Belarusian composers. Creativity of Belarusian composers - founders of a professional composer school (Zolotareva, Churkin, Aladova, Tikotsky, Bogatyreva) Belarusian composers Songniks

Belarusian composers. Creativity of Belarusian composers - founders of a professional composer school (Zolotareva, Churkin, Aladova, Tikotsky, Bogatyreva) Belarusian composers Songniks

A prominent role in the development of the musical life of the republic was played by V. Zolotarev.

In the pre-war years, creative activity of E. Tikotsky, N. Churkina, Bucsta, is actively developing. The first event was the Opera "Mikham Podgorny" E. Tikotsky, "In Polesia's forests" A. Bogatyreva, Ballet "Solovy" M. Kroshinner. During the Great Patriotic War, the main theme of musical art was the struggle against the fascist occupation. In the post-war period, the pedagogical activity of A. Bogatyreva as the teacher of most Belarusian composers of subsequent generations was extremely important. Vasily Andreevich Zolotarev (1873-1964) - Russian and Soviet composer and teacher. MHC teacher named after P. I. Tchaikovsky. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1932). People's Artist of the BSSR (1949). Laureate of the Stalin Degree Prize (1950) in. A. Zolotarev was born on February 23 (March 7) of 1873 in Taganrog (now Rostov region). He graduated from the court singing chapel in St. Petersburg, receiving a professor in the class of P. A. Krasnokutsky specialty of the violinist. The composer specialty acquired in the St. Petersburg Conservatory, where he met "Great Teachers" M. A. Balakirev, A. K. Lyadov, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, which later published memories. Then he began teaching in court chapel. Class V. A. Zolotareva graduated here by A. V. Bogatyrev, M. S. Weinberg, B. D. Hibalin, K. F. Dankevich, M. I. Pavemanman.

In 1905, he left S.-Petersburg, worked for some time at the Moscow Conservatory. In 1918, being a professor, left to teach in Rostov-on-Don, then in Krasnodar and Odessa. From the mid-1920s, V. A. Zolotarev taught in the Kiev Music and Drama Institute named after N. V. Lysenko.

