Alexander Petrov Actor Interview. Alexander Petrov: "I wanted to throw everything and shout:" I'm on the fig it! - The heart is still busy

Alexander Petrov Actor Interview. Alexander Petrov:
Alexander Petrov Actor Interview. Alexander Petrov: "I wanted to throw everything and shout:" I'm on the fig it! - The heart is still busy

- Sasha, congratulations on the premiere! Will you really worry, because they played not ababa whom, and Gogol himself?

Yes No, I do not worry at all. I do not know why. Premiere is always a holiday. And Gogol is a very cool, cool story. It is really a big movie and a big rental - the screens will be released as many four parts. Of course, it is important for me how people will appreciate this work. But for some reason I'm 99.9 percent sure that the viewers would like the movie. After all, this is also a detective story, and the viewer will not fully understand, how will it all end. This film is like a certain amusement park, where everything is in order to get a lot of emotions.

- What was the most difficult in working on the role?

The role itself is very specific. These are historical costumes, a wig in which the actor is always difficult to exist, because the hair constantly interfere, especially when a strong wind, bad weather or, on the contrary, when it is hot. We shot at different times - and the snow lay, and the sun strained. And naturally, the wig was uncomfortable.

And I also had to repel the mustache, which I can't stand. With a wig, they look very harmoniously, but in life absolutely I do not go. And this is why all these long eight months of work on Gogol, I did not particularly like to be shown in humans. And I dreamed of that day, when, finally, I roll the hated mustache. To stick them, by the way, it was impossible, because on close-ups, and even more so on the big screen, it would be very clear that the mustache is unreal.

For the role of Gogol, Alexander had to repel the mustache, which he could not tolerate. Photo: TV-3 press service

- The plot is mystical, and Gogol was a great mysticism. On the set of any signs to you Nikolai Vasilyevich did not send?

We did not try to create a reliably truthful story about Gogol. Although the plot is based on the facts of biography and works by Nikolai Vasilyevich, but by and large everything is fictional in it. Therefore, we were not afraid of any dark forces.

The most important sign is over: "Gogol" comes out in cinemas, which was not originally assumed. If I and everyone else immediately said that it would be four separate full-length films, then preparation for the shooting would be completely different. It would give great responsibility, everyone would be shaking and reinsured 150 times. And then everything turned out with a good share of talented hooliganism - both from the director and artists.

- I want to spend small parallel between you and Gogol himself. The film tells about the writer's youth, which serves as a writer in the imperial office, suffers from insecurity and burns the circulation of his first book. Do you have to doubt your abilities yourself?

Sure. Each person has a huge amount of doubts, fears and everything else. And I have enough of them, but this is a normal creative search and creative process. When I got to Gitis, after the first month of learning I wanted to leave: I understood that, perhaps, this is not quite mine. I seemed myself a very small little man on the scale of Moscow. But such stories in non-resident freshmen pond pond, every second, as I understood. There are doubts, fears, they start to demand teachers from you, and you are still very green, until you understand, in which direction, in what direction you move.

- And what helped not to succumb to fear?

The dream, sitting deep inside, the desire to become an artist, film to work on large theatrical sites. I have a lot of these "dreams", but it was necessary to endure difficulties. And somewhere at the end of the second course, I had already started to enjoy my studies, I realized that I was mastered. I was pleased that I managed to break the situation and overcome fears.

- Was there a person who supported you in a difficult period?

It seems to me that at such moments, oddly enough, you need to stay alone, and then you can cope with sure. Of course, close people appeared in my life, friends who I really trust. But at initially, building the foundation of your life, you must learn to make important decisions yourself. Then it will be easier to go through life.

There is a good surcharge: if you really sincerely want something, then even the mountains will help your desire to be implemented. Of course, if you do not sit at home on the sofa and, drinking tea, you think: when can I fly into space? Well, listen, an old man, you will never fly from the sofa into space.

- How did you work with Oleg Menshikov? Was excitement because nearby - theatrical leader?

Not. I always wanted to go to the platform along with cool matrahs, boulders, join the fight and on the screen, and on the theater scene. It may be affected by my football past, developed sporty character and reluctance to play in anything. I remember how even the first or second course of Gitis met on the set of the series Petrovich with the late Alexei Vasilyevich Petrenko now. I played a wolf prisoner, and he is my lawyer, and we had a serious scene in prison. Petrenko comes, and I do not even have a lobe of excitement, on the contrary, it's interesting to see why he is a block, from where it is in it, and enter with him in a professional battle.

So, then on the set with Alexey Vasilyevich, I began to improvise, simply add it, add some kind of text, practically challenging. And Petrenko was already in a fairly solid age, for him it is an ordinary scene, which he had a million in his life: Well, a young boy, now will play fast. And here there is some kind of injection. And he feels it. And suddenly - a sharp look at you, a semi-boring some kind: "Wait, wait, oh, so, good!" And he also begins to improvise. As a result, it turned out a cool scene, and he thanked me for it. Alexey Vasilyevich very much accommodated me, taught a lot.

From the same breed Oleg Evgenievich Menshikov. These people own what you can not teach, what are not talked about in theatrical institutions, what is given by nature. Oleg Evgenievich has one glance, a sharp turn of the head, second, when he is just silent, cost more than hundred words. And it changes the scene and can change the film. This is exactly there is some kind of magic.

- Oleg Menshikova has one glance, a sharp turn of the head, a second, when he is silent, cost more than hundred words. Photo: TV-3 press service

"Gogol was born in the Sorozhintians of Poltava province, in December 1828 moved to St. Petersburg. Despite his numerous attempts, they did not accept it in the actors. You were born in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky Yaroslavl region, after school came to the economy of the University of Pereslavsky, and two years later, throwing it, went to conquer Moscow. It turns out, you both were forced to adapt to the metropolitan life.

