A conspiracy against a man from a rival. Conspiracy against a rival

A conspiracy against a man from a rival.  Conspiracy against a rival
A conspiracy against a man from a rival. Conspiracy against a rival

Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

Specialist in village magic. Conspiracies, rituals, love spells.

Articles written

Many women value love harmony in life above all else and strive for it, overcoming all obstacles. Finding your soulmate is just the beginning of a complex, difficult path, on which you will certainly encounter quarrels, everyday problems and even betrayal. Unfortunately, it is extremely rare to be able to influence a man who is under a spell with persuasion, then white magic will come to the rescue - a conspiracy from a rival will return harmony and romance to your family life.

How to correctly perform a ritual from a mistress

A woman whose love is taken away against her will has every right to turn to magic, provided that it is white magic. Prayers and rituals aimed at returning a beloved man are considered the most effective, but only if they are carried out in accordance with certain rules.

  • The optimal time to eliminate a mistress is the waning phase of the Month. At this time, people most often break up and quarrel under the influence of the heavenly body. If you strengthen the effect of the Month with prayer, the power of the conspiracy will only double.
  • You cannot wish harm on a stranger. You must be as calm and balanced as possible. A conspiracy involving the energy of revenge can result in trouble and big problems.
  • It is advisable to memorize the words or write them in even handwriting on clean, beautiful paper. Each action should indicate that your desire to return your lover and dispel the spell of your mistress is sincere.
  • Do not let anyone in on your plans, otherwise the ritual will lose its magical powers and be ineffective. Moreover, a person with negative energy can spoil you, and in this case the conspiracy will turn against you.

Note: do not undertake the ritual if you yourself do not believe in its power, this will affect its effectiveness and will not bring the desired result.

The mechanism of action of rituals from a mistress

Most conspiracies have a complex effect:

  • destroy a man’s feelings for a homewrecker;
  • reduce a man’s intimate desire for his mistress;
  • make her dislike her.

Note: conspiracies are very simple to perform, which means that even a beginner, someone who is taking their first steps in magic, can perform such a ritual. Every woman can prepare and perform the ritual on her own, at home, using the simplest objects.

Types of rituals from a mistress

There are several types of magical spells, each of which has a very specific effect:

  1. rituals that cool the senses;
  2. rituals that affect exclusively the feelings of the mistress;
  3. rituals that affect a man’s feelings, cooling them.

Ritual from a rival to boiling water

You will need a container filled with water, when the water boils, repeat:

“Just as water boils away, so do base feelings flow away, grind and split into small pieces. And if you touch my man, you will burn yourself with boiling water. My man will become worse for you than night, hotter than fire.”

Afterwards you need to put out the fire and say:

“The water is boiling, cool down as soon as possible, and you “name of your lover” will always lag behind the dear man “name of your beloved.” When you cool down, you’ll turn away from the “name.”

The best time for the ceremony is midnight, it should be carried out by candlelight. A photograph or sheet of paper should be torn in half; this gesture symbolizes a break in the relationship. While the paper is tearing, repeat:

“Now it is not the paper that is torn, but the love of the traitors “names.” They will never be together, they will never see happiness. I'm tearing it apart forever. Amen!"

The plot is repeated once. The half with the image or name of the beloved man should be hidden in a secluded place, and the second part - with the mistress - should be torn into small pieces and thrown away, repeating the words:

“I’m separating lovers! I’m removing my opponent!”

You will feel the effect of the ritual approximately three weeks after it is performed.

Ritual to cool feelings between lovers

Another ritual that will help stop the romance between your man and your rival, on salt. After it is carried out, the man will forget about his feelings for his mistress, and the homewrecker herself will voluntarily disappear from your life. You will need salt, hold it in your hands and say:

“I speak crystals against my mistress so that the dear man “name” does not look at the homewrecker, does not follow her, does not see love with her. Just as the crystals are salty, the homewrecker is not nice to him. Amen!"

Then use magic crystals to salt the man’s food, but be careful so that your loved one does not refuse the treats.

Not every girl agrees to remain a “blunt angle”. Many brave Amazons are wondering how to get rid of their rival. There's a lot to talk about here. It will not be possible to win love directly by denigrating a more successful competitor. And it will be embarrassing later, believe me! You need to be smarter. Magic will come to the rescue. You can get rid of your rival using a simple ritual chosen by your soul. Let's look into it in detail.

Rule of Internal Honesty

Before moving on to specific tips on how to get rid of your rival, it is necessary to clarify a couple of important things. Ask yourself: what are you fighting for? What is the basis for the desire to return (or keep) the young man? This is important for further work. Is the girl who attracts his attention to blame for you? What do you think? In fact, it is advisable to assume that all members of your close team (triangle) deserve happiness. Get rid of hatred, envy and other negative feelings. Then, probably, you yourself will be able to understand how to get rid of your rival. The situation first develops in the head. That is, the appearance of another girl by a guy was provoked by your thoughts. They were probably afraid of losing him, they were jealous. We need to throw these feelings away. In some cases this is enough. But, if the situation has gone far, and you are still determined to fight, then wish the people you influence fulfillment and joy. May everything work out in the best possible way for both of them. Try to get into this idea. It will become the basis of your personal magical power. Believe me, no one can oppose you.