From 1931 to 1933, V. A. Zolotarev worked in Sverdlovsk in the Music Technical School named after P. I. Tchaikovsky. Here, His disciples were Boris Hibalin, P. P. Tykovrov and Georgy Nosov. In 1933, V. A. Zolotarev moved to Minsk, where in 1941 he taught in the Belarusian Conservatory. Here he wrote the symphony "Belarus" (1934). He studied L. A. Polovinkin, A. G. Sandnikov, M. E. Kroshner, D. A. Lukas, V. V. Tinovnikov and DR.V. A. Zolotarev wrote 3 Opera, among which the Opera "Decembrists" stands out (1925, the new editorial office of Kondrati Ryleev, 1957), Ballet "Prince-Lake" (1949), 7 Symphony (1902-1962), 3 concerts, 6 strings quartets, cantata, choir, romances. A. Zolotarev died on May 25, 1964 in Moscow. Churkin Nikolai Nikolaevich(1869-1964) - owls. Composer, folkloride. Nar. art. BSSR (1949). Student M. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova. Recorded more than 3000 Belarusians., Cargo., Arm., Azerb., Polish., Lights., Taj Songs and dances made up folklore SB-ki. One of the first prof. Belorus. composers, founder nat. genre Simphonism, Nats. Child music. Opera author "Liberation" (1922, Mstislavl), children's radio opera "Mitten" (1948, Minsk); MUZ. Comedy "Kok-Sagyz" (1939, Gorki), "Berezina's song" (1947, Bobruisk); 3 Symphony (1925-1955); Suit for Symph. and nar. orchestras; 11 strings, quartets; romances, children's songs; Processing nar. Songs. Aladov Nikolai Ilyich (1890-1972), Belarusian composer, People's Artist of Belarus (1955). The author of the first Belarusian works of symphonic and other genres. Opera "Andrei Kostya" (1947), symphony. From the organizers of musical education in Belarus. Professor of the Belarusian Conservatory (from 1946). In 1910, Nikolai Aladov graduated from training at the St. Petersburg Conservatory Externist. From 1923 he teaches at the State Institute of Musical Culture in Moscow. In Minsk, from 1924, one of the organizers of the Belarusian Conservatory, in 1944-1948 its rector, professorial years of war, from 1941 to 1944, taught in the Saratov Conservatory N. Aladov a music school in Minsk was named, a memorial plaque. Creation One of the founders of symphonic, chamber-instrumental and chamber-vocal, cantail, choral genres of Belarusian music. Andrei Kostniya opera (1947), the comic opera "Taras on Parnassa" (1927), Cantat "Over the Oresters River" and others. , ten symphony, vocal cycles on poems Y. Kupala, M. Bogdanovich, M. Tank, other musical works Evgeny Karlovich Tikotsky (Belor. Yaўgen Klavschch Tsіkotkі) (1893 - 1970) - Soviet Belarusian composer. People's Artist of the USSR (1955). Member of WCP (b) since 1948. K. Tikotsky was born 14 (26) December 1893 in St. Petersburg in the family with Polish roots, his musical education was limited to two years of private piano lessons and the theory of music at Volkov-Bonch-Bruyevich, he studied on his own. Began to compose at the age of 14, consulting his friend Vladimir Cheap, who studied in the St. Petersburg Conservatory. At the insistence of Tykotsky's father in 1914 he entered the Petrograd University, where he studied physics and mathematics. In 1915, he went to the front, in 1919-1924 he served in the Red Army. After the end of the service he moved to Bobruisk, where he taught at the music school. By this time, the first contacts of Tikotsky with the Belarusian folk music that influenced its writings. The first major composition of the composer is symphony (1924-1927), written using Belarusian folk and revolutionary topics, became one of the first works in this genre in the history of Belarusian music. To this period also includes music to a number of theatrical performances in Minsk, where a composer himself moved after some time. In the capital of Belarus, Tikotsky worked on the radio and engaged in teaching activities. In 1939, he writes one of his most famous writings - Opera "Mikham Podgorny" (one of the first Belarusian operas in history). Another famous patriotic opera Tikotsky - "Alesya" - was delivered only in 1944, after the liberation of Minsk from the fascist invaders. During the war years, the composer was in evacuation first in Ufa, then in bitter. Upon returning to Belarus, Tikotsky became the head of the Orchestra of the Belarusian State Philharmonic and the Chairman of the Belarusian Branch of the USSR. Tykotsky - one of the founders of the Belarusian composer school. Its written in classical and romantic manners are experiencing a strong influence of folk motifs. One of the first Belarusian composers, writing operas and symphones, he played an important role in the development of the Belarusian musical culture of the 20th century. K. Tikotsky died on November 23, 1970. Buried in Minsk on the Eastern Cemetery. Main WorksOpera "Mikham Podgorny" (1939); Alesya (1942-1948), the second edition of the "Girl from Polesia" (1952-1953) "Anna Gromova" (1970) Operetta "Kitchen of Hazy" (1931) Orchestra "Kitchen Holy Kitchen" (1931) Orchestra, Concert Symphony "Holiday in Polesie", Overture (1954) "Glory", Overture (1961) Concerto for Trombone with Orchestra (1934) Concerto for Piano and Orchestra of Belarusian Folk Instruments (1953), Editorial Office for Piano and Symphony Orchestra (1954) Two Suites for Orchestra of Belarusian Folk Instrumentation Camera Written Furniture Trio (1934) Sonata-Symphony for Pientepianoprian Worksoretory, Songs, Choir, People's Song Processing, Music for Dramatic Speaks and Movies Anatoly Vasilyevich Bogatyrev (Belor. Anatole Vasilevіch Bagatyroў) (1913-2003), Belarusian Soviet composer and teacher. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1981). People's Artist of the BSSR (1968). Winner of the Stalin Degree Prize (1941). Member of the CPSU since 1954.

Founder of the Belarusian National Composer School. Professor (1960) .A.A. V. Bogatyrev was born on July 31 (August 13) in 1913 in Vitebsk (now Belarus). He graduated from the Belarusian state conservatory named after A. V. Lunacharsky in 1937, class V. A. Zolotarev. Since 1948, the teacher of the Belarusian Academy of Music, in 1948-1962 its rector. In 1938-1949, Chairman of the Board of the Union of Composers of the BSSR. Deputy Sun BSSR (1938-1959) .A. V. Bogatyrev died on September 19, 2003. Buried in Minsk on the Eastern Cemetery. Main WorksAmong the works of A. V. Bogatyrevaopera "in the forests of Polesia" - according to the story of "Drygg" Ya. Kolas, the production of 1939 "Nadezhda Durov" (1946), setting the ensemble of the Soviet opera of the All-Russian Theater Society (1947) for soloists, choir and symphony orchestra "Battle of Belarus" Cantata "Tale about Medvedikha" to verses A. S. Pushkin (1937) "Belarusian partisans" on poems Ya. Klapala (1942) "Belarus" on poems Ya. Klapala, P. Brovka, P. Pantau ( 1949) "Leningraders" to the poems of Jambula Jabaeva (1942) "Belarusian songs" of the words People's and Neil Gilevich (1967). State Prize of the BSSR (1969) "Pictures of the Native Territory" "Jubilee" Chamber-Instrumental Production Supply Trio (1943) Sonatas for Violin and Piano (1946), Cello and Piano (1951), Piano (1958)

