Astrological comic predictions for the new year. Comic dressing games reviews

Astrological comic predictions for the new year. Comic dressing games reviews
Astrological comic predictions for the new year. Comic dressing games reviews

1. If you initiate the initiative, success does not make himself wait.
2. Important news will come very soon.
3. The answer to your question is associated with some kind of man, perhaps well known for you.
4. In your life will enter something new, which will significantly affect your personality.
5. You hope not in vain!
6. The result of your actions may be unexpected.
7. You are on the right track! Do not stop!
8. You will finally be able to unlock the rusted castle.
9. The results of the case you have conceived can disappoint, and can greatly surprise.
10. The problem is not where you think.
11. Forward and only forward: The case you think - right!
12. Your goal is reaches!
13. Success will come if you won't listen to draws.
14. For you, the time of doubt and oscillations came. But do not worry - everything will work out!
15. From sowing grain to the harvest must pass time.
16. We have the usual life, but in an unusual way.
17. Remember that the true partnership may exist only between solid personalities.
18. Be attentive to prompts of fate.
19. Winning comes from what you have to part.
20. Act in accordance with not with old authorities, but with what you consider it right for yourself.
21. It's time to finish the old and start a new one.
22. Do not expect too much and do not think about the final result.
23. Complete first what started.
24. Be patient, and if your solution is correct, the universe will support it.
25. Do not give up emotions.
26. Look at your health.
27. Enjoy luck and share it with the surrounding people.
28. Focus on the present.
29. Do not expect fast results.
30. Swim by the flow of life without estimates and attempts to understand it.
31. Trust what happens to you.
32. Reflects and do not hurry with actions.
33. It's time to act, even if you need to jump into the emptiness.
34. Do not try stubbornly to show your will.
35. You are waiting for an unexpected news.
36. Look in the mirror and you will see a charming face.
37. Tomorrow you will brush your teeth, and then thoughts.
38. This week will be your desire.
39. On Thursday, be careful - you are awaiting an interesting event.
40. Everything will be fine! Just believe!
41. You are waiting for a new acquaintance.
42. Wait for a surprise. Very soon!
43. All your desires will definitely come true.
44. You will find a lost thing soon!
45. You will be very wonderful!
46. \u200b\u200bMake a useful thing!
47. If you want to have success, you should look as if you have it.
48. The best is a good enemy. Do not overdo it!
49. The most stupid desire is to like it.
50. What we pray, then we get.
51. The winner from the defeated differs only by the fact that it rises at a time more than falls.
52. In life, there is the main thing and not the main thing, and we often spend the forces on trifles.
53. Not as good as I wanted, but not so bad, as it could be!
54. Do what should, and be what will happen.
55. The reverse side of the crisis is new features.
56. When God closes the door, he opens the window.
57. The road to a thousand miles begins with the first step.
58. Never be afraid to do what you do not know. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur. Professionals built Titanic!
59. It is better to regret what I did, and not that I did not.
60. Who stands on the spot, he goes back.
61. What is not done, everything for the better.
62. No one is defeated until he admits himself defeated.
63. The struggle is always justified if you know what you are striving for.
64. Do not go into heroes until you call.
65. These people and these events of your life were here because you brought them here. What will happen to them further depends on you.
66. Never ask anyone anyone, especially those who are stronger than you - will come and everyone will give.
67. ONLY DURING only fools. Smart always lucky.
68. Evil is not what is included in the mouth of a person, but in what comes out of them.
69. Do what you can, using what is there, where you are now.
70. If you do not believe in yourself, you will not start anything. And if you start anything, then nothing will happen.
71. Today it came just tomorrow that you worried about yesterday.
72. No hopeless situations: Even if you ate you, you have at least two exit.

New Year is a special holiday, which is not accepted to be sad. If you take care of the interesting festive program for the company with which you plan to spend the New Year's Eve, then, for sure, this beginning will remember many of you. One of the most popular and fascinating entertainment on the night of December 31, fortune tells. However, we emphasize that we are talking about entertainment, and it should not be treated too serious. All predictions must be comic and cheering the company gathered at the table. If you pay attention to some ideas given by us below, then, for sure, it will make your holiday truly bright and special. It is not difficult to have fun on New Year's Eve at all, if it is not difficult to pay the time to prepare it in advance and approach the drafting of gadas with humor and fantasy. Remember that all predictions in this holiday should raise mood and tune guests to an optimistic way, so we will take advantage of their writing! Let each member of your company feel the atmosphere of good magic in the New Year and will try to believe that the miracle still exists and will immediately burst into his life!

