Records was heard at the Max "Kansas City club at the Max" Kansas City of Boston. The manager promised to make musicians with stars and kept the word. But the performers did not stand the cargo of fame and wealth.

Satellites of Aerosmith on tour and houses were drugs and alcohol, but the number of fans grew in geometric progression. And in 1978, the guys managed to play in the production of "SGT. Pepper" S Lonely Night Club Band "from Robert Stigwood, the producer of paintings" Jesus Christ - Superstar "," stay alive "and" Broccan ".

In 1979, Jimmy Crespo came to replace Perry, and Joe was engaged in the project "Joe Perry Project". A year later Brad Whitford left. Together with Derek Saint-Holmes from Ted Nugent, he created the Whitford group - St.holmes Band. Replaced his Rick Dubone.

In this composition Aerosmith released the album "Rock in a Hard Place". However, it was clear that no one would have won the changes. The group is obliged to manager Tim Callezu, who accompanied the Perry project, and in February 1984, brought together former colleagues on the show in Boston. At the initiative of Collins, the musicians passed a rehabilitation course from drug addiction and signed a contract with Geffen Records label and producer John Calodner. This man stood at the origins of success and.

Caloder forced the group to completely overwrite the "Get A Grip" album, in 1993, which took the first place in the Billboard hit parade and became 6-fold platinum. In addition, he starred in the clips on the songs "The Other Side", "Let The Music Do The Talking", "Blind Man". In the video "Dude (Like A Lady)" the producer is closed in the bride costume because of his addiction to white color in clothing.

Subsequently, the post of producer Aerosmith will be held by Ted Templman, a fan of a guitar drive, Bruce Fairbairn, thanks to which there will be a lot of ballads in the repertoire of the group, Glen Ballard, because of which the team half remakes the album "Nine Lives". In the video starts to shoot the daughter of Steve -.

Musicians themselves gather the axes of the awards and titles, try the forces in the acting craft and are blunting in poor stories: Steve will postpone the operations on bundles and on the leg after the fall of the microphone rack, the Kramer will not die in the accident, Hamilton will heal from the throat cancer, and Perry will work concussion When the operator crane will die at him at the concert.

In 2000, Perry on the 50th anniversary received as a gift from the Guns "N" Roses of Roses Slash his own guitar, which in the 70s laid to help out the money, and Hudson bought the tool in the 1990s. In March 2001, the Group was introduced into the Hall of Glory Rock and Roll.


Aerosmith music, which is innovative and conceptual, is used in computer games and sounds in movies, such as the composition "I DON'T WANT TO MISS A THING" from the Armageddon blockbuster. In the clip on this hit, the most expensive in the entire history of the filming of musical rollers costumes - 52 skaters worth $ 2.5 million each.


In the discography of Aerosmith 15 full-fledged studio albums, with a dozen collections and records of concert speeches. The debut studio group called his own name, it includes a business card of the team - the song "Dream ON". An excerpt from this track used in my work. "Mama Kin" in 1988 quail Guns "n" roses in the album "G N" R Lies ".

Dream ON Song of the Aerosmith Group

After the release of the album "GET Your Wings" performers, finally, began to distinguish from the team, and Tyler gained the fame of the vocal acrobat due to the tinned throat and snipe-like frills on the stage.

The plate "Toys In The Attic" is considered, now called the classic hard rock and hitting the top ten Billboard 200. The song from it "Sweet Emotion" came out with a separate single and diverged 6 millionth edition, taking 11 place in the charts "Billboard".

Song "Sweet Emotion" of the group "Aerosmith"

The album "Rocks", who saw the light in 1976, also became platinum, and then followed by "Live! Bootleg" and "Draw The Line", although successfully sold, said, according to critics, a narcotic dome, who mastered the performers. Tours in the UK failed, and the musicians began to accuse the "Rollling" and "Zeppelin" in the borrowings.

The "Done with Mirrors" of 1985 released the signal that the team had coped with the previous problems and was ready to return to Mainstream. The clubs have constantly spinning the remix "Walk This Way", recorded in collaboration with rappers from Run-D.M.c., What provided Aerosmith return to the tops of the charts.

Song "Cryin" group "Aerosmith"

Permanent Vacation, with a cover version of the Bitlovskaya song "I" M DOWN ", repleteed a collection of 5 million people, and the British edition of Classic Rock included it in a hundred of the best rock albums of all time. The same list got the 10th Pump Studio, released 6 million copies.

Songs "Angel" and "Rag Doll" Steve Tyler proved that in a position to compete in the performance of ballad. In the hits "Love in An Elevator" and "Janie" S Got A Gun "sounded orchestries and elements of pop music.

Crazy song "Aerosmith"

With a 7-fold platinum album "Get a grip", or rather with Cryin clips, "Crazy" and "Amazing" began cinematic career Liv Tyler. In the records of the songs and Desmond Childe participated. Plate "Just Push Play" Joe Perry And Steve Tyler was sigh of themselves.

Aerosmith now

Back in 2017, Joe Perry said that Aerosmith plans to perform at least 2020, he supported Tom Hamilton, saying that there was a group that there was something to prevent fans. Joey Kramer doubted, they say, health is no longer. In the end, Brad Whitford said that "it's time to post the final labels."

The farewell tour was called "Aero-Viderci, Baby". The route for which musicians will be eruptable with final concerts are published on the official website of the group. Its main page decorates the branded logo. It is believed that the "wings" came up with Ray Tabano, but Tyler attributes authorship. On the Aerosmith page in "Instagram", photos of fans who have stuffed tattoo with this image appear periodically.

Rock legends warned that they would not immediately break with the scene, but it stretches this "pleasure" not for one year. The group visited Europe, South America, Israel, for the first time visited Georgia. In 2018, Aerosmith performed at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival and on MTV Video Music Awards. In the spring of 2019, plan to arrange a grand show Deuces Are Wild in Las Vegas from 18 performances.


