Antique theater in Side. Antique Side Theater, Turkey: description, photo, where is on the map, how to get

Antique theater in Side. Antique Side Theater, Turkey: description, photo, where is on the map, how to get
Antique theater in Side. Antique Side Theater, Turkey: description, photo, where is on the map, how to get

Side theater location on the map:

Get the easiest way to walk, if you live in the Side itself. And it is even more interesting, because Literally at every step there are unusual monuments and ancient ruins.

But if your hotel is located away from the theater, you can take any minibus next to, and from there you can walk for 5 minutes for 5 minutes. Well, or the easiest and most expensive way - by taxi.

3. Photographing on the ruins of the ancient theater

And now let's finally see what an ancient theater looks like.

So the theater looks from afar on the part of the road - here it is not surrounded by the theater, it is surrounded by a fence:

I can not understand this, but for some reason in Turkey it is customary to use ancient ruins in modern purposes - for example, a shop open in an antique theater or a cafe:

Store shelves right in the ancient ruins:

It looks all this somehow strange and ridiculous:

But leave the ethical side of the question, let's go better to watch theater! At the entrance you need to buy a ticket and go through the turnstile:

All tickets to Turkey are drawn up standard - only the price and name of the object changes:

Entrance to the theater:

Metal backups have been installed everywhere - apparently, there is a risk of collapse:

Plan diagram of the ancient theater:

We go to the main platform - this is he theater in all its glory:

The scene view is a lot of destroyed, but some columns and interesting bas-reliefs have been preserved:

View from the other side - not to get to the top rows, too high and there are no stairs:

But it is possible to go down to descend - True, the stairs are quite steep and places are collapsed, so be careful:

Amphitheater Stairs:

Destroyed part of stairs and danger warning:

Look at the right side of the theater - it can be seen how the staircase is very destroyed, the steps seemed to increase:

Left - preserved part, right - more destroyed:

The scene view - once there was a solid wall with columns:

Preserved bas-reliefs of comedy and tragedy masks:

Some patterns are pretty elegant:

The most interesting pieces of white marble, are rascid in an arbitrary order, it's a pity now it's hard to understand how it all looked in reality:

Thin work:

It seems that local archaeologists simply gathered different pieces around the district and amounted to randomly, and earlier, it may not look at all, the details of the white marble are too distinguished:

Strange, but for some reason it is forbidden to use a tripod on the territory of the amphitheater. Moreover, there are no such rules anywhere, but as soon as we got a tripod, the guard asked him to remove it. Therefore, only such frames managed to do:

So before the spectators of the theater - you can close your eyes and imagine yourself on a second in their place - the theater is filled with the most different sounds, shouts, around the crowd and all the seats are filled, and on the stage brave gladiators fight with savory tigers ... open your eyes, and Around again silence and silence:

4. Conclusions, impressions and video

Despite the fairly high cost of the visit, in the amphitheater must be discouraged! We have already visited several other antique theaters in other cities of Turkey, but this is still the most impressive and well preserved.

There will be no more than 30-40 minutes to visit the theater, it is not possible to climb the ruins themselves, you can only go down to the scene and go along it. Fencing already installed further. But from the highest point, cool views of other sights of Side and even seen a piece of sea are opening. If you choose where to go to the theater or the museum, it is definitely better to the theater. There are few people here, so you can make excellent frames and sit in silence, enjoying the atmosphere of antiquity.

And finally, a small video about the Amphitheater Side:

By the way, if you are just going in Side, but I haven't chosen a hotel, I advise you to see the hotel search engine Hotellook (you can find the best offers from 40 booking systems) or choose one of these hotels with a good rating:

Affectionate warm sea, beaches with clean sand, cozy hotels do Turkey bait for millions of tourists. But, besides the opportunity to buy in the sea and enjoy the "all inclusive" system, the Mediterranean coast invites to plunge into an ancient history of Anatolia.

75 kilometers from Antalya, on a small peninsula, there is a charming city of Side. According to scientific research, the history of the city, founded by Greek colonists, began in the VII century BC. e. Today it is a picturesque place with a fishing port and gentle sandy beaches offer the best living conditions.

Cozy bars and restaurants, noisy discos will be able to diversify evening leisure. And countless shops will be delighted with lovers to bargain. But not only this is the resort of Antalia Riviera. Historical monuments in the city and the mountains of Taurus will be a reason for unforgettable excursions.

Below are the most significant sights of Side:

The old center of Side begins with an arched gate, whose age is 2 thousand years old. The height of them is 6 meters. The walls are equipped with niches. They were placed the statues of hindoral citizens. Arched gates take the beginning of the column streets long 250 meters. Although the time did not spare the gate, they are still the main in the city and lead to the main attractions.