Naturally. You leave mom with a folder, from the house where you are accustomed to everything, where you will always feed, warm. Of course, I was brought up with an independent boy, I knew a lot, but still this is a special atmosphere, when you will refer away from somewhere, and my mother's houses, the grandmother will immediately feed with cakes with blueberries.

And I had a serious stress in the first few months of study. I did not tell anyone how I wanted to leave back home, I wanted to shout: "I'm all this!" Taking on the preparatory courses in Gitis, I imagined everything somewhat differently. We, applicants looked at teachers with enthusiastic eyes, everything was cool and fun, classes brought a solid pleasure. We had a wonderful preparatory course, we all moved madly. And here you suddenly come to the first course, where you turn on in a completely different game in which people who took one of the five hundred. They all must declare themselves, and it is scary. Now we, naturally, we communicate in a different way, and already the course for the third we had a creative team. But in the first year, we practically everyone was ready to cling to each other in the throats, the competition is terrible. And this is good in fact. But then I was not ready for this.

During their studies, there were many difficulties to overcome, but household unpleasution remains the biggest obstacle for each consecration. I did not know the city, I did not understand how to get there, for me there was a whole problem to understand the branches and transitions of the subway.

And life in the hostel is not sugar. The first few months did not have enough places in the hostel, and we were shooting an apartment on clean ponds. We lived there in the feather - and girls, and boys. Somehow all in the same room got drove down, the girls sometimes prepared, sometimes not. Then, we, boys, moved to a two-room apartment on Nagatinskaya, and after it was already a dorm. There lived in the threesome in the room, the queue in the shower every evening. It was a real school of life, invaluable experience. I can now come to Gitis and determine in my eyes - who from Moscow, and who is not. Happy and satisfied eyes with those from Moscow, since, roughly speaking, they have mother's pies with blueberries. And visitors look like this, a wolf. And you immediately understand that the person is tired of there are sausages with dumplings.

For example, I really missed the bathroom, which was not for a long time. Dreamed to lie down in it at least ten minutes. When I came to Pereslavl for the weekend, I went to the bathroom, and I could not pull out from there. In the hostel a shower had to take quickly - five minutes, or go at night when everyone slept.

On the second year, it became much easier, I understood that I had achieved some results on the course, another interest in the profession appeared, I got used to everyday life and everything seemed to decompose everything on the shelves. I started to like life in a big city, I was already focused on the subway and without a card I could get there to where it is necessary.

- In order to inspire, it is necessary to treat everything a little easier, to understand that the world around you is beautiful. Photo: Mikhail Ryzhov

- The interest in the theater from Gogol was still in childhood. The father of the writer, who was a wonderful storyteller and wrote play for the home theater. And who dreamed of becoming in childhood? And influenced somehow your choice of profession parents?

You know, as it is usually in families, when a child jumps, runs something that tells funny, and all at once: oh, what a talented, real artist! There were such conversations, but no one ever insisted, the choice was for me, of course.

Parents do not have anything to do with my profession. Dad worked as an electrician, Mom - Feldsher, in the hospital. Then, in the 90s, they had a small business in Pereslavl-Zalessky.

As a child, my mother taught me to read poems, and when many years later I came to the institute, I remembered it. In the acting profession there is a term - film vision. This is when you remember large texts, including poetic, reproducing them visually. That is, you are consciously removing the cinema, you cannot fix the words, but pictures. And so my mother, when I could not remember something, said: "Look, imagine it, then this is, and you will change pictures." I do not know where she knew it from, Mom had never studied in any theater studios or institutions.

Then at school, Olga Nikolaevna Shazhko, a teacher of Russian language and literature, who began to instill love for the theater. And she had such a chip, as it is fashionable to say now: before each occupation, she made a lyrical digression and told the most interesting stories about their students, about the camps in the theater. And then the lesson began. And all such: can I still? I remember it for life all my life. And then I dreamed that someday Olga Nikolayevna will tell other students about me ...

Then Veronica Alekseevna Ivanenko appeared, which, when I was already studying economist, led me to theatrical studio. She spent many hours with me in the kitchen, talking about everything, laying in me very serious things. Thanks to her, I understood what I want to deal with the whole further life. It was in the second year of the Economic Faculty. I remember how we came to the amateur theater festival to the city of Pokhvistnevo Samara region with a play "With a loved one, do not part", supplied by Veronica Alekseevna. There were teachers from guitis who were engaged in with us scenic movement, acting skills. I liked it wildly, I just experienced a crazy pleasure from the process. And then I wrote SMS to my parents: "Mom, Dad, I will go to Gitis. Point".

- Parents behind the head did not grab? Or said: Dare, son?

Parents were calm: Well, try, of course, cool, but hard. That is, they were not encouraged, but did not dissuade. For residents of provincial cities, in principle, enter Moscow for free training, especially in the theater institute, where 500-700 people are in place, and even in the Mecca of theatrical skills, yes, on the course of Haifez, it is beyond the limit possible, as in space to fly. There is such a stereotype: Everywhere bought everything. But I am responsible for my third floor, the directorial-acting faculty - nothing is bought there, nothing is sold, no matter how you tried. You do not break the mastodonts and dinosaurs that are sitting there. And God for them is health, especially Leonid Efimovich Heifets, who tried to buy a huge number of times. He told us about it. Not only the talent of the applicant was always important for Haifez, but also what kind of man is that he has heart and soul. He said: "That's how the door to the audience opens, I immediately understand - there will be a person to learn or not." He has phenomenal intuition.

- Sasha, and when parents really realized that you are a real artist, and told you about it?

