Famous hosts of Let's Get Married! do not communicate off-air and compete in earnings with each other. The bride from the show "Let's Get Married!" told what really happens in the studio of the program Who leads let's get married on channel 1

Famous presenters
Famous hosts of Let's Get Married! do not communicate off-air and compete in earnings with each other. The bride from the show "Let's Get Married!" told what really happens in the studio of the program Who leads let's get married on channel 1
The name Vasilisa for the astrologer and TV presenter Vasilisa Volodina is a pseudonym, which, in her opinion, suits her horoscope. Various sources call the real name of the famous astropsychologist Svetlana, Oksana, Elena or Elizabeth. It is believed that the name Oksana is the closest to the truth. The future TV presenter changed her maiden name - Naumova, when she married Sergei Volodin. But first things first.

Vasilisa Volodina's childhood

Vasilisa Volodina was born in the capital of the USSR on April 16, 1974. From an early age, the girl was brought up in strict discipline, since her father was a military man. From childhood, parents taught Vasilisa to order, hard work and diligence.

In addition to general education, the child also attended a music school, as well as many circles and sections. Vasilisa was a very diligent student and from the age of seven she helped her mother with housekeeping. The high moral bar set for the girl by her parents set a hard working pace for all subsequent activities of Vasilisa Volodina.

The interest in the future work of her whole life with the now famous astrologer began to manifest itself at school. Then, in the 80s, for the first time on Soviet television, they talked about UFOs and various paranormal phenomena. Listening with enthusiasm to these programs, Vasilisa eagerly listened to all the information. And then on long evenings near Moscow, a pensive and dreamy schoolgirl spent endless hours on the balcony of her parents' apartment in Odintsovo, watching the starry sky through her father's military binoculars.

According to the recollections of the astrologer herself, she did not see a single UFO, but she began to perfectly navigate the arrangement of the stars. Being a very enthusiastic and purposeful nature, Vasilisa read several of the first books on astrology in her life. From them, she drew the most important truth for herself: the stars can predict the future.

Vasilisa Volodina in "Let's Get Married" - a fragment of the program

And a little later, at the age of 14, having read several books on palmistry, Vasilisa made an important discovery in her own palm: in the future, fame and glory await her!

The beginning of the career of Vasilisa Volodina

After graduating from school with a gold medal, Volodina (then still Naumova) easily entered the Academy of Management named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze at the Faculty of Economics. She continued to study hard at the university, but the diploma she received in the specialty "cybernetic economist" did not give moral satisfaction. Her soul yearned for another. Vasilisa received creative inspiration while studying in parallel with the university at the Moscow Academy of Astrology.

Vasilisa Volodina about wedding dates for summer 2015

Vasilisa Volodina began to conduct the first astrological consultations at the age of 20. And after graduating from the Academy of Astrology, she became interested in building astrological forecasts for business.

In the 90s, it was as urgent as possible. In addition, the future TV presenter conducted personal astrological consultations for friends and acquaintances.

Professional activity of Vasilisa Volodina

Since the early 2000s, Vasilisa Volodina's career has definitely taken off. Childhood predictions gradually became reality. Her business forecasts and personal horoscopes had a high percentage of accuracy, which did not escape the eyes of the Moscow elite. Volodina became a recognizable and well-known figure in Moscow secular circles.

In 2006, the astrologer was invited to work as the host of the Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina program, which aired on the Stolitsa TV channel. And in 2008, she began her career as an expert astrologer in the First Channel program Let's Get Married.

Vasilisa Volodina on horoscopes: how important it is to use the exact time of birth

It was this show that made Volodin famous throughout the country. Many viewers consider Vasilisa Volodina the most charming of the three hosts of this program, including such famous media figures of Russian culture as Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova.

Personal life of Vasilisa Volodina

Once, in the distant 90s, an acquaintance asked the young astrologer Naumova to draw up a personal horoscope for his friend, a certain Sergei Volodin. At the behest of fate, Vasilisa studied the star map of her future husband even before she met him personally.

Noting to herself the rare amazing compatibility with her horoscope, the girl had already managed to forget about this strange incident. But fate brought them together personally at a meeting of friends. From this friendly party, when a spontaneous but strong feeling arose between the young people, and they are still together.

In 2001, after three years of living together in a civil marriage, a daughter, Victoria, was born to a couple of Volodins. Then Sergei and Vasilisa finally officially signed, without arranging magnificent wedding celebrations. Sergei, who initially worked in the field of logistics, after some time became the director of his wife, drawing up her business schedule.

With the second child, Vasilisa did not rush. Having thoroughly studied her horoscope, she calculated that the future son should be born only when she herself turns 40. On January 3, 2015, Volodina became a mother for the second time. The kid was named Vyacheslav.

