Signal fantastic universes (multi-fans). The most famous fantastic universes and their creators (10 photos) The Universe "Dosor" - the Creator: Sergey Lukyanenko

Signal fantastic universes (multi-fans). The most famous fantastic universes and their creators (10 photos) Universe
Signal fantastic universes (multi-fans). The most famous fantastic universes and their creators (10 photos) The Universe "Dosor" - the Creator: Sergey Lukyanenko

If the reality surrounding you seems completely gray and dim, then it's time to plunge into one of the most popular imaginary universes that I want to show you today.

Arda (Arda) Tolkien created the original world, served as a source of inspiration to create almost all fantasy universes. It was he who came up with the name for most fantasy races - orcs, elves, hobbits - the rest of the "creators of the worlds" simply redid them on their own way. But the master is a master - the world-invented world turned out to be alive: with their history, features, key characters and in some kind of geography. By the way, the world often invented by the Tolkin is called mediamia, but it is incorrect: in fact his name is Arda. She appeared after the God of Era created amazing beings - Ainur, who literally sang the world. It is worth saying that Tolkien himself repeatedly said that the action of his novels is not going on any other planet and not in the parallel world, but on our land. According to the Master, Mediterranean existed on our planet in the distant past. Well - has the right. In addition, if you compare the map of the same Mediterranean with a map of Europe, you can really notice the similarity. The most numerous racial in the Mediterranean is, of course, people: it is they who inhabit most of the region. They differ from the elves, in fact, the fact that dozens live, and not thousands of years, and, accordingly, their states are changing, and elves remain almost unchanged over generations. Moreover, the elves soul forever after death remains in Arda in a special location called the Gardens of Mandos, and the human soul leaves the world. Magic in the world of Tolkien is different from the invented later combat magic - here it is rather a creative act, and not a number of clearly regulated actions and rules. Magic can create a creature, endowed with the will - the stronger the will, the hero is capable of more impressive magical acts. However, magic is not a decisive argument - the will is needed, for example, also to withstand the power of the rings of alliance. In addition, over time, magic leaves arda, and it becomes less and less. In the free continuation of the "Lord of the Rings", written by Nick Perumov, the magic has not been almost left. Anyway, the world is famous thanks to recognizable living heroes, detailed elaboration and unusual history. It is not surprising that he has so many admirers.

Star Wars "Star Warriors" are not only six full-length films. The world invented by Lucas today develops almost by itself - hundreds of books are written about it, in which the most distant corners of the universe are described, told about all the characters we saw in films, and about the many others about which there is no word in films . Based on classic "star wars", comics, video games, cartoons are created. The plot-forming link serves the Order of the Jedi - Knights, standing on the protection of high ideals, peace and order and their own strength. The same who succumbed to their dark start and moved to the dark side of the force, got the name of Sith. They are the main protagonists of the Universe, and there is a constant confrontation between the two orders. Few people know that before the events shown in the film "Ghostly Threat", the Galactic Republic without a small 1000 years enjoyed the world and order - it was a kind of golden age. Nevertheless, this 1000 years is not previously described almost anywhere, and we can observe the development of the Universe with the events that occurred several years before the "Ghost Threat". After the fall of the Jedi Order, only one Knight remained - Luke Skywalker, on this and ends with the sixth movie. However, the universe continues to develop - as a result, the Republic is being revived from the wreckage, the Order of the Jedi appears again on the political arena, then the war begins again, since it's almost half of the student of Luke switched to the dark side ... In fact, "Star Wars" is a story that You can continue infinitely, so that all new and new books "Motibim" are published. The universe is not developing chaotic: the development of the story followed the Special Council led by Lucas, and now this is likely to take the studio Walt Disney. And yes, a small spoiler, if you did not know - in one of the books it was decided to kill Chubaku.

Forgotten kingdoms "Forgotten Kingdoms" - these world fantasy, designed for the Desktop Role Game "Dungeons & Dragons". The greatest fame of the Universe was brought by Robert Salvatore and Video Games "Icewind Dale", "Baldur's Gate" and "Neverwinter Nights". Most of the action takes place on Fairun - parts of the largest continent of the Abair Toril Planet. The world has been worked out to almost the smallest details. Of course, you can find fault to many trifles like a strange distribution on the planet climatic belts, but this is just explained - a lot of authors worked on the project at the same time, each of which took a small piece of the world, and only then they "glued" together. But that's not the point. The planet is inhabited by many classic races - there are several varieties and fractions of elves, dwarves, orcs and, of course, a huge number of human settlements. There is also nothing to do with similar races like Ilitids - anthropomorphic spruits, exciting the minds of other reasonable creatures and turn them in this way in their slaves. In addition to Fairun on the planet there are several more parts of the world - Zakrhara (analogue of the Middle East), Kara-Tour (analogue of India and Indochina), Matska (analogous to the territory of American Indians like Maya or Inca) and Evermit (legendary ELF Earth). Since Abair-Toril is a large planet, and developed technologies in the genre of classical fantasy are not too much to be honored, many continents on the planet are not yet open, so there is an imagination where it is to roast. "Forgotten kingdoms" excite the minds of fans since the early 1990s, and all these years there is a permanent job. An interesting fact - only Fairun is registered in detail by the developers. Interestingly, in the "forgotten kingdoms" of the kingdoms, as such, there are practically no: the main administrative unit is a city-state, among the most famous - the Neverwinter, the Gate of Baldur and Deepye. Greats play very important in this world. They are invented not only to worship and enslave the masses, these are quite real essences that give their adhesives strength, abilities and opportunities that love to actively interfere in mortal things. The gods are divided into "factions": trade, love, darkness and so on - everything you can imagine. In addition, the gods have a peculiar career ladder - from the demigod you can grow to a senior god to whom millions of admirers will worship from all over the world.

