Aligierey Divine comedy hell. Dante Aligierey Divine Comedy Hell

Aligierey Divine comedy hell. Dante Aligierey Divine Comedy Hell
Aligierey Divine comedy hell. Dante Aligierey Divine Comedy Hell

New life

The Divine Comedy

Translation from Italian A. Epros, M. Lozinsky.

Introductory article B. Kryzhevsky.

Notes E. Solonovich, S. Aerintseva, A. Mikhailova, M. Lozinsky.

Illustrations of Gytetova Dore.

B. Kryzhevsky. Dante

Dante's name, along with the names of Shakespeare and Raphael, was prolonged into our consciousness in the symbolic designation of the precious and intimenses of the culture of the new time. Three are synthetic images of it, summarized, determine and predict its character, essence and direction.

Dante Aligiery was born in Florence in May 1265. His own he was erected to Roman citizens and was inclined to emphasize his knowledge, although in fact he belonged to the middle class. We do not know anything about his parents, about childhood and youth, we have only fragmentary information. Nine years from the family (so tells Dante in the "new life") he fell in love with the girl of his years, and the memory of this love transformed his entire soul and life. This love has determined the perfect and sublime unity, which is so amazing in the work of Dante. Based on random mention of the poet, it is possible to establish that he received a very superficial and insufficient education, which expanded and brought to an exceptional at the time of completeness due to the hard work in adulthood. Apparently, he and in early years showed a certain tendency to science and poetry. Twenty-four years old, he took part in military operations against neighboring cities - Arezzo (Battle for Campelfino) and Pisa (Osada Kapron). In 1296, he marries, and in 1300 he carried out responsible diplomatic orders and fulfills the duty of the prior. Dante plays a significant public role and takes an active part in the politics of the hometown.

Florence experienced a complex political and economic crisis at that time. In essence, there was a struggle that realized their political importance of the bourgeoisie against hereditary aristocracy. This circumstance explains why the middle of the XIII century traditional political slogans - gebells (supporters of the Pope) and the Diesellers (supporters of the imperial power) - did not conclude positive content. In a number of cities, such parties arise, and everywhere the struggle was carried out for the political prevalence of classes and led to the expulsion of one of the warring parties. In exile, yesterday's enemies, who, found out beyond the limits of their native city, were united, broken and together opposed the recent people of their like-minded people. All Italy crashed into two centers: one side (deathbed) defended the archaic, who went to the area of \u200b\u200blegend to the era and fought for a peculiar feudal-democratic republic, self-balance and tyrannoe, the other (Guelph) was for the new order of things and sought to organize the republic of merchants and artisans . This economic and social struggle with different success and equally violent ways were supported by Dad and secular foreign sovereign states who dreamed of the incarnation of the medieval ideal of the World Roman monarchy. Peculiar local conditions caused crushing and bundle inside the two main parties, so Dante, believing himself to the Gutem, belonged to a special wing of them, so-called white, headed by a genital figure; Along with them, there were "black", leaving to Donati. This division came after the expulsion of the deaths and reflected various orientations of the individual layers of the Guelf population.

Donati learned the methods of struggle of aristocrats and managed to attract the political affairs of small artisans to themselves and spread. With this position of things, they were beneficial to enlist the support of the dad Boniface VIII and thereby depriving any influence of a more peaceful, moderate side - "white". The latter relied on major goals and sought to create a position for Florence independent of the influence of the aristocracy and dad.

Internal split was cleverly used by Bonifacim VIII. Covered by the pretext of the pacification of the parties, Pope sent to Florence Karl Valua, the brother of the French king of Philip Beautiful, and his arrival was for the "black" signal to repression against "white".

While Dante represented the interests of their like-minded people at the Papal courtyard (January 1302), "black" in Florence betrayed him, accused of bribing, bribery, intrigues against the church and sentenced to exile for two years, a large fine and deprivation of law Borrow public posts. Since Dante was not able to appeal this decision, the judges decided to expel it forever, and in the event of an appearance in Florence - to burn on a fire.

The undeserved blow deeply insulted the proud soul of Dante. It was blatant injustice. His hot and disinterested aspiration to work for the benefit of his favorite Florence was Vtoptano in the dirt. During the 1302-1304, Dante intended in alliance with other "white", expelled death, return to Florence, but the picture of personal intrigues and promotion in their camp pushed him. He separated from his like-minded people and organized a "party from himself." For twenty years, the poet wandered in Italy, using the support of enlightened magnates and rulers of individual cities. About these wanders known little; We know, however, that Dante visited Verona, Caescent, Lunijan, Ravenna.

By 1310, the last outbreak of the political hopes of Dante applies: at that time, Emperor Henry VII Luxembourg was arrived in Italy, for whom Diemblles pinned high hopes. But Heinrich died in 1313 and did not have time to open access to Florence to anyone. The expulsion of the poet was confirmed by decree on November 6, 1315, and he was excluded from the number of amnestized citizens (in 1311 and 1316).

In recent years, Dante spent in Verona and Ravenna and died in Ravenna, surrounded by the attention and concerns of the last patron of Guido Novello and Polent. Dante's body rests in Ravenna and now, despite all the attempts of Florence, to return the dust of the one who she failed to protect during life.

Sad and alarming life vaguely inkon Dante's soul, but at the same time she prepared and predetermined the greatness of him as a poet. His creativity, undoubtedly, could not be cast into those forms as it adopted if Dante calmly lived in Florence and gave his leisure to public affairs. The years of expulsion caused to life and largely determined the pathos and the mood of the "Divine Comedy".

For us, Dante is primarily a poet, the author of the "new life" and "Divine Comedy". Not all fans of his poetry read "Pier" and even "poems". Latin treatises are found even less readers: "On People's Eloquence" and "On the monarchy".

For full and comprehensive interpretation of his personality, these essays are absolutely necessary. They show that the brilliant poet was a thinker, scientist and politician. Contemporaries appreciated this scholarship no less, but in other cases - even more than the poetic advantages of his works.

It is quite natural, however, that the poetic glory of Dante rests entirely on his youth novel ("New Life") and on the Grand Divine Comedy building. All other works have auxiliary value and serve as if introducing and comment on them. Especially standing "poems" ("Rime") - a collection of lyric poems, from which many in style and the tone differ sharply from the plays chosen for the "new life".