Comic New Year's fortune telling

Consider several simple, but at the same time quite interesting ghosts!

Fortune telling on love

For this divination, it is necessary to prepare pictures of the same size (approximately with a fortuneal map). Famous and successful personality should be depicted in the pictures. Now the snapshot should be cut into two pieces of figure. One half picture hang on the Christmas tree, the second put on the table "drawing" down. Of course, it is not about the same picture, but immediately about several. Now offer everyone to pay out for its prospects that will be waiting in the new year. You must choose one of the fragments on the table, and find the missing part on the Christmas tree - it is important that in the first fragment it was not clear what a famous personality is about. As a result, in the next 12 months, the life of a gadget person will be similar to the one that in the past year was prepared by celebrities from the picture. Write in advance to a separate sheet of achievement of certain stars.

Offer guests pretty simple and fascinating fortune telling. They need to ask some kind of question by writing it on paper. For example, the question is written like this: "Will I raise a salary in the new year?" Now there should be an easy mathematical action - count the letters in each of the words and fold them together. In the embodiment in the example, it will look like this: 8 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 5 \u003d 28. Since the number turned out to be double-digit, it should be concluded with each other (2 + 8 \u003d 10, 1 + 0 \u003d 1). Now we look at what one or another is interpreted:
1 - You do not need to know the answer to this question.
2 - everything will work out the way you wish.
3 - Dream less, act more!
4 - the Universe will help you!
5 - It is impossible to be sure for sure.
6 - Something can prevent the desire to be fulfilled, be alert!
7 - Keep hope.
8 - no doubt, and luck will smile.
9 - Try to influence the situation.

Comic predictions

Perhaps the easiest way to write comic predictions in advance on small pieces of paper. Fold them into the bag or the usual header, and offer each guest to get your prediction. Possible options for such prophecies:
    Joyfully look forward - a bag of money awaits you! Forget about crying - good luck! It will be a hot year - and with him a tour of the island! Only joy ahead and swimming in love! Well, catching the tail of good luck - the keys to the cottage are waiting for you! There will be a sea of \u200b\u200bimpressions with a jar of sweet jam! Not Handri, do not be saddened - there is a lot of happiness on the way! It's time to tolerate - wealth is running to you!

Gypsy comic fortune telling for the new year

Gypsies have long been known for our designers, so why don't you take advantage of their secrets on New Year's Eve?

Despite the fact that this fortune telling is considered comic, it is often easily setting up a gadget company to an optimistic way. So, first you need to stock game of simple playing cards. For a deck, let the child sit down, and you inform the guests that the maps will be predicted more accurately. Then mention, for example, the following: "The one who will get more worm suites, the whole next year will be lucky in business." After that, distribute all the participants of the map of the card, as for the game - now they have to look at them, and say, they smiled at the good luck or not. The focus is that you bought a few deck in advance and made one one in which all 36 cards will consist only of worms. Surely, this result will make everyone those present.

Divination "Magic Bag"

When the celebrations will move towards its completion, then offer guests another interesting comic divination, which will indicate them what year they are waiting ahead. For this entertainment, you will use any tissue bag or an opaque package from cellophane, in which different items should be put on about one price category (souvenirs, sweets). Now guests need to get themselves on the subject - he will not only remain as a gift, but also will speak a kind of prediction. Write in advance on the sheet, which will designate one or another item, and what prospects promises their newly remedied owner. For example: black chocolate tile - "In the new year, you will have everything" in chocolate "," milk chocolate - "Everything will be sweet in the coming months," the key chain in the form of pesel - "Friendship will play a big role in your life", flashlight - "Soon you will make an incredible discovery" and so on.

Merry New Year's divination

To this fortune, you will need to prepare in advance - stocking leaflets with predictions twisted into the tube. Each tube, for a festive mood, must be bandaged with a ribbon. On all the leaves, write funny prophecies for the next year. Examples of predictions:
    All sadness behind, you are waiting for happiness ahead! You will smile soon - waiting for you a ticket to the sea! Waiting for the big luck - at the foot of the Mount Cottage! Waiting for you delicious lunches and in love only victory! Fate is reasonably ordered - it will visit abroad on vacation! Wait for the ticket to the island - not to the cinema, nor to the ballet! Do not go from destiny - in love with you!
Put predictions on a beautiful dish, and offer guests to take yourself one of them. After that, each of the gadgets can read out loud prediction.

