Stork white: description with photo. The difference between stork and crane

Stork white: description with photo. The difference between stork and crane

Here is someone, and I did not expect anyone on our Berezovka. She accidentally flew to us, and I accidentally noticed her. At first did not even believe that she was alive. I thought that someone for the sake of joke put something like a mannequin. Well, you know, such flat figures in full size with the laid photography. Heron stood not moving until I walked around her on the other hand. This is where she unexpectedly waved for me with wings and I had a head over my head. I managed to make some pictures in flight while she pounced the circle above the nickname.













According to my observations, a piece of the river Berezovka from Shevchenko St. Shevchenko to the bridge near the Nick stadium, the most populated with all his grains. I will try to list everyone who I met there over the past two years:

Thair and Movement with ducklings.
Freck, frogs, turtles.
Loose small (wolf)

Today I decided to collect them all together and tell a little about everyone separately. See below.

What is the difference between the Heron, the crane and stork?

The difference between stork, crane and heron is essential - these are different birds.

Zhuravl - Bird from the family of real cranes.
The stork belongs to the birds of the Golented family.
Heron - Pernaya from the alert family.

The habitat of these birds is also slightly different.

Herons and storks belong to one detachment - aistoid, but to different families (storks, aleave). Storks prefer to live in open spaces and at the reservoirs, do not avoid people, they will buy nests on the tops of high trees, power supply lines, pipes. Storks almost greasy. Herons dwell on shallow water, in wetlands, are well mastered, nests on Earth. In the flight of the Herons, paws are pulled back, and the neck S-shaped bend in contrast to the storks similar to them, which, on the contrary, pull the neck.

The cranes belong to the detachment of the carae-shaped, family of caravilines. They live in the wetlands, near the water, norzda vyuts on Earth, avoid people. In flight like storks, but never sit on the trees, publish the smoke sounds due to the special structure of the trachea.
In the spring, the cranes arrange the marriage dances, which is also their distinctive feature.

Hto tinsel?

BIILY LELEKA (CICONIA CICONIA) - Goodness of the Siy regions. Rosiyijka name "Stork", Ukrainian - "Chornoguz", Riedha Seutcher "Lelka" Ta "Busol". Tsikovo, Scho M.M. Somov Naziva Biille Piece "Chornoguz" (Ale not "Lelleko"!), And the Chorno Plece (C. Nigra), Shahfully sporadically trimmed, "Lellenka".

Chaplei. Ardea Cinerea Rospovyjegen in Siy region, ore (A. Purpurea), Ore Biil (Egretta Alba) Sunchating Ryko. In Tsi, Tsi Ptahi good in Vidi. Name - "Heron", the stroke of the "Chapel". Buli VIDMICHI I SAI NOTE: Sira Chapel - "CUGU" (ZMIEVSKIY DISTRICT), Chapl - "Kloan" (Chugovovsky District).

Siriya Zhuravel (Grus Grus) - "Zhuravl", "Zhuravel" (often stunning zheleko).

Chicken-whistle (Anas Crecca)

On the video below is not so much an episode about the family of ducks, as the answer to the question of who is in the house of the owner. In the frame on the left, the otter was floating from his hole. Flaghua-Kvakuha very colorfully complemented a common picture. But this edilya broke the duck with ducklings. The otter instantly gave the reverse and disappeared into the reeds. In the gallery, just below, the last three pictures are the otter on a walk.

Chirkom whistle is called a small waterfowl in size belonging to the duck family. This little refinement is still chirping, chirk small, chirk field.

Chicken whistling is a small bird. His neck is short, the wings are narrow, pointed. In length, it happens from 34 to 38 cm, the weight of the male from 250-450 grams, and females weigh from 200 to 400 grams - about 2.5-3 times less than Kryakva. Narrow wings allow us to take off almost vertically and sit on any platform, which is not available to other ducks. It flies very quickly, silently, no extreme caution is different.










Movement, or Water chicken (Gallinula Chloropus)

Kamnia is somewhat less chirma; It has a body that is strongly flattered from the sides, and long legs with well-developed fingers, perfectly floats and knows how to dive. In search of food comes out of reed thickets and a long time remains on open Ples. Floating, she tilts his head into the beat of the legs and then he pulls his short, raised up the tail. Frames are well distinguished by relatively small sizes and bright (with a red color) with a beak (in adults), and the dark, almost black painting and the magnitude distinguish it from other close species.







Small drink

The first time I came out in the past year. Everything happened as in the description about it. I caught her suddenly and she froze. I calmly made pictures and left. A month ago, I watched as she hunts with Let. (below on video) And today I had a third meeting with her. She was sitting on a pounded branch in the middle of the river. I, as I could, burst into her close, but she did not have the nerves and she flew away. But in return, fate gave me a bonus in the form of a hazard, who sat down on a branch over the water in the hope of surveying the fish, but I was afraid of me. I only managed to click the shutter. Far was. But nonetheless))

Small drink, or the top, as it is called in the commoner, is a bird of the family of the alert, the smallest representative of the delicate birds. The growth of this bird is about 35 cm, and the scope of the wings - 30 cm, while the small gas weighs only 150 grams. Samtsa Little puffed a thick neck and a little head. Neck and back are black color with green tump, yellow-green beaks and green legs. The female also has a brown back, and the stomach, neck and head of her oath color, beak yellow. With danger, it is freezing, stretching vertically and trying to merge with the surrounding vegetation. The patronizing color is helped in this. Small drink feeding in small fish, frogs, headastrics, water invertebrates. Sometimes grab chicks of small sparrow birds.


Get a small or wolf today

What is the distinguished by a stork from the crane?

  • Different as Mortira Gaubice
  • Oh my God! But after all, the crane in the swamp lives, eats frogs, fish there still, and I think I think there. And the stork - babies brings, nests on the pillars, the protrusions of the houses and feeds on the worms there and the grains in the field mainly.
  • Stork black, like a stork white, weighs 3-3.5 kg. Coloring black with green tump, only the bottom of the chest and belly - white. It arrives in the second half of March - April and nest in old mixed forests near rivers or other reservoirs. The nests build on high trees 6-20 meters from the ground and uses them for many years. The nests are large - up to 1.5 m in diameter and high up to 1 m, depending on how many years it exists and is completed. Deads in May from 2 to 6 eggs, more often than 4-34 days. Chicks leave the nest only in 2.5 months. The stork is erupped black mainly by the toads, shallow fish, triton, insects, worms, leeches. Crane Gray has long been a symbol of love for his native edge. He entered the folk epic, songs, poems, legends. The highest bird in Ukraine - up to 120 cm. Weight up to 7 kg. Coloring gray tones (hence the name). Forehead, the dark black, the back of red. Flies to Ukraine in the second half of March. Favorite places - deaf thickets of swamps, reed creek rivers. At the beginning of breeding for birds is characterized by marriage dancing. At the end of April - early May, the female postpones 2 (sometimes one) egg and raises for 29 to 31 days. Chicks appear at the end of May. Grow out for 2 months. Fly to wintering in September - October. It feeds on vegetable and animal food. The stalks are easily cut with their long beak, gets the roots of swamp plants, collects berries. Will not pass by rodent, toads, fish, beetle, worm.
  • Stork brings children, and crane - no. If you see that the bird carries a child, then this is a stork :)
  • Despite the fact that the cranes are widely known birds, they are sometimes confused with herons and storks. Highly flying wedge geese is also sometimes taken for caravel and vice versa. Nature lovers and hunters such mistakes do not make. Ayers (white, black and far-earth) are also somewhat reminiscent of cranes, but differ in a longer heavy beak and the lack of elongated soft feathers on the wings. On the span, white storks are sometimes found by flocks, but in the flock are never built by the wedge. Everything corresponding to the optics of flying high in the sky of cranes, geese and swans are really easily confused, but with a small skill of flocks you can discern in the rank, on the flight (cranes sometimes soar), According to the silhouettes of birds (in the cranes, long legs and necks, stretched in flight, wide wings; Geese has a shorter neck, short legs and relatively sharp wings) and voices (in gray caravals - loud pipe screams that merge in a high flying flock in the knot , Handwood has a voice - high creaking cry;)
  • Stork also brings children
  • Design :-)
  • Well, brother! You give! Open the textbook of biology :) class so for 6-7 :)
  • stork-long-legged flight bird with a long straight beak. Involn-marsh bird, with long legs and a long neck. There is a long "long" "E".
ATTENTION, only today!