The star path "Star Way" is a science fiction series, released on screens in 1966 in the United States. It is important to remember that then humanity has not even made a flight on the moon, but only dreamed of space travel. So the moment was chosen successfully: "Star Way" is a saga about the first human travelers who went to explore deep space, to get acquainted with the rest inhabiting the galaxy by reasonable races and learn from them. It all started with the fact that at the beginning of the XXI century NASA attempted to go into space on primitive ships. Then, in 2053, a third world war broke out on Earth, after the end of which mankind occurred in ten years. But in 2063, the first spacecraft with a warp engine started (technology allowing to exceed the speed of light), and so humanity first met another reasonable race - volcans from the planet volcano. Vulcans turned out to be much advanced in the technological plan, so diplomatic relations were built slowly because to share technologies with unpredictable people who recently arranged a slaughter on their own planet, the Vulcans did not want too much. His own full-fledged sterelet - "Enterprise" - earthlings managed to build only in 2151. Then the United Festival of Planets was created - the Union of different reasonable races, united for joint development and research of space. It should be noted that the races in this universe is a huge amount, and not all of them are benevolent. So, there are, for example, klingons, previously formerly skilled diplomats and peacekeepers, but under the influence of politicians who have gone to warlike barbarians and, in their opinion, are now confessing the philosophy of real warriors. The history of the "star path" is spelled in detail until the XXIV-th century, and each milestone in this story marks global shocks - for example, bloody soldiers with other races like Sindy, whose philosophy is extremely far from human. And, which is surprising, mankind with dignity (precisely with dignity!) It came out of any alterations. It should be noted that a secondary role in this saga is reserved in this saga - it will mostly tell us about universal values. Moral problems are affected by almost every series: for example, the viewer is invited to think about the subsequent disappearance of the biological species and the like. In other words, the universe of the "star path" in a fascinating form teaches a lesson, as important in any situation, people remain humans.

Song of ice and flame prototype for this universe served as a real human story: the world "Plip" is comparable to our European medieval - there is a feudal fragmentation, the absence of gunpowder, a somewhat oppressed position of simple people and, of course, palace intrigues. It should be noted that the detailed map of the world does not exist, as well as the official name for him. Westeros, for example, is only a separate mainland in size from about south America, it is in Westeros that the vast majority of the events described by the era take place. There is another mainland, where peoples are comparable to the peoples of our East live, and practically nothing about Western lands are unknown. However, Martin was bothering to come up with a full-fledged chronicle for his world. Initially, Westeros inhabited the mysterious children of the forest, subsequently disappeared. Then, the first people who pushed the children of the forests, which were gradually forgotten: the memory of them was preserved only in legends and fairy tales. Then, Andala conquerors came to replace them, who conquered these lands and brought with them the religion of sevenbry. A little later, the East of the mainland captured the Roynars, assimiced with the Andals and became almost a common people. In the east, in the meantime, the Valiysk Empire gained strength, from where Targarares flew to Westeros on the dragons. Thanks to the dragons, they captured power, but after 300 years the dragons were degenerated, and Targarians were moved - in many ways, perhaps because of nearby marriages. Then their overthrow Robert Barateon, who later became the king. And the further history know those who watched the series "The game of Thrones", filmed based on Martin's novels, or read the novels themselves. Religion and magic, which is characteristic of fantasy, playing Martin in the world is not a latter role. Westeros officially professes sevenbile - septones (the local priests are called) from the point of view of magic can not at all, and they do not have any particular influence. In fact, it is just a formal cult. But there is another religion, common in the east - the cult of the fiery of the Divine of P'Glora, whose priests are subject to the magic of fire: they are creating basic miracles. Some of his adepts fiery God gives the opportunity to resurrect since the dead or see the events of the past and the future in the flame. Fire opposing other - mysterious creatures, which appeared because of the walls on the edge of the seven kingdoms - they personify the ice. As the novels, the magical forces about which the inhabitants of the world have already forgotten, are gradually awakened, and how it will end - unknown.

There is an opinion that a truly person is not free in anything, except for creativity, it or not - the question is controversial. But with the fact that people most of them are creators, it is difficult to argue. Of course, a planet similar to our, where people who have freedom will be live, we have not yet been able to, but human imagination, however, creates amazing new worlds through books and movies.

Some fictional universes are so successful and interesting that they will be seized with thousands of fans. We offer you to read about five such fictional worlds.

1. Star Wars

Creator - George Lucas

"Star Warriors" is not only six full-length films. The world invented by Lucas today develops almost by itself - hundreds of books are written about it, in which the most distant corners of the universe are described, told about all the characters we saw in films, and about the many others about which there is no word in films . Based on classic "star wars", comics, video games, cartoons are created.

George Lucas

The plot-forming link serves the Order of the Jedi - Knights, standing on the protection of high ideals, peace and order and their own strength. The same who succumbed to their dark start and moved to the dark side of the force, got the name of Sith. They are the main protagonists of the Universe, and there is a constant confrontation between the two orders.

Few people know that before the events shown in the film "Ghostly Threat", the Galactic Republic without a small 1000 years enjoyed the world and order - it was a kind of golden age. Nevertheless, this 1000 years is not previously described almost anywhere, and we can observe the development of the Universe with the events that occurred several years before the "Ghost Threat".

After the fall of the Jedi Order, only one Knight remained - Luke Skywalker, on this and ends with the sixth movie. However, the universe continues to develop - as a result, the Republic is being revived from the wreckage, the Order of the Jedi appears again on the political arena, then the war begins again, since it's almost half of the student of Luke switched to the dark side ... In fact, "Star Wars" is a story that You can continue infinitely, so that all new and new books "Motibim" are published.

The universe is not developing chaotic: the development of the story followed the Special Council led by Lucas, and now this is likely to take the studio Walt Disney. And yes, a small spoiler, if you did not know - in one of the books it was decided to kill Chubaku.

2. Forgotten kingdoms

Creator - Ed Greenwood

"Forgotten kingdoms" - these fantasy world, designed for the desktop role-playing game "Dungeons & Dragons". The greatest fame of the Universe was brought by Robert Salvatore and Video Games "Icewind Dale", "Baldur's Gate" and "Neverwinter Nights". Most of the action takes place on Fairun - parts of the largest continent of the Abair Toril Planet.

Ed Greenwood

The world has been worked out to almost the smallest details. Of course, you can find fault to many trifles like a strange distribution on the planet climatic belts, but this is just explained - a lot of authors worked on the project at the same time, each of which took a small piece of the world, and only then they "glued" together. But that's not the point.

The planet is inhabited by many classic races - there are several varieties and fractions of elves, dwarves, orcs and, of course, a huge number of human settlements. There is also nothing to do with similar races like Ilitids - anthropomorphic spruits, exciting the minds of other reasonable creatures and turn them in this way in their slaves.

In addition to Fairun on the planet there are several more parts of the world - Zakrhara (analogue of the Middle East), Kara-Tour (analogue of India and Indochina), Matska (analogous to the territory of American Indians like Maya or Inca) and Evermit (legendary ELF Earth). Since Abair-Toril is a large planet, and developed technologies in the genre of classical fantasy are not too much to be honored, many continents on the planet are not yet open, so there is an imagination where it is to roast. "Forgotten kingdoms" excite the minds of fans since the early 1990s, and all these years there is a permanent job. An interesting fact - only Fairun is registered in detail by the developers.