The desire to find out what expects us in the future, near or distant, characteristic of many people. To this end, we are interested in horoscopes daily, open up the sites of online gadas, dreams, visiting famous predictors at home. And even the most avid skeptics from time to time listened to the fact that the fortune tanks prophesiate.

In the modern world of predictions are not always serious, a cheerful joke here is also relevant. Why do you need comic fortune telling, because more century ago, people with tangible fear listened to the prophecies of fortune-law. Then they never occurred to turn it into a draw, a fun joke. However, times are changing. Accelerated rhythm of life, workload work, everyday concerns make weekdays monotonous, faceless. On holidays, I want to relax, laugh at yourself, joke over girlfriends and buddies. Birthdays, anniversaries, corporate, home holidays, meeting the most magical holiday - the new year that year is accompanied by comic fortune-houses at home.

Comic fortune telling at the table

In order for the holiday to be truly fun, the welcoming owners necessarily think over all its stages. In the breaks between dancing, you can collect guests at the table and offer to pay for the future. The temporary segment for predictions usually choose a small one - one season (spring, summer, etc.) or year.

From the owners it will not be necessary to take any particular effort, you only need to prepare a tray with small, light (give preference to coffee) cups from the service. Small items are put in the cups, the guest must choose the ass, its content will tell you which events will become the main time in a particular period. After choosing a cup "Client" returns it along with the contents so that the rest of the guests do not have to guess what remains. The hostess re-puts the cups on the tray and the divination continues.

☞ What to use objects:

  • lipstick (update image);
  • romantic relationships for married and married, serious - for free people);
  • wedding Ring (family joy for married, for free - wedding);
  • sheet of paper (everything will go unchanged);
  • coin (welfare growth);
  • hairpin (secular life);
  • nipple (child's birth, other events related to children).

This fortune telling will become a fun and successful event if guests are a bit - 7-10 people.

Comic fortune telling magic bag

Even more fun will bring fortune-telling with a magic bag. We remember this focus from the kindergarten. There is an unexpected effect here, since the gigant does not see what a surprise has to be removed from the bag.
It must be said that this is a very comfortable fortune telling, you only need to pick up a beautiful opaque bag and many different small items. Sometimes sweet New Year's gifts for children are packaged in high-quality velvet bags, this form will be just perfect for comic divination. In a few minutes with a magic bag, you will wage all guests who want to learn how their life will be as follows.

☞ Objects placed in a bag:

  • chocolate matryoshka in foil (gradation);
  • matches (life will be bright as fireworks);
  • chewing gum (year will be smooth and calm);
  • souvenir bottle with alcohol (there will be many reasons for fun).

Comic divination gypsy on anniversary woman

In a suit of the gypsy, a woman who can speak and loving well and folds to speak. However, it may be a man who has the same qualities. The second option is even preferable and funnier, the birthday girl and all guests will love the element of surprise. It will take a colorful outfit of gypsies with lush skirts, a wig, a dressing or a handkerchief on the head. The intrigue will bring the voice of the lead, which will announce the birthday that an unusual guest is breaking to it, which was mistaken not invited to the celebration.
The Roma comes to the birthday room comes to the birthday girl, with the knowledge of the case takes her hand, asks to "keep a handle" (well, if the lead comes to this point chocolate coins in foil). The fortune teller gifted by coins begins to tell a woman about the life path passed. True, it should be closely intertwined with a red senlee, a non-virulent joke. The words of gypsy should look like a laudatory s) of humor. Gypsy will predict the future, the main thing is that this fortune telling was kind to carry only positive. The fortune telling can be completed by sparkling "Gypsy", where the fortune teller, the birthday girl and guests will perform in the role of skillful dancers.

Comic New Year's fortune telling and predictions

New Year's fortune telling and predictions are relevant everywhere - on corporate parties in the office, at a party with friends and in a close family circle. Meeting a cheerful and magical holiday, many behave like children, anticipating entertainment and gifts. One of these presents and comic fortune telling and predictions. There is a space for creativity, and in every team there will definitely have at least one poet or poetess. This talented people will not be difficult for 2-3 hours to compose 10-20 poetic prediction lines for the next year.

