90 years of actress. Vera Vasilyeva: biography, personal life

90 years of actress. Vera Vasilyeva: biography, personal life
90 years of actress. Vera Vasilyeva: biography, personal life

Today, congratulations on the anniversary takes Vera Vasilyeva. The nationwide beloved actress turned 90, but she confesses that her feelings can be described by the Gogol phrase: "I have an easyness in my thoughts." Vera Vasilyeva says that he always lived just as she liked, never asked for anything, and all his awards and titles received, without applying special efforts. The main thing for the actress was and remain visiting love and recognition.

Smiling, charming, cheerful and easy. In its 90, who does not hide, faith Vasilyev with enviable ease takes off on the steps of stairs, plays in several performances and constantly requires new ones.

"What could be better for the actress? It is better not possible to wait for a gift! " - The People's Artist of the USSR Vera Vasilyeva is recognized.

In the year of the anniversary, director Andrei Zhitnikin set for Faith Vasilyeva, a new performance - "Fatal Attraction". Vasiliev here is a collective image of great actresses.

"This is a fantastic actress that immediately tells the director that she will never play the old woman. She absolutely does not hide his age, and when she speaks to her 90 in the play: "I never looked as good as now," immediately ovation in the hall. Because she really looks awesome, she has an amazing figure and plastic, "says director Andrei Zhintkin.

The heart of Vasilyeva, of course, belongs to theater. But with her movie she is also a novel: still removed. And everything began with Siberian Nastya, which he saw the famous Ivan Pyriev in her. For this first serious role of Vasilyeva, another student received his first Stalin Prize. Almost all, admitted, spent on new dresses.

The second Stalin Prize brought the role of Olga in the "Wedding with Dowry". The performance in the Satire Theater played 900 times. In 1953, the same film was released on the screens. Until now, there is not a single meeting with the viewer, where she would not be asked to fulfill this song.

In love with the script in the heroine Vasilyeva actor Vladimir Ushakov soon became her husband. Together they happily lived more than half a century. Rare acting couple. In life, outwardly fragile faith Kuzminichna - figures are big and serious: unlikely 70 years in the only theater - satire, more than 60 performances, a little less roles in the movies. Alexander Shirvindom is friends for 60 years.

"And I never cease to surprise these 60 years. What? All! Complex of usefulness. Smart, wise, beautiful, talented, moderately tricky, diplomatic, - says the artistic director of the Satira theater Alexander Shirvindt, - it looks like 57 and runs on 57, plays 34. She is irrepressible, she is greedy to work in a good way. "

Faith Kuzmichnna comes to the theater long before the performance, it is preparing in solitude and every time terribly worried. He wants not famous for her dames, and noticed a talent that does not get tired of looking and finding a new one. This turns out, it is not difficult if you know the secret, which is not tired to ask Vasilyev journalists.

"In love - a secret. In general, of course, people are very kind, and in response, I also want to fit the attitude that I feel from people. People are very kind, so I really want to not insult them, not to seal them, "the faith of Kuzminynna admits.

Vera Vasilyeva - Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema. People's Artist of the USSR, the favorite of the audience and the symbol of inspiration on the theater scene for many beginners actresses.

Vera Kuzminichna Vasilyeva was born in the Kalinin region on September 30, 1925. Parents of the future actress are ordinary people with different characters and ideas about life. Father of Faith Vasilyevna was a quiet and more accurate man, did not require much. The mother of the famous Soviet actress, on the contrary, painfully rustic life, tried to improve him.

Soon Vasilyev moved to Moscow and settled in a communal apartment. Faith grew in a large family, she had three senior sisters, and the younger brother was born before the war. Parents worked at the plant shifted, older sisters were engaged in their affairs, and the girl read a lot and dreamed.

Once a mother's girlfriend took faith in a large theater, where the "royal bride" was shown. Since then, the girl "sick" scene, greedily absorbed information about theatrical life.

The war scattered the family in the Soviet Union. Vera remained in Moscow with his father. The man worked as a driver, and his daughter was on duty on the roof of a high-rise building, along with adults dragged the boxes with sand to guess the incendiary bombs.

After school, Vasilyeva wanted to enter the circus school, but failed on the physical examination exam. The girl was not upset. In 1943, a young attorient entered the theater school.


The debut of faith in the movie took place when the girl studied in theatrical. In 1945, she starred in the episode in the Comedy "Gemini". So began the creative biography of the Soviet actress.

Two years later, the film director invited Vasilyev to a major role in the film "Tale of the Earth Siberian". On the set of Vera behaved modestly, held away from famous actors. The picture was successful - the Stalinist Prize received for the role of Nastya Guschenkova.