You know, never. This was not and will not. And this is good. Usually how it happens: here the movie came out, look. Cool? Cool. Liked? Liked. Well, that's all. But I remember dad told how he worried when I did and remained literally the last stage, one chamber. If you rushing, it will be especially offended, it seems almost passed. Dad says: "You drove at the next stage, and I fry something in a frying kitchen something in the morning. I stand at the stove, it takes a lot of time, the legs are already pushed, and nothing is fried. And here I understand: damn, I forgot to turn on the fire! " It is clear that the thoughts he was there, with me. Of course, parents were very happy when I entered.

- Nikolai Vasilyevich experienced a passion for her needlework, knitted scarves on the spokes, Crow's dresses sisters, neck shawls spil to the summer. Do you have any passion besides work to which you can dedicate at least a little time?

Now there is no time, but in general I have a minor motorcy in honor. As a child, I loved football very much, I had a bunch of notebooks in which I rewrote the football results of all championships and tournaments. And I rewrite is not easy, but withdrawing every beep printing. Here I had Bzik. And if I, for example, wrote not the bucchka, I bought the same notebook or found the same sheets, neatly cut out one square, pasted it and wrote the desired letter ... Then there was still no putty, and when they appeared, I didn't like them Because it was clear that she was smeared.

- Yes, you are a car, there is even some kind of maniac.

Maniac, yeah. In this school there was no, there I wrote like God put on the soul, but I lived in football, so everything should have been wildly carefully. I have a notebooks, naturally revised every time, knew all the football statistics from the birth of football, knew who with what account, what cups, what teams, the European Championship, the World Cup and so on.

And then the acting profession rose one level with football. And when I came to Gitis, just as neatly in the notebooks began to rewrite texts. It remains now. For each performance "Hamlet" I take a notebook with myself, where every word is completely withdrawn from hand. The whole role is rewritten, all my scenes that are quite a few.

The scene from the play "Hamlet". Photo: Theater press service. M.N. Yermolova

- Do you write my poems too from hand?

Here is another story with verses! Here it is more convenient for me without a notebook. When I sit somewhere in the company, sometimes I imperceptibly take the phone, and everyone thinks that I am digging there. In parallel, I can speak, and then suddenly starting to write something. And so - the poem is written, you no longer correct it, it is stored in your notes. And it is not necessary to close in the basement to do not see anyone and do not hear anyone. I began to write poems recently, a year and a half ago, when he flew on the plane. Suddenly took a mobile phone and recorded something in it, the first poem was born, now there are 40-45.

- Gogol at school wrote very mediocre writings, he was weak in languages \u200b\u200band did success only in drawing and Russian literature. And what items were in priority?

Oh, honestly, I was a triple. I liked Russian and literature - Russian less, more literature. And then I can not say that it was very successful in them. But still more successful than in others. That is, mathematics, chemistry, physics - it was absolutely not mine. I liked the lyrical retreats of Olga Nikolaevna, the items that I thought I was given to me. I asked a teacher of mathematics: "What gives me an algebra?" And in response, I heard: "Look, Sash, when you will build yourself a house, you will have a lot of problems if you do not know geometry." And I sat and thought: if I have money to the house, then, most likely, I hire people who know geometry and build everything as expected.

- Do you have pet pets? Gogol was very tied to his dog Josie donated by Pushkin, and when she died, he fell into the most severe depression.

I understand the reason why Gogol fell into the most severe depression. Because animals are sincere creatures that you care, who you just love you a priori, as you are. Yes, of course, I love animals, and I have a wonderful cat, bald Sphinx.

"Going to you on an interview, I asked my colleagues:" What do you say about Sasha Petrov? " And almost everyone answered: "This is the one that is so great Mayakovsky reads?!" For some reason, they did not remember the role, and poems. How does this story with verses entered your life?

Accidentally. Just came to the TV channel "Moscow 24", who made a series of rollers, where famous and unknown people read poems. Actually, I knew only a small passage from Mayakovsky at that time, and only one double was. I did not even expect such a response.

After that, I understood: people are interested in poetry, and I wanted to do something experimental. So, in fact, my play was born # to anewly - a dramatic show that combines the theater, music and poetry, where I read my poems, and Mayakovsky. The performance is now on the scene named after M. N. Yermolova. We will play it in Moscow and on other large platforms, we go with tour of the country. And the plans are huge, Napoleon right.

I am pleased that people have a passion for poetry, and it is especially nice when they tell me: "It all started with you!" But in childhood I read little and did not give a lot of love for poetry. Although I got well to reclaim poems - even sent to different competitions at school. I was there almost a chief reader. I remember, I really liked Christmas. But love was to the declamation, and not to the verses themselves. I had more things at that time than books to read: football, some gatherings in the entrances, in gazes with guitars and without guitars, communication with friends. We constantly invented the entertainment, the quests themselves arranged, immered performances.

- By 28 years you have already played more than 40 films. Only this year you have 14 paintings in your work. Plus literary projects, theater. This is what you strive for, or still want to slow down the pace?

Of course, sometimes you want to take a small pause. And, probably, just after saturated 2017 and 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 ... somewhere in the 2035th, this pause will be. I like how life takes shape. Yes, shooting are wildly complex - sometimes it is better to unload bags with cement. But with all the time you get just a crazy pleasure from the process, from what you do.

- You have served in the theater for several years now. M.N. Yermolova. How did Oleg Menshikov trusted you, such a young, role of Hamlet?

It seems to me that Menshikov has the very puzzle when decisions are accepted quickly and purely intuitively. He still did not see me in the cinema, I saw only in the only work, the graduation play "Ladybugs return to Earth" in the formulation of Valery Sarkisov, who and we brought them to the theater. M.N. Yermolova.

