Lesson in the nursery group of the kindergarten “Winter in the forest. Summary of the drawing lesson "First Snow" (nursery group) Drawing with palms winter junior group

Lesson in the nursery group of the kindergarten “Winter in the forest.  Summary of the drawing lesson
Lesson in the nursery group of the kindergarten “Winter in the forest. Summary of the drawing lesson "First Snow" (nursery group) Drawing with palms winter junior group

Purpose: Create a positive emotional background, activate mental activity, develop fine motor skills of hands, using non-traditional drawing techniques (with cotton swabs).

Software content:

1. Educational objectives:

  • to consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of winter (it's cold in winter, it's snowing, snow lies on trees, on the ground)
  • to form an understanding of the properties of snow (consists of snowflakes, cold, fluffy)
  • fix the name in yellow
  • continue to learn to draw with cotton swabs on a given stencil

2. Developmental tasks:

  • develop dialogic speech, collective communication skills
  • develop cognitive processes: memory, imagination, speech, attention, thinking
  • stimulate the creative activity of children in the game
  • develop physical activity

3. Educational tasks:

  • foster a desire to take care of birds
  • foster friendly relationships, a culture of communication, interest in games, emotional responsiveness to participation in collective music and play activities

Vocabulary work: tit, bullfinch, sparrow, feeder


Technical means: computer (notebook), projector, screen, presentation on the topic: "Walk in the winter park" .

Demonstration material: easel, sketch of a bird feeder for a sample, wood.

Handouts: gouache, sketches of bird feeders for each child, wet wipes, cotton swabs, oilcloths, jars.

Preliminary Work: Talking About Birds: "How birds live in winter" , "Who cares about the birds?" , viewing illustrations, albums on the topic: "Birds" , "Winter" observing seasonal changes in nature in winter, didactic games "Who screams like" , "Guess the bird" , games - reincarnations, reading poems about winter: I. Surikov, learning poems and chants about birds; making riddles, outdoor games "Sparrows and Cars" , "Sparrows and a cat" .

Planned results of the work: children will show interest in wintering birds, mental processes are activated, in the course of communication, each child will experience certain positive emotions and indelible impressions will remain in their memory.

1. Introductory part.

The kids got up in the morning
They came to their kindergarten.
I'm glad you, as always,
We have guests here since the morning,

Say hello friends!

Educator: Guys, what a wonderful day today. But when I went to kindergarten in the morning, I froze. Do you know why?

Children: Because it's cold.

Educator: Tell me, what time of year do we have now?

Children: Winter.

Educator: That's right, winter. With the onset of winter, it becomes cold and frosty outside. Good outside in winter. What games can we play outside in winter to make it fun and interesting?

Kids: Build snowmen, play snowballs, ski and sled.

Educator: Guys, I invite you for a walk in the winter park. And we'll go on a sled.

Children get up in pairs, forming a sled and to the music "Roll" ... The music is playing "Sled"

2. The main part.

2. 1.Stop "A park" ... On the screen - a winter landscape.

Educator: So we arrived at the park. Let's rest and sit on chairs. See how beautiful the park is. Lies everywhere ... (snow)... Beautiful, fluffy, light snow-white snowflakes are falling from the sky. All around white - white. This snow covered the ground with a white fluffy blanket. Snow sparkles in the sun. What snow? (white, cold)... See where the snow lies? (in the trees, on the ground)

Like on a hill - snow, snow.
Like under a hill - snow, snow.
And on the tree - snow, snow.
And under the tree - snow, snow.

2. 2. Sounds of winter.

Educator: How transparent and clean the air is in the winter park. Let's enjoy the fresh air. (Let's take a deep breath in through our nose and exhale. Feel cool?) Guys, now I suggest you close your eyes and listen to the sounds of winter. What have you heard? (blizzard, blizzard) In the park, no bird voices are heard at all. Do you know why? The birds are cold in winter, many flew to warm lands. But not all birds are afraid of frost, some stayed for the winter, but there are birds that come to us with the onset of cold weather and stay all winter. Let's remember the wintering birds.