How to get rid of your photography rival

We will assume that the first rule is fully understood and fulfilled by the sorceress reading these lines. Let's move on to specific rituals. Three photographs will be required. One is yours, the second is your rivals, the third is the guy about whom the argument is going on. Also buy a red woolen thread, a pack of new needles with large eyes. Perform the ritual on a full moon. At this time, magical powers increase. It is recommended to cast spells by candlelight. Close the windows and doors, turn off the lights. Light the candles. Lay out the photo in front of you. Using a needle, connect them together with separate pieces of thread. You will get a triangle. Holding your hands above it, palms down, think about what exactly you want. Imagine how a guy abandons his rival, and a girl finds someone else. Just be sure to do it with good feelings towards both. Break the thread connecting your photo with the image of your competitor, accompanying this action with the following words: “I don’t ask anything from you! And don't take mine! Amen!" Then you should break the thread, the guy and the rival. So say at the same time: “Whoever is destined to be mine is forever doomed to happiness! Don’t encroach on it, don’t break our destinies! Amen!" Burn your opponent's photo in a candle flame. And sew the other two images with a separate thread, but with the same needle along the edge, turning them to face each other. Leave the needle in the design. Scatter the ashes from the photo to the wind.

Prayer to save love

Girls who cry out: “Help me get rid of my rival!” often forget one important thing. They are the creators of their own destiny. If you create a problem out of ordinary competition, it will definitely hit you on the head. It will hurt. Tune in to the fact that your guardian angel is standing nearby and catching every thought. And he takes it literally. He will definitely decide that you need a competitor to assert yourself if you constantly ask how to get rid of your rival. Prayer will help correct this unfortunate misunderstanding. You should contact her guardian angel at dawn. Use your own words, but in the present tense and in a positive context. For example: “My angel, I pray you to maintain mutual love between me and (boyfriend’s name). May our relationship remain open, honest, deep and sincere!” Do not mention your rival or ask for another happiness for her.

Ritual in the temple

Sometimes young ladies find themselves in a difficult situation when a guy is taken away with the help of a black love spell. In this case, the previous methods will not work. We need another, more effective way. Let's look at how to get rid of a rival through the church. This ritual removes the darkest bonds from the guy who is your destiny. It is important to understand that forcing a young man to fight a love spell if you are not entitled to it will not work, and it is not necessary. If you insist, you will regret it. After all, your intention then carries the same black meaning as the witch’s actions. Better do it this way. I need to go to morning service on Friday. Take some poppy seeds with you. Ask the priest to consecrate it. It is necessary to stay in the temple the entire time the service is going on. Light candles for all members of the triangle. Forgive the traitor and rival. And when you leave the temple, say to yourself: “The Lord bound souls to the temple, and gave me a happy destiny! Amen!" When the opportunity arises, pour the blessed poppy into the guy’s pocket. Little by little, but in different places.

How to get rid of your rival forever: conspiracy

Our ancestors also faced the problem of infidelity in love. They came up with a fairly simple way to radically solve the problem. It only acts on a girl who has attempted to kill a guy. If you take her away, but don’t correct your thoughts, a new one will appear. But, decide for yourself. The ritual can be performed for each competitor as they appear in your life. And you need to do the following. Pour some salt into a small bag. Carry it with you. When you see a guy and a competitor together, throw a pinch of salt between them, mentally pronouncing the formula. It goes like this: “A cat and a dog don’t get married, they don’t have children. And the Lord’s slaves (names) cannot be together, forget love! Amen!" After a while the guy will forget about this beauty. And so that the next one does not appear, you need to think not about how to get rid of your rival forever, but about strengthening the relationship. They depend almost entirely on the magical girl.

For the deceived wife

Unfortunately, the mothers of the family, who have devoted many years to their spouse, also face competition. By the way, this happens even more often than in younger years. To get rid of a rival, the husband must be loved and understood. He, like a small child, is drawn to everything new, bright, interesting. And the wife is like a “read book.” But the situation is not difficult to correct. Buy regular woolen threads and wooden knitting needles. Knit any item that the guy could wear. If you don’t have any needlework skills at all, then choose a scarf. It is very easy to knit even for inexperienced people. As you begin to do needlework, weave hairs torn from your own hair into the product. At the same time, say this: “The soul touches the soul when the product of my hands is put on you. The heart lights up with fire, the limbs are filled with passion, the legs return home on their own, the hands reach out to me, my wife. Amen!" Just try to convince your husband to wear a gift. Let him take off his scarf as he goes out into the street and out of your sight. But a few minutes is enough to have an impact. He will never look at others, he will lose interest in young ladies, realizing what a treasure is nearby.

Radical method

If the competitor is too annoying, does not accept refusal, does not feel coldness from the guy, you should discourage her in another way. This, by the way, will help those who are looking for how to get rid of their rival once and for all. The method should be used extremely carefully. If you use it against a sincere, loving soul, the return will definitely come. Misfortunes will rain down on your head, like from Buy seven thicker candles in the temple. Also have a photo of your loved one. It is necessary that his face is clearly visible, his eyes are open. On Friday evening, when the moon is waxing, make a circle of candles on the floor. Place the image in the center. Light the candles. Walk around the structure yourself counterclockwise, pronouncing the formula. It should be said as many times as the man’s age. The words are as follows: “My Lord’s servant (name) is named, doomed to be by his side forever. Souls will merge, the family will last. I will turn the other (name of rival) away from you, I will not let her into our common destiny. Let her eyes turn away from you; other guys will be attracted to you faster. Holy fire is with me. It will protect you and me from our rival! Amen!" Wait until the candles go out on their own. And keep the photo with you at all times.

