Aquagrim for the New Year. Where to buy face paints? What paints draw on the face

Aquagrim for the New Year. Where to buy face paints? What paints draw on the face
Aquagrim for the New Year. Where to buy face paints? What paints draw on the face

Aquagrim on the face was almost an integral part of a festive costume. Children like when their lips are painted with bright colors, it brings some kind of magic to the atmosphere. Aquagrim for children - the pleasure is not cheap, especially if at a time you need to paint several children at once.

Is it worth the pleasure of money?

Masters of aquagrim for their services take considerable money. The easiest drawing costs about three hundred rubles, respectively, if you paint all the guys on the holiday, the amount will turn out round. Some masters are not professionals, and what they offer, rarely costs the money that they are as a result. Is it easier to learn how to make aquagrim on the face? For this there is no need to be a professional artist, it is worth only to have a desire. Children love to follow the process of creating a drawing on the face, and you can use your own child for learning. When, as a result of your work, decent specimens will appear, you can safely take for the painting of children on the holiday.

Advantages and disadvantages of aquagrim

Before starting to study the case, you need to know about all its shortcomings and virtues.

Aquagrim for children is good because it is possible to create an image of the hero's favorite kid. If you made a mistake during the drawing process, then it is worthwhile to wash your face and begin again. But light flushing is not only dignity, but also a disadvantage. Children, running and jumping, can blur their and someone else's clothing.

Aquagrim is sold in the form of pencils and paints. The first is very practical, but they are not so easy to use. Easy aquagrim create with their help will be possible, but they are not suitable for masterpieces. Pencils leave too wide lines and close a part of the picture being created, so it is very difficult to make a high-quality, smooth and beautiful aquagrima. Beginner artists will be easier to use the paints. In order to draw them, you can use any brush.

Where to begin?

First you need to find several types of drawings and print them to make it easier to draw. Show children examples of what you can offer them. When they choose, proceed to work. Aquagrim on the face of the child is very simple to use, so do not choose the easiest options. The main thing is that the process of creating the picture gives you pleasure, and the result pleased the kids.

Do not forget that children love to try on images of various popular heroes, so you will need to find examples of how to draw a man-spider, Batman, Kitty, Fay and other fairy creatures. For the smallest you can choose animals, such as cats, dogs, tigers, butterflies, bears, chanterelles.

Arm yourself with various sizes with brushes and ordinary sponge for washing dishes. The latter is very convenient to work with large areas of the skin. For example, if you need to completely paint the cheek or forehead. It will be much faster and more convenient to use the sponge.

When you start working with the paints, do not overlap thick layers, so drawings on the face of aquagrim will not glitter. In addition, a thick layer can crack, and it will be easier to blocked about it than about the drawing applied by a thin layer.

Is it worthwhile for the health of the child?

Many parents will be distinguished with distrust of Avagrim. There will be a lot of questions about the security of this procedure. So, can aquagrim harm the kid's skin? The answer is one - no. Paints for drawings on the skin are manufactured on a water basis, therefore do not cause allergic reactions, redness, itching and peeling. You can, without fear, create drawings by any colors even on the baby, who has allergies for anything. Of course, if parents are categorically opposed that their child is painted, do not persuade, everyone should have their own opinion.

We make the process of interesting

To create aquagrim on a child's face, it is necessary to follow several rules that the baby is important not only the result, but the process itself. So, in order for Choo obediently sitting during your work with it, use our advice.

First of all, go through the toddles of the baby with a dry brush so that he gets used to feelings and did not laugh and twitch when applied.

Do not offer your small customer that drawing that he does not want, because in the end, aquagrim on the face to wear him, not you.

If the process is delayed, then let go of the baby run. Let him actively move a little, and then continue to work.

Keep the mirror in front of them so that the child see how the drawing is created. He will be so much more interesting to sit. Listen to his advice and wishes, even if there were no other details in the plans.

Do not skimp on words. Ask the baby questions or just tell something fascinating. Do not forget to praise for perfection.