  • 1973 - "Aerosmith"
  • 1974 - "GET Your Wings"
  • 1975 - "Toys In The Attic"
  • 1976 - "ROCKS"
  • 1977 - "Draw The Line"
  • 1979 - "Night in the Ruts"
  • 1982 - "Rock in a Hard Place"
  • 1985 - "DONE WITH MIRRORS"
  • 1987 - "Permanent Vacation"
  • 1989 - "Pump"
  • 1993 - "Get a grip"
  • 1997 - "Nine Lives"
  • 2001 - "Just Push Play"
  • 2004 - "Honkin" on bobo "
  • 2012 - "Music from Another Dimension"
  • 2015 - "Up in Smoke"


  • Lightning Strikes.
  • Let The Music Do The Talking
  • Dude (Looks Like A Lady)
  • The Other Side
  • Eat The Rich.
  • Crazy
  • Falling In Love (IS Hard On The Knees)
  • Jaded
  • Girls of Summer.
  • Legendary Child.

Stephen Tyler is the legend of American rock. The biography of the musician is closely related to the history - leader on the production of platinum disks. Combining different directions, the Group influenced the work of many American and European performers.

Childhood and youth

The famous vocalist and instrumentalist come from New York. Future Steve Tyler was born in 1948 in the family of a pianist. Future, because at birth, he was given another surname - Tallarico. In the 70s, the leader of the newly created group took a creative pseudonym, sonorous and memorable.

Until nine years, Tyler lived in Bronx. Then the family moved to Jonkers. The father of the future rock star got a teacher to the local music school. Mother worked as secretary. Tyler's father had a German-Italian origin. Mother - Polish.

The musician has repeatedly noted that Ukrainian blood flows in his veins. The grandfather's grandfather arrived in the United States from Eastern Europe. However, most likely from Belarus. Last name Praded Rock musician - Chernyshevich. After the emigration, he changed her to the blanch. Among the ancestors of Tyler there is an African American.

As a child, Steve visited school. Years later, being at the peak of Glory, the son of a modest music teacher will become the unchanged hero of newspaper notes. In the "yellow press" will write about his personal life, musical achievements, drug addiction.

Steve addicted to forbidden preparations in his youth. He was expelled from college. But Steve did not refuse the means that expanding consciousness, after: alcohol and drugs were considered part of the life of a successful rocker.

Tyler was fond of music from an early age. Still, the son of the pianist. True, unlike the Father, he was not interested in Fugues and Sonatas. A young man attracted Hard Rock. In 1965, 17-year-old Steve went with friends to Greenwich-Village to the Rolling Stones concert. Tallariko struck the game. Friends just talked about the amazing similarity of Steve with.


Future rock stars get acquainted in the late 60s. Meeting Tom Hamilton, Joe Perry and Steve Tyler takes place in Sunapi. Young people are not related to Boston. However, later, when the group will record the first album, the participants will be associated with the capital of Massachusetts. This is simply explained. In Boston, young performers began a creative way.

Rock musicians shortly went to glory. Soon already toured in the country, they produced records, one more successful. In the free minute gave tribute to the traditions of true rocker life. That is, drugs and alcohol consumed, which did not yet have the best way in creativity.

Whitford and Perry left the group. True, the latter returned in 1984. At the end of the 70s, Aerosmith was on the verge of decay. To keep the musicians wonderfully, Tim Collindz - a group manager. In the 80s in the history of Aerosmith, a new period began. The musicians have achieved more than at the beginning of their path.

The virtuoso game of guitarists and drummer, expressive songs and powerful, slightly hoarse voice of the soloist - such is the formula for the success of Aerosmith. In addition, Tyler has developed a unique, a little eccentric style of behavior on stage. It is unpredictable, incredibly plastic. The group became famous for several lyrical ballads. In an unusual, coarse, a little disadvantaged execution of the leader of the Aerosmith, which possesses the widest vocal range, the songs have gained an unexpected sound.

The appearance of Tyler and in the 80s, and now far from the image of a handsome man. Growth is 175 cm. Cornish, thin, it has become the object of lust of millions of America and Europe fans. Steve Tyler Charismatician, behaves on stage naturally, ease. If you add a charging voice to this, then its popularity is easily explained.

However, Tyler is not only a talented singer. He is a musician, professionally playing several tools. The talent of the soloist of the famous group did not kill alcoholic, nor drugs. The work of the leader Aerosmith was the starting point for the musicians glorified in the 90s and 2000s.

The first album, published in 1973, critics were unopened, raw. Musicians accused of imitating Rolling Stone. Nevertheless, the debut album cannot be called unsuccessful. It entered the compositions that became a classic genre. An important event in the work of the group is the output toys in the attic. After edition of the 3rd album, Aerosmith put in one row with the brightest rock performers. The musicians recorded the songs that became hits in the mid-70s and not forgotten today.

After the return of Perry, the group joined the tour again and participated in the grand festivals. Rock musicians recorded Done with Mirrors. Then Collins made the musicians offer. The group manager promised to turn them into the famous rockers of the 90s. But provided - the musicians must completely abandon drugs. In 1989, Aerosmith received Grammy.

Collins kept promise. In the early 90s, Aerosmovtsy found world glory. GET A Grip includes compositions that are popular today. Crazy, Amazing, Cryin - ballads who loved millions of fans, but caused the criticism of experts. It was a good project from a commercial point of view. Songs reached the peak of popularity after the access of the clips with the participation of young. In one of them played.

In the late 90s, the Walk This Way memories book was published, co-created by the group participants. It contains stories interesting for Aerosmit admirers: the first success among the public, concerts, creative crisis. The book includes a photo. On one of them - Mick Jagger, and for his back, in the distance, an unknown 17-year-old guy. Photo Made in 1965. Young man behind the back of the rock star - Stephen Tallarico.

