Alenushkina fairy tales Mamin Sibiryak read. Alenushkina Fairy Tales (Mamin-Sibiryak) Read text online, free download

Alenushkina fairy tales Mamin Sibiryak read. Alenushkina Fairy Tales (Mamin-Sibiryak) Read text online, free download
Alenushkina fairy tales Mamin Sibiryak read. Alenushkina Fairy Tales (Mamin-Sibiryak) Read text online, free download

M, "Children's literature", 1989

"Alenushkin's fairy tales" were written by Mamin-Siberian for his daughter Alenushka - Elena Dmitrievna Mamina. Hence the special character of the book "Alenushkina Fairy Tales" - full of immense fatherly love, but not blind love. The audio fairy tales of the Mine-Siberian is educational. The child must learn accuracy, overcome egoistic inconsistencies. Fairy tales were printed in "Children's reading" magazines, "shoots" in 1894 - 1896. A separate publication was released in 1896 and since then many times reprinted. "This is my favorite book, the Mamin-Sibiryak confessed in a letter to the mother," she wrote her the most love, and therefore she will survive everything else. "
Audio book "Alenushkin Tales" is composed of full audio texts, a brief content of all the fairy tales of the Russian writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian, taken from the 7 volumes of "Tales of Peoples of Peoples" - "Fairy Tales of Russian Writers", 1989 Edition: Audio Tale "Stick", Audio "Tale about brave hare - Long ears, oblique eyes, short tail", Audio "Tale about Cozerochka", Audio "Tale about mosquito mosquito Komarovich - Long Nose and about the shaggy Misha - short tail", audio fairy tale "Vankina Name Day", audio "Tale about Sparrow Vorobyeic, Yersh Urshovich and Mesh Masha", Audio "Tale of how living was the last fly", Audio "smarter than all", Audio "Parable about Mochka, Oatmeal and a gray catshka Murke", Audio " Time to sleep". These audio fairy tales D. N. Mamina Sibiryaka are suitable for listening to online the smallest children, children from 0. These are the best audio fairy tales for listening to children overnight. The audio collection "Alenushkina fairy tales" was also included: a beautiful sad audio fairy tale "Sea Sheika" and the magic audio "Tale about Tsar Pea and his beautiful daughters Tsarevna Kutafyu and Tsarevna Maker" with a complex adventurous plot and folk tissue.
Audiobook "Alyonushkina Fairy Tales" can be listened to the online or download to the audio library for children from 6 years, and "gray neck" - children from 3 years old.

In the audio book of the Russian writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian "Alenushkina Fairy Tales", the author's biography, a brief content of all the included audio fairy tales, namely: Audio fairy tale "Gray Shaika", Audio "Tale about the glorious king of pea ...", audio "Alenushkina Fairy Tales "(" Prikask "," Tale about a brave hare ... "," a fairy tale about a goat ", ...

Beautiful sad audio fairy tale story "Gray neck". Russian writer Dmitry Narcsovich Mamin-Sibiryak repeatedly ruled her text. First published under the name "Seemp" in the journal "Children's reading" in 1893. Later, the writer has changed the name and supplemented the chapter, which refers to the salvation of a gray neck. The dark ending is not ...

Audio Tale of the Russian writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian "The fairy tale about the glorious king of the pea and his beautiful daughters Tsarevna Kutafye and Tsarevna Maker." An audio fairy tale begins with intricate promccory: "Soon the fairy tale affects, but it does not soon be done. They have fairy tales of old men and old women on a consolation, young people on the occasion, and ...

Audio "The fairy tale about the glorious king of pea and his beautiful daughters Tsarevna Kutafyu and Tsarevna Maker's" Russian writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian. Chapters 3, 4 and 5. "Every day, the glorious king of the peas was worse and worse and worse, and the people were looking for everything who spoiled him ..." So describes the author to turn the merry king of pea in a despot. "...glorious...

Audio Tale of the Russian writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian "The fairy tale about the glorious king of the pea and his beautiful daughters Tsarevna Kutafye and Tsarevna Maker." Chapter 6, 7 and 8. The people in the kingdom of pea protested against its tyranny, war and hunger. Tsarevna Mountain turned into a fly and flew into the dungeon, where the sister of Tsarevna was sitting in the tower ...

Audio Tale of the Russian writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian "The fairy tale about the glorious king of the pea and his beautiful daughters Tsarevna Kutafye and Tsarevna Maker." CHAPTER 9, 10, 11. Tsarevna Mororchinka arranged the wedding of Konary King and Tsarevna Kutafia. It in the image of a chrome, row and humpbed sandals led, hungry and tired, king pea, ...

Audio fairy tale of the Russian writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian "The fairy tale about the glorious king of pea and his daughters Kutafye and the Morochik." Chapter 12 and 13. Tsarina Lukovna, so as not to scold her husband and having fun, hid a pea in his room. Sandaloda, she is an enchanted princess of the pea, looked at a fun of the window and cried. And also ...

Audio fairy tale of the Russian writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian "The fairy tale about the glorious king of pea and his daughters Tsarevna Kutafye and Tsarevna Maker." Chapters 14 and 15. "The sandwalk was completely delighted, as they made her a hussy. True, they fed her badly - one embraced from the royal table was sent to the backyard, but on the early morning it hijacked ...

Audio book "Alenushkina Fairy Tales" of the Russian Writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian - Audio Tales for the Sunior Children, Audio Tales for the night. "Alenushkin's fairy tales" were printed in the journals "Children's reading", "Shoot" in 1894 - 1896. The individual edition of "Alenushkina fairy tales" came out in 1896 and since then many times reprinted. "That's mine...

In the audio fairy tale about the brave hare, Russian writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mamin-Sibiryak with laconic strokes available to children's age, represents an important, turning point in the life of the "brave hare." "... I feared the bunny day, I was afraid of two, I was afraid of a week, I was afraid of a year; and then he grew up big, and suddenly he was being afraid to be afraid." I'm not afraid of anyone! "-...

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Audio fairy tale of the Russian writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian "The fairy tale about Komar Komarovich is a long nose and about the shaggy Misha - a short tail" - a typical tale about animals. Tale of that. How mosquitoes defended their swamp from the bear, who decided to sleep in the heat in the cool of their swamp. Restricted Komar Komarovich strongly attacked ...

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Audio Fairy Tale of the Russian Writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian "Tale about Sparrow Vorobyeic, Yershu Yershovich and Mesh Masha" - about two buddies Sparrow Vorobyeich and Yersh Ershovich. As it is equally difficult for them lived in winter strules, as their enemies of the hawk and pike were similar. Once friends quarreled because of the worm. Bekasik-sandbreaker ...

Audio fairy tale of the Russian writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian "The fairy tale about how she lived was the last fly" - about the cheerful young Musk, about good people who "... everywhere delivered different pleasures to Muham." Alenushka left "... flies a few droplets of spilled milk, and most importantly - crumbs of bread and sugar ... the kitchen Pasha ...

The audio fairy tale of the Russian writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian "smarter than all" about nursing Turkey, who considered himself the smartest and wanted to be so much in the bird yard. "Turkey from pride never rushed along with others on food .. The turkey was such a modest and kind bird and constantly stumbled that the turkey was eternal with ...

Household audio fairy tale of the Russian writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian "Parable about the milk and oatmeal" is amazingly a kind and affectionate fairy tale, immediately making very tasty and milk and all porous. "... the most amazing thing was that it was repeated every day. Yes, how to put a pot with milk and clay saucepan in the kitchen with ...

Audio Tai Tale-Lullaby Russian Writer Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian "Stick" at the beginning of "Alenushkaya Fairy Tales" and "It's time to sleep" at the end of this cycle. "Alenushkin's fairy tales" were written by Mamin Siberian for his daughter Alyonushki - Elena Dmitrievna Mamina. "... one eye falls asleep from Alenushka, falls asleep another ear of Alenushka ..." Further in ...

Mamin-Sibiryak Dmitry Narcsovich

Alyonushkina fairy tales

Dmitry Narcsovich Mamin-Sibiryak

Alyonushkina fairy tales

A. Chernyshev. "Alyonushkina Fairy Tales" D.N. Mamin-Siberian

Alyonushkina fairy tales


Tale about brave hare - Long ears, oblique eyes, short tail

Tappy about Kozhenychka

Tale of Mosquito Komarovich - Long Nose and

about shaggy mishe - short tail

Wanquins Name Day

Tale about Sparrow Sparrow, Yersh Urshovich and Cheerful Masha Poultry

The fairy tale about how she lived was the last fly

Fairy Tale about Voronushka - Black Head and Yellow Bird Canary

Smarter than everyone. Story

Parable about milk, oatmeal and gray china Murke

Time to sleep

"Alyonushkina Fairy Tales"


It is dark outside. Snowing. He struck the window window. Alyonushka, curled down, lies in bed. She does not want to fall asleep until dad tells a fairy tale.

Father Alyonushka, Dmitry Narcisovich Mamin-Sibiryak, - writer. He sits at the table, leaning over the manuscript of his future book. Here he gets up, comes close to Alyonushkina bed, sits in a soft chair, begins to tell ... Carefully listening to the girl about the stupid turkey, who imagined, as if he was smarter, about how toys in the name gathered and what came out of it. Fairy tales are wonderful, one more interesting than the other. But one eye of Alyonushka is already sleeping ... Sleep, Alyonushka, Sleep, Beauty.

Alyonushka falls asleep, putting his palm under the head. And outside the window everything is snowing ...

So they spent the two winter evenings - father and daughter. Alyonushka grew up without mother, her mother had long died. Father loved the girl with all his heart and did everything to live well.

He looked at sleeping daughter, and he was remembered by his own childhood years. They passed in the small factory village in the Urals. At the factory, then still serf workers. They worked from early morning until late evening, but styled in poverty. But their gentlemen and the owners lived in luxury. Early in the morning when the workers went to the plant, the top three flew past them. It is after the ball, which lasted all night, drove around the houses of rich.

Dmitry Narcsovich grew up in a poor family. In the house there was every penny. But his parents were kind, responsive, and people stretched to them. The boy loved when they came to visit factory master. They knew so many fairy tales and exciting stories! Especially remembered Mamina-Siberian legend about the removal of the robber in Marzak, who in ancient years hid in the Urals Forest. Marzak attacked the rich, took away the property from them and distributed him to the poor. And never a royal police managed to catch him. The boy was listened to every word, he wanted to become the same bold and fair, as Marzak was.

A dense forest, where, by legend, Marzak once hid, began within walking distance of the house. In the branches of the trees jumped proteins, the hare was sitting on the edge, and in more often it was possible to meet the Bear himself. The future writer studied all the paths. He wandered around the shores of the Chusovaya River, admired the chain of the mountains covered with fir-tree and birch forest. It was not the end of this that neither the edge was neither the edge, therefore, with nature, he had been contacted "Representation of Will, Wild Prostor".

Parents taught the boy to love the book. He was read on Pushkin and Gogol, Turgenev and Nekrasov. In it early originated passion for literature. At sixteen, he already led a diary.

Years have passed. Mamin-Siberian became the first writer who painted the paintings of the Ural life. He created dozens of novels and leads, hundreds of stories. With love, she portrayed a simple people in them, his struggle with injustice and neot.

Dmitry Narcisov has many stories for children. He wanted to teach the guys to see and understand the beauty of nature, the riches of the earth, to love and respect the labor man. "It's happiness to write for children," he said.

Recorded Mamin-Siberian and those fairy tales that once told her daughter. He published them with a separate book and called her "Alyonushkin's fairy tales".

In these fairy tales, bright paints of a sunny day, the beauty of the generous of Russian nature. Together with Alyonushka you will see the forests, mountains, seas, deserts.

The heroes of the Mine-Siberian are the same as the heroes of many folk fairy tales: a shaggy clouded bear, a hungry wolf, a cowardly hare, a cunning sparrow. They think and talk among themselves as people. But at the same time, these are real animals. The Bear is depicted awkward and stupid, wolf evil, a sparrow of a mischievous, agile block.

It is better to present them to help names and nicknames.

Here is a mosquito - a long carrier is a big, old Komar, but Komarishko - a long nose - it's a small, still inexperienced Komarik.

Come to life in his fairy tales and objects. Toys celebrate a holiday and even underdese the fight. Torn plants. In the fairy tale "It's time to sleep" the spoiled garden flowers are proud of their beauty. They look like rich in expensive dresses. But modest wildflowers Writer Mile.

One of his heroes, the Mamin-Siberian sympathizes, over the other is pounding. He respectfully writes about the worker man, condemns the slacker and lazy.

I did not tolerate the writer and those who arrive who think that everything was created only for them. In a fairy tale, "the last fly" is talking about one stupid fly, who is convinced that the windows in the houses are made so that she can fly into the room and fly away from there, which are covered on the table and get a jam from the closet only In order to treat it, that the sun shines for it alone. Well, of course, it can only think only stupid, funny fly!

What is common in the life of fish and poultry? And the writer answers this question to the fairy tale "about Sparrow Vorobyeic, Yersch Yershovich and the Cheerful Poultry House of Jasha." Although it lives in the water in water, and the sparrow flies through the air, but the fish and the bird are equally needed to be food, chasing the gathering piece, they suffer in winter from the cold, and in the summer they have many troubles ...

Great power to act together, together. Just like a mighty bear, but also mosquitoes, if they unite, can beat the bear ("The fairy tale about Komar Komarovich is a long nose and about the shaggy Misha - a short tail").

From all his books, Mamin-Siberian particularly treated "Alyonushkin fairy tales." He said: "This is my favorite book - love itself wrote it, and therefore she will survive everything else."

Andrei Chernyshev

Alyonushkina fairy tales


Bai Bayu-Bay ...

One eye of Alyonushka sleeps, the other - looks; One ear in Alyonushka sleeps, the other - listens.

Sleep, Alyonushka, Sleep, Beauty, and dad will tell fairy tales. It seems that everything is here: and the Siberian cat Vaska, and the shaggy rustic doggy, and the gray mouse-norushka, and cricket behind the stove, and the Pierce star in the cage, and the rooster clogs.


B Ayu Bayu-Bay ...