Aquagrim: Pictures for beginners

For the first time to paint baby faces will be complicated, whatever your drawing is going to create. As we have already written, the ideas of aquagrim should be printed. This not only allows you to work faster, but also will save from the need to break your head, remembering what one or another hero looks like.

It is easier to start learning to own a brush from the simplest. For beginners, masters will be very easy to create aquagrim "Flowers". Such a drawing is suitable not only to young girls, but also young beauties. You will need thin brushes, and choose the colors themselves. Do not use the whole face when creating a drawing, limit the temple zone and cheeks or apply flowers to the abrasion of the forehead. You can draw several buds, connect them with stems. But draw so that there is no lucky bouquet.

Flowers start drawing from the middle, then add round, oval or pointed petals. The composition will be boring without foliage. First, use the main color, then circle the thin line all the edges, add the focus of another color to the middle.

One big flower on the cheek will look gorgeous, and it will be necessary to draw a foliage to the chin, and upstairs, baptized forehead, put the unpacked buds on long twisted toddles. Start drawing with the largest piece detail, and add small during the procedure.

Aquagrim "Tiger"

Many boys and girls like this beast. He is bright, big and terrible, very beautiful. To create aquagrim "Tiger", you will need a small palette of the paints: yellow, black, green, white and orange. Do not forget to take a sponge, thin and wide brushes.

The first thing is sponge apply yellow on the nose, on the forehead to the middle of the eyebrows. With a wide brush, squeeze the area above the upper lip. The tip of the nose is painted with black paint and a thin brush. Spend a line to the lip, branch the end of it in both directions and round up the tiger cheeks. In the center of each draw points and mustache.

Take the orange paint and create a tigrine head on the face of the outline, draw your ears on the forehead or do without this item. Sponge exactly handle the whole face, except for already painted areas. Take a wide brush and carefully grow in all boundaries. Now that there is a good base, pour the strips of black paint. They can be made by both brushes, it will be more interesting and plausible. The contour also worked well, create out of orange and black paint "Wool" to the sides. The lips are painted black, you can draw white fangs from the bottom down.

Now the baby needs to close the eyes. We draw eyes on the eyelids: paint green, make a black outline and black feline pupils. Now that the baby will blink and close the eyes, it will seem that blinks a tiger!

That's all, you can let go of a little predator "hunt" on the rest of the guys.

Draw a butterfly

Aquagrim "Butterfly" will decorate the face again and the most young lady, and the girls of older. The drawing offered by us will be very beautiful!

First of all, you need to draw the body of the insect, and for this we use the nose. Purple color Draw a long torso butterfly, circuit circuit black, then draw a round head on the nose, and from her long swirling mustache.

From the inner corners of the eyebrows, draw a thin brush with a bright color of the line in the forehead so that the tops of the wings turn out. From the external corners of the eye, make branched lines, upper connect with the one that led from the eyebrows, and the lower down to the cheekbone. From the inner corner of the eye, step down two centimeters and let the line that connects with the one that at the cheekbones. Thus, there will be beautiful wings, framing eyes, they can only paint out as your fantasy wishes!

Second version of butterfly

Aquagrim "Butterfly" can be made on one side of the face. On the back of the nose, from the wing to the place near the corner of the eye, draw a black long butterfly tank with a head, a mustache through the bridge to the forehead. Wings draw on the same scheme that we were suggested above. Thus, it turns out a drawing of a butterfly flying side. Coloring at your discretion, but do not forget to ask the child about what colors it prefers for his butterfly.

Aquagrim on the face to do is very simple when the hand gets used to. Do not forget to practice your child or your friends. Constantly update ideas, extract new sketches for work, as the fantasy of children is sometimes striking, and they can order a drawing of such a character, which you do not know.

It remains to wish all novice masters of patience, success and more small customers!

To date, Aquagrim has become so popular that they enjoy practically every children's holiday. What is it and what is it for? In essence, aquagrim is special paints harmless to children's skin, which are drawn on faces. With this makeup, you can create almost any image depending on the wishes of the baby. A child can come to the favorite cartoon hero in just a few minutes, for this, just a few manipulations with paints. Drawings on the face for children are not only interesting entertainment, but also the way to express yourself, appearing before peers in one way or another.