Vasilisa Volodina now

The TV presenter did not stay on maternity leave for childcare for long. In April 2015, she returned to work on the show. One of the main reasons for such a quick return to the shooting Volodina called numerous letters with requests from viewers.
The presenter also provides tips and video predictions through her personal website on the Internet, which is very popular with her fans.

This TV show has been aired on Channel One since 2008. The first issues were started by the actress Daria Volga, but soon she was replaced by the star of Russian cinema Larisa Guzeeva, who became famous after her role in "Cruel Romance". Experts Vasilisa Volodina and Roza Sabitova help her to form strong families.

This trio of leaders often makes harsh judgments, in addition, sometimes they do not come to a consensus. Many call their techniques "inquisitorial", but the purpose of the transmission is noble - the creation of a family. And, of course, we must not forget about the element of the show that the hosts have to bring, which they do brilliantly.

The transfer rules are quite simple. Applicants choose one of the participants in the programs, make an application and three of them get on the program. There they try to show their best sides and talents in order to impress their chosen one, and they take friends with them to the support group.

The main participant of the program (the groom or the bride) chooses the applicant with whom he will be ready to marry. But all this is happening under the close supervision of our trinity, who do not skimp on sometimes impartial comments. Everything is like in life.

So, Larisa Guzeeva, who brilliantly played the role of her namesake in the film based on Ostrovsky's play "The Dowry", subsequently starred in many more films. She still acts and plays in the theater, but when she was offered to participate in the project, Larisa agreed without hesitation.

After all, the program actually has bright and good goals. Therefore, it was easier to reallocate your already busy work schedule than to refuse to participate in the program. Of course, the working time was already scheduled by the minute, and the program is broadcast daily, but still the end justified the means, because if you managed to connect at least one pair, then this is already a very positive result.

Astropsychologist Vasilisa Volodina has been professionally engaged in this field for over twenty years. She also has a second education - she is an economist-mathematician by her first education. She has many of her own Internet projects, Vasilisa makes "stellar" forecasts, consults in business, is actively published in the press, and appears on television.

In a sense, she is fatalistic, believing that the fate of a person is predetermined by the stars and higher powers. Therefore, everything in life must be approached knowing this. And it is better, of course, to know also what a person can expect in life.

The main thing, according to Vasilisa Volodina, is to understand yourself better with the help of stars and compiled horoscopes, to find out what forces lie in you and what you should be afraid of. When choosing a life partner, it is very important to know about the compatibility with the applicant in order to avoid possible mistakes.

After all, many are guided by momentary emotions when choosing. Although it is believed that the first opinion formed about a person is considered the most correct. But nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that now applicants are to some extent showering, so it is very important to arm yourself with certain knowledge.

Roza Sabitova is a psychologist and professionally helps people find their soul mates. She even set up a dating service. It is called by the name of the creator, although rather meaningfully: "Rose-club".

By participating in the program, he professionally helps to make the right choice, having a wide choice in this area. She is guided not only by emotions, but also by everyday details, including the material issue. Therefore, it can give a rather tough assessment to the applicant.

Leading behind-the-scenes shows Show "Let's get married!" for more than 10 years it has been on the air of Channel One. Leading Larisa Guzeeva, Roza Syabitova and Vasilisa Volodina

help the heroes find their soul mate and start a family. However, not all program participants are satisfied with the result. So, recently Alena Zhalimova from Krasnoyarsk, who became the heroine of one of the last episodes, said that on the show everything happens a little differently than the viewers think and see.

Roza Syabitova According to the girl, the show editor found her on a social network and invited her to the program. “Yes, they called me on social media, but you can send an application on Instagram or on their website. All shipping costs were paid as well. Since I am a free girl and am in a "passive" search for a husband (that is, I have dropped this stupid idea altogether), then I thought: "Why not?" At the very least, it would be a big step to declare this to the whole of Russia. Moreover, this would be my first experience on television - and immediately on Channel One. I was sure that I would get positive emotions, although the risk that I would be mixed with dirt was also great, ”Zhalimova was quoted as saying“ 7 days ”.

Alena Zalimova, participant of the Let's Get Married program Alena noted that there is no clear scenario, but many facts about brides and grooms are exaggerated. “For example: I really had a serious relationship once and it was going to the wedding (until the sudden appearance of the child, for which I was not ready at that time), but I did not choose any dress for the wedding. There is only one take. He hesitated - your problems ... And here it is simply not the actors, and everything happens almost online, ”Alena said.

Alena Zalimova The groom whom Zhalimova chose, she had not seen before. She was told that he was the ideal candidate for her, highlighting his merits - an investor, wealthy, intelligent, educated, lived in Bali. However, after the couple was formed, Alena did not see her "groom" anymore.“We never met. We didn’t go to Sochi even more. And in general, on the same night, it seems, in the club, he began a relationship with another participant in the program (a blonde), which he nobly informed me about. Apparently, firmness of intentions is not his strong point! " - said Zhalimova.