Holy water spell

This ritual is recommended to be performed first. He clears the space in which you and the man live, communicate, where another girl has entered. You will need a candle from the church of any thickness, and a photo of your loved one. Perform the ritual only on the waning moon. Place a lit candle on the table and a glass of water in front of it. And next to you is a photo. Look at the light, trying to absorb its light. You should feel it enter between your eyebrows (third eye) and spread throughout your body. Turn your gaze to the face of your loved one and say: “Holy water will not meet with fire, and the Lord’s servant (name) will not turn away from me. God’s servant (name) will never take him away; happiness will never be found on my grief. Amen!" With the last word, lower the candle into the water. Then pour the liquid into a small bottle or jar. Wrap the candle in a clean canvas. When you go to work in the morning, take everything with you. The water should be poured into a river (stream). Let the flow carry away the troubles. And bury the candle away from human eyes. And if possible, throw it into the fire.

Castle plot

Let's give another effective ritual. It helps many people due to its ease of implementation. It is necessary to buy a simple one. But it is important that he has only one key. The rest will have to be ruined, with a file, for example. Stand with a lock in one hand and a key in the other on the threshold of your apartment at midnight. Close it, saying this: “I’m closing the castle, I’m calling for the brownie. Drive your rival with a nasty broom so that you don’t fool your loved one with deception. If he crosses the threshold, trouble will rush in at full speed. If the lock opens, your heart will calm down. Amen!" After this, the magical attributes should be well hidden away from each other. Throw the key to the bottom of a deep reservoir, and bury the lock further in the forest, where no one walks.

Spring water ritual

You know, there are people for whom, for certain reasons, religious attributes are not suitable for divination. But these girls are also looking for a way to get rid of their rival. They should think about the forces of nature that helped many generations of our ancestors. Why not take advantage of their wise advice. For example, perform such a ritual. You need to get water from a clean source, away from production and bustle. Also buy two candles: red and white. Prepare a photo of your beloved one. Place candles on the table and light them. Place a transparent glass of water between them. And place a photo under it. Look at the image through the liquid glistening in the flickering flame. So you say: “Water is a reflection of life. Through it, obsession comes and goes. She sanctifies our love, and drives away our rivals into the distance. As the spring water spills, the young witch leaves, returning my happiness. Amen!" Say the formula three times. Put out the candles. Immediately open the window and throw water into it without looking.


There are many more rituals that allow you to get rid of an evil and successful rival. But the magic is in your soul and thoughts. They need to be used. Don’t think that your loved one might betray you, then you won’t have any rivals in your life. Good luck and mutual love!

Almost every modern woman has probably encountered a situation when another lady appeared between her and her loved one - a homewrecker. Usually, in order to get rid of a rival, it is enough to meet her and have a “serious” conversation. But if talking doesn’t help, then you can solve the problem with the help of magic.

Getting rid of your rival is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

There can be many options for proving your superiority over the homewrecker and methods for eliminating it. From constant competition with her in all areas (cooking, cleaning, beauty, financial independence, etc.) to completely forgiving her and trying to pity her.

But, as the long-term practice of our ancestors testifies, sometimes it is better to act indirectly, but for sure. For this purpose, modern magic has a whole arsenal of all kinds of means.

And they are all called differently depending on the effect they lead to.

Lapel- This is an action diametrically opposed to a love spell. The person on whom the lapel is made begins to experience a lot of negative feelings towards the object of his love. As a result, he completely ends the relationship, which previously seemed quite prosperous.

Quarrel- this is a special case of a lapel, in which both people in an unwanted union receive a portion of negativity towards a partner. It becomes unpleasant for them to be near each other, as a result of which they separate.

Cool down- This is a lightweight option for weakening love relationships. Ostuda is used in cases where passions are burning strong, and one of the partners wants a calmer development of the relationship. In rare cases, cooling off on a relationship can even be done on oneself.

Drying- this is also one of the ways to separate a couple, which is most often associated, for example, with eliminating the consequences of a love spell. It is done when one lady dried a man, and the second dried him off, that is, returned him to normal, opened his eyes. However, getting rid of a love spell is not always easy, so it is not for nothing that this method is considered one of the most difficult.

Modern magical practices that help get rid of your rival and regain your beloved husband or boyfriend are very diverse. Some we inherited from distant ancestors, others arose in the process of development of our people, and others were born quite recently.

One way or another, a woman who has lost someone dear to her always has a huge selection of lapels, blowouts, quarrels and separation conspiracies.

All that remains is to choose one of the methods. Also, importantly, it is necessary to take the procedure with full responsibility.

Experts advise holding such events secretly from everyone and on strictly defined days. You should absolutely not tell your loved ones, friends, or work colleagues about this. It is not recommended to violate the method given in the instructions, as the effect can be disastrous.

