Andrei Malakhov takes an interview with Oliver Stone. Oliver Stone told Andrei Malakhov Unknown details from filming about Vladimir Putin

Andrei Malakhov takes an interview with Oliver Stone. Oliver Stone told Andrei Malakhov Unknown details from filming about Vladimir Putin
July 10, 2017.

The film crew program "Let them say" specifically flew to Paris for an interview with the director.

June 19 on the first channel of Oliver Stone "Interview with Putin". Since then, the disputes around the seen do not subside: Some, others - praise and admire. Especially for the program Andrei Malakhov, the Oscar-axis director told unknown persons for previously details from the filming of the film.

Andrei Malakhov talked with Oliver Stone / Photo: Frame from the program

The first thing Oliver Stone drew attention is the appearance of Vladimir Putin. The director pleasantly surprised the fact that the President of Russia turned out to be a man impeccable. "His appearance was with a needle. When I watch the record, I see that my hair sticks out in all directions. Americans would say that I look like a bear Ball from the Jungle Book, and he was on Tiger Sherhahan. We laughed at this, "Stone remembered. In addition to discussing important political and social issues related to Russia and America, the director asked the president and about his day mode.

"One of the key questions that I asked the President (some for some reason do not find it important):" How much do you sleep? " He told that she sleeps 6-7 hours. To maintain such a schedule requires a good discipline. You can't go to a party, you can not enjoy the same way that ordinary people. You refuse all this, become a monk. Since at any moment something happens at any time. And on the solution of the issue in the middle of the night will be only 15 minutes. And this is a very hard work, "Oliver told. Stone could not touch the topics of the family of Vladimir Vladimirovich. In an interview with Oliver, the President said that, however, he was not so much time for communication with his grandchildren, and is proud of both daughters.

TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva expressed her opinion on the film Oliver Stone about Vladimir Putin / Photo: Frame from the program

Guests in the studio - famous TV presenters and journalists discussed the work of the American director, expressing the hope that the relations of Russia and America ever will be applied.

In mid-June, the first channel showed a documentary film American director Oliver Stone "Putin". The multi-year audience of four evenings was literally chained to the TV screens to learn more about the President of Russia. Leading programs "Let them say" and the chief editor of the Starhit Edition Andrei Malakhov met in Paris with the author of the documentary film to find out what questions did not dare to ask the head of the head of our country. The man gave a frank interview, which revealed all the secrets of the meeting with Vladimir Putin.

The director told that the Americans do not seek to understand our president. The man noted that the head of state looked perfectly - he was wearing immaculate. Oliver Stone said that they were full of opposites with Vladimir Vladimirovich, but he respected him very much. The director surprised the answer to the question when he asked, as the head of state, it is possible to withstand the schedule for 16 years. "And when it was a simple time, never just," said Putin.

Anatoly Kucherena, a close friend of Stone, appeared in the studio "Let them say". He noted that the director did everything so that Putin could understand both in America and in other countries of the world. Andrei Malakhov recalled that over the course of a four-hour record of the program, Vladimir Vladimirovich did not leave anywhere, including to the toilet. The leading "time" program Ekaterina Andreeva said that she was "direct line" several times with the president. The star of Efi was also surprised by his exposure.

Also, the presenter "let them say" made the emphasis on the fact that after the release of a documentary film, some Western media had collected critical comments on the director. They noted that you need to possess courage to create such a film.

Guests in the studio noted that Oliver Stonu managed to learn about the privacy of the president. The director asked whether Putin was often seen with his daughters and their families. Vladimir Vladimirovich admitted that he does not argue with the hazard, but he disublists. The head of state reiterated that his heiress is not engaged in politics and large business - they work in the sphere of science and education.

Oliver Stone admitted that he never knew the exact schedule of filming.

"Two hours today, three tomorrow. Could call a call - come to the Kremlin late at night or day. And we did not know how much it would last, "Stone admitted.

The American director told Malakhov, that, in his opinion, Putin enjoyed the conversation with him. He tried to be polite. Stone admitted that he has no journalistic education, and therefore did not become a tough formulate questions as it was accepted. He believed that the most important thing is to hear and be able to empathize with the hero. The man was important to get the version of Putin's truth. Malakhov noticed that Stone was interviewed by Vladimir Vladimirovich in the car. He hoped that so their conversation would be more relaxed. The President admitted that he had a cherished dream, but he did not disclose it.

