April 29 International Day Dance Congratulations. International Dance Day

April 29 International Day Dance Congratulations. International Dance Day
April 29 International Day Dance Congratulations. International Dance Day

On April 29, 2019, the International Dance Day is celebrated. This type of art combines people of different ages and nationalities. Send native and friends Warm words congratulations on the International Dance Day.

Dance International Day -
This is a beauty holiday!
Famous he is free
In the world of music, dreams.

Hurricane applaudation
Let the hall wrap on you,
So that from that moment
The dance of your life has become!

Dance is important art
Be it waltz or foxtrot,
Tango, Polka, Twist, Chechet
Or even dance.

Let the day dance all dancers
Will bring great success.
Life in motion is happiness.
Dance let it be cleaned!

Congratulations on the International Dance Day in verses

On this page of our site presented poems that are perfectly suitable in order to congratulate friends and close to the international day of dance.

Such congratulations can be read out loud, send by e-mail or in the form of SMS. They will be pleased to get both professional and amateur artists.

Dance, as long as the heart is young
While the fire burns in the eyes.
International holiday - reason
Another time to say.

I wish the many melodies,
You are visiting you to dance.
Let their rhythm starts you
All soul in dance to disclose!

Listen, how the soul sounds,
Listen to the heart dancing,
All this holiday - for you,
He is the most tender ... and warm up
Gives dreams. And all of them
Let it be circling for you, fly,
Movement let everyone admire ...
Feel them! Bold bets!

On the day of dance wish you I want me,
So that all "Pa" you did to "five!",
So that every day, from joy to Likuya,
Could you like a fairy to dance!

To the jury of all contests in the world
From your dance was crazy
To magic ballet magic
We have opened a heart depth!

The whole world of dancing lovers and pros
Today celebrates. And grandiose ball!
Flying souls take us in heaven.
Raise the same sparkling glass!

Dance Day - We will apply
Those who art do not get tired of capturing!
We wish the skill of the vertex to conquer
And even Terraticor to amaze!

Dance is a live music,
And sometimes people say:
Dance is the embodiment of Paradise,
In the dance, the world with harmony reign.

I wish you inspiration
Graceful you are good.
Looking for magic movements
Rejoices the heart and soul!

What "Pa" sometimes brings life:
Then Tango Argentinean is dancing,
Then in the rhythm of the waltz smoothly cool,
Hip-hop is bright boredom protests.

Burlit adrenaline in the blood is hot
The soul rings, playing the guitar,
When a happy case, like macho,
Tapping flamenco wants to pair.

Someone on the legs do not be afraid to step.
And, as a dancer, let nothing prevents you from!
So that in the life of the experience gain, you need to live,
Dancing! Happy day you congratulate dance!


Every year on April 29, the day of dance is celebrated in the world. On this day, events and festivals are held worldwide, designed to attract attention to dances.

Dance Day Postcards and Congratulations: The purpose of the celebration of the International Dance Day

International Dance Day is the World Celebration of Dance, created by the Dance Committee of the International Theater Institute, the Chief Partner of UNESCO's Performing Art.

The event is held every year on April 29, on the anniversary of the birth of Jean-George Novober (1727-1810), the creator of modern ballet. On this day, special attention is paid to participating and education in dancing at events and festivals held worldwide.

The purpose of the International Dance Day is to attract the attention of the general public to dances, especially people who are newcomers in the artistic sphere and usually do not follow the dance events that occur during the year.

Dance Day Postcards and Congratulations: On the day of dance, ideas and training seminars on dancing

Every year, since its creation in 1982, the outstanding personality of dance is chosen to write a message on International Dance Day. The city's event is also created in the city chosen by the Executive Board of the International Theater Institute, which hosts dance performances, training seminars, speeches of ambassadors, professional dancers and a selected author of communications to the current year.

For example, in 2017, he passed in Shanghai, China, and in 2018 it will be held in Havana, Cuba. Dance Day is the day of the celebration for those who see the value and importance of dance as an artistic form.

In Shanghai in 2017, this event took place three days with a large focus on education by dance seminars and presentations led by international dance experts. Evenings were reserved for speeches, in the final of which a festive concert was organized.

In addition to concerts, April 29, theatrical institutions around the world attract the attention of people to dance with the help of special educational seminars, dance performances and festivals.

Dance Day Postcards and Congratulations: Holiday History

On April 29, 1982, the International Dance Committee of UNESCO proposed to celebrate the day of dance in memory of the birthday day on this day of the "Father of the Contemporary Ballet" of the French choreographer Jean-George Novorra. He was the author of the famous theoretical work "Letter about dance and ballet", in which revealed the basic principles of choreography. In Russia, this book remains relevant today.

