Andrei Kovalev: biography, personal life, family, songs, musical career and photos. Andrey Kovalev Biography Personal Life

Andrei Kovalev: biography, personal life, family, songs, musical career and photos. Andrey Kovalev Biography Personal Life

Andrei Kovalev was born in Moscow in the family of a military and opera singer. Mom Andrei, for 35 years, sang in the Bolshoi Theater, father - Colonel of the Soviet Army.

Divorced, daughter born in 1990


Andrei has mastered the musical instruments back in the preschool period: "Violin, Cello, Double Bass - four hours of classes every day." After school, Andrei planned to enter the School at the conservatory in the class of double bass. However, fate ordered otherwise and he graduated from the Moscow Automobile Road Institute. Later, carried away the sculpture, entered the Stroganov Higher Art School, where he studied for several years.

Business and charity

In the late 80s, Andrei Kovalev organized the company "Prestige" for the sale of furniture. In parallel, he led the political career, was the Deputy Department of the Forest Foundation, a member of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy.

In the late 1990s - early 2000s began to create large business centers in the territories of closing Moscow factories, reconstructing them on their own sketches.

In August 2007, Andrei Kovalev bought three unprofitable pasta factories in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Smolensk, as well as trademarks of "Extra M" and "noble". The amount of the transaction was $ 55 million.

Best days

In 2008, I created a 1rock media holding, which included Rock Club 1rock (the current name of the club - PIPL), the magazine "1rok", satellite TV channel, an online portal and a radio station dedicated to rock music. In 2010, the project was closed.

Andrei Kovalev actively participates in charitable concerts and promotions aimed at social support in Moscow residents, helps students of boarding schools for orphans, pupils of the Preobrazhensky Cadet Corps, war and labor veterans, lonely mothers and other representatives of the categories of socially unprotected citizens.

Musical career

With the Finnish team "Apocalyptic"

In the student years he played the bass guitar in the Pilgrim group. The musician itself remembers:

Our own group was called "Wings of Wings", later "Rus". Almost at each festival, we had a new name, and so it went on until I accidentally met that very guitarist, who suggested that we return the old name "Pilgrim". And I wrote the song "Pilgrim" on the same day ... We performed more and more Music "Deep Purple"

In 2004, Andrei Kovalev resumed a creative career, began to write poems and songs again. He released several solo albums, recorded duets with a number of famous pop artists (Lubash, Sasha Project, Katya Lel, Tutsi), who were actively broadcast on leading TV channels. A few songs of Andrei Kovaleva perform pop stars (Danko and Katya Lel). In 2006, together with Diana, Gurzkaya recorded the duet of "nine months" (music of Kim Breitburg, the words of Ilya Reznik). The song dedicated to young mothers entered the Soundtrack of the movie of the same name. The work appreciated Alla Pugacheva.

In 2006, Andrei Kovalev became interested in Havie Metal, recreated the Pilgrim group. In 2007, at the Rock Festival Basinfirefest (Czech Republic) Andrei Kovalev and his Pilgrim represented Russia. In 2008, "Pilgrim" switched, after the split in the Master group, Guitarist Alexey Straik and Drummer Alexander Karpukhin. The group produced several albums in the style of heavy metal.

In 2005-2008, the rock festivals "Glory of Russia! Glory to Moscow! "," Slava of Russia! Glory to Orl! " And "Glory to Russia! Glory to Lower Novgorod! " On the largest of them in Moscow, the number of spectators reached 40,000.

It is the organizer of the festival for young groups "for take-off!", Created and finances free rehearsal platforms for its teams.

In 2011, the artist resumed the solo career and returned to the creation and execution of lyric compositions.

Video clips

Team with Pamela after shooting clip

Andrei Kovalev talking about the work on the clip "Sol, Tequila and Slice Lyme" (director Alexander Solokha and operator Eduard Mashkovich, 2004), where the author's own "Harley Davidson" of the author and a rare cabriolet "Cadillac" of 1964, noticed that the plot Borrowed from Robert Rodriguez's tape "Desperado": "El Maryacho" opposes gang of bikers:

"Despite some comical hyperboles, this" action "is very close to me and partly reminds my biography."

