Blueberry preparations for the winter: preserves, jam, marmalade, compote. Blueberry jam for the winter Blueberry jam recipes

Blueberry preparations for the winter: preserves, jam, marmalade, compote.  Blueberry jam for the winter Blueberry jam recipes
Blueberry preparations for the winter: preserves, jam, marmalade, compote. Blueberry jam for the winter Blueberry jam recipes

The mild taste of blueberries makes this berry one of the most loved by children and adults. Ripe berries contain sugars, organic acids, carotene and ascorbic acid. Blueberries are not only tasty, but also very healthy: they strengthen vision and the immune system, and heal gastrointestinal disorders.

Of course, it is best to eat berries fresh, since it is in the fresh product that all the vitamins and nutrients are preserved. But the berries cannot be stored for a long time, so they are processed for the winter and stored in the form of jams, preserves, preserves, sauce, jelly, marmalade, and compote. Blueberries can be dried and frozen. With minimal heat treatment, it is possible to preserve many useful substances in blueberry preparations.

Blueberry preparations - general principles of preparation

Blueberries ripen by mid-summer and are harvested until August. For winter preparations, fully ripe berries are used. It needs to be sorted out, freed from debris, and washed with cold water. After some simple preparation, you can start processing blueberries according to recipes for preparations.

Glass jars in which the prepared product will be stored must be sterilized over steam for 15-20 minutes (depending on the volume of the container). Metal lids need to be boiled. The sealed jars are cooled in the same way as other preparations: upside down under a warm old blanket or rug.

Blueberry jam

Blueberries contain pectin, which makes them a wonderful thick jam. It can be prepared very quickly and requires a minimum of ingredients. The taste of the jam is natural, the consistency is pleasant and quite dense.


Two kilograms of ripe blueberries;

A kilogram of white sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Place prepared clean blueberries in a saucepan for cooking. It would be good if it had a non-stick coating.
  2. Pour granulated sugar over the berries and mix gently.
  3. Immediately put on the fire, without waiting for the moment when the berries release juice.
  4. There is no need to add water, otherwise the jam will turn out watery and runny.
  5. Heat the berries over medium heat. Once the bottom of the pan gets warm, blueberry juice will release.
  6. Turn the heat to low and simmer the blueberries for two hours. The consistency of the jam should be very thick.
  7. When foam appears on the surface, it must be removed.
  8. As soon as the mass has thickened, the jam is ready.
  9. If desired, you can puree it using an immersion blender to obtain a more uniform and thick mass.
  10. Place the hot jam into clean, sterilized jars, seal and cool.

Puree blueberries with sugar

Blueberry preparations that do not require heat treatment are of great benefit. The simplest option is to simply grind the berries together with sugar. From the specified amount of ingredients you will get 3.5 liters of finished mass. Tasty and healthy!


Three kilograms of ripe blueberries;

Two kilograms of white sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the washed berries in a bowl.
  2. Puree blueberries in any way: grind in a blender, meat grinder, or simply crush with a rolling pin.
  3. Sprinkle the berries with granulated sugar and stir.
  4. Place the container with crushed sugar blueberries for 6-8 hours (overnight is possible). The sugar should dissolve.
  5. Place blueberries and sugar in clean, sterilized jars, cover with boiled lids and seal.
  6. Keep refrigerated.

Blueberry jelly for the winter "Lemon-cinnamon"

Homemade recipes for blueberry preparations must include jelly - tasty, aromatic, beautiful and extremely easy to prepare. It is not necessary to add spices to it if you don’t like the aroma of cinnamon or nutmeg. But with them the finished product gets a very pleasant warm note.


Six glasses of ripe blueberries;

Four glasses of sugar;

One lemon;

Half a teaspoon of nutmeg;

A teaspoon of cinnamon.

