Library forms of work on the work of Zhitkov. Lazareva - School Library and Children's Reading

Library forms of work on the work of Zhitkov. Lazareva - School Library and Children's Reading
Library forms of work on the work of Zhitkov. Lazareva - School Library and Children's Reading

September 11 turned 135 years since the birth of the Russian and Soviet writer, a teacher, traveler and researcher, the author of popular adventure stories and stakes, works about animals Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov. In urban libraries, events dedicated to the anniversary of the writer were held.

So, on September 12, in the city library №1 (st. Kronstadtskaya, 13) For children from kindergarten №137, a loud reading of the "Fayman and Traveler B. Zhitkov" was held. At the beginning of the event, the librarian introduced the guys with the work of a wonderful children's writer B.S. Zhitkov. Young readers learned that the writer was in many countries of the world, acquainted with amazing people and saw many different animals. Impressions from what he seen was shared on the pages of his books. The guys listened to the works of "about an elephant" with great interest, "animal stories", "what I saw." And then preschoolers actively responded to questions of literary quizzes on the stories of B. Sovkova and acquainted with his books. The attention of children attracted books posted at the exhibition "Anniversary of the Writer". Particularly liked the guys colorfully illustrated stories: "Seven lights", "As we drove into Zoosad." The event was accompanied by an electronic presentation and watching a cartoon in the story "Out."

Employees of the City Children's Library No. 4 (Kalinina Street, 102a) on the same day spent for second-graders of the school number 25 literary hour dedicated to Boris Zhitkov. The librarian introduced the guys with interesting facts from the biography of the writer. She stressed that the author always writes with a smile and humor, with love for livestock, noting all their funny habits and hooliganism. That is why stories about animals Boris Zhitkov read not only children, but also adults. Young readers became acquainted with the works of "about an elephant", "brave duckling", "Hunter and Dog", "What I saw." And then the guys easily answered all the questions of the literary quiz "Zoosad Boris Zhitkov". At the end of the event, many of the guys were taken to read fascinating stories of the writer.

On September 13, in the City Children's Library No. 5 (Ul. Proletarian, 26) within the framework of the project "Writers and Books - Jubilees" for younger students, MBOU SOSH No. 47 was held a literary hour "Children's Writer with the Naval Shower". The librarian told the guys about the life and work of B.S. Zhitkov, about his children's friendship with the writer Kornie Chukovsky. Young readers got acquainted with such works of the author as: "White House", "Galka", "As we went to Zoo", "on the ice", and then listened to the passages from the fascinating stories of the Mangoste, "about a monkey", "Fire in the sea". Schoolchildren willingly reasoned about the heard, analyzed the actions of literary heroes. A special delight of the guys caused participation in the "Sea Knot" contests and the crew of the ship. And in the competition "Nakhodka", boys and girls were passionately looking for bottles with notes inside, "extracted from the sea", and recovered by B. Zhitkov's books "damaged" text. A gift to the anniversary of the writer with the naval soul was the "sailboat" made by the hands of children. At the end of the event, young readers were able to choose the Boris Zhitkov's favorite books and take them home to read together with their parents.

Employees of the city library №4 (ul. Krasnova, 45) on this day held for students of junior classes MBOU SOSH №28 literary mosaic "Make friends with books B. Zhitkov". From the story of the librarian, schoolchildren learned about the most interesting facts from the life and creativity of the writer, his versatile hobbies and all-consuming love for the sea. The guys were surprised, having heard that Boris Semenovich's best friend from ornamental years was Nikolai Kornechukov, who later also became famous children's writer - Kornie Chukovsky. The kids were imbued with respect for the works of the Master, because many of them are autobiographical, written on the basis of many years of observations and travel. Being a sailor, B.S. Washes swimming in the Mediterranean, Black, Red Seas, crossed the Indian and Pacific Oceans, made a world tour. During the event, the guys were pleased to take part in the Quiz "What a Beast?", In which, on the description of the animal and sounds, the hero of one of the story of the writer was to be called for children. Of particular interest in young readers caused literary
quiz and crossword compiled by B. Zhitkov's stories. The event was accompanied by a video presentation, overview and viewing of the book exhibition, on which Boris Zhitkov's books were presented.