The beginning of the activity of Dante is closely connected with the new direction in the history of Italian poetry, known as the School of "Sweet New Style" (Dante term). In addition to Dante, it included his close friend of Guido Cavalkanti, Lapo Jani, Chino and Pistoa and others. The program and creative results of this literary direction are sharply different from the preceding (Sicilian and Bologna schools), which are still strongly connected by foreign, provencal samples.

"Divine Comedy" - the archaic thing, so in the style I need Archaic, and Lozinsky is clearly not enough. "

Translation of one of the fundamental poetic texts of European literature, "Divine Comedy" Dante, now more than half a century is inextricably linked for ordinary readers with the name of Mikhail Lozinsky's translator. It is with his filing that we perceive the Danov lines as the magnificent and correct, as if carved from marble, five-colored jambs: "Earth life passing to half, I found himself in a gloomy forest, losing the right path in the darkness of the valley" etc.

Meanwhile, there is a full Russian translation of the "Divine Comedy", built on completely other aesthetic and poetic principles. And he did not fulfill him crazy graphoman, which he thinks that "he knows how it is necessary", but a dear professor of Moscow State University, literary critic and philologist Alexander Anatolyevich Ilyushin (r. 1940).

Among his translations from Italian: Dante Aligiery Drante (1995), from French: "Oda Priapu" Alexis Pyron (2002), from English: Fragment of the play "Hamlet" William Shakespeare (2011), from Polish: Poem Adam Mitskevich " Ugolino "(2011), CARMINAVARIA cycle of Simeon Polotsk (2014), from Ukrainian: Poem of Taras Shevchenko (2014), etc.

Among the awards: Name Golden Medal of Danov Society, Florence (1996), Medal of Ravenna (1999), Dutovsky's Medal Ravenna (1999).

With Alexander Anatolyevich met Elena Kalashnikova, author of the book "In Russian with love. Conversations with translators. "

When did the idea come to you to translate the "Divine Comedy"? Is it long enough to fully implement the plan?

A. A. Ilyushin:It lasted this year fifteen about some interruptions. I started in the 1960s, and finished in the 1980s, on the day of the death of Vysotsky. There are two full editions. The 1995 edition came out with a modest circulation - 1000 copies that today's concepts seem to be not so small, and in 2008 "Drop" released my translation, and the circulation there is already 5,000. There is another edition of the Divine Comedy of 1988. It is about half of my translations - "hell" completely, and "purgatory" and "paradise" in extracts and fragments, and all sorts of applications. Also, there will also be a reduced republish of its transfer in the Courtstatology on foreign literature of the Middle Ages, intended for students-humanitarian.

Why did you want to translate the "Divine Comedy"? In many of its arrangements, mostly, the truth is incomplete, and the most famous translation was made by Mikhail Lozinsky. And you first translated the "comedy" into the Russian script size.

A. A. Ilyushin:Igor Fedorovich Belza, among other things - the responsible secretary of the serial publication "Danov readings", approved my dentological studies. I wrote an article on the plot of Ugolino in the hell and gave it to the magazine "Soviet Slavovyov" (now it is called simply "Slavyanov"). And then I was thinking to translate the episode about Ugolino (this is a thirty-second and fragmentary thirty-third songs "Hell"), which I did. Showed Ball, he reacted to this positively and attracted me to the case when the Danov Commission of the Council on the history of world culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences was formed.

In which about the year did you translate this fragment?

A. A. Ilyushin:The second half of the 1960s. I did not even think that everything was translated, I simply translated this fragment for the article. At first, translated excerpts from different parts - what was more interested. Translated by pieces, and then: "And let's move everything!" By that time, a mountain of publications had already accumulated. And I began to force what was from the case of the case, I almost said: I just did it ... No, of course, I did not forget my native university rusist. By the way, I still work at the university. Why translate? After all, there are other translations, and not so few of them, and there is a great translation of Lozinsky - this is, of course, a very significant vertex.

All translations of the "Divine Comedy", including the best, Lozinsky, are not equiturized. Lozinsky translated the entire text with a five-stranded yamba, and Dante wrote endecasillab this is an Italian Syllabic eleventh computers without breaking to the foot. For SillaBists, it is important in verse not foot, but syllables. We say: Yamb, Korea, Dactyl, and if we turn to the tongue of Sillabists, then the four-piece, eleven computers, the twelve-compliment ... This is one of the motivations: I wanted to reanimate Russian Syllabic, and we have, in Russian poetry, Sillabik was in the XVII and partially In the XVIII century.

Do you have your favorite places in all parts of the "comedy" or somewhere else?

A. A. Ilyushin:In all. "Inferno" ("hell") written by the same verse as "Paradiso" ("Paradise") and "Purgatorio" ("Purgatory"). "Purgatorio" is an employed word. Do you know, is there such a medicine, laxative - "Purgen"? So, the name of it from the Latin word "clean". And how does Sillaby sound in Russian? I will read a piece in your translation. At the end of "Paradise", Dante suddenly turned out to be far from his Beatrice, sweetheart. At first he was confused: where is she? And then he saw that she was very far and gives him some incomprehensible sign.

About Donna, you, in whom all my hopes
Came true, since the help of me granting,
He stopped hell the fatal frontier you
Where the mark remains yours! In all that I say
Tweese and your good
And kindness, and I recognize the valor.

By your opinion, not slowing down the step,
The way I was injected from slavery to freedom:
I give you this courage to me.
Keep me continue in my generous
So that my spirit is healed from now
You have pleasing the burden of flesh.

I tried that Russian Syllabic was like Italian. "The Divine Comedy" is an archaic thing, so the style needs Archaic, and Lozinsky is clearly not enough: it is and even, maybe it is not so little, but I want it even more to feel more clearly. Therefore, I used Slavica, a high style. In the last Tercine "Paradise" I did it:

But the will, thirst, I like me,
Attracted the circles of the eternal cycle
Love that drives the sun and the stars.

Lozinsky: "Love that drives the sun and shining." And in the original: "L'amor Che Move Il Sole E L'Altre Stella" - love that moves the sun and other stars. That is, Dante understood that the sun was also a star, moreover, he thought that the Moon was a star, he had the first heavens of Paradise - it is the heavens of the moon, the fiber of the moon, now it seems naive, but "Prima Stella" is the first Star from the Earth, if you rise to Heavenly Paradise - the first star is preparing another, third ...