Interestingly, in the "forgotten kingdoms" of the kingdoms, as such, there are practically no: the main administrative unit is a city-state, among the most famous - the Neverwinter, the Gate of Baldur and Deepye.

Greats play very important in this world. They are invented not only to worship and enslave the masses, these are quite real essences that give their adhesives strength, abilities and opportunities that love to actively interfere in mortal things. The gods are divided into "factions": trade, love, darkness and so on - everything you can imagine. In addition, the gods have a peculiar career ladder - from the demigod you can grow to a senior god to whom millions of admirers will worship from all over the world.

3. Arda (Arda)

Creator - J. R. R. Tolkin

Tolkien created the original world, served as a source of inspiration to create almost all fantasy universes. It was he who came up with the name for most fantasy races - orcs, elves, hobbits - the rest of the "creators of the worlds" simply redid them on their own way.

J. R. R. Tolkin

But the master is a master - the world-invented world turned out to be alive: with their history, features, key characters and in some kind of geography. By the way, the world often invented by the Tolkin is called mediamia, but it is incorrect: in fact his name is Arda. She appeared after the God of Era created amazing beings - Ainur, who literally sang the world.

It is worth saying that Tolkien himself repeatedly said that the action of his novels is not going on any other planet and not in the parallel world, but on our land. According to the Master, Mediterranean existed on our planet in the distant past. Well - has the right. In addition, if you compare the map of the same Mediterranean with a map of Europe, you can really notice the similarity.

The most numerous racial in the Mediterranean is, of course, people: it is they who inhabit most of the region. They differ from the elves, in fact, the fact that dozens live, and not thousands of years, and, accordingly, their states are changing, and elves remain almost unchanged over generations. Moreover, the elves soul forever after death remains in Arda in a special location called the Gardens of Mandos, and the human soul leaves the world.

Magic in the world of Tolkien is different from the invented later combat magic - here it is rather a creative act, and not a number of clearly regulated actions and rules. Magic can create a creature, endowed with the will - the stronger the will, the hero is capable of more impressive magical acts. However, magic is not a decisive argument - the will is needed, for example, also to withstand the power of the rings of alliance. In addition, over time, magic leaves arda, and it becomes less and less. In the free continuation of the "Lord of the Rings", written by Nick Perumov, the magic has not been almost left.

Anyway, the world is famous thanks to recognizable living heroes, detailed elaboration and unusual history. It is not surprising that he has so many admirers.

4. Star Path

Creator - Jean Roddenberry

"Star path" is a science fantastic series, published on the screens in 1966 in the United States. It is important to remember that then humanity has not even made a flight on the moon, but only dreamed of space travel. So the moment was chosen successfully: "Star Way" is a saga about the first human travelers who went to explore deep space, to get acquainted with the rest inhabiting the galaxy by reasonable races and learn from them.

Jean Roddenberry

It all started with the fact that at the beginning of the XXI century NASA attempted to go into space on primitive ships. Then, in 2053, a third world war broke out on Earth, after the end of which mankind occurred in ten years. But in 2063, the first spacecraft with a warp engine started (technology allowing to exceed the speed of light), and so humanity first met another reasonable race - volcans from the planet volcano.

Vulcans turned out to be much advanced in the technological plan, so diplomatic relations were built slowly because to share technologies with unpredictable people who recently arranged a slaughter on their own planet, the Vulcans did not want too much.

His own full-fledged sterelet - "Enterprise" - earthlings managed to build only in 2151. Then the United Festival of Planets was created - the Union of different reasonable races, united for joint development and research of space. It should be noted that the races in this universe is a huge amount, and not all of them are benevolent. So, there are, for example, klingons, previously formerly skilled diplomats and peacekeepers, but under the influence of politicians who have gone to warlike barbarians and, in their opinion, are now confessing the philosophy of real warriors.

The history of the "star path" is spelled in detail until the XXIV-th century, and each milestone in this story marks global shocks - for example, bloody soldiers with other races like Sindy, whose philosophy is extremely far from human. And, which is surprising, mankind with dignity (precisely with dignity!) It came out of any alterations.

It should be noted that a secondary role in this saga is reserved in this saga - it will mostly tell us about universal values. Moral problems are affected by almost every series: for example, the viewer is invited to think about the subsequent disappearance of the biological species and the like. In other words, the universe of the "star path" in a fascinating form teaches a lesson, as important in any situation, people remain humans.

5. Ice and flame

Creator - George Martin

The prototype for this universe served as a real human story: the world "Plip" is comparable to our European medieval - there is a feudal fragmentation, the absence of gunpowder, a somewhat oppressed position of simple people and, of course, palace intrigues.

George Martin

It should be noted that the detailed map of the world does not exist, as well as the official name for him. Westeros, for example, is only a separate mainland in size from about south America, it is in Westeros that the vast majority of the events described by the era take place. There is another mainland, where peoples are comparable to the peoples of our East live, and practically nothing about Western lands are unknown.

However, Martin was bothering to come up with a full-fledged chronicle for his world. Initially, Westeros inhabited the mysterious children of the forest, subsequently disappeared. Then, the first people who pushed the children of the forests, which were gradually forgotten: the memory of them was preserved only in legends and fairy tales. Then, Andala conquerors came to replace them, who conquered these lands and brought with them the religion of sevenbry. A little later, the East of the mainland captured the Roynars, assimiced with the Andals and became almost a common people.

In the east, in the meantime, the Valiysk Empire gained strength, from where Targarares flew to Westeros on the dragons. Thanks to the dragons, they captured power, but after 300 years the dragons were degenerated, and Targarians were moved - in many ways, perhaps because of nearby marriages. Then their overthrow Robert Barateon, who later became the king. And the further history know those who watched the series "The game of Thrones", filmed based on Martin's novels, or read the novels themselves.

Religion and magic, which is characteristic of fantasy, playing Martin in the world is not a latter role. Westeros officially professes sevenbile - septones (the local priests are called) from the point of view of magic can not at all, and they do not have any particular influence. In fact, it is just a formal cult.

But there is another religion, common in the east - the cult of the fiery of the Divine of P'Glora, whose priests are subject to the magic of fire: they are creating basic miracles. Some of his adepts fiery God gives the opportunity to resurrect since the dead or see the events of the past and the future in the flame. Fire opposing other - mysterious creatures, which appeared because of the walls on the edge of the seven kingdoms - they personify the ice. As the novels, the magical forces about which the inhabitants of the world have already forgotten, are gradually awakened, and how it will end - unknown. It remains to wait for the release of the sixth and seventh volumes.


