The meaning of the names - and why call children in honor of dad, mom or grandmother

The meaning of the names - and why call children in honor of dad, mom or grandmother
The meaning of the names - and why call children in honor of dad, mom or grandmother

Psychologists tirelessly prove the connection of the name of a person with his fate and, on the contrary, fate with the name of man. At one time, "psychological portraits" were even formulated. What person sees to you when you hear a certain name? And your husband? Should I call a child in honor of a relative? Reference to this.

The psychological type of a person is being formed under the influence of physiology, social factors and personal characteristics. Cancellation of man affects all three criteria. So, parents choose the name of the baby depending on its floor and in harmony with the traditions of the country. Well, you should not discount the appearance of a newborn, because at times at the birth of my mother with confidence is the most suitable name for their kids. So it turns out that either the name forms a person, or it complements the established characteristics of its name.

The philosopher and psychologist A. Losev argued that there was unrealless without behalf in the world. Life would like to "collide the deaf-and-dumb masses," therefore, it is necessary to call a person, giving him individuality, social weight and character.

Psychologists claim that now parents prefer to choose the names of children "in the image and likeness", in other words, selecting their child the name that is pretty them at the subconscious level. This is an ancient tradition, only in a modified form. Previously, children were taken to call church names: every day corresponded to the birth of any saint, in honor of which the name was given a newborn. Together with the name, the child was transmitted traits of character, volitional qualities and norms of behavior. So, in modern times, each of us has its own, individual idea of \u200b\u200ba person with a certain name. This image-name is stored in memory. We greatly imagine how Anton or Egor should have, and what cannot be expected from Tatiana or Nelli. In general, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe name has every person, up to the characteristic features of appearance. It turns out that, choosing the name of the baby, the parent wants to give him the characteristic features of the image, make it a "similar" to someone. If this is Alexander, then the boy will be brought up by courageous, demand from him to make independent decisions. But Yakov will not bother to justify the significance of his name.

It turns out that, no matter how cool, the name affects a person. Let even in the smallest degree. Philosopher P. Florensky generally adhered to the opinion that it was the name that determines the path of man. If the person does not correspond to the name, it shows unusual features, it means that this person has another "psychological" name. This can explain the fact that we do not perceive the name of the person when we want to call it otherwise. It turns out that a psychological portrait of a person corresponds to another naming.

But it is not worth too much to pumped out the theory of interaction of the name and fate. Some to such an extent are susceptible that they begin to accuse the parents in the fact that they stole their true fate, awarding a certain name. The name is just a possible model of building and life development. The most important solutions and steps are the person himself.

By the way, you can test among your relatives and loved ones. Make the "psychological portraits" of the names of interest to you, and you will learn the attitude of those around you or another, to people with the name. Ask the test to describe a person named ... (Call the name that interests you) in the following criteria: appearance, emotional behavior, the main features of nature, attitude towards themselves and others, the level of intelligence, volitional qualities, the perception of oneself, attitude to The opposite sex.

After you get answers to several tested, compare them. Surely the results will make you surprise.

Consider several examples of already compiled "psychological portraits" of some names.

Alexei. It has soft, correct features of the face. In the nature of cheerful, cheerful, but sometimes quiet, unsuccessful, uncertain and hypersensitive.

Alexander. About Sasha sometimes say that "this is not a name, but a diagnosis." The Name of Name was often compared with great people, hanging their minds, strong will and dedication. Alexandra are often slim and tightened. In character - narcissism, pride, aggressiveness, independence.

Vladimir. Very domineering, cunning, very sociable, but calm. By definition of the appearance of unity is not observed: dark and light, high and medium height. The bragging and pride were unanimously recognized by negative qualities.

Dmitriy. One of the most controversial "psychological names". He and depressive, and cheerful, frivolous and practical, mounted and attractive, but also repulsive and dislike.

Sergey. Independent and purposeful. Practical and moderately proud. It has a rational mind. Some mention vulnerability, cheerful temper and desire to have fun. Externally, most celebrate high height and thinness.

