Prayer for my daughter to find a boyfriend. How to get a guy away from your daughter - prayer What is a lapel

Prayer for my daughter to find a boyfriend.  How to get a guy away from your daughter - prayer What is a lapel
Prayer for my daughter to find a boyfriend. How to get a guy away from your daughter - prayer What is a lapel

Complete collection and description: prayer for a daughter to stop loving for the spiritual life of a believer.

You don't deserve such a callous attitude from your daughter. As a mother, you regret that at a certain stage of upbringing you missed your child. Read a strong plot.

No witchcraft. Do not be alarmed, we will not turn to the forces of destruction.

You don't have to make a ransom.

After a short period of time, your daughter will change her attitude towards her mother for the better.

Go to the Orthodox Church and buy 5 candles.

Without religious ceremonies, go back.

Exactly at midnight, retire to a locked room.

Light all the candles.

Look closely at the fire.

Do not disturb the emotional wound by remembering disagreements.

Don't scold your daughter, don't reproach yourself.

Your relationship will soon improve.

Confidently read the proposed magic spell.

Oh, Fire, you blaze in the night, melt ice and save us from the cold. Make sure my daughter sees the light and looks at me differently. Let her be gentler, not get angry, let her heart strive closer to her mother. Oh, Fire, if I am guilty, let the retribution not be too tormenting. Those who quarrel with us, cause damage, let them leave the threshold in peace. Let it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

You blow out the candles. Take the spell sheet to a secluded place.

After about a week, repeat all occult activities.

Live in harmony!

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  • Ekaterina - Spell on a mirror for love and beauty, 3 spells
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Prayer for a loved one to love without memory

Everyone wants to love and be loved - such is human nature. We look for love everywhere, try to preserve it and suffer when we lose it. To get their personal happiness, many resort to love spells, but this magic threatens with dire consequences.

A prayer for a loved one to love is not even a spell, it is a request that a person makes to higher powers in order to increase his chances of a relationship with a particular object.

How to make requests to heaven correctly?

A prayer for love is a message, a request with which a person turns to higher powers. The message, intention and desire are very important here, and not the exact order of words. The words of the prayer do not have to be exactly the same as they are indicated in the source. It is not at all necessary to memorize the text of the prayer; you can simply say something similar with feeling and from the heart.

To read the prayer, you need to choose a quiet, calm place - it can be a room in an apartment or an open space in nature. The main thing is that at this moment no one inadvertently interferes with the ritual. You need to calm your mind, concentrate and bring to mind the image of the person you are in love with. Holding this image, begin to read the prayer slowly and quietly, giving meaning to each word.

You also need to remember that Prayer won't magically solve anything.. If there is sympathy or other warm feelings for the person asking in the object’s heart, then the prayer will work, but if his heart is occupied by someone else, nothing can be done here.

Prayer of Loving Hearts

It happens that relationships fade away, feelings weaken, then this prayer will come to the rescue. This prayer will make your loved one treat you better, love you more and respect you more.

“I beg you, white angels, in the name of Jesus Christ and All Saints in heaven, pray for (your name) and (name of chosen one(s)). Enlighten the servant of God (name of the chosen one) and give him my eternal and faithful love, melt the ice in his heart and endow him with a fiery, unquenchable fire. I pray, merciful ones, help create (your name) and (name of your chosen one) a strong and happy family, help (your name) and (name of your chosen one) become faithful wife and husband, mother and father of good and handsome children. Bless the union of two loving hearts and give them life together. Everything is in the power and hands of the merciful God, I humble myself before his will! Amen. Amen. Amen."

Another option:

“By the union of love of all the angels and apostles, O God, unite the two souls of your servants - (your name) and (name of the chosen one(s)). Endow this union with strength of spirit and humility, Your commandments. And may earthly and heavenly love unite us, through the prayers of the Mother of God and All Saints.”

For a man to love only me

When reading this prayer, you need to place your right palm on your heart, apply a little pressure and say:

“Before you, God, I stand, your humble servant (your name), and I open my heart to you. I ask You, reward me with earthly love and passionate tenderness, for my heart grows hard without this love. I ask You, open the way for me to the servant of God (name of the chosen one), my beloved. May our lives be illuminated with true love and light, may we gain immortality even after death. Bless and guide me, God, I trust in your mercy! Amen."

Spell on a thing

In addition to prayers, there are also white magic spells that will help improve relationships between spouses.

This conspiracy on a thing will allow you to ignite your feelings more strongly, he will make your partner think about you, not cheat, call and yearn when you are apart. This plot is applicable for both husband and wife.

The subject for which the prayer will be read can be anything, but it is better to choose something that was in close contact with this person - comb, scarf, ring or chain, toothbrush and more.

It is better to perform the ritual in the dark.. To do this, you need to sit in a quiet, comfortable place, light a candle and put a loved one in front of you. Look at the thing and mentally visualize your chosen one and slowly, thoughtfully say:

“In a terrible black separation, all bridges are burned, but don’t burn them, stay close to me. Take the little thing in your hands, and immediately your world will shake, your heart will beat, the earth will turn over from your strong love for me. Your world will no longer be the same, the most beautiful maidens (husbands) will not be attractive to you, only you will be attracted to me. So come to me, love me as I love you. Forever and ever! Amen."

