Alexander Belyaev Male Natalia Pakhomenko. Biography and filmography of Alexander Kolker

Alexander Belyaev Male Natalia Pakhomenko. Biography and filmography of Alexander Kolker

In early September, the husband of the People's Artist Maria Pakhomenko, the composer Alexander Kolker, announced in all that: the wife disappeared! Return my Masha! And even turned with an open letter with accusations against his daughter Natalia. Supposedly she stole a parent suffering from Alzheimer's disease, writes Komsomolskaya Pravda.

"We took mom to themselves two months ago," Natalia Pakhomenko tells his version. - Call neighbors called. They saw the father beats mom.My husband and I went to the cottage. And already at the entrance, I heard wild cries. I go and see: he hits her on his head. I explained that she did not put an empty cup in the sink, and he tends her to independence. I decided that my mother did not deserve such fate. Therefore, I took it.

Maria Leonidovna, which fans remember blonde beauty with a thick oblique and a unique voice, according to her daughter, often used in bruises. This time also 38 kilograms have weighed with 160 centimeters. He was afraid of any shav.

Legend of Soviet pop with her husband and her daughter with his family live on the same ladder, door to the door. And it greatly complicates the case.

In February of this year, the media passed anxious news: People's Artist Maria Pakhomenko disappeared.

"I learned that my mother was disappeared, only the next day," the daughter says. "And then by chance: the neighbor came and asked him to return him a jacket, which he gave Maria Leonidovna, having met her in the yard in her home. And the Father all this time calmly sat at home and did not declare the police. I did not even ask if I didn't have it. It was enough for one phone call!

And the following natalia's accusation to the father Monsterly sounded if he had no documentary confirmation in the form medical certificates about multiple fractures Ribs and about a dozen witnesses.

"In the hospital she made X-ray: half of the ribs are broken, and fractures are already healthy," says daughter. - And once she got on the emergency room with an injury of the tailbone. The flacker then explained: he fell from the stepladder. But they have no home and larding!

Natalia wants only one thing: so that she was given to calmly care for her mother. Maria Pakhomenko must be put in the hospital for prophylaxis. And the documents, including the passport, the medstrash, remained at the colcker. He promises: as soon as the daughter serves the mother to the hospital, he will immediately take.

Husband is Mary Pakhomenko, honored artist of the arts of Russia, composer Alexander Kolker, another version.

"Problems in our family began half a year ago, when this gigolo appeared," said Alexander Naumovich. - What is he a husband? He is a marriage sweat, found Natalia over the Internet. And now he lives in her apartment, he took her car, which I gave my daughter. Do you know what he said in the summer when he kicked me out of the cottages in Narva? "Get out from here!" "And this is a deserved elderly person." He is high height, much higher than me, and I can't cope with him. I had to go and spend the summer in the city.

And now they still stole my wife. I lived with Maria Leonidovna 54 years. He wrote to her songs, cared for her all last years, washed underwear, we have no washing machine - there is no place to put in our small apartment. And now the daughter says that I beat my wife? Where is the logic? And where documents confirming this? She slanders! And I never remember with her, after all this can not be speech. Video 100V.

Sad news - the well-known Soviet singer Maria Leonidovna Pakomenko died in St. Petersburg in St. Petersburg.
The cause of death is the inflammation of the lungs. According to media reports that refer to the relatives of the singer, Pakhomenko in recent years has suffered from Alzheimer's disease.

She died in one of the hospitals of St. Petersburg at the 76th year of life. The singer was especially popular in 1960-1970. Although Maria Pakhomenko has not long been on the stage for a long time, her creativity is well familiar to people not only the older generation on the execution of such popular songs, as "shakes", "Ryabin", "Girls are", "beloved mine", "Crane in the sky "," School Waltz "," Better there is no color. "
In 1971, Maria Pakhomenko became the first Soviet singer who won the Golden Orpheus contest in Bulgaria. A year later she won the main prize at the Golden Plate festival in Cannes. In the 80s of the last century, the singer led on the Leningrad television cycle of programs "invites Maria Pakhomenko".