How did the word "stork" come from?

The origin of the word "stork" is not defined, so there is a lot of versions of its occurrence. Consigning words are found in the ancient Sanskrit, Old Russian, German, Slavic languages. The most believable version of the transformation of the German word "Heister", which in some localities in Germany is the name of Soroki. Probably, the word was transformed into the "Guyster" and then to the Stork. An analogy is difficult to find an analogy, the only relative sign is the painting of the plumage. It can be assumed that he underlies the name of the stork. In different parts of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, there are various local names of this bird: Bushel, Bucol, Busko, Batan, Chernoguses, Lelka, Zaboot, Gaister, Boatyun and others. In addition, the stork is called human names: Ivan, Gritsyko, Vasil, Yasha.

Stork - description, characteristic, photo. What do storks look like?

Storks are big sizes birds. The largest view of Ciconia is a white stork. The length of the body as a male and females is 110 cm, the scope of wings reaches 220 cm, and the weight is 3.6 kg. One of the small species, a bobrachiy stork, weighs about 1 kg, and the length of its body is 73 cm.

The beak of a stork is long, 2-3 times higher than the length of the head, and has a conical shape. It can be straight or slightly frightened to the top (like a Far Eastern stork). At the base, it is high and massive, at the end is sharp, closed tightly.

Language is smooth, sharp and, compared to the beak, small. The nosdreky gaps are very narrow, open right in the horror cover, without presses and furrows. The color of the beak in adults most of the species is red. The Cherveli Aist he is black. In young birds, it's all the opposite: the chicks of the Cervel stork have a red or orange beak, and in the chicks of other types of black beaks.

Rainbing eyes in different types of storks of red, brown or whitish color. On the head, the plumage is absent on the chin, bridle and skin around the eyes. The neck of the birds is moderately long. It is characteristic of the position when the neck is curved sharply, the head is directed forward, and the beak rests among the fluffy feathers. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe gooba feathers long, displacing.

Storks have cervical air bags that are filled with exhaled air, as they are connected to the nose chambers. These bags are small, arranged under the skin and lie on the sides of the neck at the base of the head. The bag system creates an air layer between the skin and muscles.

The wings of the stork are long, rounded, their vertex is formed by 3-5 fly feathers. Inside feathers on the wing are long. In the folded state, they reach the length of the primary flying feathers.

In the flight, storks plunder over the ground. This becomes possible due to the special joint of the bones of the shoulder belt and the structure of the wing with the elongated forearm and shorter shoulder. These features are peculiar to large soaring birds, including predatory. On the wing on the first finger brush there is a claw.

The soaring flight is also characteristic of birds such as eagles, berkuts, cruise, vultures, cauldons, pelicans.

The tail of the storks of moderate length, straight, on top of a bit rounded. It consists of 12 steering feathers.

The rear limbs of birds are extremely elongated. Plus in length almost equal to the leg. The articulation of the bones of the leg and the advantages is arranged in such a way that the protrusion existing on the head of the leg bone is included in the deepening, which is on the head plus, and the special bundle fixes this connection without giving the bones to slip. As a result, a durable position of the elongated leg is obtained, holding the body purely mechanically, without muscles. Thanks to this, the stork, giving the body a balance, can stand on the clock on one leg, not tired at the same time. The structure of the legs causes some characteristic movements - slowness and spring surplus.

Fingers on storks are relatively short. Along everyone there is a narrow leathery ringer. The front fingers are connected at the base with a small lean membrane, and the planted low rear finger serves as a support on the ground. Such a structure of the fingers suggests that Aystu is difficult to walk along the fake places, and it is hard to solid soil. The shin is not operained by more than a third of its length. Naked part of the shin and all plus covered with small multifaceted plates. Claws wide, fairly flat, stupid.

The color of the storks is not too diverse and consists of black and white colors. Black color can be with a green or metal tint. The colors of young birds differs from adults slightly. Differences in the color of males and females, as well as color changes in the time of year. Aist chicks have a grayish gun, in adult fluff white or gray.

Representatives of the genus Ciconia do not have votes, as they are deprived of Syrics (vocal organ of birds) and his muscles. Instead of shouts, the stork clicks the beak, that is, it hits his jaws about each other. White storks (lat. Ciconia Ciconia) also know how to hiss. Black storks (lat. Ciconia Nigra) crack the beak rarely: their voice is similar to cough or scream. The chicks of storks are able to squash, shy, hiss and publish throat cries.

A molting of storks occurs once a year and lasts very slowly. On any month of the year you can find fresh and breaking feathers, both covers and large ones. In migratory storks, the pen takes place a little faster.

The family of storks (to which Yabiru, Marabu, Sedloklyuva Yabiru, Storky and Kurvachi) are common to almost all over the world. The habitat of birds from the kind of storks covers Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa and South America. Different species inhabit European countries from the south of Scandinavia to the Mediterranean and from the Atlantic coast to the border with Russia. In Russia, habitat is extended throughout the country, limited to 61-63 parallel in the north. In Africa, which most researchers consider the pranodine storks, the birds are distributed practically throughout the continent, with the exception of the desert. Storks live in South America, inhabiting the entire continent, except for the Andes of the Andes. These birds live in many parts of Asia: in Western, East, South, Southeast, including islands. In some places of the specified area, storks are often found, and in some they are rare enough

Where are the storks?

A stork living in northern latitudes is a migratory bird that brought a settling lifestyle to the glacial period. Settlement occurs now: for example, it does not fly to the wintering stork, which dwells in Japan. Belobrahiy storks, whitewasher storks, American storks and Malay wool's storks are also not flying away to the south, as they live in warm latitudes, where food is ensured year-round. Seasonal migrations make white storks, black storks and Far Eastern storks (Cheroklyuly), living in Europe, Russia, China.

The departure of white and black storks from European and Asian territories begins very early. White fly away in the last third of August or in early September. Black storks migrate even earlier: from mid-August, as, for example, in some areas of Eastern Europe. In the other areas, for example, in the Amur region, it was found that black storks fly away in the second decade of September: for these birds is quite a short time. In any case, by mid-October the territory of the nesting of storks are already empty.

Birds make flights during the day, at high altitude, without observing a certain system. Storks fly, mainly above the land, reducing the sea sections to a minimum. This is due to the fact that ascending air flows are important for the steaming flight forming above the land. Through the aquatic space, storks fly only when they see the opposite shore. By the spring, birds return back.