Many of our readers love mathematics. Even more readers love fictional worlds of books and cinema, but in combination, these two things become not so interesting. Vedas, if you carefully look at the fictional worlds and take the calculations, much in them does not converge, and faith in the world quickly collapsing. For example…

10. Harry Potter: The population of wizards is not focused

Harry Potter is one of the most successful series of films for the nearest movie history - we have heard somewhere that it was even turned into a book, it is very cool. Despite the fact that the series began as a naive fairy tale for children, now it enjoys the people of all ages. This causes problems as when adults, armed with calculators, began to study the universe Potter, did not converge something. Namely, the whole world created by Rowling cannot continue its existence as there are not enough children.

As Rowling has repeatedly argued, about a thousand schoolchildren are studying in Hogwarts. However, a man named David Haber (David Haber), having studied books and films, came to the conclusion that this number is greatly exaggerated. Calculating all the references made in the books and scenes from the films (in the process of which Rowling herself participated), Heiber counted that in each of the four Faculties Hogwarts is about 70 schoolchildren - thus the number of students in Hogwarts is only about 280 children.

Given this, we can conclude that every year, only about 40 adults are produced into the world of wizards. Of course, other schools are mentioned in the books, but Hogwarts literally call the only school of wizards in the whole of the UK. For comparison, about 9.5 million children learn in schools in schools, respectively, magical children constitute only 0.00002 percent of the population of Maglians. Even if we bring the counter-statement that some children wizards are trained at home, these calculations do not promise anything good to the world of wizards.

9. Batman: Bruce Wayne spends millions to fight crime and in any case could not be Batman too long

Batman is one of the most popular superheroes of all time and, if you believe the users of Tambler, the holy patron of the Internet. However, he would have been able to beat the criminals in the face of just a few decades before anyone would understand how stupid crime fights he applies.

For example, someone calculated the real price of being Batman, and the resulting number is about $ 682 million. Of course, this price includes its mansion and workout, but even eliminate the cost of its real estate from the equation, Batman still spends huge amounts every time he leaves the Bet cave. For example, his Betarangi performed on a special order cost $ 300 per piece, and you paid attention to how often Batman throws them? More than a thousand? That's it.

In other words, every time Batman launches in someone Batarang, it is equivalent to the fact that it throws the weekly salary of one of the criminals, which he sends to whom. By the way, every person whom Batman smears on the wall, this is a criminal who will then have to pay large amounts for treatment - the amounts that they, of course, are not, which leads to the additional cost of the city of Gotham. If only Gotham provides free medicine, although this in any case has a negative impact on the health care system.

However, there is much more interesting fact: according to scientists working in the field of sports, in real life, Batman could show good results throughout the three years. Of course, in the comics, Dick Grayson (Tim Drake) and Tim Drake (Tim Drake) replaces, but think about how much it would be to Gotham, if Batman would be, instead of batrangs, would move 300 dollars on food and psychologists for criminals.

8. Star landing: Beetles clearly smarter than us

If you want to recall that a star landing allegedly is a pure parody, we will not interfere, but this fact does not change the fact that in the script of the film gaps a huge hole.

At about the middle of the film, the fact that the beetles were shooting from their soft places by plasma by asteroids, intending to send them towards the Earth. If you just did not miss the entire school course of astronomy, you know that the planets of our solar system are located in millions of kilometers from each other, and dozens of years have passed so that we reach the external limits of the solar system at the highest possible speed for us. This means that the beetles could not only send a meteorite in the planet, located in millions of kilometers from them, but also to predict where the planet will be hundreds of years - the time required by the meteorite in order to achieve land.

We know that the beetles are smart, but if they came up with how to destroy the cities of the Earth with the help of stones across the entire galaxy, while our soldiers die thousands of their culley, it may be worth a lunch that they want to convey insects.

7. Simpsons: Homer and Marge are incredibly rich

Simpsons for many years (and to be accurate since 1987) were represented as the usual American middle-range family. It is strange that they earn significantly more almost everyone who reads this article. We do not joke - despite many career takelets and falls, Homer Simpson almost always worked as a nuclear safety technician at the Springfield nuclear power plant. For those who do not know - such work provides about $ 67,000 a year, which exceeds 20,000 dollars average earnings of American families, and Homer himself receives $ 35 per hour.
It is worth paying attention to the house of Simpsons - a palace with four bathrooms and five bedrooms, a double garage, a living room, a games room, a dining room, a basement and an attic. In general, the house of Simpsons costs about $ 289,000, and this is not taking into account all the other of their possessions. Two cars, a lot of automatic tools, sauna, piano, and after all, Homer is most likely to receive royalty for those years when he was a famous singer. How many families have such wealth?

6. Pacific Rubber: Eger people would not have worked

Pacific is a film in which gigantic robots give in the face with a giant monster rockets from the elbow. A similar movie should not be seriously perceived, but even deliberately nuts films must follow the laws of physics.

Fortunately, the concept of giant robots in the film is well thought out. Theoretically, they can be built, however, they would not move them. In the film, a typical huntsman is transported from one place to another with the help of a helicopter, although this scene is shown only by a mimhold. Attentive viewers determined that helicopters in the film were the Boeing CH-47 models "Chinook". Assessing a lot of standard huntsman, these people then concluded that in order to raise the county from the Earth, it would take about 640 such helicopters. Given that the main purpose of the merger is to stop Kaizhu before they get to the city and destroy everything, such a state of affairs causes several problems.

We, of course, do not argue that people in the film (or even the real life) would not be able to collect 640 helicopters for the transport of one huntsman. On the other hand, there are about 1,200 such helicopters in the world. In fact, using the resources of the whole world, at the same time it could be transported only one giant robot. Considering that in the movie Kaizuy attack around the world, starting with Japan and ending with the United States, it is safe to say that even if we built a merger, their timely delivery would cause too many problems, and nothing will prevent the monster to kill millions of people.

Of course, someone can say that Eger can just walk to the point of destination, but where can it be seen to anyone (even a giant robot) can overtake the helicopter on foot?

5. Star Wars: Strength makes battles on light swords useless

Do you like star wars or not, but you most likely know how cool is the power. However, George Lucas made a big mistake in his universe when she approved the Creating Character Galen Marek. For those of you who are not familiar with the expanded Universe Star Wars, Galen Marek is the main hero of the computer game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed). According to the Canon of Star Wars, it is considered the strongest Jedi in terms of use of force.