Time and place of the funeral will be known later.

Time mercilessly. Youth leaving, beauty. But in the hearts of the audience, the voice of a young and beautiful singer sounds like a clean stream ...

Everlasting memory.

Under the cut - the biography of singers and video recordings.

Maria Pakomenko was born on March 25, 1937, lived in Leningrad. Grew in an ordinary family. The daughter of the Leningrad Militiaman sang in the school choir. Masha sang with girlfriends from grade 7, organizing vocal quartet. Quartet went to the Palace of Culture. The first five-year plan. In this house, the culture in the vocal class Girls studied vocals. And they performed in concerts of amateur performance. Girls rose and diverged into different directions.
Masha began to study in radio engineering. About the artistic career and did not think. But I wanted to sing. And again - the quartet, which became professional under the leadership of V. shark. The quartet was invited to the youth ensemble of the Palace of Culture. Lensovet. With this ensemble traveled around the country, performed at the Festival of Youth 1957. in Moscow. Then the scene became familiar to her.
Later graduated from the music school. MP Mussorgsky. Speaker with the ensemble of DC them. Lensovet.

A student amateur team was organized in the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute, which put very funny reviews. In this team and called M. Pakhomenko. It was there that she met her future husband, a very famous musician and composer Alexander Kolker ("Wedding of Krechinsky", "Trofaldino from Bergamo", "Three in the boat, not counting the dogs", "Chronicle of the Picking Bomber", "Magic Power of Art" and Dr.), LETI student. At that time he played the violin. A. Solker in his memoirs says: "I was worth a lot of effort to persuade Masha to speak in the new role and write my first solo song" shakes, shakes, shakes. "The song was written to the spectrum" I go on a thunderstorm "on the novel by D. Granina. Debut M. Pakhomenko was undoubted luck. Song This then heed an independent life. Young, surprisingly clean, and most importantly, unfamiliar cars voice played an important role here. "

In his book "Elevator down does not raise" he wrote: "She was then 19. I am 23. She had a thick white braid and absolute rumor. I had songs, modest popularity and rapid heartbeat. 45 years we are together. I was doubly. Masha is beautiful and smart - a rare case. My luckyness is simply there is no limit. Masha is beautiful, smart and predicted with his family. All day she is tights, never cropped: grocery stores, lunch, washing machine, cleaning. Rest for her comes only in the evening when, visiting a modest makeup, she Rides a solo concert. "

Since 1964, a soloist of the Leningrad musical pop ensemble under the leadership of Badhan and Kolcker with Lenconcerta. Each pop artist has its own "business card". The Leningrad singer Mary Pakhomenko is dozens of them, so many good songs she sang. It is thanks to her, with difficulty there is a person in our country, who would not know: all the maiden misfortunes are because "for ten girls on statistics nine guys ...".
Her voice is like a pure stream. Hair as a waterfall. Her charm is infinite. So they said and wrote about Maria Pakhomenko in the 60s. One of the western journalists called it "tender Masha".
And she was on stage and tender, and passionate, and sad, and mischievous. And, most importantly - very sincere. "Shakes, shakes", "recognition", "conversations, conversations", "better there is no color", "miracle horses" - fulfilling these and many other songs, Maria Pakhomenko became the loved one of the country.

