Analysis of 7 chapters first love Turgenev. Detailed analysis of the twelfth chapter of Turgenev Tale

Analysis of 7 chapters first love Turgenev. Detailed analysis of the twelfth chapter of Turgenev Tale
Analysis of 7 chapters first love Turgenev. Detailed analysis of the twelfth chapter of Turgenev Tale

The writing

The story I. S. Turgenev "First Love" appeared in 1860. The author particularly treated this work, probably because this story is largely autobiographic. She is very closely connected with the life of the writer himself, with the fate of his parents, as well as with the beautiful and vivid memories of his first love. As the author himself told, "in the first love I portrayed my father. Many of me were condemned for it ... My father was a handsome man ... He was very good - real Russian beauty. "

In its work, Turgenev clearly traces the emergence and development of the love of the main character. Love is an amazing feeling, it gives a person a whole palette of emotions - from hopeless grief and tragedy to amazing, towering joy. The young hero is experiencing a difficult period - its first love. This feeling changed his whole life. All the senses of the young man are fascinating the reader, make him feel the authenticity of Turgeneh history.

What force reports the author of the rapid manifestations of the senses of the young man, who for the first time in life faces such a complex and incomprehensible phenomenon, as the inability to control their thoughts and feelings. The image of Zinaida is also amazing. Throughout the narrative, its image undergoes the strongest metamorphosis, it turns out of a frivolous and careless creature in a strong loving woman. Also, with a huge force, the feeling of his father is shown, which circumscribing it on the despair and tragedy. It is enough to remember how Volodya's father beats a whip on the naked hand of Zinaida and she kisses the track left on his hand.

First love was a serious challenge for the young man. But despite the entire tragity of the situation, he managed to stay as clean soul as it was before. This is evidenced by such lines: "I have not experienced any evil feeling to my father. On the contrary, he, so to speak, has grown even more in my eyes. "

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a famous Russian writer, whose creativity is interesting to the reader of many countries and generations.

Glory came to this greatest writer not only thanks to novels and stories. Numerous stories, plays, poems in prose play a big role. It was a very versatile writer.

The author was not chased by quantity. It is known that he wrote his works does not rush, she has long hatched the idea. Despite this, his works with regularity appeared on the pages of magazines and individual books.

The famous story "First Love" Turgenev wrote when he was already 42 years old. In his work, he tried to comprehend the lived years, to understand his past. Therefore, the entire literary plot was impregnated with autobiographic.

The history of the creation and design of the story "First Love"

Turgenev tale with a beautiful and unusual name - "First Love" wrote by the author at the time when he was located in the city on the Neva. It is known that the basis for the copyright was those events that once occurred with the writer himself. And so, being in St. Petersburg from January to March 1860, he takes over his new work, the plan of which has long been born in his head.

According to the plot, the author tells about spiritual experiences that have called new feelings in the main hero. A small children's love on the pages of Turgenev Tale turns into adult love, filled tragedy and sacrifice. It is known that almost every hero of this work was prototypes, as this story was written on the basis of personal author's emotional experience and those events that once occurred in his family.

As the writer himself later admitted, he tried to portray all the events as they were, without hiding and did not embellish.

"The actual incident is described without the slightest gluke."

The author believed that nothing was wrong with the fact that he told the truth, no, he had nothing to hide, and someone his plot would take for a sample and it would help to avoid many mistakes and tragedies. This Turgenev Tale was first printed in Russia, the year of her edition - 1860.

The plot of the Turgenev Tale "First Love" is built as if it is memories. The story is conducted on behalf of an elderly person who recalls his first love. The main character of his story by the author took the young man Vladimir, who was almost 16 years old.

According to the plot, the main character together with his family is riding to relax in the generic estate, which is located beyond the city. In this rustic calm and peace, he meets a young and beautiful girl. Zinaida at that time was already 21 years old. But Vladimir is not at all embarrassing the difference in age. So in Turgenev Tale there is the main female character - Zinaida Aleksandrovna County. Of course, she is young and beautiful, so it is difficult to stay and not fall in love. Yes, Vladimir loved Zin, but it turns out that he is not one such in love. Around the pretty girl constantly there are seekers of its location.