By the way, I put my hand to the drawings of the suburban universe. Of course, a professional artist then corrected my schedule, but left the essence - here is the infernal subsoil of the earth, the dungeal path from its surface to the center. In his presentation, the Earth is a ball, actually we also think that "the globe". When the angels quarreled in the sky - the dedicated majority and enemies, the war began between them, the adherents of God were defeated, they dropped Satan from Heaven (he was a bright handsome) - Fading, he came to the funnel and stuck in the very center of the Earth (became ugly). Here are the drawings of purgatory, paradise ...

Do you have any other ideas of big translations?

A. A. Ilyushin: At one time I had a desire to translate Kamense "Luziada", but did not come true. I did not really rush to this job, but for now I did not really rush, someone has translated these "lusad". It turned out to be as unsuccessful to take the dreams and the romances of Cervantes. Whether Pironova's case "Ode Priapa" - Mat-Match, Porn ... It happened in the book "A.S. Pushkin. Barkova shadow, "in the appendix. Barkov, of course, familiar to you. The most recent thing I translated, Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko, and it came out already. Simeon Polotsk - Polono-speaking verses. He knew Polish, but not very good. This cycle in Latin is called "Carmina Varia" - "Different Songs". I translated it to church-Slavyansky:

Old and small in the way of smiling
And for the convenience of the assist's donkey.
Old mladago although killing
And planted, and he himself walked to die.
Counter People of Elder Okrukhash:
"Annoy Malts, Siadi himself!" - Harp.

Italy noted you awards for the translation of the "Divine Comedy" by the Name Gold Medal of the Danov Society of Florence in 1996, and in 1999 the Medal of the Dutov Center is Ravenna.

A. A. Ilyushin:It was so. When I gave me a golden name medal in Florence, I had to, according to the ritual, approach the organizer of Datovsky affairs to put the medal to me. He was prevented by my beard, and he murmured that, they say, a beard is prevented, and I said: "Alza La Barba". This is an episode when Dante met in the earthly paradise at the top of the purgant mountain with Beatrice, and from shame lowered his head. What should he be ashamed? He believed that he cheated Beatrice, because after her death he had other women (she died being a young married lady). And she told him: "Well, a raise beard!" Instead of "raised head" - humiliated Dante. Meaning here: "In the eye, I look into the eyes!" And he cries and almost blind from her beauty.

You were in Italy several times. And what impression did she produce on you?

A. A. Ilyushin:I was in five cities - Ravenna, Venice, Florence, Rome, Padua. Venice fascinated, but for the second time somehow sheltered less, and in the third I generally lazy to go there. I didn't like Rome, I do not like the capital. Neither Berlin, nor Moscow, nor Paris. I adore the province, and not everyone, but only such, where to write and translate poetry more times.

Divine comedy ("Divina ComMedia") - Creation, which delivered Dante immortality. Why Dante called his work of the comedy, it appears from his treatise "De Vulgarie Eloquentia" and from the dedication of Kangranda: the comedy begins with terrible and disgusting scenes (hell), and ends with beautiful pictures of paradise bliss. The name "Divine" arose after the death of the author; The first edition in which it is called "Divina ComMedia" seems to be Venetian ed. 1516 g ..

"Divine Comedy" - something like a vision. She describes the state and life of the souls after death in the three kingdoms of the afterlife and, accordingly, it is divided into 3 parts: hell (Inferno), purgatory (PARGATORIO) and Paradiso. Each of the departments consists of 33 songs, so that the whole poem, including the accession, is 100 songs (14.230 poems). She was written by tercins - a meter created by Dante from Sirventer, and is distinguished by remarkable architectonics: "hell" consists of 9 circles, "purgatory" of 9 premises: the run-up, 7 terraces and earthly paradise on the grief of purification, "paradise" from 9- Top of rotating celestial spheres, over which empires is fixed location of the Divine.

The Divine Comedy. Hell - summary

In the Divine Comedy, Dante takes a trip over these 3 worlds. The shadow of the ancient poet Virgil (personification of the human mind and philosophy) is Dante, when he tries in vain to get out of the deaf forest, where he was worn. She reports that the poet should go on another path and that he, on behalf of the deceased Belut's beloved, Beatrice, will hold him through hell and purgatory to the housing of the blessed, through which a more decent soul will behave.

9 Dante hell circles

Traveling them goes first through hell (see a separate description on our website), having a kind of funnel, the end of which rests on the center of the Earth; Along the walls stretch nine concentric circles in the form of steps. At these steps, which the lower, the topics are already, are the souls of convicted sinners. On the eve of hell, the souls of "indifferent" are inhabited, that is, those who lived on earth without fame, but without shame. In the first round, the heroes of ancient times who lived immaculately, but died, without having received baptism. In the following circles, respectively, the degrees of crime and punishment are placed: Solobyolubtsi, heavenly and vigorous, epicuretes and heretics, rapists, liars and deceivers, traitors of the Fatherland, relatives, friends and benefactors. At the depths of hell, in the center of the Earth, there is the Lord of the Hell Kingdom, DIT or Lucifer - The principle of evil.

(Circles of Ada - La Mappa Dell Inferno). Illustration for Drante Divine Comedy. 1480s.

The Divine Comedy. Purgatory - summary

Lifting up by the body of him, and lasting another hemisphere, travelers reach the opposite side of the globe, where the grinding is rushed out of the ocean. On the shore, they meet Caton Utsy, the guard of this kingdom. The gripping mountain has the appearance of a steep housing with a cut-off top and is divided into 7 terraces, which are interconnected by narrow stairs; Access to them is protected by angels; These terraces are soul on these terraces. The lowest occupy is arrogant, they follow envious, angry, indecisive, stingy and waste, worstics. Having watched the anticipation of the purgatory and all the terraces, the satellites are suitable for the earthly paradise that is at the very top.