Simultaneously with the enthusiasm "heavy" music, Kovalev is fond of driving on the bikes, which, as well as the passion for music, is rooted in his children's years, when the head of the Colonel gave him a "Tula" scooter. Biker theme - Leitmotifs of many video clips of the Kovalev team. In the sketch "Ryiv Motors" (the year of release of the clip - 2008), which is a mini-film, starred Pamela Anderson. The musician recalls:

With Pamela Anderson, I am friends for a long time. Even the song wrote about her, discontinuing the history of our relationship. The last two lines are there such: "If you do not return to Moscow, change you from Lady Gaga." Pamela was married twice, but never put on a wedding dress, and she did not have a single real wedding. Therefore, when she found out that she was offered to play in a wedding dress - immediately agreed to participate. In addition, she liked our song "Ryiv Motors".

In another clip "Pilgrim" ("Do not quench a candle", 2009) Dolph Lundgren starred. In his interview, Andrei Kovalev reports:

Dolph Lundgren called, said that he removes the movie "Command Performance" and wants us to play themselves there. He chose one of our songs, which we fulfilled in the film. There, on the plot at the Music Festival, terrorists captured hostages, including the President of Russia, he fits on the gangsters from the machine ... And we have already done your clip after shooting on the basis of frames from the film.

In 2009, the video clip "Judas" was released, filmed together with the Apocalyptica group.

In 2011-2012, 12 new clips were published on the screens of leading music channels of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus: "Martha", "forgot", "if you could only", "fly", "maple leaf", "I will be all my life Waiting for you, "" I am not a hero "," Pamela "," My Woman "with Elena Coryamik," God given to me, "in which the actress of the theater and the movie Olesya Sudzilovskaya starred," Turn the fire to me "with the participation of Olga Budina and New Year Clip for the song "Snow is coming."


Andrei Kovalev is the author of the music and words most of his songs (they are written more than 600 songs in different styles). In 2004, he released the book of Pearls and Velvet poems, in 2006 - "Sky Xin". In April 2012, the collection of poems "to you one" comes.

Television and radio

Andrei Kovalev led a number of broadcasts on television and radio, including:

"Formula of Success" (Capital Channel),

"Man and woman" (Radio "Pops"),

"Live Sound" (Public Russian Radio).


In 2005-2009 Deputy of the Moscow City Duma.

In the politics of Kovalev, it is known for promoting the bill to ban the use of the phonogram (co-author of the Moscow draft law "On the procedure for informing consumers when using the phonogram"), as well as the fight against audio. In this undertaking, he was supported by famous domestic musicians, including Alexander Gradsky.

The deputy himself noticed in his public speeches:

Why in America or in Germany no one sings under the phonogram? Because if someone rushes, then to all of the time it will become the object of cruel ridicule - the Western press swallows such performers along the wall.

The question is not afraid of a fans with "plywood" to infringe the financial interests of show business players and "repeat the sad fate of the banker Andrei Kozlov or singer Abraham Russo", the deputy answered:

I have a good guard, and in general I am afraid of only colds. In general, there are very many dishonest people in show business. None in the form of business there is no such quantity. Black cash, bribers and shootouts remained in the 80-90s with red jackets, and only in the show business remained these birthmarks. It is necessary to eliminate them!

As a deputy Andrei Kovalev initiated concerts in Moscow at the bottom of the city in 2006 "Pops without a phonogram".

Under his patronage, the stars of the domestic pop "We are for a living sound!".

Andrei Kovalev was the organizer of a number of music events, among whom the touring Patriotic Rock Festival "Glory of Russia", the festival for young groups "for take-off!", Concerts of the Master group.


The identity and work of Andrei Kovaleva is actively highlighted in the mass media, receiving contradictory feedback from journalists and critics.

