Alsu: "My meeting with a future husband was like a movie .... Biography Alsu and Details of the Personal Life Singer

Alsu: "My meeting with a future husband was like a movie .... Biography Alsu and Details of the Personal Life Singer

Interested in many Russians. Would you also like to get relevant and true information about the life and work of this artist?

Alsu Biography: Family and Childhood

Born in 1983 (June 27) in one of the major cities of the Republic of Tatarstan - Bugulma. Her father, Ralif Safin, does not need a special presentation. After all, he is a successful businessman and politician. At one time he was the vice-president of the oil company LUKOIL. Mama Alsu, the racium of Isaakovna, received a higher education in the specialty "Architect". Our heroine has three brothers - Ruslan (1973. R.), Marat (1977. R.) And Renard (1996. R.).

The nationality of Alsa still causes a lot of hot disputes. Her father is Bashkir, and the mother is Tatarka. In essence, it is the owner of mixed blood. But in the Certificate of the birth of the singer in the column "Nationality" is indicated - Tatarka.

Previously, childhood (up to 9 years) Alsa took place in the city of Kogalym, which in the Tyumen region. Moving to Siberia was a forced measure. The father of our heroine then was just beginning to engage in oil business. And the best place for the "start" than the Tyumen region is not found. Ralif Safin could not part with his family for a long time, so he took his wife and children with him.

Education and ability

Alsu's biography says that she grew up an active and musical gifted child. From 5 years, our heroine has learned the game on the piano.

In 1992, Safins returned to Moscow from Kogalym. The girl continued to attend music school. And a year later, Alsa went to the United States. There she spent 6 months, engaged in vocals. Then he left Copenhagen, where she lived a year and a half.

CreativeBiography Alsubets began in 1993. This happened in the summer Swiss camp. The girlfriend literally pushed the shy Alsu on the scene. Bugulma's native performed the famous Hit Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You. The local audience appreciated its vocal data.

Conquest Music Olympa

In 1998, Alsu sang all the same composition I Will Always Love You at the wedding at Brother. One of the girlfriends her mom, who was present at the celebration decided to help the girl in building a career. She recommended young dating familiar producer to Belotserkovsky Valery.

Alsu Safina successfully passed the audition. Producer suggested her cooperation. Our heroine consensus. Belotserkovsky introduced the ward with composers V. Baikov and A. Shevchenko, whose songs at different times were performed by Irina Allegrova, Jasmine, Apina Alena and other pop stars.

In September, a debut album called "Alsu" appeared on sale. After that, the 16-year-old singer went to the touring tour of the major cities of the Russian Federation.

In the winter of 1999, Russian viewers were able to appreciate her debut clip - "Winter Sleep". The video shot on the motives of Nabokovskaya "Lolita". The composition has become a real hit.

Soon Alsu signed a contract with Universal's sound recording holding. The producers had ambitious plans - to release 7 English albums and sell them in the territory of 35 countries.

In parallel with touring activities, she studied at the London College of Mander Portman Woodward.

At the peak of popularity

In 2000, Safina Alsu was chosen as a representative of the Russian Federation at the Eurovision vocal contest. She went to Stockholm, where he performed the song Solo. The 17-year-old Russian woman performed flawlessly. But the European audience (by voting) gave her only second place. For the first time, the representative of our country rose so high. Even Alla Pugacheva, who speaking at Eurovision in 1997, took the 15th place out of 25 possible.

After the triumph in Stockholm, the native of Tatarstan plunged into studies. She successfully graduated from college in London. And then became a student to Rati, choosing the acting department. She was enrolled on the course to V. Teplyakov.

In 2001, the World Music Awards ceremony Alsu received an award in the nominations "The most sold artist of the year in the Russian Federation" and "performer of the year". She bypassed such stars as Ilya Lagutenko, the group "Bi-2" and Zemfira.

After a few months, Safina presented the first album in English - Alsou. By the beginning of 2002, Alsu was incredibly popular not only in Russia, but also abroad. Her video clips and songs twisted the best TV channels and radio stations. V. Belotserkovsky performed his task and left his ward. Denis Inglsby became the new producer Safina, who at one time worked with the Travis group. It was he who organized the first concerts of Alsu in Moscow. The girl performed on the scene of the KZ them. Tchaikovsky, IC "Olympic" and HCCs "Russia". All the halls were filled with people.

