Painting of the period of the Great Patriotic War.

Painting of the period of the Great Patriotic War.
Painting of the period of the Great Patriotic War.

Project "Compilation of an electronic illustrated album" Pictures of the wartime hard times in verses of Russian poets "Completed by: Tarasenko Svetlana Pupil 6" B "class Mou" Gymnasium No. 53 ", Magnitogorsk

Parting. 1975 Andrey Mylnikov GLORY For five minutes already the overcoat was covered with melted snow. He lies on the ground, raising his hand with a tired movement. He is dead. Nobody knows him. But we are still half way, And the glory of the dead inspires Those who have decided to go forward. We have a harsh freedom: Dooming a mother to tears, Buy the immortality of our people by His death. 1942

The feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. 1942 Oath And the one that says goodbye to the dear today - Let her pain melt into strength. We swear to the children, we swear to the graves, That no one will force us to submit! July 1941

Wailing Leningrad misfortune I will not spread my hands, I will not wash it off with tears, I will not bury it in the ground. I am not a word, not a reproach, I am not a glance, not a hint, I am not a hired song, I am not an immodest boast ........................... .... In the green field I will remember ... 1944. B. Tarelkin. Comrades. 1983

TO THE WINNERS Behind the Narva were the gates, Ahead was only death ... So the Soviet infantry was going Straight into the yellow vents "Bert". Here they will write books about you: "Your life for your friends", Unpretentious boys - Vanka, Vaska, Alyoshka, Grishka, Grandchildren, brothers, sons! February 29, 1944 A. Kozlov. Competition at a military plant. 1942

I know it’s not my fault that others did not come from the war, That they - who are older, who are younger - Remain there, and not about the same speech, That I could, but could not save them, - Speech not about that, but still, nevertheless, nevertheless ... K. Antonov. Winners.

Uncompressed rye is swinging. Fighters are marching along it. Walking and we - girls, Similar to the guys. No, these are not houses that are on fire - That my youth is on fire ... The girls are going through the war, Similar to the guys. A. Shirokov. For the Motherland

I've seen hand-to-hand combat so many times, Once in reality. And a thousand - in a dream. Whoever says that the war is not scary, He knows nothing about the war. 1943 V. Mochalsky. Victory. Berlin 1945. 1947

Somewhere near Brest Suddenly, a gloomy song of the Wartime entered our carriage. She walked down the aisle And quiet and sad. How many people were - She was confused by everyone. Raised women from the shelves, Disturbed dreams, Remembering all those who did not come From that last war. M. Samsonov. Soldiers of Stalingrad. 1983

They kissed. Wept and sang. We went with hostility. And right on the run Girl in a darned greatcoat Scattered her hands in the snow. Mama! Mama! I reached my goal ... But in the steppe, on the Volga bank, A girl in a darned greatcoat Scattered her hands in the snow. A. Lopukhov. Victory.

When did the war start? On June 22, 1941, words were spoken, beating directly to the heart. "Attention! This is Moscow speaking. We are transmitting an important government message. Today at 4 o'clock in the morning, without any declaration of war, the German armed forces attacked the borders of our state. "

And we did not contradict the memory And, remembering the distant days, when Fell on our little shoulders A huge non-childish misfortune Was the earth and hard and blizzard There was the same fate for all people We did not have a separate childhood, And we were together - childhood and war ... What do you know from the children of war?

