Ballet: from dream to reality. Health, gymnastics, acrobatics, dance - everything to maintain a physically active life at any age How to become a ballerina at 8 years old

Ballet: from dream to reality.  Health, gymnastics, acrobatics, dance - everything to maintain a physically active life at any age How to become a ballerina at 8 years old
Ballet: from dream to reality. Health, gymnastics, acrobatics, dance - everything to maintain a physically active life at any age How to become a ballerina at 8 years old

I want to become a ballerina

Many girls, girls are interested in the question of how to become a ballerina. At the same time, many are interested in how to become a ballerina at home, or how to become a ballerina at a very early age. Let's consider these issues in more detail.

How to become a ballerina at home.

First of all, you need to understand that by studying at home, you will not lose anything. In any case, you will have better posture as well as your walking style. When a person performs certain exercises, then they all do not go unnoticed.

If you are interested in how to become a ballerina at home, then you need to understand several important rules. Of course, first of all, you will need to carefully monitor your weight. To be a ballerina, you must have a bright figure, no obesity, no frills. Thus, at home it is necessary to do absolutely everything so that the weight remains normal. Perhaps these are the basic rules for becoming a ballerina at home.

In general, the future ballerina should be prepared from childhood, very patiently and carefully. You need to know that from the age of 9-10, girls begin to be selected for ballet (or choreographic) schools specifically for the classical dance department. In general, it is considered that this is the most suitable age for starting their professional education.

How to become a ballerina at 12 years old.

In principle, at this age it is also possible to enter a special institution. However, you need to know that the earlier you start ballet classes, the more success and experience you will have. In general, in a special educational institution you can study in two cycles at once. This can be a special and general education cycle.

A special cycle includes: music, dance lessons, theater history. This cycle will be the most important. On top of all this, there will be a special daily routine. It will be subordinated precisely to the schedule of classes at the choreographic machines. This is approximately how the artists of the famous Russian ballet school are brought up now.

To become an excellent ballerina, you must have the appropriate appearance. A ballerina should be graceful and fragile. She must also have good physical fitness. A ballerina must have a flexible back, sufficient muscle elasticity. Also, she must have a correctly formed arch of the foot. All these points will always be paid attention to. In general, the health of the ballerina should be very good. After all, she will need to withstand very serious loads.

As you can see, in order to become an excellent ballerina, you must have many important qualities. A ballerina must practice a lot and diligently in order to achieve success in this matter.

Ballerina is one of those cherished childhood professions that girls talk about what they want to become when they grow up. Fragile figures, graceful flowing movements, incredible flexibility and attention from the public are the reasons why many want to become ballerinas.

Where are ballerinas trained?

The profession of a ballerina is one of the few professions that must be chosen even in childhood. Dance schools, where they teach ballet art, recruit girls after they finish the fourth grade, that is, from about ten years of age. The fact is that children's bones are very flexible, children are pain-free and can very quickly learn to sit on all types of twines. And with age, this ability to bend in all directions is quickly lost.

There are a lot of such educational institutions in Russia. Examples include the following:

  • Moscow State Academy of Choreography;
  • Moscow State Choreographic School. Lavrovsky;
  • Academy of Russian Ballet. A. Ya. Vaganova;
  • Novosibirsk State Choreographic College;
  • Voronezh Choreographic School.

In such schools, future ballerinas simultaneously receive a general school education and study choreography. After the students have completed their secondary education, they can continue their studies at the same schools.

Selection criteria

There are many requirements for girls who want to learn to dance ballet steps, in particular, about their appearance. So, the main criterion for future ballerinas is small stature and low weight. Such strict restrictions on the physique are quite justified: the ballerina's partner, who also does not shine with a strong physique and outstanding muscles, should, without any particular difficulties, raise the girl with a light movement of his hand and perform various supports.

The lighter the girl, the easier it is to work with her. Moreover, fragile girls look sophisticated and light on stage.

The next requirement is strong feet of the correct shape, straight legs and a properly fitted pelvis. With this, too, everything is clear: legs are a ballerina's working tool, and if they cannot withstand heavy loads, you cannot build a career.

And the last requirement is to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Often, girls who have just started ballet already imagine their future careers. But there are many factors to consider: different injuries can end a career or a girl can reach too tall or a large physique for ballet. Due to their age, not all girls can come to terms with such circumstances, which affects their mental health.

It is also worth noting that ballet training is not the cheapest pleasure. Leotards, tutus, and pointe shoes are expensive and need to be constantly updated.