Personal life

In the mid-70s, the musician had a novel with a young admirer Aerosmith. In this relationship there were little romance and tenderness, but many drugs. When the girl announced pregnancy, Tyler insisted on abortion. On this relationship stopped.

As a result of a short novel with Tyler, Bibi Bialle was born Liv. About who her father, girl learned at nine years. Bibi tried to hide the truth in order to protect the child from communicating with the odious parent. Liv became the actress, in the late 90s, he starred in Armageddon - the film, to which the soundtrack wrote her father.

In 1978, the musician married Syrinend Fox, gave birth to Miya's daughter. For Taylor, known for its impermanence, it was a long marriage. He lasted ten years. Mia also became an actress and model, but not so popular as her older sister.

The second wife of the singer - Teresa Barrik. The daughter of Chelsea was born in this marriage, which took the real surname of the Father, and the son of the Taj. Steve with Teresa in 2005 broke up. Soon the press appeared information about the Rock Musician novel with Erin Bradie. Relations lasted five years.

Stephen Tyler now

In 2016, Aerosmith soloist announced. The farewell tour took place in 2017. Officially, the group still exists. In 2009, the Rock Musican held a course of treatment from drug addiction.

On the personal page in "Instagram", a living legend regularly lays photos of children and grandchildren than the impression of an exemplary family man.

Li Tyler is ready for another marriage, unknown. In 2016, a photo of a musician with Ann Preston appeared in the media, which is younger for forty years. But about any fundamental changes in personal life, the soloist Aerosmith journalists did not notice.


  • 1974 - GET Your Wings
  • 1977 - Draw The Line
  • 1985 - Done with Mirrors
  • 1987 - Permanent Vacation
  • 1993 - Get a Grip
  • 1994 - BOX OF FIRE
  • 2001 - Just Push Play
  • 2012 - Music from Another Dimension
  • 2013 - The Essential Aerosmith
  • 2015 - Up in Smoke