Thought, suddenly take our performance on a small scene, which then had to be about to open. The play of Menshikov did not take, but it took me as an artist. And then Oleg Evgenievich asked: "Hamlet want to play?" I say: "I want." "Well, you will play," smiled.

- What is your source of inspiration today?

It is inexplicable: I looked at a person and inspired, looked at the movie and inspired, looked at the tree - for some reason he was inspired. Now warm, you can sit in summer cafe and enjoy what surrounds you. For inspiration, you do not need to reread 20 thousand books or revise 20 thousand films. It is just just easier to treat everything, to understand that the world around you is beautiful.

Today on the TV channel TNT starts the series "Policeman from Rublevka", where Alexander Petrov played a major role. A young artist, which can increasingly be seen in television projects, got involved in the real adventure, agreeing to the role of a policeman in the comedy series. This story is about Grisha Izmailov - a man who is designed to protect peace and order in the elite area of \u200b\u200bRussia, where incredibly rich people live. A police officer is investigating things, often exceeding his powers, which, of course, has its consequences.

The performer itself has never had the leading role in serious problems with the law, but there was still a participant in interesting stories. About what is needed for happiness, how to avoid starry disease and to whom to listen, Alexander Petrov told "Starkit".

Thanks to the "Policeman from Rublevka" project, an even greater number of people will know about you. In the series you appeared in the role of a policeman. In the circle of your friends there are people who work in the police?

I have good friends working in organs - these are beautiful people with a congenital sense of justice, intelligent, real men. And the best consultant for me was the director Ilya Kulikov, he writing a scenario to "Glughary" and knowing the police specificity. Preparing for the role, I really wanted to get acquainted with the guys who work on Rublevka, who are responsible for this area. But Ilya Kulikov dissuades me. And since this is a person who wrote not one series of policemen and knows their work in all details, I agreed with him. He explained to me in such a detail every little thing, each feature of their work, that I had disappeared all questions. So I do not think that I would have learned more information if I went to the police. Still, it is not necessary to forget that the world that created the kelits in this series is unrealistic, in its basis grotesque. But this is a normal practice for the cinema: to take the "criminal fiction" - there is also not everything is realistic, much conditionally, but this world, created by Quentin Tarantino, pulls out and makes believing him. So here: a lot of comedy conventions, but our heroes do not believe and empathize.

// Photo: TNT TV channel press service

Have you ever had any problems with the police? Surely in student times had to get into ambiguous situations, as it usually happens?

So I went to act in this series only to ensure that in the future it is somehow easier for me on the roads with DPS. Joke. And so different situations occurred in life. Outlaught, I did not have to visit, but funny stories happened. My family lives in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky: parents, sister. The niece was three or four years old, she slept during the day. And I needed to give the keys to the car. On the phone and to the intercom to call is useless, disabled - and I climbed along the pipe. The third floor, the balcony, the sister's husband stands behind the door. I understand that if I say now, I'm very scaring a person. It's good that he is fine with nerves.

Sasha, have you already felt that such popularity? How do you feel about this?

The Sr. Bodrov said: "Seryozha came to me in Peter, we had to attend the opening of the museum, and it was already after the film" Brother. " After - we go down the street, we turn around - 5 people go for us, after some time - 10, then - 15, go calmly, without interfering, without glanizing, just two Bodrov go through Peter. " This is the highest pilot, although at that time Bodrov was already a hero. When fans run up and tear you into parts - it's not quite right, why is it necessary? Yes, in the Russian show business there are such characters, apparently they want it. At the festival in Cannes, Matthew McConaehi can go around the city, nobody runs to him, they smile at him, he quietly goes to a street cafe, drinking coffee. For me, such respect is a guideline, to this you need to strive.

Is it possible to see the example of colleagues, what is a star disease? Did she touched you at the beginning of the way?

God forbid that I do not give up this and remained myself. I am surrounded by good teachers, friends, they will not let me make the wrong step. One of the most important people in my life is my agent Katia Kornilov. She believed in me when I studied on the second year. I am a student who dreams of a beautiful life, a good apartment, to please the parents - I sought to get into any project. Absolutely green was! Thank you Kate - dissuaded from a huge number of low-quality films. Today, choosing a role, I think in other categories, I agree only if the project will allow me to do something new, and therefore develop in the profession. And if we talk about money, then they are needed for not thinking about them.

// Photo: TNT TV channel press service

Have you ever had to regret what agreed to take part in the project "Dancing with the Stars"? What were guided when they decided?

"Dance" is a kind of experiment on yourself. I am a commitment to the opinion that you should always try something new, knock out yourself from the comfort zone, overcome difficulties. So you change, get better. Intuition suggested me that today it will be useful for me to take part in this project. And I hope that he will open in front of me some inner doors, and I will find some new buttons, which will be happy to use in the profession.

Who most often advised? Who is indisputable authority for you?

Even at the Institute, I learned myself to, wherever I was withdrawn, no matter what I did, always submit a number of my master, Leonid Haifez. Every time I need an assessment, I internally appeal to him with a question: "What do you say now?" Then I get up in his place and I try to estimate objectively. And at this moment it becomes easier for me. But, probably, some kind of corn already appeared. I try not to pay attention to empty grumbling and criticism for the sake of a red sense. I take into account only constructive comments and reviews. And, of course, the opinion of loved ones is very important to me. They just say - and praise, and scold - as they feel, and not to shift. They do not care. But after listening to them, I draw conclusions yourself.

Where will we see you in the future? What will happen to Alexander Petrov in a few years?

Perhaps after some time I will try myself in the director. I studied at the director's faculty, and despite the fact that the group we had an acting, we spent a lot of time on the directing class, where I learned a lot of knowledge. But I understand that yet I have the right to do this. There are some kind of ideas, of course, but they are postponed for later. I am sure if the actor wants to shoot a movie, he must forget about the acting profession at this time! And I would also like to try your forces in international projects. In general, I want a good movie, real stories about living people who want to surrender 100 percent!

