Belgian female names. Dutch surnames: history, meaning and origin of Belgian traditions of naming men

Belgian female names. Dutch surnames: history, meaning and origin of Belgian traditions of naming men
Belgian female names. Dutch surnames: history, meaning and origin of Belgian traditions of naming men

Belgium is one of the "small" Western European countries. It is located "at the crossroads" of Western Europe, "clamped" between Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and France. On the territory of 30.5 thousand km 2 "placed" more than 11.5 million! human.

Belgians are divided into 2 linguistic groups living apart from each other. In the Northern Provinces (Flanders), Flemish people live, who speak Dutch dialect, and in South (Vallonia) - Wallon. They talk in Walloon and French. Such heterogeneity, which caused a "linguistic confrontation" between the North and South, could not not affect the formation of the Belgian nameslov.

The origin of women's Belgian names

The first population, which Belgium is obliged to be its name, were Belgi. These militant tribes, distinguished by a high level of development, appeared in the Western European territory about 400-300 years BC. e. Like other Celtic people, they were pagans-druids. Worshiping plants, Belgi gave their daughters the names of the sacred trees, in which, in their opinion, gods, or good and evil spirits lived. For example, Cepessa - "Overall Cypress", Avalon - "Apple Island", Ingrider - "Luga" or Aniya - "Singing Elf. Therefore, many traditional Belgian women's names of modernity have Celtic roots.

After the arrivals of the legions, Julia Caesar, who called his new Gully's province of Belgik, the names of Latin origin began to be replenished. For example, such names of Belgijek, like Aurora - "Dawn", Vivyan - "Live", Juno - "Life Strength", ITEL - "from Italy."

After the fall of Rome, militant German tribes came to the Belgian lands. They also made a significant contribution to the formation of the nominal system. At that time, the two-on-home Belgian girls names were most popular: Galatia, Theodore, Berngard, Gundul, etc.

Before the proclamation of independence (1830), Belgium had various rulers. In it, "hosted" the Italians, the French, the Dutch, the Germans, the Austrians, Burgundy, etc., of course, such a variety of ethnic cultures could not affect the name.

All modern Belgian women's names are conditionally divided into groups:

  • indicating characteristic signs: Adeheid - "Noble View", Grizeld - "Gray Maiden", Katharina - "Clean";
  • having a religious orientation: Kristen - "The Sequence of Christ", Listil - "God is my oath";
  • associated with professional activities: Heinrik - "Home Government", Teresia - "Jince";
  • oriented with natural phenomena, plants, animals or precious stones: SUZ - "Lilia", Margarette - "Pearls", Laura - "Lavr", Ivonet - "Teas Tree", etc.

Fashion trends

For several years, Emma and Marie enters the top of the most popular women's Belgian names. In Flanders, such names like Nora and Eliza, in Vallonia - Lea and Aya are very common. However, the fashion is very quick, and how small belgiys will be called in the near future, while it is unknown.


In 1995, 811 girls with the name of Laura (Laura) were born in Flanders, that in terms of the number almost twice the name, which passes at the number two, - Julie (Julie).


Five years later, in Flanders, unexpectedly the most popular name for girls was Amber (Amber). In 1995, this name was in 27th place. Meanwhile, Laura remains Wallon Favorite. Other favorite Walloon names, such as Skean (Océane) and Chloé (Chloé), never enjoyed popular with Flemis. In Brussels in Top-3, such girls names like wounds (Rania) and Iman (imane) were hit.


Emma (EMMA) rose to the first place. This name was part of the Popular Five since 2000. But the sharp popularity of the name of the moon (Luna) almost caught up with her. Four of the most popular Vallonia names, there are no top-25 in the Flemish list: Lea (Léa), Lucy (Lucie), Clara (Clara) and Manon (Manon). The most popular name in Brussels becomes Sarah (Sarah)


The names of Emma and Marie are still included in the top of the most popular names. At the same time, new pets were designated on the horizon: Ella (ELLA), Nor (Noor), Elise (ELISE) Fien (Fien) and especially Louise (Louise). Over the past five years, everyone is tired of the "Moon" and this name fell from the second to the 26th place. In Vallonia, the most popular name of the girls was Lea (Léa), Brussels chooses Lina (Lina) and Aya (AYA).


Over the past 12 years, Emma (EMMA) only twice displaced from the top of popular names. The first time it exceeded the name Lotte in 2007, and the second time - Marie (Marie) in 2013.

In any team, you can meet a person with an unusual, strange or very usually, its origin depends on the specifics of the tradition of the country in which its owner was born. For example, Dutch surnames are considered among the most funny in the world. Why - learn from this article.