2003 was quite successful for Alsu Safin. First, she released another album called "19". Secondly, the Muz-TV award was awarded in the nomination "Best Performed Performed of the Year." And thirdly, I recorded with John Bon Jovi joint composition Living on a Prayer.

Personal life

In April 2005, one of the close friends introduced our heroine with a young businessman Yan Abramov. The guy and the girl immediately attered to each other. All evening, they chatted cute, and at the end of the event they exchanged phone numbers. Jan beautifully and persistently cared for Alsu. After 2 months from the date of acquaintance, she made her an offer. Safina replied: "Yes, I agree to be your wife!"

In March 2006, the couple entered into an official marriage. The celebration was not in some restaurant, but in the GCC "Russia". More than 600 guests congratulated newlyweds. Among them were also famous personalities - Yuri Luzhkov (then the mayor of Moscow), a jazz musician El Jerro and guitarist George Benson.

Huge compositions of flowers, modern light-sound equipment, guests in luxurious outfits and a magnificent table setting - all this created a real atmosphere of the holiday.

Alsa's husband: Biography (brief)

Abramov Jan Rafaelievich was born in 1977 (December 4) in the capital of Azerbaijan - Baku. By nationality - Jew. As a child, he was fond of tennis, basketball and football.

At the end of the secondary school went to the United States, where he learned 3 foreign languages \u200b\u200band comprehend the basics of doing business. For more than 15 years, lives in Moscow. He heads the metropolitan pyrotechnic organization, and is also the chairman in two institutions - the Bank "Local Credit" and JSC "New Technologies".

A happy family

In September 2006, Biography Alsu was replenished with a joyful event. In one of the private clinics of Los Angeles, she gave birth to the firstborn - a tiny daughter. Baby received an unusual name for our country - Safin (emphasis on the second syllable). Soon happy dad and husband Yang Abramov brought his favorite girls to Moscow. In maternity leave, Alsu was just a few months. She participated in the shooting of New Year's programs. And colleagues on the workshop, and the audience came delight from its appearance. In the short term, the singer was able to restore the figure.

Has Alsu (Jan Abramov), whose biography was previously studied by us, had long dreamed of her son. And so, in the fall of 2007, he learns that the spouse is in a "interesting situation." This time Yang paid for his wife's stay in the Israeli clinic "Ikhilov", located in Tel Aviv. On April 28, 2008, the second child Alsu and her husband appeared. The businessman wanted his son, but a daughter was born again. She was called Michella.

It would seem that Abramov Yang had already humbled with what he had to live in the "Babi Kingdom." But this miracle happened here. God sent him the heir. In August 2016, in the same Israeli clinic "Ikhilov" was born a long-awaited son, which was called Rafael (in honor of the Father Yana). Now the Abramov family has everything for complete happiness.

Continuation of musical career

In recent years, the press is not so often mentioned by Alsa. Biography, personal life of this adorable girl is still interesting to thousands of Russians. Most of his time a native of Tatarstan spends on the family. However, it is not going to complete creative activity.

In June 2013, the clip Alsu on its new composition was removed in Baku - "Stay". In the same city, our heroine decided to celebrate its 30th anniversary. The Liberty Clip "Stay" was represented only in November 2013.

Then followed the shooting of two more videos. One of them is called the "father's daughter." And the other video ("happiness of mine") was used as a soundtrack for the film "Mother of the First-grader" (2014).

What in 2015 pleased with Alsu Abramov's fans? The biography indicates that then on the music channels two of her clips came out - "sobally unable" (in January) and "where there is no you" (in October). That's not all.

In May 2016, the performer presented a new video for the romantic composition "Heat from Love".


We told about where it was born and how Alsu's singing career arranged. Biography, children, name and family of activity of her legitimate spouse - all this was considered in the article. It remains to wish her family well-being and creative success!

Name: Alsou

Age: 32 years

Place of Birth: Bugulma, Tatarstan

Height: 172 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Activity: singer, actress

Family status: Married to Yan Abramov

Alsu - Singer Biography

Once upon a time, in the biography of Alsu, her success in the world of show business was associated with a rich and influential Father, but is it enough to get nationwide love? Of course not! The recognition of the singer Alsu achieved herself, his own hard work and talent. At the same time she is a great wife and mother. How does she manage to combine all this?

Alsu - Childhood

Alsu Ralifovna Abramova (Maiden's Safina) was born and grew in a good family along with Brothers Marat and Renard in the Tatar city of Bugulma. And of course, was a favorite. Father, a wealthy man, provided children with rainbow childhood and made a good education to everyone. Then the parents on duty were forced to move to the north, in Kogalym, places with a very harsh climate - in winter to -45 ° C.