Along with Oliver Stone over the film, two operators worked, one of them, Anthony Dod Mentle, received Oscar for the film "Millionaire from Slumb." Andrei Malakhov presented the director's disc with the film "Love and Pigeons" with Lyudmila Gurchenko in the lead role. His team Stone asked to take his room to be in touch, as he probably knows everyone in Moscow.

Leading "Let them say" noted that one of the goals of the film "Putin" - to look into the eyes of a person who has a nuclear button at hand. He confessed to Malakhov, which he understood: Vladimir Vladimirovich is not the person who will press her first.

The film about Vladimir Putin, on the European Premiere of the film in Paris gave an exclusive interview with Russian television. In it, the director told that he was left behind the four-steria film on the Russian president, who watched 40 million people on TV and five million in the network.

On words that, after such an unprecedented success, Stone may well qualify for Russian citizenship, the director replied that he was a patriot, and loves America. At the same time, he noted that he has "just in case" there is French citizenship.

"For me personally, it was the discovery that no one knows in America, what your president thinks about," said Oliver Stone in an interview with TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, shown in the program "Let them say" on the first channel. "The world stands on the threshold of the nuclear war, but Putin, I'm sure, will not be the first to click on the button," the director answered the question that he in the global sense understood after communicating with the Russian leader.

In addition, he shared in that he especially struck him in meetings with the President of Russia. "Mr. Putin is a careful person, it was taught it. All 20 hours of our conversations, he never went to the toilet, I respect. He knows the measure in everything, does not drink too much water, just a impeccable person, "Stone said.

At the same time, he admired the appearance of the Russian leader, noting that he was "with a needle." "When I watch the record, I see that my hair sticks out in all directions. Americans would say that I look like a bear Ball from the "Jungle Book", and he was on Tiger Sherhana, "said the American director.

One of the key stones called Vladimir Putin, associated with how much he sleeps. "He told that he was sleeping six to seven hours. To maintain such a schedule requires a good discipline. You can't go to a party, you can not enjoy the same way that ordinary people. You refuse all this, become a monk, "the author of the film" Putin "is divided.

Oliver Stone remembered how when he was small, Ronald Reagan stated on the radio that after 15 minutes the bombing of the USSR will begin. "I stood and cried right outside, as I expected that in 15 minutes my life would be interrupted. It was really a very terrible situation, and I asked Vladimir Putin, as he copes with all this as much as 16 years! "The director admired.

On the air, the film "Putin" and the response to it of foreign media discussed in the studio. "When Oliver Stone said about the fact that the president may not go to the toilet in many hours, I always have this question when I look straight lines ... I would already, of course, washed away somewhere," Andrei Malakhov noted with humor .

Andrei Malakhov went to Paris especially in order to talk to the director Oliver Stone about his last documentary film. Recall, the American director released a sensational picture of Vladimir Putin, which revealed a lot of secrets of the president.

Malakhov asked Stone about the details of communicating with Vladimir Vladimirovich, as well as the impressions of the director from the dialogue with the president. However, to post the interview with the entire TV presenter did not, because it will become part of one of the issues of the program "Let them say".

The sensational meeting occurred in one of Paris hotels, and communication lasted for several hours. Malakhov assured his subscribers that the director was specially revealed for him several parts of work on the "Interview with Putin" tape.

"He made it a show," says Oliver Stone about interviews with the President of the Russian Federation Malakhov.

Recall, the documentary picture about Vladimir Putin came out in June 2017, and caused an incredible excitement. The famous director managed to learn some details from personal life policies. So, the President of the Russian Federation spoke that he had long become grandfather.

"You know my children, despite all sorts of rumors, live here in Moscow. And I have grandchildren. My daughters are engaged in science, education, do not climb into politics. As for grandchildren, someone has already goes to kindergarten. I don't want them to grow "princes of blood", I want to grow up with normal people, "Vladimir Vladimirovich admitted. - It is worth only to say age, the name, how they will be identified. Everything is fine with me, I ask me to understand me correctly. The second grandson was recently born. "

Judging by the stir, which caused a short video from "Instagram" Andrei Malakhov, an interview with Oliver Stone promises to be scandalous and sensational. You can get acquainted with it very soon, because the release of "let them say", dedicated to communicating TV presenter with the director, is already preparing for Efira.