In the second century n. e. Side flourished as a center of culture and trade. Then the construction of the temple of Apollo, located in the old part of the city began. This magnificent rectangular building from marble surrounds from all sides of the column of 9 meters high. In the X century, the strongest earthquake turned the temple in the ruins.

The temple of Artemis was built in the second century N. e. Next to the temple of Apollo. A marble building with columns had a length of 35m and a width of 20 m. The columns from above were decorated with bas-reliefs with the image of the jellyfish Gorgon. There is a legend that Cleopatra prescribed a date to his beloved Mark Antonio. Now only 5 columns and foundation remained at the site of the grandiose structure.

The Palace of Bishop and Basilica is a visual example of the architecture of Byzantium. Both buildings are built in the VI century BC. e.

Basilica consists of several rooms. They are interconnected by corridors. Of particular interest is the central living room with an unusual altar: externally it looks triangular, and from the inside - round.

The palace was built next to the basilica. His feature is that every room has a different form.

Basilica and Palace are connected by the tomb, making up a single complex. Its area - 10 thousand m2.

Nimphum differs from modern fountains. It was built opposite the gate of the city in the II century in honor of the Roman emperor Vespasian. At that time it was a three-story building from marble 35 meters long and 5 meters high, separated by section. At the base of the fountain there was a swimming pool, where the waters of the Manygat River fell on the aqueduct, located nearby. Nimifium was richly decorated with elegant niches, statues and frescoes whose elements are now in the Side Museum. Only two floors have been preserved from the former magnificence of the fountain.

Bathing (or baths) are located on the shore of the bay at the harbor. According to the traditions of antiquity, who arrived in the city should first go through the ablution procedure to wash off a stranger shed. Buildings built in the second century had a unique architecture. They were big bathing. From Pouchener, the corridor was in pairs, of which, in turn, it was possible to get into marble pools.

Currently there is a museum in the bathing.

The basis of the collection of the Archaeological Museum is the exhibits found in Side in the middle of the 20th century during excavations. The collection is accommodated in 4 halls. The first introduces visitors with altars, weapons, bas-reliefs and sunshine. Roman tors are placed in the second hall. In the third - amphoras and statues of graces, Niki and Hercules. In the fourth room you can see portraits, sculptures of gods and sarcophages. The pride of the museum is the bronze statue of Artemis and the head of Apollo, made of marble.

The entrance to the museum is 15 Turkish lira.

The amphitheater was erected in the second century. e. It could simultaneously accommodate 16 thousand spectators. Vaults decorated statues and tiles with jellyfish heads. Initially, the amphitheater was conceived as a venue of the boards of gladiators and animals. Then marine battles were organized here. At the same time, the scene was covered with waterproof film and poured with water. From the X to the XI century, the amphitheater acted as a Christian temple.

The theater is the area of \u200b\u200bAgora, built in the second century. In the ancient times of Agora was an economic, commercial and administrative center. From the once majestic area, the remains of the temple and columns are preserved, as well as the Latrium - the construction of a sickle form. This is nothing but an ancient city toilets.

The temple, the entrance to which was decorated with 4 columns, is the oldest building of the ancient Side. His story began in the III century BC. e. Located a temple near the amphitheater. It is no coincidence, as Dionysis is not only the God of winemaking, but also the patron of art of drama.

Today, visitors to the ancient city can only explore the ruins of the building, lost between the main street and the theater.

In the vicinity of Side, next to the village of Serik, there are ruins of ancient aspandos - cities whose history has 20 centuries. There are several legends about its origin. According to one of them, this city has built an ancient Greek tribe of the Ahetseians after its triumph in three. Another legend states that the first who opened this land was argonauts.

The most well-preserved construction of an ancient city is the Roman amphitheater. Its diameter is 96 meters, and capacity - 7 thousand people. The building contains 39 steps, its walls are decorated with bas-reliefs and sculptures, and an arched gallery is located above the stands. The structure was erected in 155 and was originally used as the theater.

Architect Zenon, which built the construction, managed to provide unique acoustics. Even at high stands, viewers can hear a quiet whisper talking on stage. This sound phenomenon allowed us to use today theater for holding musical festivals. One of the world-famous shows is the representation of the "Lights of Anatoly" - a story about the civilizations of Anatolia in the dance.

The aqueduct is a complex technical structure consisting of channels, tunnels and bridges, which was built in the second century N. e. The start of the aqueduct took not far from the village of Serik and had a length of 15 km. His goal was to supply water in city residents. Nowadays, visitors to Aspendos can see only fragments of the majestic buildings.