Alsu still remembers the biography of his childhood, as the orange-chocolate gift received for the new year and tried to stretch it at longer: it was nowhere to get fruit in that edge. It was often possible to be content with old apples that watered wax for preservation. It happened, ate sprouted potatoes. Conditions, frankly, not children's.

Little Alsa simplifies parents to give her piano - I really wanted to learn how to play it. Father set the condition: buy, if you do not quit it. The word Alsu kept restrained - despite the fact that the music school had to get through Polgorod, she regularly traveled to do.

Alsu turned 9 when the family settled in Moscow. The level of teaching musical disciplines here was an order of magnitude higher, but in the capital Alossu studied for a long time. Parents sent it to receive education in the United States. For several years, the girl flew and flew from place to place, from the country to the country.

A year and a half, which young singer spent in Denmark, she was very good in his homeland. And nevertheless, the next chapter was for her London - there in the prestigious college she studied the basics of business, drawing and mathematics.

Alsu - Music Career Singer

In 1998, at the wedding of Brother Alsu publicly performed the famous song Whitney Houston. Guests were fighting drank! One of the invited advised to parents show the daughter of the famous producer. So the girl came to listen to one of the masters of our show business Valery Belotserkovsky. Make sure that the talent is not required before him. Belotserkovsky introduced Alsu with Vadim Baikov and Alexander Shevchenko, who had a lot of penetrated songs for her.

A young girl's career ran uphill. Not passed and years, as the single "Winter Sleep" came out, which became a business card in the creative biography of Alsu. In a matter of months, the song has won multimillion popularity - it sounded from every iron, and the rooms of young fans, who hung on the posters of the ascending star were similar to the mini-museums of the singer. The producer made a bet on the clip, filmed based on Lolita Nabokov, and it was the right choice.

Behind the first followed new clips - on the songs "Sometimes" and "Spring". Successful start was crowned in September 1999, the release of the debut album. And the young star went on his first tour. They decided that the songs she would do without a phonogram, so a whole team of musicians traveled with her. In 1999, Alsa concluded a contract with Universal, which assumes the release of seven star-speaking albums. Permanent touring somehow miraculously managed to combine with studies in the English school - there no one to take the girl there.

World Glory Alsu on Eurovision

The XXI century in the biography of Alsu began to be surprising: it was honored to represent Russia at the Eurovision contest. She hardly turned 16, and on the shoulders already such responsibility. For the right to represent the country at the international competition-2000, the famous Russian performers fought, but it was sent to Europe to conquer Europe.

The experience of participating in Eurovision in Russia at that time was not enough, we did not achieve success. Even following the results of the Eurovision tournament table, they remained far beyond the first tens. Alsa made it impossible - her deafening triumph struck a capricious Europe, she took the honorable second place, giving only a duet from Denmark. The singer proved everything that is a world-class artist. At the same time, Alsu put another record - turned out to be the most young participant.

Immediately after the Triumf, Alsu again looked at work and study. Successfully passed exams in London and immediately went on tour. And between the case managed to record my first duet with a global celebrity - Enrique Iglesias. In 2001, the girl in the biography of Alsu will occur in her life event - success! She won its first award. And not somewhere, but on the WORLD MUSIC AWARDS Patos.

The singer was recognized as the most sold artist of the year in Russia; On MTV, it was called the most famous Russian performer. It is noteworthy that on this field it bypassed the Bi-2 group, Tattoo, Mumiy Troll, as well as everyone being revered.

After graduating from the London Art College, Alsu entered the acting department in Rati: Mysterity Aza decided to comprehend from the best masters of Russia. Its selection motivated by the fact that the Russian Theater School is the strongest and famous in the world.

Alsu - Personal Life

In April 2005, another important event happened in the biography of the personal life of Alsu: Alsu met his future spouse, a businessman Yan Abramov. I introduced their girlfriend - singer Ariana. Yang at first glance fell in love with Alsu and tried his best to like it. Sympathy turned out to be mutual. Then everything happened as in the old Disney fairy tale: after a short time Abramov made an offer. For half a year left for the preparation for the wedding: the bride took on creative moments, and the groom - everything else.