One of the most popular hard rock bands in the USA, "Aerosmith", despite its thirty-year-old existence, it also does not seem to have age, like its full life and energy soloist Steve Tyler. Perhaps, therefore, among her devoted fans, the audience is consistent with the audience, who are sometimes younger than those songs that the participants of the group sing.
The story of "Aerosmith" began in 1970. It was then that the drummer and vocalist Steve Tyler and Guitarist Joe Perry met. By this time, Steve Tyler, who played in various groups, has already released two singles: "WHEN I NEEDED YOU", recorded with his own group "Chain Reaction", and "You Should Heve Been Here Yesterday", performed with William Praud and Group "The Strangeurs". Joe Perry worked then to ice cream cafe and played Jam Band. His companion on "Jam Band" was a bass guitarist Tom Hamilton. By creating his team, Tyler and Perry invited Hamilton, as well as two more: Drummer Joy Kramer and Guitarist Reia Tabano. In the new group, Tyler had to play the role for which he was born - the role of vocalist.
Ray Tabano remained in a group for long. Instead, a guitarist Brad Whitford joined to the team (Brad Whitford, 02/23/1952. Winchester, Massachusetts, USA), who began to speak from 16 years and had a Justin Time group, "Earth Inc.", "Teaport Dome" and "CYMBALS OF RESISTANCE".
The first speech of Quintet took place in the NIPMUC regional secondary school, and soon after that, the name "Aerosmith" appeared. It is said that this name suggested Joy Kramer, and it was the only one who did not cause objections from other musicians (although other options were enough, for example, "The Hookers").
At the end of 1970, Aerosmith moved to Boston (Massachusetts) and spent the next two years, speaking in bars, clubs and at school parties both in Boston and in other cities. In 1972, Clive Davis, COLUMBIA / CBS RECORDS, was at the Kansas City Concert. The advance of 125 thousand dollars followed, and in the fall of 1973 he saw the first album of the group called "The Aerosmith". The success of the album was modest, and the classical Ballad's "Dream ON" Ballad took only 59th place in the Billboard.
"Aerosmith" continued concert tour, and the number of his fans grew. At that time, the second album of the GET Your Wings group was on sale (Jack Douglas).
In 1975, "Toys In The Attic" was released, rightly considered one of the best albums of the group (the number of copies sold today exceeds $ 6 million.). Single "Sweet Emotion" received 11th place in the Billboard, and the increased popularity of the group attracted attention to their old work, and Dream ON got into the top ten of the best songs. The next album, "Rock", gained platinum status for several months.
Despite the success of the audience, "Aerosmith" did not find approval from critics. Music browsers and later did not pour the team by praise, and at that time, they generally called her "derivative" from other groups, in particular from "LED Zeppelin" and "Rolling Stones". The latest similarity of Tyler with Mick Jagger (MICK Jagger) also contributed.
The group fell into the public attention center and removed all the most negative opportunities. Tour, invitations were accompanied by boots and drugs. It is impossible to say that "Aerosmith" lost style. "Draw The Line" (1977) and a powerful "Live! Bootleg "(1978) brought them universal recognition. And nevertheless, the team lost strength.
In 1978, Aerosmith made a concert tour of the United States, and at the end of the year Quintet recorded the SGT Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band movie soundtrack. Their kinheroi, the Future Villian Band group, sang a cover version of the song "Beatles" "Come Together". This composition entered USA TOP30.
Meanwhile, disagreements grew inside the group. The conflict between Tyler and Perry reached the highest point, and after the release in 1979, Night In The Ruts, the guitarist left the group. Perry began working with Joe Perry Project, and Jimmy CreSpo (Jimmy Crespo) came to his place. Next year Brad Whitford left. Together with the former guitarist "Ted Nugent" by Derek Saint-Holmes, he created the group "Whitford - St.holmes Band". Replaced Whitford Rick Dufy (Rick Dufay). With two new guitarists "Aerosmith" released in 1982 the last successful album "Rock in A Hard Place", who had no longer had the inspiration that was distinguished by classic group entries.
Solo projects Perry and Whitford did not justify their hopes. "Aerosmith" without old guitarists did not become better. In Valentines Day of 1984 during the show at the Orpheum Theater, Perry and Whitford with former colleagues occurred during the show in the Bostonian Orpheum Theater. The group reunited for the joy of fans. Tour "Back In The Saddle" took place, and in 1985, "Done with Mirrors" was recorded at Geffen Records (Ted Templeman Producer). His sales were not very high, but the album showed that the group returned. After the release of Tyler and Perry successfully passed the rehabilitation program for alcoholics and drug addicts, and Quintet continued his way upstairs.
In 1986, Aerosmith came out with the Run-DMC group, accompanying them for their composition "Walk This Way". Cooperation with the old school of rappers led to the creation of an international hit, and the former single from USA Top10 again fell into the best dozen.
The Permanent Vacation released in 1987 became the Bestseller album (5 million expected) and the first album "Aerosmith" who won the British charts. Single "Dude" received 14th place in the charts of the United States. The album "Pump" (1989) was sold in the amount of 6 million expenses, and the single "Love in An Elevator" entered USA TOP10. The 1993 GET A GRIP album (Cryin composition, "Crazy" "Amazing" received No. 1 in Billboard and became platinum. A significant role in the phenomenal success of these three albums (Bruce Fairbairn producer) was played by Music Video. The "Aerosmith" clips were constantly repeated on MTV, which made it possible to get acquainted with the creation of the group to the younger generation, and Quintet sharply increased the number of his fans.
Then followed Big Ones (1996), the album recorded on Geffen Records. And then "Aerosmith" triumphantly returned to Columbia Records, where their first steps began, signing a multimillion deal with Sony Music. Its result was the album "Nine Lives" (March 1997) and tour "Aerosmith" in Europe, and then in the United States. Tour Pollstar brought 22.3 million dollars and included ten most successful tours of the year. And in September, the group was awarded the MTV award in the category "The Best Rock Video" for the composition "Falling in Love (IS Hard On The Knees".
In the same month, the autobiography of the Walk This Way group was published, written in conjunction with Stephen Davis (by Stephen Davis) (by the author of the book on "Led Zeppelin"). Sincere, open book has become a bestseller.
1998 brought a new glory to the group, but accompanied by life adversities. During the concert, apparently, the microphone stand was broken, and Tyler damaged the leg as seriously that surgical intervention was required. Joy Kramer fell into an accident. He himself did not suffer, but the car in which the drum equipment was burned completely. As a result, the expected tour of North America was postponed several times.
But the band continued to work. At this time, the composition "I don't Want To Miss a Thing" was recorded for the Armageddon movie ("Armageddon"). The soundtrack of the film about the space catastrophe brought his creators a fame, which was measured in a space scale: "Aerosmith" received from MTV "Best Video From A Film" award, the composition won No. 4 in the UK TOP10, and the author of Dian Warren tune (Diane Warren) received Two Grammy nominations: "The best song in the movie" and "Best Song of the Year."
This year was generally marked by a successful performance of musicians in the movies. Perry played in the television series "Homicide: Life On the Street", and in the screening of Elmore Leonard (Elmore Leonard), "BE COOL" took part in the full role, distributed among themselves the main roles. However, the musicians are familiar to the movie screen. Stivea Tyler is almost two dozen filmmaker filmography.
In October, the group released "A Little South of Sanity", a double CD recorded during the tour, the last album of the GEFFEN RECORDS studio.
In the spring of 2000, Aerosmith started working on a new disc. In the role of producers, Steve Tyler and Joe Perry were made, for the record the musicians prepared more than 20 songs, and the best of them entered the album "Just Push Play". In the fall, Joe Perry turned fifty years, thirty of which he gave a group. And he received the most wonderful gift from the former participant "Guns N 'Roses" Slash (Slash). In the distant and difficult 70s Joe laid his guitar. He repeatedly tried to return it, but to no avail. Slash owned her last 10 years, but for the sake of such a case broke up with the legendary rarity.
The beginning of the new Millennium unfavorable "Aerosmith" marked the release of the album "Just Push Play" and a large worldwide tour. In March 2001, the Group was included in the Rock and Roll Fame Hall. But on the reached, the musicians do not intend to stop. "In our case, the main thing is not to live yesterday. We would just be fools if they told our fans: "You know, we have already done our work, better than our old songs and there can be nothing, and therefore we stop writing something new." We do not want to give up, "Joe Perry said. And how can it be otherwise. After all, how long ago says Steve Tyler: "Rock and Roll is a warehouse of the mind. This is freedom of expression. It means being alive. "

The story of "Aerosmith" began in 1970. It was then that they met ... Read everything