// Photo: TNT TV channel press service

This season, the actor Alexander Petrov Naranbat: It can be seen on TV, in the theater. Yermolova and cinema - in the film "Elusive: the last hero", which came out on October 29th. In an interview with Hello! Petrov told about what the modern girls lacking, why a man is always right and how he is going to conquer Hollywood.

Alexandra PetrovAlexander Petrov has everything to achieve a lot in the profession - he is talented, well, young and ambitious. And his achievements speak for themselves: in his 26 years he starred in several dozen projects, including such successful TV shows as "Farca", "the law of stone jungle", "hugging the sky" and others. Petrov managed to work at the Et Cetera theater at Alexander Kalyagin, and now it serves as the theater named after Yermolova under the leadership of Oleg Menshikova, there is no little Hamlet.

Alexander was born in Pereslavl-Zalessky, in childhood and adolescence loved to play football, so it's so great that he was invited to train to Moscow, but these plans broke the injury. For study in the capital, he still fell, though, in many years later, and already on the actor: being a student of the Economic Faculty, Sasha participated in amateur theatrical production, then the guys went to the festival with her, and there, guitis teachers conducted master classes. Then Petrov became clear who he really wants to be. Without having nothing but talent and desire, he went to Moscow and immediately entered the guitis for Leonid Haifez's course, the competition to whom was huge. The thing is that the goals of Petrov got used to the goals from childhood.

And the Sasha is not at all windy, which one could imagine a 26-year-old guy, which is broken from producers and fans. From the first courses of the institute, actor Petrov is extremely attached to the choice of roles and has been in love with his girlfriend for more than ten years. The next job of Alexander is the film "Elusive: the last hero" - came out on the screens a few days ago, October 29th. He played a major role - the actual mysterious "last hero".

"Sasha, the role of the" last hero "- sounds loud.

Yes, but my character is not an unambiguous hero, it is not only with a plus sign, but with a minus sign. With the director Artem Aksenko, I wanted to make sure that the negative hero liked. He kills people to left and right and at the same time causes sympathy, because it does this from a sense of justice, and can not act in a different way. My hero kills a bad person to save many other people. And the heroine of the film, played by Sasha Bortich, believes that it is possible to punish honestly.

- His position convinces her?

No, there is still no in the final. But his fate is told in the film, and it becomes clear why he is. The story is tragic, and personally she caused a big soulful response.

- Do you have your own experience of communicating with bad people?

Experience in street life is definitely there. Rogue, I seemed. Another when he was a teenager in Pereslavl, and in Moscow they are enough. I do not like it very much when someone deceives someone, I myself for justice.

We have little real heroes in the movies. The latter may have been Sergey Bodrov in "Brother". Hero of our time - how should it be?

The secret is very simple: for him we need the same qualities that Sergey Bodrov possessed, - sincerity, kindness, calm, courage. In zero, somehow pushed about them, Moscow and major cities swallowed glamor, and so far he does not let many. People just stopped talking to each other, respond to their words and actions, the world of deception became the norm. Nevertheless, now come for sincere people, for those who say what they think; Began to distinguish real from unreal. It's great, youth becoming a powerful force today, which understands the meaning of the word "truth". All my peers are targeted people, know their price, their actions, time. I believe that if these main qualities people will not forget, he will become a hero - for his family, for his friends.

- Do you have a relationship with the heroine of Alexandra Bortich on the screen?

Yes, our characters are greatly attracted as two poles - one with a plus, another with a minus, and it is interesting to see what will come of it.

- How not to fall in love with the story partner?

Even the question is not worth it. This is the profession just. This character was falling in love, not you.

- Does your girlfriend do not jealous of you?

As a normal girl, she, of course, jealous. But she knows about my profession and tries to treat it correctly. We have mutual understanding in this matter.

- How do you think the main thing in the girl? What is missing, perhaps, can, modern girls?

In modern girls lacking ... Actually girls. Many people try to be powerful, independent, and this, in my opinion, is not entirely correct. It seems to me that the girl is designed to be close to the man, be "for her husband." The main thing should be a man, otherwise the nature of the relationship is disturbed, all their meaning is lost. Basic solutions Woman should leave a man, should allow him to "score a nail" on his own. He must, for example, decide what car to buy, and not consult with her. I still do not understand those pairs, in which together make a decision, what car to buy ...

Wait, but if they have joint children, whom they will carry them on this car, and, for example, a dog that should be convenient to ride the cottage ...

No, anyway, a man must make a decision.

- Yes, you are a Domostroevts!

I'm normal. Similarly, a man should not ask a woman where she wants to go dinner. We must come and say where we go. And she will be easier for her.

"So, well, if she says," Let's go there? "?

Well ... well, let's go there ... True, this is immediately a collision causes.

- A woman is unlikely to want to be a long-standing bag for a long time ...

I am not talking about pileousness, just the main questions should solve a man. And why then all?

- What you say is amazing. The youth seems to be, on the contrary, served conservatism in a relationship, guys also wash the dishes and prepare, for example ...

I do not like to cook and do it very rarely, because there is something funny - a man at the slab, but no more. The woman also has the opportunity to be the main thing about these issues. And the man must create and decide.

- You talked about the absorption of the Mir of Glamor. When did you arrive in Moscow, did you have a temptation to come close to him?

I had wonderful masters who knocked out of me the slightest desire of this still at the initial stage.

- That is, you are not a partner, not a shlekchik ...

I love good clothes, but not to fanatism. There are representatives of show business, the profession of which is only conditional in nature, because everything they do - go on parties, take pictures for different publications. I am not from their number, of course, I am not a model. Profession for me the main thing.