Here is another conspiracy, so that the husband loves his wife more than life, wants her and is always there.

For this ritual you will need good, not strong, red wine.. Arrange a romantic dinner for your husband, pour him some wine and say these words to him:

“I speak magic words over wine, so that the servant of God (name of the man) will desire me, the servant of God (your name), so that he will adore (name), go to bed with dreams of me and get up too, so that my body will be desired by him, so that youthful excitement he woke up. Amen."

To woo a girl

Prayer for a girl to love a guy.

“I will lie down, servant of God (your name), and get up, and pray for Your glory, and let me go from door to door, from gate to gate, to field to field, from sea to sea, so that I may find my true, my sincere , my beautiful maiden (name of the chosen one). Let me go into an open field under the bright, blue stars and I will find three roads: one road goes to a fast river, a clean river, another road goes to a black, hot stone, the third road leads to a dreary, dark tree. I will choose the third road and follow it. And I will come to a dark tree and settle in this tree my longing for the beautiful maiden, and that tree will bloom with different and beautiful flowers. And then the maiden will wake up from her waking dream and she will understand that life is not life for her without me, a wonderful and faithful fellow. And may strong, strong bonds bind us together, and may there be no obstacles between us, no thunderstorms, no troubles, no losses. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Conspiracies so that your daughter is not tormented by love's melancholy

Conspiracies are made by the mother of a girl who has fallen into love addiction.

Just as there is no second Friday or second Thursday in the week, so would the servant of God (name), my daughter, the servant of God (name) stop loving him, stop grieving about him, become joyful and happy. The key in the lock is closed, the lock is drowned in the ocean-sea. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at midnight from Thursday to Friday. Take holy water, speak on it and sprinkle the door to your daughter’s room, and then cross yourself and go to bed.

Feather grass, soft ant, remove from the forehead of my daughter, the servant of God (name), from the soul of the servant of God (name), from the heart of the servant of God (name), bitter grief and longing, so that from the servant of God (name) all love for the servant of God (name) went away and melted away without a trace, leaving my daughter alone forever. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done in the summer at dawn. You need to go barefoot into the yard, walk through the dewy grass, collect a small bunch of feather grass, tie it with a red woolen thread, cross yourself and go home without looking back. At home, go into your sleeping daughter’s room, cross her, fan the girl’s face, chest and stomach with a bunch of feather grass and quietly read the spell. Next, leave your daughter’s room, close the door, and place a bunch of feather grass near the icons.

Father Peter and Mother Fevronia! Help the servant of God (name), my dear daughter, to forget about the servant of God (name) forever, and find a new, happy love for herself. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

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World is Small

What we think about will come true...what we send into the world will come back to us...

Spells for the respect and love of children for their mother.

A talisman to protect parents from ungrateful children.

I walk with three doors, three gates, three nine paths, with my own blood. Through the veins and blood veins, through the conspiracy of the slave (name) of the body, for the mother’s cause. Let the slave (name) not offend me, let her tongue free, let her hands not loosen, and take the bread. How I didn’t get enough sleep, how I was malnourished, carried and nursed, cherished and took care of, I didn’t sleep through the dark of night, I kept thinking about the child, I grieved, I didn’t let her suffer, I didn’t let her cry. She fed and watered, was sorry and did not beat. So my child would not scold and offend me, and would not give offense to others. Just as I pray for Jesus Christ, so would my son (daughter) pity me until my end. A fish in the water, the Lord on the cross, and God on the throne. Lord, give me a happy mother's share. Amen. Amen. Amen."

A conspiracy to return filial love.

To this end, during the period of the waning Moon (before noon), go to an open window, vividly and figuratively imagine the face of your now adult son as it was when he was two or three years old, and then say:

“Take away, Lord, the wrath of my sons from me, the servant of God (your name), so that he, Your servant (your name), will not offend his mother, but will always help. Just as a fish in a river does not open its mouth and does not scold anyone, so my little blood would turn to me, its mother. Send, Lord, filial love to me. Amen".

Wash your face with the water blessed in the temple, and at the end of the procedure, say three times:

“I washed myself with holy water, washed away my son’s hatred. Exactly!"

The son's hostility will disappear.

A conspiracy if the daughter-in-law does not allow her son to see his mother.

Some wives resort to conspiracies and spells that prevent their husband from setting foot on his mother's threshold.

To remove them, you need to turn the fur coat inside out, put it under the table and say:

,Dead skin cannot become a sheep.

The servant of God (name) will not be able to hold back.

My son, come home to me, God’s servant (name).

How I fed you bread and salt,

How I gave you my milk,

Remember this, don’t forget, don’t offend me, your mother.

A conspiracy to make children respect you.

The spell that I will now teach you can truly be called miraculous. They read it morning and evening every day until they notice changes for the better in the character of an evil person.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Mother Theotokos stood behind the Throne,

I read the first law of the Lord God,

She honored her Father and Mother and did not contradict her.