This, of course, made it possible to make an interesting game, but causes questions related to the plausibility of the Universe. For example, Galen is able to knock out from the orbit of the destructive stars - a ship weighing about 6.4 million tons. Let's remember the lessons of physics - as we all know, force \u003d mass * acceleration, and therefore, if Marek is able to move such Machina, with the help of power it can produce 6 billion Newton.

This leads us to a staggering conclusion: if the characters using force are capable of such feats with their mind, why do they need light swords at all? Seriously suppose that Marek is 1000 times stronger than the middle Jedi. Even in this situation, the Jedi in theory could produce 5.8 million Newtons with mind. A person who fell into a car accident while driving at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour without a seat belt, is exposed to the strength of the equal total of 100,000 Newtons. Given this, the Jedi does not even strain himself to be able to destroy any opponent with a slight man's hand. Even if we assume that other Jedi are more persistent and could withstand such an impact, the resulting numbers are simply unimaginable.

For example, as a very moderate assessment of the possibilities of Middle Jedi, we will take strength at 100,000 Newtons, and do not forget that many times in the universe mentioned that for the strength "the size and mass means nothing." Taking a widespread formula strength \u003d mass * acceleration, it can be concluded that acceleration \u003d power / mass. This means that the Jedi, which can work out 100,000 Newtons can accelerate the object weighing in half a kilogram to a speed of 200,000 meters per second. With such an ability, the fight against other people becomes a light walk. Each battle in the trilogy of the star wars was supposed to end about three seconds and one outcome - the Jedi simply launches near the opponent's nearby items at a speed of 500 kilometers per hour.

4. Matrix: agents should have been able to "dodge"

In the first part of the trilogy, the matrix there is a famous scene in which Trinity is very cool shooting the agent in the face after beating a lot of special forces along with Kianin Rivz to death. This is a class scene that approved for Trinity the title of one of the coolest and capable female characters in the history of cinema.

However, the agent in which she shot should have dodged from the shot. Assessing the distance between Neo and the agent, which stylishly dodged the whole squall of the bullets released into it, one can estimate the reaction time of the agent - it is about 0.04 seconds or even less. This means that during the time, while Trinity pronounces the words "try, confident", the agent she wants to kill, can calmly beat her to death.

Think about - in order to pronounce "Try, I'm sure", Trinity needed as many as two seconds (Believe me, we measured). For the same time, literally 20 seconds ago, the same agent was able to move his body quickly enough to dodge bullets moving at a speed of 380 meters per second. What did not allow him to move at the same speed when he heard Trinity? This is not some kind of pedantry - people are really interested in this question, since common sense suggests that nothing stopped the agent from killing Trinity and thereby put an end to the entire series of films.

3. Forrest Gump: his wealth would have caused many problems

If you have never watched Forrest Gump, in short, this is a story about how Tom Hanks is making in his life path and, by a happy coincidence, becomes a baron shrimp - billionaire, a professional in football, the hero of war and the Olympic champion in Ping Pongu. Let's discuss the first fact at this point.

Thanks to his shrimp success, Gump earned about 5.6 billion - a state that seems to not spend. We do not say that he had to sacrifice his money to charitable organizations or other stupid goals, but he could, you know, at least spend something. Just think about what Gamp does. It holds billions of dollars from turnover in the local economy. Imagine what invaluable help he would provide Greenbow City (Greenbow), Alabama, if shared a small part of the whole "cabbage".

But he did not. In fact, the only thing that Gump does, it buys the old farm, where the girl he loved, and she completely destroys the bulldozer. Gump, maybe it is worth turning it into a real farm? How about in honor of the memory of Jenny to provide the city new jobs and reason to be proud of? No, you just want to cut the grass for free, selecting another workplace from your city, which would bring someone to someone. Good idea, boy.

2. Friends: All the characters of the series are unsalted gods

Yes, we exaggerate a little, but time in the universe of friends it seems, does not move, or at least stops the whims of the scripts. Let's start with the most obvious LAPA - Ross's birthday causes many questions, as it has argued in a row for three seasons that he is 29 years old. Even the official Wikiencyclopedia of the series cannot explain the cause of this. He even celebrates the same birthday twice!

Let us turn to sometimes-mistress-sometimes-no Ross, Rachel, who was allegedly pregnant at Chandler's wedding and Monica - who passed in May 2001, but then goes to the decret in August 2002. It turns out, Rachel was pregnant for 15 months!

Of course, all this can be explained by the poor work of the screenwriters, but most likely we all turned out to be disappointed that we watched the series about people with suprasils, and not one person for all seasons of friends did not demolish their heads.

1. Park of the Jurassic period: half-life DNA makes the whole film impossible

Despite the fact that the whole world is just really wanting dinosaurs, such a dream is impossible. All due to the fact that DNA, the construction block has a built-in shelf life. According to the study conducted on the Bones of the Moa (giant extinct bird), DNA may exist only 521 years. This means that any creature, the dead until the 15th century, even if it is perfectly preserved, will not contain DNA, which could be applied to its cloning.

Unfortunately, this means that we will most likely fail to clone dinosaurs. Never. Accordingly, all that you have seen in the park of the Jurassic period is clean water with fiction and the dream of trips on the Tyrannosaurus will remain only in our imagination and nightmares of our enemies.

Fantasy is one of the most popular and sought-after branches of the fantastic genre. However, alas, too often under this brand in the hands of readers fall sadly-same-type works written by verified templates and repeatedly used patterns. So the noble warriors, bright magicians, multi-colored elves and stupid-cunning villains are walking out of the book in the book "The same with faces". Fortunately, the country fantasy is extensive, rich, multifaceted and is able to please anyone, even the most demanding reader.

Today we present to your attention ten really extraordinary fantasy books. This list does not claim nutrition - but each of the mentioned authors managed to bring something to the genre, truly original.

Scene tie: From the hands of the murderer sent by steaks, the king of Aletkar fell. For six years, his heir be fighting with the culprits of the death of his father. And less time it remains before the real danger, capable of destroying the whole world collapses.

What is the chip? The world of Roshar differs from many others at the level of biology. The creepy ultra-voltarm that changed animals and plants is guilty. To adapt to this unusual atmospheric phenomenon, Roshar's organisms had to seriously evolve. Fauna to resist the never-tree, heated with chitine shells and increased the number of limbs. Flora When approaching a storm or any other danger, learned to hide in a soil or even a stony surface. And people drastically changed the principles of building their homes: buildings here are stone, low, heavy, lined with a sharp angle to hurricane and covered with a thick, stentest tree. And no windows on the stormstore!