After such a film feather, Vera Vasilyev woke up famous. For his life, the actress played more than 50 roles in the cinema, but most of them remained poorlyworthy.


In 1948, the graduate of the theater school came to work in the Capital Satira Theater. Vera debuted in the main role in the production of "Lev Gurych Sichikkin". Two years later, the actress became a recent.

In the early 50s, Vera Vasilyeva played Olga in the "Wedding with Dowry". The director predicted the spectral success, the forecast was true - the play was played 900 times. Vasilyeva received the second Stalinist Prize for this role.

Vera Vasilyeva in the play "Peak Lady"

In the creative biography of the artist many characteristic roles. Vasilyeva played Anna Andreevna in the "Revolution", Domna Platonovna in Warrovers, Anna Pavlovna in an "income place" - only more than 60 roles.

Sometimes faith was invited in the setting of other theaters. Talent Actresses confirm numerous awards and premiums. On September 25, 2010, Vasilyeva received the Order "For merits to the Fatherland" 3 degrees.

Personal life

With the actor, his future spouse, Vera Kuzmichnna met in the theater. Three years old, a man sought the attention of a woman while she finally disagreed to marry him.

The wedding was celebrated modestly: without lush outfits, feasts and rings, in a hostel. The actress remembers that for the first time put a wedding dress and a wedding ring only on a golden wedding.

Couple happily lived in marriage 56 years. The spouses tried not to part - we went to rest together, they also tried to hold each other on tour. The man was beautifully cared and always argued his wife his love. Immediately after the wedding, Vladimir Ushakov hired an amateur assistant, although the newlyweds lived in the 6-meters of the hostel room. Vasilyeva did not know how to prepare and lead life, and Ushakov did not want to burden his favorite problems. And in the future, all domestic issues, up to the selection and purchase of furniture, the head of the family was engaged. There were no children from the pair.

One day, Vera Vasilyeva itself said so much about his marital life: "I am grateful to my husband for indulging in my household insolvency. I almost do not know how to cook. For me, take guests means someone to ask for it. I am not comfortable at all, not a family and not homemade creation. "

The sick heart of Ushakov more and more often made himself felt - two heart attacks, the installation of a cardiac behaler, in recent years of life the actor almost did not see. But Vladimir and Vera were happy, no matter what.

In July 2011, the acting couple rested in the sanatorium on Klyazma. Suddenly, Vladimir Ushakov grabbed the heart, the man began to choke. Vasilyeva caused ambulance. An hour later, the doctor of the hospital reported that her spouse was not. It happened on July 17, 2011.

The actress was seriously worried about her husband's death. Today, a woman with love and warmth remembers the years that lived with Vladimir, says that such men, as her husband, will no longer meet.

Vera Vasilyeva now

On September 30, 2016, Vasilyev Vasilyev was visited by the film crew "First Channel". On his birthday, the actress told that happy, feels that completely self-realized in the profession. The last film with the participation of Vasilyeva - "Holiday of disobedience."

The actress said that in 91 he had time to play the theater scene in the play "Ornithl" and "Talents and Fans". According to Vasilyeva, she received a fabulous gift to his own and at all - the role of Irma Golde in the play "Fatal Attraction".

In an interview with the actress, noted that after the performances did not get tired at all, because her soul "works", and the work on the stage allows you to get "feelings that live" give a feeling of youth.

The legend of the theater and cinema believes that love is a lot of happiness in life, which is not worth losing, since the rest of the mental values \u200b\u200bare several times inferior to this strength of human consciousness. Vera Kuzminichna advised the viewers to live truly: go to the theater, travel, love people, literature and music, to show interest in life.

Fans are still surprised by the durability of the idol, because at that age it looks great not every woman. The actress itself claims that after every performance, and it is almost overnight, loves to pamper yourself with something delicious. In addition, it does not go outside, if not crawling his eyes and lips, follows the posture, but nothing knows about medicines.

The actress intends to continue to perform in theatrical productions and performances. The fans of the artist are confident that on the scene of his native Satire's theater Vera Vasilyeva again and again will delight the audience, surprise and admire the brilliant game.

"You need to be worthy of that happiness that you dream, but for this you need to work with your heart and mind," advises the legendary actress.


  • 1953 - Chuk and Gek
  • 1953 - Wedding with dowry
  • 1965 - Pogona
  • 1972 - 1975 - The investigation is leading experts. Accident
  • 1974 - Screen Star
  • 1975 - we did not pass
  • 1975 - The investigation lead connoisseurs. Counter attack
  • 1981 - Carnival
  • 1997 - Wine from dandelions
  • 2007 - Swash
  • 2012 - believe
  • 2000 - Beauty Salon
  • 2002 - Mask and Soul
  • 2001 - Times do not choose
  • 2016 - Holiday of disobedience

"At the age of 14 I almost made stupidity. After reading some book, I decided: it is better to die young. I took a razor and cut a Vienna twice, "said" AIF " people's Artist of the USSR Vera Vasilyeva.