There are fiery words in God's Scripture.

He will destroy his immortal soul.

Read this commandment to my children yourself,

So that they respect me and never offend me

Me, their mother, who gave birth to them and baptized them.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

A conspiracy so that the daughter does not forget her mother.

how I would yearn for her: how a mare yearns

in my own way foals, a sheep after its lamb,

and my daughter on her porch and on me,

Conspiracy if the son forgot his mother.

whom I gave birth to and whom I nourished with milk.

Mother of God, how you missed your son,

I didn’t think that I would ever have to turn to conspiracies and magic. But life forced me. Otherwise, there was no way I could save my child. I believe that my story will also help someone protect their children from evil people.

I'm 64. My husband died when I was 51, and I've been single since then. It would be more correct to say, not alone, because I have children. True, my eldest daughter, her husband and son now live in another city, and the youngest, Natasha, stayed with me.

Natasha and I lived together in our three-room apartment, there was enough space. But after graduation, when Natasha found a good job, she began renting housing and living separately. I think this is correct. She is an independent person, and she will get married faster this way.

She met a guy with whom they began to live together a month after they met. I didn’t like Alexey right away. Neither outwardly, nor how he behaved with Natasha. They didn't fit together at all, as if she had ended up with him by accident. Natasha is a cheerful girl, smart, sociable, beautiful. I'm not saying this because she is my daughter. This is how both my friends and Natasha’s friends speak about her. My daughter always looked like the picture. I never skimped on good things; I went on vacation abroad more than once.

This is not the kind of guy I imagined next to my daughter. And this is certainly not the fate she wanted for her. When they started dating, it was as if Natasha had been replaced. She somehow became quiet and forgot about everything she liked, about herself as

as if I forgot. The first time they came to visit me together, the cat shit on the chair where Alexey was sitting. And the cat is already an adult, she never goes past. They say that animals feel what a person is like, and if they don’t like him, this is how they show their attitude.

Natasha rarely came to visit me and was always alone. To my questions - how are you?, how are you? She replied that everything was fine. How good it is! Natasha always seemed preoccupied, tense, with a dull look. And I also noticed that while my daughter is visiting me, this Alexey will call her on her mobile 5 times. Natasha became nervous after his calls. I ask what happened, and he says that everything is fine, he’s just worried and doesn’t like it when she leaves for a long time.

I decided to call her friend and talk about Natasha, she probably knows more than me. So what do you think? It turns out that Alexey and Natasha’s friends drove everyone away. They now only communicate with his friends and don’t really go anywhere. This morel says that he is saving money for an apartment, he needs to save money, and not hang around in restaurants. The guy got a good job: he’s a newcomer, he doesn’t have a normal job. But there is my Natasha, who supports them both.

I didn’t believe that my daughter could love such a person; I felt in my heart that she felt very bad.

I went to church to light a candle for my daughter’s health and pray. At first I couldn’t light the candle, it went out all the time, and then it completely fell.

I turned to knowledgeable people for help, they advised me to perform a ritual that removes the love spell. And I didn’t doubt for a minute that this was a love spell. They said that you need to take the charmed salt to the house where the young people live.

I bought salt, poured some into a bag with the words: “A tear is salty, but it washes your eyes. So let the salt open Natalia’s mind.” The rest of the salt must be buried in the ground with the words: “Let it be so.”

I also hung a buckthorn branch over the front door with the words: “Lord, carry Alexei past my house, so that I forget the way to the house, so that I do not harm those in the house.”

I wanted Alexey to not even mentally be able to reach my daughter when she was visiting me.

Over time, I began to notice that Natasha came to visit very dejected, and then relaxed, and it was clear that she did not want to leave. I took advantage of this: I called her and told her that I wasn’t feeling well and asked her to come over for the night. Her tormentor, of course, called all evening, but I noticed that Natasha was already talking to him confidently, and then asked him not to call at all. I believed that everything would work out for her and she would remember who she really is!

When Natasha fell asleep, I took a piece of pure wax, about the size of a fist, put it in a saucepan and put it on the fire. She poured holy water into the bowl. When the wax boiled, I took a bowl of water, wax

and, holding the cup over her daughter’s head, she began to slowly pour it into the water and read the prayers “Our Father” and “I Believe.” Early in the morning, before sunrise, I carefully repeated the ritual with new wax.

In the morning Natasha was very calm, we had breakfast with pleasure, and even chatted as before. When Natasha left, she said: “See you soon.” She came in the evening with her friends, who helped her move her things. And Natasha asked me never to think about Alexei again.

Of course, any mother wants to see her daughter happy in family life. And this, as a rule, is only possible with sincere love. That’s why mothers look closely at their daughters’ chosen ones. Moreover, they do not always agree with their choice. Moreover, mothers are often right due to greater life experience.

That is why turning a daughter away from a guy is very common. Such rituals are not much different from other lapel effects. The main thing is to choose the right ritual, the right direction and carry out the ritual with complete confidence in your own rightness. And, of course, the daughter should think that the breakup with the guy happened naturally, since the relationship has outlived its usefulness.