Local inhabitants also managed to use the stormsvet - the energy that appears during the storm, as a source of lighting, magic, and even payment agent. Against this background, the rest of the features of the Roshar (are desposed - elemental, which attract human emotions; transducers - instruments that can turn one matter into another; blades, cutting stone like oil) look only in curious add-ons to the world.

Summary: Bright heroes, large-scale battles, sophisticated intrigues and bizarre magic, many fantasy epic can boast. There is enough of this at Sunderson, but the originality of its cycle is in the device of the universe.

Yatek Dukai "Other Songs"

Scene tie: Going to the Debres of Africa, on the border of a terrible change, Jerome Berbelk, once the "greatest strategist of our time," pursued exclusively mercantile goals - to find out if there is a certain amitas shulum to "rats" of the Warlock of Kratistos, a sworn enemy of Berbelka. But the trip to the habitats of Caomorphs, who far from civilization take absolutely monstrous forms, as a result changed the fate of all mankind.

What is the chip? In the world invented by the Polish writer, the Spirit, thought, the will dominually dominated by the Barn Body: "The body is just a clothing for mind" (hello from Aristotle, who first suggested the doctrine of matter and form). A strong spirit can renew his life and stay in health for a long time. A weak, not possession of steel will, by chance, coming out from under the influence of a multi-stranded (local god), maybe even lose human shape. Doctors are able to correct or improve almost any physical disadvantage. And professional warriors-arises are able to influence the structure of matter during the battle, after which the slightest touch becomes fatal. The local "earth gods", multi-sized people, change people and the world with one influence of their most powerful morph (spirit of spirit and will). Not uncommon and physical changes in the body: a protagonist in Morph Strofiggos is pretty higher than the growth of itself "merchant".

All the actions and motifs of the heroes are made to the universal review. There is nothing to get a facing game to face, and in a couple of minutes everyone becomes clear to everyone, whose will is stronger, and the spirit is stronger. A peculiar anchor, a "lifebuoy" for the reader, dumbfounded by the changes, which have comprehended the earth with a light hand.

Summary: Yurtie Dukai did not just come up with another alternative world. He created the universe based on the works of ancient Greek philosophers, which is radically different from the familiar reader - and not only in religious, spiritual or political plan, but even at the level of physical and biological laws.

Scene tie: In the Kabire, where most residents are concerned about the mostly tournaments of swords, mysterious murders begin. For their investigation, Dan Hyhen is taken for nicknamed Unicorn, one of the highest Malan. He is clever, experienced, skill, but absolutely not ready for what he will face. By the way, the unicorn is not a man at all.

What is the chip? In this world there are two reasonable races - people and glittering: a variety of cold weapons, which mentally affects their carriers, calls them with appendages and perceives as peculiar "smaller brothers." It seems of living beings, but brains like a butterfly. People, in turn, do not suspect that many of their actions provoked by their own weapons. Only gradually, after the mass of the peripetia, these strange relationships are moving into a real symbiosis.

It is worth noting the magnificent look at the fights as a bloodless conversation, showing no desire to kill, but only the level of skill.

Summary: Cold weapons always caused enthusiastic feelings. They admired, he was angry, he was given names. But Oldy did the next step, fully thoughtfully.

Scene tie: New Crobyon. Mad city, a place where a variety of races, culture and beliefs awake on a phantasmagoric ball. For someone hell, for someone - a favorite house. But when something unprecedented and terribly dangerous, the representatives of these races begin to die out to the streets of New Cobywon.

What is the chip? The city created by Mieiewlym, inhabit the many dissimilar creatures: ordinary people, reasonable cacti, juncar heads, grotesque "converted", watermen with mermaids. Magic and Steam Technologies, Social and Race Problems, Accounting Machines and Air Monoraments, Mad Gods and the Embassy of the Underworld ... What is not here!

It would seem that to prepare an edible dish from this bizarre mixture no one. But Mieville, holding for a low-layer for others, I cope with the task very adequately. And even this disgusting-attractive journey at the junction of different genres will allow readers to reflect on many issues relevant to our lives.

Summary: Mixing genres, popular in cinema, not rare and for fantastic literature. But few people managed to build such a cochet cocktail, which was released from a mature of "new strange."

Yatek Bekard "servant of God"

Scene tie: Jesus Christ did not die on the cross. Killed those who tried to bring him death. After all, the wrath of the Son of God was terrible ...

XV century. Europe is no longer one century hears the "Father Our" in the option: "Our ugly bread give us a day, and give us the power so that we do not forgive our offenders. And let us reflect the temptation, and Evil let me crawl into the dust from our feet. " The young Inquisitor Mordemer Madderdin is bored for seemingly the usual business of murder. However, everything turns out to be not so simple.

What is the chip? The Christianity of the Bekary, which began with a failed crucifixion, is seriously different from us. It is cruel, merciless and denies the all-sucking. Even the prayer to the Lord is accompanied by the most severe pain.

And in the local world, it does not even mind to doubt the presence of God. At a minimum, because the angels of the Lord are actively interfering in what is happening - extremely unpleasant types, by the way. Unbalanced, non-permanent and amphibious. Completely in the spirit of the Son of God, who brought the world to Calval, but the sword is literally the word.

Under faithfulness and their earthly followers. So the Inquisitors here are a pavement. Bonfires, heretics, witches, sorcerers - and real. Nervous work. One of the reflection: after the completion of the case with a gloomy girl, the bottle - another sentence. Colebat, piety, the sin of the curd? No, they did not hear.

In general, welcome to the unreasual Christian world with uncompatient protagonists, after acquaintance with whom you start to appreciate Jesus "our assembly".

Summary: Select a bifurcation point for an alternative European history that happened on Calvary? Extremely bold decision, especially for the author from Catholic Poland.

Susanna Clark "Jonathan Strenj and Mr. Norrell"

Scene tie: XIX century. Foggy Albion. For more than two centuries, magic, once overwhelmed islands, is maintained only as theoretical discipline. About the reasons for this with foam at the mouth will argue the best scientists. But there were two gentlemen who switched from words to business and decided to return magic to their homeland.

What is the chip? Magi-gentlemen, returning magic in Britain, do not seek to enslave the land, endlessly elevated over living things or still stupid from a typical list of fantasy sorcerers. They fall in love, quarrels, come to see each other sticks in the wheels. In general, they simply live in their world - harmonious, thoughtful to the smallest details. And at the same time representing different views on obtaining and using knowledge, the interaction of human and magical worlds. Differently express the spirit of old good England.