It should be noted right away that by carrying out such a practice, a woman takes upon herself the full burden of responsibility for its consequences. After all, it not only interferes in the subtle world, removing formed connections between people, but also disrupts their destinies, exposing the very patterns of human lives to enormous risk.

It is important to remember that lapels of any kind (whether quarrels, cold spells, removal of love spells) should be carried out exclusively at night, when the moon is waning! Otherwise, the result may well be the most unexpected.

Without much difficulty, you can get rid of your rival using the drying ritual.

For this ritual you will need a photograph (or a rival’s thing) and an ordinary black wax candle.

It is advisable to carry out the drying ceremony at night, in an empty room.

You should put a candle on the photo or thing of the woman who stole your loved one and light it.

Then they take scissors and begin to methodically cut the flame.

Synchronously with the cutting of the flame, one should say:

“I cut off the flame of a black candle, for black melancholy, for separation, for boredom.
I cut off the servant of God (the name of the man) from the servant of God (the name of the woman who is a homewrecker).
You, servant of God (the name of the homewrecker woman), walk on the earth, live on the sidelines.
Do not touch the servant of God (name of the man), do not approach his threshold, do not anger God.
Don’t covet someone else’s husband and return him. Amen".

When pronouncing the word “Amen”, you must stop and not cut the flame, since the word is sacred.

Conspiracies for separation from a rival

A conspiracy to separate from a rival is a powerful separation technique, especially if carried out with food.

You need to take ordinary table salt and say over it:

“Just as you, salt, are salty, so would the servant of God (the name of the homewrecker) be salty and tasteless to my husband (the man’s name).
Just as that salt in the water dissipates and disappears, so the slave (the name of the homewrecker) will disappear from the husband’s heart. Amen".

After this, place the salt in a glass and add water, making sure that it dissolves in the liquid.
At midnight they knead the dough with yeast, and after it begins to rise, they knead it with a rolling pin, saying:

“As I knead this dough, so I tear up your anger. I'll feed your business to the dogs. Amen".

Then they leave the dough overnight, and in the morning they throw it out for the dogs to eat.

In love magic, there are a large number of methods on how to independently make a lapel from your rival.

Let's consider one of these rituals, which is performed using voodoo magic.

This lapel and voodoo magic have many similarities, which is not surprising.

Since both of these methods are based on creating material prototypes of people who need to be separated.

To create prototypes of the husband and his mistress, plasticine is taken from which figures of a woman and a man are made (special detailing is optional, but encouraged).
Their names are written on the figures, water is dripped on them and they are named out loud by the names of those people who are going to be taken in different directions.
After this, plasticine copies are placed in diagonally opposite corners of the room so that the faces of the figures do not look at each other, but in a dark corner.
Then each of the figures needs to say in a whisper:

“You can’t be together, don’t live, don’t eat bread together, don’t rock the children together, don’t sit at the same table, don’t lie in the same bed. Amen".

Now you should leave the composition as it is for forty days, without touching or moving anything in any way.
Every day you need to tell the plasticine dolls the above plot, and after forty days they can be thrown away.

Prayer from a rival - how to preserve love

As soon as a threat to the relationship arises from the second woman, the need immediately arises to eliminate this threat and secure your relationship. The fight for love begins. To help solve this problem, magic is used with its own conspiracies from the rival and rituals, which will remove the impending threat from the outside.

Magical deliverance from a rival

Rules for conducting rituals

With the help of magic, prayers and magical rituals, you can not only attract love into your life, but also get rid of your rival, as well as return your loved one to your family or relationship. There are many ways and prayers for this:

  • rituals with the help of which a loved one’s feelings for another woman will disappear forever;
  • rituals that can cool the feelings of a rival;
  • conspiracies from a rival, cooling feelings

All rituals are very effective in the fight for your personal happiness. But to achieve the greatest effect, you must follow the following rules:

  • Rituals should be performed when the month is waning;
  • do not wish for the death or evil of your rival, otherwise you can harm yourself;
  • read a prayer or spell, having learned it from memory;
  • never tell anyone about the ritual, as well as the results;
  • strong belief in a positive outcome.

To avoid shedding tears, cool off all rivals

If the threat of rivalry hangs over family happiness and the need arises to return your loved one, you need to prepare food for your beloved man, which you will say:

You need to spell food on those days when the month is new. You should give the spoken food to your man. If it is not possible to feed, the food should be given to feed the birds. In this case, the probability that the rival will disappear is almost zero, but this will remove the influence of negative consequences.

And the rival will slip away like a fish

When the day of the ritual comes, you need to buy fish. Choose only fresh fish and do this early in the morning. When you get home, clean the fish of all unnecessary things, including the insides. Feed the removed entrails to a stray cat. After all the preparatory activities have been completed, take the fish in your hands and read the words of the conspiracy:

The condition for carrying out the ritual is to perform it on Monday, but it can be done on Tuesday or Thursday. You need to eat fish with your loved one in order to get rid of your rival forever.

For the next ritual you will need poppy seeds. Pour a pinch of grains little by little onto the threshold and read:

Since ancient times, a very strong and effective prayer from a rival has been known, which must be read 40 times in a row. And so on every day until the ritual removes the impending threat. Conspiracy from a rival:

To separate and return your man forever, you will need a photo of them together. The photograph can be replaced with a sheet of paper with the names of the beloved man and the evil homewrecker written on it.