Scar for memory

In our family, no one ever had a relation to theater. Dad worked for a driver, Mom was engaged in the economy. We lived very poorly, with all in the same room in Gusyatnikov Lane, in the area of \u200b\u200bMyasnitskaya. Mom with dad, three sisters, brother and me. But once Anna Julievna, the neighbor in our communal apartment, led me to the daily performance of the opera "Tsarist Bride". And I, an 8-year-old girl, saw this beauty - velvet, chandeliers, orchestra, sparkles everything, as in the fairy palace, heard Divine music ... Then he decided: or I will be an artist, or I will not live. I went to the house of the pioneers, in the drama, in the chorus, was recorded in theatrical libraries ...

At 10 years I have already sowed an aria, heard on the radio. For this in the yard I was called Shalyapin. The fact that there was such a singer, I did not know, but I thought that I was teased because of the hat, with which I did not part. I remember well how the choir of our house pioneers performed in the Bolshoi Theater (spoke, was sitting in the hall himself Stalin).

My girlfriend Katya Rosovskaya(He is still friends with her, scary to think how many years!) Together they dreamed about the scene. Plans were built - one more incredible than the other. Dreamed of escape from the house and go to some provincial theater at least someone, and there - some unexpected case, debut, like YermolovaAnd theatrical life will begin, full adventure ...

As a result, I became an artist, Katya - theater. Now she has a grandson, I have only the theater. Only the role born by me. But it is not so little.

What was I then? Quiet, dreamy, very romantic. At the age of 14, almost made stupidity. After reading some book, I decided: it is better to die young, than to live and gradually be disappointed in life. I took a razor and cut a vein twice, then lowered my hand in a warm pelvis in the hope that quietly, beautifully die. Fortunately, in time came to his senses. But in memory of this children's stupidity, two white screenshots remained on my left hand.

Pyriev and stockings

The fact that I, the Trekchurs-Nice of theatrical School, fell such a happy lottery ticket as the painting "Tale of the Earth Siberian", there is no special my merit. I think, my then appearance played a big role. I was full, pinkish. My good-natured face was noticed assistant Pyryev. They came up and asked: "Girl, do you want to take a movie?" I wanted so much that we didn't close your eyes all the night - everyone thought, wondered, what I was put in watching me. As a result, I was in my sister's dress from Blue Sheocha, who was pulled by a broad singing, painted and with unimaginably whipped curls. Pyreyev, without saying a word, sent me to the Grimel. I was combed first. I looked at myself in the mirror and was horrified: the glazers are small, like a fastening piggy, thin pigtails. Never get into the cinema! And it turned out that it was necessary. Hand in the costume of the heroine - Nastya Gusenkova. Again led to Ivan Alexandrovich. He looked at me so closely and commanded: "Bring two simple stockings." Brought. Pyriev took them, rolled into two lumps. And, nor the drops are not embarrassed, put in my neckline on the stockulka in those places where the lush chest should be. "Well, now everything is in order! And then you will not understand anything. " I began to look like a bullshit Babu, which teapots cover. This was approved immediately. I remember when I was already shooting, Pyriev often reminded: "Vasilyeva was put on everything? Then we can start! "

"Tale of Earth Siberian", 1947. Frame from the film

The triumph of the painting "Tale of the Siberian Land" in 1948. I took as a miracle of miracles and was even frightened to some extent when I gave the Stalinist premium for it. As I was told, Joseph Vissarionovich, who always watched all the paintings, seeing me on the screen, asked: "Where did you find this charm?" What did he answer that this is just a third-year student, therefore it is not represented by the award. Stalin briefly ordered: "She played well, I need to give a premium." And I was instantly included in the lists.

I don't even know if I was happy. Probably. Although always believed that the reward, and the huge glory fell into my young inexperienced head is not entirely deserved. Just got into good hands director. By the way, apparently, it was that Pyriev himself believed. Once he said right to me: "It's time for you thank me." And I appointed a meeting at the Moscow Hotel. I, I suspect nothing, went. I remember Ivan Alexandrovich sits on a chair and says: "Well? Will you thank me? " I answer: "Thank you so much!" And he: "Not so much thanks! Come here!" And began to pester ...