Viktor Shenderovich released several devotioned articles about the Pilgrim group, where he wrote that there was no soul in the songs and the execution of Kovall, and "instead of a meaningful action - a vulgar show, designed for the public-fool. And the surplus of temperament is not broken from those places. " Also, a journalist has an extreme discontent caused a remake of the song Viktor Tsoi "Change".

The same opinion about Kovalev Nikolai Fandeyev. Reviewing the album "Sky Sin", he wrote that it was "a vain attempt of a unlucky singer to perform a mixture of restaurant music and tasteless of the Soviet pop of the 70s of the last century."

Sonya Sokolova appreciates Andrei Kovalev and the results of his creative work more positively: "Andrei Kovaleva, everything works very and quite well: they work with him one of the best arrangers and musicians, it organizes festivals and actively helps young groups, and at the same time he became co-owner of a major information agency "," If you look at Kovalev attentively, you know: before you - a person, very skillfully and with humor, constructed Public Image and painstakingly working on him. "

Many neutral and positive publications are devoted to the fight against speeches under the phonogram.

Andrei Kovalev - Emilia's Mushroom Father, Daughters Kati Lel (Great Mother - Lyudmila Nastov).

On June 30, 2010, the attackers stole the exclusive bike musician, who was assembled on special marking in the most famous European Tuning Atelier Fred Kodlin. Motorcycle soon found.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

    1 / 5

    ✪ Andrey Kovalev - Airports

    ✪ Andrei Kovalev - it does not erase from the memory (the premiere of the clip!)

    ✪ Andrei Kovalev and Elena Corikova - "My Woman"

    ✪ Andrei Kovalev - Favorite Women / Video Album /

    ✪ Andrey Kovalev and Olesya Sudzilovskaya - God given to me



A family

Andrei Kovalev was born in Moscow in the family of a military and opera singer. Mom Kovaleva, for 35 years, sang in the Bolshoi Theater, Father - Colonel of the Soviet Army.

Divorced, daughter Julia born in 1990.


Musical instruments have mastered the preschool period: "Violin, Cello, Double Bass - four hours of classes every day." After school, Kovalev was planning to enter the School at the Conservatory in the class of double bass. However, fate ordered otherwise and he graduated. Later, carried away the sculpture, entered the Stroganov Higher Art School, where he studied for several years.

Business and charity

Actively participates in charitable concerts and promotions aimed at social support of Moscow residents, helps students of boarding schools for orphans, pupils of the Preobrazhensky Cadet Corps, war and labor veterans, lonely mothers and other representatives of categories of socially unprotected citizens.

Musical career

In the student years he played the bass guitar in the Pilgrim group. The musician itself remembers:

Our own group was called "Wings of Wrath"Later "RUS '". Almost at each festival, we had a new name, and so it went on until I accidentally met that very guitarist, who suggested that we return the old name "Pilgrim". And I wrote the song "Pilgrim" on the same day ... We performed more and more Music "Deep Purple"

In 2005, Andrei Kovalev became interested in Hevi-Metal, recreated the Pilgrim group. In 2007, at the Basinfirefest Rock Festival (Czech Republic), Andrei Kovalev and his Pilgrim represented Russia. In 2008, "Pilgrim" switched, after the split in the Master group, Guitarist Alexey Straik and Drummer Alexander Karpukhin. The group produced several albums in the style of heavy metal.

Video clips

Andrei Kovalev talking about the work on the clip "Sol, Tequila and Slice Lyme" (director Alexander Solokha and operator Eduard Mashkovich, 2004), where the author's own "Harley Davidson" of the author and a rare cabriolet "Cadillac" of 1964, noticed that the plot Borrowed from Robert Rodriguez's tape "Desperado": "El Maryacho" opposes gang of bikers:

"Despite some comical hyperboles, this" action "is very close to me and partly reminds my biography."