In Roman times, Aspendos could be reached by the Bridge across the Eurymedon River (now Kypechachai). The bridge was built in the XIII century. The revenues of the ancient bridge located in this place of the ancient bridge, built in this place, erected in the IV century and destroyed by the strongest earthquake. Stone blocks served as the basis for the construction. The structure was an arched construction, the length of which is 260 meters, width - 8 meters. At the end of the XX century, Aspenos Bridge was renovated.

Antique aspandos is open daily. Entrance to the territory of the city is free. The cost of visiting the amphitheater is 20 lir.

Ancient city amazing imagination. Of course, he is not as big and famous as his neighbor aspandos. Seleucia (or Pamfilius) is located 23 kilometers from Side among pine forests on a high mountain, which offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.

The ancient city was founded in the IV century BC. e. like a fortress. Surrounded by protective walls of 9 meters high, she hidden Side residents from the attack of Kiliyki pirates. The central gate of the walls opened a view of the quadrangular Roman Agora. It is surrounded by gallery in which trading rows were in ancient times. Baths are located in the western part of the city.

Seleucia was discovered by archaeologists only in the 20th century. Many elements of the decor of the walls of the city, mosaic, and also found here the statue of Apollo are now in the Museum of the city of Antalya.

Green canyon, located 40 kilometers from Side - Paradise for nature lovers. Canyon extends along the coast of the Keper River. Here, among the majestic Mountains Taurus, there is a lake-reservoir Ohymapinar, formed as a result of construction in 1977 by hydroelectric power plants and dams on the Manavgat River. Through this dam and leads a tunnel into a green canyon. His name was given by the emerald-green waters of the lake - the pearls of the natural park.

The depth of the lake - 130 meters. Transparent water, snow hats and fantastic nature create an incredible landscape in their beauty. Omapinar is located at an altitude of 350 meters above sea level, which makes the air temperature comfortable. Nature itself takes care of making this place attractive to relax. It is possible to ride a walking boat, swim and eat fish.

Sunny Side is always happy to guests. You can get to it from Antalya Airport by taxi or flight bus. By visiting this ancient city, you will get acquainted with another Turkey that came to contemporaries from the depths of the centuries. After all, it is not for nothing that Side is called the "open-air museum".

This is one of the main attractions of the city of Side. In Side, a lot of antiquity monuments, which is why it is quite popular among tourists. However, the ruins of the Roman antique theater built in the II century AD, are considered the most interesting object of the city. This attraction is included in the list of our site.

Once in the ancient theater consisted of about 20 thousand spectators. They all came to look at the bright battles on stage, fighting gladiators with animals, the stage of marine battles. For the safety of the audience, the scene was surrounded by a high protective wall. Theater vaults were decorated with luxurious statues. Unfortunately, to this day they reached partially destroyed.

From other ancient theaters, this attraction is distinguished by the fact that it is built on a flat platform, and not on the hill. The entrance to the theater passed through the covered galleries. In the orchestral pit had secret passages in case of a sudden attack by enemies. In the same place in the V-VI centuries. A small basil was built, as the theater during this period began to be used as an open-air open temple. In short, Side can be bolded to call the store for historians and archaeologists.

Get to Side is quite simple. Despite the fact that there are no airports in the city, the buses from Antalya and Alanya often arrive here. In both cases, the road takes about 1.5 hours.

Photo Attractions: Antique Side Theater

The city of Side in Turkey is one big attraction. Locals and tourists walk through the streets paved two thousand years ago, between old columns, arches and aqueducts ... and all for free! After all, modern Side fits perfectly in ancient Side, and they do not take money for the entrance to the city. But even in this city-museum there are special places. We highlight the main attractions of Side.

Sights Side: photo, map, how to get yourself

Main Attractions Side: Contents Articles

Side city in Turkey: brief historical certificate

Before describing the sights of Side, briefly tell about the rich history of this amazing place. The city on this narrow peninsula in the Mediterranean was founded by the Greek settlers in the VII century to our era. True, and to them there was a small village, referred to as Side, which means "grenade" on the Aboriginal dialect. Over time, Side has become an essential port in the district, which did not prevent him from surrender to Alexander Macedonsky in 334 BC. e. Two hundred years later, Side went to the Roman Empire and in its composition he became a major entertainment center and trade. Here was the largest market of slaves. Later, Side entered the Byzantium, but in the VII century, because of the devastating earthquakes and Arab raids, people left the city.

Only at the end of the XIX century on the streets of the city returned the inhabitants - he was settled by Turks-immigrants from Crete. Gradually, Side again became the center of entertainment - but in the current sense of the word. I am sure, many of you, dear readers, had the opportunity to relax in this beautiful open-air museum!

We also spent a few days here, stayed in an excellent and cheap hotel. Sayanora Park. . But the generous gifts of the "All Inclusive" system did not prevent us from seeing and evaluating the main attractions of Side! About which we will tell you now.

