525 bus schedule from Warsaw. Why are people ready to see a murderer as a hero?

525 bus schedule from Warsaw.  Why are people ready to see a murderer as a hero?
525 bus schedule from Warsaw. Why are people ready to see a murderer as a hero?

This year the Uchkhoz Grain farm is 90 years old, but the oldest worker, war veteran Peter Stefanovich Turned 100 years old in September.

Uchkhoz corresponds to the spirit of the message of the President of Russia on the new pension reform. Elderly people are given the opportunity to work as much as they have the strength to do.

Work to be young

According to General Director Vladimir Abramov, retirement is not at all a reason to forget about people. Part of the team has already reached retirement age, but everyone is busy. Academies go on a well-deserved retirement only of their own free will.

“It’s time for you to rest,” these words are not uttered in the household. Pensioners have been working in this team for at least another ten years. And young people can’t keep up with her.

We celebrated Elderly Day with joy: we sang our favorite songs, composed ditties, danced and talked to each other. Photo: From personal archive/ Larisa Belokon

Driver Vladimir Kurochkin He could have left his job five years ago, but he has no such desire. True, a couple of years ago I stopped turning the steering wheel of the car. Now he works as a mechanic in a garage: he can fix any problem.

And here pensioner Nikolai Cherkesov still a top-notch driver. I showed my class to the young guys during this cleaning as well. Here only due to illness do people retire for a well-deserved rest.

Up to 70 years old Vitaly Lyutov worked on the land. For his long working life he earned government awards. And now he is keenly interested in the affairs of the economy. Moreover, he learns the news from the director himself, Vladimir Gerasimovich, who does not lose touch with former employees.

Nadezhda Shevchenko worked as chief accountant under three managers. For more than 30 years, she was responsible for the financial discipline of the entire enterprise. And in retirement I am aware of economic indicators. Nadezhda Grigorievna is the wonderful half of an entire labor dynasty, whose total experience exceeded 80 years. Her husband and two sons worked with her.

There are dozens of such families among the school's residents. Over its rich history, the farm has raised four Heroes of the Soviet Union, and the same number of times the grain growers from Uchkhoz Grain received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. Three times machine operators became honored workers of Russian agriculture.

Golden grain

This agricultural enterprise has been unique since its inception. It all started with the creation "Grain State Farm No. 2". The farm office was the first building that was built on the territory of the future city of Zernograd.

It was in “Zernosovkhoz” that three years later it was renamed into “Uchkhoz Zernovoe”. Tens of thousands of farmers from all over the Soviet Union came here to work. They were the first inhabitants of the future city. Until the 90s, the fates of Zernograd and the educational farm were closely intertwined.

Uchkhoz workers built half of all buildings in the city - from residential buildings to kindergartens. Millions of tons of grain were collected in the fields of the agricultural farm, sunflowers, corn, and perennial grasses were grown. And what gardens were blooming! Strawberries and pears were sent by planes and trains throughout the Soviet Union.

Successes in agricultural production are not a thing of the past. Vladimir Abramov has been pursuing such an economic policy for 21 years that the economy is among the best in the south of Russia. Today the production volume is about 400 million rubles per year.

But there was a time when the fate of the educational farm was on the verge of complete collapse. When Vladimir Gerasimovich was offered to head the farm, it almost went bankrupt. The leadership of the Zernograd district gave a year for the new director to correct the situation. The team trusted the manager, who was able to pay off tax and salary debts within a year.

The same composition of workers emerged from the crisis: not a single person was fired. Here, in principle, no one is laid off, agreeing that somewhere and to the detriment of the economy of the enterprise.

They do not look towards agricultural holdings, where they employ half as many people. Uchkhoz does not forget about the social mission for the village. If machine operators are laid off, they will have no other job in the rural outback. It is better for a large group to live with dignity than for a very small one to live richly.

What goes around comes around

The farm has 10 thousand hectares of land. Large areas make it possible to grow various varieties of wheat, barley, sunflowers, peas and other crops. High yields are obtained regardless of the weather. Despite the drought, the yield of winter wheat was not inferior to last year's records: the best fields received 80 c/ha. On average, the result was 50 c/ha for grains. The wheat was sold immediately after harvesting: sold in bulk at a good price.

There are many more worries in seed farming than in any other. Before the autumn sowing, they not only provided themselves with high-quality seeds, but also sold them to farmers from all over the south of Russia. Hundreds of buyers from other regions of the country come to Zernograd to buy quality varieties at an affordable price. Selling seeds allows the farm to receive additional income.