Michael. The "psychological portrait" of this name is doublyn. One even sound resembles a clumsy bear, full, even fat, calm and smiling. Others talk about taut figure, dark hair and light eyes. However, everything is unanimously converged that the name carries kindness, attractiveness and calm.

Anna. Especially suggests appearance. Beautiful, dark-haired, with small eyes. Fatherhood, energy, kindness and greasiness are mentioned due to character. At the same time, the frivolism, shaviness, authority and inaccessibility are emphasized. Sometimes cruelty, pride and excessive seriousness are noted.

Catherine. Always attractive, statically and quite high. Of the characteristics, the authorities, strength, dedication, severeness, cruelty and calcality are called. But a completely different "portrait" of Kat: a small, inconspicuous, non-merable, economic and simple.

Olga. The most popular characteristics recognized health, harmony, external appeal. Additionally - mind, prudence, family, openness, increased emotionality. There are negative features such as authority.

Elena. Always beautiful, bright, feminine and very sexy. At the same time, contradiction, selfish and proud. Plus, it is easily fond of, sociable and very sensual.

Natalia. Many celebrate the practicality of women with the same name. Energetic and purposeful, usually happy in life. The second portrait is selfish, hot-tempered, low-definitive. Plus, this is not very smart and unhappy. But the third portrait is more optimistic: kind, nice, really like men, gentle and soft.

Vera. Very consistent and hardworking. Some describe the appearance of a complete woman with warm hands, an excellent housewife. Others contradict and talk about thin, proud and calculating woman. However, all these descriptions combines the mind and hardness of character, to some extent stubbornness.

Now you can make sure how diverse "psychological portraits" names are. In the same way, the same person can behave in different situations, with different people, showing it pride, then tenderness, then resistance, then indifference. Each of us has their own personal, individual perception of others, so come to the general opinion will not succeed. However, something basic (stem name) is still traced. In any case, each person has a set of qualities. And no one can say with confidence that the name will change in nature. Rise your children in love, indulge in childhood and encourage later. Trying to form an individual from the child yourself, without hoping for the power of the name.

Name like dad

Are you calling a husband or spouse, and a child resorts? Then it is clear: you called the child in honor of one of the parents. Now you have to call one baby, and the other is just Misha or "Dear". The phenomenon when parents call their name of children, often. Suppose Mom gave birth to a daughter on his birthday. Daduced and did not want to poke her daughter to any other name - only in honor of the spouse. So in the family there are two Yulia or Yana. And when for some reason the boy is called as dad, Mikhail Mikhailovich appears, Pavel Pavlovich, Boris Borisovich ...

Psychologists argue that, calling the child with the name of the mother or father, the parents "predict" the baby lives their fate. In other words, the boy named Pope will repeat his life path and have similar character qualities, and the girl called in honor of Mom will become its copy. Is it so? Is the mythical component so much that the fate is predicted with adherence?

If it is reasonable to argue, throwing prejudices and mythical coincidences, a child in any case, as it is not called, inherits character or at least some features of their parents. Someone is largely, someone to a lesser extent will take a dedication from the Father, and from the mother - softness or responsiveness. The girl at any scenario will receive the maternal beginning and femininity from Mom. There is nothing unusual in this, because the mother and father are the closest people. And do not look for in the simple coincidence of the life facts of the manifestation of the supernatural. There are so many examples when a child called the name Dad, lives a completely different life. Yes, for example, what can be said about the girl, which was called in honor of Pope (Sasha, Zhenya, etc.). Is it really a truck driver or love whiskey with a cola? By no means. All this is more prejudice. Of course, the coincidences of the fate. There are examples when a son or daughter exactly repeat the fate of one of the parents. But this is not necessarily the same names.

One "but"

The only undesirable version is the child's assignment to the child named relative, especially if he died, as it is called, until the term. The uneasy energy of a suddenly broken life will intervene in the life of the living. Sometimes it is a positive intervention, favorably affecting fate. But it happens that unhappiness overshadowed a person one after another, and then they will involuntarily think over the meaning of the name and its energy. And vice versa: They say that the names of the long-last grandmothers and grandparents help the child, in some cases it is even believed that the baby's second guardian angel appears at the kid.