One of the most popular hard rock bands in the USA, "Aerosmith", despite its thirty-year-old existence, it also does not seem to have age, like its full life and energy soloist Steve Tyler. Perhaps, therefore, among her devoted fans, the audience is consistent with the audience, who are sometimes younger than those songs that the participants of the group sing.
The story of "Aerosmith" began in 1970. It was then that the drummer and vocalist Steve Tyler and Guitarist Joe Perry met. By this time, Steve Tyler, who played in various groups, has already released two singles: "WHEN I NEEDED YOU", recorded with his own group "Chain Reaction", and "You Should Heve Been Here Yesterday", performed with William Praud and Group "The Strangeurs". Joe Perry worked then to ice cream cafe and played Jam Band. His companion on "Jam Band" was a bass guitarist Tom Hamilton. By creating his team, Tyler and Perry invited Hamilton, as well as two more: Drummer Joy Kramer and Guitarist Reia Tabano. In the new group, Tyler had to play the role for which he was born - the role of vocalist.
Ray Tabano remained in a group for long. Instead, a guitarist Brad Whitford joined to the team (Brad Whitford, 02/23/1952. Winchester, Massachusetts, USA), who began to speak from 16 years and had a Justin Time group, "Earth Inc.", "Teaport Dome" and "CYMBALS OF RESISTANCE".
The first speech of Quintet took place in the NIPMUC regional secondary school, and soon after that, the name "Aerosmith" appeared. It is said that this name suggested Joy Kramer, and it was the only one who did not cause objections from other musicians (although other options were enough, for example, "The Hookers").
At the end of 1970, Aerosmith moved to Boston (Massachusetts) and spent the next two years, speaking in bars, clubs and at school parties both in Boston and in other cities. In 1972, Clive Davis, COLUMBIA / CBS RECORDS, was at the Kansas City Concert. The advance of 125 thousand dollars followed, and in the fall of 1973 he saw the first album of the group called "The Aerosmith". The success of the album was modest, and the classical Ballad's "Dream ON" Ballad took only 59th place in the Billboard.
"Aerosmith" continued concert tour, and the number of his fans grew. At that time, the second album of the GET Your Wings group was on sale (Jack Douglas).
In 1975, "Toys In The Attic" was released, rightly considered one of the best albums of the group (the number of copies sold today exceeds $ 6 million.). Single "Sweet Emotion" received 11th place in the Billboard, and the increased popularity of the group attracted attention to their old work, and Dream ON got into the top ten of the best songs. The next album, "Rock", gained platinum status for several months.
Despite the success of the audience, "Aerosmith" did not find approval from critics. Music browsers and later did not pour the team by praise, and at that time, they generally called her "derivative" from other groups, in particular from "LED Zeppelin" and "Rolling Stones". The latest similarity of Tyler with Mick Jagger (MICK Jagger) also contributed.
The group fell into the public attention center and removed all the most negative opportunities. Tour, invitations were accompanied by boots and drugs. It is impossible to say that "Aerosmith" lost style. "Draw The Line" (1977) and a powerful "Live! Bootleg "(1978) brought them universal recognition. And nevertheless, the team lost strength.
In 1978, Aerosmith made a concert tour of the United States, and at the end of the year Quintet recorded the SGT Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band movie soundtrack. Their kinheroi, the Future Villian Band group, sang a cover version of the song "Beatles" "Come Together". This composition entered USA TOP30.
Meanwhile, disagreements grew inside the group. The conflict between Tyler and Perry reached the highest point, and after the release in 1979, Night In The Ruts, the guitarist left the group. Perry began working with Joe Perry Project, and Jimmy CreSpo (Jimmy Crespo) came to his place. Next year Brad Whitford left. Together with the former guitarist "Ted Nugent" by Derek Saint-Holmes, he created the group "Whitford - St.holmes Band". Replaced Whitford Rick Dufy (Rick Dufay). With two new guitarists "Aerosmith" released in 1982 the last successful album "Rock in A Hard Place", who had no longer had the inspiration that was distinguished by classic group entries.
Solo projects Perry and Whitford did not justify their hopes. "Aerosmith" without old guitarists did not become better. In Valentines Day of 1984 during the show at the Orpheum Theater, Perry and Whitford with former colleagues occurred during the show in the Bostonian Orpheum Theater. The group reunited for the joy of fans. Tour "Back In The Saddle" took place, and in 1985, "Done with Mirrors" was recorded at Geffen Records (Ted Templeman Producer). His sales were not very high, but the album showed that the group returned. After the release of Tyler and Perry successfully passed the rehabilitation program for alcoholics and drug addicts, and Quintet continued his way upstairs.
In 1986, Aerosmith came out with the Run-DMC group, accompanying them for their composition "Walk This Way". Cooperation with the old school of rappers led to the creation of an international hit, and the former single from USA Top10 again fell into the best dozen.
The Permanent Vacation released in 1987 became the Bestseller album (5 million expected) and the first album "Aerosmith" who won the British charts. Single "Dude" received 14th place in the charts of the United States. The album "Pump" (1989) was sold in the amount of 6 million expenses, and the single "Love in An Elevator" entered USA TOP10. The 1993 GET A GRIP album (Cryin composition, "Crazy" "Amazing" received No. 1 in Billboard and became platinum. A significant role in the phenomenal success of these three albums (Bruce Fairbairn producer) was played by Music Video. The "Aerosmith" clips were constantly repeated on MTV, which made it possible to get acquainted with the creation of the group to the younger generation, and Quintet sharply increased the number of his fans.
Then followed Big Ones (1996), the album recorded on Geffen Records. And then "Aerosmith" triumphantly returned to Columbia Records, where their first steps began, signing a multimillion deal with Sony Music. Its result was the album "Nine Lives" (March 1997) and tour "Aerosmith" in Europe, and then in the United States. Tour Pollstar brought 22.3 million dollars and included ten most successful tours of the year. And in September, the group was awarded the MTV award in the category "The Best Rock Video" for the composition "Falling in Love (IS Hard On The Knees".
In the same month, the autobiography of the Walk This Way group was published, written in conjunction with Stephen Davis (by Stephen Davis) (by the author of the book on "Led Zeppelin"). Sincere, open book has become a bestseller.
1998 brought a new glory to the group, but accompanied by life adversities. During the concert, apparently, the microphone stand was broken, and Tyler damaged the leg as seriously that surgical intervention was required. Joy Kramer fell into an accident. He himself did not suffer, but the car in which the drum equipment was burned completely. As a result, the expected tour of North America was postponed several times.
But the band continued to work. At this time, the composition "I don't Want To Miss a Thing" was recorded for the Armageddon movie ("Armageddon"). The soundtrack of the film about the space catastrophe brought his creators a fame, which was measured in a space scale: "Aerosmith" received from MTV "Best Video From A Film" award, the composition won No. 4 in the UK TOP10, and the author of Dian Warren tune (Diane Warren) received Two Grammy nominations: "The best song in the movie" and "Best Song of the Year."
This year was generally marked by a successful performance of musicians in the movies. Perry played in the television series "Homicide: Life On the Street", and in the screening of Elmore Leonard (Elmore Leonard), "BE COOL" took part in the full role, distributed among themselves the main roles. However, the musicians are familiar to the movie screen. Stivea Tyler is almost two dozen filmmaker filmography.
In October, the group released "A Little South of Sanity", a double CD recorded during the tour, the last album of the GEFFEN RECORDS studio.
In the spring of 2000, Aerosmith started working on a new disc. In the role of producers, Steve Tyler and Joe Perry were made, for the record the musicians prepared more than 20 songs, and the best of them entered the album "Just Push Play". In the fall, Joe Perry turned fifty years, thirty of which he gave a group. And he received the most wonderful gift from the former participant "Guns N 'Roses" Slash (Slash). In the distant and difficult 70s Joe laid his guitar. He repeatedly tried to return it, but to no avail. Slash owned her last 10 years, but for the sake of such a case broke up with the legendary rarity.
The beginning of the new Millennium unfavorable "Aerosmith" marked the release of the album "Just Push Play" and a large worldwide tour. In March 2001, the Group was included in the Rock and Roll Fame Hall. But on the reached, the musicians do not intend to stop. "In our case, the main thing is not to live yesterday. We would just be fools if they told our fans: "You know, we have already done our work, better than our old songs and there can be nothing, and therefore we stop writing something new." We do not want to give up, "Joe Perry said. And how can it be otherwise. After all, how long ago says Steve Tyler: "Rock and Roll is a warehouse of the mind. This is freedom of expression. It means being alive. "