I hardly breaking out, I ran to the door and heard following: "You will never be filmed in the movie!" "Well, do not care," I thought. The word is your own - not to remove me - he kept. But I am not in disadvantage to Ivan Alexandrovich, I have forgiven everything for a long time. After all, no matter how cool, Pyryev gave me not only the role - life. If it were not for a meeting with him, I may have been sent at the end of the institute somewhere towards Kulichki. And so ... I was immediately invited to the Satira theater to the main role - lyzing by Sichkinina in the play "Lev Gurych Sichkin". Imagine?!

Actress Moscow Satire's Theater Vera Vasilyeva in the artistic room. 1956. Photo: RIA Novosti / V. Malyshev

901th Wedding

The play "Wedding with dowry", the premiere of which took place on March 12, 1950, on the one hand, gave me the biggest love in my life, on the other hand, gave me a partner on stage and a loving husband, with whom we have lived happily for 54 years.

The director was young talented director Boris Ivanovich Ravensky. Our novel with him in the theater was recognized almost immediately, and I did not know how to hide. For almost seven years I lived with full willingness to give him, if necessary, my life. But he was married to actress Lilia Gritsenko.

The main director of the Moscow State Academic Small Theater People's Artist of the USSR Boris Ravensky, 1975. Photo: RIA Novosti / I. Zotin

The success of the "Wedding with Dowry" was phenomenal! The performance passed 900 times, was awarded the Stalinist premium, filled. Volodya Ushakov He was my "fiance Maxim" and on stage, and in the movies. I saw that his feelings had long come outside the scene, the screen, but could not do anything with him. Meanwhile, Boris Ivanovich called the head of the Small Theater ... And all these years I lived a believer closer with the hope that he will finally be released and understand if I need him in life. I suffered scary, but I didn't dare to remind my love about my love. Sometimes at night, two hours, when all residents of our communal apartment slept tightly, a phone call was heard, and I barefoot running along the corridor. The whisper, trembling from the cold, answered a mocking question: "Do not sleep? Waiting? " "Yes, waiting ..." He felt his guilt, annoyed me for the fact that I was patient and faithful.

Vera Vasilyeva and Vladimir Ushakov in the movie "Wedding with Dowry", 1953

The last drop was the premiere of his performance in the Small Theater on December 4, 1956, which Boris Ivanovich forbade me. I did not go. Lyed in his cell in complete darkness, could not sleep. How I was hurt and lonely that night ... in the morning I called Volodya Ushakov and, accurately feeling that I was on the edge of death, asked how many times asked, when I agree to be his wife. And then I replied: "I agree." Volodya immediately happy rushed on the car, littered with flowers ... I was drowning in colors. Then we went to the hostel of the Satira Theater on the Small Bronnaya, where except Volodya lived Anatoly Papanovwith mine wife Nadi Karataev, Tatyana Ivanovna Peltser And others, and he declared everything about our wedding. Although weddings were not there. I remember Tolya Papanovprinted half-liters, others took a meal to the kitchen - what had anyone. And in the registry office we painted in seven years. There were no dresses and rings - they just went, put signatures.

But all 54 years was absolutely perfect existence. We never seriously quarreled. And there was no single case that I eyes, thoughts, made something like that, for what could be ashamed. Volodya is so in love so much, gratefully and gently treated me that I had a feeling of solid misstitution. This is very important for the actress, and indeed for any woman. And during my family life, the feelings for him were only increasing. It happened, play the performance, run like a crazy home. I especially loved him in recent years when he was sick. Three heart attacks, stroke, blindness, could not walk without help. But he was so noble, never sucked and did not complain. Always looking for a reason to laugh, glancing for me. I am very good!

Alexander Shirvindt as a graph of Almaviva and Vera Vasilyeva (right) in the role of the Countess in the play "Figaro's marriage". Satira Theater, 1977 Photo: RIA Novosti / Vitaly Arutyunov

Went down to side

I would not say that with someone in the theater I had a close relationship. But very good - with many. Tolya Papanov belonged to me very gently, somehow I especially pronounced my name: "Ve-e-rod!" As with the kitten sometimes said: "My dear, small!" I considered him a stunning artist. But S. Andryusha Mironovwe probably communicated in closer. He really treated my husband well, and Volodya adored him. In the theater they made in the same room. Andryusha has always frank himself with him, even told about his novels. Through it, we made friends with his parents - Maria Vladimirova Mironova and Alexander Semenovich Menacherom. Their death, like And then, Andrei's early care, became a crazy tragedy for us. My husband just cried in his voice ...