In the city library number 3 (ul. Ushakov, 2) within the framework of the "Good reading" project for children from kindergarten No. 23, a literary quiz "Zoo with Boris Zhitkov" was held. The librarians introduced a preschool with the life and creativity of a talented children's writer B.S. Zhitkov: About his hobbies, round-the-world travel by seas, meetings with interesting people, about his love for animals. Children examined the books by B.S. Tychkov: "What happened", "a moss under the Christmas tree", "animal stories", "that I saw", "a street cat", "I will not be more" and others took part In the competitions "Birds and Beasts" and "Gaughty". The event was completed with a loud reading of the stories "As an elephant saved the owner from Tigger" and "The Big Bird".

On September 14, employees of the city library number 8 (Berrynaya Street, 11) went to visit the children of MDOU DS №23, taking the books of Boris Zhitkov to introduce children with his work. The guys were interested to know that Boris All the childhood was friends with Kornie Chukovsky. Together they decided to walk to Kiev, but were returned to home on time. The writer B. Sovekov became precisely on the advice of his friend. Then, together with the librarian, children went to Zoosad, on the pages of the work of B. Zhitkov, listening to the descriptions and guessing animals and birds. At the end of the event, the guys shared their impressions from exploring an amazing writer, they wanted to read other stories B. Sovkova.

MBC "Centralized Library System"

Family reading library

"Make friends with Boris Zhitkov's books!",

to the 80th anniversary of the book "Stories about animals" of the Russian writer B. Zhitkov.6 +

2015 declared in Russia the Year of Literature, one of whose goals is to convince as many Russian citizens as possible in the fact that it is always necessary to find time for a good book.

Our young friends!

We present to your attention a virtual exhibition-recommendation "Make friends with Boris Zhitkov's books!"

In 2015, 80 years old were written as "animal stories" B.S. Zhitkov (1935).

Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov was born on August 30, 1882 in Novgorod; His father was a teacher of mathematics in the Novgorod Teacher Institute, the mother is a pianist.

Childhood spent in Odessa. I received the initial home education, then graduated from the gymnasium. He knew a lot and knew. I managed to work as a shipbuilder and a chemist and even a navigator of long-range sailing. He walked among his friends an excellent teller, but the writer was not going to become. Once at the request of his school comrade K. Chukovsky, B. Zhitkov recorded one of his stories, and it decided everything.

Merry and touching stories for children about the "street-free cat" and "Galka", "Mangoste" and "Elephant" began to appear in magazines. Created cycles of children's stories "What I saw" and "what happened." The main hero of the first cycle is an inquisitive boy "Alyosha-Building", the prototype of which was a small neighbor of the writer in the Municipal apartment of Alyosha. Some stories of this cycle later easily formed the basis of cartoon films: "Buttons and men", "Why Elephants?", "Out."

B. Allians loved animals very much and just a few strokes knew how to show all the features of the hasting and character and tiger, and an elephant, and monkeys in their stories.

The book "Animal Stories" is the short history of human relationships with animals that do not become obsolete and not bored.

The whole thing regarding the author to animals. Boris Zhitkov did not just love animals, he deeply understood them and knew how to contact them. Stories in the book about animals are only three. Loves describes various non-refined cases of rescue people with animals, their devotion, strong friendship and no less strong attachment.

In each of the stories as a pet, there is some exotic beast. That monkey in the house will appear, then mangoshos on the ship, then a homemade wolf ... Freaks and pranks of Macaque Yashkashki literally written off from nature - Yashka really lived ever in the family of Zhitkov.

You, young readers, will be over and laugh, but also to think about it: not so easy side to live with such fidget and mischievous.

From a long-range swim, the author is lucky with him not money, not a treasure, but two black mangoshousts, not a minute not sitting without a case. The brightest episode of the story is the battle of a mangoste with a poisonous snake - literally fascinates. Almost manual animals are attacked by a snake, because they are their natural purpose.