Aerosmith. (Aerosmith) is a popular American rock band.

Although Aermospitters are often called "bad guys from Boston", for no one from the participants this city is not native. Stephen Tallariko (Tyler), Joe Perry and Tom Hamilton first met in the town of Sunapi in the late 1960s. The first arrived from New York, the second from Massachusetts, and the third of New Hampshire. In 1970, the guys decided to unite into the group and found that Boston would become an ideal base for them. Guitarist Brad Whitford with drummer Joem Kramer complemented the composition, and in 1973 Aerosmith recorded their debut of the same album.

Over the following years, the Group has released a number of successful plates, toured a lot and was very popular, but then faced problems of narcotic and alcohol dependence, which almost became the cause of decay. In the difficult period 1979-1984 Perry and Whitford left Aerosmith, but largely due to the efforts of the Tim Collins manager, the original composition was restored, and the group was actually revived. Since then, Aerosmith has achieved even more than in the 70s.

Sold 140 million albums Aerosmith, of which 66.5 - in the United States. This is the highest result among American teams playing hard rock, and the second in the world after Australians AC / DC. By the number of gold, platinum and multipelatin albums Aerosmith the first among American groups. 21 Song Smiths hit the top 40, 9 ranked first places in Mainstrim's charts, the group received 4 Grammy. Aerosmith had a strong influence on the development of different musical directions, combining in their work elements of hard-rock, heavy metal, pop music, globe, blues and rap.

Education aerosmith

It all started at the end of the 60s in Sunapi, New Hampshire. Stephen Tyler, who was also called Stephen Tallarico, came there on vacation. Before that, he tried himself without much success in the role of a drummer and vocalist of a number of New York groups. Stephen met Joe Perry, who played with the bassist Tom Hamilton and Drummer David Scott in the group The Jam Band, and at the same time he worked as a dishwasher in the port cafe. According to the legend, Stephen really liked the food and he wanted to praise the chefs, but ran into a gloomy look Perry. In fact, this meeting led to the formation of Aerosmith.

In September 1970, Perry and Hamilton moved to Boston, where they met Joam Kramer, drummer from Yonkers. It turned out that he also knows Stephen and would be happy to play with him in the same group. Kramer casts study at the Berkeley Music College and joins the team. In October 1970, Trinity again meets Stephen Tyler, who this time refuses to play the drums, but offers himself as a vocalist and frontman. Everyone agrees, Tyler leads his school friend to Tabano, who takes over the rhythm guitar, and the group begins to play local concerts. In 1971, Reia replaced Brad Whitford, educated and more or less professional guitarist, recently graduated from Berkeley College and even managed to form his group Earth Inc. The composition of Tyler, Perry, Hamilton, Kramer and Whitford is changing only in the interval from July 1979 to April 1984.

Aerosmith: 1970s

Deciding with the composition, the group began living speeches and in a couple of years achieved success within the student town of Mit, performing songs of popular then Yardbirds and Rolling Stones. In 1972 Aerosmith signed a contract with Columbia Records, and in 1973 they recorded their debut of the same album. Critics called the material raw and ill-conceived, a flurry of ridicule hit the group due to the similarity with Rollings (and much more because of the appearance of soloists than because of the music), and no one noticed a large album. But it would be unfair to call it unsuccessful, because it was on Aerosmith for the first time a songs that were classic today.

"Mama Kin" and "Walkin" The Dog "were quite popular on the radio and were welcomed by the public at concerts, and Dream ON was added to 59 places in the national hit parade. Not stopping touring, in 1974 Aerosmith prepared their second album" Get Your Wings. "He opened a series of multiplatin albums, sprinkled by Jack Douglas. Popular on the radio" Same Old Song and Dance "and a cover for the song Yardbirds" TRAIN KEPT A ROLLIN ". At concerts, fans preferred more gloomy" Lord of the Thighs ", "SEASONS OF Wither" and "SOS (Too Bad)", but somehow, more than 3 million copies of the album are sold out today.