But the girl's character is not the most diligent. Understanding that she really likes men, Zina is not off sometimes and cruelly jerked over them. So Vladimir doesn't love him at all, but seeing his suffering, decides to play it a little, showing his capricious and playful temper. Sometimes Zinaida Alexandrovna rises him at all, because he is too young. But the Turgenev Hero does all this stands out, as he is very in love. And only after some time, Vladimir unexpectedly learns that Zinaida is also very in love and this object of her love is his father.

Once he becomes a witness to the secret meeting of Zinaida Alexandrov and Peter Vasilyevich, Father. He from all seen and said realized that his father left the girl forever, because the whole family went back to the city from the village. And a week later, Vladimir's father happens completely unexpectedly stroke, and he dies. Zinaida very soon marries some Mr. Dolsky. Four years later, a young woman dies at birth.

Prototypes of the heroes of the Turgenev Tale "First Love"

All Turgenev Heroes in his story "First Love" have fictional names, but on the memories of contemporaries, they all have prototypes. As soon as the story came out, then everyone recognized real people in it: the writer himself, his mother, father and the girl, in which the author was in love. Consider their prototypes more carefully:

♦ Vladimir, the main Turgenev Hero is the author himself, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

♦ Zinaida Aleksandrovna - Princess Ekaterina Lvovna Shakhovskaya, which was a poetess. It is known that the young author was very in love with her, but soon it turned out that she was his father's mistress. Her fate: Wedding and death after childbirth, were in reality.

♦ Peter Vasilyevich, the Father of the Main Hero - Sergey Nikolayevich Turgenev, who married the calculation of a woman. Varvara Petrovna Lutovinova was much older than him, and he did not like her at all. Hence his novels with other women.

It is known that due to the fact that the marriage of the writer's father was not for love, then Sergey Nikolayevich's novels were frequent. His spouse, the mother of the writer, was engaged in the economy, stood firmly on her legs. Therefore, the spouses lived by themselves. In the story, the author shows such a married couple, from whose relationships their son suffers - completely young creature. It is easily recognized by the author himself. All this story takes place at the moment when Ivan Turgenev lives in the village, in the suburbs to prepare for exams for admission to the university.

The young man is passionately in love, and the girl flies and jokes with him. Volodya completely forgets about studying and thinks only about Zinchka. Therefore, so much in the Turgenev Tale is assigned to the description of the experiences and feelings of a young man who are constantly changing and something even resemble a storm, an outbreak. It is worth noting that Volodya is still happy, although the girl just laughs at him. But still anxiety gradually grow up, and soon the young man begins to understand that Zina is not so simple: she has a secret life and she also in love with someone.

Soon, not only the hero, but the readers begin to guess that Zinaida in love. The tone of the entire narrative of the Turgenev test is strongly changing and the word "love", which before that was stormy and enthusiastic, becomes dark and tragic. Feelings of the girl are much deeper than the main character. And Vladimir understands that this is true love. Here is so different, everyone has its own, which is impossible to understand and explain. And as a confirmation of this - the final of the story, where the hero witnesses the explanation of two people in love, who cannot be together.

But Volodya is not offended by them, realizing that this love is real and he is not entitled to condemn or interfere with such real love. This love is multifaceted, beautiful, complicated. Her whole life was trying to find the author himself.

Composition of Turgenev Tale

In its composition, the Turgenev Tale "First Love" is a fairly simple work, but deep and meaningful. It has twenty chapters. The narrative is built in the form of memories, so the presentation is consistently and on the first person, since the author is the main character itself, which tells that it happened in his youth. Although the name, of course, is changed: Vladimir Petrovich.

The Turgenev tale begins with a small prolobe, which shows the background of all these memories and introduces the reader with what they have to find out. So, Vladimir, being aged, in one of the companies tells the story of his first and tragic love. He does not want to tell her friends in orally, as they did, but tells them that it would definitely write this story and read them already with the next new meeting. And he holds back his word. After that, the story itself is already.