Surname: from birth and for life

The very word "surname", so familiar to us today, comes from ancient Roman. This word was labeled a big and strong family with a man at the head. Then the ancient Romans included the concept of family, by the way, the slaves serving the owners. In Russia, orders were almost the same: before the cancellation of the serfdom, the peasants wore the same surname as the landowner.

Nowadays, without the last name, she is given to us from birth and most often remains with us for life. With the exception of special occasions, of course.

History of funny names of the Dutch

Dutch surnames are considered funny in all of Europe, and this has a completely reasonable historical explanation. When, in 1811, the nation was conquered by Napoleon, he issued a decree, according to which, in force, every resident of the Netherlands was obliged to acquire a French family name.

The Dutch themselves, before that, we worn only names, the law was not going to obey. And since they believed that the occupation of the country was only a temporary measure, they decided not to bother themselves and do not break the head in humiliary. And the freedom-loving people were not against the invaders of the invaders.

Thus, absolutely stupid surnames appeared, which simply impossible to pronounce without laughter. For example, Naaktgeboren, that literally denotes "Born Golly". Or Piest ("Pissing"). Whole generic branches under the name of Rotmensen were also met - translated from Dutch, "rotten people."

A few years later, the War with Napoleon was over, and the inhabitants of the country were again independent. However, contrary to expectations, the law was not canceled. So the heirs of these people have to wear inappropriate last names to this day. But they are rightfully considered the most original in the world.

What does "Van" mean in Dutch surnames?

The recognition of the generic names give them nothing to similar prefixes: "Van", "De", "Van der" and others. It is thanks to this, Dutch surnames are so widely known and abroad. For example, in the US, they are very popular.

Many Americans have the names of the Dutch automatically associate with prestige and high sufficiency. Basically, due to the fact that the rich industries were immigrants from the Netherlands. Take at least because his surname, despite the beautiful sound, the most, ordinary. There was such a town under Utrecht, he was called Tile. And the name Van-Der-Bilt (Vanderbilt) means a leaving from this town, that is, who is "from the bilt".

The Germans also have a memorable prefix Von, indicating the aristocratic status of the carrier. But the Dutch version of the Van is much more proned, and no social status behind him.

The prefix "Van" The residents of the Netherlands themselves usually write with a small letter (exception - in the initial or beginning of the offer), but it can be found abroad written with a capital letter.

Most Popular Dutch Names

In general, the Netherlands is a state, albeit small, but very socially saturated. Proximity to Belgium and Germany, a rich ethnic and religious composition, several indigenous groups of the population - all this can not have no effect on Dutch names and surnames.

If you want to know everything about the names in this country, it is worth visiting the local social insurance bank. In addition to its main task - the population insurance from all sorts of disasters, this structure and statistics of the names of residents are engaged in.

Once every three months, the Bank's employees post on the official website lists of the most popular names - male and female. You can also see the tendency to reduce or grow the popularity of each name, compared with the previous period. For any name, you can find complete information, including its origin, etymology, compliance in other languages \u200b\u200band well-known carriers.

It is curious that you will find information on the name only in the Dutch version of the site. Although it is available in many languages, including English, German, French and Spanish. But nevertheless, you need to understand Dutch to find out the most popular Dutch names and surnames.

Male names, for example, Daan, Sem, Lucas, Milan, Thomas are found almost at every step. And if we talk about popular female, then it is Emma, \u200b\u200bJulia, Sophie, Lotte, Lisa and Anna.

The origin of Dutch surnames

Today, almost any Dutch surname can be attributed to one of the four categories by origin: geographic, professional, descriptive or family:

  1. The names are widely distributed, which are derived from the region in which its carrier lives or once lived its ancestor. For example, DE VRIES. Sometimes it is not even just a region, but a concrete estate or a place where a person worked - Van Aller or Van de Vliert (literally "occurring from the farm")
  2. Another example of a typical surname is by profession. For example, Haak means a "peddler", Kuiper - "Bondar", and with de Klerk everything is not clear - the person worked as a clerk.
  3. The third group of surnames occurred from certain physical characteristics of a person or properties of its character. For example, Dik means "greasy", and de Groot is "big". Not everyone was lucky with the surname, what can you say here.
  4. The last group of surnames is associated with the origin of its carrier and transmits family ties. Addicks means nothing more than the "son of the Addika", and Evers - the Son Ever. That is, a peculiar patronymic is an analogue of what we wear, in Russia.