Sleep, Alenushka, Sleep, Beauty, and dad will tell fairy tales. It seems that everything is here: and the Siberian cat Vaska, and the shaggy village of Pehchoyko, and the gray mouse-Norushka, and the cricket behind the stove, and the motley star in the cage, and the rooster clogs.
Sleep, Alenushka, now the fairy tale begins. Won already looks at the window high month; Won slaughterhouse died on his boots; Wolf eyes lit up yellow lights; Bear Mishka sucks her paw. I flew to the old sparrow window myself, knocking his nose about the glass and asks: is it soon? Everything is here, everything is assembled, and everyone is waiting for Alenushkina fairy tales.
One eye of Alenushka sleeps, the other - looks; One ear in Alenushka is sleeping, the other - listens.
Bai Bayu-Bay ...

About brave hare - long ears,
Skye eyes short tail

R ran a bunny in the forest and everything was afraid. Crane somewhere somewhere, the bird will drive, falls from the tree of the snow, - at the soul bunny in the heels.
I feared the day bunny, I was afraid of two, I was afraid of a week, I was afraid of the year; And then he grew up big, and suddenly he was tired of afraid.
- I'm not afraid of anyone! He shouted to the whole forest. - I'm not afraid of anything, and that's it!
The old hares gathered, the little runs were escaped, the old bunnies were raised - everyone listened to how the hare boasted - the long ears, oblique eyes, a short tail, they are listening to and their own ears do not believe. There was no more that the hare was afraid of anyone.
- Hey you, oblique eye, you and the wolf are not afraid?
- And the wolf is not afraid, and the foxes, and the bear - I'm not afraid of anyone!
It really came out quite fun. Giggle young wasting, sticking frills with front legs, laughed good old hairs, even old hares smiled, who were in the paws in the fox and who joined the wolf teeth. Very funny hare! .. oh, what is funny! And everyone suddenly became fun. They began to tumble, jump, jump, distilling each other, just went crazy.
- What is there for a long time to talk! - I shouted the ruffle finally the hare. - if I get a wolf, so I'll eat it myself ...
- Oh, what a funny hare! Oh, what is he stupid! ..
Everyone see that both funny and stupid, and everyone laughs.
Scream hares about the wolf, and the wolf is like here.
He walked, went to the forest in his wolf matters, hung up and just thought: "It's a good bunny to eat!" - As he hears that somewhere closely, the hares scream and his, gray wolf, commemorate. Now he stopped, sniffed the air and began to sneak.
The wolf came very close to the walkers of the hares, hears how they laugh at him, and all more - bouncer hare - oblique eyes, long ears, a short tail.
"E, brother, wait, here I am removed!" - thought the gray wolf and began to look out, which the hare boasts his courage. And the hares do not see anything and having fun in the former. It ended the fact that the bouncer climbed on the pennies, sat down on the rear legs and spoke:
- Listen you, panties! Listen and look at me! Here I will show you one thing. I ... I ... I ...
There is a tongue of brake for sure.
The hare saw the wolf looked at him. Others have not seen, and he saw and did not dare to die.
Then there was a completely unusual thing.
The hare bouncer jumped up, exactly the ball, and fell out of the fear right on the wide wolf's forehead, the Kubarem rolled along the wolf back, turned over in the air again and then asked such a stringly that it seems to be ready to jump out of his own skin.
Long fled the unfortunate bunny, fled, until I did not get out of my strength.
He seemed to him that the wolf was chasing the heels and was about to grab him with her teeth.
Finally, completely exhausted the poor fellow, closed his eyes and fell under the bush.
And the wolf at that time fled to the other side. When the hare fell on him, it seemed to him that someone shot him.
And the wolf ran away. You never know in the forest of other hares can be found, and this was some kind of mad ...
For a long time, the rest of the hares could not come to themselves. Who died in the bushes, who hid behind the pecks, who fell into the pumpe.
Finally, it was tired of hiding everyone, and they began to look at the same way.
- And deftly scared the wolf our hare! - decided everything. "If it were not for him, so would not get to us alive ... But where is it, our fearless hare?"
Started looking for.
We went, went, there is no brave hare anywhere. I did not eat his other wolf? Finally, they found: lies in a yam under a bush and barely alive from fear.
- Well done, oblique! - shouted all the hares in one voice. - Ay da sideways! .. deftly you scared the old wolf. Thank you brother! And we thought you would boast.
The brave hare immediately cheered. Got out of his hole, shook, squinted his eyes and said:
- And you would think! Oh, you, panties ...
From this day, the brave hare began to believe that it really is not afraid of anyone.
Bai Bayu-Bay ...

Tappy about Kozhenychka

A cywood was born to AK, nobody saw.
It was a sunny spring day. Kozhenachka looked around the circle and said:
- Okay!..
I placed my wings, rubbed the thin legs one about another, I also looked around and said:
- How good! .. What a warmth is warm, what sky is blue, what a green grass is, "good, good! .. And all my! ..
Still lost the goat feet and flew. Flies, admires everyone and rejoices. And at the bottom of the grass and green, and a scarlet flower hid in the grass.
- Cooker, to me! - shouted the flower.
The goat shouted to the ground, scrupped on the flower and began to drink sweet floral juice.
- What kind of you are kind, flower! - says Kozhenachka, wiping with a stillet with legs.
"Good, good, but I don't know how to walk," the flower complained.
"And yet it is good," said Kozhenachka. - And all my ...
She did not have time to finish how a shaggy bumblebee flew out with a buzzing - and straight to the flower.
- LJ ... who climbed into my flower? LJ ... who drinks my sweet juice?
LJ ... Ah You, Drying Kozhenka, Clean Won! LJ ... Go out, until I stumbled you!
- Allow what is it? - Washed the goat. - Everything, all my ...
- LJ ... No, mine!
Cooker barely took his legs from an angry bumblebee. She sat down on the grass, licked the legs blurred in flower juice, and became angry:
- What is this bumblebee! .. Even amazing! .. still wanted ... After all, everything is mine - and the sun, and grass, and flowers.
- No, sorry - mine! - Speak the shaggy worm, cracked her grass.
The goat has realized that the worm does not know how to fly, and spoke bolder:
- Excuse me, the worm, you are mistaken ... I do not interfere with you, but do not argue with me! ..
- Well, good ... That's just my weed, I do not like it, I do not like to say that ... Do you never fly here ... You are a frivolous people, and I am a serious worm ... Talking frankly, everything belongs to me. Here's put on the grass and remove, shake on any flower and also eat. Goodbye!..

In a few hours, the goatovachka recognized everything that is: what, except the sun, blue sky and green grass, there are still angry bumblebees, serious worms and different spines on colors. In short, it turned out great chagrin. Kozhenachka was even offended. Mixed, she was sure that everything belongs to her and was created for her, and then others think the same thing. No, something is wrong ... can not be.
A cyavochka flies further and sees - water.
- This is mine! - She wrote fun. - My water ... Oh, how fun! .. Here and the grass and flowers.
And there are other goatovacies fly to the goawau.
- Hello, sister!
- Hello, cute ... And then I have become boring one fly. What are you doing here?
- And we play, sister ... Go to us. We have fun ... Have you been born recently?
"Only today ... I'm not stumbled a little bumblebee, then I saw a worm ... I thought that all my, and they say that all their."
Other goats calmed down the guest and invited to play together. Over the water of the goats played a post: spin, fly, sing. Our goatovica suffocated from joy and soon completely forgot about an angry bumblebee and a serious worm.
- Oh, how good! She whispered in delight. - All my: and sun, and herb, and water. Why others are angry, I do not understand resolutely. All my, and I do not bother to live: Fly, buzz, having fun. I let...
Played the goatwashochka, was fun and sat down to relax on the marsh. It is necessary to relax, in fact! It looks at the goat, how other kinds are having fun; Suddenly, from where he will take, the sparrow - how the shrimp is by, exactly who threw the stone.
- Ay, oh! - shouted the goats and rushed by the swarming. When the sparrow flew away, the whole dozen goat was not taken.
- Ah, robber! - the old goat shoes were scorn. - A whole dozen ate.
It was worse bumblebee. Kozhenachka began to be afraid and hid with other young goats even further into the swamp grass.
But here another misfortune: two kids ate the fish, and two frogs.
- What is it? - Surprised the goat. - This is no longer anything like that ... it is impossible to live. Y, what nasty! ..
It is good that no one has noticed a lot of cywood. Yes, new goatovacies who had just born were born.
They flew and singing:
- All our ... all our ...
"No, not all," our goat shifted them. - There are still angry bumblebees, serious worms, garde sparrows, fish and frogs. Be careful, sister!
However, the night came, and all the goats were hidden in the reeds, where it was so warm. Stars poured out in the sky, she climbed a month, and everything was reflected in the water.
Oh, how good it was! ..
"My month, my stars," - I thought our goat, but I did not say anyone: just take it ...

So I lived the goat hock whole summer.
He had a lot of having fun, and a lot was unpleasant. Two times her slightly did not swallowed agile hairstyle; Then the frog was imperceptible, - you never have any goals from any enemies! There were also their joys. I met the goatovachios another of the same goat, with a shaggy mustache. She says:
- What a pretty, goatovka ... We will live together.
And healed together, they heal well. All together: where is one, there and the other. And they did not notice how summer flew. Began rains, cold nights. Our cywood caused testicles, hid them in thick grass and said:
- Oh, how I'm tired! ..
No one saw how the goat died.
Yes, she did not die, but only fell asleep for the winter to wake up and live again and again.

About mosquito mosquito - long nose
And about the shaggy Misha -

Eh happened at the very past one, when all mosquitoes hid from the heat in the swamp. Komar Komarovich - a long nose stuck under a wide sheet and fell asleep. Sleep and hears a desperate cry:
- Oh, father! .. oh, Karraul! ..
Komar Komarovich jumped out of the sheet and shouted too:
- What happened? .. What are you yelling?
And mosquitoes fly, buzzing, please - can not disassemble anything.
- Oh, father! .. Came in our swamp Bear and fell to sleep. As lay down in the grass, so now crushed five hundred mosquitoes; How I got - swallowed a whole hundred. Oh, trouble, brothers! We barely took your legs from him, and then everyone would give ...
Komar Komarovich - a long nose was immediately angry; It was angry at the bear and the stupid mosquitoes who were silent.
- Hey you, stop squeaking! - he shouted. - So I will now go and run a bear ... very simple! And you yell only in vain ...
Even more angry Komar Komarovich and flew. Indeed, the Bear lay in the swamp. He climbed into the most thick grass, where the mosquitoes lived with the impact of the century, collapsed and the nose snaps, only whistle goes, exactly who played on the pipe. Here is a shameless creature! .. I climbed into someone else's place, ruined in vain so much mosquito shower and sleep so sweet!
- Hey, uncle, did you get it where? - shouted Komar Komarovich on the whole forest, and so loudly, that even it became scary himself.
The shaggy Misha opened one eye - no one can see, opened another eye - barely considered that a mosquito flies over his nose.
- What do you need, buddy? - Misha blinked and began to be angry.
How, it only passed to relax, and here some rags are fried. - Hey, leaving for a meeting, uncle! ..
Misha opened both eyes, looked at Nahala, fruned his nose and finally angry.
- What do you need, unsuitable creature? He buried.
- Get out of our place, I do not like to joke ... Together with a fur coat, you eat.
The bear was ridiculous. He overturned on the other side, closed the face of the paw and now she crashed.

Polethel Komar Komarovich back to his mosquitoes and a pipe on all swamp:
- deftly I scared a shaggy bear! .. In another time it will not come.
Mosquito mowed and asked:
- Well, now the bear where?
"I don't know, brothers ... strongly struggled when I told him that I was removed, if I can't leave. After all, I do not like to joke, and so straight and said: I eat. I'm afraid, no matter how he caught with fear, while I fly to you ... Well, myself is to blame!
Woven all the mosquitoes, they knocked out and argued for a long time, how to be with ignorant bear. Never in the swamp there was no such terrible noise.
They were singing, singing and decided - to drive out the bear from the swamp. - Let him go home to the forest, and sleeps there. And our swamp ... more fathers and grandfathers are our swamp in this very much.
One prudent old woman of Komarich advised to leave the bear alone: \u200b\u200blet him lie down, and when he gets up - he woys himself, but everyone was thrown on her that the poor barely managed to hide.
- Go, brothers! - shouted more than all Komar Komarovich. - We will show him ... Yes!
Mosquitoes flew over Komar Komarovich. We fly and sing, even it is terribly done. They flew, look, and the bear lies and does not move.
- Well, I said it: the poor fear died with fear! - Komar Komarovich boasted. - Even sorry a little, how much healthy bear ...
"Yes, he sleeps, brothers," the little comarable, flew up to the very bearish nose, and almost drawn there like in the vehicle.
- Ah, Shameless! Oh, shameless! - Wave off all mosquitoes at once and raised terrible hounds. - five hundred mosquitoes crushed, one hundred mosquitoes swallowed and sleeps himself as if nothing had happened ...
And the shaggy Misha is sleeping for himself and the nose is observing.
- He pretends that he sleeps! - shouted Komar Komarovich and flew to the bear. - So I'll show him now ... Hey, uncle, will pretend!
How Momar Komarovich rushes, as his long nose back in a black bear nose, Misha jumped up - to hug a paw on the nose, and Komar Komar Komar Komar, as it did not happen.
- What, uncle, did not like? - Flood Komar Komarovich. - Go away, and it will be worse ... I now, not one Komar Komarovich - a long nose, and flew to me and grandfather, a mosquito - a long carriat, and the younger brother, Komarishko - a long nose! Go, uncle ...
- And I will not leave! - shouted the bear, sitting on the rear paws. - I'll transfer you all ...
- Oh, uncle, swimming in vain ...
Again, flew Komar Komarovich and dug a bear straight into the eye. Bear was bore from pain, enough Himself with a paw on the face, and again nothing in the paw, only a little eye did not cut himself with claws. And Komar Komarovich goes over the most bearish ear and beeps:
- I'll eat you, uncle ...