40. The historical image of the genres of the opera and ballet in Belarus (Soviet period)In the 30s and 19th years, performances of heroic character appeared on the Soviet ballet scene. This time in the life of our country is the time of the grand historical events, unprecedented labor lifting. The romance of the senses of the Soviet people was widely reflected in art. New ideological and artistic tasks were formed by the worldview and aesthetic taste of a new viewer. Choreographic art began to form a new repertoire. The leaders of the Soviet ballet sought to bring their art to life, give the performances of a heroic-romantic character. New topics, new plots required the updates of the dance language, introducing on the stage of bright original national images to the scene. Folklore Dance Coloring Led Khoreographers for enrichment of the classic vocabulary with elements of the national dance. The performance to the heroic and historical topics determined the way for which the development of the heroic genre went. This led to the creation of remarkable realistic ballets built on a kind of plastic, harmoniously uniting classic dance with folk. In the stage embodiment of the ballets of the heroic genre triumphed a hero-wrestler. Genuine luck has been accompanied by heroic dance images solved by the means of a new plastic language, the images of realistic, poetically generalized. Choseful innovation in the heroic genre is closely associated with real reality. Romantic connects with real, with specific experiences of heroes. The approval of humanistic ideals contributed to the strengthening of revolutionary-romantic began in these ballets. Their heroes are inherent in Paphos courageous, active overcoming of suffering, the deep conviction is that the most inhuman conditions of existence are unable to destroy the spiritual beauty of the people:

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The People's Music Art of Belarus comes into contact with the people's music and the Ukrainian people, the Western and South Slavs, a significant group of vintage songs is connected with calendar rites that existed in agricultural peoples. Common carols, generous, spring, vololaum, Yuryev, Troitsk, Kupalskiy, Znik, Karaski, Autumn Songs are common. Multiple songs of the family and ritual cycle: wedding, christening, lullaby, due. Widely represented dance, gaming, dance and comic songs. Lyrical songs are divided into genre-thematic groups: love, ballads, Cossack, recruit, soldiers, Chumatsky, songs of peasant Wolitsa. In the development of the Belarusian Music Folklore, the Russian revolutionary working song of the beginning of the 20th century played a major role. She had an impact on the melody of the Belarusian folk song. Some folk songs are created for the words of Belarusian poets (M. Bogdanovich, Ya. Klapala, Ya. Kolas, K. Bulo). With Soviet power, new folk songs appeared, developing the traditions of pre-revolutionary songs and drawing content from modern life. Many songs are created by amateur composers and folk choral groups (the choir villages are a big porous, chillshide, swelling, etc.). Old folk Belarusian songs are based on one-haired. They are characterized by wave-like melody of a compressed range with gradual movement and jumps, developed ornamental, rhythm flexibility, a variety of performing techniques. The most characteristic of the mean sizes, a variety of metrics. There are complex and sour cream tacts. A multifacene in the folk song of Belarus began to develop in the 80s. 19th century The main melody is carried out in the lower voice, and in the upper (so-called "eyeliner") - solo improvisation. There are 3-voice consonants. Songs in everyday life are performed without accompaniment, with the exception of comic and chastushki, which come across the accompaniment of harmonics (Bayana). A number of Belarusian folk songs are used in the works of Russian and Polish Classic composers: in the "Big Fantasy" Chopin, the first Symphony of Glazunov, Opera "Snow Maiden" and "Mlada" Roman Corsakov, "Lithuanian Rhapsodia", "Three Symphony Songs" Karlovich, Operators Montyushko (native of Belarus) and others.

Belarusian composers.

W. G. Mulyavіn (1941-2003)

Naradzіў ў Mountains. Sryryўskaya (1941), Pamemers - 2003, Mr. Minsk.

Currently by Muzylіshcha Vaschkin Paul G_tara (1952).

People Artist Belarus (1979).

Deserted Jewish culture RESPBLIKI POLANCH (1991).

Member of the UK Belarus (1986).

ASNUNEY CREATS: Opera-jumped "PRAIN SIGHT RAY", MUCH MUCH PREPLABLE "FOR YOUR GASS", Vakalny Tsykl "I am not Paeta", Song-іNstrumental Campazіzia "Vanka - Stink", "Praz ўSyu Wine", "Vyanok Bagdanovіch", Songі, apratzўki Belarusian folk song, music and dramatic performancesў, Kіnafilma.

