Alexander Berdnikov took the twins from the maternity hospital. Now their six: Alexander Berdnikov took his wife and newborn daughters from the maternity hospital (photo) Alexander Berdnikov took his wife from the hospital

Alexander Berdnikov took the twins from the maternity hospital. Now their six: Alexander Berdnikov took his wife and newborn daughters from the maternity hospital (photo) Alexander Berdnikov took his wife from the hospital
Alexander Berdnikov took the twins from the maternity hospital. Now their six: Alexander Berdnikov took his wife and newborn daughters from the maternity hospital (photo) Alexander Berdnikov took his wife from the hospital

HAPPY PARENTSAlexander, you have a girl, and a boy. Plan on children has already been executed?
Alexander BerdnikovIf God will give, still children will appear, I will only be happy. Actually, I want at least three. Olga BerdnikovaI am also "for". Gypsy in families have always had many children, however, now it is usually two, rarely more. But no less.

S.R.Since you are both gypsies, some national traditions in the family are saved?A.B.Well, honestly, there are no special differences from Russian families. We have some traditions, because we all live in Russia, all Christians, and we were crowned with Olga in the Orthodox Church. Well, why in our families, as a rule, many children? Yes, because Gypsies love when there are many people in the house when fun and noisy! And I do not like when quietly, it is necessary that someone ran, shouting, laughed. Back in the family, you must need a boy to have someone to convey family affairs. All this stretches, of course, from the past, but no less important now, and for me too.

S.R.Olga, you also love when the house is noisy?ABOUT.Sure! Even when the children go to walk with her grandmother, the house will be empty, and I just do not find myself places.

S.R.And your wedding is some kind of special, Gypsy was?A.B.Yes, I will not say that she somehow different from most other modern weddings. There were a lot of people, which is characteristic of any gypsy wedding. And every family was caused to dance. Not representatives of the family, namely, from the babies in their hands at Mom to the old people. And the older the dancer, the means, more respect for the newlyweds of this family. This custom is probably required for our weddings.

S.R.It is the opinion that Gypsy has no marriages with representatives of other peoples. This is true?ABOUT.To some extent this rule is preserved now, so that the children are gypsies in the family. But only to some extent, because my brother, for example, is married to Russian, and my mother is Russian. However, it is not even in nationality, but in the fact that, having married a gypsy, it is necessary to take Gypsy traditions, that is, in fact, to become gypsy. And the Gypsy does not become different.

S.R.Probably, in your family sings not only Alexander?A.B.Of course, we all sing, it is just already in the blood laid. And what about! In general, Gypsies are very talented people, and many sing in it, for this it is not at all necessary to become an artist. Moreover, many of my friends, nonartisters sing so that any artist envies. A person can sell cars, suppose, and sing, like a professional. True sink!

S.R.Olga, does anyone help you with children?ABOUT.I do not work while children are small, therefore, mostly, I cope myself. And Sashina Mom helps, Sasha aunt. We have many relatives who are ready to help, so there is no need for nanny.

S.R.How did you meet?A.B.We introduced friends. I came to Rostov with a friend, we went to a party, and there I saw Olya. Then he went on tour to Germany and called her. And after some time he again came to Rostov, already specifically to Olga, where we agreed that I would come to wonder, as it should be, with my family. To confess, I did not have for long courtship. So two months later we got married.

S.R.Firstborn wanted a boy?ABOUT.Who will be the first to us all the same. But the second, of course, the boy wanted.

S.R.Why do most men want a boy? Now the inheritance can be conveyed to your daughter.A.B.The point is not in this. Just I, for example, I used to think that the boy would be closer to me. But Milan was born, and it turned out that the girl could be no less close. Milan is my friend. In everything. We play together, love to tumble on the sofa, we make different acrobatic numbers, walk, go to the cafe. I constantly carry her on her hands.

S.R.What are you targeting in raising children?A.B.We educate the parents as they brought up us. This is necessarily because it is the most correct method.

S.R.But you are from different families! Olga was brought up with you - in a different way.A.B.No no. Gypsy families have fairly clear rules and landmarks. For example, respect for the elders. This, Ra-zoomed, has all the peoples, but not everywhere it is observed, and we try to strictly observe. There are also some things concerning specific girls, for example.
ABOUT.The girl should not walk with boys and kiss before the wedding. That is, she, of course, can communicate with the guys from their circle, but to a certain extent, not close. And this is rather strictly observed until now.

S.R.Olga, and Alexander helps you with children?ABOUT.Best Alexander helps me to kiss and hug them! Mostly all the trouble with children on the mother, of course. A.B.I play with them.