Equalized finally Misha. He moved along with the root of a whole birch and began to bother her mosquitoes. So lets off the shoulder ... Bil, beat, even tired, but no killed mosquito, - everyone goes on him and frog. Then Misha grasped a heavy stone and launched them in mosquitoes - there is no sense again.
- What, took, uncle? - Cook Komar Komarovich. - And I still eat you ...
How long, briefly fought Misha with mosquitoes, only there was a lot of noise. Far was heard the bear roar. And how many trees he snatched, how many stones turned out! .. He wanted to hook the first Komar Komar Commospar, - after all, here it goes on the ear, and there is enough a bear with a paw, and again nothing, only all the face itself scratched.
Immedibly finally Misha. He sat down on the hind paws, snorted and invented a new thing - let's ride on the grass to hand over all the comlar kingdom. I rode, Misha ride, however, nothing came out of this, but only more he was tired. Then the bear hid the face in Moss. It turned out worse - the mosquitoes clung to the bear tail. Finally cleared the bear.
- Wait, so I ask you! .. - he roared so that for five miles it was heard. - I'll show you a piece ... I ... I ... I ...
Rated mosquitoes and are waiting for what will happen. And Misha on the tree scrupted, as an acrobat, sat down on the fattest bitter and roars:
- Well, go back to me now ... all the noses are broken! ..
Mosquitoes were laughed with subtle voices and rushed to the bear with all the army. They are angry, circling, climb ... fished, Misha was fighting, swallowed inadvertently a hundred mosquito troops, coughed yes, how angry with a bitch, just a bag ... however rose, scratched his bruised side and says:
- Well, took? Seen how I deftly with a tree jumping? ..
More mosquitoes, a mosquito, and Komar Komarovich, and the pipeline: - I eat you ... I eat you ... eat ... eat! ..
Excessive finally bear, I was embarrassed from the forces, and go out of the swamps. He sits on the hind legs and only blinks through his eyes.
He helped him out of trouble frog. Jumped out from under the bump, sat down on the rear paws and says:
- Hunting you, Mikhailo Ivanovich, disturb yourself in vain! .. Do not pay attention to these stray romagues. Not worth it
. "And that's not worth it," the bear was delighted. - I'm so ... Let them come to me in Berlogue, yes I ... I ...
How Misha turns, how to run out of the swamp, and Komar Komarovich - a long nose flies behind him, flies and shouts:
- Oh, brothers, keep! Bear runs ... Hold! ..
All mosquitoes gathered, they consulted and decided: "Not worth it! Let him go - after all, the swamp remains for us!"

Wanquins Name Day

B, drum, tha! TRA-TA! Play, pipes: Tru-Tu! Tu-ru-ru! .. Let's all the music here - today Vanka Birthday! .. Dear guests, pleasure, please ... Hey, are going to here! TRA-TA! Tru-Ru!
Vanka sticks in red shirt and sentences:
- Brothers, pleasure, please ... treats - how much. Fresh soup soup; Cutlets from the best, the most pure sand; Patty pieces of multicolored paper; What tea! From the most good boiled water. We ask ... Music, play! ..
Taha! TRA-TA! True! Tu-ru-ru!
Guests got a full room. The first flew by a bushed wooden top.
- LJ ... LJ ... Where is the birthday man? LJ ... LJ ... I love to have fun in a good company ...
Two dolls came. One - with blue eyes, Anya, she had a little spoiled nose; Other - with black eyes, Katya, she lass one hand. They came in chinno and took a place on a toy sofa.
"Let's see what a treat with Vanka," Anya said. - Something very boasts. Music is Nude, and relatively treating I strongly doubt.
"You, Anya, always unhappy with something," said her Katya.
- And you are forever ready to argue.
The dolls argued a little and even they were ready to quarrel, but at that moment I caught a very supported clown on one leg and immediately reconciled them.
- Everything will be fine, the lady! I'll hang out perfectly. Of course, I have one legs lack, but the top and on one leg won as it spins. Hello, top ...
- Live ... Hello! Why is you with you one eye as if it fell?
- Void ... I fell off the sofa. It could be worse.
- Oh, how badly happens ... I sometimes be shedding in the wall, right head! ..
- It's good that your head is empty ...
"Still hurt ... LiveJournal ... Try it yourself, you know."
Clown only lasted with its copper plates. He was generally a frivolous man.
Parsushka came and brought with him a whole bunch of guests: his own wife, Matrena Ivanovna, German-Dr. Charles Ivanich and Bolshnoy Gypsy; And Roma dragged a three-legged horse with him.
- Well, Vanka, take guests! - Parsley spoke fun, snapping himself on the nose. - one of the other better. One Mattress Ivanovna is worth it ... I really loves drinking tea, exactly duck.
"We find both tea, Peter Ivanich," answered Vanka. - And we are always happy with good guests ... Sit down, Matrena Ivanovna! Karl Ivanovich, please ...
There was still a bear with a hare, a sulter grandmother's goat with a clarification-hokhlytka, a cockerel with a wolf - all the place was found at the Vanka.
The latter came Alenushkin Shoe and Alenushkin Bills. They looked - all the places are busy, and the female said:
- Nothing, I will stand in the corner ...
And the shoe did not say anything and silently climbed under the sofa. It was a very honorable shoe, albeit still. He was a little embarrassed only hole, which was on the spout. Well, nothing, no one will notice under the sofa.
- Hey, music! - Completed Vanka.
Drought drum: tra stay! Taha! Play pipes: Tru-Tu! And all guests suddenly became so fun, so fun ...

The holiday began perfectly. Billed the drum by himself, played the pipes themselves, buzzed the top, ranked with his plates clown, and parsley was furiously. Oh, how fun was! ..
- Brothers, walk! - I smoked Vanka, smoothing out my linen curls.
Anya and Katya laughed with subtle voice, the clumsy bear danced with a whitewark, the gray goat walked with a clarification-hokhlytka, clown Kwown, showing his art, and Dr. Karl Ivanovich asked Matrene Ivanovna:
- Mattress Ivanovna, does your tummy hurt?
- What are you, Karl Ivanch? - Matraine Ivanovna was offended. - Why do you think so?..
- Well, show the language.
- Loose, please ...
"I am here ..." the silver spoon was ranked with a subtle voice, which Alenushka ate his kish.
She was still calm on the table, and when the doctor spoke about the language, he did not lose and jumped. After all, the doctor always examines the tongue from Alyonushka ...
- Oh, no ... no need! - Hawmed Matrena Ivanovna and so ridiculously swung her hands, just a windmill.
"Well, I'm not imposing with my services," a spoon is offended.
She even wanted to get angry, but at this time the top flew to her, and they began to dance. The wing burned, the spoon rang ... Even Alenushkin, the shoe did not lose, got out from under the sofa and whispered a taker:
- I love you very much, mess ...
The febrile closed the eyes sweetly and only sighed. She loved her to love her.
After all, she was always such a modest blizzard and never imported how it happened sometimes with others. For example, Matrena Ivanovna or Anya and Katya, - these lovely dolls loved to laugh at other people's deficiencies: clown lacked one foot, Petrushk had a long nose, Karl Ivanich - Lysin, Roma looked at the head, and everything was more than a birthday Vanka.
"He's a little man," Katya said.
- And, moreover, Bushrooms, "Anya added.
Coming, everyone sat down at the table, and a real feast began. Lunch passed, as in real names, although it was not without small misunderstandings. Bear mistakenly almost ate bunny instead of a cake; The wolf almost came up with the gypsy from behind the spoon - the latter wanted to steal her and already hid it was in his pocket. Peter Ivanovich, the famous Zabi, managed to quarrel with his wife and quarreled because of the trifles. Is-for - Matraine Ivanovna, calm down, - said her Karl Ivanch. "After all, Peter Ivanych is kind ... you maybe a headache?" I have excellent powders with me ...
"Leave it, Doctor," Parsushk said. "This is such an impossible woman ... And however, I love her very much." Matraine Ivanovna, kiss ...
- Hooray! - shouted Vanka. - It is much better than quarreling. I can't stand when people quarrel. Watch look ...
But here something completely unexpected and so terrible, which is even scary to say.
Bil drum: tra stay! TA-TA! Played pipes: Tru-ru! Ru-ru-ru! The clown plates ranks, the spoon was laughed, buzzed the top, and shouted the bunny: Bo-Bo! .. Porcelain dog loudly barking, rubber kitty was affectionately meow, and the bear had a foot having shook the floor. Messenger than everyone turned out to be the Serious Babushkin Kozlik. He, first of all, danced best, and then so funny shook his beard and trembled a voice: Mea-Ke-ke! ..

Allow, how did all this happen? It is very difficult to tell everything in order, because of the participants in the incident I remembered the whole thing only one Alenushkin's shoe. He was prudeman and managed to hide under the sofa.
Yes, so that's how it was. At first they came to congratulate the vanka wooden cubes ... no, again, not so. It began at all with this. Cubes really came, but all the fault was Cathrazya Katya. She, she, right! .. This pretty chewing plow at the end of the lunch whispered to Ana:
- And what do you think, Anya, who is here everyone here.
It seems that the question is the easiest, and meanwhile, Matrena Ivanovna is terribly offended and said Kate directly:
- What do you think is my Peter Ivanch Freak?
"No one thinks, Matrena Ivanovna," Katya tried to justify, but it was already too late.
"Of course, his nose is a little big," Matrena Ivanovna continued. "But this is noticeable, if only look at Peter Ivanich's side ... Then, he has a bad habit of silently squeak and fight with everyone, but he is still a kind person. And as for the mind ...
The dolls were argued with such an excitement, which turned into general attention. Intervened first of all, of course, Parsley and regained:
- True, Matrena Ivanovna ... The most beautiful man here, of course, I!
There are already all men offended. Sweet, sort of selfish this parsley! Even listen disgusting! The clown was not a master of talking and offended silently, but Dr. Karl Ivanovich said very loudly:
- So we are all freaks? Congratulations, gentlemen ...
After once, the guvot rose. I shouted something in my own Gypsy, I ruined the bear, the wolf screamed, shouted the sint of a goat, buzzed the top - in one word, all offended completely.
- Gentlemen, stop! - persuaded all the Vanka. - Do not pay attention to Peter Ivanich ... He just joked.
But everything was in vain. Worried mainly by Karl Ivanch. He even pounded his fist on the table and shouted:
"Gentlemen, good treat, nothing to say! .. We were invited to visit only then to call urodes ...
- Gracious sovereigns and gracious sovereigns! - tried to shout all the Vanka. "If I really went, gentlemen, so here just one freak is me ... Now you are satisfied?"
Then ... Let me come, how did it happen? Yes, yes, that's how it was. Karl Ivanovich tried finally and began to approach Peter Ivanchu. He shook his finger and repeated:
- If I were not an educated person and if I could not be able to keep myself decently in a decent society, I would tell you, Peter Ivanch, that you are even a very fool ...
Knowing the drunk character of parsley, Vanka wanted to stand up between him and the doctor, but on the road he hung a fist on the long nose of parsley. Parsushka seemed that he hit him not a Vanka, and the doctor ... that it began here! .. Parsley clung to the doctor; Sit down in the side of Gypsy, neither of course began to roll a clown, the bear rushed to the wolf, the wolf beat his empty goat's head - in one word, a real scandal came out. The dolls were singing with thin voices, and all three with fear fainted.
- Oh, I feel bad! .. - Screamed Matrena Ivanovna, falling from the sofa.
- Lord, what is it? - Oral Vanka. - Lord, because I am a birthday boy ... Lord, it's finally impolite! ..
There was a real landfill, so it was already difficult to disassemble who someone brings. The Vanka tried in vainly to deal with the fulfilled and cumshots, he himself began to bold all who was exposed to him at her arm, and since he was all stronger, then the guests had to be bad.
- Carraul !!. Batyushki ... oh, karral! - Oral is stronger than all parsley, trying to hit the doctor more ... - killed Parsley to death ... Carraul! ..
From the landfill, one shoe was left, time to hide under the sofa. He even closed his eyes with fear, and at that time a bunny was hidden for him, also looking for salvation in flight.
- You woof it? - shouted the shoe.
- Silent, and then they will hear, and both will come, "the bunny persuaded, looking with a skewed eye from the hole in the sock. - Oh, what a robber is this parsley! .. all the robberies and myself yells in good mate. Good guest, nothing to say ... And I barely ran away from the wolf, ah! Even remember scary ... And the duck lies up the legs up the legs. Killed, poor ...
- Oh, what are you stupid, bunny: all the dolls lie in fainting, well, and duck together with others.
They fought, fought, fought for a long time, until Vanka kicked out all the guests, excluding dolls. Matrene Ivanovna has long been tired of being fainted, she opened one eye and asked:
- Gentlemen, where am I? Doctor, Look, is it alive? ..
She did not answer her, and Matraine Ivanovna opened another eye. The room was empty, and Vanka stood in the middle and looked around with surprise. Anya and Katya woke up and surprised.
"There was something terrible here," Katya said. - Good birthday room, nothing to say!
Dolls at once threw on the Vanka, which resolutely did not know what to respond to him. And someone beat him, and he beat someone, but for what about what is unknown.
"I strongly don't know how it all happened," he said, spreading his hands.
- The main thing is that it's a shame: after all, I love them all ... decisively all.
"And we know how," the shoe and bunny responded from under the sofa. - We all saw! ..
- Yes, you are to blame! - Matrena Ivanovna thrown on them. - Of course, you ... brewed porridge, and they themselves hid.
"They, they! .." Anya and Katya shouted in one voice.
- Yeah, won what's the matter! - Ranka was delighted. - Get out the won, robbers ... You go to guests only to quarrel good people.
The shoe and bunny barely managed to jump out the window.
"Here I am ..." Matrena Ivanovna threatened them after his fist. - Oh, what are the lines of cracked people! So the duck will tell the same.
- Yes, yes ... - confirmed the duck. - I saw with my own eyes how they hid under the sofa.
Duck always agreed with everyone.
"You need to return guests ..." Katya continued. - We still have fun ...
Guests returned willingly. Who had his eyes hit, who were inhabited; Petrushki suffered his long nose more stronger.
- Ah, robbers! - They repeated everything in one voice, Bryan bunny and shoe. - Who would have thought?..
- Oh, how I'm tired! All the hands slept, "Vanka complained. - Well, yes what to remember the old ... I'm not malicious. Hey, music! ..
Again scored a drum: the tra stay! TA-TA! Play pipes: Tru-Tu! Ru-ru-ru! .. And Parsley shouted frantically:
- Hooray, Vanka! ..