Cooking method:

  1. Place washed, clean blueberries in a cooking pot. It is good if the bottom of the dish is thick.
  2. Mash the berries with a mortar or the end of a rolling pin.
  3. Add sugar to blueberries and stir.
  4. Turn on medium heat and let the pan heat up.
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  6. Squeeze juice from lemon.
  7. Remove the zest from the crusts using a fine grater.
  8. Pour in the juice and add the zest to the boiling syrup.
  9. Simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes, waiting until the mixture begins to thicken.
  10. During the cooking process, be sure to stir the future jelly, otherwise it will burn.
  11. As soon as the mixture thickens, pour it into prepared jars, seal and place under a blanket to cool.

Blueberry compote

Recipes for blueberry preparations necessarily include a very healthy and extremely tasty vitamin compote. The amount of ingredients is indicated for a three-liter jar.


Three glasses of blueberries;

One and a half glasses of sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the jars with baking soda and rinse thoroughly with water.
  2. Boil the lids.
  3. Sort the blueberries, wash them and pour them into a jar.
  4. Place water (three liters per jar) on the fire until it boils. It is very convenient to boil water in a large kettle.
  5. Pour boiling water over the blueberries, cover with a lid and leave to warm for 15 minutes.
  6. Drain the water and return to the fire.
  7. Pour sugar into the jar and cover with a lid.
  8. When the water boils a second time, pour in the berries and seal the jar.
  9. Turn over and cool under the blanket.
  10. Store the workpiece in the cold.

Canned blueberries without sugar

For the winter, you can make blueberry preparations without sugar. Here is a simple option for canning berries, which allows you to preserve the natural taste of a natural product. The approximate number of berries is indicated. You can prepare as much as you need to preserve.


Two kilograms of blueberries.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the berries without debris, branches and leaves in several waters.
  2. Sterilize jars.
  3. Place the berries in prepared hot jars and cover with metal lids.
  4. Pour water into a wide saucepan, put an old kitchen towel on the bottom, and bring the water to a boil.
  5. Carefully place the jars of blueberries in boiling water so as to fill the jars up to the neck.
  6. Sterilize for 20 minutes.
  7. Roll up the jars, cool and store in the cold.
  8. The seams of the lids can be filled with melted wax or paraffin.

Blueberry and apple marmalade

Delicious aromatic marmalade will become a favorite healthy treat for the whole family. For this blueberry preparation you will need apples and a little citric acid.


Half a kilo of blueberries;

Half a kilo of apples without core and peel;

Seven hundred grams of granulated sugar;

Two grams of citric acid.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and core the apples and cut into small slices.
  2. Place the apple slices in a saucepan, add a little water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Puree the apples with a blender or mortar.
  4. Wash the blueberries and crush them with the end of a rolling pin, mortar or puree in a blender.
  5. Place blueberry puree in a saucepan and cook for 15 minutes.
  6. Combine apples and blueberries and place over low heat.
  7. When the mixture boils, boil it for five minutes.
  8. Add a quarter of the sugar, stir, cook for another five minutes.
  9. Add the remaining sugar in three portions.
  10. Dissolve citric acid in a small amount of water.
  11. Add citric acid along with the last portion of sugar and mix thoroughly.
  12. Divide the mixture into sterilized jars, roll up hot and cool.
  13. Store in a cool place.

Five-minute blueberry jam

The classic recipe for blueberry preparations is jam. To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins, it only needs to be cooked for five minutes.


One and a half kilograms of blueberries;