- In the press you are presented as a young star with a big future.

For me, a star is an artist, a well-known and recognized worldwide. I can't call myself a star.

Alexandra Petrov in the series "Farca"

- the desire to straight to the world scale - also the sign of your generation: you want to immediately "Oscar".

Sure. The bad one soldier who does not want to become a general.

But we exist in another reality - both professional, and mental. You do not alarm the fact that none of the Russians have not yet made a career in Hollywood?

Everyone, with whom I communicated and who tried my hand in Hollywood, was the only problem - they were frightened. And you need to leave the coming. People, knowing that there is a rear here and they are ready to shoot, they suffer unclaiming there very long and return. Having left, you need to start from scratch and wait to the victorious. Comfortably will not work. Who the first will risk losing everything here, he will drink champagne.

- Do you think one day to risk?


- Do you have a plan directly?

There is a long time! Need to evolve. We have another fear of "them." They are not aliens - they are simply given profession a hundred percent. For example, Chekhov adore: the large actors who took place are like to understand the intricacies of good dramaturgy, it is important to them! We think more about our own popularity. If you take any Russian actor and move it to the body of Leonardo di Caprio, he will immediately go crazy from the awareness of glory. And they have other priorities: reaching these heights, they continue to work in the same way and grow in the profession.

- Do you have any complex from which you would like to get rid of?

It was always difficult for me to refuse. But now, it seems, I learned. My teachers told me about it. Heifeds spoke about it, whom I studied, then Kalyagin, to whom I came to work in the theater. The same position and Menshikova, I have now learning a lot. And recently began to notice that I got.

- For five years you have about 30 roles. Are you not afraid at some point to be everywhere?

Not. It seems to me that this is an unjustified fear, for some reason it is in our country in our country. Who only did not play the same Leonardo di Caprio, who just did not play Johnny Depp! And the whole world looks at them. And we say: "Bezrukov tired!" What is he tired? Beautiful actor who plays different roles. Bad when the actor is the same everywhere - that's what I would not want this.

- Living many lives in the frame and on stage, do you manage to live?

Sure! We must all have time: to give the time to relatives, friends, and in the cinema, and go to the restaurant, and cherish, and break, and be lazy. But anyway, every day is connected with the profession, because it is a matter of my life, and you need to go further.

- You are very purposeful, where did it come from?

I do not know, but how much I remember myself, the result was always important for me. It is like in sports. If the scoreboard is a bad result, you can't say: "You know, the game was cool!" And if the result is good, then nothing needs to say.

Text: Elena Kuznetsova

Fantastic fighter "Attraction" by Fedor Bondarchuk last week has caused a wide resonance and once again split the audience and critical community. At the fact that the majority of women looked positively responded about special effects and fighteently perceived the humanistic message of the paintings, the opinion of acting works is far from such a unanimous. And most of all went from Critic Alexander Petrov, who performed the role of the Chertanovsky hooligan Artem. The accusations of the actor poured the most different: and with the plastic he leaned, and passed with a fairytale, and desperately replayed with remarks. To some extent hearing such a strange - Petrov today is one of the most sought-after and favorite audience of the actors, and the skill demonstrated in "attraction" only more reveals his talent. Taking this opportunity - and on January 25, Alexander turned 28 years old, "I want to assure you that very soon Petrov will be the main Russian movie star that came to replace Sergey Bezrukov, Konstantin Khabensky and Danil Kozlovsky.

5. Emotionality is not "minus", but Plus Petrov.

Since we are talking about "attraction," it is worth starting a conversation from "replaying" Petrov in Artem. To whom, and me, this character, on the contrary, seems to be the most suitable and alive among all other heroes - it has the truth, he does not hide feelings and acts as it is assigned to nature. And it captures all - authors, colleagues in the frame, viewers. No wonder the key fragment, the selected creators of the film for the trailer, became an improvised performance of Artem before the crowd - "This is our land!" It has already become a phrase-meme, so hot and energeticly she uttered. What's wrong with this energy? Nothing, Artem - the plot engine, does not always come true, but always going to the end, it is he who is the real hero of the film, and not Julia, who throws out of extreme to extreme, and certainly not a charity, never showing himself, but acting solely in The answer to the circumstances. Petrov spent a gigantic work to "revive" his hero, and it is not at all surprising that the actor pulled the blanket for himself, he could do it and he did. In general, I am surprised that someone perceives emotionality and factories of Petrov as something manifested only now - the actor has always been like that. Most recently, the social networks were shot by rollers, in which the actor read the poems of Mayakovsky, and all this performance admired, there was not a single dissatisfied, no one seemed to anyone that Alexander "reread". That's right, this is because Petrov acted exactly how it was required in this particular case. In the "attraction" it was necessary to increase the degree, and the actor easily increased turns. Of course, you can play the role of one sadness of another and sometime even as Casey Affleck, wait for your nomination to Oscar, and you can burn, hollow in each image so that the rest blind eyes. And to stay in this case, you can think, you do not have such friends as Chertanovsky Artem. They just did not become actors and "harness" in the home setting.