It is recommended to turn your daughter away from her boyfriend when she is not at home. You can be creative and, under a fictitious pretext, send your daughter away from home. For example, you can offer her to stay with relatives, or she will certainly agree if you pay for her for a week-long trip abroad.

The ritual must be performed on the first day of the daughter’s departure. This is so that she cannot yearn for her lover. Otherwise, a strong energetic connection will be established between her loved one and her, which will be very difficult to destroy even with the most powerful repulsive influence.

It is important that the daughter’s journey coincides with the period of the waning moon. The moon in this phase contributes to the fading of feelings, and, therefore, the lapel effect will be more effective. For the ceremony you will need a joint photograph of the daughter with her lover. It’s better to take care of this before your daughter leaves, by taking, for example, a joint photo as a souvenir on a mobile phone.

Carrying out the ritual

Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you should tear off pieces from the photograph with the image of your daughter’s chosen one. You need to do this until only your daughter’s image remains in the picture.

During this process, you should continuously pronounce the following magic words:

“I pinched off a piece of the photograph and tied a knot with love. There will be a lot of pinching, which means there will be a lot of knots. These knots, secured by maternal feelings, will forever block the love path from the Servant of God (boyfriend’s name) to my daughter, the Servant of God (daughter’s name), and become an insurmountable barrier to their feelings. My magical and loving words will calm my daughter’s heart. She will not languish and suffer from love for the Servant of God (the guy’s name). She will stop waiting for news from her lover and will forget about him. The Servant of God (boyfriend's name) will not be nice to my daughter. So each pinch of my feelings gradually cooled her. I will pinch the photo and tear it, and at the same time tear the feelings of my daughter, the Servant of God (daughter’s name) from the Servant of God (boyfriend’s name) forever. Amen".

After only the image of the daughter remains in the picture, the lapel ritual is considered completed. He will begin to act in the shortest possible time, manifesting himself in the fact that your daughter on vacation will less often remember her lover and will become less likely to contact him.

To consolidate the lapel effect, you should hide a piece of the photograph with the image of your daughter in a secluded place so that no one will ever find it. It will serve as a talisman for your daughter and will not allow her feelings for her loved one to flare up again when she meets him. And the scraps with the guy’s image just need to be taken out and thrown away from the house.

If your maternal heart tells you that your daughter made a mistake in choosing a boyfriend or groom, and you want to help her get rid of an unworthy young man, then you can perform a ritual maternal lapel of daughter from boyfriend.

But, before you do this, I highly recommend seeking the advice of an experienced fortune teller and conducting a fortune telling session. After all, if you are mistaken, and your daughter’s fiancé is a very decent man who loves her, and she could be happy with him, you can ruin her whole life, doom her to female loneliness.

If you are completely convinced that your daughter does not need such a groom, and you feel the witchcraft power in yourself to carry out the lapel yourself and do not want to entrust the magical work to a witch or sorcerer, then as soon as the moon wanes, you can begin the ritual.

How to make a lapel

So, to carry out a maternal lapel of your daughter from a guy yourself, you will need the most recent joint photo of your daughter and the unwanted young man. Let me emphasize that they should be strictly together in the picture. Cutting off other people and animals is unacceptable. You will also need a small transparent bowl, a new thin black wax candle, and a match.

Take a bowl and fill it with drinking water. Light a candle with a match and place it over the bowl. Take the photo in your hands and hold it over the bowl. Carefully set fire to the photo from the side where the man is depicted. Let his image burn and the ashes fall into the bowl. As soon as your daughter is left alone in the photo, quickly lower the photo into the water with the burning side and extinguish it.

The rest of the photo, which shows your daughter, will need to be buried in the ground in the morning near her house (or yours, if you live together). Drink the water and ashes to the bottom and then say loudly three times:

“You will never be together.
Don't love each other anymore.
Let it be so".

Extinguish the black candle and throw it in the trash. Do the same with the bowl, since it is no longer advisable to use it.

If you do everything without mistakes, the ritual of a mother turning her daughter away from a guy will work in two weeks and will separate their destinies forever. Perhaps a breakup will be a painful and unpleasant experience for your daughter, especially if she is very young and she is experiencing a similar situation for the first time, then you will support her at this moment so that she does not do anything stupid.

This article contains: a prayer for a daughter to find a boyfriend - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

1) For example, a Christian prayer for a daughter to get married, addressed to the great miracle worker Saint Nicholas.