With Pamela Anderson, I am friends for a long time. Even the song wrote about her, discontinuing the history of our relationship. The last two lines are there such: "If you don't come back to Moscow, change you from Lady Gaga". Pamela was married twice, but never put on a wedding dress, and she did not have a single real wedding. Therefore, when she found out that she was offered to play in a wedding dress - immediately agreed to participate. In addition, she liked our song "Ryiv Motors".

In another clip "Pilgrim" ("Do not quench a candle", 2009) Dolph Lundgren starred. In his interview, Andrei Kovalev reports ::

In 2011-2012, the musical channels of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus broadcast 12 new clips: "Martha", "forgotten", "if you could only", "fly", "maple leaf", "I will wait for you all my life" , "I'm not a hero", "Pamela", "My Woman" with Elena Cinnova, "God given to me," in which the actress of the theater and the cinema Olesya Sudzilovskaya starred, "Turn the fire to me" with the participation of Olga Budina and the New Year's clip on the song "Snow goes".


Andrei Kovalev - author of the music and words most of his songs (they are written more than 600 songs in different styles). In 2004 he published a book of poems "Pearl and velvet", in 2006 - "Sky Xin". In April 2012, the publishing house "Academy of Poetry" released the third collection of poems "You are one".

Television and radio

Andrei Kovalev led a number of broadcasts on television and radio, including:

  • the author's program on the radio "says Moscow",
  • "Formula of Success" (Capital Channel),
  • "Visiting Kovaleva" (Capital Channel),
  • "Man and woman" (Radio "Pops"),
  • "Live Sound" (Public Russian Radio).


The deputy himself noticed in his public speeches:

To the question, whether the wrestler is not afraid of the fans with the financial interests of show-business players and "repeat the sad fate of Banker Andrei Kozlov or singer Abraham Rousseau", the deputy answered:


The identity and work of Andrei Kovaleva is actively highlighted in the mass media, receiving contradictory feedback from journalists and critics.

The same opinion about Kovalev was Nikolai Fandev. Reviewing the album "Sky Sin", he wrote that it was "A vain attempt of a unlucky singer perform a mixture of restaurant music and tasteless of the Soviet pop in the 1970s of the last century" .

The media presents mention that in the 1990s Andrei Kovalev was associated with criminal groups.

Many neutral and positive publications are dedicated to the fight against speeches under the phonogram.



  • 2004 - "Salt, Tequila ..."
  • 2005 - "Sky Xin"
  • 2007 - "Nine months"
  • 2007 - "Loda and Flame"
  • 2007 - "Man and woman"
  • 2008 - "Author's Song"
  • 2008 - "The best songs of Andrei Kovaleva"
  • 2008 - "Romances"
  • 2012 - "My Woman"
  • 2014 - "Songs about love"
  • 2014 - "March"


  • 2007 - "Slava of Russia"
  • 2008 - "Concert in the rain" (DVD)
  • 2009 - "Triz $" (single)
  • 2010 - "March"
  • 2015 - "Kill Dragon"


  • 2007 - "Forgot"
  • 2007 - "Nine months"
  • 2007 - "Love Koston"
  • 2007 - "City of Angels"
  • 2012 - "And I all dreams of your eyes"
  • 2012 - "You are my tenderness"
  • 2012 - "Road"
  • 2012 - "My Woman"
  • 2012 - "I will wait for you all my life"
  • 2014 - "Man and Woman"
  • 2014 - "Train of Love"
  • 2014 - "Syrotinushka"
  • 2014 - "Salt, Tequila"
  • 2014 - "Martov Cat"
  • 2014 - "Give me, Lord, this woman"
  • 2016 - "It will not erase from the memory"
  • 2016 - "I was waiting for"
  • 2016 - "Such a woman"
  • 2016 - "I don't want to be with you"
  • 2016 - "Work, Brothers" (Memory of the Hero of Russia Magomed Nurbagandova)