Some black and white storks, settled in southern Africa, are not returning to their homeland by organizing a sedentary colony.

Below, in the description of the species, is given more detailed information about where storks fly away and in which countries they winter.

What do storks eat?

Storks eat exclusively animal food. Their feed is diverse, but mainly consists of small animals, which include:

Mammals: moles, rats, mice, rods and other miserable rodents, claws, young ripe, caress, petornia. In the villages, some storks can hunt chicks and ducklings;
small chicks;
Amphibian and reptiles: frogs, toads, various lizards, snakes (coughing, viper);
Large ground insects and their larvae - locusts and other locust, Khrushchi, Major beetles, leafy wasps, grasshoppers, bear;
terrestrial and aqueous mollusks, wraps, worms;
As for fish, some types of storks, such as white, consume it rarely. Black storks eat it much more often. And the black-free stork feeds exclusively by fish.
Depending on the time of the year, the diet of storks changes. When small reservoirs dries out and there are less amphibians, there are large straight busty insects. Storks swallow mining entirely. Unsecured residues (feathers, wool, scales, etc.) Birds are torn in the form of rejoices.

By the way, storks have a wonderful ability to eat poisonous snakes without harm to themselves. Obviously, they are immunity to poison.

Birds extract food in open spaces: in the steppes, extensive river valleys and meadows, along the banks of rivers, marshes and other space-looking places. Although storks always turn out to be in sight, they themselves can notice the danger from afar.

Storks, like all big birds, very careful. During flights and at night, they hold together. Birds feed separately, but at the same time they do not lose touch with relatives.

How many storks live?

The life expectancy of storks depends on the type and place of habitat. White storks live in nature about 20-21 years (according to some data up to 33 years), in captivity this indicator may be higher. Far Eastern storks in captivity lived to 48 years. The maximum life expectancy of black storks in captivity is 31 years old, while in vivo this indicator is 18 years.

Types of storks

The White Stork (Lat. Ciconia Ciconia) lives in some areas of Europe (from South Sweden and Denmark to France and Portugal, in Eastern Europe), in Ukraine, in Russia (from the Vologda Region to Transcaucasia), in Central Asia and North West Africa (from the North Morocco to the north of Tunisia). In accordance with the habitat, two subspecies of white storks are distinguished: European (Lat. Ciconia Ciconia Ciconia) and Turkestan (Lat. Ciconia Ciconia Asiatica).
Turkestan subspecies are somewhat larger than European, meets in Central Asia and some regions of Transcaucasia.

The body of white storks has a white color, which is reflected in the name. Black are only feathers at the ends of the wings, and while the bird did not direct them, it seems that the entire bottom of the body is black. From here there was a folk name of the bird - Chernoguz. The beak and legs of the stork red. Picks are black. Naked skin near the eye and the beak is red or black. The iris eye is dark brown or reddish. The sizes of the wing 55-63 cm, the tail - 21.5-26 cm, plus - 17-23.5 cm, the beak - 14-20 cm. The length of the body can reach 1.02 m. The wingspan of 1,95-2, 05m. Weighs white stork 3.5-4.4 kg. Females smallest males.

White storks that live in the Western and Eastern parts of Europe, fly to the south of different ways. Storks, nesting the west of Elbe, fly to the Gibraltar Strait and overcome it in a narrow place. Having gained a height over Spain, they plan to Africa. There they partially remain in the West, and partially cross the sugar, equatorial forests and stop in South Africa. Storks, nesting east of Elbe, fly to the Bosphorus, lining the Mediterranean Sea through Syria, Israel, crossed the North of the Red Sea, Egypt, fly along the Nile Valley and further to South Africa. The Turkestan subspecies of the White Stork, mostly winter in India, on Ceylon, but some individuals will experience the winter in the Syrdarya area in Central Asia and in the field of Talysh Mountains in Transcaucasia.

White storks will settle close to human housing, as it is convenient for them to build nests on "man-made hills". People themselves "help" the birds in construction, making a nest for Aist with their own hands or creating a base for it: on the poles, trees or economic buildings are placed wheels or special fortified districts, on which birds have their future nest.

Black Stork (Lat. Ciconia Nigra) is a view that people avoids. His habitat is the extensive Spaces of Eurasia: from Scandinavia and the Pyrenean Peninsula to the Far Eastern Regions. The northern spreading border comes to 61 and 63 parallels, South passes through the Balkans, Crimea, Transcaucasia, Iran, Central Asia, Mongolia, the middle part of China. Black stork winter on the African continent, in India and China. In Africa, birds are far from the equator. True, in the south of the mainland, individuals nest, which in all likelihood they got there during the migrations and were left to be.
In the color of this type of birds, black color prevails, while black plumage drops greens, bronze or purple color. White feathers grow only at the bottom of the body, on the back of the chest and in the axillary regions. The beak of the bird slightly oops up. Legs, beak and leather around the eyes have red. Rainbing eye burying. Young individuals have a white plumage, while the legs and the beak of the young has a gray-green shade. The weight of the black stork does not exceed 3 kg, the body can reach a length of 1 meter. The wing length varies from 52 to 61 cm, the length of the plus range is 18-20 cm, the tail grows up to 19-25 cm, and the beak length reaches 16-19.5 cm. The wingspan of the bird wings is 1.5-2 meters.

The black stork lives in the deaf forests, islands among the marshes and on such hard-to-reach areas. The nests it arranges on the side branches of high trees, 1.5-2 m from the trunk. They consist of bans of different thickness, glued ground and turf. In the flanld areas and the mountains, the bird chooses for housing rocks, cliffs, etc. A pair of storks will always be nearing separately from the relative. The sockets are usually located at a distance of 6 km from each other. In some places, for example, Eastern Transcaucasia, the distance between them is reduced to 1 km, and sometimes there are even 2 nests on one tree.

In the masonry there are from 3 to 5 eggs, which are somewhat smaller than the white stork. Aistyat is pubes with a white or gray fluff, and the beak of them orange at the base and greenish-yellow at the end. At first, the young black storks lie, then sit in the nest and only after 35-40 days begin to get up onto their feet. Young storks fly out of the nest 64-65 days after the appearance of the light. Unlike other species, black storks can shout. They pronounce high and quietly sounds similar to "Chi-Lee". The beak of birds crack much less often and quieter than white storks.

Belochy Aist (Lat. Ciconia Abdimii) is an African appearance of storks that lives from Ethiopia to South Africa.

One of the smallest storks reaching 73 cm long. In this case, the mass of the bird is 1 kg. In the coloring the black color prevails, white only chest and cercers. The beak, in contrast to most species, gray. Legs, traditionally, red. A distinctive feature of the whitening stork is a frustration of the skin around the eyes in the marriage. Eyes themselves have a red shade. Females smallest males. Put 2-3 eggs.

Whitish stork (lat. Ciconia Episcopus) has 3 subspecies:
Ciconia Episcopus Episcopus dwells on Indoostan Peninsula, Indochita and Philippine Islands;
Ciconia Episcopus Microscelis is found in Uganda and Kenya - countries of tropical Africa;
Ciconia Episcopus Neglecta is a resident of the island of Java and Islands lying on the border of Asian and Australian biogeographic zones.
The length of the bodies of storks varies from 80 to 90 cm. The back of the neck and the top of the breast in the birds white and fluffy. Feathers at the bottom of the abdomen and on the tail white. The head is black on top, as if dressed in a hat. The wings and the upper part of the body are black, there are reddish overflows on the shoulders, and the ends of the wings are extended with a greenish tint. Whitish storks live with groups or couples near the water.