Detailed analysis of the twelfth chapter of Turgenev Tale

A special place in the entire Turgenev story is the twelfth chapter, which is the culmination of the entire plot. It is here, in this chapter, the hero's feelings reaches the highest heat. In it, the author describes that the feeling that he never had more in his life was never. The plot of this chapter allows you to understand the girl who first seems frivolous and not serious, but it turns out that it is capable of suffering and deep and serious feelings. But only these "illegal" feelings become a real tragedy for her, and most likely it pushes her to make unpredictable, and sometimes brutal acts.

The author claimed that, that he had to survive at 16, just bliss, which, unfortunately, would never happen again. Writer Much in the life of Meryl through love, therefore, and its heroes in Turgenev Tale spends through the test of love. Ivan Sergeevich shows that his heroes must take place as a person. Turgenev psychologism is always secret, it does not give them an open description, only common hints that helped readers to plunge into the depths of sensuality. In this chapter, a lot of experiences of Vladimir, who show the inner world, and it helps to understand the content of the entire work.

With the help of his work, Turgenev was able to re-survive his youthful unrest, and show the reader all the versatility of love.

"First Love" - \u200b\u200bTale I.S. Turgenev. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work refers to the end of the 1850s, work on it was completed in March 1860. The first publication was carried out in the "Reading Library" journal for 1860 (No. 3), the following reproduced this text with minor copyright plants.

The "first love" of Turgenev, unlike the simultaneously created novels "the day before" and the "noble nest", does not put and does not solve the acute social time issues. The tale is distinguished by the camera sounding, which indicates, in particular, the framing. Three more, three already elderly people, gather together to fulfill an old intention: everyone should tell the story of his first love. The content of the story, therefore, is not drawn to the sphere of the official relations of the "big world", but to the deep personal, intimate side of human existence.

Exploring one of the eternal problems of life, Turgenev is achieving a truly symbolic symbolization of the material. The key to the content lies in the title. The image of the "First Love" means on the one hand, the age of human life, namely the transition from childhood to adolescence and approaching the period of maturity (the hero of the story, sixteen-year-old Vladimir, is preparing for admission to the university and is experiencing the first love feeling at this moment). On the other hand, this is a universal image of such a spiritual state in which the expectation of happiness, the health of a favorite being, willingness to sake life with deep sadness, the knowledge of the tragic essence of love, finally, sad regretful of the impurity of the wonderful hopes of youth. Such a complex sound of the motive of "First Love" is achieved through a compound in the narration of two points of view: the young Vladimir who makes the first steps in the life path, and the same hero of the quarter of a century later - the fortieth of Vladimir Petrovich, the sharply conscious of the old age.

The story "First Love" Turgenev is built as a retrospection - but not in the form of an expected oral story, but as a previously recorded memory (it turns out, it is easier to describe intimate feelings on paper than to talk out loud about them). The distinction of temporal layers of the "past" and "present" allows the storyteller to transform the long-lasting and show the first love as an exceptional event of human life, the only and unique experience of experiences, on the prayer mood of the soul. The condition of the first love has nothing to do with the ordinary and vulnerability of everyday life. The festive image of the first love is made up of the irresistible charm of female beauty, the desire of the feat, romantic inspiration (young Vladimir quotes Pushkin, Lermontov, Homyakova, Schiller), finally amazing, woven out of color and light landscapes that meet the feelings of the hero.

One of the most lyrical works of Turgenev, the story "First Love" autobiographic. Working on the story, Sorogadvukhlennaya Turgenev experienced a deep soulful dorm, caused by the experience of a close threshold of old age. "Life is all in the past," he wrote the Countess Lambert, and the real only is expensive as the glow of the past. Meanwhile, what was such a particularly good thing in the past? Hope, the opportunity to hope - i.e. future". The idea of \u200b\u200bthe tragedy of life, the inadvertence of ideals, so tensely experienced in his youth, is the result of the understanding of the past in the story "First Love".