4. Girls understand everything better than us.

Frame from the series "Farca"

In one of the reviews about the film, I read an important thing, albeit said in a joke: "Oh, this Petrov, his naked torso distracted from the scene of the fall of the starship." Jokes here are only a small part - Alexander, as the authors of films with his participation, perfectly knows that for girls teenagers and young women is a sex symbol, and actively uses it. More precisely, the directors and producers are still used - today a rare film or a series with the participation of this actor costs without a sensual erotic scene. And they are justified - from the "method" to "elusive," it attracts to the cinema and to the television screens of the audience of various ages. Someone can say that for a large actor, this is not so achievement, they say, and Andrei Mironov, and Alexander Abdulov, and Oleg Yankovsky managed to Soviet times without bed scenes, but we will be honest with themselves - the movie changed, his perception changed , and in new circumstances, light erotic looks no longer a challenge, especially if it is justified and helps to reveal the characters. In this regard, Petrov replays all its competitors on the Russian acting workshop, it is possible to oppose it in such a spicy component, it is possible that Paul is primarily, but he is noticeably inferior to Petrov in the acting talent. Yes, it is possible that the ability to attract the spectators with your body is the last argument in the dispute about talent, but if this gift is able to use the person, then why not, no one criticizes for a similar passion for expulsion in every film Channing Tatum or Taylor Kitcha . Demand generates a proposal, and the demand for this component in the movie is always available.

3. Petrov is a talented comedian.

On the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe series "You all mess me"

The comedy side of his talent can be considered a serious advantage of Alexander Petrova to competitors on the acting Olympus. In the "attraction", Artem was not up to jokes, although he had time to reassure a couple of sores, but in other films and TV shows, Petrov had many opportunities and their own wit with a sense of scenario, demonstrate. In the "Farce" and "Law of Stone Jungle", in "elusive: the last hero" and "Police from Rublevka" - Alexander played everywhere if not hokhmachi, then people who can discharge the situation with a relevant joke. About the "drunken company" and "You all take me away" and say not to say - there it makes you smile hardly every my appearance, albeit on the contrast with the other characters of these series. Oddly enough, but this versatility is comedy and dramatic - for many Russian actors is an unattainable vertex. Perhaps, only Danil Kozlovsky manages equally convincingly to twist the financial pyramids in "spiritless" and to be curly, parodying de Niro in "Status: Free", and Peter Fedorov is somehow able to make sure, but the rest is far from such a skill. Maybe it's not bad - let Bezrukov and further depicts on the screen of historical figures, and Hubensky builds the tragedies of one actor, the audience is enough for everyone, but the directors will definitely pay attention to the talent that is developed versatile, on those muscles that give harmony, And do not violate the balance. Petrova does not have any problems - he is a versatile actor and at the same time balanced: and the smile will disassemble, and the frowning eyebrow will force shudder.

2. Experience and education will open all the doors.

Victoria Isakov and Alexander Petrov in the spectral "Cherry Garden"

However, even with all these talents, it is sometimes quite difficult to get into the cinema, but Alexander Petrov "shaggy paws" of relatives and the proceedings of acquaintances were not needed - he is the very person who, what is called, made himself. He chose himself a path, leaving the schools of the economy and enrolling in Gitis, did not break his head chasing the cinema, pumping the acting muscles on theatrical stage. Petrov made talking about himself not only and not so much modest secondary projects on television screens, but the "Hamlet" in the theater of the Yermolova and the "cherry garden" in Pushkin Theater. Theater is not a mandatory, but very desirable part of life for any self-respecting actor, but one is very difficult to combine two elements. Alexander Petrov in his 28 managed much immediately on two fields - his work is equally interesting on stage, and on the screen. And this is another plus in the stars resume - a good director will not be with such an actor a single problem, he is raised, ditched and responsible for the envy of self-taught and accidentally shot starters, unable to understand that the world is not spinning around them and that they are just screws In a large car of cinema. Alexander Petrov with his formation and theatrical experience today all doors are open, and the audience is ready to accept any of his project with interest - at least a biographical drama about Nikolae Vasilyevich Gogol, even a fantasy adventure with shamans and sorcerers.

1. In the coming years, Petrov is ready to risk.

On the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe film "Lovestory"

By the way, about the future. I have a persistent belief that if not 2017, then the next year after him will definitely become the "Year of Petrov". Just because the number and quality of projects override in the coming months with the participation of this actor have found a certain balance - Alexander is removed a lot, but does not waste forces on nonsense. So, universal love and recognition will overtake him about it. Maybe "Niki" and "Golden Eagles" will come to the actor after the "lavestori" Petra Todorovsky, may have to wait for "ice" from the same Bondarchuk, it is possible that after the demonstration of "attraction" abroad Alexander will receive an invitation to Hollywood Or joint with Europe or China project. The future of Petrova is cloudless and fully perspective. Which will necessarily be assessed, and are rated high, viewers and critics. How ridiculously then claims to the excessive expression of the Chertanovsky Artem will look like, to how the actor rotated in his eyes, depicting a deadly insult - his girl chose another. "Attraction", like no other film, demonstrated the highest level of talent and readiness of Alexander Petrova. Ahead is only victory, only prizes, only success. From Chertanovo - just like that!

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On the evening of April 2, two final episodes of the first season of the series "Farca" will be shown on the "First Channel" - fascinating adventurous retro-saga, telling the story of the sign of the Soviet phenomenon: Fanswers. Producers and screamers of a high-profile project that has already managed to collect many enthusiastic reviews, steel Alexander Tsecalo and winner "Berlinale" Alexander Cott. The acting is no less impressive: the series appears in the series Evgeny Tsyganov , Evgeny Stychkin, Alexey Serebryakov , Ekaterina Volkova And a good dozen artists with loud names. The main role is the novice writer Andrei, becoming a fan derself, - got a young actor Alexander PetrovAlready having had time to declare himself in the series "The Law of Stone Jungle" and the comedy "Love in the Big City-3". Taking advantage of the case, Elle decided to learn more about the artist who conquered the Prime Time of the Central Channel.

Alexander Petrov / Photo: Anna Fox

Elle: Today the last two series "Fans" will come out. Do you follow the series yourself?

Alexander Petrov: I try to watch all my work. Not in advance, not on the premieres, but as ordinary spectators: on sessions in the cinema and on TV. It turns out another atmosphere, another glance is more suspended and, maybe even more objective. It is always curious - see how the movie breathes, as the hall reacts.