Malay woolly stork (lat. Ciconia Stormi) is a very small view located on the verge of extinction. The world has from 400 to 500 individuals. Bird sizes are small: from 75 to 91 cm. Black color prevails in the color. Neck white. The head of Aist is crowned with a black "hat." Interetful head leather has an orange shade, and around the eye - yellow. Beak and legs are red.

Malay woolly storks live in some Islands of Indonesia, in Malaysia, Thailand, Brune. Live alone or small groups, settled in freshwater reservoirs surrounded by the forest.

American stork (lat. Ciconia Maguari) - a representative of the New World. It dwells in South America.
It looks like a white stork with dimensions and appearance. Differences: Black tail, red and orange leather around the eyes, gray at the base and bluish at the end of the beak and white eye iris. The chicks of the stork are born white, they get dark with age, and then acquire the parent color. The length of the body of the bird reaches 90 cm, the scope of wings - 120 cm, weighs a stork 3.5 kg. The nests build low: in the bushes, at low trees and even on Earth, but they are always surrounded by water.

Cyconia Boyciana lat. Ciconia Boyciana) - a view having a lot of titles: Amur Stork, Chinese Stork, Far Eastern or Far Eastern White Stork. Previously, this species was considered a subspecies of a white stork. But, unlike white, the black-free stork has a longer, noticeably bevelined to the top of the black beak, red legs and a bridle, a red throat bag, whitish iris, and at the ends of some black feathers there is a silver-gray raid.
At the chicks of Amur Aist, the beaks are orange-red. Young individuals have black color replaced on brown. In size, the bird is slightly larger than relatives: the length of the wing is 62-67 cm, the beak is 19.5-26 cm, the length of the body is up to 1.15 m, the stork weighs up to 5.5 kg. Far Eastern storks feed exclusively by fish, such as crucibles, binders.

All the names of the bird indicate its habitat: the Far East (Amur region, Primorye, Ussuriy region), North of China. In addition, this species is found in Japan and Korea. Basically, the Cheroklyu Storks are winter in the southern part of China, on Taiwan Island and in Hong Kong. Some flocks migrate for the winter to North Korea, South Korea, Japan, sometimes reaching the Philippines, Myanmar, Bangladesh and the Northeastern regions of India. In Japan, birds live in summer, and in winter, not flying south in the cold season. Near a man, the blackwill stork does not settle down, preferring nest in the forests in high trees. The nests can be arranged both high and on the lower blesses. They are so heavy that sometimes branches are not withstanding gravity and are rolled, with the result that the nests fall to the ground. In the masonry there are 3-5 eggs.

Far Eastern stork is a rare species guarded in Russia, Japan and China. It is listed in the Red Book of Russia, China and Korea, as well as to the International Red Book. In nature there are no more than 3,000 individuals.

Reproduction of storks

Storks lead a staked lifestyle, except for nesting time. Birds build nests for repeated use, having them on trees, rocks, cliffs, roofs of houses and other buildings.

White storks can get on the nest of the whole pack. By the way, this species of birds accompanies people and settles not only on trees, not far from human housing, but also on roofs of buildings, water towers, factory pipes, power supply lines, pillars and other facilities. White storks choose human buildings, as they are comfortable for the nest, although the birds do not need in the neighborhood of people.

Returning from wintering, storks often engage in the repair of an old nest, losing it with sticks, hay, rods. The new nest usually does not exceed 1 m in diameter, and the old, drawable, can reach up to 2.3 m and weigh the centners. For construction takes about 8 days. Next to the first nest, white storks can also build a second that is used for sleep or the protection of the first nest. Sometimes young storks, not yet ready for reproduction, do not want to build their own nest and try to capture someone else's. In this case, the old male is stoken by a beak and throws onto the opponent. Some couples occupy the nests of predatory birds.

In the spring, the male flies to the nest first and invites partner - any fluttering female. It happens that the old girlfriend is returning to the male, and if its place is occupied, a fight arises between females. The winner remains, and her opponent has to fly away. Many experts adhere to the versions that storks are monogamous birds and fly to the nest with their regular partners, and do not form a couple of arrival.

When the repair or construction of the nests is completed, marriage games begin. At different types of storks, this ritual differs.

White storks, the male or female dance, nimble the beaks and take characteristic poses, throwing the head on the back. The skin on the throat and chin is inflated, forming a throat bag, which acts as a resonator. Storks click with the beaks, and the sound coming down at the same time, resembles a kind of freak. The male behaves more actively than the female. He can spin on the nest, climb height and drop sharply. If the female sits in the nest, he tries to raise her, Tormosh's partner with a beak and trampled near her. When the female gets up, mating, during which the male falls on the partner, flexing the legs and balancing the wings.

Black storks do not twist headpoint and do not click the beak. They seem to be bowed to each other or go with an elongated neck, lowered heads and pressed to the neck of the beak. Periodically, they are rotated by the beaks in the feathers of the head or neck of the partner.

The female postpones 3-5 eggs, starting to racify them before the end of the masonry. Arste white eggs, with a grainy surface stretched. They weigh around 120 g.

Occupation continues up to 30 days. Chicks are sitting in both parents: usually the male does it during the day, and the female - at night. Chicks appear on the light blind, but begin to see in a few hours.

Newborn storks are covered with a white color, their feet are pink, and the beak is black. Secondary Pooh appears in a week. White stork, after 16 days, the asythats begin to put on their feet. By the 25th day, they are already firmly on both legs, and after 10 days they know how to stand on one leg. 70 days after birth, young leaves the nest. The chicks of black stork develop a little slower.

It is not easy to irrigate ugly aistute. The female and female are involved in feeding. One of them is near the chicks, the other flies for food. In addition, the stork male is constantly correcting the nest, bringing a different building material: branches, grass, twigs. In anticipation of kids food, click the beak. When parents are leaning over chicks and emit food from the pharynx, the asythats catch it on the fly or assemble at the bottom of the nest. Radiant, chicks are eating food from the parents from Beak.

Aistyat, beginners, are limited to the surroundings of the native nest. At night, the whole family is going to in it. Then the chicks fly further, and finally begin to form flocks. Stork flies early: first young, and then old. And although the young woman flies without aimed, instinct leads them correct way. It has been established that the departure time is not connected with any cooling, nor with nonsense. But the life cycle of these birds is designed so that they arrive in summer exactly for a certain period of time, which is required for reproduction. Young storks proceed to nesting in 3-4 years old. Sometimes it happens earlier, after 2 years, or later - up to 6 years.

What is the distinguished by a stork from heron?