A story about the wolf, which the author almost managed to make manual, read in one breath. The writer thoroughly knows the habits of the wolf, compets the beast, which turned out to be in an unusual environment, and, most importantly, is responsible for the animal, and for all events that occur "by wine" wolf.

Loves informs us a lot of useful and interesting information, writes about animals without sorry, finds a tag comparison. Gentle, a warm attitude of the author to the characters of the stories is hidden deep inside. Briefness, simplicity and decisive action - these are the three main components of Zhitkov's animal prose.

"Animal Stories" for children Boris Zhitkov became the classics of Soviet literature on nature. He released about 60 children's books.

The best gift to the book-anniversarier is a read book.

Reading Zhivkov is a pleasure. He writes so "tasty", with a smile and humor, with love for living creatures, stirring all their funny habits and hooliganism. All stories about animals of Zhitkov are designed for children of preschool and younger school age, but even adult will like touching, and sometimes funny tales of the author.

Enjoy your reading!

By the 135th anniversary of Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov (1882-1938)

September 20 in 2 "b" and 3 "b" class teachers-librarian TV Vodyatskaya conducted librarian hours on the 135th anniversary of Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov (1882-1938). Students learned a lot of interesting facts from the life of the writer. His father Stepan Vasilyevich was a teacher of mathematics. Tatiana Pavlovna's mother played a piano perfectly well. In the gymnasium, he was fond of violin, photography, drawing, galvanoplasty (metal copies manufacturing). It turns out that Kohl Kornechukov, who later becomes a famous writer Kornie Chukovsky, studied in the same class with Boris Zhitkov. He has a lot of bright children's memories of their years of study.

Boris Veshkov studied a lot, mastered various specialties: ichthyologist, Sailboat's navigator, a metalworker, a marine officer and an engineer, captain of the research vessel, a teacher of physics and drawing, head of technical school.
The children's writer of the Allies became unexpected even for himself. Once the roots of Chukovsky heard him telling children about his adventures on land and at sea, and asked him to write a small book about it. It turned out very exciting. Then there were other works. His books with maritime stories, about animals, about brave people still like children.

At librarian clock, schoolchildren gave the crossword to the works of Boris Zhitkov and showed the drawings that they fulfilled to the loved stories.

August 30 ()

Place of Birth:

Date of death:

(56 years old)

Place of death:




adventure, animal stories

Product language:


Loves were distinguished by a magnificent ability to languages. In addition to the European, which were studied in the gymnasium, he knew Novogreic, Arabic, Romanian, Polish, Tatar, Danish, Turkish. He quickly grabbed the features of local pronunciation. Once in London, he went to a bench where he often bought cigarettes. The owner asked: "Something for a long time I was not visible, sir ... Ah, you were in Derby!" "How did you find out about it?", Asked the Allows. "I heard my native speech, sir. I myself am from Derby."

All 15 years worked in children's literature. He wanted to publish the children's encyclopedia all the time, but she never saw the light. Boris Stepanovich tried all the children's genres and invented some new: scientific and artistic, magazine-picture, toys, calendars for children. Allays constantly stood the creation of new departments in magazines for children: "Pioneer", "Chizh", "Hedgehog", "Young Naturalist", tried to make a gaming scientific film, the theater of shadows with music. He wrote an encyclopedia for four-year-old children, the cycles of famous children's stories "What happened" and "what I saw."

With Boris Zhitkov, Nikolai Kornechukov met in childhood. They were alphabets, studied in the same class of the same Odessa second deflection. "Its [Zhitkov] even then literally drowned from a variety of knowledge, skills and information that filled it to the edges, he, the teacher in nature, was eager to learn, instruct, explain, extract. He taught me everything: galvanoplasty, French (who knew perfectly), the tying of sea nodes, recognizing insects and birds, weather prediction, swimming, catching tarantulas ... "- recalled Chukovsky

Thanks to his friend K.I. Chukovsky, the fattes became a writer. Once, having come to visit him, Boris became passionately to talk about different marine adventures Chukovsky's children. They listened to him, fascinated, and when he finished one of his story, shouted together: "Still!" And then the friend advised: "Try the adventures that you spoke now, and, right, a good book will come out!"