It is necessary to light church candles and perform a ritual to separate from your rival at exactly midnight. Tear a photograph or piece of paper in half so that the man is separated from the woman. During a break, say:

Take both parts of the photograph in your hands and put one of them, where the man is depicted, in a secluded place, throw away the image of the homewrecker, tearing it into small particles. You need to throw it away by saying the words:

The cooling ritual will remove the rival, extinguishing the loved one’s feelings for her, and will return the beloved.

For a positive result, prepare food for your beloved man, which should be salted with spoken salt. Prepare salt in advance by reading the prayer three times:

After preparing food, make sure that the man eats every last crumb. If a man removes even a small piece of cooked food, the ritual will not work.

To get rid of your rival, you can judge the woman’s feelings for the man. To do this, you need to perform the following ritual.

When night falls, take a chicken egg and move it over your man’s head, saying 12 times:

Then place the egg under the bed where your loved one sleeps. This ritual will only help if the man himself does not show any interest in the woman. Otherwise, it is best to use other more effective rituals and rituals.

To get rid of your rival, you need to take a white sheet of paper with her name on it. Tear this leaf into many small particles. In windy weather, go outside and hold pieces of leaf in your palm. The palm should be straightened towards the sky so that the wind can blow the leaves off the hand. As soon as the leaves fly from the palm, say the following words:

There is one old, very effective method against an evil homewrecker. Boiling water will help here, looking at it and saying:

When the water begins to cool, read the words further:

Prayers are also a good and strong helper in the fight for your feminine happiness.

For the ceremony, you need to go outside and choose the most comfortable place for you. Raising your hands to the sky, say the words of prayer:

As the sun begins to set behind the horizon, go to the window in your bedroom and, clasping your hands, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

For another effective ritual against a rival, collect a bouquet of weeds. Go to the cemetery where the spruce grows. From there, bring one spruce branch. Take the prepared bouquet, connect it with a spruce branch and take it to the cemetery. At the cemetery, place a magical bouquet near the gate and wait for the deceased. As soon as they begin to carry the deceased, you need to take the bouquet placed at the gate and go with it to the threshold of the homewrecker.

Say a prayer near the threshold:

Another way to get your husband back from your rival is in a cemetery. To do this, you need to find a grave with the name of your husband and, kneeling in front of it and crossing yourself, say:

Seven candles purchased in the church will help restore family peace. Arrange the candles in a circle and light each of them. Place a photo of your man in this circle and read the plot seven times:

When carrying out any conspiracy from a rival, you need to know for sure that this man was sent by fate. If the desire to return calm and love to a relationship is driven by selfishness, then under no circumstances should you use magic. Otherwise, you can get very seriously injured.

The next ritual against a homewrecker requires the presence of holy water. In addition to holy water, you will need: one candle from the church, matches and a photograph of your loved one.

One glass of holy water will be enough. When the clock strikes twelve at night, you need to clear the table of everything foreign and place a glass filled with holy water in the middle of the table. Light a candle brought from church behind the glass. Place a photo of the man you are interested in in front of the glass. Concentrate your gaze on the candle flame, imagining how the energy and strength from the candle spills out in a stormy stream. It is this energy that will become an assistant in heartfelt sadness. Next, the gaze is transferred to the photograph placed in front and the magic words are pronounced three times:

After pronouncing the words, extinguish the candle by placing it in a glass of holy water. The candle must be directed with the flame downwards. Take a clean cloth and wrap the candle in it. Do not throw away the water remaining after the ritual. Take a bottle and pour water into it. In the morning, going out into the street, you need to find a river. Pour holy water from a bottle into the river, after which all the troubles and adversities, along with the feelings of your rival, will be taken away by the river. The candle must be buried in a place hidden from prying eyes.

Ritual at lock. Take the lock, open it and when it is locked again with the key, read:

Go to the shore of a river or lake. And standing on the shore, bury the lock deep into the ground, and take the key to the other shore and bury it too.

Another powerful fight. As soon as you manage to meet two dogs fighting each other, looking at them, say:

When pronouncing magic words, get as close to the animals as possible. Then immediately quickly leave this place and go home.

Another quarrel is done at night, when the moon is waning in the sky. At exactly midnight, read 40 times, looking at the month:

After the conspiracy, do not talk to anyone, but quickly go to bed. If you need to quarrel with your rival, then repeat this ritual 9 days in a row. Every time a ritual is performed, clearly and clearly imagine a positive outcome. Let a picture appear in your imagination in which the rival is no longer there, and the couple in love has once again found peace and harmony in their relationship.

One of the most powerful attributes in magic is hair. According to reviews of many magicians and sorcerers, hair carries a lot of information about a person. In addition, hair is very much saturated with human energy. So for the next ritual you will need your rival’s hair, from which you need to weave a small braid. After preparing the braid, you should set it on fire and say it as many times as possible:

Performing this ritual on long hair is much more effective. But not all women have hair length that allows them to read the plot many times. If the opponent wears short hair, then, using your blood from your finger, try to fasten all the opponent’s hair.