Video clips

Year Song
2011 Only love can save
2011 Forgot
2011 Martha
2011 Nine month
2011 Man and woman
2011 If you could only
2011 Little angel
2012 My woman
2012 Fly
2012 God given to God
2012 I'll wait for you all my life
2012 Turn to me that fire
2013 Snow goes
2013 Take-off landing
2013 Give me, Lord, this woman
2014 Road
2014 And I all dreams of your eyes
2014 Revolvers and dolls
2014 Airports
2015 It will not go out of memory


  1. Andrey Kovalev and group Pilgrim History of the Pilgrim Group
  2. The court recorded 9.5 million rubles from O2TV in favor of the Singer-businessman Kovaleva
    "Deputy Moscow City Duma Andrei Kovalev:" Earth in the capital should be sold at market prices ""
  3. Kommersant firm - Fatal Investment
  4. Pasta can rise in price one and a half times due to grain rise in price (Neopr.) . Society. (October 19, 2010). - President of OJSC "First Makaronny Company" Andrei Kovalev said today that due to the rise in price of grain prices for pasta can grow one and a half times. Date of appeal June 13, 2013.

Singer Birthday 7 June (Gemini) 1957 (62) Birthplace Moscow Instagram @andreykovalev_russia

The creative talent of Andrei Arkadyevich Kovalev is difficult to limit whatever the framework. Kovalev Multifaceted: Author and artist songs, creator of music for them, television and radio host, producer, organizer of festivals, businessman. His rock band "Pilgrim" became legendary. But not only a heavy rock inspires Maestro: different genres are subject to him. He is an active opponent of the performance of songs under Phaneru. He himself sings only live and convinces to abandon the phonogram of other performers.

Biography Andrei Kovalev

The future star lit in Moscow on June 7, 1957, in the family of the Opera Singer and Colonel. Mom grasped a little Andryusha awe's reverent attitude to music. In 4 years he easily performed the piano works, mastered other tools. Subsequently graduated from the music school in the Cello class.

Dad-Military did not consider music to male occupation and, in order to distract her son, presented a guy a motorcycle. The calculation was justified: the conservatory of the young man preferred the Moscow Road Institute.

But the music did not let go of a young man. He masters the bass guitar and begins to play Via Pilgrim. That is how it will call a legendary group that has become a legendary group.

Annected Father of Anna Kalashnikova decided to adopt his

Personal life of Andrei Kovaleva

The passion for interior design, study in Stroganovka, the creation of a furniture cooperative, the state service - nothing could be rented music in the heart of Kovalev. Even when the business went to the mountain, and the time did not remain at all, he found a watch for his beloved classes.

Created by Kovalev in 2005, the "Pilgrim" group became the legend of heavy rock. In its repertoire, there are many strong compositions - lyrical, patriotic, truly male: "Glory of Russia!", "Judas", "Predators" and others. "Pilgrims" starred in the tape "Dangerous tour" of the Hollywood Star Dolph Lundgrena. Hit "Do not quit a candle" - Soundtrack to this movie. And in the video clip to the composition "Road of Motors" played a magnificent Pamela Anderson.

Kovalev as a solo singer performs in various genres: from heavy music to lyrical romances and chanson. Many of his songs became hits: "Forgot", "Airports", "Man and Woman", "9 months". The album "My Woman" was an excellent gift, filled with lyrical romantic compositions.

Latest news about Andrei Kovalev

Beautiful and talented, he always had success in women. He is attributed to novels with many actresses, singers and models. Married Andrei Arkadyevich in 30 years. Tatiana's wife gave him a daughter with a yule.

Now this family broke up, but the former spouses remained friends. Now the artist and businessman have a serious relationship with Odessans Maria Bulgaca, which is much younger. They raise their son Nikita, but they are not in a hurry to enter into official marriage.

The singer Andrei Kovalev's time is painted in minutes. Now he actively concerts throughout Russia. He is eagerly awaited at mass events, and in chamber parties. In addition to creating songs, Kovalev leads transmission on television and radio, is engaged in charity and public activities.