2. 3. Examination of images of birds. Slides on the screen.

Educator: Look, a bird has flown to us, and its name is titmouse. Repeat.

Children: Titmouse.

Educator: What is the breast of the tit?

Children: Yellow


Outside the window on a branch of birds-
Yellow-breasted titmouse
Ding - day, laziness
Ding - day, laziness

They chant all day long.

Educator: What a beautiful bird! And her name is bullfinch. Repeat

Children: Bullfinch.

Educator: What kind of breast does a bullfinch have?

Children: Red.

Educator: Bullfinches sitting on branches look like red lanterns. There are bullfinches on the trees

Snow lanterns-

Red like balls.

Educator: And who is this little, gray?

Children: Sparrow.

Educator: How does a sparrow chirp?

Children: "Chick-chirp!

Educator: Sparrows are bold by nature, very friendly. They help each other - if one sparrow finds food, he will definitely call all his friends. Let's remember the call about the sparrow.

Sparrow, sparrow
Don't chase pigeons
Don't peck the sand
Don't be blunt sock.

A sock will come in handy
Peck a spikelet.

I invite you guys to play. You guys turn around - you will soon turn into birds.

2. 4. Outdoor play to music "Birds are small"

2. 5.Productive activity.

Educator: Guys, birds flew to our feeder. How many are there? (many) See what birds have gathered around our feeder. Let's name each one.

Children: At the feeder there is a red-breasted bullfinch, an agile sparrow, a cheerful titmouse.

Educator: In winter, it is difficult for birds to find food. There are no beetles, worms. In winter, the birds are not only cold, but also hungry. Humans help birds survive the harsh winter. To do this, they make feeders, hang them on trees and feed the birds. What can we put in the feeder? (grain, seeds, bread crumbs) Yes, guys, it is very difficult for the birds in winter, and therefore they need our help. How can we help our feathered friends? Today we will feed the birds with grain.

A) Demonstration of the teacher's method of drawing seeds with cotton swabs and an explanation.

Educator: What are we going to paint with? There are paints, but no brushes. How to be? Can be drawn with cotton swabs. I dip a cotton swab in yellow gouache, then carefully put prints on the feeder, so many, many. And if the paint is over, then I dip the cotton swab into the paint again. This is how much grain I put in the bird feeder.

To make it work for us, let's warm up our fingers.

C) Finger gymnastics.

Come birds! I'll give fat to the titmouse. We call to ourselves

I'll make crumbs - a little bit of bread. Crumbling bread

These crumbs - to the pigeons, these crumbs - to the sparrows Stretch out the right hand, then the left

Jackdaws and crows - eat pasta! Rub palm on palm

C) Children's independent work with music.

Now you go through and feed your birds.

Educator: What are you drawing? What color are your grains? What shape? How many grains? Who are you painting for?

E) Exhibition of works. We hang the feeders on the tree. Singing of birds sounds.

Feed the birds in winter
Let from all ends
They will flock to you like home
Flocks to the porch!

3. The final part. Guys, the birds thank you. You are kind, caring. Let's not bother them, let the grains peck. And we will go to kindergarten. All sit on the sled and go quickly! (Music plays)

Sedoykina Natalya Petrovna, educator of MBDOU "Kindergarten number 4" Bell "city of Alatyr, Chuvash Republic

Summary of a drawing lesson in the younger group on the topic: "Winter Sorceress"

Purpose: To interest in the continuous painting of the plane of a sheet of paper, by applying sweeping strokes; Strengthen the ability to timely saturate the pile of the brush with paint, hold the brush correctly; To foster interest in working with gouache, to contribute to the emergence of a feeling of joy from obtaining a result.