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Orthodox prayer for a successful marriage and happiness in marriage to the Great Martyr Saint Catherine

“Oh, holy Great Martyr Catherine, a chosen vessel of purity, a pillar of Orthodoxy, our reliable intercessor, who showed us the guilt of begging you, a legal ascetic, a saint resting holy on a holy mountain! We pray to you: having come down from above, listen to the voice of our prayer, look at the misfortune of your servants, enlighten the darkness of our mind, make us wise in heaven, not earthly. Hasten with your prayers to overcome carnal lusts, addictions to the world and the machinations of evil spirits who are viciously warring against us: so that through your intercession in the days of this life we ​​will be free from their hostile attacks and, after the outcome, from their aerial tortures. Oh, wise maiden! Grant us everything that is useful for asking: you can ask much from your beloved Bridegroom, Christ our God. We know that the prayer of the righteous can do much, promoted by the compassion of the merciful God; to Him be glory, honor and thanksgiving always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

At the end of the church miraculous prayer for your daughter to marry a rich and kind guy, ask for help in your own words.

Plot for daughter's marriage

Lord God, send the good fellows into my house - the bravest ones, it’s not fitting for them to run around in freedom anymore! There is no need for mediocrities or thieves, only the faithful and daring for my daughter’s protection! Those who are not to their liking will be removed, but the faithful daughter is the only one who gets it! My words will come true! Amen.

5) Try using an old conspiracy. It has two very important advantages. Firstly, it is not the girl who should read the plot, but her mother. The future bride herself may know nothing at all about how a mother cares about the personal happiness of her daughter. Secondly, the conspiracy is not addressed to any specific young man, but to the one who is destined by fate to be your daughter’s groom. This means that such a conspiracy cannot do any harm. He will simply force the betrothed to hurry up a little, stir him up, and stir up the young man’s heart with anticipation of love.

So, if you are ready, then early in the morning you need to go out to some open place (preferably in a field) and, turning your face east towards the sun, say three times:

“Beyond the sea-ocean, in a copper city, in an iron mansion, sits a good fellow. He is chained with ten chains and shut with ten doors. Only my word will free the good young man from captivity and rush to his betrothed. I, dear mother (state your name), am speaking to the amorous young man for the love of the red maiden (state your daughter’s name). He can’t walk without her, he can’t have fun without her. Without her, there is no life for him in his parents' house next to his father and mother. Let her appear to him in a dream and in reality. And in the day, and at noon, and in the dark midnight. And without her, he would not have seen joy and found no joy. My word is the end, and the love of the red maiden (daughter’s name) is the beginning.”

Unfortunately, mothers are not always ready to take care of their daughters. Often girls have to do everything themselves. If you are in exactly this position, then know: in Rus' it was customary to pray for suitors on November 10 on Neonil and Paraskeva. Apparently, the prayers were a success, since the cherished date was preserved in the people's memory. Try it, maybe it will help you.

Icons: “Holy Trinity”, “Guardian Angel”, “St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of the World of Lycia”.

“A candle in a candlestick in front of each icon.

Black prayer cloth.

Sequence of the ritual

Place the icons in a semicircle on a table covered with a family tablecloth.

Place a candle in a candlestick in front of each icon.

Place the ancestral towel in the center of the table. Place your daughter's candle on it.

Place a black prayer cloth on the floor.

Stand in the center of the canvas.

Call on the Holy Trinity, your guardian angel, and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help.

Light the candles. Read the Lord's Prayer 4 times.

Prayer "Our Father"

Hang the ancestral towel on your left hand, and take your daughter’s candle in your right hand.

Stand facing east.

Make the sign of the cross with a candle in front of you and bow.

Read the plot. Do this in the direction of the sun to 4 cardinal directions.

Read the plot for each side of the world.

Spell “For a successful marriage”

From the royal palace,

From the boyar threshold

There was a road leading to my house.

They are walking along that road

The clan of the royal and boyars,

Business and craftsman.

Along the royal road to my doorstep

Grooms are coming for (name)’s daughter,

Those suitors are rich

Lucky and beautiful

And one among them is betrothed and lucky,

He is a prince among princes,

Boyar among boyars,

A merchant among merchants,

Profitable and noble.

That groom is coming to the doorstep,

He will walk my daughter down the aisle.

My daughter is swimming like a peahen,

Married life will be successful.

I will strengthen my secret word with a cross and a bow,

I will strengthen my cause with the ancestral towel.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

When the candles burn out, read a prayer of thanks.

Wrap your daughter's candle in the ancestral towel. For forty days, place the towel in the Goddess.

Your daughter will marry very successfully, her husband will love her, and she will live in abundance.

Mother's prayer for her daughter to get married

Almost every person in the world dreams of love, a happy marriage, children, and romantic relationships, especially girls. It is enough to once experience the delights of mutual relationships and the soul is transformed, becomes kinder, happier, more sincere.

Mothers who have known love definitely want their daughter to feel it. Even based on dry calculations, successfully marrying off a daughter is beneficial to all family members. Believing mothers will be helped to achieve their plans by praying for their daughter’s marriage. For your daughters to get married, ask for help from heavenly powers, for example, turn to Nicholas the Pleasant, Matrona, the Mother of God.

Prayer helps even if you previously did not consider yourself a believer, because a sincere appeal to higher powers will be noticed and appreciated if it comes from the heart.

Love is a sacrifice; by giving someone a small portion of positive energy, you are doing a good deed, making yourself happier, first of all. If your daughter has long dreamed of a successful marriage, first listen carefully to her opinion, do not rush to conclusions, and only after her consent do you get down to business.