International dance day with the intention of the founders was to summarize all the styles of dance to teach people to overcome all cultural, political and ethnic borders, as the dance is able to combine people in the name of peace and friendship, allowing him to communicate in the same language.

This holiday is a good opportunity for choreographers, teachers, members of amateur and professional dance groups for organizing street shows, exhibitions, various dance ideas.

Since 1992, on April 29, Benouua de la Danse is awarded annually in choreography. It is held under the UNESCO patronage and was created by the International Choreography Union in 1991 in Moscow. This award is considered a special achievement in choreography. The recipients of the prestigious dance premium become choreographers whose winner chooses an international jury.

Dance Day Postcards and Congratulations: Congratulations in verses

Dance - Main Art,
Be it waltz or foxtrot,
Tango, Polka, Twist, Chechet
Or even dance.

Let the day dance all dancers
Will bring great success.
Life in motion is happiness.
Dance let it be cleaned!

Dance, like a moment, sweep now!
It seems to last it will be an hour!
You can dance a second second,
You can not get tired from the dance!

With dance in life to stead more fun,
Dance again collects friends!
Well, let's dance together again,
Smile to give and not lose heart!

Let Muse be favorable
Will give strength to dance
Let the gaze of the thrill-in love
People around will meet.

On April 29, an international dance day is celebrated. People dance has long been, someone for pleasure, and someone dedicated to this seeing art all life.

The date for the holiday was the birthday of the dancer and choreographer French Jean George Novorra. At the end of the 18th century, he summarized the entire experience in the area of \u200b\u200bchoreography and allocated its basic principles in the book "Letters about dance and ballets" widely known among specialists.

Labor has become the first theoretical development in the field of dance art. The birthday of her creator on April 29, by the decision of UNESCO, the International Dance Day was recognized. The whole dancing world, artists of ballet theaters, teams of folk and modern dance, amateur artists celebrate their professional holiday on this day.

"Vesti" collected ideas of congratulations on the day of dance.

Who at least once did not dance?
I did not see this!
Tango or Charleston,
Rock and Roll Il Walz-Boston.

And today in the rhythm of dance
Swell over the crowd
Our cheerful and prime,
Congratulations to our clockwork!

Hip-hop, break dance, also the vintage waltz -
All this is the music of your soul,
Of course, the list will be very long,
All dances are very good!

On the day of dance wish you I want me,
So that all "Pa" you did to "five!",
So that every day, from joy to Likuya,
Could you like a fairy to dance!

To the jury of all contests in the world,
From your dances were crazy
To in magic magic ballet,
We have opened a heart depth!

Let go to dance, come on, soon
Do not try to stand aside!
Well, let's come on,
I want to be with you!

Let the dance of everyone grieves today,
And gives bright moments
After all, the dance is needed
To deliver only pleasure!

Dancers of all and dancers
Happy dance congratulations.
Merry rhythms, clear pas
You, Masters, I wish.

I wish to dance until you fall,
Playful Rumyanta.
Will help you all say
Language great dance.

Kohl happily you - dance,
Dance when in sorrow.
No matter where, when and with whom
To the heels knocked.

The land is spinning in the dance.
Dance - your happiness.
Let your life in the dance
It will be a full bowl!

To joy day and night
Brightly shine to you,
So that hot love
In the heart did not cool!

To skill, talent
Only increased;
Joy, happiness and love
You did not leave!

Dance - not just the movement of the body,
In it, our soul, our passion, our feelings!
Always dancing confidently, boldly,
I wish to create art with my body!

No matter, you spell or just a lover,
Dance, if you want to dance!
And remember, the dance is your best teacher,
He will teach him to manage his body!

In 1982, the International Committee of Dance, created with UNESCO, offered to celebrate annually on April 29 International Dance Day.

According to the founders, the International Dance Day is designed to unite all directions of dance, to become a reason for honoring this form of art and its ability to overcome all political, cultural and ethnic borders, its ability to unite people in the name of friendship and peace, allowing them to speak in the same language - Language dance.

The date on April 29 was not chosen. On this day, French Balletmister Jean George Novober, reformer and choreography theorist was born in 1727. He is rightfully considered the father of the modern ballet theater, which Novierre considered the same important and independent as the dramatic theater. Novierre is not only an outstanding dancer and choreographer, but also the author of the famous theoretical labor "letters about dance and ballets", in which he summarized the experience gained by then in the field of choreography, and also substantiated its basic principles. This book, up to date and today, has reached in Russia while the author's life.