About Sparrow Vorobyeich, Yersch Ershovich
And cheerful chipper

In Orobei, Vorobayich and Yersh Ershovich lived in great friendship. Every day, in the summer, Vorobayich flew to the river and shouted:
- Hey, brother, Hello! .. How are you?
"Nothing, we live with littleness," answered Ersh Ershovich. - Come to visit me. I have a brother, good in deep places ... Water is quiet, anywhere else you want. I grab you frog caviar, worms, water goats ...
- Thank you brother! I would be happy to go to visit you, but I'm afraid of water. It is better for you fly to visit me on the roof ... I am you, brother, I will treat the berries - I have a whole garden, and then get a wool and a crust of loaf, oats, and sugar, and a living mosquito. Do you like sugar?
- What is he?
- White such ...
- How do we have pebbles in the river?
- Here you go. And you take in your mouth - sweet. You do not eat your pebbles. Fly now on the roof?
- No, I do not know how to fly, and I suffocate in the air. Here is better on the water we pay together. I'll show you everything ...
Sparrow Vorobayich tried to enter the water, - on his knees will come, and then it's scary. So you can drown! Sparrow Vorobeich Light River Warm, and on hot days is bought somewhere in a small place, clean the feathers - and again to her roof. In general, they lived together and loved to talk about different matters.
- How do you not get tired of sitting in the water? - often Vorobayich Vorobayi was surprised. - Wet in the water, - still catching up ...
Ersh Ershovich was surprised in turn:
- How do you, brother, will not get tired of flying? Won how hot is in the sun: just suffocate. And I'm always cool. Watch yourself how much you want. Sleeping in the summer everything goes into my water to swim ... And who will go to the roof?
"And how to go, brother! .. I have a big friend - Yasha Petropher. He constantly comes to visit me ... and a cheerful such pipeline, - sings all the songs. Cleans the pipes, and sits itself. And even comes at the very same side to rest, get a loaf and snacks, and I pick up the crumbs. Soul in the soul we live. I also love to have fun.
Friends and trouble were almost the same. For example, winter: how zyab poor Sparrow Vorobeich! Wow, what cold days were! It seems that the whole soul is ready to freeze. Sparrow Sparrow, picks up his feet for himself and sits. Salver only - climb somewhere into the pipe and warm up a little. But then trouble.
Once the Sparrow Vorobayich almost died thanks to his best friend - a pipeline. A carpider came yes, how to get into the pipe his cast-iron gircuit with a dying, - I didn't break his head with a sparrow spot. He jumped out of the pipe all in the soot, worse than the carpillary, and now scold:
- You are what, Yasha, do something? After all, it is possible to kill death to death ...
- And how did I know how you sit in the pipe?
- And be more careful ... If I had a cast-iron guy on my head, was it good?
Yershu Ershovich, too, in the winter was not sweet. He climbed somewhere deeper into the pool and dreamed there for all days. And dark and cold, and do not want to move. Occasionally he sailed to the hole when Vorobayich's voice called. Will be drunk to drill the water and cry:
- Hey, Ersh Ershovich, did you live?
"Already ..." Hersh Ershovich will respond sleepy voice. - Just sleeping everything. Generally perfectly. We all sleep.
- And we are also no better, brother! What to do, you have to endure ... Wow, what an evil wind happens! .. here, brother, do not fall asleep ... I'm on one leg jumping to warm up. And people look and say: "Look, what a cheerful sparrow!" Oh, just wait for heat ... yes, you already, brother, sleep?
And in the summer again your trouble. Once the hawk of the versts two chased over the sparrows, and he barely managed to hide in a river diet.
- Oh, hardly gone! He complained to Yershu Hershovich, barely translating the Spirit. - Here is a robber thing! .. I almost didn't hurt, and there would be something called.
"It's like our pike," Ursh Ershovich comforted. - I also recently almost got into her mouth. How to rush behind me, just lightning. And I sailed with other fish and thought that in the water lies with the floor, and how it crawled to me ... For what only these pikes are found? I am surprised and I can not understand ...
"And I also ..." You know, it seems to me that the hawk ever was a pike, and the pike was a hawk. In short, robbers ...

Yes, so lived yes, Vorobayich and Yersh Ershovich, fought, fought in the winter, joined in the summer; And the cheerful pipeline Yasha cleaned his pipes and spent the songs. Everyone has their own business, their joys and their grief.
Once in the summer, the chipper cummed his work and went to the river to wash off him. It comes yes, I am heard, and here hears - a terrible noise. What happened? And over the river of the birds and go: both ducks, geese, swallows, and becasy, and crows, and pigeons. Everyone was noisy, yell, laugh - you will not understand anything.
- Hey, what happened? - shouted the carper.
- And so it happened ... - the brisk cinema bluish. "So ridiculous, so funny! .. See what our sparrows makes a sparrobe ... completely whisked.
The cinema laughed with a thin voice, wisered the tail and swayed over the river.
When the pipeline approached the river, Sparrow Vorobayich flew to him. And myself is terrible: the beak is revealed, the eyes are burning, all the feathers stand end.
- Hey, Sparrow Vorobeich, are you what, brother, make noise here? - asked a pipeline.
"No, I'll show him! .." Sparrow Sparrow, choking on rage. - He still does not know what I ... I will show him, damned Yershu Ershovich! He will remember me, the robber ...
- Do not listen to him! - shouted the carbyist from the water Ersh Ershovich. - All he is lying ...
- I'm lying? - Oral Sparrow Vorobeich. - And who has found a worm? I'm lying! .. Bold so worm! I dug him on the shore ... how much worked ... well, grabbed him and tall his home, in his nest. I have a family - I must wear food ... just drove with a worm over the river, and the damned Yersh Ershovich, - so that his pike swallowed! - How shouting: "Hawk!" I shouted with fear - the worm fell into the water, and Ersh Ershovich swallowed him ... Is it called to lie?!. And there was no hawk ...
- Well, I joked, "Ersh Ershovich was justified. - And the worm was really tasty ...
Near Yersh, Ershovich gathered every fish: roach, karasi, perch, malyas, - listen and laugh. Yes, deftly joked Ersh Ershovich over the old friend! And even more funny, as Sparrow Vorobayich entered into a fight with him. So it flies, it flies, and nothing can take anything.
- You will eat my worm! - Brew Vorobayich Sparrow. - I dig another myself ... And it's a shame that Ersh Ershovich deceived me and I still laugh at me. And I call him on my roof ... Good friend is good, nothing to say! Here and the pipeline Yasha will say the same ... We also live together and even eat together sometimes: he eats - I pick up the crumbs.
"Wait, brothers, this is the matter of course," the pipeline said. - Give me only to wash it first ... I will figure out your case on conscience. And you, Sparrow Vorobeich, while calm down a little ...
- My business is right, - what to worry me! - Oral Sparrow Vorobeich.
- But I will show Yershu Hershovich, how joking jokes with me ...
The chipper sat on the beings, put a nodule near the pebbles with his dinner, washed his hands and face and said:
- Well, brothers, now we will judge the court ... You, Ersh Ershovich, - Fish, and you, Vorobayyich, - Bird. So am I saying?
- So! So! .. - shouted everything and birds and fish.
- We will speak on! Fish should live in water, and the bird is in the air. So am I saying? Well ... And the worm, for example, lives in the ground. Okay. Now look ...
The pipeline unfolded his nodule, put a piece of rye bread on a stone, from which he consisted of his whole lunch, and spoke:
- Look: what is it? This is bread. I earned it, and I eat him; Rech and waterpoints. So? So, we do not have to eat anyone. Fish and bird also want to have lunch ... you, it means your food! Why quarrel? Sparrow Vorobayich Dip the worm, then he earned it, and, it means that his worm is ...
- Let me, Uncle ... - I heard in the crowd of birds thin voice.
Birds spread and laughed ahead of the Bekasik-sandplash, which went to the pipeline himself on his thin legs.
- Uncle, this is not true.
- What is not true?
- Yes, I found a worm, then I found ... Won ask ducks - they saw. I found it, and the sparrow flew and stole.
Petrychist was embarrassed. It came out at all. - How is it so? .. - he mumbled, going with thoughts. - Hey, Sparrow Vorobayich, are you what, in fact, deceive?
- This is not I'm lying, and Bekas is lying. He conspired along with ducks ...
- Something is not Tovo, brother ... um ... yes! Of course, the worm is trifles; But only the steal. And who stole, he should lie ... So I say? Yes...
- Right! True! .. - Choir shouted everything again. - And you still judge Yersh Ershovich with Sparrow Sparrobeich! Who is their rights? .. both noisy, both fought and raised everyone to their feet.
- Who is right? Ah you, mischievous, Ersh Ershovich and Sparrow Vorobayich! .. Right, mischievous. I both of you and the impressive for an example ... well, put together, now!
- Right! - shouted with a chorus. - Let him get up ...
"And Bekasika-sandplash, which worked, getting a worm, I will feed the crumbs," the carby system decided. - Everyone will be satisfied ...
- well! - again shone everything.
The pipeline has already extended his hand for bread, and it is not.
While the pipeline aroused, Sparrow Vorobeich managed to take it.
- Ah, robber! Ah, Plut! - all the fish and all the birds were indignant.
And everyone rushed into the pursuit of the thief. The sewer was hard, and Vorobayich could not fly away with her. His caught up just above the river. Rushed on the thief of large and small birds.
There was a real dump. Everyone and tear, only crumbs fly to the river; And then the paint flew into the river. Here I grabbed her fish. A real fight between fish and birds began. In the crumbs ripped out the whole sequence and all the crumbs were eaten. How is there anything left of the shoal. When the scratch was eaten, everyone came to mind and everyone became conscable. Did a sparrow on the thief, and in the path, the edge of the sequence and ate.
And the cheerful pipeline of Yasha sits on babe, looks and laughs. It all happened very ridiculous ... everyone ran away from him, there was only one of the Bekasik-sandbags.
- And what are you not flying for everyone? - asks a pipeline.
- And I would fly, yes, Raste Mal, Uncle. Just big birds come to ...
"Well, that's better will be, Bekasik." Both we stay with you without lunch. It can be seen, they still worked ...
Alyonushka came on the brackets, began to ask the Masha Poultchist, Jasha, what happened, and also laughed.
- Oh, what they are all stupid, and fish and birds! And I would have divided everything - both the worm and the paint, and no one would quarrel. I recently divided the four apples ... Dad brings four apples and says: "We divide in half - me and Lisa." I divided into three parts: one apple gave dad, Other - Liza, and two took themselves.

Tale of
How lived was the last fly

To AK was having fun in summer! .. Oh, how fun! It is difficult to even tell everything in order ... how many flies were, - thousands. Fly, buzzing, having fun ... When a little fly was born, I placed my wings, she was also fun too. So fun, so fun you won't tell. It was most interesting that in the morning they opened all the windows and doors on the terrace - what you want, to the window and fly.
"What a good creature is a person," a small fly was surprised, flying out of the window into the window. - This is for us windows are made, and they also answer them for us. Very good, and most importantly - fun ...
She flown into the garden a thousand times, sat on the green grass, loved blossoming lilac, gentle leaves of a bloomed linden and flowers in the flower beds. Unknown to her so far, the gardener has already managed to take care of everything. Oh, what he is good, this gardener! .. The fly has not yet been born, and he has already managed to cook, decisively whatever you need a little fluff. It was even more wonderful that he himself could not fly and sometimes walked with great difficulty - he was shaking him, and the gardener muttered something completely incomprehensible.
- And where are these damned flies come from? - Ground a kind gardener.
Probably the poor fellow said it just out of envy, because he himself knew how to dig up the ridges, dispake flowers and water them, but could not fly. A young fly on purposely spinned over the red nose of the gardener and scared him bored.
Then, people are generally so kind that everywhere delivered different pleasures to the flies. For example, Alyonushka drank Milk in the morning, she elaved a bun and then she had led others to Sakhara, - all this she did only in order to leave the flies of a few droplets of spilled milk, and most importantly - crumbs of bread and sugar. Well, please, please, what can be tastier of these crumbs, especially when you fly all the morning and are hungry? .. then, the kitchen Pasha was still kinder of Alyonushki. She went to the market every morning for flies every morning and brought amazingly delicious things: beef, sometimes fish, cream, butter, - generally the most kind woman in the whole house. She knew perfectly what flies need, although I didn't know how to fly either, like a gardener. Very good woman at all!
And aunt Olya? Oh, this wonderful woman seems to specially lived only for flies ... She opened all the windows with her own hands every morning so that the flies were more convenient to fly, and when it was raining or it was cold, closed them so that flies do not frighten their wings and not Costed. Then Aunt Olya noticed that the flies love sugar and berries very much, so she began to cook berries every day in Sahara. Mukhi now, of course, guessed, for which it is all done, and climbed out of a sense of gratitude straight in a basin with jam. Alyonushka loved the jam very much, but Aunt Olya gave her only one or two spoons, not wanting to offend flies.
Since flies at times could not eat everything, then Aunt Olya was delayed a part of the jam into glass banks (so as not to eat the mouse, which the jam was not at all) and then he served him every day with flies when the tea saw.
- Oh, what are all good and good! - A young flies admired, flying out of the window into the window. - Maybe even good that people do not know how to fly. Then they would turn into flies, large and voracious flies, and, probably, would eat everything themselves ... Oh, how well live in the world!
"Well, people are not quite such goodness, as you think," said the old fly, loved to turn. - It only seems so ... Did you notice the person whom everyone is called "dad"?
- Oh yes ... This is a very strange gentleman. You are absolutely right, good, kind of old fly ... Why does he smoke his phone when he knows that I don't get tobacco smoke at all? It seems to me that it does it directly called me ... Then, he wants nothing more decisively for flies. I tried the ink, which he always writes that, and almost died ... it's finally outrageous! I saw with my own eyes, like two such pretty, but completely inexperienced flies in his inkwell. It was a terrible picture when he fell out one of them and planted a magnificent bliss on the paper ... Imagine, he blamed himself, and we also! Where's the justice?..
"I think that this dad is completely deprived of justice, although he has one dignity ..." - answered old, experienced fly. - He drinks beer after lunch. This is a very thorough habit! I, confess, is also not averse to drink beer, although my head is spinning from him ... what to do, the bad habit!
"And I also love beer," the young flies admitted and even blushed a little. "I'm doing so much fun, so fun, although the other day is a little and hurts a head." But Dad, maybe therefore does nothing for flies that he himself does not eat jam, and sugar gives only a glass of tea. In my opinion, it is impossible to wait for anything good from a person who does not eat jam ... He can only smoke his phone.
Muhi generally knew all people well, although they appreciated them in their own way.