At the end of 1941, my family and I were evacuated. I was 12. They pushed us into a bullet-riddled teplushka. This was the last echelon. All my life I was worried that I was not taken to the front because of my age. Almost all of my friends fought, and I collected mines at the plant. The realization that I could have done more for Victory, had I been born at least a couple of months earlier, still makes me feel ashamed and embarrassed. Anatoly Adoskin

I was 13 years old when the war broke out. I left for evacuation as a Moscow bourgeois boy, and returned as an adult boy. It's not even that I've learned a lot. The main thing is that I saw the war with my own eyes, felt for myself what a disaster is. I remember that we ended up in the city of Bugulma. There were hospitals with seriously wounded: the farther from the front line the hospital was based, the more severely wounded were taken there. In the hospitals of Bugulma, there were simply the remains of soldiers. Looking at these poor fellows, both I and my peers understood: this uncle with no half of his face and no hands, he did not suffer somewhere for something. He suffered for each of us. And I stand on two legs precisely because this uncle gave his legs for me. I remember how wounded, emaciated soldiers tried to give their rations to us, eternally hungry children Aleksey Batalov

... Who has not heard the bells of Khatyn ringing? ... Children in the territory occupied by the enemy They were forced to leave their homes in dugouts, dying of hunger and cold. They can talk about how the Nazis hanged, shot, burned alive whole villages with or without reason. How it happened with the village of Khatyn.

Marat died in battle. He fought to the last bullet, and when he had only one grenade left, he let the enemies get closer and blew them up ... and himself. For courage and courage, the pioneer Marat Kazei was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A monument to the young hero was erected in the city of Minsk. Marat Kazei. Marat did not have to go to school in the fifth grade. His mother was hanged for contacting the partisans. Together with his sister, Marat went to the partisans. He became a scout.

LENYA GOLIKOV There was in his life a battle that Lenya fought alone with a fascist general. A grenade thrown by a boy knocked out a car. A Nazi got out of it with a briefcase in his hands and, firing back, rushed to run. Lenya follows him. He pursued the enemy for almost a kilometer and finally killed him. There were very important documents in the portfolio. There were many more battles in his short life! And the young hero who fought shoulder to shoulder with adults never wavered. He died near the village of Ostraya Luka in the winter of 1943. On April 2, 1944, a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was published on awarding the pioneer partisan Lena Golikov the title of Hero of the Soviet Union

Valya Kotik Valya Kotik When the arrests began in the city, Valya, along with her mother and brother Viktor, went to the partisans. The pioneer, who had just turned fourteen, fought shoulder to shoulder with adults, freeing his native land. On his account - six enemy echelons, blown up on the way to the front. Valya Kotik was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" of the 2nd degree. Valya Kotik died as a hero, and the Motherland posthumously honored him with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. When the arrests began in the city, Valya, along with his mother and brother Viktor, went to the partisans. The pioneer, who had just turned fourteen, fought shoulder to shoulder with adults, freeing his native land. On his account - six enemy echelons, blown up on the way to the front. Valya Kotik was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" of the 2nd degree. Valya Kotik died as a hero, and the Motherland posthumously honored him with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Little heroes of the big war Before the war, these were the most ordinary boys and girls. They studied, helped the elders, played, ran and jumped, broke noses and knees. Their names were known only to relatives, classmates and friends. THE HOUR IS COMING - THEY HAVE SHOWED HOW HUGE A LITTLE CHILD'S HEART CAN BECOME WHEN A SACRED LOVE FOR THE MOTHERLAND AND HATE FOR ITS ENEMIES BURNS IN IT. Boys. Girls. The burden of adversity, calamity, and grief of the war years fell on their fragile shoulders. And they did not bend under this weight, they became stronger in spirit, more courageous, more enduring. Little heroes of the big war. They fought alongside their elders - fathers, brothers. Fought everywhere. At sea, like Borya Kuleshin. In the sky, like Arkasha Kamanin. In a partisan detachment, like Lenya Golikov. In the Brest Fortress, like Valya Zenkina. In the Kerch catacombs, like Volodya Dubinin. In the underground, like Volodya Shcherbatsevich. And young hearts did not flinch for a moment! Their matured childhood was filled with such trials that, even a very talented writer would invent them, it would be hard to believe. But it was. It was in the history of our big country, it was in the fates of its little guys - ordinary boys and girls.