Singer and businessman - frequent guest of telestroy. The site found out Andrei Kovalev, than he likes the project, and with whom he communicates with the real life. Plus, the singer spoke about his business, a relationship with his son and a welcome birthday gift.

Andrey Kovalev
Photo: "Instagram"

Andrei Kovaleva knows and honor many - he is a businessman, famous in wide ranges, which was able to put a huge fortune and stay at the first line of the rating of the richest people in Russia for many years. Andrei is also engaged in music, opens its own food sites and leads serious financial affairs. It seems that the whole life of Kovalev is devoted to work, but in reality he is a very responsive and kind person who is ready not only to communicate with people, but also give them wise advice. So, Andrei more than once was among the star experts on the Talk Show "Dom-2. Hearing "and even communicated with the participants of the telestroy outside the studio.

Today, June 7, Kovalev was 61 years old. In honor of the significant date, Andrei responded to the most trusted questions from the site and explained why he launched a loss, at the first villain, the project, as he copes with envious people, and what it attracts "House-2".

Andrei, what is the most important gift you dream today to get?

I have already received all the gifts that you can, among them and very expensive. Let me just say good words - this is the most important thing! And gifts are absolutely not important. I know that friends and artists will come to my birthday, I will be glad to everyone. I note two days - 7 and 8th of June, because I know that all my numerous fans will come to congratulate me.

Do you have no life companion now?

No, I have a single. But we are here with one girl-blonde on the "House-2" so embraced, she is very pretty, I am directly worried! I do not know, maybe I reveal some secret now, but we are already rewritten. Let her name remain a mystery.

Kovalev rewrites with a blonde from reality, whose name is carefully hiding
Photo: "Instagram"

If you understand that she is "the same", take it from "House-2"?

Sure. And maybe I will come to her project. Here we will give heat there! It is necessary to show what beautiful love is!

You and the frequent guest of our studio. What attracts realities so much?

To me, as a chief specialist in our country in relations between men and women, all open passions, contradictions are very interesting. Plus, there are some models of behavior that must understand everything: for example, a woman beat is not good. Well, it's not good to beat a woman, and there is no other option! And I wonder to convey it to others, I like to disassemble, from which happiness is built. After all, for the sake of this happiness, you can forgive some minor things, for example, treason. I help in many ways to understand, and I am pleased when everything is suitable after the program.

Do you communicate with any participants after filming, not counting the very blonde?

Sure. One day, Roma Kapacla approached me and says: "Andrei, I really want to come to your business lecture, because I want a career, but I don't understand anything in it. I want to earn a million rubles per month. " And I invited him to a lecture, which I will read myself.

I am interesting to me "House-2", and I am interested in him, because after filming, when the cameras are turned off, they are usually suited, as they say, as they liked, photographed into memory. We are needed to each other - melted life and experience people, such as me, and young people who lack experience, but they want to get it.

Andrey - a frequent guest "House-2"
Photo: "Instagram"

Do not think about the fact that many people knowing about your legal financial situation, simply want money from you, not life advice?

I am a person already adult and wise life experience. Of course, it is noticeable that many people need something from me. But believe me, there is a huge number of people who are sincerely loved without any money there - they do not need anything from me there. We are just friends, because we are good together. And there are a lot of such people. Of course, I notice that sometimes the relationship of people to me is measured by the amount of money I have. But it's so funny!

And in family relationships you?

I have a single, but I have a son, he is four years old, which lovely love and constantly ball. We have a counterweight: grandmother, which is discreet, and me. Nikita is not a smart and developed boy. For example, I started reading at seven years, and Nikita is three years old.

We can sometimes talk about adult topics to talk. I am interested with him, and I'm in my insanely busy schedule just breaking time in order to chat with him. It's nice when His nanny led him last night, and he says: "I want to sleep with dad!" Dad so: "Ah-ah!", And the meeting itself, you need to run.

"Nikita, Pope need to earn money for new cars," so I answer him, and that he understands that he needs new toys. Says: "Grandma, Dad went to earn money for new cars!"