Interesting facts about Dutch surnames

  • Men's Dutch surnames, as well as we, are given once and for life. When the girl gets married, she has a choice. She can leave either his last name or combine her with the surname of her husband, turning into a double. Many prefer the first way if the surname of the groom is absolutely intact.
  • There are more than one hundred thousand original Dutch surnames. And many of them you will not meet anywhere else.
  • Surname de Jong means "young" and often give it the youngest family member wearing the same name. Then as an analogue de Oude "Senior" meets much less often. It is clear - to call the new name to someone who is already carrying a specific surname, only because the new member appeared in the family, not accepted.
  • The most popular Dutch surnames: Vries, Jansen, Van De Berg, Bakker, Van Dijck and Visser.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid - Mystics, specialists in esoteric and occult, authors 15 books.

Here you can get advice on your problem, find useful information and buy our books.

On our site you will receive quality information and professional assistance!

Belgian male names

Belgium - State in North-West Europe. The population is 10.8 million people. The capital is Brussels. Borders with the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg and France.

The name of the state comes from the name of the Celtic tribe - belgi, inhabited this territory at the beginning of our era.

Belgium is divided into three regions:

Flemish region

Walloon region

Brussels capital region.

In Belgium, three language communities - Flemish, French, German-speaking.

Accordingly, the names are mainly cemino and French origin.

Belgian male names:

Aaron - Aaron

Adam - Adam

Adrien - Adrien.

Alessio - Alessia

Alexander - Alexander

Alexandre - Alexander

Alexis - Aleksis

AMBEr - Amber

Antoine - Anthony

Arne - Arni.

Arthur - Arthur

Axel - Axel

Baptiste - Baptist

Benjamin - Benjamin

Clement - Clement

Daan - Dan.

David - David.

Dylan - Dylan.

Elias - Elias.

Emile - Emil

Enzo - Enzo

Ethan - Ethan

Ferre - Ferry

Florian - Florian

Gabriel - Garbiel

Gilles - Gills.


Hugo - Hugo

Jarne - Jorn

Jasper - Jasper

Jelle - housing

Jonas - Jonas

Julien - Julien

Kobe - Kob

Lander - Lander

Lars - Lars

Liam - Lim

Louis - Louis

Lowie - Lowvi.

LUKA - Luca

Lukas - Lucas

Martin - Martin

Matheo - Mateo.

Mathias - Matias.

Mathieu - Matthew

Mathis - Mathis

Mats - Mats.

Matteo - Matteo

Matthias - Matthias.

Mauro - Mauro.

Maxim - Maxim

Maxime - Maxim

Milan - Milan.

Nathan - Nathan

Nicolas - Nicholas.

Niels - Niels.


Nolan - Nolan.

Oscar - Oscar

Olivier - Olivier

Quinten - Kyntin

Raphael - Rafael.

Rayan - Ryan.

Robbe - Robbie

Robin - Robin

Romain - Roman

Ruben - Ruben.

Rune - RoN.

SAM - Sam.

Samuel - Samuel

Sander - Sander

Senne - Senn.

Seppe - Sepp.

Siebe - Sibel

Simon - Simon.

Stan - Wall

T.heo - Theo

Thomas - Thomas

Tibo - Tibo

Tom - Tom

TRISTAN - Tristan


Victor - Victor

Warre - Verry

William - William

Wout - VUT.

Xander - Xander

Yanis - Janis

Yo, Udo, Guido

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Our new book "Energy Family"


Oleg and Valentina Lights

Address of our email: [Email Protected]

At the time of writing and publishing each of our article, there is nothing like that in free internet. Any our information product is our intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and the publication of them on the Internet or in other media without specifying our name is a violation of copyright and is prosecuted by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any materials of the site Link to authors and site - Oleg and Valentina Lightsid - obligatory.

Belgian male names

On our sites we do not give links to magical forums or on the websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give advice on the phone, we do not have time for it.

Note! We do not deal with healing and magic, do not and do not sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, did not offer and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is a correspondence consultation in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that on some sites have seen information that we supposedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that it is slander, not true. In all his life, we never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the club materials we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, honest name is not an empty sound.

People who write about us slander are guided by the lowest motifs - envy, greed, they have black souls. There were times when the slander is paid well. Now many home is ready to sell for three kopecks, and to engage in squeezing for decent people is even easier. People who write slander do not understand that they seriously worsen their karma, worsen their fate and the fate of their loved ones. Talking with such people about conscience, about faith in God is meaningless. They do not believe in God, because the believer will never go to a deal with conscience, will never do a deception, slander, fraud.