I am very expensive my successful roles in the Satira Theater - Countess Almaviva, Olga in the "Wedding with dowry", Anna Andreevna in the "Revolution", Warper in the Leskaya play. But there was a time when I didn't play anything interesting in my native theater for a long time, I was very shattered from it. And the only time in life risked asking the role. Then after the conflict from our theater gone Tanya Vasilyeva, rehearsing Ranevskaya in the "Cherry Garden". I came to K. Valentina Pleuce And she said that I dream about this role. He looked at the idiot: "Well, you, faith! Olya Arosov wants to play Nina Arkhipova... I'm better to take a young! " I was very worried then: probably, like act rice I don't like me, he believes that I have no breed, temperament or sin, which is so necessary for Ranevskaya ... more than the years when he is seriously ill and no longer worked, I I came to visit him, and Valentin Nikolayevich suddenly said: "Faith, I am very interested in you and I suffer from this very much. Sorry!"

Vera Vasilyeva in the Music TV shows "Benefis", 1978. Photo: RIA News / Fishermen

And I still played Ranenevskaya, although "on the side" - in the Tver Academic Drama Theater. Then I joy and pleasure went to the eagle to play Kruchinin in the "without guilt", played in the play "Blazhen" - in the new dramatic in Moscow and the "strange Mrs. Savage" - in the theater of the Dolls of Exogram. These work was saved me, because I came true what I dreamed of from youth, for which I came to the profession. Otherwise, he would simply believed that I did not have enough talent, I did not have enough fate.

In 2015, in front of her (scary to say!) The 90th anniversary, I received a fabulous gift at all - the role of Irma Golde in the play "Fatal Attraction". Played an elderly actress, who does not want to put up with her age. It can be said that this is to some extent about me - after all, I myself almost does not feel my age.

And what are my secrets? The fact of the matter is that no. Charging never did - I can't endure it. Since childhood absolutely unsportscent. I have no diet. But I do not allow yourself to be corrected - I hold on one weigh all my life. Nevertheless, I eat everything. After the performance, it is almost overnight, I love to pamper yourself with something delicious. I do not go out into the street, if you do not pick up my eyes and lips. I follow the posture, it is the posture that gives age. Perhaps you will be surprised, I don't know anything about the medicine. And thank God! I think the most important thing that keeps me in the form is the theater, my roles, the love of the audience. Still learned on the street. Sometimes I go - and suddenly: "Oh, hello! Are you faith Vasilyeva? " - "Yes". - "Be healthy! Happiness to you! " It is very nice. In general, everything was all the way: the profession that I dreamed about, I had a wonderful loving husband, and at the end of the life there was a grather daughter Dasha, who so touching me so that not every native daughter about his mother would be so. I am 90 years old and I am happy absolutely. What am I dreaming about? First, so that I saw a lot of interesting things. But most of all, I dream of a good role. And I already have something more curious. About love!

More on the topic

National Favorite
Actress faith Vasilyeva marks 90 years / famous actress played in more than 50 productions of the Satira theater

The actress went to family and professional happiness difficult way - as a result of finding his only and become a nationwide favorite. "I want to live at any age," the actress said, "and dream of new roles too." In his 90th anniversary, Vera Vasilyeva plays a performance in the native Satire Theater. On this topic:

Vera Vasilyeva. "Tale of Earth Siberian", 1947

Vera Vasilyeva loves to say that she has an extremely boring biography, since she worked all her life in the same theater and lived with one husband. This, however, does not prevent actress to meet the 90th anniversary in the status of the star and the living legend. She began an acting career with the lead role in the film Ivan Pyrhev "Tale of the Earth Siberian," received the Stalin Prize and All-Union Fame for her. All the life of Vasilyeva was quite a lot in the cinema, played memorable roles, but the main forces gave work on the scene of the Satira Theater. With this theater Vera Vasilyeva has been connected since 1948. He made his debut in the role of Lisa in the waterville "Lev Gurych Sichikkin", played in the famous performances on the plays of Mayakovsky, countess in the "Figaro Marrying", Anna Andreevna in the "Revior". Until now, the leading actress of the theater remains. Vera Vasilyeva enjoys a special attitude of the public: she fell in love as soon as she appeared on the screen and scene, and continue to love directly now, in the days of a big anniversary. Vera Vasilyeva was born in a simple family: dad - driver, mother - housewife. The whole family lived in a communal room in a small room. The little faith was accounted for and washed, and clean, and darkened clothes, and even dinner cook. So the days stretched over the day, the girl was adultel, and nothing has changed in life, the same communal, all the same neighbors. But she, coming home to this tiny room, dreamed of the theater, about the scene, about Sofita, all his wealth, a penny girl spent on the tickets who missed her in that extraordinary, romantic, colorful, completely different on her Monthly life peace.