For several years the company operated without loans. When in recent years the opportunity arose to receive a loan from the state at 3-5%, they became attractive for the economy. And the company takes them to purchase new equipment, fuels and lubricants, fertilizers. Another purpose of such loans is the ability to hold agricultural products until a higher price, which is given in winter and spring.

Folk songs and gambling football

The staff of the educational farm does not forget about shareholders or shareholders. They do not forget either on weekdays or on holidays. Help will never be refused, even if it concerns personal problems. Often people ask for transport - to transport something, fix a roof, cut down a tree. The farm bears all ritual expenses. The trouble of an individual person is in the foreground. And the money will be allocated for the operation, and funds will be borrowed for gasification.

Young professionals are queuing up to get into such a farm. All those in need are provided with housing. Machine operators receive 50,000 rubles, drivers - 40,000 rubles. The income is higher than even in the city. Graduates of agricultural universities are asking to be hired.

Young professionals are surprised that their rights are protected by the local trade union committee. The chairman of the trade union organization, Irina Pashchenko, has a lot of troubles all year round. In winter, people are sent to a sanatorium for treatment. After cleaning, everyone must be taken to the sea. Each employee undergoes examination at the Health center in Rostov. If treatment is required, it is received free of charge. And for the soul and good mood, the team has its own folk choir. Heartfelt songs are better than any medicine. And if schoolchildren cheer, it’s only for their football team. Vladimir Abramov spared no expense on the construction of a rural stadium in the village of Komsomolsky.

For a long time it was the best playing field in the Rostov region. Now it is second only to the Rostov Arena and the stadium in the village of Peschanokopsky. But the students from Uchkhoz do not leave the first places in the standings. They are champions in the first league of the regional football championship. And this year they are fighting for first place. In the year of the uchkhoz's 90th anniversary, all we need is victories.

Meet Kirill Kokorin, 19 years old.

He was both at Coffeemania and near the Beijing Hotel.

In the cafe, Kirill slapped Denis Pak in the face immediately after Kokorin Sr. hit the Ministry of Industry and Trade official with a chair. Kirill did this from behind the backs of his friends, that is, he did not have a single chance of getting a response.

On the street, he actively beat driver Vitaly Solovchuk on the head, hiding behind Mamaev and other friends of the football players. Kirill, together with Mamaev, rushed after the fleeing driver, but was hit in the face and fell (his older brother and company came to the rescue). His car was parked next to Solovchuk's Mercedes.

Kirill Kokorin is in footage from surveillance cameras on the street and in a cafe. In the cafe he is a tall, thin guy in a dark blue T-shirt. On the street - in a white jacket with a hood and a shoulder bag.

He is 19 years old (for some reason his VKontakte page says he was born in 1987).

Kokorin Jr. did not become a football player. He was expelled from the university for a forged certificate

In Valuyki, the Kokorins’ hometown, Kirill went to the football section. “But without much desire, we can say that I was killing time,” Alexander told the official Dynamo website. Already in Moscow, Kirill studied at the FSM with Valery Staferov, who coached Kokorin Sr. at Lokomotiv. Kirill did not become a professional football player. Alexander characterized him as follows: “A little lazy, but there is potential”.

In the summer of 2017, Kirill Kokorin became a student at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, he studied at the Faculty of Public Administration and Financial Control. According to the documents, Kirill entered only the paid department (a year of study costs 335 thousand rubles). The university website contains information about Kirill’s low Unified State Exam scores. 50 – in mathematics. 62 – Russian language. 45 – social studies.

True, Kirill soon had problems with his studies. Rector of the Financial University Mikhail Eskindarov told Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda, What Kirill Kokorin was expelled for poor academic performance. Moreover: in order to solve problems with deduction, Kirill tried to forge a medical certificate, Eskindarov said.

“During my studies, I received four twos, three threes, two failures, and failed to appear for the exam eight times,” said the head of the educational institution.

“In short, my brother wants to record a video message,” says Kokorin Jr.

“Kirill is the best FIFA 19 player,” says his friend.

“Yes, that’s true, that’s true,” Kirill concludes with a laugh.

A similar video was posted a few days ago on another account - one can assume that Kirill is very fond of football simulators.

Kirill is often next to his brother: showing him new clothes, private jets, cars, beaches and swimming pools on the roof of the hotel.

The brothers spend their holidays together and take pictures at resorts, play football and shoot videos. In Kirill loses to Alexander in a “gate to gate” game - as punishment he does push-ups with his fists, and Alexander dances for the camera.

On May 2, 2014, Alexander Kokorin dedicated a goal against Rostov to his younger brother. “I sincerely congratulate Kirill on his fifteenth birthday!” – Alexander told reporters.