The work of the "First Love" Turgenev, the reviews about which are given in this article, this is the story of the Great Russian Prosaik, which tells about the spiritual experiences of the young main character, his love, which is filled with drama and sacrifice. The book first saw the light in 1860.

History of creation

Reviews of the book "First Love" Turgenev allows you to make a full impression about this work. Prose creates it quickly enough. He wrote from January to March 1860. At that time was in St. Petersburg.

The basis served as a personal bright emotional experience, as well as the events that occurred in the family of the writer. Turgenev himself later admitted that in the plot depicted his father. I described everything almost documented, without any embellishment. Later, many of him were condemned for it, but the realism of this story was extremely important for the author. This is also emphasized by many readers in response about the book "First Love" Turgenev. The writer was confident in his rightness, since sincerely believed that he was absolutely nothing to hide.

On the work of the "First Love" Turgenev in reviews readers noted that the actions unfold in Moscow. In the yard of 1833. The chief hero is the name of Volodya, he is 16 years old. He spends time at the cottage along with his parents. He has an important stage in his life - admission to the university. Therefore, all his free time is devoted to exam preparation.

In their house there is a poor outbreak. The princess's family is shortly entering it. The chief hero will accidentally come across the eyes of a young princess. He is fascinated by the girl and since then he wants only one - to meet her.

Soon the successful case is converted. Mother sends him to the princess. On the eve, she receives a small-faceted letter from her, in which the definition asks for its patronage. But what it should be concluded, does not explain in detail. Therefore, Mother asks Volodya to go to the princess and transfer the oral invitation to them into the house.

Volodya in the state

In the book "First Love" Turgenev (reviews are especially celebrated) pays great attention to the first visit to Volodya of this family. It was then that the protagonist gets acquainted with the prince, which is called Zinaida Aleksandrovna. She is young, but still over Volodya. She's 21 years old.

Hardly acquainted, Princess invites him to his room. There she raises wool, in every way begins to flirt with him, but soon loses any interest to him.

Her mother, Princess Classified, did not postpone his visit to a long box. She came to Mother Volodya in the same evening. At the same time, it produced an extremely unfavorable impression. Reviews of "First Love" Readers note that still Mother Volodya, as a raised woman, invites her with her daughter for lunch.

During the meadure of the princess continues to behave extremely defiant. For example, she sniffs tobacco, it is noisy on his chair, constantly complains of the poverty and a shortage of money, everyone tells everyone about his many bills.

Princess, on the contrary, behaves brought up and even great. With Volodya Father, she is talking exclusively in French. At the same time, for some reason he looks at him very hostile. It does not pay any attention to Volodya. Just in front of the care of secretly whispering so that he visits her in the evening.

Evening at Prnyazhny

Many readers love this work, and on the basis of their impressions we will try to make your short review. The "first love" of Turgenev contains also a description of the evening in the state. Volodya is acquainted with numerous fans of young princes.

This is Dr. Lushin, Count Malevsky, Poet of Maidanov, Gusar Belovzorov and, finally, Nirmatsky, captain in resignation. Despite such a number of potential rivals, Volodya feels happy. The evening itself goes noisy and fun. Guests play funny games. So, Volodya falls lots to kiss the knob Zinaide. Princess herself almost all evening does not let him go from himself, allocates him among others and has preference.

Interestingly, the next day, the Father asks him in detail what was in the state. And in the evening he goes to visit them. After lunch and Volodya wishes to visit Zinaida, but the girl does not go down to him. From this point on, he is beginning to torment suspicions and doubts.

Love sufferings

In the reviews of the story "First Love" Turgenev readers note that the author of the main character by the supervisors paid increased attention. When Zinaida is not nearby, he languishes alone. But when it appears near, Volodya does not become easier. He is constantly jealous of her to all others, offended by every trifle and at the same time understands that he cannot live without her.

Zinaida realized almost from the first day that the young man fell in love with her without memory. At the same time, in reviews about the story of "First Love", Turgenev readers always emphasize that the princess itself is rare in their home. Mother Volodya she categorically disliked, and his father rarely speaks with her, but always significantly and in a special clever thing.