What attributes will be required for New Year's fortunes? The minimum is to use the head of Santa Claus, which to put the steam of poetic predictions printed on paper and folded into the tube. To these predictions, few requirements - they should be kind, fun, witty. The rest of the fantasy is unlimited. These lines are quite appropriate:

  • I hope to look forward, then wealth is waiting for you.
  • There is one who thinks about you every day and every hour.
  • Leave sadness and grief - go to the sea.
  • In the house you will always have delicious food.

Do not forget that in each team there is a consuming and very inspired person. He will be able to think about the prediction received for a long time, finding non-existent or flaws in it. Therefore, the poetic lines are simply obliged to carry heat, good and positive.

Funny gypsy fortune telling on corporate

The eloquent employee or an employee who came to the corporate party in a gypsy costume will revive the party. Working for years in one team, we thoroughly know all the positive and negative sides of colleagues. Their family relationships and the surrounding also do not make up a large secret. Gypsy can beat all this, predicting everyone that he is waiting in the near future. On the Internet there are many poems in this case, subtly mixing the nature and features of the person. There will only be to choose a divination suitable for each employee.

Sprinkment fun at the table will be provided if you learn poems by heart. What is the lines of the Sedovom Careerist, secretly dreaming of a novel with a young woman or about Lovelace, who does not miss any skirts past! There is a wonderful poem and a woman who is crossed by a groom, which is difficult to make a choice. All this is done worthy, with a subtle and soft humor and you will definitely find a wonderful fortune telling for each employee.

If you are a unique person, with bright features of character and behavior, for which it is difficult to choose the finished divination - come up with it yourself if there is a poem in the team. In any case, whether the Gypsy says with born lines or prose, improvising right on the go - the holiday will be successful.

Comic fortune telling for children

Merry fortune telling for children - a graceful topic. The kids believe in miracles, they expect magic and fairy tales from each holiday, and you can carry out these dreams. Bright emotions, fun and laughter at the orphanage will cause the adult adult dressed in a wizard costume, for example: star or fairies. Children of school age can take an active part in the fortune telling if you prepare bright empty cards and markers for them. On the card, the child will have to write a phrase: "In the new year you are waiting ..."

☞ Often children finish the phrase like this:

  • happiness;
  • new toy;
  • love.

The filled cards are collected and stirred in the "magic" cap of the star or a beautiful vase. After that, the guys take turns take out a card with fortune track, read the prediction received.

Especially like kids fortune telling with balloons. To do this, you need to cook as many balls as children are present on the holiday. In each ball, the note twisted in the tube is predicted. The child chooses the ball liked, which will have to pierce the needle, and reads the prediction. They may be such:

  • "We study diligently, you will get a wonderful gift."
  • "In this New Year's holiday you will get a prize, squad."

However, fortune-telling with balls is suitable only for schoolchildren, preschool children can be afraid of noise from bursting balls and should be considered.

For young children, you can take advantage of the magic bag, placing small toys in it with prediction notes. The kids will be delighted with toys, and predictions for them will read the adult.
By the way, the role of a wizard at a children's holiday can play not only adult. In such a capacity, they love to speak senior brothers and sisters. Of course, adults will have to help prepare attributes for the holiday - a wizard suit, cards for predictions, surprise toys for a magic bag. You will spend a few hours for it, but it will be very fun to children, and they will remember such an interesting holiday for a long time.

If you organize a holiday with comic fortune tells, prepare well.

  1. Pick up a suitable candidate for fortune-tellers, an eloquent person with organizational abilities.
  2. Prepare all the attributes for fortune telling (the costume of the wizard, gypsies, magic bag, cups, etc.).
  3. Predictions in poetic form need to learn well.
  4. Carefully treat the text of the predictions, it should be funny, but not offensive.

This is a big job, but it will bring a lot of pleasure and positive emotions.

There are quite a few holidays in life - birthdays, anniversaries, new year, just friendly parties. So that they do not turn into ordinary sites with a tasting of alcohol and sophisticated dishes, dilute them with interesting events. Dancing, merry contests with dressing and songs, games with surprises - all this is used for a long time. Comic divination - new fiction of clatters. She is interesting and fascinating, because here it is about the eternal desire of people at least to look at the future for a while.