The capital has not seen such a large-scale celebration for a long time! The concert hall "Russia", where everything went through, was decorated in purple tones, the table of newlywood stood in the center of a huge artificial lotus. More than 600 guests walked at the wedding, including the mayor of the capital Yuri Luzhkov. Guests entertained the famous DJs and musicians.

The honeymoon was unforgettable: His Alsu with her husband spent on Fiji Archipelago. The personal life of the career did not prevent: the singer continued to speak, write new songs, shoot clips. Only when I realized that I was pregnant, I decided to interrupt your career.

The first her daughter, Safina, the singer gave birth in an American private clinic. Two years later, the second daughter - Michella appeared in the Israeli clinic. Marriage and birth of children changed the life of Alsu - she became less likely to appear on stage: the family became the main concern. Favorite business, however, did not abandon - in 2012 recorded the album of the lulled "Fairy of Good Dreams". Many of them she sang her daughters - they loved to fall asleep under them!

They say that the harsh climate tempts, makes people hard and persistent in achieving their own goals. This statement for all the STR approaches our today's heroine - Singer Alsu.

Despite the fact that her parents were people rich, the girl was able to fully uncover his talent, but you can't buy it for money. It became popular not only in the CIS countries, but also abroad.

Continuing to learn and speak with concerts throughout the country - this fragile girl brought to the whole world, which has a strong character and cope with any difficulties.

Childhood in the East

Alsu Ralifovna Safina 1983 was born in Bugulma, the Republic of Tatarstan. Father had a good business in the field of oil production, and the mother was engaged in architecture. In connection with the work of the parents, seven had to move to the Altai Territory.

Up to 9 years old, a girl lived in very extreme climatic conditions. In winter, the mark on the thermometer fell below 40 degrees.

There was practically no fruit, so the New Year's tangerines and chocolate were for the girl a real holiday.

Over time, the family moved to more affordable regions. In 1992, they settled in Moscow, and then left at all to America. In 1995, the future singer settled in London, where he continued his studies in a special college.

Alsu in childhood did not imagine herself working in show business. Although the girl did not refuse anything, for example from 5 years, she could exercise on his own piano. Also, went to music school, but the singer's career did not think seriously.

The first speech to the public in the girl happened in 1993. Staying in the summer camp in Switzerland, she agreed to fulfill the song Whitney Houston "I will always love you."

Later, she repeated this hit, already at the wedding of his brother. And then no one doubted that the girl was manifested by a real talent.

On the way to recognition

In 1999, Alsu debuted with his first songs - "Winter Sleep" and "Spring". There were, the same clips of the same name were released, which was very liked by the public. The singer appeared in a sensitive, elegant girl with a romantic soul.

Great to the image and its lyrical texts, most of which the girl wrote itself was perfect.

Immediately, the executor was requested by the publishing company Universal, which was signed by a contract for publishing 7 albums and speeches in 35 countries of the world.

Agree that for beginner artist, it was a dizzying success.

In 2000, the singer was chosen to submit a country at the European Competition "Eurovision". The girls were only 16 years old, and she immediately won the title of the most young participant of this song project.

But, in addition to this, she managed to take the honorable second place, a little giving way to performers from Denmark. It was the most significant achievement for Russia for 9 years of participation in the festival.

Oddly enough, having received such a tremendous success and recognition of fans, the girl did not leave his studies. She successfully completed the London College and entered Rati. In parallel, she continued to tour European countries.

In 2001, she receives the prestigious EUROPE Music Awards award and become the most-selling performer of Russia, surpassing on this indicator even Alla Borisovna Pugachev himself.

Also, the singer to become a 5-fold owner of the Golden Gramophone Prize and a nomineer for the Song of the Year Prize.

The years of creativity brought fans of Alsu 19 albums, which were published in several languages, including at its native Tatar.

She starred in two full-length films was the leading entertainment show, and also has its own share in the banking business.

But still songs remain the basis of her creativity. She continues to delight fans with their tender voice and a charming appearance. In 2015, 2 singer clips came out and work continues on the next album.

Happy family life

Alsu married a businessman Yana Abramov, in 2006. After two-month courting, the young man made the singer sentence.

The luxurious wedding was played anywhere, and in the very PCCZ "Russia". 600 guests were invited, the halls of the palace were specially reagreeed with flowers and photographs of the newlyweds.

Wedding has become a real secular event of the year for all Russia.

Yang and Alsu together, for almost 10 years. They had two daughters - Safina and Mickella. Together, the family travels and just enjoys life. Probably, this is the desired female happiness that was able to reach Alsu in his life.