Vera Vasilyeva in the music telephone "Benefis", 1978

And once, whether the teenage age affected, or really despair was so strong, but faith, deciding that nothing would change anything in her life, took a razor into his hands and spent it several times on his hand. There was a little blood, it was almost no vein, but it was not afraid of a joke. Immediately ran over the bandage and hid under it the traces of his weakness. Parents said that he was hurt. And then Vera Vasilyeva swore his best girlfriend: "I will still be an artist!". And I kept my word.


Vera Vasilyeva in the play on the play of Lion Slavina Intervention. Moscow Academic Satira Theater, 1967 Photo: RIA Novosti / Miroslav Muzhov

She became an actress, fell into the theater, there was a grip in the cinema. Young beautiful actress was popular with colleagues - actors and entities. Before one of them, she herself did not resist. Her novel with director Boris Revensky Stretched as much as 7 years. The young girl ate every word of Matra. He was also in love too first, and then gradually moved away, left with his head in rehearsals, in which other actresses were participating. Faith decided to cut "alive", did not begging, ask, return. She herself took and gone. Forever and ever.


Vera Vasilyeva during the Music TV shows "Benefis", 1978 Photo: RIA Novosti / Fishermen

To the only life of her husband feelings were completely different, more relaxed, measured, real. She did not sigh, did not suffer, did not cry because of him. Perhaps it is this dimension of feelings, reality, a sense of real support in life and attracted Vara Vasilyev in the actre Vladimir Ushakov. A future husband, with adoration looking into the eyes of the bride, who walked sharpening: "You will no longer work around the house, for this there are other people." For cleaning a room in a hostel and for a cooked dinner, he paid the former prior art Anne Ivanovnawhich was a bit of sunbathing and often left the remnants of food, cleaning and ochmork at the common kitchen. So faith in secret from the husband had to do something around the house, despite the presence of Anna Ivanovna.


Vera Vasilyeva and Vladimir Ushakov, 1953 Frame from the film "Wedding with Dowry"

Married young only after 7 years. And it is strongly said - "got married." They just went and signed in the registry office, without Fata, without march Mendelssohn and even without rings.


But the wedding still took place, although she was already "Golden". Vera Vasilyeva in a chic dress and her spouse Vladimir Ushakov in an elegant suit celebrated a celebration in a circle of their closest friends and colleagues in the Actor House. This time, after all, the bride and the bride brought the rings to the wedding. For all these years, Vera Vasilyeva never remembered his first love and was always true to her husband. Although one day, after all, he gave him a reason for jealousy, but not in his own will. Somehow the troupe of the Satira Theater went on tour. In one coupe, they gathered all the stars of the scene, among them Vera Vasilyev and Andrei Mironov. Mironov decided to joke, began to carefully care for Vasilyeva faith, and sometimes mowed her husband with his eyes. And not in vain. Suddenly, Vladimir took a imaginary opponent for breasts and expelled out of the coupe. It is not known that behind the conversation took place in the Train Tambour, but after him Andrei Mironov and Vladimir Ushakov became open friends.


Vera Vasilyeva (Countess Almaviva) in the scene from the play of Director V. Piece by Pierce Pierre Boualem "Mad Day, or Marriage Figaro", 1978 Photo: RIA Novosti / Fishermen

Vera Vasilyeva and Vladimir Ushakov lived together for 55 years. Vera Kuzminynna always noted that with this person who became more than half a century of her fate, she never had conflict in all this time. He simply did not give her for conflicts a single occasion. The cause of final and irrevocable parting was able to become only his illness. Now Vera Kuzmichnna cared for his spouse. For 15 years, she drove him through hospitals, worked, earned medicines, for doctors, supported him, tried to encourage how he could. These days, weeks, months, the years she was not an actress, she was a wife, a stone wall, and she was her husband's eyes: after all, at the end of his life, Vladimir completely blinded.


"Mad day, or marriage Figaro", 1973

The third heart attack became the last for Vladimir Ushakov. The spouse managed to call an ambulance, doctors even brought him to resuscitation, but the husband of Faith Vasilyeva failed. After the funeral, Vera Vasilyeva disappeared. In the literal sense of the word. She closed from friends, acquaintances, colleagues. The only person she to admit to him was girl Dasha, "Cancer", as Vera Vasilyev itself calls her.


They met, even when Ushakov was alive. The famous actress traveled to the hospital to her husband on public transport, to spend money on the fellow Vera Kuzmichnna could not. In the hands of heavy bags, the road is long. The only person who decided to help was the same Dasha. She spent faith Vasilyev to the hospital herself, they talked, as a result, gradually the random fellow traveler became for the actress and the assistant, and the friend, and the receiving daughter. Dashina daughter Vera Kuzmichnna herself now calls his granddaughter, and Dasha - daughter. The actress of faith Vasilyeva appeared a family again.