Storks belong to the detachment of aistoid, the family of storks. Herons relate to the detachment of the aistoid, the family of the alert.
Storks - birds of a more massive warehouse than her bill.
Unlike storks, the herd neck is incomparably thinner and longer.
In the flight, storks keep the neck stretched forward, which is uncharacteristic for the hernel.
What is the distinguished by a stork from her heron photo
On the left is a big blue heron, right white stork. Author photo on the left: Cephas, CC BY-SA 4.0; Photo by Right: Sipa, CC0.
The differences between the stork and the arm are concluded in the length of the fingers. Storky, they are much shorter than Herlin.
Herons live and catch prey in the brakes, filled with water, where the storks, because of the structure of their fingers, is problematic. Therefore, storks feed more on land.
Storks plunder in the sky, while herons fly, waving wings and only sometimes planning.
The storks have chest bones of square outlines, yellel yard is stretched.
The chicks of storks do not leave the nests for lasagna in trees. Little herons, on the contrary, actively move from branches on the branch, using legs, beaks and intimidated wings.
Herons are not satisfied with the nests on the cliffs and rocks, unlike storks.

What is the difference between a crane from stork?

Storks and cranes are representatives of different detachments. The stork refers to the squad of the aistoid, the family of storks. The crane is a bird from the troops of the carae-shaped, family of caravilines.
The beak cranes is not as long as the storks.
In the plumage of the cranes there are softer, long feathers. The storks are tougher and shorter.
The cranes publish the smoke sounds and quite curlicts. Storks most of them do not have (except for black stork), they are characterized only by clicking the beak.
Differences between birds are observed in their diet. Storks feed on exclusively small animals. Cranes, unlike storks, are predominantly rooting: they eat berries and plant seeds, shoots of various herbs and cereals. Animal food cranes are consumed less often.
Cranes will be seen only in swampy locations. Storks in addition to water bodies choose open spaces, including in the settlements.

Fat games storks and cranes vary.

Storks build their nests high above the ground: on trees, pillars, roofs of buildings, rocks. Cranes never sit on the trees, and the nests are arranged on Earth. Cranes nests are smaller in size.
Cranes lay 1-2 eggs, storks - 3-5 eggs.
The storks are based on eggs both parents, the cranes are only a female, and the male performs a security feature.
Cranes create couples for life, while staying together even with flights in a flock. Storks can form new couples every season.
When you fly to wintering, cranes are built into the wedge, storks fly chaotic packs.
Cranes in flight are evenly mashed by wings, planning only when they fall on the ground. Storks, mostly use soaring flight.
Some types of storks, in particular the white stork, are not afraid of a person and live next door to him. Cranes fear people and prefer to stay away from them.

Interesting facts about storks

Many nations have a holy bird stork - this is a symbol of good, peace, prosperity, protection and prosperity:

Vikings revered black storks and called him a swallow (odensvala). Until now, there are many names associated with it in South Sweden;

In Muslim countries, there is a belief, according to which white storks are the souls of Orthodox, who have not committed pilgrimage to holy places;

In the ancient times, people believed that storks feed their elderly parents.

In ancient Rome, there was a law called the "Astriction Act", according to which children should take care of their parents;

In the ancient Armenians, the stork was considered the Bulletin of the Pagan Armenian God, with whom they connected the change of the seasons;

The same spring and messenger of the goddess Holde was a stork for the ancient Germans;

Some nations considered Aiyasts by people who dressed in feathers at the time of arrival in their countries, and by returning to themselves, the human appearance is taken;

Slavs, Baltov, Germans and to the present, it is believed that the Bird Stork brings happiness, good luck and children;

Aist's murder and the ruin of his nests in many nations are considered unacceptable and promises many misfortunes and troubles;

Images of storks are present on the coat of arms of various cities, on the ancient frescoes and coins.

From time to time, storks pick up the burned woods from the wilderness from fires. Sometimes such chips are still smoldering, because of what a fire may occur in the nest. It is probably from here a belief that if people hurt storks, birds can burn their home.

During flights, storks can sleep right in the air to 10 minutes. The tired bird moves to the center of the flock and, focusing with the help of hearing, sleep, closing his eyes and without losing height

In the fall, white storks are cleaning their rows, ruthlessly straighten with weak individuals, scoring them to death with the beak.

Some children are born with red spots on the back of the head in the area of \u200b\u200bthe connection with the neck. This problem in the newborn has the name "Bite of Aist". The term dates back to the myth that storks bring babies in the beak. Accordingly, the stains appear where the bird held a child.

Bring us a stork genius
\\ So that Russia saved to us
And otherwise we will disappear
And China will absorb us ...

It is difficult, probably, to find a person who would never hear about the austa. You can not know about the existence of Phaeton, Dupel or Marabu, but a beautiful and graceful bird with a long beak, which belongs to the family of galley, know almost everything.

There are many beliefs about it, there are customs associated with a stork, they are transmitted from generation to generation ancient legends and fame poems and songs. Since ancient times, this bird is a symbol of loyalty, prosperity and longevity of the family. Well, of course, many children know that for their appearance to light is pretty "tried" the same stork.

White Stork - Description

It will not be an exaggeration of the statement that this is the most famous of the twelve species of these graceful birds. This is a white handsome man with a black edging of the wings, long and movable neck, red and long thin beak, reddish long legs and a very important gait .. When the white stork folds the wings, it seems that his whole back is black.

It is impossible to distinguish the female from the male. They differ only with sizes - females are a bit smaller. The growth of these birds up to 125 cm, the wingspan can reach two meters. The weight of an adult individual does not exceed four kilograms. White stork in the wild lives up to twenty years. He is considered a long-liver. In captivity, this period is somewhat less.

Where does the white stork live?

The habitat of these birds is quite large - this is all Europe and Asia. In Europe, the territory where the stork lives extends from South Sweden in the north, to Bryansk, Smolensk, Lipetsk in the East. It should be noted that in last years The area has significantly expanded in the eastern direction. Wintering stork white in tropical Africa, India. The population that lives in the southern regions of the African continent, settled. They do not fly to wintering and these white birds living in Western Europe, where winter is pretty warm.

Many pennate lovers make wonderful photos: White stork flies to wintering. Their path can run by two routes. The flocks that live in the west of the Elbe River are flying to the Gibraltar Strait. They stay to winter between sugar and rain tropical forests of Africa.

Storks that nest to the east of Elba crosses small Asia and Israel and winter in East Africa between Sudan and South Africa.

In all places of wintering, these beautiful birds are collected in thousands of flocks. Impaired young individuals sometimes remain in Africa for the entire period of wintering. Flights Storks are made only during the daytime. They fly at a very high altitude, often soar. For this, they choose comfortable areas in aerodynamic terms. Storks avoid flying over the sea.


Nevertheless, the special interest of researchers does not cause a white stork in terms of mainland and boundaries, and its choice of a particular place for the construction of the nest.

In the 19th century, a scientist from Germany Alfred Brem noticed a unique feature of these birds - long before the construction of the nest stork white for quite a long time observes people.

Probably, therefore, if a stork nest appeared in some rustic courtyard, it was believed that this would entail wealth, health and well-being. It is amazing, but there are cases when these birds even flew on the balconies of high-rise buildings.

Lifestyle in wildlife

Today, lovers of feathers can see their photos in numerous magazines. White stork, a description with photos of which publishes different publications, are interesting not only to lovers, but also to professional researchers.

Like most large birds, the stork prefers a soaring flight - it is an energetically advantageous way of movement. He is able to fly a lot of kilometers, without having swaming the wings when fitting suitable air flows.

The speed of storks on the span reaches 200-250 km per day. Birds fly by flocks, in wintering forming many thousands of clusters. During migration, it is quite often possible to switch completely to insect nutrition, a special preference gave a large locust. For this in Africa they are called "locust birds".