Psychologists say - sometimes comic divination come true. And this is quite possible, because it is long known that words are material. Easy humor in predictions also fulfills its task - with it, a person will think about the disadvantages and take measures to their correction. Good, cheerful comic divination is the most real wish of material well-being, marital happiness, good luck. Good comic predictions, fun and joy at every holiday!

Mark the holidays of the big company have fun and interesting. But only if the entertainment program is planned. Without it, the celebration will turn into banal eating food and empty conversations. If you take the organization of the holiday on yourself, think everything is necessary to prepare carefully and in advance. Decorating the room, menu, music - all of these important parties. The main thing, do not forget to prepare contests, games and quizzes. Guests will come to full delight, if you read them comic predictions. Short and funny, slight touching and romantic, positive and unusual words will give people a good mood.

crystal ball

Each of us wants to look at the future at least a minute. Find out what it expects him and close people in the coming years. So give the same friends such an opportunity! Include in the scenario of the evening visits the famous lead. In her roles you can speak on your own or attract someone from the invited. Do talk in advance, and you can start a show.

A few days before the celebration, prepare comic predictions. Short and funny, in verses fit best. Record them on small sheets of paper, then twist them into the tube. You can form paper using the usual strong welding of tea or, on the contrary, pull the tube into bright colors. These mysterious convolutions put in a regular balloon and inflate it. To the chair of each guest, tie one ball. They will not even suspect that comic and funny are behind their backs. In the middle of the evening a leader appears!

Fun begins

Language dressed accordingly to your image, in the hands of a crystal ball! She slowly enters the hall, he lears each mysterious look: "Hello, people! I came to you not just so, the ball brought me! I see in it your future! Want to know the whole truth? Magic balls will appear behind your backs! Extract from them that sent to you by the highest forces! "

All come true

Guests can start to burst the balls and take campgrounds. Now the present fun will begin! Short and funny to have the public and will give a lot of positive emotions:

  • soon you will meet love, get married again;
  • as soon as you put on the Red Shignon, you will get a million one day;
  • on the career stairs take off, the chef quickly pensions;
  • do not heal never, your chapel keeps a happy star;
  • soon the children's roar will be heard in your house, laughter and hobbies, and the pot, you have fun, a friend, friend;
  • miraculous balm will soon come to you, you will be eternally young, mischievous and clockwork;
  • in the morning you wake up - under the window a foreign car, didn't you expect such a gift?

These are universal comic predictions. Short and funny, for colleagues they will fit perfectly. This room will be relevant to the corporate party to any holiday!

Gypsy motifs

Fasteners stereotype that all gypsies are fortune-tales. So we will not dispel it, but, on the contrary, you will beat the cheerful situation. The holiday to you will be the Gypsy Aza directly from the coagus, who goes into the sky! It looks for five minutes and will predict a bright future. It is very easy to do: you need a colorful long skirt, a scarf on the head and more jewelry. Prepare comic predictions, short and fit best. Record them on sheets of paper and fold into a beautiful casket. Gypsy enters the room and explains that he found this chest randomly in the house of the great-grandmother. She opened it and saw a note there. She narrated that she should arrive at this house and distribute these sheets to those present.

Mysterious messages

The development of events can be different, let guests take turns pull out the bundle you like and enjoy what is written there! It must be comic predictions, short and funny, in verses or prose. Gypsy can cause guests herself and tell them the predictions by a mysterious voice!

  • I see very clearly me, you have a huge family. You will all live together, the son will go to the army to serve.
  • Waiting for you a trip to the mountains, you will produce a voraor there.
  • A lot of money falls on his head, and a friend will get rid of the disease.
  • In the house delicious food you will always have.
  • There will be many joy, ice cream and sweets.
  • Exactly on the night will come to your happiness.
  • Very, very soon, see you on the sea!

Be sure to love these comic predictions, short and funny. For teenagers, youth and those who are thirty, are the best wishes!

All the best - children

If a children's holiday is planned in the house, be sure to prepare the guys entertainment. Without them, the celebration will be boring and dull. Children quickly get tired, they will jump and want to go home. Spend a few games, contests, let the clever glitter in the intellect in quiz. After receiving small prizes, let the guys relax and eat well, and you can start passing the quest! After passing all the tasks and obstacles as a prize, present comic predictions, short and funny. For children, it will be an unusual and interesting surprise! They will gladly deploy cherished notes and read the messages!