Summer stood roast, and every day the flies were more and more. They fell into the milk, climbed into the soup, in the inkwell, buzzed, spit and stick to everyone. But our little Mushka managed to make a real big fly and almost died several times. For the first time, she was bogged down with legs in jam, so hardly crawled; Another time the asked the lit lamp and almost burned the wings; For the third time I almost gotted between the window sash, - in general, the adventures were enough.
- What it is: there is no living from these flies! .. - Keep cook. - Sharply crazy, and climb everywhere ... you need to be noted.
Even our fly began to find that the flies divorced too much, especially in the kitchen. In the evenings, the ceiling was covered with exactly a lively, moving net. And when they brought provisions, flies rushed to her a living bunch, pushed each other and scared scary. The best pieces were delivered only to the strongest and strong, and the rest were gone. Pasha was right.
But here something terrible happened. Once in the morning Pasha, together with provisions, brought a pack of very tasty pieces - that is, they became delicious when they were laid out on the plates, they sprinkled with small sugar and poured warm water.
- Here is a great treat to flies! - Pasha's cook said, arranging plates in the most prominent places.
Flies and without Pasha guess what it was done for them, and a cheerful gurboy was thrown onto a new Kushanye. Our fly also rushed to one plate, but it was pushed quite rudely.
- What do you push, gentlemen? - she was offended. "And however, I'm not so greedy to take something from others." It is finally impolite ...
Next happened something impossible. The most greedy flies were paid first ... they first wandered like drunk, and then completely fell. The next morning Pasha has a whole large plate of the dead flies. Only the most prudent people remained alive, and including our fly.
- Do not want pieces! - they were singing. - We do not want...
But the next day was repeated the same. Of the prudent flies remained only the most prudent. But Pasha found that too many of those, the most prudent.
"There is no living from them ..." she complained.
Then Mr., whom the dad was called, brought three glass, very beautiful cap, poured a beer in them and put on the plates ... The most prudent flies were caught here. It turned out that these caps are just a mukholovka. Flies flew on the smell of beer, fell into the cap and died there, because they could not find exit.
- Now excellent! .. - approved Pasha; She turned out to be a completely heartless woman and rejoiced someone else's trouble.
What is great here, follow yourself. If people had the same wings like flies, and if they had to put the mukholovki from the house, then they would come across the same way ... Our fly, a bitter experience of even the most prudent flies, ceased to completely believe people. They only seem good, these people, and in essence only the topics and they are engaged that all their life is deceived by gullible poor flies. Oh, this is the most cunning and evil animal, if we talk the truth! ..
Flies have greatly dressed from all these troubles, and here is a new trouble. It turned out that summer has passed, rains began, a cold wind blew, and there was generally unpleasant weather.
- Did the summer passed? - surprised the remaining flies. - Let me come when it has managed to go? This is finally unfair ... did not have time to look back, and then autumn.
It was worse than poisoned paper and glass flies. From the coming bad weather, it was possible to seek protection only at your worst enemy, that is, a master of man. Alas! Now the windows have not been warmed up for all days, but only occasionally - forctures. Even the sun itself and then shone exactly for the only to deceive the gullible room flies. How do you like, for example, such a picture? Morning. The sun looks like fun in all windows, exactly invites all flies to the garden. You might think that the summer comes back again ... and what, - gullible flies fly into the window, but the sun is only shining, and not heats. They fly back - the fortage is closed. Many flies died in this way in the cold autumn nights only due to their gullibility.
"No, I do not believe," our fly said. - I do not believe anything ... If the sun is deceiving, then who can and what can you believe?
It is clear that with the onset of autumn, all the flies experienced the fool's mood of the Spirit. The character immediately spoiled almost everyone. There were no former joys and remember. Everyone became such a gloomy, sluggish and dissatisfied. Some reached the point that they began to even bite, which was not before.
In our flies, the nature had deteriorated that she did not recognize himself at all. Previously, for example, she regretted other flies when they died, and now I thought only about themselves. She was even ashamed to say out loud that she thought:
"Well, let them die - I will get more."
First, a real warm corner, in which the winter can live a real, decent fly, not so much, and secondly, they just got tired of other flies that were climbing everywhere, snatched the best slices from under the nose and generally behaved pretty unceremoniously. It's time and relax.
These other flies accurately understood these evil thoughts and died hundreds. They did not even die, but accurately fell asleep. Every day they were done less and less, so it was absolutely no need to be poisoned paper, no glass flies. But this was not enough for this: she wanted to stay completely alone. Think what charm is five rooms, and only one fly! ..

There was such a happy day. Early in the morning, our fly woke up rather late. She has long experienced some incomprehensible fatigue and preferred to sit still in his corner, under the stove. And then she felt something extraordinary happened. It was worth cleaning to the window, as everything explained immediately. The first snow fell ... the land was covered with a bright whisker veil.
- A, so what happens winter! - she promoted immediately. - She is very white, like a piece of good sugar ...
Then the fly noticed that all other flies disappeared completely. The poor things were not transferred to the first cold and fell asleep to whom where it happened. Muha at another time would regret them, and now thought:
"That's fine ... Now I am completely alone! .. no one will have my jam, my sugar, my tinies ... Oh, how good! .."
She flew off all the rooms and once again made sure that she was completely alone. Now it was possible to do a strong all that wanted. And how good is that the rooms are so warm! Winter there, on the street, and in rooms and warmth and cozy, especially when the lamps and candles were lit in the evening. With the first lamp, however, a little trouble came out - the fly flew was again on fire and almost burned out.
"This is probably a winter trap for flies," she realized, rubbing the burned legs. - No, you will not hold me ... Oh, I understand everything perfectly! .. Do you want to burn the last fluff? And I do not want this at all ... too, here and a stove in the kitchen - don't I understand that this is also a trap for flies! ..
The last fly was happy only a few days, and then suddenly she was boring, so boring, so boring that, it seems, and not tell. Of course, she was warm, she was fed, and then, then she began to miss. Flying, flying, relax, will fly, again fly - and again it is being made more boring former.
- Oh, how boring it! - She snapped with the most outlined thin voice, flying out of the room into the room. - At least one was still a fly, the most bad, but still a fly ...
No matter how complained by the last fly on her loneliness, "no one wanted her strongly. Of course, it was her even more, and she pested people like crazy. Who will sit on the nose, to whom in the ear, and it will take it to fly before your eyes back and forth. In short, the real crazy.
- Lord, how do you not want to understand that I am completely alone and what is very boring to me? "She singed to everyone." - You can't even fly, and therefore you do not know what boredom is. If anyone would play with me ... yes no, where are you? What could be a bad and awkward person? The most ugly creature, which I ever met ...
The last fly is tired and a dog and a cat - decisively everyone. Most of all it was upset when aunt Olya said:
- Ah, last fly ... Please do not touch her. Let all winter live.
What is it? This is a direct insult. Her, it seems, and for Mukh stopped counting. "Let live," say what a favor was made! And if I'm bored! And if I may not want to live at all? Here I do not want - and that's it. "
The last fly was angry at all that even the most worried was. Flies, buzzing, beats ... Sitting in the corner of the spider finally squeezed over her and said:
- Cute fly, go to me ... What a beautiful web I have!
- I thank you ... Here was another friend! I know what your beautiful web is. Probably, you have ever been a man, and now only pretend to spider.
- As you know, I wish goodness to you.
- Oh, what nasty! This is called - wishing good: eat the last fluff! ..
They were very quarreled, and yet it was boring, so boring, so boring that they won't tell. Muha stumbled decisively at all, tired and loudly stated:
- If so, if you do not want to understand how boring me, so I will sit in the corner a whole winter! .. here! .. Yes, I will sit and will not come out for anything ...
She even stood up with grief, recired last summer fun. How many fun flies were; And she still wanted to stay completely alone. It was a rock mistake ...
Winter stretched without end, and the last fly began to think that the summer would no longer be at all. She wanted to die, and she cried slowly. This, probably, people came up with the winter, because they come up with a strong all that is harmful to flies. Or maybe this aunt Olya hid anywhere somewhere, how hides sugar and jam? ..
The last fly was ready to completely die with despair, as something happened perfectly special. She, as usual, sat in her corner and was angry, as suddenly hears: Zh-LJ! .. At first she did not believe his own ears, but thought that someone was deceiving her. And then ... God, what was it! .. Pretty Live Mushka flew past her, still all young. She just managed to be born and rejoiced.
- Spring begins! .. Spring! - she buzzed.
How they were delighted to each other! Hugged, kissed and even licked one other trulls. The old fly for several days told how he had spent the whole winter and how she was bored alone. A young fly only laughed with a thin voice and could not understand how boring it was.
- Spring! Spring! .. - She repeated.
When Aunt Olya ordered to put all the winter frames and Alenushka looked out in the first open window, the last fly immediately understood everything.
- Now I know everything, she buzzed, flying out the window, - Let's we, flies ...

About Voronushka - Black Head
And yellow bird canary

With Crow Crow on Birch and shines a nose on a bitch: clas-clap. Cleaned her nose, looked around the circle yes as a karknet:
- Carr ... Carr! ..
Dormant on the fence Kat Vaska almost fell with fear and began to grumble:
- Ec took you, a black head ... God gives such a neck! .. What was it pleased?
- Loose ... I have no time, don't you see? Oh, as no time ... Carr-carr-carr! .. And all things yes, things.
- Masha, poor, - Vaska laughed.
"Silent, Legegok ... You're all sides, only you know that I don't know in the sun, and I don't know from the morning: on ten roofs I sat down, half the city had lost it, all the corners and the shortcings looked. And now it is necessary to fly to the bell tower, to go to the market, in the garden to dig in the garden ... Yes, that I am in the garden, I lose time, - once for me. Oh, how no time!
Crane slammed the last time the nose on the bitch was fixed and just wanted to rescue how a terrible scream heard. A pack of sparrows was rushing, and some small yellow bird flew ahead.
- Brothers, keep her ... Oh, hold! - spoiled sparrows.
- What? Where to? - shouted the crow, rushing behind the sparrows.
I waved the crow with the wings of a dozen times and caught up with a sparrow flock. The yellow bird was embarrassed from the last strength and rushed into a small garden, where the lilac bushes, currant and cherry were growing. She wanted to hide from the Vorobyev who was hung behind her. A yellow bird clogged under the bush, and the crow here is like.
- Who are you going to? She darts.
Sparrows so attacked the bush, exactly who threw a handful of peas.
They poked on a yellow bird and wanted to chat her.
- Why do you offend it? - asked the crow.
- Why is she yellow? .. - all the sparrows were wroved.
The crow looked at the yellow bird: Indeed, everything is yellow, - Motnul's head and talked:
"Oh, you, mischievous ... After all, it's not a bird at all! .. Does such poultry come? .. And however, we'll be cleaned ... I have to talk to this miracle. She only pretends to bird ...
Sparrows were powered, shuffled, they got even more, and there was nothing to do - you need to get out.
Conversations with the raven short: so enough weares as the spirit of Won.
Turning the sparrows, the crow began to put the yellow bird, which breathing heavily and was so complaints about his black eyes.
- Who will you be so? - asked the crow.
- I'm a canary ...
- Look, do not deceive, but it will be bad. Kaba is not me, so the sparrow would rush you ...
- Right, I'm a canary ...
- Where did you come from?
"And I lived in a cage ... in a cage and born, and grew up, and lived. I wanted to fly like other birds. The cell stood on the window, and I watched everything on other birds ... So it was fun, and in the cage so closely. Well, the girl Alenushka brought a cup with water, opened the door, and I escaped. Flying, flew around the room, and then flew into the window.
- What did you do in the cage?
- I sing well ...
- Well, spoy.
Canarian sang. The crow bowed the head of the side and was surprised.
- Do you call this singing? Haha ... The stupid were your owners if they fed for such singing. If I would feed someone, so a real bird, like, for example, I ... divecha dawn, - so Plut Vaska almost fenced. This is singing! ..
- I know Vaska ... the most terrible beast. He how many times was chosen to our cage. Green eyes, so burn, will release claws ...
- Well, who is terrible, and to whom it is not ... He is big, it's right, but there is nothing terrible. Well, let them talk about it later ... but I still don't believe that you are a real bird ...
- Law, aunt, I am a bird, completely a bird. All Caners - Birds ...
- Good, good, see ... But how will you live?
"I need a little: a few grains, sugar pieces, Sukharik," so fed. "
- Che What a lady! .. Well, there is still no sugar, but somehow you will add to the grains. In general, I like you. Want to live together? I have an excellent nest on birch ...
- Thank you. Only here are the sparrows ...
"You will live with me, no one dares to touch your finger." Not that sparrows, but and Plut Vaska knows my character. I do not like to joke ...
The canary immediately encouraged and flew along with the raven. Well, the nest is excellent, if you still have a Sukharik and Sakhara ...
Steel Crow with a canary live Yes, wait in the same nest. Voron, though he loved sometimes to turn, but there was a bird not evil. The main disadvantage in its character was that she envied everyone, but he thought offended.
- Well, the better me are stupid chickens? And they are fed, they care for them, they cares, "she complained by the Canary. "To take the pigeons too ... Which of them is a sense, but no, no and throw them a handful of oats." Also a stupid bird ... And I'm a little bit, I'm still all starting to drive into three necks. Is it fair? Yes, they are still scolding: "Eh you, crow!" Have you noticed that I will be better than others and painful? .. We put it, it does not have to talk about yourself, but forced themselves. Is not it?
Canary agreed with everything:
- Yes, you are a big bird ...
- That's what is. Hold the parrots in the cells, care for them, and the parrot is better than me? .. So, the most stupid bird. Only knows what to scream yelling, and no one can understand what mumbles. Is not it?
"Yes, we also had a parrot and scared all bored everyone."
- Yes, you never know other such birds, who live unknown why! .. Skvorts, for example, will fly like crazy unknown from where, summer will live and will fly away. Swallows, too, Tyitsy, Nightingale, - Like such a rubbish will be checked. Not a single serious, real bird ... a little cold smells, everything and let's see where the eyes look.
In essence, the crow and the canary did not understand each other. The canary did not understand this life in the wild, and the crow did not understand in captivity.
- Do you really, aunt, nobody threw a grain? - The canary was surprised. - Well, one grain?
- What are you stupid ... What are the grains? Only and see, as if by a stick who did not kill or stone. People are very evil ...
With the last Canarka could not agree, because her people were fed. Maybe it seems to be a ravene ... However, the Canary soon had to make sure of human anger. Once she was sitting on the fence, as suddenly he won a heavy stone over his head. Schoolchildren walked down the street, saw on the fence to the crow - how not to launch a stone into it?
- Well, now I saw? - asked the crow, climbing on the roof. - That's all of them, that is, people.
- Maybe you cheat something, aunty?
- Resolutely nothing ... just so angry. They hate me all ...
The canary became sorry for the poor crow, which nobody loved. After all, it is impossible to live ...
Enemies were enough at all. For example, Vaska's cat ... With some oil eyes, he looked at all birds, pretended to sleep, and the canary saw his own eyes, as he grabbed a small, inexperienced ponym, - only the bones of stave and auxilies flew ... Wow, scary! Then the hawk is also good: floats in the air, and then a stone and falls on some careless bird. The canary also saw the hawk dragged chicken. However, the crow was not afraid of any cats, no hawks and even herself was not averse to to enjoy a little bird. At first, the canary did not believe it until he was convinced of his own eyes. Once she saw the sparrows of the whole pack chased behind the raven. They fly, they are frigneling ... The Canary was scared and hid in the nest.
- Give, Give! - Furious sparrows singing, flying over the crow's nest.
- What is it? This robbery! ..
The crow sleeved into his nest, and he saw the canary with horror that she brought in the claws of the dead, bloody groove.
- Auntka, what are you doing?
- Silent ... - Crow the crow.
She had terrible eyes - and shine ... The canary closed his eyes from fear so as not to see how the crow gun will tear the crow.
"After all, so she will ever eat me," the Canary thought. Sometime but the crow, biting, was done every time the kinder. Sleep your nose, it will go comfortably somewhere on bitches and sweetly sleepy. In general, as the Canary noticed, the aunt was terribly voracious and did not break anything. Then the crust of bread is dragging, then a piece of rotten meat, then some unicrees who wanted in the intermediate pits. The latter was a favorite class of crows, and the Canary could not understand what the pleasure of digging in the passing pit. However, and blaming it difficult to blame: she eaten every day as much as you could not eat twenty canary. And all the concern at the crows was only about food ... It will take place somewhere on the roof and looks out. When the raven was lazy to find food itself, she was started at tricks. He will see that sparrows are doing something, now and rush. As if it flies by, and herself yells in all her throat:
- Oh, there is no time ... it's not once! ..
Come to be poured, hire prey and was as follows. "After all, it is not good, aunty, to take away from others," a perturbed canary once noticed.
- Not good? And if I constantly have I want?
- And others also want ...
- Well, others will take care of themselves. This is how you, gently, in the cells everyone is fed, and we all have to finish yourself. Yes, and so, do you need a lot or a sparrow? .. I broke the branches and fed for a whole day.
Summer flashed unnoticed. The sun was exactly colder, and the day is shorter. It began to rain, blew a cold wind. The Canary felt the most unfortunate bird, especially when it was raining. And the crow exactly does not notice anything.
- What about the fact that it is raining? She was surprised. - It goes, goes and stop.
- But it's cold, aunt! Oh, how cold! ..
Especially badly happened at night. Wet canary trembled. And the crow is still angry:
"Here's a sad! .. Whether it will still be when the cold hit and snow will go." Voronene was even hurt. What is the bird, if and the rain, and wind, and the cold is afraid? After all, it is impossible to live on white light. She began to doubt again that this canary is. Probably, only pretending to the bird ...
- Right, I am the real bird, aunt! - assured a canary with tears in his eyes. - Only it can be cold ...
- Something, look! And everything seems to me that you only pretend to be a bird ...
- No, right, I do not pretend.
Sometimes the canary firmly thought about his fate. Perhaps it would be better to stay in a cage ... there and warm and satisfying. She even several times cleaned the window on which the native cell was stood. There were already two new caners and envied her.
"Oh, how cold ..." the angry canary was appealing. - Let me go home.
Once in the morning, when the canary looked out of the crown nest, she was struck by a sad picture: the land per night was covered with the first snow, precisely Savan. Everything was white ... And most importantly, the snow covered all those grains that had a canary. Rowan remained, but she could not eat this acidic berry. Crow - she sits, pecks rowan yes praises:
- Ah, good berry! ..
The rumor of the day two, the Canary came to despair. What else will happen next? .. I can die with hunger ...
Sits canary and flaruse. And here he sees - they ran into the garden those whose schoolchildren who threw a stone in the crow, spread the grid on Earth, sprinkled with a delicious linen seed and ran away.
"Yes, they are not angry at all, these boys," the canary was delighted, glancing on the stretcher. - Aunt, boys brought me to feed!
- Good feed, nothing to say! - cried crow. - You do not think there to poke your nose ... Do you hear? As soon as you begin to peck the grains, so you will fall into the grid.
- And then what will happen?
- And then again in the cage will fit ...
It took a meditation by the canary: and I want to eat, and I do not want to eat into the cage. Of course, and cold and hungry, but still on the will to live much better, especially when it does not rain.
A canary was fastened for several days, but the hunger is not aunt, - she seduced his bait and came into the grid.
- Batyushki, guard! .. - She appeal. - Never again ...
It is better to die with hunger than getting into the cage again!
The canary now seemed that there was nothing better in the world, like a roron nest. Well, yes, of course, it happened and cold and hungry, but still - the full will. Where she wanted, there and flew ... She even cried. Here boys will come and will rise it again into the cage. On her happiness, flew past the crow and saw that it was bad.
"Oh, you, stupid! .." she grumbled. "After all, I told you that I don't touch the bait."
- aunt, I will not more ...
The crow flew on time. The boys already fled to capture prey, but the crow had time to break the thin mesh, and the canary found out again on freedom. The boys chased for a long time for the damned crow, threw sticks and stones into her and scorn.
- Oh, how good! - Canarian joined, clogging again in his nest.
- That's good. Look at me ... - grumbled the crow.
He helated again the canary in the crow's nest and did not complain anymore or hunger. Since the crow flew away to prey, I jarred in the field, and returned home, - Lies the canary in the nest with legs up. Made a crow head side, looked and said:
- Well, I told me that it was not a bird! ..