By the way, about earnings. It's no secret that you are a very wealthy person, but I remember that somehow you have done a free tour with a rock band in Russia. Was it a unprofitable attachment?

I'll explain now. Because metal - and then, and now, this is not a very popular genre, and the youth all listens to rap, I made a special promotional tour, where the group "Pilgrim" and young teams from the regions. Thus, I gave them support - they performed on a good scene and with high-quality equipment. And it was amazing: our record is 45 thousand people. That is, if less than 10 thousand came to a free concert, we were upset. And people did not leave! Heavy metal, the hardest sound, but people watched.

The only thing, then came the crisis of 2008, I just physically did not become music. In addition, I was abandoned by a girl, and a commercial tour who was supposed to pass after free, did not take place. But the idea that concerts should be free, I have implemented in ART & Food Sunflowers.

And here there is always a free entrance - it will be the biggest food court in the world, where free concerts will be held, Standaps, Rap-Battles, performances, lectures. But at the same time it is a business model, it exists and works for me! This project is not a loss, it is quite paying for. This is a revolution, only Kovalev could come up with such.

Andrei opened his own huge food court in Moscow
Photo: "Instagram"

Kovalev, Andrey

Andrey Arkadyevich Kovalev (June 7, 1957) - Russian businessman and public figure. The owner of the Group of Companies "EcoOkis", singer, the author of the songs, radio and TV host, the leader of the Pilgrim Group, the musical producer, organizer of rock festivals, member of the Political Party "United Russia".


A family

Andrei Kovalev was born in Moscow in the family of a military and opera singer. Mom Andrei, for 35 years, sang in the Bolshoi Theater, father - Colonel of the Soviet Army.

Divorced, daughter born in 1990


Andrei has mastered the musical instruments back in the preschool period: "Violin, Cello, Double Bass - four hours of classes every day." After school, Andrei planned to enter the School at the conservatory in the class of double bass. However, fate ordered otherwise and he graduated from the Moscow Automobile Road Institute. Later, carried away the sculpture, entered the Stroganov Higher Art School, where he studied for several years.

Business and charity

In the late 1980s, Andrei Kovalev organized the company "Prestige" for the sale of furniture. In parallel, he led the political career, was the Deputy Head of the Forest Foundation Department, an employee of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy.

In the late 1990s - early 2000s began to create large business centers in the territories of closing Moscow factories, reconstructing them on their own sketches. In August 2007, Andrei Kovalev bought "Agros" the first macaroni company from Agrocholding, which belonged to three unprofitable pasta factories in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Smolensk, as well as trademarks of "Extra M" and "noble". The amount of the transaction was $ 55 million. Later, the company "EcoOkis" sold pasta production, leaving itself land.

In 2008, I created a 1rock media holding, which included Rock Club 1rock (the current name of the club - Port), the magazine "1rok", satellite TV channel, an online portal and a radio station dedicated to rock music. In 2010, the project was closed.

According to the results of 2011, Andrei Kovaleva "EcoOkis" has earned a property for rent $ 55 million on rental of real estate, taking the 23rd place in the ranking of the largest RUSSIA magazine RUSSIA. In 2013, in an interview with Forbes Kovalev, he told that he was engaged in music and poetry, and business leads his ex-wife Tatiana.

Andrei Kovalev actively participates in charitable concerts and promotions aimed at social support in Moscow residents, helps students of boarding schools for orphans, pupils of the Preobrazhensky Cadet Corps, war and labor veterans, lonely mothers and other representatives of the categories of socially unprotected citizens.

Musical career

In the student years he played the bass guitar in the Pilgrim group. The musician itself remembers:

Our own group was called "Wings of Wrath"Later "RUS '". Almost at each festival, we had a new name, and so it went on until I accidentally met that very guitarist, who suggested that we return the old name "Pilgrim". And I wrote the song "Pilgrim" on the same day ... We performed more and more Music "Deep Purple"