Reading a prayer is not easy

Before praying to Matrona, realize the need to turn to higher powers. The daughter may be too young, inexperienced in family affairs, it is quite possible that she is not ready yet, or does not want to get married at all. The prayer should be said with full confidence that now is the time to ask for help from a higher power. Prayer should not have malicious intent, actions should not endanger the integrity of families, because there are cases when girls fall in love with married men.

When reading the prayer to the Mother of God, Matryona, try to learn the words by heart, believe me, learning a few simple sentences is quite simple, the effect of reading memorized words is much better. When performing the ritual, remember the goal; you cannot be distracted or think about extraneous things. To help your mother concentrate successfully, imagine the image of your daughter, how happy she will be when she gets married. It is not necessary to carry out the ritual in a church, but for better results it is better to go there, even if you have not been there for a long time. If you don’t know who to turn to so that your daughter gets married, then stop at Matrona. To make the procedure successful, donate some money to the church.

Heavenly powers will help you find your soulmate

The mother’s prayer for her daughter’s successful marriage is read in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. The most famous icon depicting the saint is called “The Unfading Color”, ideal for reading a prayer next to her. She will help you find the most worthy spouse; the main thing is to pray correctly, without being distracted from your goal. The Mother of God will also help you get rid of “love addiction,” when a girl is the mistress of a married man.

One of the best prayers for a prosperous marriage that mothers can make is to turn to the Blessed Matrona. Light three church candles, mentally concentrate on your daughter’s successful marriage, think about how her husband will become her, first of all, a friend and ally.

If you are not in church, try to clearly imagine the image, visualize a happy daughter getting married.

Matrona is not the only assistant and executor of prayers for help in marriage; try turning to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

What result should you expect?

A sincere, pure, kind prayer to Matrona will not go unheard by the heavenly forces. Therefore, the result will definitely be equal to the efforts made, both on the part of the mother and on the part of the child. It is worth understanding that higher powers do not give anything, even if you pray. You should expect that your daughter will find herself in a situation where the right decision will allow her to find happiness by getting married.

Popular prayers for children:

Prayers for your daughter to get married: comments

Comments - 8,

My wife and I always wanted our daughter to be happy, so that she would marry for love, but she always came across some, forgive me, assholes who did not appreciate her. It’s no joke, she was already 27, and she kept wearing girls, of course, she began to think that there was something wrong with her, someone had done the damage. So my mother decided to go to church and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos. I went for several months, we were already beginning to lose hope, but then another month later my daughter met a good young man, about a month ago they got married, she was so happy, yes and so do we. After this, we strengthened our faith, because there are things that we cannot comprehend. Prayers really help if they come from the heart!

I am a Muslim, I really want my daughter to marry a man of her faith, to be a good husband for my daughter, to be a good father for future children, Saints, help,

I have an adult daughter, she meets a guy, she’s dating, everything is fine, three years pass, they’re preparing for the wedding and instantly everything ends. This has already been going on for ten years. Before marriage there is simply an impenetrable wall. It is simply impossible to explain what is happening. She is losing faith in the possibility of getting married, having a beloved husband and a strong family. Please send a kind and reliable friend and husband to my daughter so that she can get married and have children.

I beg you, Saint Matrona, for the happiness of your beloved daughter Danara. Help her not make a mistake with her choice and remove unfaithful people from her. Send her a bright marriage and a married life according to God's Laws. Thy will be done. Amen. Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, protect my daughter from a destructive marriage and give her a faithful chosen one. Not rich, not married, not partying, not drinking, not being dealt a heavy hand, but kind and loving. Thy will be done. Amen

Saints help my eldest daughter get married

Please help my adult daughter find her feminine happiness and marry the person she loves.

Holy MOTHER Matryona! Help, in the name of the father and sons and the Holy Spirit, to find my daughter, the servant of God Victoria, baptized by Veronica, to find her female happiness, a faithful, pious husband, for a long and happy life. In the name of father and son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

Saint Nicholas the PLEASER, you help everyone, help me too, do not refuse my request, PLEASE the Lord God for a quick happy marriage for my daughter. Thank you very much for your help and low bow.

Prayer for a daughter

The power of a mother's prayer is undeniable. It just so happens that girls are weaker by nature, and therefore need more protection. That is why in Orthodoxy much attention is paid to the prayers of a mother for her daughter.

Strong Orthodox prayers of a mother for her daughter

There are many powerful Orthodox prayers for a mother for her daughter. Prayer calls are distinguished by miraculous powers and are considered amulets. With their help, you can support your little one at different stages of life. A mother's sincere prayer, which comes from the depths of her soul, allows her to install an invisible protective shield over her daughter, which no evil or negativity can penetrate. A strong prayer for her daughter needs to be done daily, and in this case the mother can be sure that her daughter will successfully cope with any difficulties and avoid all troubles.