Zinaida has changed

In the book "First Love" I. S. Turgenev events begin to develop rapidly when it turns out that the behavior of Zinaida Aleksandrovna changes dramatically. She rarely sees with people, alone walks for a long time. And when guests are going to the house in the house, it happens that it does not go to them at all. Instead, it can see a few hours, locked in my room. Volodya begins not without reason to suspect that she is unrequited in love, but can not understand who exactly.

Once they meet in a secluded place. In any brief recall of "First Love", Turgenev has always paid special attention to this episode. Volodya spends time on the wall of a dilapidated greenhouse. Suddenly he sees that Zinaida goes along the road.

Noticing a young man, she orders him immediately jump if he really loves her. The young man, without hesitation, jumps. Falling, he is deprived of feelings for a while. Having come to himself, he notices that the princess bothes around him. Suddenly begins to kiss him, but, noticing that he came to himself, gets up and rapidly leaves, a climate banned him to pursue her.

Volodya is incomprehensible to this short moment. But when the next day he meets with Prince, it behaves as if nothing happened.

Meeting in the garden

The next important episode is in the garden for the development of the plot. Princess itself stops a young man. She with him Mila and kind, offers friendship and even falsify the title of her room.

Soon Volodya discusses this situation with the Graph Malevsky. The latter notes that the Pazi should know everything about their queens and follow them and day, and night. It is not clear whether the count said seriously or joked, but Volodya next night decides the guard in the garden under its window. He even takes a knife just in case.

Suddenly in the garden he notices his father. From surprise, he runs up, having lost the knife on the way. In the afternoon, he is trying to discuss this situation with Prince, but it prevents them from her 12-year-old brother-cadet who came to visit. Zinaida guards Volodya to entertain.

In the same evening, Zinaida is prettring from him, why Volodya is so sad. The same starts in tears, accusing it in the fact that she plays with him. The girl comforts him, after a few minutes, forgetting everything in the world, he plays with Zinaida and her brother and sincerely laughs.

Anonymous letter

A week later, Volodya will know the shocking news. A quarrel occurred between his mother and father. The reason is the connection of the Father Volodya with Zinaida. His mother learned about this from an anonymous letter. Mother announces that it is no longer going to stay here and returns to the city.

To the goodbye of Volodya, which is sent with it, is found with Zinaida. He swear, he will love and adore her until the end of his days.

Next time, the young man meets the princess on the riding walk. At this time, the Father gives him the reins and hides in the alley. Volodya pursues him and see how he secretly talking through the window with Zinaida. Father proves something to her, the girl does not agree. At the end, she stretches his hand to him, but his father sharply beats her whip. Zinaida, shuddering, kisses the scar. Upset Volodya runs away.

Moving to Petersburg

At the end of the story of Volodya with his parents moved to St. Petersburg. He successfully comes and studies at the university. Six months later, his father dies from the blow. A few days before that, he receives a letter from Moscow, which he extremely promoted and upset. After his death, the mother of the main character sends a large amount of money to Moscow, but the young man does not know who and why.

Everything falls into place only after 4 years. A friend tells him that Zinaida married and going to leave abroad. Although it was not easy, because her reputation after the case with his father was strongly retained.

Volodya receives her address, but goes to it only in a few weeks. It turns out that he is late. Princess died on the eve during childbirth.

Year: 1860 Genre: tale

Main characters: Volodya, Princess Zinaida

In the magazine next door to the sixteen-year-old Vladimir family, the princess is settled. Volodya falls in love with the daughter of Prinugini - Zinaida. Once he meets his beloved by his own father. Following them, Vladimir understands that Zina is not indifferent to his father. After the scandal with the state, the neighbors return to Moscow. Some time later, the young man entered the university, and after six months his father died from shock. Four years later, Vova returns to Petersburg and visits Zinaida to the state, where he learns that she died 4 days ago during the child's birth.

the main idea. The story tells about the unrequited first love, how the family relationships can be tragic, if they are not based on love.