Material: illustrations on a winter theme, sheets of paper (1/2 of an album sheet) with winter landscapes painted on them with a candle, blue gouache, brushes, napkins - for each child.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment: Children talk with the teacher at the window.

Educator: - Look how beautiful it is on the street! - Guys, tell me what time of year it is? (Winter.)

What signs of winter do you know? (snow lies, cold, cold winds blow.)

What can you call the weather when the snow falls? (Snowfall.)

Is there a strong wind and snow swirling in the air? (Blizzard, blizzard, blizzard.)

Winter is the most beautiful time of the year.

The artists were very fond of painting winter, they depicted a winter forest (shows the first picture).

Polina, tell us what you see in this picture? (trees in the snow, trees in the snow, snow on the ground)

Yes, a forest is depicted here, probably there was a heavy snowfall and snow covered all the trees and trees.

The teacher points to the following picture:

Andrey, what is shown in this picture? (there are snowmen, a snow slide, a snow house)

Yes, probably, the children walked after the snowfall and made a lot of different snow constructions. Do you remember when you and I made snowmen out of snow? (Yes)

How did we do it? (rolled snowballs of different sizes)

And what shape were our snowballs? (round)

Do you know what I suggest? Let us paint your winter pictures.

Guys, let's play first.

Finger gymnastics:

One two three four,

Bend fingers one by one

You and I made a snowball,

"Sculpt" with two hands

Round, strong,

We draw a circle with our hands

Very sleek,

We stroke the other with one hand

And not at all, not at all sweet.

We threaten with a finger

2. Main part:

Educator: Look at the tables. We have magic leaves. We will paint them with magical colors, and the winter sorceress will appear on the leaves.

Shows how to draw: “Smoothly move the brush from left to right, paint over the entire surface of the sheet.

Children take leaves on which a winter landscape is painted with a candle and paint on a sheet with a brush. A drawing appears. Finished works are exhibited.

3. Outcome:

Educator: Children, look at what wonderful drawings we have!

What is depicted on them (Answers of the children)

Did you enjoy being wizards?

Well done boys. You did your very best.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Purpose: to continue teaching children to hold the hand correctly, without straining their muscles or squeezing their fingers tightly; achieve free movement of the hand with a brush while drawing. Continue learning how to paint on ...

Summary of a game lesson in the nursery group of a kindergarten (for children of the 3rd year of life), topic: "Winter in the forest"


To expand the knowledge of children about the inhabitants of the forest, the peculiarities of their life in winter.
Consolidate knowledge of quantity and number 1.
To form the ability to distinguish the shape of objects.
Teach children to guess the animal from the description. Find a picture with a picture of a given animal.
To acquaint children with L. Tolstoy's story "The Wolf and the Squirrel".
Continue learning to sculpt, paint and stick.
Develop attention, auditory and visual concentration.
Exercise in the ability to coordinate words and movements.
Develop thinking, fine and general motor skills.


Pictures of forest dwellers attached to the backs of chairs; tickets with similar pictures.
Mitten dolls: bear, fox, wolf, hare, hedgehog, squirrel, deer.
Silhouette images of hedgehogs without thorns, clothespins.
A container with cereals, nuts, foil.
Squirrel silhouette, finger paints.
A picture of a fox without a tail, pasted on cardboard, orange plasticine.
Pictures depicting animals without tails, carved tails of these animals.
Green napkins.
Picture-background of a winter forest with a den, silhouette images of a bear, hare, squirrel, fox, wolf.
Pictures depicting colored animals and their black shadows, pencils.
Audio recordings: "Bunny", "Wolf" by Zheleznova.

Course of the lesson:

"Everyone clapped their hands" greeting

Everyone clapped their hands
Amicably, more fun!
Our feet knocked
Louder and faster!
We'll hit the knees.
Hush, hush, hush.
We lift handles, handles,
Higher, higher, higher!
Our pens turned.
Down again.
Spun, spun
And they stopped.