What to draw?

Of course, the main question that rises in front of parents or novice animator: "What kind of paints can be used?" The ideal option is considered professional theatrical makeup, but this is not the only way out. Today there are several types of paints that are suitable to create drawings on the faces of children. Aquagrima assumes the use of water-based paints, there are also special options in the form of a dry powder that need to be breeded with water. Remember that it is impossible to use ordinary artistic paints like guasi or watercolor, they can cause irritation on a gentle ornamental skin or provoke allergies.

Making paint alone

In some cities, especially in small, paints for Aquagrim will find it problematic. The absence in special goods stores is not a reason to give up the idea, because drawings on the face for children are a favorite entertainment at all children's parties. So what makes these miracle paints are made? All we need is an ordinary children's cream, a little starch and different food dyes. Take a disposable cup or any other capacity, add 3 tablespoons of starch, then pour a half-spoons of warm water and add 10-15 g of cream, mix everything thoroughly until the mass becomes homogeneous. Now you can gradually add a dye. This method allows you to independently create the necessary shades. Even if you have already purchased paints, it will be useful to know the recipe, because drawings on the face for children - like a bait, always wanting also, and paints can end in the midst of the holiday.

When working with children it is very important to remember that the kids are a special public. We present some important advice that will simplify classes with them and help adults to create an interesting drawing in a relaxed atmosphere. Drawings on the face for children should deliver joy, and not tiring babies.

1. First, in no case cannot be forced to make kids. Not everyone likes to feel paint on the face - if the child opposes, you do not need to insist. Respect his right to decide independently, he wants a mask or not.

2. Very good if you can clearly demonstrate to the baby several finished drawings. You can print pictures or show photos. So the child will be easier to decide what kind of mask he wants.

3. Do not forget that the kids are hard to sit in place, they need to constantly move. Therefore, even simple drawings on the face of children need to do quickly and clearly. Movements must be confident. If the child is tired, take a break, let him move a little, will disk.

4. Place the mirror next to the workplace, it will distract the child. The baby will be able to look at herself, watch out how the face is changing and some time is sitting comfortable.

5. During drawing, do not forget to talk with the child, ask why his choice fell on a particular character or animal. Ask about interests, try to captivate a pleasant conversation.

Pictures for boys

The boys most often choose images of the heroes of favorite comics or cartoons. Many dream of reincarnated in a pirate or a man-spider. Due to the lack of small parts, pretty simple drawings on the faces of children are obtained. Photos clearly demonstrate examples of aquagrim.

Pictures for girls

The most popular images among girls remain fairies and princesses. When will the opportunity to turn into a heroine of a beloved cartoon?
Many also love to reincarnate in different cute animals, look great and just beautiful floral patterns.

The New Year holiday, which is so loved by adults and children, is always filled with fabulous events, carnivals, new year theatrical ideas and thematic parties. And so I want to give yourself to yourself and those who surround you only the most positive emotions, vivid impressions and unforgettable memories.

The news portal "Site" in this article prepared several non-complex master classes for you to apply New Year's Aquagrim: Snowman, Santa Claus and Christmas Lollipops. In such a festive makeup, you can decorate the faces of your friends, relatives and of course kids.

Arm yourself with paints for aquagrim or conventional decorative cosmetics! So let's start ...

Aquagrim Snowman

First of all, apply a smooth vertical band of white paint on the cheek. Now proceed to drawing circles. First small, then more and the last biggest white circle.

Now we cite a few snowdrifts next to the future snowman.

Of course, lush snow-white snowfall in the form of dots on the cheek.

Black paint draw a hat, hands, eyes and buttons.

Aquagrim Santa Claus

Let's start applying make-up with the pink apart in a bright pink color, do not forget about the tip of the nose.

On the forehead bright red paint draw a cap. White paint using sponge Create fluffy pompon.

Now, the same sponge and snow-white paint create the chopping the cap, paint eyebrows, draw the mustache and beard.