Few people know that at the beginning of the 70s, the singer could play in the cinema. Yes, and in such an outstanding, a sign film, like 17 moments of spring. The proposal was received when Maria Pakhomenko was on tour.
Pakhomenko: And in the midst of the tour, the call and Lioznova says: "I invite you to play in this film. Believe me that it will be a very good movie, you will have to play the wife of Stirlitz there. And Stirlitz will play Vyacheslav Tikhonov. " I have a right heart in your heels. She said "Master Serial". She said some such a word, what stopped me. I said that you excuse me, of course I really want, but I can't. She forgot to say the word "episode", about what I am sorry all my life. She then told me: "Only your face wanted"

I recorded 10 giants' discs and filmed 6 music films on television, led the TV show "Invites Maria Pakhomenko";
From the song "Miracle Koni" in 1968, he ranked first at the International Competition of Grams Movie (Cannes, France).
In 1968, more than two and a half million plates of Maria Pakhomenko were sold. For this, the singer was honored with the "jade plate" - a prestigious international award, handed to Cannes, 1972.

Prizes and rewards:
1st place at the competition conducted by the radio station "Youth" (1964) - for the performance of the song "Again sailed somewhere ships"
1st place (jade plate) at the international contest of MIDEM in Cannes (1968)
Grand Prix at the International Competition "Golden Orpheus" (Bulgaria, 1971) - for the song "Miracle Koni" (A. Kolker - K. Ryzhov)
People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1998)

Maria Pakhomenko. "Shakes, shakes"

Maria Pakhomenko. "Girls stand"

Maria Pakhomenko. "It's better not to bloom"

Maria Pakhomenko. "School Waltz"

Maria Pakhomenko. "Song of the First Love"

Maria Pakhomenko Sweet Berry

Maria Pakhomenko. "Yeah's beloved." Song of the Year - 1971

Today name singers Maria Pakhomenko remember few, and in the 1960-1970s. She was one of the most popular Soviet artists. Songs "Lustful My", "Girls are" ("Today the holiday of the girls ..."), "Better there is no color", "School Waltz" survived their executiver, they know and love listeners, and Maria Pakhomenko itself, unfortunately, after Incredible success on the scene was predicted. She could not find his repertoire and did not want to change his image, as the new era required. And on the slope of the years she had to survive a serious illness and ill-treatment of her loved ones.

Maria Pakomenko was born in 1937 in Belarus. She was engaged in music from childhood, participated in amateur, and then graduated from the music school. M. P. Mussorgsky, performed with the ensemble of DC them. Lensovet. Scering success came to her after she began to perform the songs of her husband, the composer Alexander Kolker. Their tandem turned out to be a strong family and creative union, and soon the name Mary Pakhomenko learned the entire Union.

In 1964, the singer became the soloist of the Leningrad musical pop ensemble, in the same year with the song "Again sailed somewhere ships" ranked first in the competition held by the radio station "Youth". In the late 1960s - early 1970s. She conquered an international scene: In 1968, he received a jade plate at the contest of gramis in France, and in 1971 he became the first Russian pop singer who had conquered the Grand Prix at the Golden Orpheus International Song Competition in Bulgaria (often instead Her first winner is mistakenly called Alla Pugachev).

In the 1980s. She worked as a TV host in the cycle of programs "invites Maria Pakhomenko", toured in the USSR and abroad, but its popularity at that time went to the decline. The singer did not want to respond to the changed demands of the new time - with condemnation, he was expressed about hit parades and rock music, conservatively belonged to the behavior of pop performers on the stage, etc. She was replaced by singer, whose songs seemed to the listeners more modern, - Edita Pieha, Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, and others. They were ready to change the repertoire and their own image and more sensitively reacted to new time trends. Gradually, the listeners began to forget about Maria Pakhomenko.

Nevertheless, in the last three decades of the twentieth century. Mary Pakhomenko songs were published by millions of chairs on record staples, audio cassettes and CDs. She recorded 10 giants' discs, her manner of performance at the junction of the pop and folk vocal was recognizable and unique, her songs often sang and other pop stars.

Her loved by many composers, as her unique vocals and the voice of the voice turned their songs into real hives. She trusted the first execution of his songs Kolmanovsky, Pakhmutov, Tukhmanov, Frenkel and other famous composers. Viktor Pleshak called her the last bright representative of the Russian pop song.