About the life of musicians and their work read

Alsu is the Russian singer, forever remembered the world as the author of the immortal hit "Winter Sleep". In 2000, he represented Russia at the Eurovision Music Competition, where she took precedent 2nd place and became the most young participant in the entire history of the competition.

Childhood and family Alsu

Alsu Ralifovna Safina (in the marriage Abramova) was born in the city of Bugulma of the Republic of Tatarstan. Her family belongs to the Tatar people and confesses Islam. Father Alsu, Ralif Rafilovich Safin, was a senator from the Republic of Altai in the Council of the Federation of Russia. In 2011, Forbes rated his condition in half a billion dollars. Mama Alsu is called the Ishakovna racium, it is an architect. The singer also has two brothers - Senior Marat (the namesake of the famous tennis player Marat Safina) and the younger Renard. Up to 9 years, Alsu's family lived in Kogalym (Tyumen region). Weather conditions in the northern city were harsh: in winter, the thermometer columns reached a 45-degree mark below zero, and in the summer they reached the same division on the opposite side of the scale. "There was not even fruit," recalled the singer. - We sold such old apples in the wax (in this form they could be stored for a very long time) and potatoes with sprouted roots. In kindergarten, under the New Year, we were given paper bags with oranges and chocolates, which I ate in a little bit, stretching pleasure for several months. "

The music girl began to engage in early childhood. 5-year-old Alsu bought a piano, but provided that it would not throw a tool. The girl fulfilled the promise and diligently attended a music school at the other end of the city. In 1992, Alsu moved to Moscow and continued his studies in one of the metropolitan music schools. A year later, the girl went to live in the United States, after half a year - to Copenhagen, where he spent the following a year and a half.

In 1993, Alsu debuted on the scene of the Summer Swiss camp. The shy girl would not venture to speak in front of the peers, if without a friend of Olga's singer, who forced Alsu sing the most famous song Whitney Houston - "I Will Always Love You". The listeners agreed that the girl simply needs to develop his innate singing talent.

The beginning of the musical career Alsu. Brilliant debut

All the same "I Will Always Love You" Alsu performed in 5 years at the wedding at his brother, after which Mom's friend advised to show the girl to the familiar producer Valery Belotserkovsky. After listening, the man understood - in front of him a real talent! It was he who introduced the singer with experienced composers Alexander Shevchenko and Vadim Baikov, previously writing songs for Alena Apina, Jasmine, Irina Allergy and other popular pop performers.

In the winter of 1999, Debut Clip Alsu was released on the screens, filmed based on Nabokovskaya "Lolita" - "Winter Sleep". The lyrical ballad of the Namig became a hit and turned into a business card of the singer. The second video "Spring" and the third - "sometimes" followed the trial of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice of the voice. In September 1999, the debut album "Alsu" came out, after which the young one (at that time Alsu was almost 16 years old) the star went to his first touring tour.

Alsu - "Winter Sleep"

It was decided that the girl would only speak "alive", so the producers invited a whole team of professional musicians for the accompaniment. In the same year, Alsu was the first in the history of the Russian show business entered into a long-term contract with the American sound recording holding "Universal" to the release of seven star-speaking albums in 35 countries of the world.

In parallel with the tour of Alossu student in the London MPW College (Mander Portman Woodward), where he studied mathematics, drawing and basics of business. Despite growing popularity, the primary British teachers did not make her the slightest cross.

Career Alsu flourishing

In 2000, the singer entrusted the right to submit Russia to the prestigious Eurovision contest in Stockholm. The 16-year-old Alsa took second place with the English-speaking song "Solo". For the first time, the Russian representative took such a high place - it did not even manage to Alla Pugacheva in 1997, Primadonna took only 15 place out of 25. And Alsu, besides, became the most young participant in the entire history of the competition.

Speech by Alsu on Eurovision 2000

After the triumph, the girl with his head plunged into studies, passed the exams in London and immediately went on tour. During this period, the first duet with the celebrity was followed - Alsu and Enrique Iglesias recorded a song called "You`re My No. 1".

In 2001, Alsu received his first award at the WORLD MUSIC Awards ceremony. She was recognized as the most-selling artist of the year in Russia.

A few months later, the Light saw the long-awaited first English-speaking disk of the singer "Alsou". On the plate were presented, including two songs that the artist itself wrote is "Teardrops" and "Now I Know".