Each woman feels the family is threatened by the other woman. To save the family, you can use a conspiracy against your rival. This could be a turn away, a cold spell, a quarrel between a husband and a sweetheart, the destruction of a relationship, or even damage to their relationship, so that the husband will forever turn away from a new hobby.

Traditionally, a conspiracy from a rival is carried out on the waning moon in order to cool the feelings of the woman and her husband. With the help of magical intervention, you can make the relationship end. There are a large number of options for different rituals with which you can destroy the relationship of a spouse on the side. Such magic will help you get rid of the homewrecker forever and return your husband’s love.

The mechanism of action of such rituals is simple - they are designed to destroy relationships and eliminate the craving for intimacy. After the cooling has been carried out on the mistress, an additional ritual should be performed to return the loved one to the family. You can do the cooling yourself at home. At the same time, you should not be afraid of the negative consequences of your actions. But if there are any doubts, it is better to contact specialists in the field of esotericism.

To separate a husband from his mistress, there are the following ritual options:

  1. Cool off the spouse.
  2. Actions aimed at daring a woman.
  3. Two-way rituals to cool the feelings.

All rituals are very simple to perform. Spells can be cast independently at home, without turning to specialists. You can perform rituals at any time of the day.

In order for the effect of using white magic to be maximum and fast, you should adhere to certain rules when performing rituals:

  1. You can perform magical actions on the waning moon.
  2. You cannot wish the death of a homewrecker, otherwise it is fraught with harm to yourself. You can't curse her.
  3. All prayers or spells should be learned by heart. If the text is too long, write it on a piece of paper, but read it without hesitation.
  4. You cannot tell anyone that magical actions are being carried out, even if they helped to achieve the result.
  5. It is very important to think carefully about your further actions in advance, since any otherworldly influence can give unpredictable results (for example, after the ritual, your feelings may cool down or you will realize that you no longer need this person).
  6. The instructions for each ritual should be strictly followed to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  7. All words of the conspiracy must be pronounced clearly, distinctly, without stuttering.
  8. You have to believe that the ritual will work. If there is any doubt that magic will help, it is better to refuse it. If a woman wants it, she will succeed.

Effective methods of eliminating a rival

Most often, a two-sided conspiracy is chosen to eliminate a rival. To eliminate a competitor, you will need to get her photo. If you can’t get a photo, you can write the name of your husband and rival on a piece of paper. There are some rules for performing this ritual:

  • carry out activities after midnight;
  • perform rituals with candles;
  • hold a photograph or piece of paper in your hand.

Read these words:

“I’ll tear up the photo, just as this photograph is torn into small pieces, so will the relationship between the beloved (name) and the homewrecker (name) be torn apart. Let them quarrel forever, let them not bear children, let them not see off sunsets. May their fate be salty, and may their happiness be gone forever. I'll talk, I'll break it. May it always be like this and no one will be able to break my words and return everything back. Amen".

While reading the text, slowly tear the photograph into pieces.

Another effective option requires the presence of a white church candle, holy water, and a photograph of the spouse. Place a container of water and light a candle nearby. Place a photo of your loved one in front of the glass. Read the text while looking at the photo of your husband through a candle flame. Imagine the end result, how he returns to you, asks for forgiveness. Taking a deep breath, as you exhale say:

“As I (name), cut my nails long, without regretting them, not saying anything. So let my husband (name) stop loving my rival and not remember. I’m not angry with my husband, but I’m returning him to his rightful place, I’m bringing him back to me, this is where he should be. Let your wishes come true. Amen".

Repeat the text three times. Put out the candle. Wipe the candle with a napkin, wrap it in a piece of white cloth, and pour the water into a jar. Take the water to a river or lake, pour it out or splash it in different directions at an intersection. Bury the rest of the candle under a tree.

With the help of such a ritual, you can weaken the husband’s attraction to his mistress and return his feelings to his wife.

A food plot to feed your husband will help you cope with your mistress. If you can’t give the spoken food to your spouse, give it to the birds. Read the spell:

“I will get up, I will not be blessed, I will go without crossing myself. I will not go out through the door or through the gate, but I will go along underground paths. I’ll go out to the ocean sea and find a magic stone in it; a goblin is sitting on it with his girlfriend. They sit and do not turn their faces. They will fight and bite, get angry and swear. So you (name of spouse and homemaker), do not know the world, let there be only quarrels, swearing, separation between you. Let my words come true."

Another effective option for magical influence on a rival requires the use of the following attributes: a blank sheet of paper, a pen, dried hawthorn berries. Write your competitor's name legibly on paper. Cut into small pieces, sprinkle hawthorn fruits on top, saying in a whisper:

“There are two huts in the dense forest. One is made of ice, the second is made of boards. A dog lives in one, and a cat lives in the second. They cannot live in a hut alone. They will fight, bite, scratch. So let my husband (name) and slave (name) fight, bite, scratch, do not meet eyes, do not close their mouths together. Let my speeches be as sharp as a knife, I will lock them and throw away the key. Forever and ever. Amen".

Collect pieces of paper and burn. You cannot tell anyone about the ceremony, even your closest person, otherwise you may incur trouble or unpredictable consequences. Such rituals are usually used during the waning moon.