Sixteen-year-old Vova lives with his father and mother at the cottage and is preparing for admission to the university. In the adjacent wagon enter the time of rest, the princess is custoded. The main character is accidentally found with her husband's daughter and dreams of meeting her. Mother Volodya sends him to a neighbor with a proposal to apply. This is what the first meeting of the young man with a neighbor's daughter is Zinaida, which is a little older than him, she is 21 years old.

During the visit, Decor creates a not very good idea about himself, but Zinaida behaves flawlessly, but almost all evening talks only to the Father of Vladimir. She did not show any interest in the young man during the conversation, but before leaving asks her a visit. The young man increasingly comes to Zinaide in the evenings, in the end aware that he is in love with it.
One night, Vladimir becomes an involuntary witness to the meeting of his beloved with his father. Volodya guess that she is not indifferent to his father. The young man never ceases to communicate with the daughter's princes, pretending that nothing happens. A week later, his mother sent a letter with the charges of her husband in that he was about her husband's daughter. After the scandal in the house, they are leaving for Moscow. Before leaving, the young man makes a decision to say goodbye to Zina and promises loves her forever.

A few days later, Volodya again involuntarily observes the scene of the meeting of his beloved girl and his father, he tries to convince her to something, she does not agree and stretches his handle to him. Father wakes up and hit her by a whip of her hand, she shudders and brings her hand to the mouths, concerns the lips of the red trail from the blow. Vladimir runs away.

After some time, the young man's family moves to St. Petersburg. Vova enters the institute, but after six months of his dad died of shocks. After graduating from the University of Volodya, a friend of Zina in the theater put a visit to the beloved only in a couple of weeks. Arriving at the address learns that Zinaida Dolska died four days ago during the child's birth.

Detailed brief content of the work First Love

The story "First Love" is one of the popular and famous. This is a story about the first love of a young man who came out of childhood and aspiring to new feelings and sensations. The basis of the plot is a memoir of an adult man about his first experience of communicating with a girl, about youth, striving for an unknown.

The main thread of the story is the idea that the first love is the awakening of all the best in man. The first love is like the first thunderstorm or the rapid flow of water, something is a spontaneous and not subject to mind.

A young man named Vladimir, who has just finished a course of home training, came to a country house with his parents. Here he must prepare for admission to the university and relax from the city bustle. And, as it turned out, in the neighborhood there was another family that consisted of two ladies. One was quite young and very beautiful, of course, according to the young man.

Summer, languid evenings, black nights and early dawns did their job, they awakened in the young man unknown feelings. Vladimir fell in love with Zinaida, so called a young neighbor, which also turned out to be sociable.

The girl was young, although over Volodya, smart, open to communicate, sometimes windy, sometimes mysterious. It began to allow you to come to a young man with visits. And, as a result, the young man was more and more immersed in love. Naturally, all other things were abandoned, as well as preparing for study. There was a need for long walks in the garden and the search for the reason to see the beautiful neighbor.

However, at least Zina was constantly surrounded by fans, none of them crossed the line to become closer to the girl. Although I wanted to see the whole situation by Volodya. In fact, Zina was in love with the Father of the young man, and she also worried her love, but which was forbidden and was not correct. The girl secretly, at night met with an adult man and at the same time suffered no less than his young neighbor. Zina's relationship with Father Volodya lasted long enough, even after the return of the family to Moscow.

Only once after seeing his father together with Zina, Volodya realized that the girl was really in love. And it became a loss for the young man, he learned and determined for himself what unrequited love.

The story ends tragic. Although Volodya becomes a student and grows up, but his father dies with a ridiculous death and this is a huge mountain for the family. And one day, the young man falls the opportunity to see Zinaida, but here the evil rock prevents him. Zinaida dies two days before the meeting.

She passed more than a century after entering the story of the story "First Love", but did not even lose the reliability of the description of the feelings of young people, the description of the youth, boiling of life.

Picture or drawing first love

In the work of Anna Snegina, Yesenin's action unfolds in the native edges of the poet in the village of Radovo. The story leads the author himself.

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