Amphitheater Side

Perhaps, main Landmark Side - Ancient Amphitheater. It is considered the largest of the preserved amphitheators in Turkey: at one time he accompanied up to 20 thousand spectators. Built in the second century of our era. By the way, on the scene of the theater, not only comedy and tragedy, but also gladiatorial battles, and also the battle of people with animals. In the Byzantine times, the building of the theater also used as urban quarries.

The price of a ticket: 20 lire.

In ancient Rome, the theater did not begin with hangers, but from the prebno room. And then the real hanger began!

Attractions Side: The local antique theater is the largest of the preserved in Turkey.

20 thousand spectators were placed on all the theater tiers, including the top (the entrance to it is now closed).

The photo session on the ruins of ancient times was the favorite entertainment of the residents of Side.

Antique theater in Side: After several centuries of raids and earthquakes, the scene remains bad.

However, some images, carving and other details are visible perfectly.

Fountain Nyphum

Fountain Nimifum is located just on the way from the bus station or from many hotels in the old town of Side. Built in the second century of our era. It used to be three-story and very beautiful: marble, elegant statues, frescoes ... Now there are only two floors. Rather, one and a half. But the construction is still preserved relatively well.

By the way, the fragments with a fairly interesting thread folded in front of the fountain is its parts that broke down due to earthquakes.

Input price: free.

Fountain Nimifum in Side: how he looks now and how he was almost two thousand years ago.

Sights Side: Fountain Nimfeum - the first thing that will meet you on the way from the hotel to the Old Town.

Gate Vespasiana

This Triumphal Arch impressed us even more than other sights of Side. Alone (about 6 meters!) The gate was built in the first century of our era in honor of the Roman emperor Vespasian. According to the legend, the emperor gave the architects to the task to create a triumphal arch with the expectation that a two-storey tourist bus was fluent in it after 2000 years. So now it is now under it seeming ants on the background of the gate tourists and cars. In the niches of the walls next to the gate, the statues of noble citizens and, in fact, the emperor (now a monument to Vespasiana is stored in Berlin).

Input price: free.

Sights Side, Turkey. Vespasian Gate: Front view ...

... and rear view.

Temple of Apollo

This photo of this Side attractions can be seen on most tourist avenues and advertising posters. However, everything that remains from the majestic Building of the Apollo temple in Side is five columns. Moreover, it seems, they appeared here not without the participation of modern technical means))) And in the II century, when this temple was built, he was a big rectangular building, acquired by 34 columns of nine-meter height. The temple of Apollo in Side is destroyed by an earthquake in the X century.

Input price: free.

Sights Side, Turkey. The canonical photo of the temple of Apollo, which is in the album of any tourist who visited this city.

Do not be lazy to return to the Apollo temple at sunset as we. You will have to pass through the building of the annoying waiters, but in the award you will get it!

Antique Side Museum

Not all Side Attractions are open-air. Many of the most interesting exhibits found during the excavations of the city of Side are located in the local historical museum.

The Side Museum is located near the gate of Vespacian in the well-preserved building of the Roman bath of the V century building. The museum has several halls divided by the subject. And of course, a cozy inner courtyard with peacocks and indispensable Turkish cats. By the way, you can take pictures in the museum freely.

Ticket price: 10 lire.

The entrance to the Side Museum is at the most gate of Vespasian.

Attractions Side on the city map

Popular hotels Side

Many Side Attractions are near hotels. Therefore, the location of the hotel is not so important - the main thing, pay attention to the booking system to show you the hotel in Side, and not somewhere on the severity or in the neighboring manavgate, located far from the sea. Food in Restaurants Side dear, so we advise you to stop either in hotels "All Inclusive" or in self-catering apartments. Book a hotel in Side You can on many booking systems:

Friends, and what sights of Side remember you? We are waiting for your feedback! And do not forget: we send our readers only the most interesting!

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The remains of the Roman theater, which accommodate almost 20 thousand spectators preserved in Side. It was built in the middle of the II century AD. Building there are elements that distinguish it from other theaters built earlier. It is built at all as Ellinov - on the slope of the mountain, and in the Roman style - on a flat site, the seats hold on the vaulted arches, the arches themselves - on the foundation. Viewers entered it through the covered galleries and rose to their row on the stairs. The scene and vaults were decorated with statues and tiles. Everything that remains today is the masks of tragedy and comedy, embarrassed heads jellyfish, scattered along the scene.

In the time of the Romans, the fights of gladiators with predatory animals were arranged here, as well as the staging of marine battles, for which the scene was filled with water. In order to safety around the scene, the wall was built with a height of 1.5 m. In the V-VI centuries, the theater became a Christian temple.

Near the theater in a semiconductor building there is an antique public toilet on 24 seats with sewage.