Let's Get Married Program | Behind the Scenes of Filming November 19th, 2012

Operators prepare the camera on the crane for filming.

Before filming, they rehearse with each of the guests. Today the girl's guests. The director goes with each girl the route how she should go out.

At what point to stand and greet the main character, the groom. In the place of the groom is also one of the directors of the program. Until the start of filming, the girls themselves do not see the groom. That is, in the program they really get to know him, this is their first meeting. The girls see each other before filming.

They work out the exit of the guests' friends, who sits where and how they leave after the conversation.

Watching surprises and planning to show them.

This girl made a cake in the form of herself.

All microphones are fixed.

The presenters appear on the site. Roza Syabitova is studying material on heroes.

Several programs are filmed in one day. In the filming of the Let's Get Married program, the presenters are filmed in different clothes in all programs. During the break, they change their clothes.

Vasilisa Volodina, the only host with a laptop. :)

Larisa Guzeeva, preparing for the introductory plan, is also studying the material on this program, on the participants.

The program is being filmed. The groom meets each of the girls. They had not seen each other before. No dating rehearsals are done.

Like a surprise. Many come to the program stupidly lit up on Channel One. As the guys from the press service say, it is quite problematic to filter these out. But they don't even bother about it, it's a show.

After talking with the groom, they return back to their room. Well, like a room, a sector. This is a room without one wall. After all, this is a broadcast, somewhere there must be cameras and take pictures of the guests.

Here are the cameras. The girl in the foreground is the producer of one group of guests, the girl and her friends. Each group has its own producer. The producer asks some topic for the guests to discuss, according to the situation. For example, the presenters are discussing a guest who has just left, and the producer gives directions: "Well, you object ...", or: "Discuss her hairstyle." This is done because people are mostly dumb. They sit and silently stick into the TV set in the room, which shows what is happening on the site. And in the program there should be action, discussion. Not all people can light up like this, so the producer sets them topics for discussion. Therefore, discussions and dialogues look so unnatural. Nobody writes texts to heroes, they only give directions.

The groom chose this blonde.

At the end of the program, everyone is photographed for memory.

Well, there, in classmates to lay out, mi-mi-mi, I checked in with Rosa Syabitova on the program "Let's get married."

They take off the microphones and the presenters go to the dressing room to change and relax.

And on the set they are preparing for the filming of the next program.

In the comments, you can write what else you would like to know about the television device.

I express my deep gratitude to the Public Relations Directorate of Channel One for the warm welcome, pleasant company and help in creating this story.

Today we are going to the shooting of the Let's Get Married program. Of course, if you have never seen this program, you will not have as many questions that I will tell you about. The broadcast, of course, is still a gum for the brain, but do not forget that we live in Russia, and crowds of people want these spectacles.

Operators prepare the camera on the crane for filming.

Before filming, they rehearse with each of the guests. Today the guests are girls. The director goes with each girl the route how she should go out.

At what point to stand and greet the main character, the groom. In the place of the groom is also one of the directors of the program. Until the start of filming, the girls themselves do not see the groom. That is, in the program, they really get to know him, this is their first meeting. The girls see each other before filming.

They work out the exit of the guests' friends, who sits where and how they leave after the conversation.

Watching surprises and planning to show them.

This girl made a cake in the form of herself.

All microphones are fixed.

The presenters appear on the site. Roza Syabitova is studying material on heroes.

Several programs are filmed in one day. In the filming of the program "Let's Get Married", the presenters are filmed in different clothes in all programs. During the break, they change their clothes.

Vasilisa Volodina, the only host with a laptop.

Larisa Guzeeva, preparing for the introductory plan, is also studying the material on this program, on the participants.

The program is being filmed. The groom meets each of the girls. They had not seen each other before. No dating rehearsals are done.

Like a surprise. Many people just come to the program to light up on Channel One. As the guys from the press service say, filtering out these is quite problematic. But they don't even bother about it, it's a show.

After talking with the groom, they return back to their room. Well, like a room, a sector. This is a room without one wall. After all, this is a broadcast, somewhere there must be cameras and take pictures of the guests.

Here are the cameras. The girl in the foreground is the producer of one group of guests, the girl and her friends. Each group has its own producer. The producer asks some topic for the guests to discuss, according to the situation. For example, the presenters are discussing a guest who has just left, and the producer gives directions: "Well, you object ...", or: "Discuss her hairstyle." This is done because people are mostly dumb. They sit and silently stick into the TV set in the room, which shows what is happening on the site. And in the program there should be action, discussion. Not all people can light up like this, so the producer sets them topics for discussion. Therefore, discussions and dialogues look so unnatural. Nobody writes texts to heroes, they only give directions.