S.R.Now many of our moms who have been in Europe, complain about the fact that the European Pope is caring for our. Don't you think so?ABOUT.And in my opinion, it is wrong when a man is engaged in a child. The first time when the baby is small, Mom must do. At least up to three years for sure. A.B.And I think it all depends on each individual family. If my mother cannot cope herself, then the dad has to help.

S.R.Milan and Marcel with characters like?ABOUT.Not at all. From the very first of their days were already different. Milan we have all this active, and Marseille is more relaxed. He was born, so basically slept and slept. I remember, at three months - 20 hours a day and now sleeps well at night. But the boy is cheerful, loves to laugh, and because of everything. Imagine, such a crumb, and laughs straight out loud!

S.R.Was there a jealousy between them?ABOUT.Of course, it was! In January, Milan turned 2 years old, Marcel was born in February, and she was jealous for the first month. I, of course, prepared her for his birth during his pregnancy, said that there would be a brother, but it seems to me that all this did not quite reach it. And when Marseille appeared, it began: "To remove it! Do not take hands! Take me! Put it! " Caprises, sobs ... And then, over time, you know, in itself passed. We did not attach any special, special efforts. Although, of course, he was constantly told that Marcel her brother, younger, he must love, everyone loves him, and her. We always always speak with her as an adult. Especially since it sometimes does not listen, shows the character. But we understand that this is normal and naturally, so it is asserted.

S.R.Do you practice, like many parents, early development?ABOUT.You know, now children themselves develop early. Here is Milan two and a half years, and she easily communicates with the five-year children, it is able to think already up to 10. But going to do somewhere at her age, I think it is too early. Although she is extremely independent, for example, not only plays in the iPad, but herself goes on the Internet, perfectly focuses there and chooses the cartoons. She even comes to the TV and tries on the screen, as on touch, move pictures. This generation has a very different perception than us. But we read from the Milan book, Sasha Mama teaches her poems with her. Looking forward to her gymnastics or dance to give, because the daughter is very flexible. Milan just grows in music, in dancing, in singing. The fact is that guests often gather at home, and everyone love to sing and dance. The daughter is often asked to fulfill something, and it never shy, always - with pleasure. But if something does not want anything, nothing will do. "I myself!" - her favorite expression. Even the clothes itself chooses: "This Mike," says, is beautiful, and this one - no. "

S.R.What do you do if not listening?A.B.If something is very necessary, it is still possible to persuade anything, but if not very necessary, I never insist. The punishment of us is one thing - a strict conversation.

S.R.What dreams associate with children?ABOUT.I have only a dream: that she had a happy female fate to marry her and she had a good husband and beautiful children. Everything, I have another dream. We, Gypsy, is the best fate for the girl. A.B.The fact is that we do not need the girl to do something else besides the family. No, if she wants to make a career - please! But after all, you see, successfully get married any girl dreams? And so that it happens, you need to know the family of the groom. We often acquaint young people, and often do it in advance. Not that this massively practiced, but there are such trends. Again, for example, friends that their children, when they grow, get married. But, of course, the decisive word for children, if they won't want, nothing will be. Previously, it happened, forced, now - no. But still, if parents want their children together, you can behave.

S.R.Do Milans have no groom yet?A.B.Not yet. All ahead.

S.R.Plus such a matchmaker for a girl - in a guaranteed groom ...ABOUT.You are right, in this regard easier. Do not look for a husband and worry about it. He will find you yourself. We have so.

S.R.Would you like children too by professional singers?A.B.Yes, it is cool, and for me, for example, it has always been interesting. Marsel maybe I wish such fate. Although ... I have nothing against if he became a professional athlete, a football player. And Milan herself will choose how to live and who to be. It will be necessary to learn, and if she has a cool job, I will only be happy.

Singer Birthday March 21 (Aries) 1981 (38) Birthplace Ashgabat Instagram @sashaberdnikov

Alexander Berdnikov was born on March 21, 1981 in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan. Now this is a famous singer, the finalist of the TV show "Star Factory", the soloist of the Korni Group. As the participant of this team more than once became the laureate of the popular Festival "Golden Gramophone", participated in the Eurobest competition in Cannes. Together with the group toured in Russia and the United States. In 2016, Berdnikov became a member of the Motherland party in the elections to the State Duma VII convocation. Takes part in TV projects, starred in the film "Hamlet. XXI Century".

Biography Alexander Berdnikova

At the singer Gypsy roots. When the boy turned 5 years old, his parents changed the place of residence and moved to Minsk, where the childhood of the boy passed. He began to be interested in music, engaged in vocals and dancing. At school, he took part in artistic amateur activities. In Minsk, Alexander was known as an excellent dancer, participated in an international competition at the age of 14. At 16, together with the famous Belarusian ensemble, Syabra went on tour.