For anyone who relates to dance: teachers, choreographers, participants in professional and amateur dance troupes, patrons and researchers - this is an extra reason to organize ideas, exhibitions, street shows and devote to the dance of telecast, articles in journals and newspapers, public lectures.

From 1992, it was annually awarded a premium in the choreography of Benois de La Dance. It was established in 1991 in Moscow in Moscow, the international union of choreography figures and today is held under UNESCO patronage. A prize that is designed to celebrate the highest achievements in the field of choreography, is rightfully considered ballet "Oscar". The winners of the festival determines the international jury. Among the owners of the most prestigious dance premium are the famous artists and ballersters.

By tradition, every year, any known representative of the world of dance is invited to refer to the public with a kind of message, in which to remind people about the beauty of dance, praise him, overcome all political, cultural and ethnic barriers and call people to speak in the same language - dance language.

For the first time with such a message on the occasion of the International Dance Day, Henrik Neubauer was performed in 1982. In 2007 - Sasha Waltz, in 2008 - Dancer from South Africa Gladis Faith Agulhas.

This day makes it possible to once again remind people about unifying strength and a special meaning for the society of this type of art. That is why every year the world-famous dancers and choreographers write "Message", dedicated to the Day of Dance, in which they talk about their attitude to the dance. In different years, the authors of the Messages were Mats Ek, Jiji Kilian, Dancer Boto Kazuo It and the "Artist of the World UNESCO" Japanese Ballerina Miyako Yoshida.

Message to the International Dance Day 2008

The spirit of dance has no color, there is no definite or size, but it is the spirit of unity, strength and beauty within us. Each dancing soul, young, old people, people with disabilities create and implement ideas, changing and developing art.
The dance is a mirror reflecting how impossible becomes possible. To everyone can touch, hear, feel and worry. The sounds of our heart and soul are our rhythm, each our movement reveals the history of mankind.
This is the element in which the spirit of a person can know all the highest freedom. Every time our hands come into contact, something beautiful happens,
What does the soul remember, the body tells through the movement. And then the dance becomes healing power available to everyone, you are my eyes, and I am your legs.

Celebrate the International Dance Day with all the passion for the dance, in order to heal each other, unite your dance community, and, most importantly, be the best of those who you can be rightfully. We will be able to unite through the strength and spirit of dance.

Dance is the most ancient form of human self-expression. With the help of his body and the language of movements, a person not only places himself to others, but also acquires an internal connection with the world spiritual and emotional.

The dance is an art for which it does not need a brush or a handle. His only tool is the human body, in each movement of which dance lives. However, the dance requires not only body participation, but also the soul, as well as reason. And people who completely plunged into the magical world of dance remain devotees to him to the end.

But, the dance is not only a passion, it is a work, discipline, training, the art of communication. With the help of dance, sometimes you can say much more than with the help of words. In addition to the language of dance is universal, as it does not have borders and is understandable to everyone, no matter what language we speak.

International Dance Day is a holiday dedicated to everyone without exception to dance styles, this day is celebrated annually on April 29.

History History

This holiday arose at the initiative of the International Dance Council at UNESCO for almost 30 years ago - in 1982. Date on April 29 suggested the artist of ballet, choreographer, teacher P.A. Gusev in a tribute to the Great French Ballet Maker and the reformer of Just-George, who was born on this day and entered the story of the "Father of Modern Ballet".

Jean-Georges Nov

Born on April 29, 1727, Jean-George Nov. was a student of the Balletmister L. Dupre known at the time. Later he acted as a dancer, and then led European ballet groups: in Vienna at the Royal Palace, in the Paris Opera, in London in the "Drury Lane" theater. Novor was the first director of ballet performances with the completed plot line. He also wrote a number of key theoretical developments on the formulation of ballet ideas. They developed the basic principles of ballet tragedy and heroic ballet. In 1759 he saw the light of his famous work called "Letters of Dance and Ballet," in which the main positions of the ballet-play, which should be embodied jointly by the composer, choreographer and artist, with a pantomime and dance, were substantiated.

International Dance Day today

In theory of the founders, the task of the International Dance Day should be to combine all dance directions and styles. This holiday should also be a reason for honoring dance art and its unique ability to overcome all borders: ethnic, political or cultural. After all, it is the dance that has the wide opportunities of the association of people speaking in one language - the language of dance.