Game situation "Journey to the winter forest"

The teacher builds chairs one after another, on the back of each chair is a picture of an animal. Children are given tickets showing the same animals.
Guys, look at your ticket and each find their own seat. Are you all seated in their places? Then let's hit the road - to the winter forest!


The teacher puts on the hand a doll-mitten "Squirrel".

I am a squirrel, a cheerful animal, gallop and gallop through the trees.
But in winter I change, I change into a gray fur coat.
All autumn I insulated the hollow,
Pooh, straws dragged there.
I was preparing a stock for the winter: mushrooms, berries, nuts ...
So as not to starve in winter. Where can I get food in the cold?
It is difficult for a squirrel to winter ...

Exercise "Find the nuts"

Children are looking for nuts with their hands in a container with cereals.

Manual labor "Nuts for squirrels"

Children wrap nuts in foil and put them in a hollow (a hole cut in a brown plastic bottle)


The teacher puts on the hand a doll-mitten "Hedgehog".

In winter I sleep soundly
Burrowing into a warm hole.
Since the summer he saved up his fat, ate a lot and drank a lot.
I have only one job in winter in winter - to sleep soundly and wait for spring!

Didactic exercise "Find the one who is alone"

Children find in the picture among the animals that which is one and denote the number 1.

Playing with clothespins "Spiny hedgehog"

Children attach barbed clothespins to the silhouette of a hedgehog.


The teacher puts on the hand a doll-mitten "Hare".

I am a hare, I will tell you how I live in the forest.
By winter, guys, he turned white, put on a new fur coat.
I will sit down under a bush and hide under a pine tree.
The forest beast will not see, will not recognize me!
It is very difficult in winter when there is a severe frost.
And there is not enough food.
And I feed on bark, frozen berries.
What the hare finds under the snow - everything will go for him for future use.

Musical-dynamic pause "Bunny jumped"

Children move according to the lyrics of the song.


The teacher puts on a hand a doll-mitten "Fox".

I'm not afraid of winter, I dress up in a warm fur coat.
What a beautiful tail - I like it myself!
I live in a hole. There I sleep, rest, and then I start hunting.
I am looking for a field mouse or some kind of living creature.
I want to catch a hare, but it is not easy not to catch up with him!
Probably, few people know about this, but it is difficult for me in winter.
Sometimes I run all day, but there is no food at all.

Fox tail molding

Children sculpt a thick sausage in a circular rolling, then roll out and thin out the edges of this sausage with a finger. Then they put the tail on the image of the fox and press it down with their fingers.


The teacher puts on the hand a doll-mitten "Wolf".

I myself will tell you how I spend the winter in the forest.
The wolf is very angry in winter.
Doesn't walk alone; wolves roam in packs.
Gray, thin, hungry and angry.
They howl violently at night, even scary to the animals!
Better not to come across them, we must beware of them.
But it is also difficult for a wolf in winter ...
There is not enough food and he is starving.

Didactic game "Whose tail?"

You need to find and attach the tail to the image of the animal.

Dynamic pause "Winter forest"

We came to the winter forest.
How many miracles are around here!
On the right is a birch tree in a fur coat,
On the left, the spruce is looking at us.
Snowflakes in the sky are spinning
They fall beautifully on the ground.
So the bunny galloped,
He ran away from the fox.
It's a gray wolf prowling
He is looking for his prey!
We all hide now
Then he will not find us!
Only the bear sleeps in the den,
So he sleeps all winter.
Bullfinches fly by.
How beautiful they are!
There is beauty and peace in the forest,
And we have to go home already.

Reading the story of Leo Tolstoy "The Wolf and the Squirrel"

The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell directly onto the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her.
The squirrel began to ask: "Let me go." The wolf said: “Okay, I'll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful. I'm always bored, but you look at you, you all play and jump up there. " The squirrel said: “Let me go to the tree first, I’ll tell you from there, otherwise I’m afraid of you.” The wolf let it go, and the squirrel went to the tree and from there said: “You are bored because you are angry. Your heart burns with anger. And we are cheerful because we are good and do no harm to anyone ”.