People's Artist of the USSR Vera Vasilyeva, which is 90 years old on September 30, in his anniversary will play a major role in the play "Fatal Attraction" on the scene of the Native Moscow Satire Theater.


"Chuk and Gek", 1953

"The role is big and difficult," says Birthday. - I play heels, I change my shoes, I change clothes on the play with a dozen times. But such a performance is the best gift for the anniversary. In general, at old age years, somewhere after 70, I was lucky. Play the roles that I dreamed of youth. "


Faith Vasilyeva (center) in the movie "Star Screen", 1974

The creative life of faith Vasilyeva began not on stage, but on the screen. She starred in the picture of Ivan Pyrhev's "Tale of Siberian" Ivan Pyriev, received the Stalinist Prize and became famous for the whole country.


Vera Vasilyeva as Anna Andreevna (left) and Alexander Shirvindt in the role of Dobchinsky in the play "Revior" on the stage of the Satira Theater, 1974

"At first I was not presented to the award," recalls the actress. "However, Stalin, who always watched all the films, as if asked:" Where did you find this beauty? "He was answered that Vasilyeva was just a third-course student. And he, allegedly, they were supposedly. Said: "She played well, it's necessary to give her a prize." I was instantly included in the lists, and I was among the laureates. I do not know how true it is, but I was told me, "the actress noticed.


Vera Vasilyeva (center) with Polish colleagues during a meeting at the Belarusian train station of trains with participants of the days of Polish-Soviet friendship, 1974

Soon she played the main heroine in the "wedding with dowry", and again was awarded the Stalinist Prize. So in 25 years, Vera Vasilyeva had two government awards.


Tatyana Vasilyeva and Vera Vasilyev in the play "Her Excellency" on the scene of the Satira Theater, 1979

In the future, in the cinema, it was practically not shot, but in the theater after the end of the school came the already famous actress. The Moscow Theater Satire Vera Vasilyeva arrived on March 27, 1948 and was enrolled in the troupe to the post of actress of the 2nd category.


Vera Vasilyeva during a concert in the column hall of the House of Unions, 1987

"However, I never loved Satira and didn't even understand her," I unexpectedly says Vasilyeva. "I was full of sentimental novels and dreamed of Larisa from the" idleness. "Satira's Satira Theater Satira Plek, apparently felt the young actress to satyric genre. And not too loaded her work.


Alexander Voevodin and Vera Vasilyev in the play of the Satira Theater "Warrpet", 1989

Nevertheless, in 67 years, that Vera Vasilyeva serves in the theater, several dozen roles accumulated on her account, many of which were included in the history of domestic art. This is Olga from the "Wedding with Dowry" (the performance is shown about 1 thousand times), and the Rosina Countess in the "Figaro", and Vyshnevskaya in the "Recreation", and Anna Andreevna in the "Revolution", and the Domna Platonovna in "Warrovers ".


Vera Vasilyeva after the play "without guilt guilt" on the scene of the Peoples' Friendship Theater, 1991

However, times in the life of the actress, when she did not receive roles in his theater and played in the province. "Ten years old played Ranenevskaya in Tver, twelve -" without guilt guilt "in Orel," listed Vera Kuzmichnna. - And there was also a "Blazh" - in the new Dramatic Theater in Moscow and the "Strange Mrs. Savage" in the theater of Dolls Examples. Only this I had a truly ".


Vladimir Zeldin and Vera Vasilyev at the ceremony of presenting the annual theater prize "Crystal Turandot" in the estate of Count Sheremetyeva "Kuskovo", 1996

Now, despite the honorable age, Vasilyeva is happy, which is in demand. "I want to live at any age," says the actress, "and dream of new roles too."


"Legend of Tile", 1976


"Carnival", 1981

Vera Vasilyeva was born on September 30, 1925 in Moscow (according to other sources - in the village of dry stream of Tver province). Her father was a chauffeur, mother - a housewife.


Vera Vasilyeva during a festive evening in honor of her 80th anniversary in the Satira Theater, 2005

In 1948 he graduated from the Moscow City Theater School (later included in the State Institute of Theatrical Art; now - the Russian University of Theatrical Art - Gityis). He studied on the course of Vladimir Peplyov.