Traditionally, every year, any of the well-known representatives of the dance world appeals to humanity with a message, the purpose of which is to remind people about the beauty, strength and power of dance.
So, in different years, world celebrities acted with solemn speeches on the occasion of the international dance day, as: Yuri Grigorovich (Russia), Robert Jofri (USA), Magi Mareng (France), Maya Plisetskaya (Russia), Maurice Bezhar (France), William Forsight (USA-Germany), Stefan Page (Australia), Miyako Yoshid (Japan-United Kingdom), Julio Broke (Argentina), Lin Will-Min (Taiwan) and others.

Every year at this day awarded the prize "Balt Beno'a", established in 1991 by the International Association of Choreography Workers.

Dance styles

Ballroom dancing. The birth of the Waltz was due to the various dances of the peoples of Europe.

There is a slow (English) waltz with smooth turns and long sliding movements.

Viennese waltz is distinguished by accented rhythm, which makes this dance clearer and more elegant. Despite the fact that in this waltz, all circles are rapidly, the movements of partners should differ in complete consistency, grace and smoothness.

Another sensual and temperamental dance is the Argentine Tango, which always combines a passion with notes of sadness. With this tango, you can fully express the entire depth of feelings. In Tango, a man and a woman move on their own scenarios, they have different steps and different movements, so everyone is important, even the most minor gesture.

Foxtrot is a dance that served to the development of the whole ball dance. Foxtrot is a combination of slow and rapid steps in a huge amount of options. Due to such a high complexity of the rhythmic nature of movements, this dance is considered the most difficult for study.

Wedding dance also applies to ballroom dancing and is a combination of a variety of elements and waltza, and tango, and any other dance that wanted to dance in love with a pair.

Flamenco - dance of feelings, and absolutely different, expressing a huge range of experiences from euphoria to the tragedy. This Spanish dance combined a variety of diverse dance directions. Flamenko dance under the accompaniment of the guitar, often he is accompanied by singing. The movements of the dancers are incredibly plastic, proud, combining soft movements of hands with crazy fractions. Flamenco has a huge number of styles and an important advantage - this dance has no age framework and restrictions.

Latina (Latin American Dancing) is a very kind of dance style, which is based on the bright expression of emotions and is considered to be the style of temperamental people. Latin American dances shake their beauty, they are a mixture of various schools and flows, they combine the movements of Samba, Rumba, Mamba, Jaiva, Salsa, Pasadobl and other dances. Latin American style is saturated with the spirit of freedom and expression.

Belly Dance (Belly Dance) is an ancient style, which has more than fifty types of Arab dance. To date, there is a sufficiently large number of Eastern dance schools - this is an Egyptian school, Turkish, Persian, Thailand, Adena, Pakistani, Jordanian, Button and others. Velly Dance is primarily soft, smooth and very graceful movements. Dancing oriental dance, every woman not only fully reveals her attractiveness, but also supports body health.

Stip-plastic - sensuality dance and liberation, allowing to reveal the individuality of everyone. It looks beautiful, naturally and frankly. The specificity of the strip-plastics is a special technique of movement. It is believed that with the help of this dance style everyone can learn to emphasize the advantages of their shape and hide disadvantages, and also learn to move beautifully.

Hip-Hop is a progressive dance style. Modern hip-hop can be called youth party dance. He, in fact, is a dance improvisation, as it happened from African jazz.

Brakedance. This dance is a kind of part of hip-hop culture. It can be called dynamic and extreme. Breaking is divided into the upper and bottom, and all the people who dance break dance are called brokers. Also, bruich guys are called bi battles, and girls - bi-germs.

R "N" B can be called a combination of Wavestorm and Kramp dance styles. As an independent style of R "N" B, I took a form in America in the 1940s and was originally an alternative to ordinary blues. This style can safely be called a dance and musical fashion avant-garde. This is the main of youth dance styles.

Club Dance is a set of a wide variety of movements with the possibility of improvisation. This style can be called universal since, mastering them, everyone will be able to dance anywhere - on a home party, in a prestigious club or on a disco. Club dance depends entirely on fantasy, from the desires and possibilities of one who dances, as everyone chooses the movements for itself, and their combination becomes an expression of the individuality of the dancing.

Jazz-Modern is the style of African peoples, which combines energetic rhythms with jazz elements. A distinctive feature of this style is the use of the body as a tool for chopping musical rhythm. Body movement in dance sharp broken, which are a reflection of not only external manifestations, but also internal human experiences.

Romanchukhevich Tatiana