W. U. Aloўnikaў (1919-1996) Naradzіў ў Mountains. Babruisk (1919).

Currently by the Belarusian Drug Administration of Claus Kampazіtsi Prafesar V. A. Zalalana (1941).

Deserted Artist Belarus (1955).

Dzheitch MastataTVAў Belarus (1957).

People Artist Belarus (1970).

Prafesar (1980).

Member of the UK Belarus (1940).

Pamper at Minsk (1996).

Wladzemіr Aloўnikaў Adosіzza Da Pleiada Kampazіtaraў, Yakiya Vesataki Mastotcka Ablіchcha Belarusian Songі ў Pacific Persian. Cottage Campazіtar ўlasdіva Zemystoztsi, Aktalna Tam. In Yago, the TDACHUVAYTS Magutniki Trytsiii Ruskay Kampazіtarskay School, Yakiya W. allynіkuў Her Hell Svaygo Nastaўka V. A. Zalalatarova - G. G. Rymskaga-Korsakawa І M. A. Balakіrava. That J. Hour Aloўnikaў - Glyboka Natsyanalny Mastak. Yago Music, Schchyraya І Hemight, Strahada and Strict, Human II Praўdzіvyu, Atramed Vodguk at the hearing, Uvalya ў Repertoir Prafanesian і samazyiny cellean.

Yaўgen Paleўskі

Yaўgen Paleўskі Naradzіўўўўў полесня проерсна 1959 ў Manyakku Razzawa Grodzenskay Voblastsi. Soconchyў Belarusian banking (Belarusian Dziajaya Academia Music) Pa Claus Іgar Luchanka І Dzzіtrey Smolskaga ў 1986 Homes. Expressive Pad Kіraўnіzzvs Syargea Slanіmskaga ў Saint-Friendly Cancervatorsі і Tamsama Brazh Udzl from Maystar Clase Tone Leiwa.


3 1997 PA 1999 ATRAYMLIVAў RESTAGE OF POLKAGA URANDA, IN PADSTAVA CHGO PRAKAVAў OF GDANSK ў ACADEMII MUCH MUSICI ІМТАКА Art. Manyushki over the creators for SIMFANIKNAGA ARCESTRA "Barbara Radzіvіl" І Studi Music Music Akadem Music Music ў Krakawa over the vast Creative Paradians. Udzelnіchaў at the Summer courses of ACANTHE 2000 / IRCAM.

Tikotsky Evgeny Karlovich


Evgeny Karlovich Tikotsky (1893-1970)

Evgeny Karlovich Tikotsky was born on December 26, 1893 in St. Petersburg. The ability to music manifested itself very early. However, ended in 1911 a real school, he at the insistence of his father entered the natural branch of the Psychoneurological Institute in St. Petersburg, to avoid the right to do simultaneously in the music school. The first acquaintance with the musical and theoretical foundations, as well as sincere friendship with the composer V. Cheap, was caused by E. Tikotsky wish to compose. He begins to write small plays for piano, tries to harmonize Russian folk songs, more than a year working on their youth symphony. In February 1915, E. Tikotsky call on the army, and he hits the front. In the summer of 1919, he enters into the ranks of the Red Army, in the fall as part of the eighth division takes part in the liberation of Belarus from Belopolds.

Churkin Nikolai Nikolaevich


Nikolai Nikolaevich Churkin (1869-1964)

Nikolai Nikolayevich Churkin, who gave music to the ministry for eight decades, was born on May 22, 1869 in the small town of Jelal-oglu in the south of Tiflis province (now the city of Stepanovan Armenian SSR). In 1881 he was accepted in Tiflis Military Feldsher School. At school there was a brass band, choir, drawing class, who fascinated the boy much more than the future medical career. And when in 1885 N. Churkin graduated from school, he was left by the educator and the head of the school brass orchestra. In 1888, N. Churkin enters the class of composition M. Ippolitov-Ivanov Tiflis Music School.

Zaritsky Eduard Borisovich


In 1964 he graduated from Minsk Muses. School, in 1970-Belarus. Cons. on cl. Compositions A. V. Bogatyreva.

From 1970 he has been working in Belarus. Philharmonic (conductor-consultant). Now: Cantata (for Soprano, Choir and Orc.) - Red Square (Sl. B. Stormovova, 1970); For Orc. - Symphony (1969), variations (1968); For oboe with Orc. - Concert (1970); For F-p. - 6 preludes (1965), variations (1967), a fugue for two topics (1968); For volc. and fp. - Sonata (1968); For flute and F-p. - Rondo (1966); For cymbal and fp. - Concertino (1971); for voice and fp. - wok. Cycles on cl. A. Vertinsky (1971), on the cl. L. Hughesa (1967); arr. Belorus. nar. Songs.