I read an interview with Professor Marina Leonova about the future choreographic training, and I just can't find the words to express the indignation and indignation that rages inside me. To start at the age of 15 is beyond my understanding. When adults who have never had anything to do with ballet decide to start doing choreography at the age of 15-40, then this is their own business. They will never become professionals, but they do not care, they just like this kind of art, they like dance, plastic. Some, after a few years, get up on pointe shoes... From a professional point of view, it looks a little pitiful, since adult legs are prepared to stand perfectly on pointe shoes impossible! To do this, you need to practice from childhood in order to first prepare the muscles, joints, ligaments. It is necessary to train your legs so that standing on pointe shoes you do not feel compression, pain. Pointe shoes as an extension of the leg. A professional dancer does not feel discomfort when she dances in pointe shoes. It’s as natural for her as walking in sneakers. But if you start practicing ballet only at the age of 15, as the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation suggests, you will never be able to become a professional - it will be an amateur amateur performance, where it will not be clear who is better, who is worse, since children did not pass the selection in early childhood, when the child's data is easier to reveal everything. By the age of 15, even if something remains with the child, it will not be possible to develop and make a prima ballerina out of the girl under any circumstances. The same is true for boys. At the age of 10, although his parents decide for him, over the years he begins to live exactly ballet, for him, dance is the meaning of life and in some other way he no longer represents himself. At 15, he just won't go to ballet, because he considers it not a man's occupation! Because his peers play football and openly laugh at those who dance in tight leotards. And if, nevertheless, the love of dancing prevails over the maliciously laughing peers, then it will definitely be impossible to develop the jump at 15 years old! A jump in men's dance is practically one of the main components. Apparently, you will have to forget about support altogether, because for this, a certain musculature also develops. In addition, there will not be that gracefulness, airiness, strength and power that has been worked out, minted since childhood and will not be able to suddenly take and appear in adolescence. How to achieve these fine lines, swan neck, perfection in movements? It will be just a semblance of what children strive for in classical choreography lessons and what teachers have been striving for from their students for many years.

Russian ballet is famous all over the world, Russian ballet legendary and the best and it is the Russian people sitting in the Russian government who are destroying Russian ballet overnight. What the people who pass the laws think remains a mystery.

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“I want to become a ballerina” - dream of many representatives of the fair sex, and this desire can be expressed not only by a little girl, but also by an adult woman who has taken place in any profession and strives to find herself in the art of dance. How to start and what will help you on your way to your dream, read our article.

Ballet today has expanded the boundaries of the stereotype and has become not only classical, but also modern dance with many characteristics. He is always united by his striving for maximum expression by means of the body of the main idea of ​​ballet - grace and emotionality.

To become a classical dancer and find your vocation in this, you really need to devote yourself to this art from early childhood, but diversifying your hobbies and making the language of dance more expressive is a feasible task for everyone who is ready to master ballet as a hobby.

Children's ballet

Girls are sent to classical ballet very early - from 4-5 years old, moreover, if you want to send your daughter along this path, it is important not to miss the moment, because it will be too late for her to start at the age of a first grader, and she will not be admitted to a choreographic school in this class , but will offer a different direction of the dance.

You can, of course, train for yourself, without setting the goal of becoming a dancer of a ballet theater, then age is not so important.

But your daughter will receive classical dance training and some other benefits, such as:

  1. slim and flexible body;
  2. even posture;
  3. endurance;
  4. disciplined character;
  5. the ability to overcome the unpleasant sensations of the body;
  6. grace and charm that are inherent in ballerinas.

True, there are also many disadvantages that stem from the desire to devote oneself to ballet:

  1. children's ballet studios are not cheap;
  2. classes take a lot of time and effort;
  3. at a tender age, this is a double load on a par with a general education school;
  4. there are professional deformities of the legs;
  5. the classical training of young ballerinas is associated with enormous psychological stress and ambitions, which many children cannot bear.

Let's discuss some of the problems in more detail.

Deformation of the feet of a ballerina - myth or reality?

No one wants to have flat feet, joint problems, loose bones and varicose veins. However, this is an inevitable tribute that the body of a professional ballerina pays, and it's a harsh truth. Deformation occurs from excessive stress on the feet, as well as from the impact of special shoes - pointe shoes, which lift the dancer "on her toes".

If you do not want such health problems, choose not a classical, but a modern type of dance, which does not have these traditional shoes, but it is customary to dance either barefoot or in "Czech shoes" - ballet flats with leather soles.

Where do ballerinas work?

If you listen to your child, you will understand that children want to practice ballet because they got a very vivid impression of their performance - on television or in the theater. And you, for sure, are familiar with this admiration for the performer of the leading part - the prima ballerina.

But the truth is that there are only a few prim-ballerinas in the country, and the graduates of the school become dancers of the second and third plan, even without having a dance partner.

Ballet dancers who do not have federal fame receive a very modest income, and it is impossible for a girl to provide herself in this way. But unfulfilled ambitions and unhealthy competition in the theater are worth a nervous breakdown for many. This is, in short, what it will be like to work as a ballerina.

On the other hand, it cannot be said that this is some kind of dead-end plan of life.

If a person has a love for this art in his soul, he, being purposeful and flexible in character, will find himself in any case. A ballerina who has mastered other dance genres will never be left without work, at least as long as she is physically able to dance.

These can be different levels of dance theaters, shows, dance performances. It is also promising to be a teacher for children and adults. The main thing is, if you did not manage to break out into the prima, be able to rebuild and use your unique skills to find your place in the labor market.