  • very soon you will have new friends;
  • in the shopping center you can buy just cool pants;
  • how to hear a loud ringing, get a new phone;
  • five fives you will get, although we study very badly;
  • call, open the door, and there is a new portfolio;
  • soon everything will be cool, you will have a red dachshund;
  • a neighbor falls in love with you and you will live a hundred years;
  • in the near month, the luck will come to you in the near future;

Such comic predictions, short and funny, for children will become a pleasant surprise.

School years

Not everyone loves to go to school, but, matured, remember these years and dream of returning to the past! Try to arrange the guys parties, discos, contests and games for every holiday. So class will become more friendly, cohesive. At any of the events, you can prevent children an unusual surprise - comic predictions, short and funny. For schoolchildren, pick up the special phrases you need. Let them be with humor, but also with a hidden meaning.

  • Something good will happen, and you want to change! You will learn only five and all sections to visit.
  • This year you will find yourself, books and poems to write you will begin.
  • We learn the language is foreign, because the diplomat you are natural.
  • On the competition on the run will send you, you are shifted there as it follows yourself.
  • You need to start to dance, and the muscles of the back pump in, parents are very happy, you will become a star of pop.
  • Dry, like a nightingale, on stage a lot not Roby!

The guys will be delighted and will remember these predictions for a long time. And if you believe in good, then it will surely come true!

And Salat Olivier on the table, to its celebration should be approached with fantasy and thorough preparation.

Fun party

Mondering the folk wisdom "As a New Year will meet, so they will spend it," many begin to prepare for the holiday in advance. Women are mostly concerned about their wardrobe, trying to figure out whether a new dress is needed, as well as the content of dishes on the New Year's table. Men are engaged in calculating the number of drinks per person and are actively engaged in spruce with alcohol. And although champagne will still make his "cheerful" case, relying only on it. In order for the holiday not to turn into an ordinary feast, it should be diversified and revived: come up with a costume show, New Year's predictions, comic contests and so on. It will not let guests bored, will allow you to make memorable photos, it will help to liberate and laugh from the soul.

In the new year, everyone is waiting for change for the better, sincerely hopes that a miracle may occur in the future. So why don't your close and native people give to hear pleasant prophecies? The idea to prepare New Year's predictions, comic and interesting, will help to diversify the holiday in any company, raise the mood and do not go to fall asleep until the morning.

Divination on champagne

You can come up with guessing anything. For example, on champagne. This alcoholic beverage has become one of the symbols of the new year, so it is present almost on each table. How is the process itself? When champagne is spread, guests are invited to raise wine glasses (let it be not the first toast). At this point, the New Year's predictions can be started. You need to pay attention to how bubbles rises in a glass. If they seek one trickle up the center of the glass - in the coming year, the fulfillment of the main goal is inevitable! When many bubbles - life will be saturated with the most diverse events: new acquaintances, travels, change. If bubbles are not raised, but remain on the walls of the glass, you can predict that life will give stability and peace, family happiness. It may happen that the two intertwing snakes from bubbles rise up - wait for a new love or a surge of passion in the already existing relationships.

By the way, the raising chains can be somewhat. This may mean that numerous novels, fun and flirting will be held holding this fuer. Such New Year's predictions will make a simple glass with champagne. The main thing is not to be shy to connect fantasy.

Cookies with predictions

It is difficult to imagine a New Year's table without candy and fruit, especially if there are children in the house. In addition to the traditional vase with sweets put on universal access, candy and mandarins are often decorated with Christmas tree, give them to the winners in home comic competitions. One of the ways to "fool" the crowd and a little fun will be a new year's cookie with predictions. This is an old Russian festive fun. The dough lay pre-prepared notes with probable events that can happen to guests and family members next year. In the process of the celebration, everyone chooses a cookie, clears it and finds the interpretation of his future. If the messages write in comic shape, it is sufficiently fun. In addition, no one knows for sure, the fiction is or truth. Everything is possible on New Year's Eve.