Ruten Igor Mikhailovich

Year of birth: 1938


Igor Mikhailovich Ruenok (r. 1937)

He graduated from the Belarusian state conservatory in the class of composition of Professor A.V. Bogatyreva (1961), an assistant internship of the Leningrad Conservatory. ON THE. Roman Corsakov under the direction of Professor V.N. Salmanova (1965), graduate school of the Belarusian State Conservatory under the direction of Professor T.N. Hrennikova. Laureate of the Leninsky Komsomol BSSR Prize (1969), winner of the All-Union Leninist Komsomol Prize (1972), Honored Artistic Worker of the BSSR (1973), Laureate of the State Prize of the BSSR (1976). People's Artist of the BSSR (1982). People's Artist of the USSR (1987).

Dzzіtry Bran_Slavavіch Smolskі

Naradzіў ў Mountains. Mіnsk (1937)

Currently, Belarusian dwarja sewers on the Klaspazіtsii Prafesar, A. V. Bagatyrov (1960), Aspirantutsua Pad Kіraўnіtvs Prafesar MaskўSKY CANSERVATORII M. І. Pipyko (1967).

LAўREAT PROMMII LENINKAGA Camsamola Belarus_ (1972).

Deserted Jewish MastataTVAў Belarus (1975).


Prafesar (1986).

People Artist Belarus (1987).

Member of the UK Belarus (1961).

The musical art of Belarus has been formed on the basis of a national musical culture. And now it continues to develop in line with the preservation of national music, classical tradition, as well as popular styling areas in the world.

Brief excursion in the history of Belarusian music

In Kiev Rus, and later in Belarus was very developed church Savroge music. In the XV century Formed a local type " bannyan (The main type of ancient Russian litrolery singing. His name comes from insane signs (sign) used to record. By the XVII century. partE singing In church Orthodox music. PartE singing - Type of Western Russian multi-vocal vocal music, which has spread in Orthodox worship in the XVII century. And the first half of the XVIII century. The number of votes - from 3 to 12, can reach 48. Belarusian musical monuments of that epoch - collections of the works of Polotsk Notebook and Kurats.

Among the folk Belarusian tools, Duda, porridge, beep, Lira, Violin and Tsimbali received the greatest distribution.

Praying - Brass tongue musical instrument, beloved by Slavic peoples, he lived to this day in his original form - a wooden, reed or rogo tube with a horn or birch . Rogoz. - High swamp herbs. The poultry is also known as the "Potion", "snot", "Sophie", "Flength", "Duda", etc.

V. Tropinin "Boy with a Regula"

Tsimbala- String shock musical instrument, which is a trapezoidal deck with stretched strings. The sound is extracted by the blows of two wooden sticks or beasts with expanding blades at the ends.


The secular music of the Baroque era originally sounded in large noble estates, and from the XVII century. Began to develop in Belarusian cities. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. Private theaters and chapels of Polish-Lithuanian magnates Radziwillov, Sapeg, Oginsky and others are becoming centers of the secular Belarusian musical culture. Among the famous composers of that time - Dutch, Vanzhura, etc.

The flourishing of Belarusian culture and music begins from the end of the XIX century: Belarusian music schools, folk conservatory, theaters are opening. In the second half of the XX century. The new wave of the heyday of Belarusian culture and music begins: the compositions of the famous pianist and the composer of the XIX century. A.I. Abramovich are based on Belarusian melodies.

In 1927, the State Symphony Orchestra of the BSSR was founded, in 1930 - the State Folk Orchestra of the BSSR, in 1933. - Belarusian Opera and Ballet Studio, in 1932 - the Belarusian Conservatory, in 1937. -Belorusskaya Philharmonic, in 1938 - the Union of Composers of the BSSR. In 1940, the Belarusian ensemble of songs and dance under the pynowness of GI was organized. Shirma.

The leading musical groups of Belarus are currently the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus, the National Orchestra of Symphonic and Pour Music under the control of M. Finberg, State Academic Symphony Orchestra, State Academic Choir Chapel. Shirma, National Academic People's Choir of the Republic of Belarus. G.I. Citovich. Of course, it is impossible not to remember such musical groups as the vocal group "Pure Voice", the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Sonnyary", the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Sibra" and other popular musical groups, but our article is devoted to classical music, so other topics we We will not develop in it.