Since childhood, Boris was artistic, playing the violin, was a skillful storyteller. Until the revolution of 1917, Boris Sitkov changed a lot of maritime professions, passed the entire service from the jungle to the captain. He received the formation of a long-sword navigator, was the captain on a research vessel, he worked as an ichthyologist, mastered the profession of worm-metal and was a shipbuilder engineer at the factory in Nikolaev, versed in aircraft workers. After 1917, he taught physics and drawing in Odessa on Rabafaka, was the director of technical school. The literary work of the fattes was prepared, the whole experience of his previous life was useful, all professions and rich impressions.

Literary hour

to the 135th anniversary of Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov

Prepared: Pedagogue-librarian Bobicheva Natalia Nikolaevna

MKOU SOSH with. Garovka-2.

Education levels: Primary general education

Class (s): 3 - 4th grade

Subject (s): Library business extracurricular work literary reading

Resource Type: Scenario Events

Quick description of the resource: Literary hour about life and creativity

B.S. Zhitkov accompanied by a presentation

TARGET: introduce life and creativitywriter, Prosaik, teacher, traveler and researcher.

TASKS: On the example of the vital curiosity and purposefulness of the writer, to educate interest in students and adventure;

based on the story of the Writer to form a careful attitude and love of the world around;

rise interest in reading through works by B.S. Zhitkov.

EQUIPMENT: Book exhibition "135 years since birth

B.S. Zhitkov ", computer, multimediaprocket

Event flow

Of course, anyone loves nature. But sometimes there are people endowed with some special attitude to the whole living. Externally discreet, but sincere and touching love for this world, Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov possessed the world and demanding protection. He was able to surprise the beauty of being, in his stories wake compassion for weak, incl. To "brothers to our smaller", and show interest in mysteries of nature.

Slide: 1. Our literary hour we dedicate life and creativityprosaika, teacher, traveler and researcher Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov This year would have been 135 years old. Slide: 2.

Slide: 3. Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov was born of the year, not far from Novgorod, in the village on the shore of Volkhov, where the parents were filming the cottage. The family of Zhitkov lived at the time in Novgorod. Father,Stepan Vasilyevich, taught mathematics in the Novgorod teacher's seminary, wrote textbooks.

Mother,Tatyana Pavlovna, He was an excellent pianist, she was idle music. Boris received an excellent initial home education.The family had to shake a lot in Russia, until they dated Odessa, whereBoris gave to the second Odessa gymnasium. In the same class as the Allows, sitting tall, thin, very verbal gymnasium, the future writer. Once Boris persuaded Kohl Korneyukhukov to go to Kiev on foot! And this is 400 km. Released at dawn. Each punched bag. But they walked for a short time. Boris was a powerful, adamant commander, and Kohl turned out to be a challenge subordinate. They matured, and their roads were separated ... for several decades. Chukovsky went into the literature, and no longer wandered the world.

Slide: 4. Boris was an unusual gymnasium. His hobbies did not know borders. He seemed to be interested in everything: I played the clock on the violin, I studied a photo.He was fond of absolutely different classes: quoted the scenes from literary works, played the violin and studied rowing. For sports achievements, the future writer received several prizes. During the hobby, he managed to build a small bot with a cabin, of course, with the help of friends.

Slide 5: M.aTEMATICS AND CHEMISM BORIS studied at the Novorossiysk University. But always Boris Stepanovich damned free winds and sea expanses. He externally passed the exam on the navigator. In the summer I hired a sailboat, walked around the Black Sea and to the distant shores: to Turkey, Bulgaria. Washes and in the Mediterranean Sea, and in red. And where only he did not visit!

In the year of the thousands went on training vessel in the world swimming. He began this to swim in Jung, then became a fireman and by the end of the trip was already an assistant captain. Was in India, at Ceylon, in China, in Japan. Allows did not know that he would become a writer, but he forever remembered the smart Indian elephants, and the aroma of heat, and the blackly thin Singhalez-Rickshaw.