The Divine Comedy. Paradise - summary

Here Vergil leaves Dante and Beatrice (the personification of Divine Revelation and theology) leads the poet from here through the third kingdom - paradise, whose division is entirely based on the Aristotelian concepts that dominated during the Universe. The kingdom consists of 10 prisoners in each other of hollow, transparent celestial areas surrounding the land - the center of the Universe. The first seven heavens are the names of the planets: these are the spheres of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. The eighth sphere is fixed stars, and the ninth sky is the original motor that communicates all the rest. Each of these heavens is intended to be one of the discharges of blissful, respectively, the degrees of their perfection, in fact, all the souls of the righteous live in the 10th heaven, the still sky of light, Empirelocated outside space. Beatrice, having conducted a poet throughout the paradise, leaves him and entrusts St. Bernard, with the assistance of which the poet honors the appearance of the Divine, which is in mystical vision.

During the whole travel on these three worlds, conversations are constantly underway with famous persons in the afterlife; The issues of theology and philosophy are discussed and the conditions of the social life of Italy, the degeneracy of the church and the state are depicted, so the poem comprehensively reflects the whole era of Dante in the coverage of his personal mineososenia. The first two parts of the poem are especially remarkable, thanks to a skillful plan, a variety and reality of the disabled persons, and the brightness of the historical perspective. The last part, more than any other thoughtfulness of thought and feelings, can be much more likely to tire the reader with his distracted content.

To clarify the allegorical meaning of both the whole poem and its parties, various thinkers started different ways. The Ethico-theological point of view of the first commentators is the only one, withstanding criticism. From this point of view, Dante himself is a symbol of the soul of human, seeking salvation from sin. For this, she must know of himself, which is possible only with the help of the mind. The mind gives the soul of the opportunity through the repentance and virtuous acts to join happiness on Earth. Revelation and theology opens access to the sky. Next to this moral and theological allegoria is political allegory: anarchy on Earth can put an end to only the universal monarchy according to the Roman, which Vergil preached. However, some researchers tried to prove that the goal of the "Divine Comedy" is predominantly or even solely political.

When Dante began to write his great work and when individual parts were developed, it is impossible to determine exactly. The first two parts were made public during his life, "paradise" - after death. "Divina ComMedia" soon spread in a huge number of lists, many of which are still stored in the libraries of Italy, Germany, France and England. The number of these medieval manuscripts exceeds 500.

Dante "hell." Illustration of Güstawa Dore

The first attempt to illustrate the "comedy" of Dante refers to 1481, when 19 etching on the topics of "hell" were placed in the Florentine edition, in the drawings of Sandro Botticelli. Of the illustrations of the new time, Gustava Dore and 20 drawings of German artists enjoy the greatest fame.

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The first song

The poet tells that, having lost in the dark, we dense the forest and meeting different obstacles to achieving the top of the mountain, he was overtaken by versgil. The latter promised to show him the flour of sinners in hell and purgatory and said that later Beatrice will show the poet of the paradise abode. The poet followed the versgil.

1 Once I'm in a ripe year
In the dense forest came and got lost.
Lost was a straight and faithful trail ...

4 No words such, so that I decided
The forest is gloomy and sullen describe,
Where my brain was poked and the horror of the secret lasted:

7 So even death can not be frightened ...
But in that forest, ominous darkness dressed,
The environment of horrors found me grace.

10 I got into the thicket wild; Nowhere
I did not find, it is some kind of sleep,
A familiar path in all signs.

13 Desert before me was a circle,
Where the horror of the involuntary heart sank.
I saw in front of myself later

16 Mountains. She was
In the rays of the lamination of a joyful day
And the light of the sun was brought from above,

19 Hairless fear is captive from me.
In my soul, my smoothed embarrassed,
How dies darkness from bright fire.

22 As shouted in a crash
In the fight against wave, exhausted swimmer
Looks back where the sea is in a precipitance

25 He promises a painful end;
I looked around for me so much
As a timid, tired fugitive,

28 To once again on a terrible way sadly,
Translating breathing, take a look:
Donne died all that alive

31 Keeping that impassable path.
Having lost his strength like a corpse in exhaustion
I descended to relax quietly,

34 But again, moving the tired,
Sent a step forward along the steepness,
All above, above every moment.

37 I went ahead, and suddenly meet me
Appeared leopard coated with motley skin
And with stains on the curved back.

40 I, as surprise, causing passerby,
I look: he does not descend the eye
With determination, on the challenge I like it,

43 and scorches the path, it is lying on it,
So I thought about the departure.
In the morning the morning was at this hour.

46 Earth woke up after awakening,
And the sun sailed in the sky blue,
Then the sun that in the days of peace

49 He fell down for the first time, meets around
Siagan stars, with their clear, meek light ...
Encraced cheerful, bright day,

52 ruddy and solemn dawn,
I remove without fear of Bars anger,
But the new horror was waiting for me at the same time:

55 In front of me, I suddenly found the lion.
Back thumping my head, he is proud
She walked on me: I stood, the seatper.

58 looked into the eyes so alcohol he and firmly
That I like a sheet fluttered then;
I look: the muzzle is visible behind him.

61 She was to horror Hud:
Unsatible greed seemed
Wolf overwhelming always.

64 more than once before people were
She, as the death of them ... in me she
Monstrous glances dug

67 and began again despair full
My soul. That courage disappeared,
Which should have

70 me on the top of the mountain. Like greedy soda
Rigs, lose capital,
In which he seen happiness, life of the good

73 So before the wild beast I sobbed,
The path passed by losing step by step,
And again down the steepness ran

76 to those reasonlessness and gaping ravines,
Where the brightness of the sun see is impossible
And the night is dark under the eternal, black flag.