All week, the TV chuckled an announcements in an interview with Andrei Malakhov with Oliver Stone. The audience promised the final disclosure of the secrets that did not enter the four-stero "Putin". The TV host personally went to Paris, where the European film premiere was held.

The secrets turned out to be less than it was supposed. Unless the revelations of Malakhov himself hinted to the community of fate with Vladimir Vladimirovich should be adopted for the mystery. The president and the TV host started almost simultaneously; Since then both (daily) seventeenth year on the screen. The conversation did not work. Tired Oliver reluctantly quoted himself, which was not at all embarrassed Malakhov. Rare replicas he generously diluted with pieces from the film "Putin", and now the sensation is ready.

It seemed nothing foreshadowed a vertical takeoff of Malakhovsky career. Amplua has him without that enviable. Smoking cats, risked girls and separately taken naked Alexey Panin bring an excellent rating. A.M. has a wonderful gift to give absurd the status of reality. The key to the success of his show is the coincidence of the format with the person of the lead. In Malakhov, the kindness with cynicism, softness with stiffness, reliability with an infinite ethical deafness, pathological performance with the fillery of the secular lion is. But what is not exactly not in it, so it is a political vein. Why did they throw it on the forefight? After all, Stone is little similar to the smoking cat and even less - on the raped girl. In the depths of the first channel, the mass of famous political habitats is gained. Won Vernitsky went to Hamburg, and how nice he worked there. I'm not talking about such masters of the genre as Fadeev or Leontiev. So why did Malakhov sent to the responsible task, ACSA entertainment TV?

I suppose this feature of the historical moment. When the information is replaced by the version versions, and the elections and the choice are predetermined, human feelings become the main engine of the process.

Ekaterina Andreeva in the studio let them say "

Malakhov is the best seller of emotions in the Fatherland. So this time for the discussion of your "exclusive" he collected a publicly sensitive public in the studio. Each expert tried to show that he was the intention of the first person known than others. From the stream of general words, the viewer catches the main thing. To Anatoly Kucheren Stone comes home. Margarita Simonyan has the son of the American director. Ekaterina Andreeva, a rare guest of a talk show, it knows that the daughters of Vladimir Vladimirovich quietly went to the disco party and never "were not under the cargo of daddy weight."

Andrei Karaulov in the studio of Andrei Malakhov. Frame

There are also Karaulov, the author of unanswered letters to the president about his grave share, decided to take revenge. He began to deploy a large-scale cloth about the attempts on Putin, the details of which only he, Karaulov know. Passion was not allowed for a long time - the presenter cut off the speaker on the half-word.

Meanwhile, Malakhov drawn unnamed competitors from NTV, who launched new Russian sensations called "Das Ist Putin". Five years ago, the German journalist Hubert Zaipel released the film "I - Putin. Portrait". And now, colleagues inspired by the success of Stone Malakhov, interviewed the author. Sensations here, as well as the above mentioned excellent studies of political production, zero, but the trend is important. Television Putinian is gaining momentum.

Fragment of the film "Putin" Oliver Stone. Frame of the First Canal

There are only five years old between the Stone and Zaper, and the whole eternity seems to be. One created a parade portrait, the other is far from the parade. At Zapel in a rather ironic light, "United Russia" with its pompous congresses. Here flickers a kind of Russian democracy. There is even a hint of a hopelessness of the president's effort, accustomed to everything to control everything. And nevertheless the film came out. I dare to assume that Vladimir Vladimirovich decided to ignore particular in the name of the main idea, which is important for him. Putin brushes Zaper - a tough, increhensible politician, who gets rude for Russia and only for it. He is flesh from the flesh of the people, from which he came out: "I should be as the people want to see me." True, now the same author in an interview is almost not distinguished by the set of semantic cripping from Stone.

The only live scene of the Putin blockbuster looks like this. The President's office is a teleconference with representatives of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Standing against the background of the Terrible Military Technology, representatives report the Supreme Commander: "There will be continued activities for the development of success." Stone clearly does not understand what is happening. The translator is also confused - try to translate this exclusive to the human language.

Everything is sinking in a dynamic salivation. I even had a thought of crept: maybe so specifically conceived?

Against the background of the Kolaopsky fussy, the image of the president begins to rise in Mont Blanc in the middle of its environment.

Malakhov only begins his steep route in the abyss of election politics, the rest will catch up. Karaulov already pulled up. I scored the full chest of air and pre-prominct: "Soon there will be a straight line of Putin with America." Development activities continue.