Director-director Irina Taimanova recalled: "Masha Pakhomenko immediately ranked his place in a huge song world, which was already very rich then. Its character: the horse will stop the horse and will enter the burning hut. And this is with external tenderness. It had an amazing combination of temperament, confidence in his personality and piercing femininity. When a thin Serurozia girl with a gold slant went to the hall, immediately found contact with the viewer. Unlike modern pre-chamber songs, in poetry and music, her songs have always been a deep meaning. "

In 2013, Maria Pakhomenko died from pneumonia at the 76th year of life. Her last years were heavy and dramatic. The singer suffered from Alzheimer's disease, gradually destructing personality. In February 2012, she disappeared for two days, she was wanted by the whole world and discovered in the mall. As she turned out and where she was before, the woman could not remember.

In the fall of 2012, the scandal unexpectedly broke out: the daughter of Maria Pakhomenko said that her father regularly beat his mother and raised his voice on her. The composer himself called for help, stating that the daughter separated him with his beloved wife. On whose side was the truth, it is difficult to understand. You can say only the fact that the last years of the life of Maria Pakhomenko brought her a lot of suffering.

Just unfairly was predicted by the oblivion of another popular in the 1960s. singer:

Maria Pakhomenko always sang. Even in her school diary, it was concerned: "Sings in the lessons." The school girlfriend, led by Masha, organized the vocal quartet. "Let's do lessons, let's go to each other, we will gather, get up in the doorway and how to drink to tears, so we liked," she recalled. - passersby admired: oh, girls, who taught you so to sing? Spoite more! ". Estrade has helped the stage. House of Culture of Promocooperation in Leningrad held a set in a youth ensemble. On listening to talented girls, the famous musician Anatoly Badkhen noticed. Quartet fully was adopted. And soon the girls presented a unique chance to start a professional career.

The famous Oleg Lundstrem came with touring in Leningrad. He heard the singing of the virgin quartet at the rehearsal in the House of Culture. "Lunster said:" Girls, do you want to work with us in the orchestra? If you say yes, you will already be enrolled. "Do you imagine our feeling? We almost flew into the sky. All flew home on the wings, and we lived in the next morning, on the same street. I came and tell my mother and father that such a thing The story, that here is the Lunster ... Father says: "Emissions all this from the head, otherwise I will show you such a Lunster that you will remember long." And with this dream it was finished, "said Maria Leonidovna.

After graduating from school, Maria Pakhomenko wanted to enter the Institute of Foreign Languages. I passed all the exams, scored a passing ball. But she did not take it, explaining that the top five she received not in those subjects. The girl submitted documents to the first received Institute - Radiotechnical. And the sole joy was the pop ensemble for her. But fate, it seems, knew what did. There, Maria met Alexander Kolker, at the time, in the middle of the 50s, novice composer. No one then suggested that in just a few years he will become the author of real hives.

It is said that by cauting Pakhomenko's Maria, he did not leave the slightest chance to anyone ... After the birth of the daughter, the rehearsal in the ensemble had to suspend. Quartet collapsed. For the first time Pakhomenko went on stage alone in 1963. At first, Maria did not want to perform with solo numbers. And then Alexander Kolker insisted, convinced that, having such vocal and external data, it is not necessary to fear. In addition, the song "shakes shakes", written by him for the performance "I go on a thunderstorm" is a one hundred percent hat. So it turned out ... After a few months, the song sounded from everywhere. The spectators of the singer adored, Maria was grateful to them. "I brought a whole trunk of colors. Then at night I poured the bathroom water, unleashed bouquets, toopil. And in the morning they put them in vases. This is my favorite ritual was, "she recalled in the Temira telecast.