Information sources Children of war. Bombing again Photo by B. Yaroslavtsev. Children of war. Bombing again Photo by B. Yaroslavtsev Children Svetlana Nikolaeva. Children Svetlana Nikolaeva Children in a concentration camp in Jasenovac. Children in the concentration camp in Jasenovac Victory Day.jpg. Victory Day.jpg. Poster "The Motherland Calls!" I. Toidze. Poster "The Motherland Calls!" I. Toidze Encyclopedia Cyril and Mifodiy Encyclopedia Cyril and Mifodiy

The war forced in a new way, more deeply and seriously to feel the value of all that the enemy encroached on, that he wanted to take away and destroy.
In order to reflect the selfless and heroic struggle of the people, art needed a special depth and strength to reveal feelings, heightened emotionality, penetration into the inner life of a person, into the meaning of phenomena. It was necessary not only to illustrate individual facts and events, but to create images that carry great feelings, experiences that correspond to the high patriotic enthusiasm of the Soviet people.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, Soviet artists, like all the people, with particular force showed a patriotic feeling, an interest in the national past of our Motherland, in its best centuries-old traditions.
The famous battle painter MI Avilov dedicated his painting "The Duel of Peresvet with Chelubey" (1943) to the historical victory of the Russian people in the Battle of Kulikovo.

A number of paintings on historical themes were painted during the war by the artist P.P.Sokolov-Skalya. The most significant of them is “Ivan IV in Livonia. Capture of the fortress Koken Gausen "(1940-1942) - is dedicated to the victory of the Russian people over the knights of the Livonian dogs.

The oldest Soviet artist N. P. Ulyanov created the image of the great Russian commander M. I. Kutuzov in the painting "Loriston at Kutuzov's headquarters" (1945).

People's Artist of the RSFSR EE Lansere painted a series of small paintings in gouache, united by the common title "Trophies of Russian Weapons". The author planned to show the great victories of Russian weapons in various historical epochs: "After the Battle of the Ice", "On the Kulikovo Field", "Victory of Poltava", "1812", etc. Death prevented the artist from completing this interesting work.

Many masters of art have set themselves the noble task of embodying in art the images of our great ancestors, whose historical exploits inspired the Soviet people to fight the enemy.

“I wrote it,” says the artist, “in the harsh years of the war, I wrote the rebellious, proud spirit of our people, which“ at the hour of judgment of its existence ”rose to its full gigantic growth."

The themes of the historical past were closely intertwined with the themes of the heroic present. The artists were witnesses and direct participants in rapid attacks and military assaults, heavy military campaigns and bloody battles. Time was running out. I had to write on the basis of living impressions. The artists worked with all their strength. The pictures were not always successful, some of them lacked the depth of the disclosure of the topic, the power of generalization. But none of them could be deprived of the main thing - sincerity and passion, consciousness of a high patriotic duty.

The picture of the victorious offensive of the Soviet troops was captured in one of the first battle paintings of the war years by the artist VN Yakovlev ("The Battle of the Streletskaya Sloboda", 1942).

The artist A. A. Deineka in the painting "Defense of Sevastopol" (1943) showed the unprecedented courage and resilience of the sailors - the defenders of the hero city.

He also painted the pictures "Downed Fascist Ace", "Airborne Assault on the Dnieper" and others.

In the difficult days of the siege, the artists of Leningrad did not stop working for a single day. They talked about courage, extraordinary willpower, exceptional perseverance and patience of the Leningraders, who heroically endured the exorbitant hardships of life in a besieged city, they told in their canvases.

The triumph of the great victory of the Soviet Army over the enemy is imbued with a large battle picture "Breaking the blockade on January 18, 1943", painted by a collective of Leningrad artists consisting of A. Kazantsev, I. A. Serebryany, V. A. Serov.

The picture depicts the joyful moment of the joining of the troops of the two fronts. It was created by artists shortly after the blockade was broken, when recent experiences and sorrows were still fresh in people's minds, when the land itself still bore traces of fierce battles.