After graduating from school, Berdnikov went to Moscow and became a student of Gitis. In 2002, he passed the casting to the new draft of the first channel "Star Factory". It was a fateful step: he became one of the winners. The group "Root" consisted of Alexander Berdnikov and three more project finalists.

The team quickly became popular, his songs occupied a leading position in the country's charts. After the completion of the project, its participants went with tour of the cities of Russia, and in 2008 the Group made a tour of the US cities. Currently, the composition was changed, but Alexander continues to continue the creative career as part of the team.

In 2004, the singer became a member of the popular realistic show "The Last Hero", and B2009, the artist tried himself as a film actor. He played in the painting "Hamlet. XXI century "as Rosencrana.

Celebrities who raise twins

The popular Russian singer Alexander Berdnikov received extensive fame from the Russian public, thanks to the participation in the 2002 factory television program. He became one of the winners - the finalists of this project and entered the Korni Group formed on the TV group, which was at the very peak of Glory several years old, and successfully toured in our country and abroad. Alexander is a wonderful dancer and singer - these abilities in his blood and were transferred to the Gypsy genes. Alexander Berdnikova's wife is only half a gypsy, she has a Russian mother.

With a 21-year-old blonde beauty, Olga Mazharzaya Berdnikov met in the spring of 2008, in Rostov, and first in absentia. Having arrived to relax to friends, he heard about the girl-gypsy, very beautifully unlike his tribesmen because of the impurities of maternal blood, which made her blonde. Then they saw and really liked each other. According to Gypsy customs, a student and a fragment of Olga came to a meeting in the company of friends, accompanied by a brother, and to talk alone young people failed. Alexander was able to only take a phone number from the girl. He went on tour to Germany, not even suspecting, with which Olga is looking forward to his call. She believed, and doubted that Berdniki would remember her.

And he did not forget, because he saw Olga, she understood: he would like to connect his life with her forever. Even called Mother to tell her about how he liked the Rostov girl. Mother gave "Good": "If so, come on, get acquainted!" Aleksandra at that time was already 27 years old and his permanent girl had not yet been: only short-term, no means binding dating. In the Gypsy environment, this does not happen, there are decent people take over the obligations that are always executed. When they phoned with Olga, they did not solve their destiny. A month after their dating, the representatives of the Berdnikov family came to Rostov, to wad the bride. The young wrapped around and Olga got the opportunity to come to her bridegroom to Moscow.

After registering in the registry office, in the summer of 2002, Alexander and Olga were married: the Gypsy Wedding is for the whole life "and in the mountain, and in joy ... until God can tell" and is respected to the present. Guests gathered more than 200 people and the bride in the dress and jewelry, which Alexander chose himself, was dazzling well. A young wife, despite the fact that was a student of the financial institution in the specialty "banking" was immediately configured to give her husband to children. The material opportunities of the family allowed her to postpone his studies: not only Alexander, but his mother, engaged in business, earned well. The first child in the family became Milan, born in 2010. In February 2012, she had a brother Marseille.

Young spouses live in Moscow, together with the mother and grandmother Alexander and Olga always have the opportunity to take advantage of their help in raising children. But she is not at home the duties of the Gypsy wife and she gladly performs all the work on the house in accordance with national traditions. According to them, Alexander should never be laundry, cooking and other annoying petty things: this is not a male case according to the rules of Gypsy ethics. Therefore, he continues to tour with his group, in which, from the beginning of the activity, there were tangible changes: they are now trying: Alexander Berdnikov, Alexey Kabanov, Dmitry Pakulich. In 2009, Berdnikov starred as Rosencrana in the modern interpretation of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" and often participates in concert programs and promotions.

True, using the concern and attention at once, "three beauties, as he calls his women, Alexander completely dismissed himself and now Olga Halfup - half-seed, often reminds her husband that he must carefully follow his weight. He also likes it: in relation to the married criticism of a certain regulation in Gypsy families does not exist. The life of Berdinikov is in a friendly and fun, especially now, when replenished in their family: in August 2016, Alexander and Olga had daughters - Gemini, called Rosa and Valentina. Having become a large father at the age of 35, Alexander is very proud of its achievements and declares that it is not going to stop at what has been achieved: the Gypsy family should be great. Moreover, the person's family who is the leader of the Youth of the National Cultural Autonomy of Russian Gypsies, and therefore an example for others.