To get rid of a homewrecker, you can make a lapel using the following paraphernalia: three church candles, a pen, a sheet of paper, a mortar and pestle, broken glass, a handful of earth collected near the church gate, scraps of hair from a cat and a dog, vinegar and salt. The magical action is performed on Wednesday, during the waning moon. Open the window and cover it with a curtain. Lay out a dark, plain tablecloth on the table. Pour broken glass into a bowl, add animal hair, a handful of earth, salt, and add a small amount of vinegar. Write the following words on a piece of paper:

“Just as a cat and a dog are sworn enemies, so my husband (name) will be a sworn enemy with my rival (name). Let them part forever. Let them get angry, and their feelings will turn into broken glass.”

Read the text aloud three times. Then light a candle and burn the paper with the spell. Collect the ashes, put them in a mortar, mix the remaining ingredients, and cover with a black scarf. Place the mortar in front of the open window, place lighted candles nearby, and repeat the text of the spell. In the morning, with the first rays of the sun, collect all the components in a bag, take it to your rival’s doorstep and leave it there.

On the knife

To remove a rival from a loved one, a sharp knife is used. Speak to him with these words:

“I, God’s servant (your name), will go in the morning to the dense forest. I will find a clear falcon in it and send it to my beloved. The falcon will whisper in his ear that only I am his eternal love. Let God's servants (names of lovers) quarrel forever. I remove attachment, let the falcon remove feelings. Let him think only about me. Amen".

Then use this knife to cut vegetables and all other foods for lunch. Before sitting down at the table, ask your husband to sharpen this knife and cut something (but this must be done in such a way as not to arouse suspicion in him, for example, let him cut the bread that you bought in advance).

On the egg

There is a conspiracy that is effective against a rival, which is carried out on an egg. It will help cool the feelings of lovers. Wait until night falls, take a fresh chicken egg, move it over the head of your sleeping husband, saying the following text 12 times:

“Don’t love her (competitor’s name), forget her forever. May you know happiness with me. You will stop loving your sweetheart. You will come back to me, you will be with me. You and I will give birth to children and nurse grandchildren. And she is only a shadow, let her remain a shadow. Let it be forgotten, let it remain in the past. I bring you back to me, your heart is in mine forever, your soul is with mine, hands are joined, bodies are intertwined. You want me alone. You can't exchange me for anyone. You will never betray again. Amen".

You can also carry out the following steps while cooling. Read the plot at midnight 40 times, moving the egg over your spouse’s head:

“33 crows are flying, carrying 33 stones. They will peck the egg on my doorstep. They will peck at the husband’s sweetheart and disappear from the world. The egg will never go rotten, it will reliably protect my home, my family. As the moon wanes, my rival will leave my hearth. Whoever wants to destroy my happiness will also be pecked to death. Amen".

Hide the charmed egg under the bed, on the side where the husband sleeps.

For salt

The influence of magic is strong, especially if actions are performed at a moment of emotional excitement. But if you are not sure, it is better to refuse to perform any rituals, since the consequences will not be long in coming. To achieve the effect, you should prepare your husband’s food and salt it with the salt you’ve said in advance. Say the following text over salt three times:

“I will conspire against my rival with the insidious salt, so that the servant of God (husband’s name) does not look in her direction, let all feelings for the sweetheart go away, like salty salt, she will not be dear to him. Amen".

On the picture

You can get rid of your husband's sweetheart using a photo. To do this you will need to get her photo. In the photo you can perform a very powerful ritual. In addition to the photo, you will need the following attributes: vinegar, salt, mustard seeds, black pepper, and a green glass bottle. Write text on the back of the photo, add the name of your opponent 9 times. The text is:

“Just as a sour apple makes your mouth twist and is not desired, your soul will not rejoice after it. So let you (name) become not cute, not sweet and not desirable to the slave (name). Let him twist his mouth and avoid it. Amen".

Place the photograph in a bottle, lower the remaining ingredients into it, and pour vinegar on top. Close tightly, shake the bottle 9 times, reciting the text of the spell. Bury the bottle where no one can find it. After this, your husband will return to you. Such conspiracies at a distance are powerful.

To the castle

With the help of the most powerful ritual, you can turn your husband away from his mistress. The simplest, but at the same time the most powerful version of magical influence is carried out using a new lock. Say the following words to him:

“I’ll close the lock, my rival will leave. No one can take it off, no one can take it off. If she comes into my house, she will get into trouble. I’ll take the key and lock far away.”

Then lock it, take it to the river and throw it away, bury the key in the ground.

You can also perform such a ritual. Buy an old rusty lock. Take it to a deserted place, bury it under a tree so that no one can see or find it. At the same time, read the following speeches:

“Like this rusty metal in the ground, so is my husband in the family, and let his homewrecker walk outside the gate, but not look into the house, not enter. From now on let it be so.”

When walking home, do not look back, do not talk to anyone.

On fighting dogs

Such a conspiracy against a rival is very strong. When you encounter fighting dogs on the street, looking at them, say:

“How these animals bite, fight, become enemies. So let my husband swear with his rival, fight, bite, scratch, and then run away. Let the spoken words come true. Amen".