During the years of the Patriotic War, many young artists came forward, for whom the work on battle themes was a great and fruitful school of ideological and creative growth.

Among them, the most vividly shown themselves were the students of the Grekov Studio of Military Artists. Founded in 1934 as a training school, during the war it turned into a fighting team of professional military artists. Their work took place on the front lines of the front. The students were direct participants in the battles near Moscow, the great battle on the Volga, the crossing of the Dnieper and the storming of Berlin.

Among these talented youth, the battle painter P.A.Krivonogov was especially prominent. In 1945, he created the painting "Korsun-Shevchenkovsky", in which he captured one of the great battles in the region of the Right-Bank Ukraine, during which 11 German divisions were surrounded and destroyed. The artist witnessed this operation, which led to the vital reliability and documentary accuracy of the picture.

Along with the historical, battle and everyday life genres, a prominent place in the Soviet painting of the war years belonged to the portrait and landscape.
The art of the artist A.M. Gerasimov reached a high peak. In 1944 he wrote one of the best works - a group portrait of the oldest Russian artists VN Meshkov, IN Pavlov, VK Byalynitsky-Birul and VN Baksheev.

A whole gallery of portraits of Belarusian partisans was left to us by the artist F.A.Modorov. There are people of various ages and ranks, famous famous commanders and rank-and-file participants in partisan raids. The artist focused on revealing the inner world of everyone, lovingly painted their courageous simple faces.

Landscape painting is also marked with new features. In the military landscape, the artists put the excited feelings of Soviet patriots. They showed peaceful villages and cities burnt down by the enemy, barbarously destroyed cultural monuments. The terrible breath of war filled these landscapes with a heroic sound.

Not only painters, but also masters of sculpture took part in the nationwide struggle against the enemy.

The Patriotic War set before them an extremely difficult and noble task - to perpetuate for posterity the images of defenders, the Soviet country, heroes of the front and rear, brave partisans. Therefore, one of the leading genres of sculpture was the portrait, which revealed the best qualities of Soviet people, their spiritual nobility and courage.

The images of the heroes of the war were most vividly embodied in the work of V. I. Mukhina. With outward modesty and restraint in compositional decisions, Mukhina always managed to reveal the richness of the inner life of the person being portrayed, to create a real heroic portrait. Such are the portraits of Colonels B. A. Yusupov (1942), I. L. Khizhnyak (1942), a portrait of a partisan.

Feats in the name of liberating the Motherland from fascism cannot and should not be forgotten. Who does not know the names of Alexander Matrosov and Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, who has not heard about the unparalleled courage of the defenders of Moscow, about the heroism of besieged Leningrad, about the victorious march of the Soviet Army through Europe to Berlin?

Wonderful works of art, including paintings about the great Patriotic war, help to understand the heroic atmosphere of that time. The masters of art worked hard and selflessly, contributing to the national cause. And whether it was a song or a poster, a picture or a symphony, a frontline sketch or a sculptural portrait - they became a formidable weapon in the fight against the enemy.

Before us are two picturesque paintings created during the Great Patriotic War by the artists Sergei Vasilievich Gerasimov and Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov.

Painting "Mother of the Partisan" (S. V. Gerasimov): description

"Mother of the partisan" - painting on the theme of war written in 1943. Its author is People's Artist of the USSR Sergei Vasilievich Gerasimov. One of the founders of Soviet art, a painter of high culture, a prominent landscape painter, who glorified the nature of his native Moscow region with extraordinary subtlety, a talented illustrator of Pushkin, Nekrasov, Ostrovsky, M. Gorky, a public figure and teacher, S.V. Gerasimov sensitively understood the grief and anger of Soviet people who found themselves in the territory temporarily occupied by the Nazis. The people did not submit, the people are fighting, the people will win - such thoughts are evoked by the painting "Mother of the Partisan".