ELLE: And what are the first impressions?

AP: Of course, any story you need to watch to the end. But for now I really like it! I'm terribly worried, because I understand that such serials like "Farca" is a rather new phenomenon for Russia. A new format close to what is done in the West. We used to be as follows: they took off the epic from a hundred episodes, and it was possible to start looking from any series, without losing it - just because it is not difficult to watch there anything. And in a modern high-quality TV series, there are always many details that can not be lost in any way - only then the full picture is folded, then everything becomes clear. I really want a massive viewer to get used to watch the series carefully.

Elle: How did you get the role of Fanswist Andrei? Did you immediately be invited to a major role, or was Casting?

AP: Sure! I walked on them, I go and go. This is a wonderful training that helps a lot in work. When I came to the samples, I already had an agreement on filming in another project, but after the casting I received a message: "Sasha, as it will be possible - call. Sasha Tsecalo. " I was a little surprised: the producer, personally, and not through the assistant, asks me to contact him! I called, and he honestly told me: "I would really like you to take off in this movie. You have to make a choice. " This honesty bribed me - and, of course, I chose "Farce". What I do not regret at all! After all, these first eight episodes - only the beginning, the history will continue. And I will not be surprised if the series will be interested in the West: I am almost confident that the same Americans, the creators of the legendary "madmen" will be very curious to see, and how they lived in the sixties in the USSR. Especially since the interest in Russia, to our cinema, is growing - to remember at least, what a furior produced "Leviathan", and our actors are becoming sought-after.

ELLE: Definitely pulls you to the West! And it seems you have even experience with Western directors ...

AP: Yes, now the shooting of the series "Mata Hari", over which the international team works. Director Denny Berry (director Telebitoga "Highlander" - Elle), Actors - Christopher Lambert, John Malkovic ... Recently ended the first stage of filming in Portugal, after a couple of months we will shoot in St. Petersburg. This series, of course, will be a landmark event - such a bridge there, for the ocean.

ELLE: At 26, you can already boast the main role in the TV series "First Channel". You even managed to play a hamlet in the theater - what some actors are waiting for all their lives. What is the secret of such a rapid take-off?

AP: It's funny, but I don't seem like my "takeoff" of the rapid! In my life, nothing happened in my life quickly, it was always a consistent ascent of the steps. Even acting into theatrical, I passed a tour of the tour - while many guys not to torment, immediately sent to the competition. Many ripe on movies with loud premieres, and I started with small roles in modest projects. Just gradually became more roles, and projects are more interesting. So my career is the most common staircase. No elevator, all on foot! Probably, that is why I am always ready for criticism, and to self-development, and to experiments.

ELLE: Do you often criticize yourself?

AP: When you look at your work, it is difficult to do it, completely abstracting: you are constantly analyzing something, you note the mistakes that, perhaps, are not even noticeable. But all this is not self-confidence, but an absolutely normal process.

ELLE: You are closer to the camera or scene?

AP: I can perfectly honestly say that the movie I am much closer to me than the theater. On the set, I feel like a fish in the water! And in the theater it is more difficult for a long and tedious rehearsal stage. True, when you go to the scene with a complete room and you feel that some kind of magic is going on here, then you realize that all these months of searching, rehearsals, discussions were not in vain. This is a buzz!

ELLE: Is it true, what did you go to the economic?

AP: Yes, and even learned there for two years! Student I was a nicudient, teachers to me straight text said: "Sasha, learn! Otherwise, you will become a janitor, and nothing will happen in your life. "

Elle: What made you become an actor?

AP: Theatrical studio under the leadership of Veronica Ivanhenko in my native Pereslavl-Zalessky! I got there already, being a student-economist, and there I literally opened a wonderful new world. I understood how difficult it was and at the same time fascinating - to be an actor. We have released a few performances, taken one of them on the theater festival of guitis, and after that I firmly decided what I want to do what I feel real pleasure.

Elle: What else do you like?

AP: I love football! How much I remember, I support "Spartak". Moreover, I even had the opportunity to become a professional football player ... But the circumstances have developed in such a way that it did not work. Although, of course, I try to drive the ball from time to time. But if I now go to the field against myself for a decade ago, then that Sasha Petrov I will just do today!

ELLE: As a result, you became an artist, from which the Russian cinema only won - what you can not say about football. Are you ready for the army of fans?

AP: It seems to me that this should be treated as part of the work. If the actor has no fans, it is at least weird. Many artists say they do not like to give interviews that they are annoying obsessive attention that they work for themselves. I am aware that I work for people. I am pleased when I find out, suitable, thank you for some my roles: be it a pilot, who liked the series "Hugging the sky", or a former informal, who ends my hand for the "Law of Stone Jungle" ... I, by the way, was surprised when Oleg Evgenievich Menshikov (Kryuku Rudruk theater of Yermolova, where Petrov is Ell) I was told that a few episodes of the series looked with interest! I did not expect such praise from him!

ELLE: Do you have a girlfriend? How does it relate to your popularity?

AP: Yes, and we have long been together. Perhaps in the depths of the soul she is a little jealous! Dasha is not an actress, a person is not public, but he knows that my profession sometimes implies increased attention. Initially, when the first films came out with my participation, of course, worried, but now, it seems to me, it applies to this with absolute understanding. The main thing is that nothing changes between us, which I am insanely happy.

Elle: Are you a romantic? Capable for insane acts?

AP: Yes, I am like this! And, it seems to me that such things greatly stimulate relationships, refresh the feelings and generally a look at the world.

ELLE: Do you have any taboo in the profession?

AP: No, absolutely no.

ELLE: Good. And some measured professional success?

AP: Sure! "Oscar".