Drawing "Squirrel"

Children paint over the outline of a squirrel.


The teacher puts on the hand a doll-mitten "Bear".

Under a snag in a windbreak
The bear sleeps, as if in the house.
He put his paw in his mouth
And, like a little one sucks.

Exercise "Winter in the forest"

Children superimpose the image of a bear, a hare, a squirrel on the background picture. The teacher asks where the children have placed the animals.

Finger game "Wild animals"

This is a hare, this is a squirrel.
This is a fox cub, this is a wolf cub.
(Alternate flexion of the fingers starting from the little finger)

And this sleeps and sighs awake
Brown, hairy, funny bear cub.
(Wiggle thumb)

Didactic game "Show the picture"

I will tell you about the animals, and you guess who exactly and show the picture.

Small, long-eared, shy, jumpy. (Hare)
Gray, angry, toothy. (Wolf)
Redhead, fluffy, cunning, agile. (Fox)
Big, brown, clubfoot, clumsy. (Bear)


The teacher puts on a hand a doll-mitten "Deer".

No candy, no dumplings
Deer do not eat in the forest.
And lunch is not bad for them,
If there is grass and moss.

Manual labor "Hay for a deer"

Children tear green napkins into thin strips of hay.

Didactic exercise "Find the shadow of an animal"

Children connect a color image and its silhouette with a line.


Egoryevsk Moscow region

"With what does winter come to us?"

Abstract of the lesson on artistic creativity


In the first junior group.

made up: educator

Lopatnikova Irina Valentinovna


Description: the lesson is aimed at children of the younger group, includes elements of conversation and drawing. The lesson corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Theme:"With what does winter come to us?"

Age group: younger group, children 2-3 years old

GCD form: class

Organization form: subgroup

Educational-methodical kit: The program "From birth to school" N.E. Veraksa

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive (drawing), motor.

Forms and methods of work: conversation, answering questions, listening, looking at illustrations and snowflakes, drawing with cotton swabs.

Equipment: white paint , blue sheet of paper , a glass of water, a napkin, an easel, subject pictures on the topic.

Target: the formation of children's ideas about games and fun in the winter season.

Tasks educational program:

Form an idea of ​​the objects of the surrounding world;

Enrich children's ideas about colors, their purpose;

Introduce children's winter games and fun;

Develop logical, communicative and cognitive universal actions;

Consolidate ideas about winter clothing;

Master the technique of drawing with a cotton swab (the ability to hold a cotton swab correctly, draw paint, make a print).

Course of the lesson

1.Cognitive and communication activities.

Educator: Guys, what time of year is it? (winter). What a wonderful winter has come to us! With what did she come to us? Of course, with frost and snow. The snow lies white - white, it has covered the whole earth with a fluffy blanket. Trees and bushes dressed in winter hats.

The teacher reads a poem:

  • « Snowfall» .

It's snowing, it's snowing

Snow wanders around the world.

And where does it come from and where does it go?

Snowfall, snowfall, snowfall.

Snow falls at random, like a dream.

- Educator: It's very cold outside. What will we wear to stay warm? (children's answers). Our clothes and shoes are warm, which means we can walk and play outside. What do children play in winter?

(the teacher shows the plot pictures and asks questions, the children answer). Children's answers: On the street, children go sledging, skiing, making snowmen, playing snowballs.

Educator: Guys, let's play, too.

Physical education "Winter Walk"

One, two, three, four, five

Bend the fingers, starting with the thumb.

We went for a walk in the yard.

They walk with their knees raised high.

They blinded the snow woman

"Sculpt snow" with two palms.

The birds were fed with crumbs,

They "crush bread" with all their fingers.

Then we rode down the hill,

Squat, hands on the belt.