On poppy

To ward off a homewrecker, the poppy spell is very effective and acts quickly. Buy poppy seeds at the market or in a store, scatter them near the threshold of your husband’s mistress, saying the following spell:

“The birds are flying past my house, past the poppy. And they will see the grains and eat them all completely. Let the one who became a homewrecker in my family leave our lives forever. When birds eat poppy seeds, that’s how my words work. Amen".

After such a ritual, the beloved must definitely return to the family and ask for forgiveness. But after performing magical actions, it is important to consolidate them with a ritual to return the husband’s feelings. Such conspiracies at a distance are powerful and effective.

For fish

Cooling down on the opponent is carried out with the help of fish. Buy fresh fish in the morning without haggling or taking change. Such rituals are strong and are carried out in the cold of the opponent. Come home, clean the fish from scales and entrails. Feed them to a stray cat. Next, take the fish in your hands and read the following text on it:

“Just as this fish does not have a tail, bladder, head, fins or entrails, so my rival does not have the beauty, love and feelings of my husband. Just as this fish’s intestines will not grow back, it will not get what it wants, it will not be happy with (husband’s name). As it is said, everything comes true.”

Perform such actions on men's day. Treat your spouse to fish.

Pin spell

An effective spell is to use a pin, which is discreetly attached to the inside of the husband’s clothes. Say:

“As a pin closes tightly, let my family close. My husband will return and stay with me.”

Let this pin be his personal amulet. Even when he returns to the family, let him not take it off.

The use of church candles

How to get rid of a rival, remove her from the life of the spouses? They get rid of the homewrecker by cooling the flame of a candle and using a spell on church candles. It is very important to remember that any magical actions should be carried out only with the firm confidence that you want to save the family after his betrayal. If you have even the slightest doubt, you should not turn to magic for help.

To carry out the ceremony you will need blessed water, a church candle, and a photo of your loved one. Wait until midnight and fill a glass with sacred water. Light a candle, place it in front of the glass, and place a photograph of your husband here. Look at the photo through the flame of a candle, focus on your loved one, say the following spell:

“Just as holy water never meets fire, so may my beloved (name) never meet another woman (name). Amen".

A ritual is also performed using seven church candles. These actions should only be performed if you are ready to forgive your husband. Place them in a circle and light them. It is better to speak candles at midnight. Place a photo of your loved one in the center of the circle and read these words:

“You are my destiny, my life, love and heart. Stay with me forever. Turn your eyes away from your mistress. Help me, power of fire, become a wall between the homewrecker and my family. Amen".

You can read the spell on your rival’s lapel at home and the hair spell or on your rival’s thing. If a woman wants it, she will succeed. But any impact requires great strength, so you need to tune in and believe. You need to get the hair of the homewrecker, light the candles on the flame, reading:

“Burn, burning your hair. Let it be hot for you. But the homewrecker is bored, she will live out her century alone.”

On my husband's shirt

To ensure that the rival lags behind her husband, the following ritual is performed at night on the full moon. You will need the shirt your spouse wore. Place her on the bed, cover her with a pillow, read the following text:

“I will take the heart of my husband (name) in my hands, take it to the kingdom of cold, let it cool down to my rival (name). So that he is not loved and does not love her, let her go out of his heart. In the kingdom of ice there is a hut with ice walls, a window, a stove and a floor. Let there be ice between lovers, so that they fight, bite, pinch, get angry, swear, forget each other and do not remember. From now on and forever."

Bird lapel

A bird ritual will help get rid of competitors and regain his interest. Say food and give it to the birds:

“I’ll get up early in the morning, go to the seas, and find an old stone. I will hide the love of my husband and wife under him forever and ever.”

A conspiracy that must be read 40 times

An effective ritual is performed at night during the waning moon. Wait until midnight, read the text, looking at the month. Repeat it 40 times:

“Mother Moon, you are floating across the clear sky. There are worms in the apples, there are fish in the water, and there is a snake in the slave (the name of the rival). Twist, snake, the body of the homewrecker, may she not be happy with my husband (name). Let them fight, not make peace, not know happiness together, hate each other. Only I will be loved and desired, only with me will he know happiness, live in harmony, and forget his sorrows. And (name) is an underwater snake, a terrible and insidious witch, a dead pike. I'll drive her out with a broom and smoke her out with fire. May this help bring back your husband and eliminate your rival. They will not be together with my betrothed, they will not have common descendants, they will not see off the sunset, they will not while away the nights, they will not greet the dawn. Salt and water in her eyes. And I am desired and needed. Amen".

After reading such words, go to bed in silence. Repeat this ritual for 9 days. Be sure to imagine a positive outcome.

Cemetery lapel

An effective ritual to land from a cemetery. Find a grave with your husband’s name, kneel in front of it, cross yourself and say:

“God, just as a dead man lies in the ground and cannot live without a graveyard, just as a small fish cannot live on land, so the servant of God (name) would not be able to live without me. Let him not approach (name), but return to me, love will give the last days, will not betray. Amen".

The Power of Prayer

There is also a very powerful prayer from the homewrecker. Repeat it at least 40 times, every day until the husband returns to his rightful place:

“Jesus Christ, I pray for help. I call, I beg. Give me help and strength so that I can overcome suffering, so as not to torment my soul. The husband’s path from his cursed rival (name) to me, his lawful and faithful wife. What I said is coming true. In the name of all saints. Amen".