For observing the migration of these birds, the ringing has been used for many years, however, new ways of observation have emerged in recent years. The most informative of them (but at the same time the most complex and expensive) - satellite tracking. For this, the stork white gets a special "equipment" - a small transmitter that constantly transmits signals to the satellite.


The basic diet of these birds make up small vertebrates and invertebrate animals. They do not mind to enjoy frogs, the toads, horn, viper and large grasshoppers. With no less pleasure, they eat may be mesh beetles, rainworms, small fish, lizards.

Waving food, these birds move slowly and important. But it is worth noting them from prey, how they instantly run up and grab it. Water for their chicks caring parents wear in the beak.


A couple of these birds, many of our readers have seen in the photo. White stork is a monogamous being. Each pair multiplies in the nest that can be used more than once.

Previously, storks built their nests solely on the trees, near the housing of a person. They created a huge nest of branches. Later for this purpose, they began to use roofs of houses and household buildings, often people specially built small sheds for them.

Recently, storks are increasingly building sockets on factory pipes, supports of high-voltage lines. One nest can serve as a couple of years. The older it is, the greater its diameter and weight. Some of them achieve weights in several centners. There are often cases when after the death of parents, the nest occupies their offspring.

The males fly to the nesting a little earlier than their girlfriends. In our country, this is happening in early April. As soon as the first female appears nearby, the male perceives it as his "half." Nevertheless, if another part arrives to the nest, a serious struggle begins between them, the harmful struggle for the right to become a mother. In this struggle, the male participation does not accept.

The winning female of the male invites you to the nest. He throws his head to the back and publishes the beak claying rhythmic sounds. In order for the resonance to be big, he is removed in the ladd. The same sounds can be heard if another male is approaching the nest, only in this case there will be another pose - the neck and the body are elongated horizontally, while the bird raises and lowers the wings. Often, such a picture can be observed when young and full forces are flying to the nest stork, which is brought to build their own "home". If the opponent does not hear threats, the owner of the nest rushes to the enemy and hurts his beak.

Having accepted the invitation of the male, the female flew into the "family nest", and now two birds will throw the heads back and click the beaks. The female postpones from 2 to 5 eggs, much less frequently from 1 to 7. The couple rises them together. As a rule, during the day it makes the male, and at night the female. The transfer of "post" is accompanied by a special ritual - special postures and clasonic beaks. This process lasts 33 days. Tuting chicks in vain, but completely helpless.

Feeding chicks

Probably, you had to see the photo - the white stork feeds chicks. This is a very exciting spectacle. Initially, the kids parents feed rainworms from their beak. Chicks are surprisingly deftly catch them on the fly or collected in the nest, if you could not catch. Becoming a little older, they are trying to snatch food from the beak parents.

Adult storks are very closely watching their offspring, if necessary, they throw out of the nest of patients and weak chicks. Young storks take off for the first time in 55 days. Initially, this is happening under the supervision of parents. Another 18 days of their felting of adult birds. Young storks spent the night in the nest, and in the afternoon they train in the mastery of flight.

After 70 days, they turn into independent individuals and at the end of August "youth" already flies to wintering on their own, driven by instinct. Adult birds go to the path later - in September.

Published sounds

White stork (adult) when meeting with a pair loudly closes the beak. Chicks are frigneling and shouting, these sounds are very reminiscent of the meowing kittens.

A clumsy beak, the bird throws the head on the back and pulls the tongue. At the same time, a resonating cavity that enhances the sound is formed. Click with a beak replaced voice communication with Aist.

Attitude towards collections

It should be noted that in relation to the individuals of its species, the White Aist is very aggressive. There are no cases when several adult birds scored to death their weaker fellow.

The number of storks

Despite the fact that people are benevolently belong to these great birds, in the western parts of the range, their number is constantly declining. Scientists explain this fact to the intensification of agriculture, a reduction in the feed base, the environmental chemicalization, which leads to poisoning, the failures of the reproductive cycle and the death of birds.

Nevertheless, in our country, the number of storks is growing every year. Today there are about 150 thousand pairs of these white beauties in the world, a third of them breed in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

The stork is a bird that belongs to the subclass of the new-handed, the squad of the aistoid (delicate), the family of storks, the family of storks (Lat. Ciconia). The article describes this genus.

Other birds are allocated in the family of storks, but we will talk about them in separate articles:

  • Storky Kuvachi (Lat. Mycteria);
  • Storky Razini (lat. Anastomus);
  • Sedloklyuva Yabiru (Lat. Ephippiorhynchus);
  • Yabiru (Lat. Jabiru);
  • Marabou (Lat. Leptoptilos).

How did the word "stork" come from?

The origin of the word "stork" is not defined, so there is a lot of versions of its occurrence. Consigning words are found in the ancient Sanskrit, Old Russian, German, Slavic languages. The most believable version of the transformation of the German word "Heister", which in some localities in Germany is the name of Soroki. Probably, the word was transformed into the "Guyster" and then to the Stork. An analogy is difficult to find an analogy, the only relative sign is the painting of the plumage. It can be assumed that he underlies the name of the stork. In different parts of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, there are various local names of this bird: Bushel, Bucol, Busko, Batan, Chernoguses, Lelka, Zaboot, Gaister, Boatyun and others. In addition, the stork is called human names: Ivan, Gritsyko, Vasil, Yasha.

Stork - description, characteristic, photo. What do storks look like?

Storks are big sizes birds. The largest view of Ciconia is a white stork. The length of the body as a male and females is 110 cm, the scope of wings reaches 220 cm, and the weight is 3.6 kg. One of the small species, a bobrachiy stork, weighs about 1 kg, and the length of its body is 73 cm.

The beak of a stork is long, 2-3 times higher than the length of the head, and has a conical shape. It can be straight or slightly frightened to the top (like a Far Eastern stork). At the base, it is high and massive, at the end is sharp, closed tightly. Language is smooth, sharp and, compared to the beak, small. The nosdreky gaps are very narrow, open right in the horror cover, without presses and furrows. The color of the beak in adults most of the species is red. The Cherveli Aist he is black. In young birds, it's all the opposite: the chicks of the Cervel stork have a red or orange beak, and in the chicks of other types of black beaks.

Rainbing eyes in different types of storks of red, brown or whitish color. On the head, the plumage is absent on the chin, bridle and skin around the eyes. The neck of the birds is moderately long. It is characteristic of the position when the neck is curved sharply, the head is directed forward, and the beak rests among the fluffy feathers. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe gooba feathers long, displacing.

Storks have cervical air bags that are filled with exhaled air, as they are connected to the nose chambers. These bags are small, arranged under the skin and lie on the sides of the neck at the base of the head. The bag system creates an air layer between the skin and muscles.

The wings of the stork are long, rounded, their vertex is formed by 3-5 fly feathers. Inside feathers on the wing are long. In the folded state, they reach the length of the primary flying feathers.

In the flight, storks plunder over the ground. This becomes possible due to the special joint of the bones of the shoulder belt and the structure of the wing with the elongated forearm and shorter shoulder. These features are peculiar to large soaring birds, including predatory. On the wing on the first finger brush there is a claw.

The tail of the storks of moderate length, straight, on top of a bit rounded. It consists of 12 steering feathers.