Prayer for my daughter and protection over her

Strong prayers for the daughter, which allows for reliable protection, are addressed to Jesus Christ. You can offer it both in the temple and at home. In this case, it is imperative to pray in front of the icon of the Savior with lit church candles. It is very important to fully concentrate on the prayer phrases and become fully aware of them. Nothing and no one should interfere with prayer for your daughter.

Prayer for the health of your daughter to the Most Holy Theotokos

Sincere maternal prayers are always heard by the Mother of God. Therefore, in any difficult situation you need to turn to it. As a rule, help from this Saint comes immediately.

A powerful prayer goes like this:

A mother's prayer for her daughter's happiness

In order for a daughter to find her everyday happiness, a mother must pray for her daughter. The most powerful is a special prayer directed to the Most Holy Theotokos.

There are special rules for reading such a prayer and they must be followed:

  • You need to pray for your daughter’s happiness early in the morning, when none of the household members can interfere with you.
  • You need to wash, get dressed and kneel before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.
  • It is imperative to have an Orthodox cross on your body at this moment.
  • Prayer words should be spoken while looking at the flame of a burning church candle, which must first be lit in front of the icon.

The prayer text reads as follows:

Mother's prayer for her pregnant daughter

You can also turn to the Most Holy Theotokos with prayer for your pregnant daughter. If the mother's prayer is offered every day, this will guarantee a successful pregnancy. In addition, prayer will strengthen the daughter’s spirit and calm her down, which means that the birth will be easy and the child will be born healthy.

The prayer in this case sounds like this:

Prayer for the daughter of Matrona and Nicholas the Wonderworker

A very powerful prayer is to turn to the Holy Elder Matrona of Moscow. During her lifetime, this saint valued the connection between parents and children, therefore, being in heaven, she will definitely hear the prayer and respond. The prayer request for the happiness of the daughter must be read at early dawn in front of the image of the Holy Elder. It is not allowed to be read every day, but only in cases where an internal need arises.

It is very important, when saying the following prayer words, to believe that they will be heard:

It sounds like this:

Prayer for the birth of a daughter to St. Matrona

The process of childbirth always causes excitement in the soul of any woman. Therefore, it is important to properly prepare mentally for the birth process. Any mother worries about her daughter and therefore strives to help her with special prayer. As you know, maternal prayer is always very effective. It allows you to create a special protective shield, which will eliminate any unforeseen circumstances during childbirth.

You can ask the Holy Matrona of Moscow for help during the birth of your daughter.

A prayer request might sound like this:

Prayer for your daughter to get married successfully

Every mother dreams of her daughter getting married successfully. The most powerful prayer for such a case is turning to Jesus Christ.

It might sound like this:

Prayer for daughter's birthday

The prayer on your daughter’s birthday is especially powerful. It allows you to reliably protect your child from sorrows and troubles for the whole year. Before the prayer, which should be said at home, you should definitely visit the temple, where you need to light a candle for the health of your daughter.

The prayer is said in front of the icon of the Savior, the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. You should definitely light a church candle in front of them.

A prayer for a daughter should be directed to the Mother of God and may sound like this:

Prayer for a daughter: Orthodox maternal prayers

For any mother, the happiness and well-being of her child comes first. It is so inherent in nature that girls are weaker and need more maternal love. Of course, a mother will not be able to constantly, at any moment, be next to her daughter, but the Orthodox prayer for her daughter will help protect and support her dear one in all endeavors - a mother’s prayer, spoken from the bottom of her heart, with the strongest love in the world.

Prayer for a daughter: its strength and varieties

A mother's prayer for her daughter has a special miraculous power that can support the future woman at all stages of her life - from birth to the time when she herself experiences the joy of motherhood. A mother’s sincere prayer raises over her daughter an invisible shield of divine protection and care, which no arrows of evil will be able to pierce.

Prayer for a daughter should become a daily obligatory ritual of every Orthodox mother. She will help the girl in all her girlish difficulties.

Orthodox maternal prayer for a daughter is often read with a specific purpose. Depending on this, there are several varieties of it:

  • universal prayers for a daughter;
  • prayers for my daughter’s health;
  • prayers-amulets (protective);
  • prayers for help in learning;
  • prayers for daughter's marriage;
  • prayers for pregnancy and assistance in childbirth.

There is a very close psycho-emotional connection between mother and child, and it is especially deep in the relationship with her daughter. Praying to higher powers for her beloved and precious girl, mother blesses her for happiness, health, success and prosperity in all areas of life.

Orthodox mother's prayers for her daughter

Orthodox mothers turn to various representatives of higher powers with prayer requests for their daughters. Maternal prayers to the Lord God, to the Most Holy Theotokos, and to the Guardian Angel are widespread and in demand. Depending on what particular area of ​​life the mother desires heavenly protection for her child, prayers can be addressed to various saints (Blessed Matrona of Moscow, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Seraphim of Sarov, Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, etc.)

Universal mother's prayers for her daughter

Universal maternal prayers are prayers with which mothers ask the Lord and His saints for the life well-being of their children. They often do not contain an indication of the child’s gender, that is, they can be read for both a daughter and a son. There are a lot of similar prayer texts; if you wish, you can find them in the Orthodox Prayer Book. I will give 2 examples of common prayer.

