Tickets for ballet Giselle. ADAN

Tickets for ballet Giselle. ADAN

The history of the unfortunate love of the girl, who brought her to death and the old legend of the Willis, is known to mankind from a long time. But today, the old legend, laid on excellent music, excites the consciousness of millions of people. Sometimes, really, I want to believe in the existence of ghosts of the dead from the unfortunate love of girls who are able to destroy with the help of their witchcraft charms of any young man. So, maybe they are and, however, exist? Answers to this question once again try to get anyone who wants to buy tickets on the performance " Giselle. A. Adan».

« Giselle"- This is the ballet that is famous for the whole world, written by the Grand French composer Adolf Adan. The old European legend of this detention was based on this masterpiece. Ballet, created several centuries ago, quickly received decent world recognition. It can often be seen today in all leading musical theaters of the world, where he endured a record number of productions. This performance is a dream for many ballet artists who seek by all means to take part in this exciting tragic and romantic history. What attracts people in this old legend told by Adan?

Perhaps you can answer this question, if only go to the ballet " Giselle. A. Adan" This production is a new meeting with a magnificent history and charming magic music that conquered the world. In addition, this performance will definitely appreciate all true connoisseurs of choreographic art, since it requires from the artists of real virtuosity. After all, here, according to experts, it is not enough to just be able to dance well, you also need to own the skills of acting skills to convey the true tragedy of this story.

One of the most tender, romantic and touching ballets is "Giselle" - will become a real gift for all fans of world choreographic art. Despite the fact that this work was created more than a century ago, it continues to collect full halls around the world and admire, adopt the audience with their depth and originality. Its author became the famous French composer of the nineteenth century, A. Aedan, who was inspired by the poetic legend of the Willisa - girls on the issuance, which was not destined to become wives because of death. The originally originating this belief, the author of the music entered the ballet the beautiful theme of love, a wonderful feeling that wins all the devastating forces.

In the center of the narration - the history of the main character, a young girl from a poor family named Giselle. She nourishes deep feelings to Albert, not knowing that he is very rich. Albert hides its noble origin, dressed as a simple peasant. The couple is happy in their serene feeling, while in one too lazy, the girl does not accidentally know that the beloved deceived it, not building serious plans for the future. He already has a rich bride with which he is going to make marriage soon. Shocked by this discovery, the heroine can no longer live and goes into another world.

The final effect carries the audience to the world of the otherworldly forces, revealing the legend of the Willisa. When Albert comes to the grave of the heroine, the spirits surround it and want to hurt him. But the bright soul of the girl protects the beloved from their attack, thereby emphasizing his elevated, long-faced love. Excellent scenography, excellent performance of professional dancers turn this ballet into a real work of art. Buy tickets for the play "Giselle" to the music of A. Adana can be on the website of our company.

Romantic ballet "Giselle" to the music of the French composer A. Adana about love, over which death does not have power, conquers the hearts of the audience for the second century. It is the ballet "Giselle", in which the dance received such poetic spirituality, approved the genre of ballet romanticism. The premiere of Ballet "Giselle" took place on the stage of the Paris GRAND OPERA in June 1841, and in 1843 the performance was first shown in the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. The Ballet "Giselle" is based on the old poetic legend of "Willisa" - the brides who died to the wedding. At midnight, tells the legend, the jerks come out of their graves and dance. Mount the traveler who will meet them - Willis involve him in their dance and circle in dancing until he falls to death. Rustic girl Giselle falls in love with a beautiful young man. Albert meets reciprocity, but not going to marry a simple girl, he already has a rich bride. Upon learning the truth, Giselle loses from burning reason and dies. But love is stronger than death. In the image of the ghost, she is a repentant Albert and saves him from the avenge jeep - brides who did not live to the wedding. The premiere of Ballet "Giselle" in the "Russian Ballet" theater in the production of V. Gordeyev was held in 1991. The masterpiece of the romanticism era became the decoration of the repertoire of the theater.