It was among the hobbies of Boris Stepanovich one, which persistently "led" to the gate in the fence, which "opened" the Visitor-writer. It can be said, his hand since childhood stretched to Peru, "Feather to paper". He produced handwritten magazines. All my life was lying diaries. His letters, sometimes, are whole stories. He wrote and poems: He had a whole notebook.

Slide: 6. In the autumn of 1923, Boris Sitkov returned to Petrograd.He had no money, and health left much to be desired. Because of this, Boris went to a school friend to the root Chukovsky. There he entertained the writer's children with his stories about the sea and travel, as a result, Nikolai offered a comrades to transfer these stories on paper.

For a few days, lettee wrote a new shovel. The novel was attributed to the publishing house "Time", and already in 1924 he saw the first book of Zhitkov called "Evil Sea".

Chukovsky was amazed by the mastery of a friend, he did not even have to edit the story. He admired the errorless sense of style and the manner of his comrade's letter, who had previously considered an amateur.

Slide 7-10: Boris Stepanovich preferred to write about what he knew well, so the works were filled with amazing stories about travel and distant countries. In each of his stories, the prosaik invests morality, sought to teach children and adults what he already knew himself.Heroes of Zhitkov often fall into extreme situations. About this cycles "on water", "over water", "under water", "Mechanic Salerno" and others.

But not only the sea wrote Boris Stepanovich. Many of his stories about animals.For example, in the house of Zhitkov really lived a manual wolf, later became the hero of the story of the same name.

The works of Zhitkov are saturated with action, he often enjoys a conversation with the reader, writes always figuratively and clear. The task of Creativity of Zhitkov - Message to children of useful information and upbringing the best human qualities in them.

Slide: 11. The top of the creativity of Zhitkov - the story-encyclopedia "What I saw" (published in 1938, posthumously), who became the desktop book of many generations of children. The main hero is the inquisitive boy "Alyosha-Troops", whose prototype was a small neighbor writer on the communal apartment of Alyosha Nekrasov.

Then in the life of Alexey Vsevolodovich Nekrasov became a professor, a doctor of geographic sciences, head of the department at the St. Petersburg Hydrometeorological University.

The stories of this cycle later formed the basis of the animated films: "Buttons and men", "Why Elephants?", "Out."

Slide 12: Everything he wrote for lettets, he had a chance to see in his life with his own eyes or make his own hands. Therefore, so fascinating his stories.

Slide 13: of the year Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov died. He lived only fifty-six years old, and his writing life was very short - about fifteen years. But he managed to write so much and so talented how rarely anyone managed.Along with V.V. Bianki and E.I. Scharushin, Boris Zhitkov is considered the founder of the scientific and artistic genre in children's literature. His creativity had a significant impact on many children's writers.

Slide 14: Practical part:

I. Task: "How do you know the biography of a writer"

    In which city did the writer lived in?

    What was the name of the Father writer?

    What did Boris Stepanovich loved?

    Who did the writer wrote about?

Slide 15-16: Guys out of grade 4 read the story "How I caught a little man" and now they will try to answer some questions about this story.

    Find and read the shipment description.

    Whose eyes he saw (the eyes of his grandmother, the eyes of the boy, the eyes of the author). Consider the desired.

    Why did the boy decide that men live on a steaming? Find it in the text.

    Find and read the words in the text that characterize small men (their growth, behavior and habits).

    Is it possible to call the boy a fantasy and an inventor? Does he believed in his own fiction?

Slide 17-18: And the guys from the 3rd class will tell us about the story of "about an elephant", which they read.

Tell the guys what is the story?

Find and read the excerpt in which the author describes the swimming elephants in the river.

What work did the elephants perform in the story of Boris Zhitkov?

So our lesson approached the end. I want that you have a desire to read not only other books B. Zhitkov, but also works of other naturalist writers, there are many of them: Charushin E., Chaplin V., Snegrev G., Sladkov N., Stzvitsky, M. Svavina and many others. These wonderful works will allow you to get acquainted with your native nature, more learn about birds and animals, about hunting and forest, you will teach you carefully treats your native nature, love and protect all the living.