In 1968, more than two and a half million of its plates were sold, it was awarded the "jade record" - a prestigious international award, handed to Cannes. And in 1971, the USSR was represented in Bulgaria, at the Golden Orpheus contest. It is noteworthy that Maria Pakomenko itself did not want to go to the festival. I was afraid that the loss to her at home would not be formed: our Golden Orpheus was never received. In addition, she did not want to go without a spouse - Alexander Kolker, as it often happened at that time, together with her did not produce. But in Lenconcert Mary said: "You do not want to go - to call the Minister of Culture Furtsev and explain the sam." She counted that it was easier to agree ...

Right before going to the scene, the singer wanted to be combed. And could not - I was shaking from the excitement of your hand. Then she just dismissed her long, luxurious hair. On the jury it made an additional impression ... When I learned about the victory, joyful Masha called Moscow, to the Ministry: "Hooray! "Grand Prix" - our! " - she exclaimed. But an important clerk was not the most enlightened: "What do you shout?! Grand Prix, Grand Prix! And where is the first premium?! " By the way, the monetary of the Award Maria Pakhomenko spent on a festive banquet for friends. And the gilded statuette of "Gold Orpheus" almost remained in Moscow. Ekaterina Furtseva, wanted to put her in his office. But here Pakhomenko showed a character and refused to give a well-deserved award.

At the beginning of the 70s, the singer could play in the cinema. Yes, in which - "Seventeen Moments of Spring"! A call rang out in the midst of the tour, and Tatyana Lioznova said: "I invite you to play in this film. Believe me that it will be a very good movie, you will have to play the wife of Stirlitz there. And Stirlitz will play Vyacheslav Tikhonov. " But the words "Multi-Series" stopped the singer, she apologized and refused. If Lioznova did not forget to say "episode", everything could have to work out otherwise.

It is known that the best songs for Maria Pakhomenko wrote a husband, famous composer Alexander Kolker. Moreover, Alexander Naumovich himself confessed himself in an interview that it was a lot of honor for him to be a husband than the author of all famous melodies. In 1976, Mary Leonidov was awarded the title of Honored, in 1999 - People's Republic. But most importantly - it sincerely love millions of fans.

my beloved and mysterious singer
Oleg 58. 2009-03-23 23:51:54

I first heard a song in your performance when I was about 8-10 years old, and I immediately remembered it, I remembered and loved. This is a wonderful and soulful song "Gus-Swans". The text and the melody of this song, and an unforgettable voice I carried through all my life, and what was my joy when almost forty years later, I was not without difficulty, I managed to find it on the Internet. I want on behalf of the multimillion army of your fans, on your birthday, wish you health, happiness, eternal love. Know - Millions love you! I will be very happy if you answer me.

The biography of Maria Pakhomenko and the details of her personal life are not as well known to the wide audience. In the 70s of the last century, she was one of the most popular singers in the country. Artist was born in 1973 (March 25) in Belarus. All the childhood of the girl passed in a small village of Lutni. This speaking name may have determined the future fate and the fame of the singers.


The most popular songs performed by Pakhomenko - "Better there is no color", "Girls are", "Summary My", "School Waltz". The last composition survived the performer and still enjoys great popularity. After a suddenly fallen, but short-term fame, the singer for a long time was predicted by oblivion. She had to capitulate before the epoch, which required the change of image and another repertoire. Nevertheless, its contribution to the classic estra is unreasonable.


Young Marina Pakhomenko, whose biography is significantly different from the stars of the era of that era, the vocal was carried away from the very old age. She even led a diary, where he celebrated his successes in the performance or rehearsal of favorite songs. For his passion, she often received comments at school, because he could stuff where and ever.

Possessing excellent musical abilities, the girl easily graduated from high school and went to study in the Radio Engineering Technical School. However, she managed to get a working profession with great difficulty. The girl had a desire to develop their singing talent. In the biography of Maria Pakhomenko, there was a period when she was a quartet soloist under the leadership of V. shark. After graduating from an educational institution, Mary got a job in one of the workshops of the Red Triangle Combine. There, the girl continued to sell talent through participation in the amateur circle and as part of the ensemble of the Palace of Culture.