Ballerina's diet and weight

Before thinking about how to become a ballerina, make sure you are indifferent to food. Of course, you can't eat, otherwise the weight will instantly ruin your career. Ballerinas eat to keep themselves alive, one might say. To cover the energy costs associated with physical activity while dancing. But nothing more - they are not allowed any favorite dishes, a pleasant feeling of satiety and hobby for cooking.

If you want to start ballet training for adults, then you will have to lose weight, and much more than you imagine. The fact is that this dance system involves overstraining the muscles, but so that from the outside it looks like an easy and effortlessly performed movement. For this, it is not enough to be thin - you have to be skinny and dry. Any hint of subcutaneous fat will deprive you of the opportunity to look truly graceful in classic ballet moves.

Classes for adults

But you can go a completely different path, turning harsh discipline into a hobby. Modern dance classes at dance schools and fitness clubs are not at all a Spartan art, but rather the joy of being able to dance for yourself in a direction very similar to classical ballet. And, of course, the teacher will have different requirements for you.

Excess weight is not in your favor here, but you should be at least just in your weight, without extra pounds. To see if you can handle what you want, try testing your body on one of the sites that offer an ideal weight calculator. It is calculated by height, age and body constitution - asthenic, normasthenic and hypersthenic. If your body weight is close to ideal for your height, feel free to start training. However, if not, then it is better to lose weight in advance, for example, in the pool, on a treadmill, or in an aerobics class.

If you are not 5 years old, then classes in a modern ballet group will help you to catch up - it is exciting, fashionable and does not depend on age at all!

How to become a ballerina at home?

Let's say we have convinced you that you can take up the modern form of ballet as a hobby right now. What do you need for this?

From the inventory, you will need to hang a wide mirror on the wall in order to track the correct execution of the technique of movements. The optimal mirror would be 150x100 cm, as much as possible. To install it at home, you will be helped by a master who knows how to operate a puncher and knows how to securely fix the mirror on anchors and paper clips. You should see yourself in full growth, as well as a space of about 1 meter to your right and left.

Opposite the mirror, install a so-called machine against the wall - a round bar about 150-200 cm. Such a handrail will serve as a support for your exercises, it will be needed all the time, you cannot do without it. The machine can be made of wood or metal, it should be firmly attached to the wall, not wobbly, and should be level between your waist and hips.

I have not yet begun to write, but I am already burning with the desire to make a "digression". So, a digression:

Do you like ballet?

How often have I heard words that usually leave a very unpleasant aftertaste. Have you guessed what this is about? ..

Yes, we are talking about the phrase uttered by many people: "But I don't like classical dance!"

Can you imagine the years and years of hard work behind a ballerina?

How much sweat! how many tears! how many emotions! And here - "once", and in one phrase everything is in the "trash heap".

And let's ask the ballerinas themselves if they like classical dance?

Do you know what is the most interesting?

The fact that many of them will simply shrug their shoulders in response, say: “What are you talking about? This is work! "

How is it that for many decades more and more girls and boys have been striving to enter the Academy of the best theaters in the world? I don’t think that at their age they think about big earnings or about prestige.

What drives them?

Honestly, I don’t remember what drove me to such torment.

But I did it with great pleasure!

And she looked at the ballerinas with admiration!

Of course, it is not "thinness" that attracts us in professional dancers and dancers. We are attracted by the fusion of inner strength (not only physical, but also spiritual) with the subtlety and grace of the body in women and the noticeable pronounced muscular structure of men.

Ballerina, she is not only on stage. She is a ballerina in real life.

You can never go wrong if you see her walking down the street. Body tucked up. As if not walking, but flying over the asphalt.

Of course, I'm not talking about pseudo-ballerinas who are trying to deliberately show that they belong to this profession, diligently twisting their legs when walking from one buffet to another.

The time has come for me to admit that I never liked ballet. I hope that I did not disappoint you with my revelation.


what can you learn from a ballerina who doesn't like ballet?

I'll try to explain. For a very long time, as a child, I remember myself in front of the TV, not taking my eyes off the screen. In those days, ballet performances were often shown on the two existing channels. But, to be honest, I cannot tell you a single story. I think that in those days I did not even know about the existence of such.

I looked at beautiful flying girls in magical tutus and this was the only thing that fascinated me.

I don’t like to watch classical ballet, but I have always loved to feel my body as ballet.

I liked the lessons themselves. Even if they lasted four hours with one single break to change shoes.

You don't have to love ballet to love yourself and your body.

At any age, you can achieve a flying gait and lightness in your body with any movement.

We must pay tribute to the Russian school of classical dance. It was she who developed a full range of exercises that can build the body in this way.

Don't like ballet, love yourself and your body! This is what will make you a real ballerina in the full sense of the word.

First lesson.

Watch the video. It shows the exercises for the first week.

They will not seem difficult to you. These are exercises on the arch of the foot and on the instep.

Do them every day. Allow your body to have a new habit of pulling the sock.

Don't move on to the next lesson until you are happy with the result.

Do you want stunning results?

Increase the number of sessions!

Do you want to know the secret of each ballerina individually and collectively?

The same secret that you will never hear spoken from the ballet stage?