Smarter than all

And Nduk woke up, as usual, before others, when it was still dark, woke up his wife and said:
- After all, I'm smarter than everyone? Yes?
Turkey asked for a long cough and then answered:
- Oh, what smart ... Khe-Khe! .. Who does not know this? Khe ...
- No, you say right: smarter than everyone? Just smart birds are enough, but everything is smarter - one thing I am.
- Mutely everyone ... Khe! Everyone is smarter ... Khe-Khe-Khe! ..
- that's something.
Turkey even got angry a little and added such a tone to hear other birds:
"You know, it seems to me that I respect me little. Yes, very little.
- No, it seems to you so ... Khe-Khe! - reassured his turkey, starting to correctly straighten the feathers. - Yes, it just seems ... Birds smarter than you and do not come up. Khe-Khe-Khe!
- And hussak? Oh, I understand everything ... I put it, he says directly nothing, and most silent. But I feel that he does not respect me silently ...
- And you do not pay attention to him. Do not ... Khe! After all, did you notice that the hussak is stupid?
- Who does not see this? He has written on his face: a stupid hussak, and nothing else. Yes ... But the hussak is still nothing, - can you be angry with a stupid bird? But the cock, the simple cock ... What did he shout about my third day? And as shouted - all the neighbors heard. He seems to call me even very stupid ... Something like that in general.
- Oh, what are you strange! - Turkey was surprised. "Don't you know why he shouts at all?"
- Well, why?
- Khe-Khe-Khe ... very simple, and everyone knows. You are a rooster, and he is a rooster, only he is a completely simple cock, the most ordinary cock, and you are a real Indian, overseas cock, "So he shouts from envy. Each bird wants to be an Indian rooster ... Khe-Khe-Khe! ..
- Well, it's hard, Mother ... haha! After what they wanted! Any simple cock - and suddenly wants to become Indian, - no, brother, shawl! .. never to be Indian.
The turkey was such a modest and kind bird and constantly stumbled that the turkey was completely quarreling with anyone. So today, - did not have time to wake up, and I already invent, whom to start a quarrel or even a fight. In general, the most restless bird, although not evil. The turkey was done a little offensive when other birds began to be poured over the turkey and called it a chatter, wastelife and broke. Put, partly they were right, but find the bird without flaws? That's what is there! There are no such birds, and even somehow more pleasant when you find out in another bird, although the smallest drawback.
The wokeered birds were poured out of the chicken coop on the courtyard, and immediately rose the desperate guvot. Particularly noisy chickens. They ran around the yard, climbed to the kitchen window and shouted frantically:
- Ah, where! Ah, somewhere, where ... We want! Mature's kitchen must have died and wants to skit us with hunger ...
"Lord, have patience," Gusak noticed on one leg. - Look at me: I also want to eat, and not shouting like you. If I shouted for the full throat ... That's how ... go! .. or so: and - go-th !!
Gusak so desperately yoggly, that the cook Matrena immediately woke up.
"It's good for him to talk about patience," one duck grumbled, "what a throat, exactly the pipe." And then, if I had such a long neck and such a strong beak, then I would also preach patience. It would be possible for everyone else, and others would advise to endure ... We know this goose patience ...
Duck supported rooster and shouted:
- Yes, good hussak talk about patience ... And who I have two of the best pen pulled out of the tail? It is even ungivory - grab right behind the tail. We put it, we quarreled a little, and I wanted to take my head hussak, "I can't unlock, there was such an intention," but I am guilty, not my tail. So I say, gentlemen?
Hungry birds, like hungry people, were made unfair precisely because they were hungry.

Turkey from pride never rushed along with others on food, and waited patiently when Matronae will tear another greedy bird and call him. So it was now. Turkey walked aside, near the fence, and did the view that she was looking for something among the different Sora.
- Khe-Khe ... Oh, how I want to eat! - I complained the turkey, mischieving for my husband. - That's already Matrena threw oats ... yes ... and, it seems, the remnants of yesterday's porridge ... Khe-Khe! Oh, how I love porridge! .. I seem to always eat one porridge, a lifetime. I even sometimes see her at night in a dream ...
Turkey loved complain when he was hungry, and demanded that the turkey would certainly regret it. Among other birds, she looked at the old woman: always hung, coughed, walked some kind of broken gait, precisely legs were traditional to her only yesterday.
"Yes, good and porridge to eat," Turkey agreed with her. - But the smart bird never rushes to food. So am I saying? If the owner does not feed me, I will die from hunger ... so? And where will he find another such turkey? - There is no such thing anywhere else ...
- That's what ... And porridge, in essence, trifles. Yes ... It's not in a porridge, but in Matrey. So am I saying? Would be mature, and porridge will be. Everything in the world depends on the same mature - both Oats, and porridge, and cereals, and crusts of bread.
Despite all these arguments, Turkey began to experience hunger flour. Then he was completely sad when all other birds were found, and Matrena did not go to call him. And if she forgot about him? After all, it is a very bad thing ...
But here something happened that it made the turkey forget even about his own hunger. It began with the fact that one young chicken, walked around the barn, suddenly shouted:
- Ah, where! ..
All other chickens were caught now and shouted by the good Mat: "Ah, where! Where-where ..." And all stronger, of course, the cock shouted:
- Carraul! .. Who is there?
The birds escaped to cry saw a completely extraordinary piece. At the very barn in the yamer lay something gray, round, covered with completely sharp needles.
"Yes, this is a simple stone," said someone.
"He moved," the chicken explained. - I also thought that the stone came up, and he would move ... right! It seemed to me that he had eyes, and the stones had no eye.
"You never know what may seem with fear of a stupid chicken," Turkey noticed. - Maybe it ... it ...
- Yes, this is a mushroom! - shouted hussak. - I saw exactly such mushrooms, just without needles.
Everything loudly laughed over the hussak.
- Rather, it is like a cap, "I tried someone to guess and was Oszyan too.
- Does the cap have eyes, gentlemen?
"There is nothing to talk to the back, and you need to act," I decided for all the rooster. - Hey you, a thing in needles, tell me what kind of beast? I don't like to joke ... Do you hear?
Since there was no answer, the rooster found himself offended and rushed on an unknown offender. He tried to beat the two times and confusedly moved to the side.
"It's ... This is a huge plumbing bump, and nothing else," he explained.
- There is nothing delicious ... Does anyone try to try?
All chatted to whom it came to mind. There were no credits and assumptions. Some turkey silent. Well, let others hang out, and he listens to other people's stupidity. Birds have long gallery, shouted and argued until someone shouted:
- Lord, what are we in vain breaking our heads when we have turkey? He knows everything ...
"Of course I know," the turkey, a blossomy tail, and inflated his red gut on the nose.
- And if you know, so tell us.
- And if I do not want? So, I just do not want.
All began to order turkey.
- After all, you have the smartest bird, turkey! Well, tell me, darling ... What should you say?
Turkey broke long and finally spoke:
- Well, well, I, perhaps, I will say ... Yes, I will say. Only you first tell me who you think for?
- Who does not know that you are the smartest bird! .. - answered all the choir. - So they say: smart, like turkey.
- So you respect me?
- We respect! Everyone respect! ..
The turkey fell a little bit, then the whole messed up, poured the gut, went around the wisdom of the beast three times around and spoke:
- This ... yes ... Want to know what it is?
- We want! .. Please do not Tomi, but tell me soon.
- This is someone somewhere crawling ...
All just wanted to laugh, as Giggling heard, and a thin voice said:
- That's the smartest bird! .. Hee Hee ...
From under the needle, a black face with two black eyes seemed, sniffing the air and said:
- Hello, gentlemen ... Why did you not know this hedgehog, hedgehog is a peasant? .. oh, what is your funny turkey, excuse me, what ... how is it polite to say? .. Well, Stupid turkey ...