79 from the swift on the swift down sliding,
I met a man that sometimes.
Silence images

82 He was like this was accustomed to the fate
To silence that the voice lost,
Seeing the stranger before him.

85 In the desert dead loudly I appeased:
"Who would be nor you - lively ghost,
Save me!" And the ghost answered:

88 "Once there was a living I creation;
Now before you stands the dead man.
I am in Mantua born in one village;

91 in Lombardy lived before my father.
Life began at Yulia and in Rome
In the century of August, lived for a long time, finally,

94 When the gods are false
Considered people idols. Then
I was a poet, wrote poems, and they

97 Enaia challenged and those years
When the walls are broken ...
And why are you striving down here

100 in the abode of grief, grincping and moan?
Why on the way to the dwelling of eternal benefits
Under the gracious shine of the skyscle

103 We strive to darkness irrelevinely so?
Go ahead and do not spare effort! "
And blushing, I did a sign

106 And I question: "You have already been to Vergili,
Poets of all greatness and light?
Let my delight and strength

109 of my love for you, the Holy Poet,
Tells weak work my and creativity
And what I studied for many years

112 Great Your Production 1.
Look: I am in front of the beast of tremble,
All the veins tightened. Looking for salvation

115 Singer, I am looking for your help. "
"You have to search for a different way,
And I want to indicate this way. "

118 I heard from the word of the poet the word:
"Know, the terrible beast-monster for a long time
This path is scorched by everything

121 and destroy, and torments everyone equals.
The monster is so greedy and brutally
That eternally it will not be satisfied

124 And the victims tear into one moment of an eye.
To death the uncountal number
Creations of miserable surrounding the foundation, -

127 and long will live such evil,
While the dog of Lovek 2 with the beast will not fight,
To harm it no longer could

130 monster. Dog catchoching
Not miserable vustolism, but in it
And wisdom and greatness will reflect

133 and my homeland we call
Country from Feltro and to Feltro 3. Forces
Italy he dedicates; we are waiting,

136 What happens to him again from the grave
Italy, where before the blood flowed,
Blood virgin, warlike Camilla,

139 where the tour and the bottom found their death hour 4.
This wolf will be it more than once,

142 While it does not overthrow it into the crater of hell,
Where was she expelled from
Only envy ... I need to save you

145 from these places where death is so true;
Go after me - you won't be bad
I will bring - to me the power of Dana -

148 of you through the area of \u200b\u200beternity from here,
Through the area where you hear in the MGL
Lighting and screaming, where, like a miracle,

151 vision of the dead on earth
Secondary death are waiting and will not wait 5
And the plea rushes to Hula.

154 then in front of you sweep
Unlocking ghosts on fire
In the hope that before them will open

157 perhaps doors on the paradise side
And their sins will be redeemed.
But if you turn to me

160 with the desire to be in paradise - the desire
Long already full of my soul -
That is, the soul is different: by tricks

163 she more dear and me
She will give you to the paradise door
And I will succeed, sorrow your tai.

166 I was born in other and dark faith,
No one is given to the insight,
And there is no place now in the paradise sphere,

169 And I will not point the way in Eden.
Who are subject to the sun, these stars,
Who reigns in the centuries over the world to everyone

172 of that abode - paradise ... on this light
All blessed, they are recovered! " Became
Then look for supports I am in the poet:

175 "Save me, poet! - I beg. -
Save me from disasters are terrible
And in the area of \u200b\u200bdeath, withdraw, so that I knew

178 I grief shades of tomging, unfortunate,
And bring to the sacred to the gates,
Where Peter Holy Human Resident Souls Beautiful

181 century sees. I wish there. "
My conductor forward steps sent
And I followed on his heels.

The tragedy he could not call his work only because those, like all genres of "high literature," wrote in Latin. Dante also wrote it in his native Italian. "Divine comedy" is the fruit of the entire second half of the life and creativity of Dante. In this work, the worldview of the poet was reflected with the greatest completeness. Dante acts here as the last great poet of the Middle Ages, the poet that continues the development of feudal literature.


Translation into Russian

  • A. S. Norova, "Excerpt from the 3rd song of the Poem Hell" ("Son of the Fatherland", 1823, No. 30);
  • F. Fan Dim, Hell, translation from Italian (St. Petersburg, 1842-48; prose);
  • D. E. Min "Hell", translation of the script size (Moscow, 1856);
  • D. E. Min, "First Song Purgatory" ("Russian West.", 1865, 9);
  • V. A. Petrov, "Divine Comedy" (per. With Ital. Tercins, St. Petersburg, 1871, 3rd Edition 1872; Translast only "hell");
  • D. Minaev, "Divine Comedy" (LPC. And St. Petersburg. 1874, 1875, 1876, 1879, Transl. Not from the original, tercins);
  • P. I. Vainberg, "Hell", Song 3rd, "Vestn. Heb. ", 1875, No. 5);
  • Golovanov N. N., "Divine Comedy" (1899-1902);
  • M. L. Lozinsky, "Divine Comedy" (, Stalin Prize);
  • A. A. Ilyushin (created in the 1980s, the first partial publication in 1988, full edition in 1995);
  • V. S. Lemport, "Divine Comedy" (1996-1997);
  • V. Maranzman, (St. Petersburg, 2006).


"The Divine Comedy" is built extremely symmetrically. It disintegrates into three parts: the first part ("hell") consists of 34 songs, the second ("purgatory") and the third ("paradise") - 33 songs. The first part consists of two introductory songs and 32, describing blood pressure, as there can be no harmony in it. The poem is written by tercins - strangers consisting of three lines. The Dante attached to them a mystical interpretation - so the number 3 is connected with the Christian idea about Trinity, the number 33 should remind about the years of Earth's life of Jesus Christ, etc. Total in the "Divine Comedy" 100 songs (number 100 - symbol of perfection).


Dante with versgil and the beginning of their wanderings on the Merbal Mire (medieval miniature)

According to the Catholic tradition, the afterlime world consists of adwhere you fall forever convicted sinners purgatory - the location of the sinners of sinners, and raya - The abode of blissful.

Dante details this view and describes the device of the afterlime world, with graphic definition fixing all the details of its architectonics. In the introductory song, Dante tells how he, having reached the middle of the life path, was lost once in the dense forest and as a poet Virgil, having relished him from three wild animals who blocked him the path, suggested that Dante had a journey on the afterlife. Having learned that Vergilius was sent by Beatrice, the died of Dante's deceased beloved, he was given to the leadership of the poet without a thrill.