Every year, more than 30 international, republican and regional music festivals are held in Belarus: "Belarusian Music Autumn", "Minsk Spring", the International Music Festival "Golden Hang", Jazz Festival, Festivals of Chamber Music "Music Nesviza", the festival of old and modern music in Polotsk and others. The most famous Belarusian Music Festival is the "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk".

Napoleon Orda (1807-1883)

Belarusian writer and composer, musician, artist, teacher.

Born in the genital estate Voroetsevichi Pinsky County of Minsk province (now Ivanovsky district of the Brest region).

He graduated from school in Svislodi, then he entered the Vilen University, where he studied mathematics. For participation in the activities of illegal student society "Zoryan" was arrested. After the suppression of the Polish uprising, in which he participated in 1833 he moved to Paris. There made friends with Adam Mitskevich, Frederick Chopin. She took the lessons of the composition and playing the piano from him and Ferenz Leaf. Also took the lessons of drawing in the studio F. Gerar. Travelings in France, Austria, Scotland, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Portugal, North Africa painted landscapes, mainly urban species.

Napoleon Horde died in Warsaw. According to the testament, he was buried in Yanov (now Ivanovo Brest region) in the family crypt.

Stanislav Monyushko (1819-1872)

Belarusian and Polish composer, songwriter, operetta, ballets, operas; Creator of the Belarusian and Polish National Opera, Classic Vocal Lyrics.

Born in the Minsk province. His father, Chella Montyushko, captain of the regiment of Lithuanian horse gunners, completed his military career with an adjutant at the headquarters of Marshal Murata and settled here after the Russian Campaign of Napoleon.

Music Stanislav Monyushko studied at the mother. Later was improved in the game on the body in Warsaw, the compositions in Minsk, in the choir conducting - in Berlin. Served as an organist.

In the early period of creativity, Watervili wrote, musical comedies, comic operas. The author of orchestral works (fantastic overture "Fairy Tale" dedicated to Dargomyzhsky (1848); Kain Oversites (1856), "Military" (1857) and others).

Wrote more than 15 operas, Opera "Pebble" - the most famous. The premiere of the Opera "Rural Idyllia" (Libretto V. Dunin-Marzinkevich) took place in the Minsk City Theater in February 1852

Nikolai Ilyich Aladov (1890-1972)

Belarusian Soviet composer, teacher. In 1910 he graduated from the St. Petersburg conservatory externo. He taught at the State Institute of Musical Culture in Moscow.

In Minsk was one of the organizers of the Belarusian Conservatory, in 1944-1948. He was a rector, professor.

During the war years (1941-1944), he taught in the Saratov Conservatory.

N.I. Aladov is one of the founders of symphonic, chamber-instrumental and chamber-vocal, cantail, choir genres of Belarusian music.

He is the author of the Opera "Andrei Kostenya" (1947), the comic opera "Taras on Parnassa" (1927), Cantat "Over the River Oresm" and others, ten symphonies and other works. Created vocal cycles on poems of Belarusian poets Ya. Kupala, M. A. Bogdanovich, M. Tank.

Evgeny Karlovich Tikotsky (1893-1970)

Soviet Belarusian composer.

E. K. Tikotsky was born in St. Petersburg in a family with Polish roots.

His musical education was limited to two years of private piano lessons and the theory of music, he studied the composition alone. Began to compose at the age of 14, consulting his friend who studied in the St. Petersburg Conservatory. At the insistence of Father, Tikotsky in 1914 entered the University of Petrograd, where he studied physics and mathematics.

In 1915, gone to the front. After the end of the service he moved to Bobruisk, where he taught at the music school. By this time, his first contacts with the Belarusian folk music that influenced its writings. The first major essay is a symphony written using Belarusian folk and revolutionary topics, it became one of the first works in this genre in the history of Belarusian music. Then there was a number of theatrical performances in Minsk, where after some time the composer moved. Here Tikotsky worked on the radio and engaged in teaching activities. In 1939, he writes one of his most famous writings - Opera "Mikham Podgorny" (one of the first Belarusian operas in history). Another famous patriotic opera Tikotsky - "Alesya", she was set in 1944, after the liberation of Minsk from the fascist invaders.

Tikotsky is one of the founders of the Belarusian composer school. His writings created in a classic and romantic manner are filled with folk motifs. He played an important role in the development of the Belarusian musical culture of the XX century. Created, besides the two indicated operas, also Opera "Anna Gromova", the operetta "holy kitchen", 6 symphony, piano trio, sonata-symphony for piano and other works.