Scammers, pseudomags, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, thirsting money, a lot. Police and other controls still do not cope with the increasing influx of madness "deception for the sake of profit."

So please be attentive!

Sincerely - Oleg and Valentina Lightsid

Our official sites are:

Love spell and its consequences -

And also our blogs:

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid - Mystics, specialists in esoteric and occult, authors 15 books.

Here you can get advice on your problem, find useful information and buy our books.

On our site you will receive quality information and professional assistance!

Belgian female names

Belgium - State in North-West Europe. The population is 10.8 million people. The capital is Brussels. Borders with the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg and France.

The name of the state comes from the name of the Celtic tribe - belgi, inhabited this territory at the beginning of our era.

The largest cities: Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Liege, Charleroi, Brugge.

Belgium is divided into three regions:

Flemish region

Walloon region

Brussels capital region.

In Belgium, three language communities - Flemish, French, German-speaking.

Belgian female names:

Alexia - Alexia

Alice - Alice

Alicia - Alicia

Amber - Amber

Amelie - Amelia

Anna - Anna

Anouk - Anuk

Axelle - Axel

Aya - Ayia.

Bo - bo

Camille - Camalla

Charlotte - Charlotte

Chiara - Chera

Chloe - Chloe.

Clara - Clara

FROMlEMEPS - Clemens

Elena - Elena


Elisa - Alice

ELISE - Alice


Emily - Emilia

Emma - Emma

Eva - Eva (Eve)


Femke - femb

Fleur - Fleur

Floor - Flora.

Hanne - Hanna

Helena - Helena

Imane - imein

Inees - Ines

Jade - Jeid

Jana - Jean (Yana)

Janne - Zhanna

Jeanne - Jane

Julia - Julia

Julie - Julie

Juliette - Juliett

Kaat - Kat.

Kato - Kato

Lana - Lana

Lara - Lara

Laura - Laura.

Laure - Laur.

LEA - Lea.


Lilou - Lil.

Lily - Lily

Lina - Lina

Lisa - Lisa

Lise - Lis.

Lola - Lola.

Lore - Laura.

Lotte - Lotta


Louise - Louise

Lucie - Lucy.

Luna - Moon

Maulle - Male

Manon - Manon

Margot - Margo

Marie - Marie.

Maud - Mood

Maya - Maya.

Mila - Mila

Nina - Nina

Noa - Nov.

Noemie - Noemi

Nora - Nora

Nore - Nor

Olivia - Olivia

Pauline - Paulina

Rania - Rania

Romane - Romani.

Roos - Rose

Salma - Salma

SARA - Sara.

Sofia - Sofia

TESS - Tess.

Valentine - Valentine (Valentine)

Victoria - Victoria

Yana - Yana

Yasmine - Yasmine

Zoe - Zoe (Zoya)

Yo, hydro, wives.

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Our new book "Energy Family"


Oleg and Valentina Lights

Address of our email: [Email Protected]

At the time of writing and publishing each of our article, there is nothing like that in free internet. Any our information product is our intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and the publication of them on the Internet or in other media without specifying our name is a violation of copyright and is prosecuted by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any materials of the site Link to authors and site - Oleg and Valentina Lightsid - obligatory.

Belgian female names


On the Internet, sites and blogs appeared on the Internet, which are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Scammers use our name, our email addresses for their newsletters, information from our books and our sites. Using our name, they delay people to various magic forums and deceive (give advice and recommendations that can harm or smear money for magic rituals, making amulets and learning magic).

On our sites we do not give links to magical forums or on the websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give advice on the phone, we do not have time for it.

Note! We do not deal with healing and magic, do not and do not sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, did not offer and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is a correspondence consultation in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that on some sites have seen information that we supposedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that it is slander, not true. In all his life, we never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the club materials we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, honest name is not an empty sound.

People who write about us slander are guided by the lowest motifs - envy, greed, they have black souls. There were times when the slander is paid well. Now many home is ready to sell for three kopecks, and to engage in squeezing for decent people is even easier. People who write slander do not understand that they seriously worsen their karma, worsen their fate and the fate of their loved ones. Talking with such people about conscience, about faith in God is meaningless. They do not believe in God, because the believer will never go to a deal with conscience, will never do a deception, slander, fraud.

Scammers, pseudomags, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, thirsting money, a lot. Police and other controls still do not cope with the increasing influx of madness "deception for the sake of profit."

So please be attentive!

Sincerely - Oleg and Valentina Lightsid

Our official sites are:

Love spell and its consequences -

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