The tragic conflict underlying the plot of the picture is clear at first glance: the Nazis seized a partisan who had penetrated into his native village. The mother was brought to the place of interrogation of the son, hoping with her help to force the partisan intelligence officer to speak. Why does this seemingly not at all new plot excite us so much in Gerasimov's work, what is the power of the picture, imperiously attracting us to itself, forcing us to gaze intently at what is happening 70 years later and be amazed, and admire, and experience with the heroes? This power is the magic of art that brings timeless images to life. Everything is simple in the picture, but this simplicity is deeply thought out by the artist.

Description of the picture. A German in a green uniform with a whip in his hand stands sideways to the viewer. It was written, one might say, studied, traced by the artist carefully, truthfully, without grotesque - a representative of the "new order" implanted with fire and sword, a copy from the breed of executioners bred by fascism. He leaned slightly towards the woman, and, not seeing, we feel with what bestial malice his face is distorted. And we look at her, at her mother. And we are amazed and admired by her. One feels that she is the center of what is happening, moreover, she is the mistress of the situation. Behind her, a son, still a boy, rushes to her from the hands of the guards. But she is not looking at him, and she will not see the tears of maternal despair for the Nazis. The mother stands barefoot, with her hands down along her body, her figure, her posture are full of dignity, a unique expression on her face, on which restrained grief is mixed with calm contempt. We feel that neither the position of a prisoner nor despair can humiliate and break her. She is opposed to the fascist. Their conflict is perceived rather morally.

Irritation, anger of the German is opposed by the calm confidence of the mother, his angular, in sharp movement figure - her motionless, some kind of calmly monumental figure. And you understand that an armed fascist is powerless in front of an unarmed woman, and this is the tremendous human meaning of the remarkable work of S.V. Gerasimov.

Painting "Fascist flew by" (A. A. Plastov): description

The second canvas - "The Fascist flew by" - was written by Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov, a prominent Soviet painter who came to art from peasant labor. Having decided to devote himself to art, A. A. Plastov works hard, writes sketches, develops sketches for future paintings. His first works on the collective farm theme became a noticeable phenomenon in Soviet art in the 1930s. They won over with deep knowledge of the depicted, richness of color.

A. A. Plastov is the author of the paintings Bathing Horses, Haymaking, Harvest, Tractor Drivers' Dinner, widely known and loved by the audience. Among them, written in 1942 and shown at the exhibition "The Great Patriotic War" painting "Fascist flew by"... This is one of the most heartfelt works of Soviet art.

Description of the picture. It was not the first time that the artist turned to the military theme. At the beginning of the war, he created the paintings "The Germans Came", "Defense of the Homeland", characterized by an active, fighting spirit and depicting peasants ready to repulse the enemy.

The painting "The Fascist flew by" is perceived differently. It is solved lyrically, and if in the canvas "Mother of the Partisan" we are captured by the depth of the conflict, then for Plastov the action is minimal. Already at the first glance at the picture, we feel sadness - a gloomy day of Russian autumn is depicted, the edge of a birch grove with trees tousled by the wind, a yellow-brown slope, a dark green winter field receding into the distance. And now the feeling of lyrical sadness gives way to an aching melancholy, ready to burst into hatred, when you notice a murdered boy buried in the ground on the right and a dog howling near his body, and a little further away - a scattered herd and several killed animals. A departing plane is visible on the horizon. The fascist flew by ...

Plastov's canvas, in which so much space is devoted to the landscape - not an auxiliary, but an active means of creating an image, is perceived as a philosophical reflection on life, just begun and prematurely interrupted, on the inhumanity of the enemy, and the effective power of this work, which evokes feelings of hatred and disgust for fascism , is huge.

Tags: an essay on the theme "Fascist flew by", an essay based on the painting "Mother of the Partisan" by artist Gerasimov, paintings about the war, paintings of the Patriotic War, paintings on the theme "War".

Based on materials from an old Soviet magazine ...