Isaac Isaakovich Lyuban (1906-1975)

Born in the Mogilev province. He graduated from the music technique in Minsk in the class of composition. He worked as the artistic director of the Belarusian Radio, in 1937-1941. - Artistic director of the song and dance ensemble of the Belarusian Philharmonic. Member of the Great Patriotic War. From 1945 He lived in Moscow.

He is the author of Suiti "Border in Songs" (Sl. P. Brovov, P. Glebki, I. Shapovalova), Pieces for Cymbal and Bayana, songs for choir, soloists and vocal ensembles, music for dramatic performances and movies (including The movie "The clock stopped at midnight", 1958).

Anatoly Vasilyevich Bogatyrev (1913-2003)

Belarusian Soviet composer and teacher, founder of the Belarusian National Composite School, Professor.

Born in Vitebsk, he graduated from the Belarusian State Conservatory named after A. V. Lunacharsky in 1937. He taught in the Belarusian Academy of Music.

A.V. Bogatyrev is the author of the two operas: "In the forests of Polesia" (according to the story of Y. Kolas "Dryguva", the production of 1939) and "Nadezhda Durov", which was put in 1946 by the ensemble of the Soviet opera of the All-Russian Theater Society.

Petr Petrovich Tykovyov (1910-1977)

Soviet Belarusian composer. He graduated from the Belarusian state conservatory in the class of composition, where long years taught.

The author of the opera "Pavel Korchagin" (according to the novel N. Ostrovsky "How Steel harvested"), cantata for soloists, choir and symphony orchestra "Pioneer Castuba of the World" (Words E. Firemen, 1951), Cantata "Ballad of four hostages" (words A. Kuleshova, 1954), 3 symphonies, numerous works for piano, oboe, flute, clarinet. He wrote music to dramatic performances, made the processing of Belarusian folk songs.

Lev Moiseevich Abeliovich (1912-1985)

Belarusian Soviet composer. He studied at the famous composers V. A. Zolotareva and N. Ya. Meakovsky.

Created 4 symphonies, concert for piano with orchestra, piano cycle "Frescoes", vocalize Memory D. Shostakovich. He is the author of vocal cycles, choirs, songs, romances, music for radio spectacles. I wrote music to the poems of the Belarusian poets of J. Kolas, M. Tanka, A. Mitskevich, M. Bogdanovich.

Henry Matusovich Wagner (1922-2000)

Born in Poland. Since 1939, lived in Minsk. He graduated from the Belarusian state conservatory. A. V. Lunacharsky (now the Belarusian State Academy of Music) in the class of piano and composition. Worked by the concertmaster of the Belarusian Radio, the teacher at the Department of Music Education in the Minsk Pedagogical Institute.

Created vocal-symphonic poems "forever living" (1959) and "Brest heroes" (1975).

Posted by 3Simphonies, concerts with orchestra: for piano (1964, 1977, 1981), for cello (1975), for Harpsichord (1982), for violin (1985) and for cymbal with folk instruments orchestra (1985).

Kim Dmitrievich Tesakov (r. 1936)

He graduated from the Gomel Music School and Novosibirsk Conservatory (class class). In 1966-1968 He taught in the Belarusian Conservatory and Music School in Minsk. In 1969-1971 He was the head of the music literature publishing house "Belarus". Since 1972, a teacher of the Middle Special Music School in the Belarusian Conservatory.

Music K. Teskobov is characterized by scale, figurative-dramaturgical generalization, philosophical depth. It relies in creativity on populian traditions. He is the developer of the original genre of Radio Poorer ("Bagger Zarya" based on Romanov I. Melezh "People in the Swamp" and "Thunderstorm Breathing", 1978); "Walinkle - Grass Gorky" based on the story A. Osipenko "Libe", 1987).

K.Tesakov is the author of 3 orals, 2 Cantat, 2 symphonies, concerts for cymbal and orchestra, works for violin, cello and piano, for clarinet and piano, for oboe and piano, for pipe and piano, as well as works for choir, cycles Romances on the verses of G. Vyatkin, music to 7 dramatic performances, music for movies.

Dmitry Bronislavovich Solsky (r. 1937)

Soviet and Belarusian composer, musical teacher.

Born in Minsk in the family of the Belarusian Musician Bronislav Smolsky. He writes music from 12 years old. He graduated from the Belarusian Conservatory in the class of composition A. V. Bogatyreva, there is a graduate school. He taught at the Music School in Mogilev, in the Belarusian Conservatory.

The author of the opera "Sedai Legend" (1978), "Francis Skarin" (1980), Oratorius for Readers, Soloists, Choir and Symphony Orchestra "My Homeland" (1970), 4 Symphony, Concerts for Piano, Tsimbal and Chamber Orchestra, Numerous Songs , music for performances and movies.