In order for the image of Santa Claus to be more expressive all your creation, we supply black paint, give the volume to the edge of the cap, Pompon, mustache and beard.

Black paint proceed to drawing glasses. Several white paint strokes in the lenses area will give the shine and realism of the accessory.

Aquagrim Christmas Ledges

In the temporal part, we create a bright pink background for the future drawing.

Now white paint draw two lollipops (hook).

Red paint make horizontal strips on each lollipop.

Black paint summing up christmas lollipops thereby creating the scope of the figure.

Now we draw a few snow-white snow flakes and a couple of snowflakes.

Drawings on the face of paints are greatly popular not only among professional actors, but also from ordinary people. So, at any children's event and the holiday, you can meet a cheerful procedure for deacting children's faces. There is not a single child who would not want to paint and boast of their magnificent and colorful way. About what is aquagrim, and will be discussed in this article.

Aquagrim is the procedure for painting a person. To create drawings, use only special paint for this. When applying gouache or watercolor, which are designed for paper, you can not only provoke irritation on the skin, but also to spoil the children's face.

Paints for drawing on the face are a safe water-based product, which is very easily washed off with warm water. Even very blurred paint children's things are very easily overwhelmed by the usual powder.

What paints are used?

Paints for face are ready for use or in the form of a dry powder, which must be breeding a certain amount of clean water. Modern manufacturers also offer their paints for makeup in the form of pencils and aerosols, which not only facilitates the application process, but also significantly reduces the time to all stages of work.

What colors can you draw on your face? This question often arises from the newcomers of aquagrim or those who want to please their child. Of course, it is best to purchase professional paints for aquagrim, but if there is no such possibility, they can be done by himself, but a little later.

Preparation and drawing technique

First of all, you need to prepare everything you need to work. At a convenient location, the desired paint colors must be lying, several brushes (necessarily different sizes) and cotton disks for applying tone and eliminate erroneous strokes.

Before applying to the skin of the face, paint of any manufacturer must be checked on a fold of hand or elsewhere where delicate skin is. Most often, the compositions are applied by conventional tassels. It is advisable to choose flat to apply the paints to happen easier. In this case, the dye is consumed in smaller quantities.

It is very important that tassels were soft and did not scratch the delicate skin of the face.

Before you begin to paint face, the skin must be moistened, for this any children's cream is suitable. Mandatory technology is the applied of the initial tone. After complete drying, you can start drawing the contour and small details of the overall picture.

To cook beautifully, smooth lines, brushes are recommended to keep perpendicular. After applying the circuit, the casting of small parts is performed. The final stage will be the correction of the general pattern.

When creating masterpieces, Wizard Aquagrim usually show all their fantasy. It is almost impossible to create two absolutely identical images, even on one face, not to mention two different. How to paint face to children, you can learn from the instruction that should go complete with paints.

On video: Set for Aquagrim and the organization of the workplace.

Paints for aquagrim do it yourself

This technology is very simple and in the presence of all the necessary ingredients is very fast. The maize for the person is called aquagrima due to one component - water. Therefore, clean water will also be pure water for independent preparation of paints.

What do you need:

  • children's cream - 15 g;
  • starch - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • food coloring.

First you need to dilute starch with warm and clean water, and then add cream. It should be not very fat, as it will be very difficult to achieve homogeneity. After the composition is ready, you can add dyes. It is better not to use the whole lot for one color or shade if the drawing is assumed to be color.

The paint should turn out to be creamy, so that in the subsequent she lay well on the face and did not spread.

Such paints are obtained by natural and harmless. In this case, you can be confident one hundred percent that the paint does not harm the children's face.

Interesting ideas

Professional masters who draw on the face have already prepared a number of beautiful pictures, drawings or already performed by their work.Any holiday has its own topics, and the images must match it. Pictures on the face for children can be different, a lot of ideas.

Options for girls:

  • animals;
  • plants;
  • insects;
  • characters from cartoons.