Modern bakers, by the way, recently keep up with traditions and bake the cookies in the industrial way, laying in it ready-made New Year's predictions on pieces of paper. Purchase such pastries in pre-holiday days will not be difficult. This is not at all troublesome, besides, it will help to save the time you need to prepare the time.

Pie with predictions

This "nail of the program" will be a festive "Prediction Pie". It is already impossible to "jump" here and buy it in the store (although especially lazy can book baking under the order), as the New Year's cookies are acquired with predictions - you will have to work hard, but your efforts will definitely meet yourself with fun, laughter and guest jokes. A composite pie is baked, which is easily cleaned into separate parts. Each mini-bun is its filling. It can be cabbage, potatoes, pepper, cheese, peas, lemon, caramel, rice, seeds, raisins, in general, the more guests - the greater the fillings. In a solemn moment, the dish is entered into the room, and everyone is offered to break off their piece. In accordance with the resulting content, its lead decrypts. To be fun, you can prepare New Year's predictions in verses. For example, if you caught a cabbage, you can say: "There will be no empty in the wallet if the cabbage is selected." Or for buns with cheese: "For a whole year you enjoy how to swim cheese in oil. With Lemon: "There will be a million in the house if Lemon fell to you." And much more, which will tell fantasy.

Notes with predictions

The form in which the New Year's predictions can be used on paper, you can come up with the most diverse. It can be a garland with comic prophecies, on which postcards with blanks hang. Celebration participants can cut out postcards and read theses about their future. Another option - notes in advance to put in the balloon and inflate it. At the right moment, the person who took on the role of a predictor, makes a whole ohaper of multi-colored balloons into the room and offers each burst on the ball and read written. Especially welcome to such fun will children be. If the company has a rhymeplet, you can agree with it in advance and prepare New Year's predictions in verses. Something like this: "Will be cooled, and incomes will increase", or "New Year will enter your home and will bring health," or "This Phanta is an example of luck! In the family will add! "

New Year's predictions on the signs of the zodiac

Nothing prevents a funny company to organize a costume magazine, which will make comic New Year's predictions for 2016. How can it look like? The costume is chosen in advance, and the predictions are harvested too. As a basis, you can take prophecies on the signs of the Chinese horoscope. The next 2016 is the year of the fiery monkey, respectively, for each sign you need to come up with a comic prediction as an animal will get along with this sign. For example, the fiery monkey can not be recommended in the new year to organize a feast with a dragon with a dragon, because: "Double fiery breathing - how would not happen."

If it is difficult to come up with the theses for the signs of the Chinese horoscope, you can take the basis of any New Year predictions for 2015. For example, just see the future for twins or lion. The main thing is to consider that the company may have several people with the same signs, so several blanks should be made for each constellation.

Exchange desires

We offer an original idea how to make New Year's predictions, while not spending a lot of time to prepare. In the midst of the holiday, all participants in the feast are offered on a piece of paper to write what he would like to get next year. Just need to warn that it is necessary to write your wishes only as a noun, for example: machine, computer, electromass or beautiful underwear. Then the notes are put in a magic bag, and through the watch participants are invited to pull out any note. It may turn out very funny: women will get the desires of men, and men are the desire of children. And the one who pulls out his own note receives some prize.

Prediction toys

Another idea how to make a merry note in the celebration of the New Year. Nothing difficult, but still this embodiment requires preparation. The presenter in advance buys small toy copies of possible desires of the participants of the feast. It can be children's cars, houses, beds, a toy heart, a small wallet and much more (the number of gifts is purchased by the number of guests, and better more, in case of an unexpected coming of an unplanned member of the company). Then you need to write New Year's comic predictions in verses that are suitable for each toy. And during the holiday, to offer each present to pull out of the bag what is waiting for him in the new year.

Such rhymed billets can be useful at any celebration of the new year. So, the New Year's predictions for 2015 are absolutely suitable for the celebration in 16 and so on.

Television Advertising Predictions

On New Year's Eve, you can easily raise the mood, using comic predictions on television advertising. This requires only a cheerful company and a TV program included. We assign a sequence and wait for an advertisement break. New Year's predictions for the first participant can begin when the first advertising frames appear. That they are depicted on them, then the person expects for which the fortune telling. Here you need to connect the imagination and stock with sharpness.

As you can see, if there is a desire to have fun, then with the help of simple methods, you can finely raise the degree of good mood in any company.