Aven a year later, in 1975, toys in the attic came out. It is this album that many consider it with a turning point for Aerosmith and made their music with their beloved in all of America, and the group - worthy competitors to LED Zeppelin and Rolling Stones. Toys In The Attic showed that Aerosmith is a self-sufficient group that is successfully combining in its songs Blues, Glam, Havi Metal and Pop Music. The successful procession on the charts began the Single "Sweet Emotion", which came to the top 40, and continued the re-delivered "Dream ON" (# 6 is the best result of the group in the 70s). The second song from the album, "Walk This Way", in early 1977 reached the first tens. Then the first two albums of the team were reprinted. Aerosmith stubbornly continued to release album per year, and in 1976 ROCKS appeared. Until now, he is considered the most severe, and many and the strongest. Rocks quickly became platinum, and the songs "Last Child" and "Back In The Saddle" - hits on the radio. Both - toys in the attic and rocks - enjoy respect for music lovers, in particular Hard Rock. Musicians from Guns N "Roses, Metallica and Motley Crue believe that these albums have great influence on their creativity.

Soon Aerosmith went on tour again. Now they have already organized their own shows and performed as chadliners at several major festivals. The guys were not joking with alcohol and drugs, so not all concerts were successfully passed, and some group did not succeed at all. They tell an anecdotic story about how the manager "for diversity" changed the first and last songs of the program in some places, and almost nothing-thinking Tyler decided that the concert was over and happily dumped from the stage.

As a result, there was not a failure, but also did not meet the hopes of Draw The Line (guess, in which year?). And again the tour, in which the live concert collection was recorded! Bootleg. Aerosmith is filmed in the SGT movie. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band put on the BEATLES music. Caver on the "Come Together" will be their last for the next 10 years of a song that fell into the TOP 40. At the time of the post of the sixth studio album Night In The Ruts (1979), the group was brought by crossings and drunken, and Tyler was delegated to Perry. The latter slammed the door and organized his own project that had a local success.

In the place of the guitarist, Jimmy Kerspen (EX-FLAME) came. Night In The Ruts failed on all items, the only sigle from it was "Remember (Walking in the Sand)", and the cover version of The Shangri-Las song. "REMEMBER" reached only up to 67 lines of the charts.

Aerosmith: 1980s

The GREATEST HITS collection (1980) was sorted by a huge circulation, but a group expected another serious loss - this time Brad Whitford left it. After writing a guitar party for "Lightning Strikes", he gave way to Rica Dewife. Tyler crashed into a motorcycle into a lamppost and knew almost a year in hospitals. But by 1982, the group was ready Rock In A Hard Place, although he turned into another failure - only the gold status and lack of singles. At concerts in support of the album, the musicians turned off directly on the scene.

Strange, but rearly a relation to two "failed" albums changed dramatically, and Rock In A Hard Place is now called the most undervalued and one of the best creations of the group. The album is like a mansion, it is very different from the early, and from modern Aerosmith.

February 14, 1984 Perry and Whitford visited the Aerosmith concert, and after a couple of months were restored in the group. In many ways, this was promoted by the new manager Tim Collins, who had previously worked with Perry. Stephen Tyler remembers: " It was indescribable when we feather gathered in the same room for the first time in such a long time. We all started laughing - as if those five years had never been. We knew what we did right".

In the same year, Aerosmith organized a successful tour with the symbolic name "Back In The Saddle", during which the Classics Live II concerter was recorded. There was no differences between them, the group moved to Geffin Records and there continued to work on the return. Despite the care of Aerosmith on another label, during the 80s, Columbia has released a double collection of Classics Live I and II and the GEMS collection edition.

The first album recorded after reunification was Done with Mirrors (1985). If the criticism reacted positively, the listeners managed to forget about the group: the album was only gold and was ignored on the radio. The most remarkable song "Let The Music Do The Talking" was essentially a box on Joe Perry Project.

But with Aerosmith's cars, it was still lucky: in 1986 Tyler and Perry on the initiative of Rica Rubin joined the RUN DMC cult hip-hip team and recorded the new version of Walk This Way, first combining the elements of rock music and rap in the song. Hit thundered on both sides of the ocean, denoting the final return of Smiths.

One problem has remained. Tim Collins promised to make the most famous group of the 90s from Aerosmith, if they break out with drugs. And the guys agreed, for several years tied with dangerous hobbies.

After the failure of Done with Mirrors, the next album was supposed to become decisive for the future group. Freed from Dumana, they got to work with diligence. Permanent Vacation was released in August 1987. The audience took it to Hurray: 5 million copies only in the United States and three singles ("Dude (Like A Lady", "Rag Doll", and "Angel", all got into the top 20 of the Billboard ).

The tense tour with the Guns N "Roses, which did not hide a strong addiction to the" wheels ".

The album Pump (1989) was even better: three singles were already in the top ten, and Aerosmith got their first Grammy for the song "Janie's Got A Gun." The workflow was captured in the documentary of The Making Of Pump, which is now reissued on DVD.

Aerosmith: 1990s

The group finishes tour in support of PUMP. In February, they boldly declare the "Wayn World" show, using a bad reputation, and execute "Janie's Got A Gun" and "Monkey On My Back" there. Soon the songs became hits. It can be seen, the group entered the taste and in 1991 appeared in the episode of Simpsons "Flaming Moe's".

Aerosmith take a break and start working on a PUMP follower. Despite significant changes in the main directions of music, the 1993 album get a grip became commercially successful. The first singles were the drum "Livin" on the edge "and" Eat The Rich ". Then many critics did not like the emphasis on powerful ballads when promoting the album, although all three (" Cryin "," Amazing "and" Crazy "became superhitis on Radio and MTV. Video clips are remembered first of all the participation of the actress of Alicia Silverstone in them. She was called "Aerosmite tiptoe" five more five years. The daughter of Steve Tyler Liv also lit up in "Crazy".

Total sales get a grip: 20 million copies in the world. The album followed 18 months of tour, filming in the film "Win Wayne 2", the release of the computer game "Revolution X" and a performance on Woodstock'94.

In 1994, Jeffin releases a collection of the best songs with the three latest Aerosmith albums, which is called Big Ones. In addition, there were three new songs on it: "Deuces Are Wild", "Blind Man" and "Walk On Water". Big Ones is expected to justify the first lines of charts.