At the MTV Europe Music Awards-2001 ceremony, the girl was called the most popular Russian executor of the year. The singer bypassed such stars like Zemfira, Ilya Lagutenko, Shura and Lev Bi-2, Julia Volkova and Lena Katina from the Tattoo group.

After the graduation exams in college, the girl decided to continue his studies in the Russian Academy of Theater Art and entered the acting department by choosing Valentina Teplikova. The girl substantiated his choice by the fact that the Russian Theater School is the most competitive in the world. Already by the beginning of 2002, Alsu was insanely popular both in Russia and abroad. The collection of new hunters and video clips of the performer was constantly replenished with Russian and English-speaking compositions: "Before You Love Me", "Autumn", "When love comes to me", "He Loves Me".

In 2002, Producer Alsu Valery Belotserkovsky left his ward, and producer Danis Inglsby, who worked with the famous "Travis" came to his place.

It is noteworthy that from the beginning of his career and until 2002 Alsa never acted in Moscow. The misunderstanding was decided to correct, and in November, the girl went to the scene of the HCCs "Russia", Olympic and KZ. Tchaikovsky. The girl presented three completely different programs on three sites within ten days.

"New Wave-2002": Alsu - "Sometimes"

In 2003, Alsu's new album called "19", work on which was about three years. According to the artist, the name of the disk is not a statement of age, but its world weight in 19 years.

In the summer of 2003, at the presentation of the first National Music Prize "MUZ-TV" Alsu called the "Best Performer of the Year". In the nomination, the girl went around Valery and even Alla Pugachev himself.

Alsu on Muz-TV 2003

In the autumn of the same year, Alsu and John Bon Jovi together performed the song "Living On A Prayer". The singer from childhood was a fan of a musician, and the song that they recorded together is her favorite. The composition "Living On A Prayer", at one time, providing Bon Jovi world glory, was executed in a touching and romantic manner.

After marriage and the birth of children, Alsa began to perform less. In 2009, she led the prestigious Eurovision contest, in 2012 released a collection of lulled together with Jasmine, Irina Dubzova, Tatiana Bulanova and Leroy Kudryavtseva.

Then the world heard the second English album "Inspired" ("inspired"), after which the Russian-speaking version of the disk was released, and the texts of all songs were written directly by the singer. The album was to see the light back in 2004, but for personal reasons his release was postponed for almost 10 years.

In 2014, the light saw the record "You've Light," the Alsa deliberately deliberately deliberately: "Alsa has grown very much in creative terms. The princess became a real queen! ", - responded about the novelty of criticism.

In January 2015, the premiere of the clip was held to "believe uncomply", and in October of the same year the clip "Where there is no you" came out.

Alsu - "Where there is no you"

And by the 70th anniversary of the Victory Day Alsu presented a collection of cover versions of the legendary military songs. In the track list, they entered as the solo parties of the girl (Katyusha, "Cranes", "we need one victory" and others) and duets with Joseph Kobzon ("Dark Night"), Lvom Leshchenko ("Three Tankers") and Philip Kirkorov (Alyosha).

Movie Alsu.

The brilliant singer proved that the talented man is talented in everything. Alsa successfully began his film engineer with a role in the mystical thriller "Spirit Trap" ("Trap for the Spirit") David Smith. She was marked by the title song of the film, the composition "Teardrops".

Alsa on the filming of the film "Spirit Trap"

After a few months later, the second role was followed - Alsu appeared in the image of the Freillia of Anna John Madeleine in Ribe Svetlana Druzhinina "Vivat, Anna Ioannovna!" Especially for this role Alsu repainted into the blonde, learned to ride, masterfully throw darts, play on the violin, as well as speak German.

Personal life Alsusvordy photos Alsu

More than 600 people were invited to the celebration. The wedding scale was amazed: the concert hall "Russia" was not to know, because the lobby was dragged with a lilac cloth, and the portraits of Alsu and Yana hung on the walls. There was a sea of \u200b\u200bflowers around, and the newlyweds table stood in a huge lotus flower. Another family came to congratulate even the townsman of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, and George Benson and El Jerro had entertained.

A little later it became known that the singer is waiting for a child. The couple decided to give birth to the firstborn in Los Angeles. On September 7, 2006, a daughter appeared on the world - Safina. After a couple of months, Alsa appeared on the set of New Year's programs and struck her appearance - the singer looked as if she was not pregnant. After a year and a half, April 28, 2008, Alsu gave birth to the second daughter Machell, and in August 2016 the son of Rafael appeared.