Alexander Berdnikova's 29-year-old wife a large number of children also does not scare. She is a great mistress and a caring mother, and besides - confident in her spouse who is not only able to provide his relatives financially, but also does not regret neither the strength or time, to communicate with their younger heirs. Milan is already a schoolgirl and actively participates in artistic amateur activities, Marseille, who recently celebrated his 5th anniversary, is not much lagging behind the older sister, and Rosa and Valentine remained quite a bit until they make their first steps on the ground. Olga donated her career for a family and did not regret it. She feels a completely happy wife and mother.

Alexander Berdnikov is a charming brunette from the roots group. Do you know where he was born and studied? How is his personal life going now? If not, we recommend reading the article from the beginning to the end.

Biography Berdnikova Alexander

He was born on March 21, 1981 in the capital of Turkmenistan - Ashgabat. Our hero from the real Gypsy family. His relatives have not yet walked. Many of them have higher education and occupy good positions.

When Sasha was 5 years old, his family moved to Minsk. There, the childhood of the future musician took place. From an early age, the boy showed interest in art. He collected video recording of concerts of world famous performers. One of the idols of our hero was Michael Jackson. Sasha even tried to repeat his famous "lunar gait."

Creative activity

Sing and dance the guy studied independently. He dedicated it a few hours a day. From the 6th grade Sasha began to participate in various competitions of amateuria. In Minsk, he knew him as a talented dancer. At the age of 14, Alexander Berdnikov first went to the international competition.

"Star Factory"

At the end of High School Sasha moved to Moscow, where he entered Gitis. He wanted to build a successful singing career. And soon the guy presented such an opportunity. In 2002, the first channel announced Casting to the Music Project "Star Factory". Alexander Berdnikov (see photo above) I decided to try my luck. As a result, he was among the participants of the show.

As part of the "Stars Factory", a male quartet was created under the name "roots". The group includes: Sasha Berdnikov, Lesha Kabanov, Alexander Astashonok and Artemyev Paul. This team was recognized as the winner of the first "stars factory". The guys have gained tremendous popularity among Russian youth.

Personal life

Alexander Berdnikov was never deprived of female attention. The girls threw anonymous notes with confessions in love in the mailbox. There were those who were in the open-open feelings.

After Sasha appeared on the project "Star Factory", the number of his fans has increased dramatically. Many girls between the ages of 16 and 30 have dreamed of such a beautiful and talented guy.

In July 2008, the participant of the group "Root" married. His chosen was Olga's student from Rostov-on-Don. The wedding took place in Gypsy custom. At the celebration there were almost two hundred guests. All of them did not bother to gifts. The bride and groom presented decorations, expensive equipment and sweaty packs of money in envelopes.

Many people think that Blonde Olga is a Russian girl. In fact, she has Gypsy roots. She never hid and was not ashamed of his nationality.

In January 2010, the spouses were born firstborn - charming daughter. The girl was called Milan. The young father could not fall on his blood.

In February 2012, another replenishment occurred in the Berdnikov family. The son of Marseille appeared on the world. Spouses do not intend to stop on two children. After all, Gypsy families have always been big.


Now you know what the way to fame did Alexander Berdnikov. Today he has everything you need to modern man for happiness: a favorite family, a cozy home and a decent job. We wish him creative success and luck!

Born in Ashgabat in the Gypsy family. At the age of five, he moved with his family to Minsk. Parents diverged. Valentina Vasilyevna's mother - lawyer. Independently learned to sing and dance. Participated and won in various dance competitions. He fell into the youth studio at the Syabra ensemble. At the age of 16, he recorded a song with this ensemble and toured in the cities of Belarus. At the end of the school moved to Moscow. He graduated from the Faculty of Faculty of Rati. During his studies, there was a practice in the Gypsy theater "Roman".
In 2002, he took part in the project of the First Channel "Star Factory" and became the winner as part of the Korni Group (producer and the author of most songs - Igor Matvienko).
In the group "Root" sings and plays on strike tools.
The group recorded the album "On the Century" (2003) and solo albums of participants under the general name "Diaries" (2005).
The songs of the band sound in films and shows. In 2006, the song "Non-wind with the wind" became a soundtrack for the TV series "Cadet" (STS). In 2007, the song "Close Eyes" became one of the soundtracks to the film "Waiting for a miracle." The song "You will recognize it" used in the TV series "Happy together" (TNT).
As part of the group "Root" recorded about 20 singles. Starred in 14 clips of the group.
In 2004, took part in the realistic show of the first channel "The Last Hero".
In 2011, the Koreni Group took part in the project "Star Factory. Return "(in the command of the producer of Igor Matvienko).