And, of course, the reader from Fairi will come closely. Beings that have long brought magic to the human world for a long time. Creatures that never occurred to abandon magic. Being unpredictable, as nature itself, and capable of many actions that are not bugged with human morality.

Summary: A rare novel example with a capital letter, extremely atypical for modern fantasy. As if hello, transmitted to us from the golden for literature of the XIX century.

Scene tie: With an ordinary girl, Jane once happened what almost all children dream of. She fell into a magical country. That's just incorrece turned out to be at all as it seems to small kids. And even familiarity with the old and grumpy dragon, which was to save Jane from many problems, as a result only brings her new troubles.

What is the chip? The gloomy Avalon Suenvic is radically different from magic worlds created by more positive (or naive?) Authors. Mechanical dragons with a bad character here are collected here at the factories, the gnomes are preferring the revolution, there are nourishing gangs, and the arrogance of elves is comparable only with their contempt for others. Social challenges are woker with psychological sketches, a difficult story of growing up - with a study of social problems. Fairi's country is interestingly thought out, well described and leaves damn oppressive impression. Perhaps because too much resembles our world. But does it make sense on the mirror to join?

Summary: One of Matters Cyberpunk, even playing fantasy field, did not want to abandon the elements of social NF.

Scene tie: Far country, "Wild West" of the earth's circle. And what is the frontier without a gold fever? And so she came. The crowds of prospectors, who are waiting for the tribes of the Aboriginal-Dukhogogogov, bloodthirsty gangsters and remnants of recently broken rebels rushed. Go fast - before you die? Yes, no matter how driving, there will be no problems. Especially if you, like Shai, you will have to wanted a gang of thugs who kidnapped your relatives. A gang, which is sent to the heart of the far country.

What is the chip? Aberkromby swung on classic western, except without the Great Invention Colonel Colt. Accurate stylization and reliable entourage. Characters - all in the spirit of the beloved Americans "Frontary" genre. Bandits, "Cowboys", "Indians" ... Right with the clint Ostuda. That's just the black entourage of the local frontier of the liberty. Romance? Nobility? Fidelity? No, it is clearly not to the old Joe.

Summary: Mixing fantasy with western, and even in his "spaghetti" -version. The rare rarity, especially in the execution of the Apostle "Dark Fantasy".

Scene tie: The only miracle that remained on earth on the split hooves is sent to search for their missing congor. In the world, lost magic and memory of the beautiful. To the world where scary stories about King Haggard and a terrible red bull tell.

What is the chip? The main hero of the book is not a man at all, but the most real magical creature, and can change the form. By the way, the unicorn is not the only fairy-tale character who will meet in the Bhir's novel.

In the catchment, the author achieved truly outstanding skills. The text to the limit is filled with meaning, to the magic poetic, harmonious, elegantly ironic, the amount and very good taste. As if the dish cooked by the mother and west in childhood, when the trees were big, but an unknown, but, of course, a wonderful life was only engaged in the horizon.

However, the main advantage of the novel is that he returns to us a fairy tale, which took all the best of his children's colleagues, but not evading the harsh truth of life. The fairy tale, which is filled with magic, echoes legends, feeling unusual. Which regrets the lost ability to see the magic side of being. Which preserves faith in people and in the happy outcome of any hopeless enterprise.

Summary: One of the most famous fantasy works. From this top it is closest to the classic representatives of the country of fantasy.

Scene tie: The guy named Shadow, coming out of prison, instead of an embrace of a loving wife and a measured life gets a job in a mysterious Mr. Wednesday. And soon the shadows will have to get acquainted with very strange creatures and radically reconsider their ideas about reality.

What is the chip? United States - Earth without gods (not counting His Majesty dollar)? Deserted place devoid of mythoistore? How wrong! America, according to Gamean, is overflowed by the highest entities, which migrants from different ends of the world took with them. Every God is elegantly described and carries a national and ideological layer. Gods quarrel, friends, love and die. And sometimes it seems the most realistic majority of our house neighbors.

The novel can serve as an excellent benefit on the study of ancient cults. And this is an ironic detective with a fairing shares of Suspense, live language, moral lessons and philosophical reflections.

Summary: This novel gathered actually all the rewards that could reach. And this is a kindly case when the book is fully worthy of everyone who fell on her praise. A novel that allows you to learn America deeper and look at her story at a different angle.

* * *

Stunning world imagination. Gorgeous fantastic assumptions. Rich and nontrivial ideas. Excellent language and scene taking souls. Nutrient and delicious food for brains. This is what is distinguished by truly bright, significant and original inhabitants of the country of fantasy. Countries, doors to which are open to all.

Traveling through different worlds, other universes and parallel measurements is very easy. It is enough to open a book and immerse yourself in reading - and now we already fall out of the weekly routine, to save the Mediterranean along with brave hobbits, compete for power in Westerosa, or even (well, why not?) To be frozen in Equestrian with small pony. There are many worlds, and everyone can make a pilgrimage to the universe that is closer to him.

The main law of creating worlds

The uniform recipe for the creation of the universes does not exist. Each writer fits this case in its own way. So, Tolkien first developed languages \u200b\u200b(first of all - two elven, quenctions and sindarin), and then built a house for these languages \u200b\u200b- under the house it is meant, of course, the Mediterranean. Clive Steiplz Lewis came differently - he was simply collected in the Narnia of all mythical and fabulous creatures in a row (he was often criticized for that - the same Tolkien called the world of Narnia unrelable). Lee Bardugo, creating the Universe Grisha, took the elements of Russian culture as a basis.

Sometimes one strong image becomes an incentive to create the world - for example, the "ice and flame songs" was born from the picture that came to the mind of George Martin many years ago - in his imagination he saw a huge wolf dying among the snow.

Listed examples can be long. How many writers are so many different options. However, there is one immutable law, which is subject to absolutely all fictional worlds. And if you want to create your own world, you must follow him.

This law is in the requirement of consistency. In the universe you invented, there may be any events, unthinkable in everyday life. Let, for example, cloned cyborg-hobbits fly to Pluto, sedated radioactive dragon-cats. Or something even more fiction happens - what is enough for your imagination. The main thing is that the world is whole and consistent. In other words, any event and phenomenon of this world should be coordinated with the overall logic of the universe being created.

So, for example, I wrote about it Umberto Eco in the book "The role of the reader. Semiotics studies of text ":

When, reading a fairy tale about a red hat, we perceive as the "unreal" character of the heroine to stay alive after the wolf swallowed it, then this is because we are aware of (at least at the level of intuition) that such a property is contrary to the second law of thermodynamics. But the second law of thermodynamics is part of our concept of concepts, our semantic encyclopedia. It is worth changing the encyclopedia - and our perception will become different.