When applying the image of animals, it is usually not necessary for much effort, you only need to highlight areas of the eyes, nose and mouth. Girls most often choose images of a cat, foxes either lioness. Vegetation and floral ornaments look good on the girls of older. With the help of them, you can perform images of fairies, nymph or princesses. Standard colors for this motive are considered to be yellow, red, green and white.

The most common and simple is a drawing of a butterfly. In this case, strict symmetry is needed. When performing this image, you can show all your fantasy and use all the variety of palettes of shades.

Boys very often choose the heroes from cartoons, such as spiderman, or animal images. For boys, it is recommended to choose paints for aquagrimic larger colors.

Very often, aquagrim is used for makeup, painting the body and face of actors who play on the stage so that their image look more brightly. Also, body paints can be used for professional photo sessions. Body paints can also be used on the child.

White paint when griming allows you to make an easy tone and adds beautiful shades to all colors.

Many artists paint on the face only with paints, which are called aquagrima, because they are safe, and children's skin after removing the pattern will not be injured. If the drawing is already drawn, but some details are erased, it can be corrected at any time or barrier again.

Aquagrim is increasingly gaining distribution, especially in young girls, as they all watch how their moms face and they want them too. But drawings on the face can be performed only by special colors. How to draw on your face, can tell any master who practices this occupation, but also newcomers quickly understand the essence of this creativity.

Master classes on aquagrim (2 video)

Variants of drawings on the face (25 photos)

A rare children's birthday is required today without aquagrim - special paint helps without harm to health in a matter of minutes to turn the mischievous karapuse into the pirate, and the small in the princess. Pictures on the face are becoming a real little holiday for children, giving them a lot of positive emotions, even if the most tiny flower is drawn. Our article today we decided to devote to all the tricks of the application of aquagrim, since what paints they draw on the face, and ending with how to do it right.

What can draw on the face?

To the selection of materials to create drawings on the face you need to come up with all depth of responsibility, because the children's skin is very gentle and not every paint it will suit. For classic aquagrim, hypoallergenic water-based paints are used selling in the form of a powder or pencils. Also suitable for these purposes and special water-soluble makes selling in theater stores. But in no case can not be applied to the face of paint artistic, such as watercolor or gouache. The composition of these colors includes harmful substances that can cause severe irritation on the face of the kid. If there are no specialty stores nearby, and you really want to please the baby, then you can make an aquagrim for children and your own hands. To do this, it is enough to mix a teaspoon of a moisturizing cream with three spoons of starch and a small amount of food dye.

How to draw drawings on the face?

So, with paints for aquagrim dealt. We now proceed to apply the picture. It is not more difficult to do what to draw on a sheet of paper with watercolor paints, you should only be patient and a small set of necessary tools. What can be useful to beginner aquagrimary? First, the aquagrims of different shades. Secondly, a set of brushes of different diameters and shapes. So, to facilitate the work, there will be rates round (for drawing small parts and contour lines) and flat (for applying large smears and sketches of large surfaces). It will not be superfluous to get both sponges that allow not only to achieve more delicate shades, but also significantly save the flow rate of aquagrim. The technology of application of aquagrim is as follows: wet your brush in water and choose a small amount of paint. To obtain the desired thickness of the line, we use brushes of different diameters and shapes (round and flat). Before the start of drawing on the face there is no need to apply a tone cream or any other foundation, since the aquagrim has enough sparing composition and does not cause skin irritation. In order to give the entire surface of the face, the required shade is quite enough to apply a small amount of aquagrim. At the same time, it is especially carefully to paint the nasalist folds, nose. When the main tone will dry out a bit, you can proceed to the drawing of the parts, and here it all depends on the desire of the child and your skill. But, choosing drawings on the face for children, do not forget that small models with long-suffering are usually no different. And therefore, the drawing should be simplified, without unnecessary detail parts, which will take a long time.

Aquagrim on the face for children

Having understood a little bit with the basics of application of aquagrim, let's go to which drawings on the face are suitable for boys and girls.

Pictures on the face for boys

The boys of all ages would like to try themselves as super heroes and desperate pirates, comic characters and favorite cartoons. Apply such drawings is easy enough, because they consist of large elements.

Pictures on the face for girls