  • First prayer. A short mother's prayer for her daughter, addressed to the Almighty. It is recommended to read it as part of a set of Orthodox prayers for bedtime, preferably immediately after the “Our Father.” Number of repetitions – 3 times. Text of a mother's prayer for her daughter:
  • Second prayer. A universal maternal prayer that lists all the main aspects of life’s well-being. It can be used as a prayer for a daughter, as a prayer for a son, and as a general prayer for children (if there are several of them in the family). Mothers can refer to this text every day, at any time, without a specific reason. If desired, you can make the necessary changes to it: word "children" replace with words "daughter" or "son", instead of the plural, use the singular. The prayer is:

Mother's prayer for her daughter's health

Various diseases - serious and not so serious - can lie in wait for any child: both a girl and a boy. At such moments, the mother is sick along with her child, but she is sick in soul and heart. A mother’s prayer addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos will help alleviate the condition of a sick child.

The mother’s appeals directed to the Virgin Mary are very powerful, since it is the Mother of God, herself a Mother, who understands the feelings and aspirations of the mother better than anyone else and willingly responds to requests for help. You can ask the Mother of God for the health of your child (daughter, son) like this:

Mother's prayer-amulet for daughter

A mother’s prayer is the most powerful amulet for a child. A popular prayer for a daughter and protection over her can be said by a mother to the personal Guardian Angel of her little one. This text protects the girl from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes, from the influence of evil witchcraft. Words of protective prayer:

I suggest you familiarize yourself with a heartfelt mother’s prayer for her daughter in verse in this video:

A mother's prayer for her daughter - for help in studying

Education (first at school, then at a secondary or higher educational institution) is an important period in the life of any child. It is during their studies that many children discover their talents and choose their future destiny in life. In this long, difficult, but memorable time, maternal prayer and the divine blessing and support it bestows are simply necessary for any daughter.

A mother can help her child - daughter or son - during the period of education by regularly praying to the Mother of God in front of her image “Addition of Mind” (“Giver of Mind”). The prayer before the named icon reads as follows:

A mother's prayer for her daughter: about marriage

Marriage is the next important stage in the life of an already mature daughter. This is the stage when she herself reveals all her femininity, prepares to become a homemaker and mother.

A mother's prayer for her daughter's marriage, given below, allows a parent to ask for a successful marriage and family well-being for her grown girl. It is addressed to the Lord:

A mother's prayer for her daughter: for help in childbirth and the birth of a healthy baby

Bearing and giving birth to a child is a responsible task assigned by nature to a woman. This is a difficult time when the expectant mother must be extremely careful, because she is responsible not only for herself, but also for her baby, who will soon illuminate the world with his appearance. A sincere prayer for a daughter coming from the lips of a future grandmother can provide tremendous support to a young pregnant woman and protect her from possible dangers and risks.

In the process of giving birth to her grandson or granddaughter, an almost accomplished grandmother is recommended to say a prayer for help in childbirth. This petition to the Most Holy Theotokos will help relieve a pregnant daughter from the pain that arises during childbirth and will give strength for the birth of a new little person:

How to pray for your daughter?

A daughter is a continuation of her mother, a fragile and tender creature who most needs maternal love and care. The mother acts as a reliable support for her daughter throughout her life: she advises her on everyday issues and passes on her life experience to her. An additional task of an Orthodox mother is to serve as a spiritual mentor to her daughter, to take care of her spiritual well-being. And prayer for your daughter helps you realize this goal.

A true mother will express her love for her daughter with a tender heart and kind words, and not with all kinds of prohibitions and reproaches. A true mother understands her child like no one else and helps her reveal her entire feminine essence.

A prayer for a daughter should be read with all the love that fills a mother’s heart. When reciting the sacred text, the mother should keep the image of her beloved girl in her head. You need to pray in the light of lit church candles and in front of the corresponding icons. The thoughts of a praying mother must remain clear and pure even outside of prayer. Also, a woman must definitely go to church and provide all possible help to those in need.

Lord, help my daughter Ksenia grow up healthy and happy, successfully complete her studies, find a good job, and become a beloved and loving mother and wife! Protect her on her life's journey! Amen! Lord, help my daughter Ksenia grow up healthy and happy, successfully complete her studies, find a good job, become a beloved and loving mother and wife! Protect her on her life's journey! Amen!

Thank you, very good prayers! My daughter is growing up, I teach her to believe in God, we often go to church together. May the Lord God, the Most Holy Theotokos and all the saints accompany her and protect her throughout her life!

Thank you for your prayers, I will pray constantly. And I tell my daughter about God, sometimes we go to church together. Thank you)))

Thank you for your prayers. May God grant you all peace, goodness, and health. May the tears in your eyes shine only with joy.

Save, God save, our daughters. Hear, Lord, our prayers! I pray to the Lord for Daria’s health.

Thank you to the Almighty for the fact that He exists. I ask God for happiness, health, success for my children and my spouse. Long life to my parents. I believe in you, God.

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