Alsu now

In May 2016, Alsu presented a new clip - on the lyrical composition "Heat from Love".

Alsu - "Heat from Love"

Singer Alsu Safina and businessman Yang Abramov played the wedding for the past weekends, which many guests called the most elegant of those that they have ever seen.

Numerous paparazzi sitting on someone at Moskvoretsky Bridge, who in the restaurant rooms of the hotel "Russia", and who in the hall of the celebrations at the table, noted that Abramov overlooked by the abstraction.

An ordinary inhabitant was impossible to even get to the building "Russia" closer than a hundred meters due to the unprecedented number of protection, armed with automata and landing persons. In order, guests could penetrate the wedding, the organizers in turn armed their invitations.

The most honorable (VVIP) guests received from the parents of Yana and Alsa velvet cobes engraved on the glass notice. The bride and groom showed democracy and sent their friends invitation cards in the form of a musical disk.

In anticipation of the ceremony, guests gathered in the hall of the concert hall. The HCCZ "Russia" room was miraculously transformed: the designers sustain it in gentle-lilac and light-pink colors.

Around the columns were installed sofas, upholstered with red satin fabric. There were tables with all sorts of fruits and vegetables near them. Fancy Paradise Animals and Birds from Mango, Pineapples and Papaya, Gilded Chocolate Candies lay asked. The raised waiters spilled an aperitifs for every taste, among whom were even a Drambuie, which is known to love the tax consultants of natural monopolies. Many have started immediately from Cognac.

The hall framed the retrospective of photos Alsu and Yana - from the age of the chest and to the state at the moment.

It was publicly to enter into young people who decided to make his own marriage in the GCCs "Russia", and therefore the employees of the Griboedov registry office were there.

When an invitation to the beginning of the ceremony sounded, the air tissue rose into the air, and the guests were chinno on the second floor.

Seating behind the tables due to the lack of witnesses occurred under a simplified scheme. Relatives from the bride are located on the right side of the passage, where you could observe the Alsu, and the relatives of the groom - on the left. When the bride, the same appeared in the lobby, guests of the coat. Alsa looked exactly like a fairy-tale princess from a magical fairy tale about rich and venance. An ivory dress added weightless silk veil. The train carried the comfortable plots (both boys and girls).

All those present noted that at that moment, when Yang put on his bride waspathed by the ringing of the ring on the Unnamed finger, Alsu rushed out of happiness. The rest of the guests were shot and also fastened. After formalism, guests followed the concert hall. The basis of his scenery was alive flowers - orchids and roses. The young themselves are located on the present throne in the form of huge petals of violet. Yang, however, mostly was busy with guests and general control, constantly talking on the radio with administrators.

For the ceremony there was even a special Logo "Ya". Obviously, it is composed of the first letters of the names of the marriage. Although some guests joked that it is still a new brand "Jan Abramov".

Guests were more than five hundred. Yuri Luzhkov, Oleg Gazmanov, Ksenia Sobchak, Igor Cool, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Lev Leshchenko - This is not a complete list of only famous guests. In addition to well-known Russian residents, numerous friends and relatives of young people arrived at the wedding. Even mayors of Baku and Bugulm - Native cities of Yana and Alsu arrived.

The most memorable toast uttered Joseph Kobzon:

When I got married my daughter Natasha, I said the following speech: "I will never allow my daughter to somewhere to divorce my husband. In the worst case, she can stay alone, only if the widow!" Yang, this is primarily concerned with you! My children, reckle for marriage very seriously!

Parents read toasts in verses, and Lev Leshchenko came with his friend Vladimir Vinokur and called on Yana and Alsu multiply. And right in place.

Guests are literally from under the skies entertained by Jazzmen Jazzmen Benson, Al Jerreau and Italian Artists "Ricky and Draw".

Friends Abramov presented a newly prompt new model "Bentley". Vladimir Vinokur presented a little "jeweler", Oleg Gazmanov - a carriage of living flowers, and composer Maxim Dunaevsky - for some reason the picture.

As always, Pragmatic Ksenia Sobchak handed a young envelope with money. In her opinion, this is the only possible gift for the wedding.

Guests began to drive around after three o'clock in the morning, and the newlyweds themselves left "Russia" about seven. The next evening they had to be ready to continue the celebration in a narrower circle of the closest.