Everyone has become even scary after such an insult that the turkey hedged. Of course, Turkey said stupidity, this is true, but it does not yet follow that hedgehog has the right to insult him. Finally, it's just impolite: come to someone else's house and insult the owner. As you wish, and the turkey is still an important, representative bird and not a couple of any unfortunate hedgehog.
Everyone somehow moved to the side of Turkey, and a terrible holly rose.
- Probably, PZh and all of us also considers stupid! - shouted the rooster, flapping with wings.
- He insulted us all! ..
"If anyone is stupid, that's it, that is, herself," said Gusak, pulling her neck. - I immediately noticed it ... Yes! ..
- Do mushrooms can be stupid? - answered his hedgehog.
- Lord, that we are in vain with him! - shouted cock. - All the same, he will not understand anything ... it seems to me that we are only in vain we lose time. Yes ... If, for example, you, Gusak, grab it at the bristle with your strong beak on the one hand, and we will climb with the turkey for his bristle on the other, now will be visible who is smarter. After all, you do not scratch under silly bristles ...
- What, I agree ... - said Gusak. "It will still be better if I hurt his bristle from behind, and you, cock, will peck right in the face ... So, gentlemen?" Who is smarter, now will be visible.
Turkey was silent all the time. At first he was stolen by the audacity of hedgehog, and he was not found that he was answered. Then the turkey was angry, so it was angry, that even the one did a little scary. He wanted to rush on Grubian and confront him into small parts, so that all this was seen and once again were convinced which serious and strict bird turkey. He even made a few steps to his hedgehog, scared and only wanted to rush, as everyone began to scream and scream hedgehog. Turkey stopped and patiently began to wait than it will end.
When the rooster suggested dragging hedgehogs in a bristle in different directions, Turkey stopped his diligence:
- Let me, gentlemen ... Maybe we will arrange the whole matter of the world ...
Yes. It seems to me that there is a small misunderstanding. Give, gentlemen, I'm doing everything ...
"Good, we will wait," the rooster reluctantly agreed, who wanted to fight herself as soon as possible. - Only from this anyway nothing will happen ...
"And this is my business," Indyuk answered calmly. - Why listen, how I will talk ...
Everyone crowded around the hedgehog and began to wait. The turkey walked around him, cleared his way and said:
- Listen, Mr Hedgehog ... Explain seriously. I do not like domestic trouble at all.
"God, as he is a smart, as a smart! .." - Turkey thought, listening to her husband in a mad delight.
- Pay attention primarily to the fact that you are in decency and good-apartment society, "Turkey continued. - This means something ... Yes ... Many are considered the honor of getting to our yard, but - alas! - It is rare who succeeds.
- Truth! True! .. - Voices heard.
- But it is so, between us, and most importantly, this is not ...
Turkey stopped, was covered for importance and then continued:
- Yes, so the main thing ... Did you think that we have no idea about the lps? I have no doubt that the hussak who took you for the fungus, joked, and the rooster, too, and others ... Is the Lord?
- Perfectly fair, turkey! - shouted all at once so loudly that his hedgehog hid his black face.
"Oh, what is he smart!" - thought Turkey, who started to guess what's the matter.
- As you can see, Mr. Hedgehog, we all love to joke, - Turkey continued. - I'm not talking about myself ... yes. Why not joke? And, it seems to me, you, Mr. Hedgehog, also possess a fun character ...
"Oh, you guess," his hedgehog admitted, putting a muzzle again. "I have such a funny character that I can't even sleep at night ... Many of this do not bring it, but I'm bored.
- Well, you see ... You are likely to come down by the character with our rooster, which is a horsepower at night as crazy.
Every suddenly had fun, just for everyone for the completeness of life only lacking hedgehog. Turkey tried that she was so deftly released from an awkward position, when hedgehog called it stupid and laughed right in his face.
"By the way, Mr. Hedgehog, admit," the Turkey spoke, winning, "because you, of course, have joked when I called me as if I called me ... Yes ... well, a stupid bird?"
- Of course, joked! - assured his hedgehog. - I have such a cheerful character! ..
- Yes, yes, I was sure. Heard gentlemen? - asked Turkey everyone.
- heard ... who could doubt it!
The turkey leaned toward his ear hedge and whispered him in secret: "So be, I will tell you a terrible secret ... Yes ... only condition:
Not to tell anyone. True, I am a little conscientious to talk about myself, but what do you do if I am the smartest bird! I sometimes constantly shine me a little, but I can't hide in the bag ... Please, only anyone about it is not a word! ..

Parable about milk, oatmeal and gray china Murke

To AK you want, and it was amazing! And the most amazing thing was that it was repeated every day. Yes, as they put on the stove in the kitchen, the pot with milk and a clay saucepan with oat pots will begin. First stand as if nothing, and then the conversation begins:
- I am a milk ...
- And I am oatmeal!
First, the conversation goes quietly, whisper, and then the bash and milk begin to gradually be hot.
- I am a milk!
- And I am oatmeal!
Pitch covered on top of a clay lid, and she grumbled in her pot like an old woman. And when he began to be angry, then the bubble popped up upstairs, burst and said:
- And I still oatmeal ... PUM!
The milk, this boast seemed terribly offensive. Tell me, please, what kind of unprecedented is some kind of oatmeal! Milk began to be angry, raised foam and tried to get out of his pot. A little cooking dislike, looking - Milk and poured on a hot plate.
- Oh, I'm milk! - complained every time the cook. - A little barely inhax - it will run away.
- What should I do if I have such a quick-tempered character! - Milk justified. - I am not glad itself when I'm angry. And then the bark is constantly bragging: "I am Cashki, I am Cashk, I am Chish ..." Sits in his saucepan and grumbling; Well, I'll get angry.
The case sometimes reached the point that I ran out of a saucepan, despite my lid, - so crawling on the stove, and everything repeats everything: - And I - Kashka! Bash! Basya ... Shshsh!
True, it happened not often, but still happened, and the cook in despair repeatedly repeated:
- This is me bash! .. And that she is not sitting in a saucepan, just amazing!

The kitchen is generally quite often worried. Yes, and there were quite different reasons for such an excitement ... For example, what was one cat Murka cost! Note that it was a very beautiful cat and the cook was very loved. Every morning it started with the fact that Murka walked around the stifs for the cook and meowed such a plaintive voice that it seems to could not resist the stone heart.
- That's the insatiable womb! - Surprised the cook, drivening out the cat. - How long did you eat one liver yesterday?
- So it was yesterday! - I was surprised in turn Murka. - And today I want to eat again ... meow-y! ..
- I would catch mice and eat, lazy.
"Yes, it's good to say, but I would try to catch at least one mouse itself," Murka justified. - However, it seems, I try quite enough ... For example, last week who caught a mouse? And from whom I have a scratch all over the nose? That was what the rat caught, and she clung to my nose ... After all, it is only easy to say: catching mice!
Favoring the liver, Murka sat somewhere around the stove, where he was warm, closed his eyes and dreamed sweetly.
- See, what was a mellowe! - the cook was surprised. - And the eyes snapped, Legebell ... And everyone gives me meat!
"After all, I'm not a monk so that there is no meat," Murka justified, opening just one eye. "Then, I love to eat fish ... It's even very nice to eat a fish." I still can not say that it is better: liver or fish. From politeness, I eat something else ... If I were a man, I would certainly be a fisherman or a peddler, which wearing a liver. I would feed until the duck of all cats in the world and myself would always be fed ...
Favoring, Murka loved to engage in different outsiders, for its own entertainment. Why, for example, do not sit by the watch two on the window, where the cell was hung with a starling? It is very nice to see how jumping a stupid bird.
- I know you, old Plut! - Screams from above. - There is nothing to look at me ...
- And if I want to meet you?
- I know, how do you get acquainted ... Who recently ate the real, Living Practice? U, nasty! ..
- Not at all nasty, and even on the contrary. Everyone loves me ... Go to me, I'll tell you a fairy tale.
- Ah, Plut ... nothing to say, good storyteller! I saw you told your fairy tale fried chicken, which pulled in the kitchen. Good!
- As you know, I'm talking for your pleasure. As for the roasted chicken, I really ate him; But he has not worked anyway anyway.

By the way, Murka was sitting every morning at the hanging plate and listened patiently, as Milk and Kashka quarrel. He could not understand what was the matter here, and only Morgall.
- I am a milk.
- I am Bashka! Kashka-Kashka-Kashshshch ...
- No, I do not understand! I do not understand anything resolutely, "Murka said. - Why are they angry? For example, if I repeat: I am a cat, I am a cat, a cat, a cat ... Does anyone be hurt? .. No, I do not understand ... However, I must confess that I prefer milk, especially when it Not angry.
Somehow Milk and Kashki quietly quarreled; They quarreled before halfway poured on the stove, and the terrible chad rose. Keep the cook and only splashed his hands.
- Well, what will I do now? - she complained, retaining with the plate of Milk and Kashk. - You can not turn away ...
Pasting Milk and Kashk, the kitchen went to the market for provisions. Murka took advantage of this now. He sat down to the milk, blew on it and said:
- Please do not be angry, milk ...
Milk noticeably began to calm down. Murka walked around him, once again blew, ruined the mustache and spoke quite affectionately:
- That's what, gentlemen ... quarrel at all is not good. Yes. Choose me by the global judge, and now I will scatter your business ...
The black cockroacon sitted in the slit even choked from laughter: "That's so the world judge ... Haha! Ah, old Plut, which only comes up! .." But Milk and Cashki were glad that their quarrel would finally disarm. They themselves did not even know how to tell, what's the matter and because of what they argued.
"Good, well, I'll figure out everything," Cat Murka said. - I really do not shine ... well, let's start with the milk.
He went around several times the pot with milk, tried his paw, blew on the milk on top and began to lap.
- Batyushki! .. Karaul! - shouted the cockroach. - He shakes all the milk, and think about me!
When the cook came back from the market and the milk had enough, the pot was empty. Murka's cat slept at the stove of sweet sleep as nothing had happened.
- Oh, you, unsuitable! - Branled his cook, grabbing his ear. - Who drank milk, say?
No matter how hurts, but Murka pretended that he did not understand anything and could not speak. When he was thrown out of the door, he shook, licked the climb wool, straightened the tail and said:
"If I were a cook, so all cats from morning to night would have done that they drank milk." However, I'm not angry with my cook, because she does not understand this ...


It is assessed by one eye from Alenushka, falls asleep another ear of Alenushka ... - Dad, are you here?
- Here, baby ...
- You know what, dad ... I want to be a queen ...
He fell asleep Alenushka and smiling in a dream.
Oh, how many colors! And they are also smiling too. Obded around Alenushkin Circuit, whisper and laugh with thin voice. Scarlet flowers, blue flowers, yellow flowers, blue, pink, red, white, - Rainbow fell on the ground and crumbled with live sparks, multicolored - lights and funny children's eyes.
- Alyonushka wants to be a queen! - Fun elevated field bells, swinging on thin green legs.
- Oh, what it is funny! - whispering modest forget-me-notes.
"Lord, this business needs to be seriously discussed," yellow dandelion intervened herself. - I, at least I did not expect anything ...
- What does it mean to be a queen? - asked Blue Field Vasilek. - I grew up in the field and do not understand your urban orders.
"Very simple ..." the pink carnation intervened. - It's so easy that you don't need to explain. Queen is ... this ... you still do not understand anything? Oh, what are you strange ... Tsarina is when the flower is pink like me. In other words: Alenushka wants to be a carnation. It seems clear?
All fun laughed. Only some roses were silent. They considered themselves offended. Who does not know that the queen of all colors is one rose, tender, fragrant, wonderful? And suddenly some carnation calls himself a queen ... it doesn't look like anything. Finally, one rose was angry, made at all Punchova and said:
- No, sorry, Alyonushka wants to be a rose ... Yes! Rose is because the queen that everyone loves her.
- That's cute! - angry dandelion. - And for whom, in this case, do you take me?
- Dandelion, do not be angry, please, - persuaded his forest bells. - This spoils character and moreover ugly. Here we are - we are silent that Alenushka wants to be a forest bell, because it is clear by itself.

There were a lot of colors, and they argued so funny. Wildwood flowers were so modest - like lonscores, violets, forget-me-not, bells, cornflowers, field carnation; And the flowers grown in the oranges are a bit important - roses, tulips, lilies, daffodils, levko, definitely smashed by festive rich children. Alyonushka loved modest wild flowers anymore, of whom made bouquets and wreaths. What are all nice!
"Alyonushka loves us very much," the violets whispered. - After all, we are the first to be in the spring. Only the snow becomes - and we are here.
"And we, too," said the valley. - We, too, spring flowers ... We are unpretentious and growing right in the forest.
- What are we to blame that we can grow coldly right in the field? - complained fragrant curly levko and hyacinths. - We are here only guests, and our homeland is far away, where so warm and not at all. Oh, how well there, and we are constantly longing in our sweet homeland ... you have, in the north, so cold. We love us too, and even very ...
- And we are good too, - argued wildflowers. - Of course, it happens very cold, but it's great ... And then, the cold kills our worst enemies, like worms, midges and different bugs. If it were not for the cold, we would have badly.
"We also love cold," roses added from themselves.
The same was told Azaleas and Camellia. They all loved the cold when the color was gained.
"This is, gentlemen, we will talk about your homeland," the white daffodil suggested. - It is very interesting ... Alyonushka is listening to us. After all, she loves us ...
It all started talking. Roses with tears remembered the blessed Schiraz Valley, Hyacinths - Palestine, Azalea - America, Lilies - Egypt ... Flowers gathered here from all sides of the world, and everyone could tell so much. Most colors came from the south, where so much the sun and no winter. How good! .. Yes, eternal summer! What huge trees grow there, what wonderful birds, how many beautiful butterflies, similar to flying flowers, and flowers, similar to butterflies ...
"We are in the north only guests, we are cold," all these southern plants whispered.
Native field flowers even regret them. In fact, you need to have a great patience when the cold northern wind blows, pours cold rain and falls snow. Put, the spring snow is melting, but still snow.
"You have a huge disadvantage," Vasilek explained, having heard these stories. - I do not argue, you are probably more beautiful than us, simple wild flowers, - I willingly admit it ... Yes ... In short, you are our dear guests, and your main disadvantage is that you grow only for rich People, and we grow for everyone. We are much kinder ... So I, for example, - you will see me in your hands from each rustic child. How much joy I deliver all the poor children! .. For me, you do not need to pay money, but only it is worth going out in the field. I'm racing along with wheat, rye, oats ...

Alyonushka listened to everything that the flowers told her, and was surprised. She terribly wanted to see all the very, all those amazing countries that were now talked about.
"If I were a swallow, now I would fly," she finally said. - Why do I have no wings? Oh, how good is a bird! ..
She did not have time to finish how the ladybug was lit up to her, a real ladybug, such a red, with black spots, with a black head and thin black mustache and black thin legs.
- Alenushka, fly! - whispered ladybug, moved to the mustache.
- And I have no wings, ladybug!
- Singing me ...
- How can I sit when you're small?
- But look ...
Alyonushka began to watch and surprised more and more. The Ladybird straightened the top hard wings and doubled, then dissolved thin, like a web, the lower wings and became even more. She grew in front of Alyonushka, until he turned into a big-big, such a big thing that Alenushka could freely sit on her back, between the red wings. It was very convenient.
- Are you good, Alenushka? - Ladybug asked.
- Highly.
- Well, hold on top ...
In the first instant, when they flew, Alyonushka even closed his eyes from fear. It seemed to her that she was not flying, but everything was flying beneath her - cities, forests, rivers, mountains. Then it began to seem to seek that it was so small-small, with a pin head, and with a light like a fluff from a dandelion. And the ladybug flew quickly, quickly, so that only the air whistled between the wings.
- Look what's downstairs there ... - the ladybug said her.
Alyonushka looked down and even splashed in handms.
- Oh, how many roses ... red, yellow, white, pink!
The earth was accurately covered with a live carpet of roses.
"Let's go down to Earth," she asked God's cow.
They descended, and the Alenushka was made again big, what was before, and the Ladybird became small.
Alyonushka has risen for a long pink field and a rushing a huge bouquet of flowers. What are they beautiful, these roses; And the head is spinning from their fragrance. If all this is a pink field to move there, north, where roses are only expensive guests! ..
"Well, now we fly further," said Ladybug, straightening his wings.
She again made a big-big, and Alyonushka is a little little.