The rear limbs of birds are extremely elongated. Plus in length almost equal to the leg. The articulation of the bones of the leg and the advantages is arranged in such a way that the protrusion existing on the head of the leg bone is included in the deepening, which is on the head plus, and the special bundle fixes this connection without giving the bones to slip. As a result, a durable position of the elongated leg is obtained, holding the body purely mechanically, without muscles. Thanks to this, the stork, giving the body a balance, can stand on the clock on one leg, not tired at the same time. The structure of the legs causes some characteristic movements - slowness and spring surplus.

Fingers on storks are relatively short. Along everyone there is a narrow leathery ringer. The front fingers are connected at the base with a small lean membrane, and the planted low rear finger serves as a support on the ground. Such a structure of the fingers suggests that Aystu is difficult to walk along the fake places, and it is hard to solid soil. The shin is not operained by more than a third of its length. Naked part of the shin and all plus covered with small multifaceted plates. Claws wide, fairly flat, stupid.

The color of the storks is not too diverse and consists of black and white colors. Black color can be with a green or metal tint. The colors of young birds differs from adults slightly. Differences in the color of males and females, as well as color changes in the time of year. Aist chicks have a grayish gun, in adult fluff white or gray.

Representatives of the genus Ciconia do not have votes, as they are deprived of Syrics (vocal organ of birds) and his muscles. Instead of shouts, the stork clicks the beak, that is, it hits his jaws about each other. White storks (lat. Ciconia Ciconia) also know how to hiss. Black storks (lat. Ciconia Nigra) crack the beak rarely: their voice is similar to cough or scream. The chicks of storks are able to squash, shy, hiss and publish throat cries.

Link Storky

A molting of storks occurs once a year and lasts very slowly. On any month of the year you can find fresh and breaking feathers, both covers and large ones. In migratory storks, the pen takes place a little faster.

Where do storks live?

The family of storks (to which Yabiru, Marabu, Sedloklyuva Yabiru, Storky and Kurvachi) are common to almost all over the world. The habitat of birds from the kind of storks covers Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa and South America. Different species inhabit European countries from the south of Scandinavia to the Mediterranean and from the Atlantic coast to the border with Russia. In Russia, habitat is extended throughout the country, limited to 61-63 parallel in the north. In Africa, which most researchers consider the pranodine storks, the birds are distributed practically throughout the continent, with the exception of the desert. Storks live in South America, inhabiting the entire continent, except for the Andes of the Andes. These birds live in many parts of Asia: in Western, East, South, Southeast, including islands. In some places of the specified area, storks are often found, and in some they are quite rare.

Where are the storks?

A stork living in northern latitudes is a migratory bird that brought a settling lifestyle to the glacial period. Settlement occurs now: for example, it does not fly to the wintering stork, which dwells in Japan. Belobrahiy storks, whitewasher storks, American storks and Malay wool's storks are also not flying away to the south, as they live in warm latitudes, where food is ensured year-round. Seasonal migrations make white storks, black storks and Far Eastern storks (Cheroklyuly), living in Europe, Russia, China.

The departure of white and black storks from European and Asian territories begins very early. White fly away in the last third of August or in early September. Black storks migrate even earlier: from mid-August, as, for example, in some areas of Eastern Europe. In the other areas, for example, in the Amur region, it was found that black storks fly away in the second decade of September: for these birds is quite a short time. In any case, by mid-October the territory of the nesting of storks are already empty.

Birds make flights during the day, at high altitude, without observing a certain system. Storks fly, mainly above the land, reducing the sea sections to a minimum. This is due to the fact that ascending air flows are important for the steaming flight forming above the land. Through the aquatic space, storks fly only when they see the opposite shore. By the spring, birds return back.

Some black and white storks, settled in southern Africa, are not returning to their homeland by organizing a sedentary colony.

Below, in the description of the species, is given more detailed information about where storks fly away and in which countries they winter.

Storks eat exclusively animal food. Their feed is diverse, but mainly consists of small animals, which include:

  • mammals:, voles and other miserable rodents, claws, young, caress, alkali. In the villages, some storks can hunt and;
  • small chicks;
  • amphibians and reptiles:, different, (,);
  • large ground insects and their larvae - and other locust, Khrushchi, May beetles, leafy wasps;
  • terrestrial and aqueous mollusks, wraps, worms;
  • As for fish, some types of storks, such as white, consume it rarely. Black storks eat it much more often. And the black-free stork feeds exclusively by fish.

Depending on the time of the year, the diet of storks changes. When small reservoirs dries out and there are less amphibians, there are large straight busty insects. Storks swallow mining entirely. Unsecured residues (feathers, wool, scales, etc.) Birds are torn in the form of rejoices.

By the way, storks have a wonderful ability to eat poisonous snakes without harm to themselves. Obviously, they are immunity to poison.

Birds extract food in open spaces: in the steppes, extensive river valleys and meadows, along the banks of rivers, marshes and other space-looking places. Although storks always turn out to be in sight, they themselves can notice the danger from afar.

Storks, like all big birds, very careful. During flights and at night, they hold together. Birds feed separately, but at the same time they do not lose touch with relatives.

How many storks live?

The life expectancy of storks depends on the type and place of habitat. White storks live in nature about 20-21 years (according to some data up to 33 years), in captivity this indicator may be higher. Far Eastern storks in captivity lived to 48 years. The maximum life expectancy of black storks in captivity is 31 years old, while in vivo this indicator is 18 years.

Types of storks, titles and photos

To the type of storks (lat. Ciconia) includes the following types:

  1. Ciconia Abdimii (Lichtenstein, 1823) - Belochy Aist;
  2. Ciconia Boyciana (Swinhoe, 1873) is a black-eyed stork, Chinese stork, Far Eastern stork, Far Eastern white stork;
  3. Ciconia Ciconia (Linnaeus, 1758) - White Stork:
    • Ciconia Ciconia Asiatica (Severtzov, 1873) - Turkestan White Stork;
    • Ciconia Ciconia Ciconia (Linnaeus, 1758) - European White Stork;
  4. Ciconia Episcopus (Boddaert, 1783) - White Stork:
    • Ciconia Episcopus Episcopus (Boddaert, 1783);
    • Ciconia Episcopus Microscelis (G. R. Gray, 1848);
  5. Ciconia Nigra (Linnaeus, 1758) - Black Stork;
  6. Ciconia Maguari (Gmelin, 1789) - American stork;
  7. Ciconia Stormi (W. Blasius, 1896) - Malay woolly stork.

Below is a description of the species.

  • (lat.Ciconia Ciconia.) inhabites in some areas of Europe (from South Sweden and Denmark to France and Portugal, in Eastern Europe), in Ukraine, in Russia (from the Vologda Region to Transcaucasia), in Central Asia and North-West Africa (from the North Morocco to North Tunisia). In accordance with the habitat, two subspecies of white storks are distinguished: European (Lat. Ciconia Ciconia Ciconia) and Turkestan (Lat. Ciconia Ciconia Asiatica). Turkestan subspecies are somewhat larger than European, meets in Central Asia and some regions of Transcaucasia.

The body of white storks has a white color, which is reflected in the name. Black are only feathers at the ends of the wings, and while the bird did not direct them, it seems that the entire bottom of the body is black. From here there was a folk name of the bird - Chernoguz. The beak and legs of the stork red. Picks are black. Naked skin near the eye and the beak is red or black. The iris eye is dark brown or reddish. The sizes of the wing 55-63 cm, the tail - 21.5-26 cm, plus - 17-23.5 cm, the beak - 14-20 cm. The length of the body can reach 1.02 m. The wingspan of 1,95-2, 05m. Weighs white stork 3.5-4.4 kg. Females smallest males.