Viktor Nikolaevich Kopyutko (r. 1956)

Composer and musical figure. Musician versatile directions, author of the opera, symphony, chamber and choral works, music for theater and movies. A feature of creativity V. Koptytko is the synthesis of language principles and composite techniques of different eras, their generalization in its own individual author's style. His music sounds in concerts and musical festivals in different countries of the world.

Born in Minsk in the family of musicians (mother - professional pianist, father - amateur). He studied in the middle special music school-eleventhlete at the Belarusian State Conservatory, and then in the Leningrad Conservatory. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov.

Main Works V.N. Kopytyko: Opera "Girl, has come for bread" (opera-parable in H. Andersen. Libretto Yu. Borisova and V. Kopytytko with the participation of V. Kotova (1980-81). Opera delivered at Leningrad Television in 1983. Dedicated Benjamin Britten;

"His wives" (opera-burlesk based on Antoshi Chekhonte and other motifs. Libretto Yu. Borisov and V. Kopytytko (1988, the final version - 2005; Opera put the National Academic Opera House of the Republic of Belarus with the title "Blue beard and His wives "). Dedication: "My son Daniel" .

Works for the orchestra:Little symphony for 15 performers in 5 parts (1985), "Playing Chekhov", Suite for a small symphony orchestra in 5 parts (1987), "Adagio for Adolf", play for chamber orchestra (1989), three intermezzo for Chamber Orchestra or tool ensemble (1994, 2002), Promenade, Piece for String Orchestra with Flaw (2010), Lento Per Leni for String Orchestra (2010-2011).

In addition, it is written a huge number of piano plays, for solo votes and chamber orchestra, chamber instrumental music, chamber vocal music, works for choir, music for movies, cartoons, dramatic and puppet performances and much more.

Evgeny Alexandrovich Glebov (1929-2000)

Soviet Belarusian composer. From the family of priests. Born in the Smolensk region. From the young age he was attracted by music. He independently learned to play on Mandolin, guitar, balalaika and already in the young years began to compose various musical works (songs, romances, plays). But by profession was far from music. While studying in Roslavl railway technical school, he led the student choir and the orchestra. Working in Mogilev, made friends with students of the Mogilev musical school and began to study the basics of music. I tried to enter the music school, but the director, having learned that Glebov did not know the notes and never came across a musical letter, refused because of the uniformity. But, being persistent, entered the Conservatory in Minsk. He studied successfully, although it was difficult for him, including financially.After graduating from the Conservatory in 1956, Evgeny Glebov became a teacher of theoretical disciplines in the Minsk Music School, combining pedagogical and creative activities with the work of the head of the musical part and the conductor in the theater of the young spectator. Since 1971, the class of compositions in the Belarusian State Conservatory was conducted. Evgeny Glebov prepared more than 40 students. Famous students - Leonid Zhahlevny, Jadvig Poplavskaya, Vasily Rainchik, Eduard Khanok, Vyacheslav Kuznetsov, Vladimir Kondrushevich, Dmitry Dolgaliv.

E. Glebov worked in various genres, but its symphonic writings and ballets are most famous. The composer's style was formed under the influence of D. D. Shostakovich and partly by the early I. F. Stravinsky. Its works are distinguished by deep polyphonia, thematic development, original orchestration. Opera Glebova "Master and Margarita" is considered a classic of Belarusian musical literature.

Konstantin Evgenievich Yaskov (r. 1981)

Born in the city of the branch of the Gomel region. Belarusian composer, teacher of musical disciplines in the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts and the Institute of Modern Knowledge. Previously taught at the Department of Compositions of the Belarusian State Academy of Music. The organizer of the International Festival of Modern Academic Music "Dialogues", one of the founders and chairman of the Association of Young Belarusian Composers.

Music education in the class "Piano" and "Compositions" received in the Grodno Music School.

The author of the Orchestra works Prophet, music for 19 string tools and viola on the poem Mikhaya Bashlakova "Lily on Dark Water" (2006); "Adagio" for the Symphony Orchestra (2007); "" for string orchestra (2010); "Dreams Clear Gara" for orchestra and cymbal. The author of chamber, choral, vocal works, as well as scientific publications.

It is impossible not to mention in this article and such famous Belarusian composers as Igor Mikhailovich Ruenok, Vladimir Georgievich Muulavin, Vladimir Vladimirovich Tsovenikov, Edward Semenovich Khanok, who worked in various musical genres, but mostly and most fruitful - in the song.