They flew again.
How was good around! The sky was so blue, and at the bottom is still blue - the sea. They flew over a steep and rocky shore.
- Do we fly through the sea? - Alenushka asked.
- Yes ... Only sit and sat snap and hold.
At first, Alyonushka was even scary, and then nothing. In addition to the sky and water, nothing remains. And on the sea rushed like large birds with white wings, ships ... Small ships were like flies. Oh, how beautiful as good! .. And ahead is already seen seashore - low, yellow and sandy, the mouth of a huge river, some very white city, precisely it is built out of sugar. And then a dead desert was visible, where there were some pyramids. Ladybug fell on the river bank. Green papyrus and lilies, wonderful, tender lilies grew here.
"How good here you have," Alenushka spoke with them. - Do you have no winter?
- What is winter? - Lilies were surprised.
- Winter is when it is snowing ...
- What is snow?
Lilies even laughed. They thought that the little northern girl was joking over them. True, that from the north, every autumn flew here huge flocks of birds and also told about winter, but they did not see her themselves, but they talked to other people's words.
Alenushka also did not believe that there was no winter. So, the fur coats are not needed and boots?
Flew on. But Alyonushka was no longer surprised at either the blue sea, nor the mountains, nor the deserted desert, where hyacinths grew.
"I'm hot ..." she complained. - You know, God's cow, it is even not good when it stands eternal summer.
- Who is used, Alenushka.
They flew to the high mountains, on the tops of which lay perpetual snow. It was not so hot here. Through the mountains began impassable forests. Under the arch of the trees was dark, because the sunlight did not penetrate here through the thick vertices of the trees. On the branches jumped monkeys. And how many birds were green, red, yellow, blue ... But all the most amazing flowers that grew straight on the tree trunks were. There were Flowers of quite fiery color, were motley; There were flowers who were on small birds and on large butterflies - the whole forest was exactly burned with multi-colored live lights.
"These are orchids," explained God's cow.
It was impossible to walk here - so everything was intertwined.
They flew on. There was a huge river among the green shores. Ladybug fell right on a large white flower, growing in water. Alenushka has not yet seen such large colors.
- This is a sacred flower, - explained God's cow. - It is called Lotus ...

Alyonushka saw so much that was finally tired. She wanted home: all the same at home is better.
"I love snowball," said Alenushka. - without winter it is not good ...
They flew again, and what climbed above, the one was getting colder. Snow pools appeared at the bottom. Green only one coniferous forest. Alyonushka was terribly delighted when he saw the first Christmas tree.
- Christmas tree, Christmas tree! She shouted.
- Hello, Alenushka! - shouted to her below the green Christmas tree.
It was a real Christmas tree - Alyonushka immediately recognized her. Oh, what a cute Christmas tree! .. Alyonushka leaned up to tell her how sweet she, and suddenly flew down. Wow, how scary! .. She turned over several times in the air and fell right in soft snow. From fear, Alyonushka closed his eyes and did not know if she was alive or died.
- You got it like here, baby? Someone asked her.
Alyonushka opened his eyes and saw a gray-gray-gray-born old man. She also learned him right away. It was the same old man who brings smart children to the Children's Christmas Trees, Golden Stars, bombs boxes and the most amazing toys. Oh, he is so kind, this old man! .. He now took her on his hands, covered with his fur coat and asked again:
- How did you get here, a little girl?
- I traveled to God's Cow ... oh, how much I saw, grandfather! ..
- So-so...
- And I know you, grandfather! You bring the christmas trees ...
"So, so ... and now I arrange the Christmas tree too."
He showed her a long pole who was not at all like her Christmas tree. - What is this tree, grandfather? It's just a big stick ...
- But you will see ...
The old man was carried by Alenushka in a small village, completely filled with snow. Exhibited from under the snow some roofs and pipes. The old man was waiting for village children. They jumped and shouted:
- Christmas tree! Christmas tree! ..
They came to the first hut. The old man pulled the mad sheaf of oats, tied him to the end of the pole, and the pole rose to the roof. Now, small birds flew away from all sides, which will not fly away for the winter: saying, Kuzki, oatmeal, - and began to peck grain.
- This is our Christmas tree! - They shouted.
Alyonushka suddenly became very fun. She had seen for the first time, how to organize the Christmas tree for birds in winter.
Oh, how fun! .. Oh, what good old man! One saying, who worried most of all, immediately recognized Alyonushka and shouted:
- Why is it alenushka! I know her perfectly ... She fed me with crumbs. Yes...
And other grooves also learned it and scared with joy.
Another sparrow flew around, which turned out to be a terrible gast. He began to pull everything and snatch the best grains. It was the same sparrow, which fought with the hero.
Alyonushka learned him.
- Hello, saying! ..
- Oh, that's you, Alenushka? Hello!..
The groove of the Sparrow jumped on one leg, Lukevo winks with one eye and told a good born old man:
- But she, Alyonushka, wants to be a queen ... Yes, I have heard I heard himself as she said.
- Do you want to be a queen, baby? - asked the old man.
- I really want a grandfather!
- Well. There is nothing easier: every queen is a woman, and every woman - the queen ... Now go home and tell it all other young girls.
Ladybug was glad to be removed as soon as possible, until some kind of mischievous sparrow. They flew home quickly quickly ... and there are already waiting for Alyonushka all the flowers. They argued all the time about what Queen is.
Bai Bayu-Bay ...
One eye of Alenushka sleeps, the other - looks; One ear in Alenushka is sleeping, the other - listens. Everyone now gathered near Alenushkaya Cot: and brave hare, and Medvedko, and a cock, and a sparrow, and the Voronushka - a black head, and Ersh Ershovich, and a little-little goat. All here, all at Alenushka.
- Dad, I love everyone ... - whispers Alenushka. - I and black cockroaches, dad, love ...
Another peephole closed, another ear of the ear ... and near the alenushkina crib had a fun spring grass, smiling with flowers, - many flowerfish: blue, pink, yellow, blue, red. He leaned over the bedrock itself the green birch and whispers something as gentle-gentle. And the sun shines, and the sand turns yellow, and calling Alyonushka blue sea wave ...
- Sleep, Alenushka! Circle silhos ...
Bai Bayu-Bay ...

Alenushkina fairy tales Dmitry Narcsovich Mamin-Sibiryak

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Title: Alenushkina Fairy Tale

About the book "Alenushkin Tales" Dmitry Narcisovich Mamin-Sibiryak

The book "Alenushkina Fairy Tales" consists of short stories, which D. Mamin-Siberian invented for his beloved daughter. Like all the children, Little Alyonushka before bedtime loved to listen to new fairy tales, which the father gladly composed for her. All stories collected in the book "Alenushkina Tales" are deeply impregnated with love, not only the senses of the writer to the child are displayed here, but also his attitude towards nature and life. They will like them and children, and adults, because in addition to endless love and kindness, D. Mamin-Sibiryak invested something instructive in each fairy tale.

At first glance it seems that nothing new reader will find here. The author proposes to remember the simplest things: the values \u200b\u200bof friendship, the power of mutual assistance, courage and sincerity. Life can be presented to unpleasant surprises, but any difficulties can be overcome. United with friends, a person becomes much stronger. So he will be able to solve any problems, defeat enemies and live better. We appreciate bravery, but despise Boltunov and Bustunov. It would seem that there is nothing new in these truths, but perhaps, from time to time, each of us must remember them, analyzing their actions.

D. Mamin-Sibiryak in his book "Alenushkin's fairy tales" generously emphasizes life, feelings and emotions not only animals, but also toys, things. At first it may surprise, but continuing to read, you realize that the author's talent allowed all the characters with his own character and history. Particularly deep in the collection of "Alenushkina Fairy Tales" disclosed heroes of animals. Veterinary education helped the author to tell about their life so warmly, as if it was his friends or friends. The reader will easily present these images, so brightly Dmitry Narcsovich managed to describe them.

All fairy tales you will find in this amazing collection are striking the abundance of good and spiritual warmth. They not only allow you to feel the joy and satisfaction from perfectly written text, but also make the reader feel the huge love living in the heart of the narrator, imagine himself to the baby alenushka, for which all these stories were invented.

The book reads easily, it is written somewhat outdated, but simple and understandable for children. All fairy tales included in this collection are interesting and unusual, and many of them make not just smile, but also think about life, attitude to nature, happiness and loneliness.

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Dmitry Narcisovich Mamin-Sibiryak - a well-known writer. Fairy tales He began writing for his little daughter, he became interested in creativity for children and created many stories and fairy tales. At first they were printed in children's magazines, and then began to go out and separate books. In 1897, the book "Alenushkin's fairy tales" was published, which included ten fairy tales. Mamin-Sibiryak himself confessed that from all his books created for children, this most beloved.

Dmitry Narcsovich Mamin-Sibiryak
Alyonushkina fairy tales

"Alyonushkina Fairy Tales" D.N. Mamin-Siberian

It is dark outside. Snowing. He struck the window window. Alyonushka, curled down, lies in bed. She does not want to fall asleep until dad tells a fairy tale.

Father Alyonushka, Dmitry Narcisovich Mamin-Sibiryak, - writer. He sits at the table, leaning over the manuscript of his future book. Here he gets up, comes close to Alyonushkina bed, sits in a soft chair, begins to tell ... Carefully listening to the girl about the stupid turkey, who imagined, as if he was smarter, about how toys in the name gathered and what came out of it. Fairy tales are wonderful, one more interesting than the other. But one eye of Alyonushka is already sleeping ... Sleep, Alyonushka, Sleep, Beauty.

Alyonushka falls asleep, putting his palm under the head. And outside the window everything is snowing ...

So they spent the two winter evenings - father and daughter. Alyonushka grew up without mother, her mother had long died. Father loved the girl with all his heart and did everything to live well.

He looked at sleeping daughter, and he was remembered by his own childhood years. They passed in the small factory village in the Urals. At the factory, then still serf workers. They worked from early morning until late evening, but styled in poverty. But their gentlemen and the owners lived in luxury. Early in the morning when the workers went to the plant, the top three flew past them. It is after the ball, which lasted all night, drove around the houses of rich.

Dmitry Narcsovich grew up in a poor family. In the house there was every penny. But his parents were kind, responsive, and people stretched to them. The boy loved when they came to visit factory master. They knew so many fairy tales and exciting stories! Especially remembered Mamina-Siberian legend about the removal of the robber in Marzak, who in ancient years hid in the Urals Forest. Marzak attacked the rich, took away the property from them and distributed him to the poor. And never a royal police managed to catch him. The boy was listened to every word, he wanted to become the same bold and fair, as Marzak was.

A dense forest, where, by legend, Marzak once hid, began within walking distance of the house. In the branches of the trees jumped proteins, the hare was sitting on the edge, and in more often it was possible to meet the Bear himself. The future writer studied all the paths. He wandered around the shores of the Chusovaya River, admired the chain of the mountains covered with fir-tree and birch forest. It was not the end of this that neither the edge was neither the edge, therefore, with nature, he had been contacted "Representation of Will, Wild Prostor".

Parents taught the boy to love the book. He was read on Pushkin and Gogol, Turgenev and Nekrasov. In it early originated passion for literature. At sixteen, he already led a diary.

Years have passed. Mamin-Siberian became the first writer who painted the paintings of the Ural life. He created dozens of novels and leads, hundreds of stories. With love, she portrayed a simple people in them, his struggle with injustice and neot.

Dmitry Narcisov has many stories for children. He wanted to teach the guys to see and understand the beauty of nature, the riches of the earth, to love and respect the labor man. "It's happiness to write for children," he said.

Recorded Mamin-Siberian and those fairy tales that once told her daughter. He published them with a separate book and called her "Alyonushkin's fairy tales".

In these fairy tales, bright paints of a sunny day, the beauty of the generous of Russian nature. Together with Alyonushka you will see the forests, mountains, seas, deserts.

The heroes of the Mine-Siberian are the same as the heroes of many folk fairy tales: a shaggy clouded bear, a hungry wolf, a cowardly hare, a cunning sparrow. They think and talk among themselves as people. But at the same time, these are real animals. The Bear is depicted awkward and stupid, wolf evil, a sparrow of a mischievous, agile block.

It is better to present them to help names and nicknames.

Here is a mosquito - a long carrier is a big, old Komar, but Komarishko - a long nose - it's a small, still inexperienced Komarik.

Come to life in his fairy tales and objects. Toys celebrate a holiday and even underdese the fight. Torn plants. In the fairy tale "It's time to sleep" the spoiled garden flowers are proud of their beauty. They look like rich in expensive dresses. But modest wildflowers Writer Mile.

One of his heroes, the Mamin-Siberian sympathizes, over the other is pounding. He respectfully writes about the worker man, condemns the slacker and lazy.

I did not tolerate the writer and those who arrive who think that everything was created only for them. In a fairy tale, "the last fly" is talking about one stupid fly, who is convinced that the windows in the houses are made so that she can fly into the room and fly away from there, which are covered on the table and get a jam from the closet only In order to treat it, that the sun shines for it alone. Well, of course, it can only think only stupid, funny fly!

What is common in the life of fish and poultry? And the writer answers this question to the fairy tale "about Sparrow Vorobyeic, Yersch Yershovich and the Cheerful Poultry House of Jasha." Although it lives in the water in water, and the sparrow flies through the air, but the fish and the bird are equally needed to be food, chasing the gathering piece, they suffer in winter from the cold, and in the summer they have many troubles ...

Great power to act together, together. Just like a mighty bear, but also mosquitoes, if they unite, can beat the bear ("The fairy tale about Komar Komarovich is a long nose and about the shaggy Misha - a short tail").

From all his books, Mamin-Siberian particularly treated "Alyonushkin fairy tales." He said: "This is my favorite book - love itself wrote it, and therefore she will survive everything else."