When Kirill was still 13, his older brother admitted in an interview with the official Dynamo website that he did not give him any advice. “His parents are doing this work with him.”, added Alexander.

At birth, Alexander had the last name Kartashov, but later his mother Svetlana got married, and his stepfather Kirill Loginov became his first personal trainer, and later a full-fledged agent.

Kokorin once posted a cute childhood photo with his brother at sea.

Kirill defends Alexander on the Internet

There is also a reference to Kokorin’s previous adventures. Out of context (perhaps recalling a party in Monaco or a photo of a luxurious life on social networks), one of the users writes: “I would be ashamed of my brother for such an act. So many sick children, so many maternal tears, and this ##### [scumbag] is throwing away so much money. Nothing is eternal".

“How much he has already given to charity, you won’t earn that much in your life, I’m not ashamed of him,” Kirill answered.

He also calls his brother an idol among athletes. He writes: “Thank you mom for the best brother.”

He protects Alexander’s personal life: he avoids answering the question about his wife Daria and does not reveal the name of their child.

Today he was detained as a suspect.

Art critic

The film “Unforgiven” is intended to open up new facets of the talents of director Sarik Andreasyan and the leading actor Dmitry Nagiyev. However, such an image move turned out to be very dubious - the story on which the film was based is too complex and ambiguous.

For Sarik Andreasyan, this is already the second (after “Earthquake” in 2016) drama about a real tragedy - an air accident over Lake Constance in 2002 and a simple architect Vitaly Kaloev, who lost his entire family in it.

The film shows the entire chain of events that led to the fatal ending: Swiss air traffic controller Peter Nielsen, due to negligence, missed the moment of dangerous approach of two planes, they collided, all passengers and crews died. Vitaly Kaloev, who was working under a contract in Spain at that time, was waiting for his family to visit, flying on one of these planes. In 2004, Kaloev killed an air traffic controller, whom he considered the main culprit of the disaster - according to his admission, he just wanted to hear an apology from Nielsen, but was rudely ridiculed.

Kaloev was sentenced to 8 years in prison, but he was released early and returned to Russia in 2007, where he was greeted as a hero. And this even then raised questions about the state of society, which approves of lynching.

The story of the disaster over Lake Constance is also reflected in Western cinema: the American film “Aftermath” was released in 2017. The producer of this project was Darren Aronofsky, and the main role was played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. The events in the script were transferred to the USA, and the plot, including the ending, was supplemented by the author's speculations.

Our filmmakers, on the contrary, reproduced the tragic events of those days in very detail and scrupulously (although it should be noted that what happened at the air traffic controller’s house is known exclusively from the words of the killer). However, did this help to create a high-quality and coherent work of art?

During its release, the film has already been criticized by experts and ordinary viewers. One of the most common complaints is that people mainly discuss the story of the real Kaloyev, and not the picture itself, and this is a bad sign for its creators.

One of the reasons is the not very successful casting of Dmitry Nagiyev, who often overacts and reminds of his previous grotesque characters. Sinister makeup does not bring the actor closer to the appearance of the prototype, but only gives him an even more unnatural appearance. At the same time, it is on Nagiyev that the entire film rests - the rest of the characters look completely lifeless, and even the play of the talented character actors Roza Khairullina and Mikhail Gorevoy does not become a spark in this gray and viscous fog.

Also, many criticize the film for its blatant manipulation of the audience’s sentimental feelings and the need for a “folk hero.” After all, the main character is not really a hero, but simply a man crushed by terrible grief who does not know how to cope with his deafening, unbearable pain, and finds a way out in revenge. Yes, this turns out to be just an illusion, the pain does not subside, but in such a state as Vitaly Kaloev was in after the death of his relatives, the search and punishment of the perpetrators seems to be the only outlet. Whether everything could have ended differently if the air traffic controller had actually asked for his forgiveness, we will never know.

Why did the press and popular culture make a positive character out of the murderer? Most likely, because the disaster occurred in the very West, to which a huge number of our citizens are now hostile. And the filmmakers played on this, increasing the contrast between the main character and the airline representatives, who are shown as cynical businessmen who are able to evaluate human feelings only in monetary terms. For the viewer, Nagiyev’s hero not only avenges the death of his wife and children, but also defends the collective dignity of the country, insulted by the fact that no one even feels guilty.

Apparently, this crime was perceived in the same way in Russia and in reality - after returning to his homeland, Kaloev became the Deputy Minister of Construction of North Ossetia, and upon his retirement he was awarded the medal “For the Glory of Ossetia.” However, many abroad also sympathized with him - and realized that if the airline’s legal liability had been recognized earlier (and not in 2007, when four managers were named guilty of causing death by negligence), Peter Nielsen might have remained alive.