Hell has a form of a colossal funnel consisting of concentric circles, the narrow end of which rests on to the center of the Earth. Having passed the run-up of hell, inhabited by the souls of insignificant, indecisive people, they enter the first circle of hell, the so-called Limb (A., IV, 25-151), where the souls of virtuous pagans, who did not know the true God, but approaching this knowledge and That depleted from hellish torment. Here Dante sees the outstanding representatives of ancient culture - Aristotle, Eurypid, Homer, and others. The next circle is filled with the souls of people who have once made an unbridled passion. Among the wearable wild swirl Dante sees Francesca and Rimini and her beloved Paolo, who fell victim to the Forbidden Love to each other. As the Dante accompanied by versic, descends all the lower and lower, it becomes a witness to the torment of worstics, forced to suffer from rain and hail, buying and wasting, without tired rolling huge stones, angry, tied in a swamp. They are followed by an eternal flames of heretics and heresyarh (among them the emperor Friedrich II, Dad Anastasii II), tyranans and killers floating in boiling blood streams, suicides, turned into plants, blasphemers and rapists, burners, flour which are very diverse. Finally, Dante penetrates the last, 9th round of hell, designed for the most terrible criminals. Here the abode of traitors and traitors, of whom the greatest - Judas Iskariot, Bruut and Cassius, - Lucifer nibbles them, which rising once on God Angel, the king of evil, doomed to conclusion in the center of the Earth. The description of the terrible type of Lucifer ends the last song of the first part of the poem.



Moving a narrow corridor connecting the center of the Earth with the second hemisphere, Dante and Vergili goes on the ground surface. There, in the middle of the island surrounded by the ocean, it snaps in the form of a truncated cone mountain - purgatory, like the hell consisting of a number of circles, which are narrowed as they approach the top of the mountain. The guarding entrance to the purgatory angel admits the Dante to the first circle of purgatory, drawing the Sword of Seven P (peccatum - sin) in his forehead, that is, a symbol of seven mortal sins. As Dante rises higher, bypassing one circle after another, these letters disappear, so when Dante, reaching the top of the mountain, enters the last "earth paradise" on top of the last "earth", it is already free from the signs injecting politicism. Circles of the latter are inhabited by souls of sinners, which reaches their souls. Here the pride is cleared, forced to bend under the burden of their backs of their back of gravity, envious, angry, negligent, greedy, etc. Vergil brings Dante to the gates of Paradise, where he, as not to know the baptism, no access.


In the earthly paradise, Vergil is replaced by Beatrice, presserving on the thumbnail chariot (allegory of the triumphant church); She encourages Dante to repentance, and then hesitated him, enlightened, on the sky. The final part of the poem is devoted to Dante's wanders on heavenly paradise. The latter consists of seven spheres of the land and appropriate seven planets (according to the ptolema-wide system): the spheres of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, etc., followed by the spheres of fixed stars and crystal, - the crystal sphere is the Empires - the infinite The area inhabited by the blessed, contemplating God, is the last sphere that gives life to everything essentially. By the spheres of Bernard, Dante sees the emperor of Justinian, who knows him with the history of the Roman Empire, teachers of faith, martyrs for faith, whose shining souls form a sparkling cross; Ascending higher and higher, Dante sees Christ and Mary Maria, Angels and, finally, the "Heavenly Rose" is revealed in front of him - the location of blissful. Here Dante acquires the highest grace, reaching communication with the creator.

"Comedy" is the last and most mature product of Dante.

Analysis of the work

In the form of the poem - the afterlife of which there were many in the medieval literature. Like medieval poets, it holds on an allegorical rod. So a dense forest, in which the poet was inhabited by halfway the earthly being, is a symbol of life complications. Three beasts who are attacked there: Lynx, Leo and Wolf - the three strongest passions: sensuality, credit, greed. These allegories also give a political interpretation: Lynx - Florence, spots on the skins of which must be denoted by hostility of guvf and deaths. Lion - a symbol of rough physical strength - France; Wolf, greasy and lustful - Papal Kuria. These animals threaten the national unity of Italy, which Dante dreamed of, unity, fastening the feudal monarchy (some of the historians of literature give a political interpretation to the entire poem). The Beast saves Vergili's poet - the mind sent to the poet Beatrice (theology - faith). Vergil leads Dante through blood pressure in purm and on the threshold of paradise is inferior to Beatrice. The meaning of this allegory is the fact that a person from passions save the mind, and the knowledge of the divine science gives eternal bliss.

The "divine comedy" is imbued with the political trends of the author. Dante never misses the case to count with his ideological, even with personal enemies; He hates Roshovshchikov, condemns a loan as "Likhva", condemns his age as a century of profit and sober. In his opinion, money is a source of all kinds of angry. Dark real, he opposes the bright past Florence bourgeois - Florence feudal, when simplicity of morals, moderation, Knight's "defense" ("Paradise", Katchchagvid's story), a feudal empire (cf. Dante Treaty "about monarchy"). Tercines "Purgatory", accompanying the appearance of Sodella (AHI SERVA ITALIA), sounds like a real estate of death. To the pap, as the principle of Dante refers to the greatest revelation, although individual representatives of it, especially those who contributed to the consolidation in Italy of the bourgeois system hates; Some data data meets in hell. His religion is Catholicism, although the person's person's alien, alien to the old Orthodoxy, although the Mystic and Franciscan Pantheistic Religion of Love, which are accepted with all passion, is also woven, although the Mystic and Franciscan Pantheistic Religion are also a sharp deviation from classical Catholicism. His philosophy is theology, his science - scholasticism, his poetry is an allegory. Ascetic ideals in Dante have not yet died, and he honors free love (hell, the 2nd round, the famous episode with France and Rimini and Paolo). But not a sin for him love, which leads to the subject of the worship of a pure platonic impulse (cf. "New Life", Love Dante to Beatrice). It is the Great World Force, which "drives the sun and other shining." And humility is no longer unconditional virtue. "Who in the glory of forces does not update the victory, does not taste the fruit mines in the struggle." Both the Spirit of Initiousness, the desire to push the circle of knowledge and acquaintance with the world connected to the "virtue" (Virtute E ConoScenza), which encourages heroic curses, is proclaimed by the ideal.

Dante has built his vision from pieces of real life. Separate corners of Italy, which are placed in pigtone with graphic circuits, went to the design of the afterlife. And so many living human images are scattered in the poem, so many typical figures, so many vivid psychological situations that literature also continues to draw from there. People who suffer in hell are carrying repentance in purgatory (and the nature and nature of sinus corresponds to the volume and nature of punishment) are in Bliss in Paradise - all living people. In these hundreds there are no figures and two are the same. There is not a single image in this huge gallery of historical figures, which would not be lit by the unmistakable plastic intuition of the poet. No wonder Florence was experiencing a strip of such a tense economic and cultural lifting. The sharp feeling of the landscape and man, which is shown in the "comedy" and which the world studied at Dante, was possible only in the social setting of Florence, far away the rest of Europe. Separate episodes of the poem, such as Francesca and Paolo, Farinat in their grilled grave, Ugolino and Children, Kapani and Ulysses, not similar to antique images, black cherubs with a thin devilish logic, prepare on his stone, to this day produced Strong impression.