In the mid-90s, Aerosmith wanted to return to Columbia, but under the contract they should record two more albums for Jeffin. Against two compilations and take leave to stay with families and prepare material for the next album.

How the strangeness with the manager of the group, the efforts of Tim Collins begin, work is difficult. At first, he pulled the participants in different cities, then began to hint that they were tired of each other and it would be useful for time to dissolve Aerosmith. Whether Collins wanted to strengthen his influence, or simply to attack, but he overtook a stick, saying and Joe, that Tyler began to take strong drugs again and was going to dismiss them. First, the guys believed Collins and signed up under the proposal Stephen behave normally or leave the group. When the meeting of all Aerosmith members took place, it turned out that the manager would have to go. On dismissal, he answered the spread in the press of vile and inconqualulent rumors.

In 1997, the album with the speaking name of Nine Lives (nine lives) was ready. Reviews were the most different. At first, the album quickly fell in charts, but lasted for a very long time and in America alone he became twice platinum. "Falling in love" (IS Hard On the Knees), the "Hole in My Soul" ballad and the epadaling "Pink" were released as singles.

The group begins a large-scale biennium tour, which also passed the unmountable. At first, Tyler accidentally hit her foot with a microphone counter, as a result of which he received a serious injury and could not walk for two months, then Joy Kramer almost burned down alive in the accident on petrol stations. As a result, about 40 concerts were canceled (most moved to other dates). The first in the list "Cancelled" stood Petersburg and Moscow.

The series that followed in the late 90s (mostly concert and old versions) was sold by solid circulations, but did not become popular with critics. The main hit of Aerosmith in the 90s and the only currently of their single No. 1 in the final chart was the musical theme from the fantastic film "Armageddon" I DON'T WANT TO MISS A THING. At first, the group did not want to fulfill the Ballad of Diana Warren (sometimes the co-authors are attributed to Joe Perry), having counted her rather controversial. By the way, Liv Tyler played in "Armageddon" one of the main roles, and the director of the film Michael Bay took off the clip on the "Falling In Love" (MTV Video Award for the best rock video).

In 1999, the group developed and recorded a soundtrack for the Disney-Mgm studio (and later for the Walt Disney Studio Park) "Rock'n'ROLler Coaster" based on the preparation and subsequent concert. The beginning of the Millennium Aerosmith celebrated short tours in Japan.

Aerosmith: 2000

Aerosmith starts 2001 with a performance on a superbole along with En-Sink, Britney Spears and Nelly. They do not refuse, but on the same day they dismiss all managers and decide that they will no longer have interference in their affairs.

The group itself produces a new Just Push Play album and releases it in March 2001. The album quickly gets platinum, single "jaded" - seventh position in the billboard.

Aerosmith takes the Rock and Roll Fame Hall (they have already been nominated in 2000). After the Washington Concert in support of the victims of terrorist attacks on September 11, the Panel goes to Indiana to continue the speeches.

Next year, Aerosmith brought the tour to the end, released a collection O, Yeah! On two disks, for whom they recorded the song "Girls of Summer", they participated in several software on the mocking channels (it is worth noting the receipt of the MTV Icon award) and went on tour again.

In 2003, the group worked on a blues album and along with KISS drove with concerts in America. The long-awaited Honkin "On Bobo (2004) was well met in the United States and Europe, where interest in the blues was resumed. The album was accompanied by a concert video You Gotta Move, which appeared on DVD in December 2004. In 2005, Stephen played himself in Comedy "Be Crucity." Joe Perry released a solo album for which Grammy got a nomination. Many believe that Joe Perry is much closer to the music of Aerosmith 70s than most of the recent albums of the group. In October 2005, a concert CD / DVD came out. In October 2005 Under the name Rockin "The Joint, Aerosmith recorded it at a concert in the club" Joint "during the next tour. Before the end of the tour, a number of concerts were planned, including with other musicians, but instead the real black band began. At first, speeches were canceled in several cities, and then all the others, "due to the group's disease." Later, a vague explanation was still clarified: due to surgery on the voice bundles, which Stephen Tyler did. "I am not something to sing, I could not speak," - recalls Steve. Aerosmith decided not to waste time in a gift, but to make a material for a new album, which their fans were waited.

On July 4, 2006, Tyler and Perry perform at a concert in honor of Independence Day and talk about the fact that the Aerosmith tour plans along with Motley Crue, which was called Route of All Evil ("Way of all evil"). Instead of the studio album, the next Best Devil's Got A New Disguise (literally, the Devil takes a new look "), with a crypherny on the cover. Black humor, especially in the light of the message about the temporary replacement of Hamilton Tom on David Hill, was a bassist in Joe Perry Project) due to the fact that the first was detected throat cancer. Tom returned to December 1st, and the 17th tour was completed.

At the same time, journalists were talking about the end of the group, but Aerosmith was not the first time. Even an unpleasant incident with Joe Perry, who was hit by an arrow of the operator crane and continued a concert with a concussion, did not knocked the band from the saddle.

In 2007, Aerosmith, as part of the next round, was visited by Latin America and Europe countries, and then the United Arab Emirates and India. On July 10 and 12, the Panel played two concerts in Moscow and in St. Petersburg.

In November 2009, Stephen announced a temporary leaving from the group, but in February 2010, after a long epic, including mutual accusations, quarrels because of the trifles, the inappropriate fall of Tyler from the stage, searching for replacing the injured soloist, the threat of legal proceedings, Aerosmith (Full-line) announced the upcoming summer round "Cocked, Locked and Ready to Rock". The search for a replacement to Tyler was over, and in the end it was replaced by ... Stephen Tyler. The first concert is scheduled for June 10, in Sweden. It is also rumored that in the late 2010th - early 2011th, after all, the long-awaited 15th studio album of the group will be released.