The writer, creating his own world, "writes" with him "(not in the literal sense, of course)" Encyclopedia "of this world. Reading a novel or looking at the film, we understand that what is happening is unrealistic (since we are firmly rooted in the "encyclopedia" of the real world), however, for a while we accept the rules of the game that the author offers. We can say that we let themselves deceive, believing in what we are told from the pages of the book or from the screen. This is the secret of the magic of art. The events occurring in the Mediterranean or Westeros are real inside their own universes, as they fully fit into the "semantic encyclopedia" of these worlds.

In addition to this law, another important limitation is established. No matter how fantastic world did the writer, this world will always be based on reality. A person is simply not able to think the universe, absolutely different from usual to us. The difference between "reality" and "fiction" lies in the presence of fantastic assumptions, but at the heart of the imagination always lies the experience of the author, and this experience can not be anything other than the experience of a human being. Of course, the writer is like a demihirgu, a creative world, but "clay", from which he sculpts his creation, is given to him in advance - in knowledge of the real world and its laws.

By the way, Tolkien himself said that Mediterranean is not some kind of parallel, namely, our ordinary world. Simply described events occur in the old days (literally prehistoric, since the history of people begins with the departure of the elves to the West). However, today we often hear the phrase "Mir Tolkina", and perceived it is quite normal. Ice and flame

At first glance, the world created by George Martin is not distinguished by the originality. The main conflict is taken from European history (parallel "Lannister and Stark - Lancaster and York" is obvious). Dragons were also invented long ago. Well, white walkers are just a fantasy version of the classic Hollywood zombies. However, millions of people all over the world just fell in love with Martin's creation. What is the secret? It is possible to distinguish three reasons for the rabid popularity of books and the series.

The reason is the first. Despite the fact that the action of the saga takes place in the conditioned Middle Ages (in fact, everything is more complicated, but we will take it so), the motivation of each character is transparent and understandable to modern people. Lannisters, Starks and others behave as they behave in similar circumstances inhabitants of the XXI century. In other words, the "Song of Ice and Flame" is modern, but in fantasy-entourage.

The second reason is Martin's merciless to their heroes. Yes, we are talking about those of the most unexpected plot turns, in which they suddenly die love to all the heroes. What, again, brings this product to real life.

The third reason is the composition. The skill of George Martin is to collect all the elements of the world and carefully fit them to each other so that one whole picture is. Yes, dragons we have already seen many where, as well as the orphans-princesses who have deprived of the kingdoms. But all this, assembled together, gives a stunning combo effect.

The influence of the "Game of Thrones" on modern culture is so great that even those who do not like fantasy (or prefers a more "kind" version of this genre). The world created by George Martin, today dictates models of behavior and thinking for thousands of people across the planet. The "Song of Ice and Flame" becomes the new World Epos, which is included in the cultural codes of the "Global Village" residents called Earth. I put forward a bold fantastic assumption: after a few years, a person who has not been looking and reading the "Game of the Thrones", simply will not understand what people around him are talking about. Star Wars

"Long ago, in a distant-distant galaxy ..." These words, opening every episode of "Star Wars," are familiar with millions, if not billion people, people on earth. The story, which began with a bold cinematic experiment George Lucas (whose success, few people believed), went out to truly truly galactic sizes.

Now "Star Wars" is not only a series of films, but also cartoons, comics, games, as well as an incredible amount of licensed products - from the figures of the heroes of saga and light swords to clothing with portraits of Darth Vader or iodine. Marvel

If you strive for accuracy, you should not talk about one, but about many universes "Marvel" - Marvel Multiverse. In the XXI century, the dominant role in this accumulation of worlds belongs to the "cinematic universe".

Marvel fully justified its name by making a real miracle. Previously, the superhero discourse was legitimized only in the subculture of Gicks. Now, after the release of films about Captain America, the iron man, Hulka, the Guards of the Galaxy and other rescuers of the world, such a movie is watching, it seems almost everything. DC

The giant of the comic book industry, who gave us Batman, Joker, Superman, a wonderful woman, a green lamp, aquamena, and many other superheroes and superstudoes. The DC world is distinguished by some gloomy and seriousness. It is not surprising, because initially the DC abbreviation was decrypted as Detective Comics, and the works that were published under this brand were close to such a direction as Noir. Stranch

At the same time attracting and at the same time, a frightening story about an absolutely hostile person, a creature from the depths of the Universe continues to develop. Spectators and readers love "strangers", because the works of the franchise beat immediately in several fronts: here you and the atmosphere of the cold ruthless space, and the philosophical and religious subtext (especially noticeable in the "Prometheus"), and even a pro-feminist line, brightly indicated in The first three films.

And the monster, born by the imagination of the hyger, today became a recognizable attribute of pop culture. Dune

The world that Frank Herbert created did not become superpopular among the mass reader - but maybe it is for the better. In any case, the "dune" have a lot of devotees of fans. Saga about life on the sandy planet Arrakis is a detailed worldly world, in which there was a place of love and hostility, intrigues and politics. By the passage of passions, this work is largely inferior to the "Songs of Ice and Flame". Such a comparison is quite appropriate. "Dune", created long before the "Game of Thrones", largely anticipate it. For example, one of the central plots of Frank Herberta is the confrontation between the two great houses - noble atreides and dignulous Initrigans Harconennov. Nothing reminds? Lovecraft and his brass

The wizard of horror literature also constructed his own world, in which there was a place to be terrible ancient gods, mysterious cults and aliens from space. In more detail about the wonderful works of Howard Lovekraft and what a trace they left in culture, read in our material. Universe Gricia

Compared to DC or with "strangers", this universe is another child, because it appeared relatively recently. But, despite the young age, he has already managed to acquire fans around the world. Curious Fact: The author of the history about Grishaserse Lee Bardgo, when creating his world, was inspired by Slavic, and in particular, Russian culture.

Bright characters, stunning dialogues, exciting adventures - all this you will find in the world that Bardgo built. Equisten

The appearance of this item here may seem strange, but we are talking about fictional worlds, so why not say about this world? Yes, the My Little Pony franchise is focused on a completely defined audience - mostly the fan community core make up small girls. But many adults like to follow the adventures of the inhabitants of the magic country of Equestria.

The world described in cartoons, books and comics about small pony, it is quite possible to name fantasy. He lives according to its rules and, judging by the popularity of the franchise, these rules on how much.