Start career

Further biography, personal life of Maria Pakhomenko are associated with the musical sphere. The beginning of her career is due to admission to the music school. This event played a key role in her career on stage. After graduating from the school, the girl got a job at school, where he worked for almost six months. Soon after that, Maria became the leading soloist of the famous Soviet ensemble.

As the biography of Maria Parkhomenko shows, her debut became so successful that proposals and authors began to receive proposals. Songs in her performance quickly became hits. Among them, the single "shakes the song". The composition was written back in 1964 and was originally called "shakes, shakes. It was used in such famous productions as the performance "Go on a thunderstorm". Subsequently, this hat has become popular, he was played on all the country's radio stations.

Maria Pakhomenko: Personal Life, Biography, Children

The star of the Soviet Union in the young years was very beautiful. The outer attractiveness together with a talented performance conquered the heart of her future husband. They were the composer (honored Russian and Soviet artist).

The biography of Maria Pakhomenko suggests that her first meeting with a future husband took place at the moment when it only got into a new musical team. The manager of the ensemble was fascinated by a girl at first sight. It is worth noting that many admirers have grown around the machine, most of which could boast of influence and consistency. Maria Parkhomenko, the photo of which is presented above, preferred a simple composer, which manifested the signs in every way. According to the colcker, the future wife could not resist the beautiful and sensual melodies that he gave her.

Biography, personal life, photos of Maria Pakhomenko were often discussed and figured in the press. Despite the fact that almost all performances of the artist, her husband picked up all the pereglocks and the slots were active surveillance and propaganda. In response, the spouse, as far as possible, tried to dedicate part of the songs to the spouse either invested in them the context of the appropriate topic.

Soon the pair had a daughter called Natalia. She from childhood was involved in everything connected with art, so it's not at all surprising that I chose a movie for yourself. Now Natasha is a famous director and screenwriter.

Faded star

Singer Maria Pakhomenko, whose biography is full of takeoffs and falls, in the 1980s he worked on television as a leading cycle of "Maria Pakhomenko invites". In addition, she toured around the country and beyond. Her judgments about appearing hit parades and rock music had an extremely negative shade. In connection with these factors and a conservative attitude towards pop music, the popularity of the singer sharply began to fall.

No less talented, but more modern performers were replaced: Edita Pieha, Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru. They were not as categorically to the repertoire, keeping up with the times. So ended the popularity of Maria Pakhomenko (biography and photo above).

Despite all the unpleasant moments, in the 1970-2000s, not one million plates with hits of Mary was released. The compositions were copied to audio tapes and CDs. During its activities, the actress recorded ten albums. In the memory of fans, its unique style of performance and charisma will remain forever. Her songs often tried the stars of modern pop.

The singer had the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR and People's Artist of Russia. She ranked first at the International Competition in Cannes in 1968, having received an "jade record", as an artist who had a record number of disks issued in 1968 (about 2.6 million).

Death of singers

Maria Pakhomenko, whose biography is filled with different ambiguous facts, passed a difficult life path. She died on March 8, 2013 in the resuscitation department, staying there a little more than a day, from inflammation of the lungs. In the last years of the life of the singer suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Until now, Pakhomenko's daughter does not want to communicate with his dad, accusing him to the death of his mother. Many relatives adhere to a similar opinion.


Biography and personal life of Maria Pakhomenko (in the photo below) were often discussed in the media. This heart of millions of listeners won thanks to a unique voice and a unique manner of the performance of compositions. Her personal life, like most stars, was on the surface, the interest in it was heated by various rumors and facts.

Singer Maria Pakhomenko loved many composers for soulfulness, unsurpassed vocals and a unique voice timbre. Almost every song in her execution became a hat. The famous Viktor Pleshak called the singer to the last bright representative of the pop Russian song. Among the composers who collaborated with the artist, A. Pakhmutov, O. Tumanov, Ya. A. Frenkel and others.