Hell's concept in "Divine Comedy"

Dante and Vergil in hell

Before the entrance is a miserable soul that did not work with good, nor evil, including the "Angels of a bad flock", which were not with the Devil, and not with God.

  • 1st Circle (Lamb). Unresolved babies and virtuous non-Christians.
  • 2nd round. Sweet Affairs (clouds and adulteurs).
  • 3rd circle. Greenshots, roasters.
  • 4th round. Powers and patrols (love for excessive spending).
  • 5th Circle (Stygian Swamp). Angry and lazy.
  • 6th Circle (City DIT). Heretics and false teachers.
  • 7th round.
    • 1st belt. Rangers over the neighbor and over its property (tyranny and robbers).
    • 2nd belt. Austerities over themselves (suicides) and over their own property (players and moots, that is, meaningless fighters of their property).
    • 3rd belt. Ranges over the deity (blasphemy), against the nature (sodomitis) and art (Lucchimacy).
  • 8th round. Deceived non-distilled. Consists of ten pvov (mallazha, or evil slits), which are separated from each other shafts (rolling). In direction to the center, the region of evil slots shows, so each next ditch and each next shaft are located slightly below the previous, and the external, concave slopes of each RVA above the internal, deposit ( Hell , XXIV, 37-40). The first shaft is adjacent to the circular wall. In the center gambs the depth of a wide and dark well, at the bottom of which lies the last, ninth, circle of hell. From the foot of the stone heights (art. 16), that is, from a circular wall, to this well go radius, like the spokes of the wheels, stone ridges, crossing the rs and shafts, and above the Rips they are bent in the form of bridges or archs. In evil slots, deceivers who were deceived by people who are not related to the special bonds of confidence.
    • 1st ditch. Summists and seductors.
    • 2nd ditch. Lytz.
    • 3rd ditch. Tops, high-ranking spiritual persons who traded church posts.
    • 4th ditch. Songs, gadels, star, sorcerers.
    • 5th ditch. Mtzompi, bribes.
    • 6th ditch. Hypocrites.
    • 7th ditch. The thieves .
    • 8th ditch. Drying advisers.
    • 9th ditch. Schedules of discord (Magomet, Ali, Prelimico and others).
    • 10th ditch. Alchemists, false witnesses, counterfeiters.
  • 9th round. Deceived trusted. Ice lake Kocit.
    • Belt Cain. Traitors of relatives.
    • Antenna belt. Traitors of the Motherland and like-minded people.
    • Toltolia belt. Traitors of friends and sotraznikov.
    • Belt Judecca. Traitors of benefactors, the Majesty of the Divine and Human.
    • In the middle, in the center of the Universe, inserted into the ice (Lucifer) torments in the three pastes of traitors of the Majesty of earthly and heaven (Judah, Bruta and Cassia).

Building a model of hell ( Hell , XI, 16-66), Dante follows Aristotle, which in its "ethics" (KN. VII, Ch. I) refers to the 1st discharge of the sins of irritant (Incontinenza), to 2 - sins of violence ("violent Scottle "or Matta Bestialitade), to the 3rd - sins of deception (" malice "or Malizia). Dante 2-5-e circles for the unemployed, the 7th round for rapists, 8-9th - for deceivers (8th - just for deceivers, the 9th - for traitors). Thus, than a sin is material, the more excuses.

Heretics - apostates from the faith and negatives of God - allocated especially from the sonma of sinners that fill the upper and lower circles, in the sixth circle. In the abyss of the Lower Hell (A., VIII, 75), three croups, like three steps, are three circles - from the seventh in the ninth. In these circles, anger is punishable, manual or by force (violence) or deception.

The concept of purgatory in the "Divine Comedy"

Three holy virtues are the so-called "theological" faith, hope and love. The rest are four "main" or "natural" (see approx. Ch., I, 23-27).

Dante depicts it in the form of a huge mountain, towering in the southern hemisphere in the middle of the ocean. It has a truncated cone. The coastal strip and the lower part of the mountain form the preservation, and the top of the Oboyacean family of the ledge (the seven circles actually purifying). A desert forest of earth paradise is placed on a flat top of Dante Mountain.

Vergilia sets out the doctrine of love as a source of all good and evil and explains the gradation of circles of purgation: Circles I, II, III - Love for "Alien Evil", that is, Zechlantia (pride, envy, anger); Circle IV is insufficient love for true good (despondency); Circles V, VI, VII - Excessive Love for False Goods (Corestatrolubiye, Creation, Sweistance). Circles correspond to biblical mortal sins.

  • Prostril
    • Footage of the mountain purgatory. Here, the newly applied souls of the dead are waiting for access to purgatory. Dead under the church exconance, but repentable before death in their sins, are waiting for a period of time, thirty times the time they stayed in the "crushing of the church".
    • The first ledge. Reademorable, slower with repentance.
    • Second ledge. Real, dead violently death.
  • The valley of the earth's rulers (not belongs to fitting)
  • 1st round. Pride.
  • 2nd round. Envious.
  • 3rd circle. Angry.
  • 4th round. Sad.
  • 5th round. Powers and patrols.
  • 6th round. Greenshots.
  • 7th round. Sweatsens.
  • Earth paradise.