White storks that live in the Western and Eastern parts of Europe, fly to the south of different ways. Storks, nesting the west of Elbe, fly to the Gibraltar Strait and overcome it in a narrow place. Having gained a height over Spain, they plan to Africa. There they partially remain in the West, and partially cross the sugar, equatorial forests and stop in South Africa. Storks, nesting east of Elbe, fly to the Bosphorus, lining the Mediterranean Sea through Syria, Israel, crossed the North of the Red Sea, Egypt, fly along the Nile Valley and further to South Africa. The Turkestan subspecies of the White Stork, mostly winter in India, on Ceylon, but some individuals will experience the winter in the Syrdarya area in Central Asia and in the field of Talysh Mountains in Transcaucasia.

White storks will settle close to human housing, as it is convenient for them to build nests on "man-made hills". People themselves "help" the birds in construction, making a nest for Aist with their own hands or creating a base for it: on the poles, trees or economic buildings are placed wheels or special fortified districts, on which birds have their future nest.

  • (lat.Ciconia Nigra.) - A view that avoids people. His habitat is the extensive Spaces of Eurasia: from Scandinavia and the Pyrenean Peninsula to the Far Eastern Regions. The northern spreading border comes to 61 and 63 parallels, South passes through the Balkans, Crimea, Transcaucasia, Iran, Central Asia, Mongolia, the middle part of China. Black stork winter on the African continent, in India and China. In Africa, birds are far from the equator. True, in the south of the mainland, individuals nest, which in all likelihood they got there during the migrations and were left to be.

In the color of this type of birds, black color prevails, while black plumage drops greens, bronze or purple color. White feathers grow only at the bottom of the body, on the back of the chest and in the axillary regions. The beak of the bird slightly oops up. Legs, beak and leather around the eyes have red. Rainbing eye burying. Young individuals have a white plumage, while the legs and the beak of the young has a gray-green shade. The weight of the black stork does not exceed 3 kg, the body can reach a length of 1 meter. The wing length varies from 52 to 61 cm, the length of the plus range is 18-20 cm, the tail grows up to 19-25 cm, and the beak length reaches 16-19.5 cm. The wingspan of the bird wings is 1.5-2 meters.

The black stork lives in the deaf forests, islands among the marshes and on such hard-to-reach areas. The nests it arranges on the side branches of high trees, 1.5-2 m from the trunk. They consist of bans of different thickness, glued ground and turf. In the flanld areas and the mountains, the bird chooses for housing rocks, cliffs, etc. A pair of storks will always be nearing separately from the relative. The sockets are usually located at a distance of 6 km from each other. In some places, for example, Eastern Transcaucasia, the distance between them is reduced to 1 km, and sometimes there are even 2 nests on one tree.

In the masonry there are from 3 to 5 eggs, which are somewhat smaller than the white stork. Aistyat is pubes with a white or gray fluff, and the beak of them orange at the base and greenish-yellow at the end. At first, the young black storks lie, then sit in the nest and only after 35-40 days begin to get up onto their feet. Young storks fly out of the nest 64-65 days after the appearance of the light. Unlike other species, black storks can shout. They pronounce high and quietly sounds similar to "Chi-Lee". The beak of birds crack much less often and quieter than white storks.

  • Bellorchy Aist(Lat.Ciconia abdimii.) - This is an African appearance of storks inhabiting Ethiopia to South Africa.

One of the smallest storks reaching 73 cm long. In this case, the mass of the bird is 1 kg. In the coloring the black color prevails, white only chest and cercers. The beak, in contrast to most species, gray. Legs, traditionally, red. A distinctive feature of the whitening stork is a frustration of the skin around the eyes in the marriage. Eyes themselves have a red shade. Females smallest males. Put 2-3 eggs.

  • Whitish stork(Lat.Ciconia Episcopus) has 3 subspecies:
    • Ciconia Episcopus Episcopus dwells on Indoostan Peninsula, Indochita and Philippine Islands;
    • Ciconia Episcopus Microscelis is found in Uganda and Kenya - countries of tropical Africa;
    • Ciconia Episcopus Neglecta is a resident of the island of Java and Islands lying on the border of Asian and Australian biogeographic zones.

The length of the bodies of storks varies from 80 to 90 cm. The back of the neck and the top of the breast in the birds white and fluffy. Feathers at the bottom of the abdomen and on the tail white. The head is black on top, as if dressed in a hat. The wings and the upper part of the body are black, there are reddish overflows on the shoulders, and the ends of the wings are extended with a greenish tint. Whitish storks live with groups or couples near the water.

  • Malay woolish stork(Lat.Ciconia Stormi.) - A very small view located on the verge of extinction. The world has from 400 to 500 individuals. Bird sizes are small: from 75 to 91 cm. Black color prevails in the color. Neck white. The head of Aist is crowned with a black "hat." Interetful head leather has an orange shade, and around the eye - yellow. Beak and legs are red.

Malay woolly storks live in some Islands of Indonesia, in Malaysia, Thailand, Brune. Live alone or small groups, settled in freshwater reservoirs surrounded by the forest.

  • American stork(Lat.Ciconia Maguari.) - Representative of the New World. It dwells in South America.

It looks like a white stork with dimensions and appearance. Differences: Black tail, red and orange leather around the eyes, gray at the base and bluish at the end of the beak and white eye iris. The chicks of the stork are born white, they get dark with age, and then acquire the parent color. The length of the body of the bird reaches 90 cm, the scope of wings - 120 cm, weighs a stork 3.5 kg. The nests build low: in the bushes, at low trees and even on Earth, but they are always surrounded by water.

  • Cellular stork (lat.Ciconia Boyciana.) - A view having a lot of titles: Amur Stork, Chinese Stork, Far Eastern or Far Eastern White Stork. Previously, this species was considered a subspecies of a white stork. But, unlike white, the black-free stork has a longer, noticeably bevelined to the top of the black beak, red legs and a bridle, a red throat bag, whitish iris, and at the ends of some black feathers there is a silver-gray raid.

At the chicks of Amur Aist, the beaks are orange-red. Young individuals have black color replaced on brown. In size, the bird is slightly larger than relatives: the length of the wing is 62-67 cm, the beak is 19.5-26 cm, the length of the body is up to 1.15 m, the stork weighs up to 5.5 kg. Far Eastern storks feed exclusively by fish, for example, binders.

All the names of the bird indicate its habitat: the Far East (Amur region, Primorye, Ussuriy region), North of China. In addition, this species is found in Japan and Korea. Basically, the Cheroklyu Storks are winter in the southern part of China, on Taiwan Island and in Hong Kong. Some flocks migrate for the winter to North Korea, South Korea, Japan, sometimes reaching the Philippines, Myanmar, Bangladesh and the Northeastern regions of India. In Japan, birds live in summer, and in winter, not flying south in the cold season. Near a man, the blackwill stork does not settle down, preferring nest in the forests in high trees. The nests can be arranged both high and on the lower blesses. They are so heavy that sometimes branches are not withstanding gravity and are rolled, with the result that the nests fall to the ground. In the masonry there are 3-5 eggs.

Far Eastern stork is a rare species guarded in Russia, Japan and China. It is listed in the Red Book of Russia, China and Korea, as well as to the International Red Book. In nature there are no more than 3,000 individuals.