And they were lying in the snow.

Tilts of the body to the left - to the right.

Everyone came home in the snow.

Shake off their palms.

Children follow the teacher's movements.

Educator: Do you want the snow to become even more? Now we are going to make a snowfall. I will paint falling snow, what paint should I take? (Children's answers). Of course, the snow is white, so I'll take white paint. Help me: find white paint in a box, and we will draw with cotton swabs.

The teacher shows drawing techniques. We will draw snowflakes with cotton buds. I take a cotton swab with three fingers and dip it slightly into the paint. Remember that the stick only drinks water, does not bathe in it.

2. Productive activity (drawing).

D Children are drawing snowflakes.

3. Reflection.

Educator: What a snowfall we have in the group! How much snow has covered! Let's and we turn into a snowball.

The teacher reads a poem. Children stand in a circle and lead a round dance, then spin in place.

Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white!

We gathered in a circle, spun like a snowball.

The teacher praises the children and invites them to remember what they learned in class.

Inna Ivanova
Abstract of a drawing lesson in the first junior group "Here is winter, all around it is white"


Acquaintance with a new material - cotton wool; skill training paint snowflakes with a brush; skill training paint with gouache; continue to teach correctly, hold the brush, work with cysts, use a cloth, rinse the brush. Anchoring white, season. Induce a sense of joy from the strokes that children drew by ourselves... Foster interest in creativity. Develop fine motor skills; to form the ability to rhythmically perform movements to the music.


Pieces of cotton wool for each child, tinted album sheets with painted trees, white paint, brushes, rags, jars of water, a snowflake, a bucket of snow, a stand for small portraits with a picture of snowflakes (for each child, a picture with a picture of late autumn, an easel, palettes for each child, a mold, a loop; music recording.


The teacher tells the children that a breeze came to us and a snowflake came to visit us with it. The snowflake brought something with her. Snowflake asks the guys to go to the table and take a look. There is a bucket on the table.

Guys, tell me what the snowflake brought us? (Snow.)

What color is the snow? (White.)

Feel the snow. What is he? (Cold.)

The teacher shows the children a picture of late autumn.

Guys, what time of year is shown in the picture? (Late fall.)

In late autumn, the trees all threw off their leaves from their branches, and a snowball falls.

Have you seen how the snow swirls in the air? Show.

Children whirl, show with their hands "Flashlights".

And one snowflake sat on my sleeve, I blew on it, the snowflake flew to the ground. It is light and fluffy like cotton wool.

The teacher gives the children pieces of cotton wool and offers to play the game: "Snowflake and Breeze" blow on her.

White fluffy snow

Is spinning in the air

And quietly to the ground

Falls, lies down.

And you and I can draw how quietly the snow falls, white, clean as a fluff. A brush and paint will help us. What kind of paint will we take to draw snowflakes? (White.)

The teacher draws the attention of children to sheets of tinted paper with a picture of trees, suggests draw how beautiful the snow is spinning.

Children sit at tables, pick up brushes and first show with a dry brush how to draw snowflakes(attach-remove, then pick up paint on the tip and start working. Children do the drawing, the teacher, if necessary, helps, suggests how to work with a brush correctly.

At the end of the work, the teacher praises all the children, specifies what color paint they used, how painted with a brush, notes that after work, the children took care of their brushes, rinsed them well in water.

Do you guys want to play with the snow?

The teacher shows the bucket, there is no more snow in it, it has melted in the warmth.

And our snowball in the drawings will not melt, because we painted with paints.

And from the bucket (melted snow) We will pour some water into a mold and put a loop. We will go for a walk and take a mold with some water. Let's see what happens to the water, whether the water remains in the mold, or freezes.

Guys, the snowflake has melted, but she left small portraits of snowflakes as a souvenir. Completes activity game"Snowflakes are spinning": to the music, the guys perform whirling, at the end of the music, the guys squat down, lower their hands.