The concept of paradise in the "Divine Comedy"

(in brackets - examples of personalities given by Dante)

  • 1 sky (Moon) is the abode of observing debt (Ifafay, Agamemnon, the Constance of Normannskaya).
  • 2 sky (Mercury) is the abode of reformers (Justinian) and innocently affected (infidencies).
  • 3 sky (Venus) - the abode of lovers (Karl Martell, Kunitz, Female Marseille, Didona, Rhodopean, Raava).
  • 4 sky (Sun) - the abode of wise men and great scientists. They form two circles ("dance").
    • 1st Circle: Thomas Akvinsky, Albert Background Truchdt, Francesco Graziano, Peter Lombard, Dionysius Areopagitis, Pavel Orezia, Boeation, Isidor Seville, Bed Honorable, Ricard, Siger Brabantsky.
    • 2nd Circle: Bonaventure, Franciscans Augustine and Illuminat, Gorant, Peter Feeders, Peter Spanish, John Zlatoust, Anselm, Ely Donat, Raban Maur, Joachim.
  • 5 sky (Mars) - the abode of warriors for faith (Joshua Navin, Judas McCaway, Roland, Gottfried Boulevard, Robert Gwiscar).
  • 6 sky (Jupiter) - the abode of fair rulers (Biblical kings David and Ezekias, Emperor Traian, the King of Gulielmo II, good and the hero of "Aneida" Rifey).
  • 7 sky (Saturn) is the abode of theologian and monks (Benedict Nurstiesky, Peter Damiani).
  • 8 sky (sphere stars).
  • 9 Sky (First motor, crystal sky). Dante describes the structure of the celestial residents (see the ranks of the angels).
  • 10 sky (Empires) is a flaming rose and a radiant river (the core of the rose and the ison of the celestial amphitheater) is the abode of the deity. On the banks of the river (the stages of the amphitheater, which is divided into another 2 semicircles - the Old Testament and New Testament) squeeze the blissful souls. Maria (Our Lady) - headed, under her - Adam and Peter, Moses, Rachel and Beatrice, Sarah, Rebek, Judifie, Ruth, and others. Opposite Site John, under it - Lucia, Francis, Benedict, Augustine, etc.

Scientific moments, delusions and comments

  • Hell , XI, 113-114. The constellation of fish climbed over the horizon, and (Constellation of Big Bears) bowed to the northwest (Kavr; Lat. Caurus. - Name of the North-West Wind). This means that before the sunrise, two hours remained.
  • Hell , XXIX, 9. That their path is twenty-two district miles. (About the inhabitants of the tenth of the eighth circle) - judging by the medieval approximation of the pi number, the diameter of the last circle of hell is 7 miles.
  • Hell , XXX, 74. Baptist captured alloy - Golden Florentine coin, Florine (Fiormo). The patron of the city was depicted on the front side - John the Baptist, and on the revolving - Florentine coat of arms, Lily (Fiore - flower, from where the name of the coin).
  • Hell , XXXIV, 139. The word "shining" (stelle - stars) ends each of the three Cart of the "Divine Comedy".
  • Purgatory , I, 19-21. Lighthouse of love, beautiful planet - That is, Venus, ecliping with its brightness of the constellation of the fish in which it was located.
  • Purgatory , I, 22. To Astyia - That is, to the heavenly pole, in this case South.
  • Purgatory , I, 30. Chariot - Big Major, hidden behind the horizon.
  • Purgatory , II, 1-3. On Dante, a mountain of purgatory and Jerusalem is located at opposite ends of the earth diameter, so they have a common horizon. In the northern hemisphere, the top of the heavenly Meridian ("half-day circle"), crossing this horizon, falls over Jerusalem. In the hour described, the sun visible in Jerusalem was slightly to the sunset, so as to appear in the heaven.
  • Purgatory , II, 4-6. And night ... - According to medieval geography, Jerusalem lies in the middle of the sushi, located in the northern hemisphere between the polar circle and the equator and extending from the west to the east only on longitude. The remaining three-quarters of the globe are covered with ocean waters. In an equal distance from Jerusalem, there are: at the extreme east - the mouth of Ganges, in the extreme west - Hercules poles, Spain and Morocco. When the sun comes in Jerusalem, the night comes from the side of the gang. In the time of year described, that is, at the time of the spring equinox, the night keeps the scales in the hands, that is, is in the constellation of the scales, oppose the Sun in the constellation of Aries. In the fall, when she will "overcome" the day and will become more suitable than he, it will come out of the constellation of scales, that is, "relieves" them.
  • Purgatory , III, 37. Quia. - Latin word meaning "because", and in the Middle Ages, also in the sense of QUOD ("What"). Scholastic science, following Aristotle, distinguished twofold knowledge: scire Quia. - knowledge of the existing - and scire Propter Quid. - Knowledge of the causes of the existing one. Vergilius advises people to be content with the first kind of knowledge, not adhering into the reasons for is.
  • Purgatory , IV, 71-72. The road where unhappy rules Faeton - Zodiac.
  • Purgatory , XXIII, 32-33. Who is looking for "omo" ... - It was believed that in the features of the human face, you can read the "Homo Dei" ("Man of God"), and the eyes depict two "o", and eyebrows and nose - the letter M.
  • Purgatory , XXVIII, 97-108. According to Aristotel Physics, "wet pairs" are generated by atmospheric precipitation, and "dry pairs" - the wind. Mailda explains that only below the level of the gate of the purgatory is observed by this kind of troubles, generated by the ferry, which "Following the heat", that is, under the influence of solar heat rises from water and from the ground; At the height of the earthly paradise, only a uniform wind remains caused by the rotation of the first solid.
  • Purgatory , XXVIII, 82-83. Twelve even masted elders - Twenty-four books of the Old Testament.
  • Purgatory , XXXIII, 43. Five hundred fifteen - Mysterious designation of the upcoming deliverer of the church and the reducing agent of the empire, which destroys the "thief" (the Bludnitsa of the Song XXXII, who took someone else's place) and the "Giant" (French king). DXV numbers form, when the signs are permutable - the word DVX (leader), and the oldest commentators are so interrupted.
  • Purgatory , XXXIII, 139. The account is laid out - In the construction of the Divine Comedy, Dante complies with strict symmetry. In each of the three parts (Cint) - 33 songs; "Hell" contains, moreover, another song that serves the entry to the whole poem. The volume of each of the hundred songs is approximately the same.
  • Paradise , XIII, 51. And the mid-wing in the circle there is no other - There can be no two opinions, just as one center is possible in the circle.
  • Paradise , XIV, 102. Of the two rays, a sacred sign was staggered, which in the borders of the quadrants is hidden - Segments of contacting quadrants (quarters) circles form the sign of the cross.
  • Paradise , XVIII, 113. In Lilea M. - Gothic M reminds Heraldic Lily.
  • Paradise , XXV, 101-102: Be at the cancer, a similar pearl ... - From December 21 to January 21, at sunset, the constellation