Anniversary evening faith Vasilyeva, 2005

Since 1948, the actress of the Moscow Academic Satire Theater is actress. The debut of Vasilyeva was Lisa in the water house "Lev Gurych Sinichkin" (according to Dmitry Lensky, in the editorial office of Alexei Bondi). Played more than 50 productions of the Satira Theater, worked with directors Valentina Plekom, Andrei Goncharov, Boris Ravensky, Mark Zakharov, Alexander Shirvindt. Among the most famous work actresses - Olya in the "wedding with dowry" Nikolai Dyakonova, Countess Almaviv in the comedy "Mad Day, or the marriage of Figaro" Pierre de Boualersche, Anna Andreevna in the "Revior" Nikolai Gogol, Selia Khich in the "three-chic opera" Bertolt Brecht , Domina Platonovna in Warrovers on the story of Nikolai Leskov, Camellia in "Requiem on Radam" Aldo Nicholas, etc. Currently occupied in the performances of the Satira's Satire Theater "Fatal Attraction", "Talents and Fans", "Moliere (Kabala Svyatosh)" And "Ornithm".


Alexander Shirvindt (Moliere) and Vera Vasilyeva (Madelena) in the scene from the play "Moliere" in the Satira Theater, 2009

Also performed a number of dramatic roles in the production of other theaters: played Ranevskaya in the "Vishnevian Garden" Anton Chekhov (Tver Drama Theater), Kruchinina in "No Guilt's Guilt" Alexander Ostrovsky (Orlovsky Drama Theater), Mrs. Savage in "Strange Mrs. Savage" John Patrick (Puppet Theater. S. V. Exodinova), countess in the "peak lady" Alexander Pushkin (Small Theater).


Vera Vasilyeva in the scene from the play "Moliere", 2009

Roles in movies

The first work in the cinema brought Vasilyeva wide fame: while still a student, she played Anastasia in the musical drama of Ivan Pyriev "Tale of the Siberian Land" (1947). Total in the filmography of the actress of more than 30 paintings, including "Chuk and Gek" (1953), a film show "Wedding with dowry" (1953), "Dental Adventure" (1965), "Legend of Tile" (1976), " Minors "(1976)," Carnival "(1981)," Wine from dandelions "(1997). Voiced cartoons: "First Violin" (1958), "Firefly number 6" (1965), "Umka is looking for a friend" (1970), "Magician of the Emerald City" (1974), "The Adventures of Vasi Kurolesyova" (1981).


Vera Vasilyeva (Countess) and Alexander Drivenny (German) in the play "Peak Lady" in the production of director Andrei Zhitnikin in the Maly Theater, 2012

For a long time, worked at the Central Socio-Household Commission of the All-Russian Theater Society (now - the Union of Theater Workers), was engaged in the help of actors who fell into difficult life situations.


Vera Vasilyeva and Alexander Driven in the play "Peak Lady", 2012

People's Artist of the USSR (1986). He was awarded the orders of the Labor Red Banner, Honor (1995), "For merits to the Fatherland" IV (2000) and III (2010) degrees. Double laureate of the Stalin Prize (1948, 1951).


Alexander Shirvindt and Vera Vasilyeva in the play-parody on the anniversary "Sad, but funny" in the production of Alexander Shirvindt and Yuri Vasilyeva in the Satira Theater, 2014

Today, September 30, its 90th anniversary celebrates the magnificent actress Vera Vasilyeva. For the anniversary, we remember the brightest moments from the interview, which Vera Kuzmichna gave the chief editor OK! Vadim Vernik couple years ago

Photo: Irina Kaidalina

Acting life From the outside it seems so happy, wonderful: flowers, people remember, love, thank ... But the second side, which may even be much stronger than the mark in the actor's soul, is sad from the fact that there is no work, or what You do, you are not interested, or life does not add up in the theater and in the movies.

You know, i am not so highHow maybe surrounding. Therefore, when the Satira Theater was given to me - it would seem that the main, but in the passing plates (you know, such were Soviet plays, where cute girls for the plot existed), - so, those roles pleased little, but I thought I was More and not capable. I myself said: Well, you never know what I dream, but I see this.

Here for the public I am Vesil Vasilyeva, smiling, "I sing on the porch", "Marriage Figaro", something else - and it seems to everyone that I am such a sweet post. And there is much more difficult life, I also experienced huge disappointments, and huge pain.

Somehow I carry my sorrows alone and do not tired nobody sophisticated

My future husband, Volodya Ushakov, played my groom in the "wedding with dowry" and was in love with me. Two or three years, while we played this performance, he cared for me, every second gave me to understand what he loved and that I would not be able to be happy with the other man. And then a pretty dramatic moment came in my life with "those man." And I agreed to marry Volodya. So I got married ...

I also seem to methat I am in general, not weak. Somehow I will carry my sorrows alone and I do not tired with sadness. Well, such a born. I did not raise myself. I think so if I brought up something, then this theater, books and, maybe the modest life of my parents.

I won't make me get angry. I, if something is very disgusting to me, I just go to the side and, no matter how it. And for loved ones, I, in general, can be difficult.