A kilogram of sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the berries and dry them a little on a towel.
  2. Place the blueberries in a saucepan with as thick a bottom as possible.
  3. Sprinkle the berries with sugar and leave for three to four hours until they release juice.
  4. Place the pan on low heat.
  5. Wait until it boils, stirring the syrup constantly.
  6. Remove any foam that appears.
  7. When the jam boils, set aside for five minutes.
  8. Pour hot jam into clean, sterilized jars and seal.
  9. Keep refrigerated.
  • If a recipe calls for pureed blueberries, you can puree them in a mixer. To avoid splashing the kitchen, you first need to crush the berries a little with a rolling pin or spoon.
  • You can use any metal lids, including screw ones, to prepare for the winter. It is necessary to boil them, otherwise the product may sour.
  • A very good option for preserving the freshness and benefits of blueberries for the winter is freezing. The berries need to be prepared in the same way as for hot preparation. Be sure to dry on a paper or cloth towel. Place in a plastic container and place in the freezer.
  • Another option is to freeze clean, dry blueberries on a large platter or wooden board, then transfer them to plastic bags and put them in the freezer.
  • You can freeze blueberries with sugar or honey. To do this, put the berries in a plastic container, cover with granulated sugar or pour in liquid honey, cover with a lid and place in the freezer.
  • Another great method is drying. Blueberries can be dried in the sun or at home using the oven. The berries should be laid out on a sheet in a thin layer and dried with the oven door open at 50 degrees. From time to time, the blueberries need to be shaken or mixed with your hands. For storage, place the dried berries in a linen bag and store it in a cool, dry place.
  • You can prepare compotes, infusions, and decoctions from frozen or dried blueberries. Or just add it to tea to taste.

Blueberry jam is one of our family's favorites. Therefore, I try to prepare this berry for the winter every year and do it in different versions. Not long ago I cooked it, but today it’s the turn of blueberry jam. Jam differs from jam in that the berries in it do not retain their integrity, but are completely boiled. Jam is usually cooked in one step, and even overripe and bruised berries are suitable as raw materials.

A necessary condition for jam is a viscous, homogeneous consistency. Density is achieved by prolonged cooking, due to which the mass boils down and becomes thick. You can reduce the cooking time by adding berries or fruits with a large amount of pectin, such as red currants, to the jam.

Now you can do it even easier. Special pectin mixtures are available in powder form. They are known under different names. Today I use "Jam". The mixture is called "Gelling mixture". In a word, the names are different, but the essence is the same: they are made from plant pectin.

To prepare blueberry jam for the winter, we will sort out the berries, remove leaves and other forest debris, and wash them.

Add sugar and cook the mixture for 5 minutes from the start of boiling. We will collect the foam. The berry will soften and it will be easier to chop it with a blender.

Since we will use a pectin mixture, our blueberry jam will not have to be cooked for long, which means there will be no need to wait for the berries to soften. We'll have to grind them ourselves using a blender. Keep in mind that while grinding, splatter will fly in all directions.

Because of this “storm in a glass,” foam forms on the surface, remove it, add pectin powder, stir and let the jam cook again.

The pectin mixture significantly reduces cooking time. After adding it, we only need five to ten minutes to get wonderful blueberry jam. Immediately put it into sterilized jars. When hot, blueberry jam will not yet be thick; this will happen after cooling.

Close the jars with lids.

Turn over until cool.

Now you know how to make blueberry jam for the winter quickly and easily. I think that blueberries will become your favorite berry for homemade preparations.

Fruits and berries


Blueberry jam prepared according to this simple recipe with photo, the structure is very similar to blueberry jam. This is because the berries in it are not crushed to a homogeneous consistency, but are preserved in their original form. However, it is difficult to compare the syrup in which blueberries float with jam, because it comes out quite thick and rich, which is one of the characteristics of jam. It is worth considering that this delicacy is prepared without the addition of pectin and gelatin; during the cooking process it manages to thicken to the desired degree on its own.

All you need to buy to create blueberry jam at home is just blueberries and natural bee honey. No other components are needed to make this unique photo recipe with step-by-step instructions a reality. The only thing is that an ingredient such as honey can be replaced with cane sugar or powdered sugar, and this is left to the choice of each housewife. If desired, such jam can be made not only with blueberries, but also with raspberries; these two berries interact perfectly with each other.

Many housewives prefer to prepare such a berry dessert only for current days. However, we recommend stocking up on it for the winter, because during winter evening tea parties such delightful delicacies as blueberry jam will definitely not be out of place. We hasten to warn you right away that to make such a delicacy for the winter, it is advisable to use only fresh berries; you should not prepare it from frozen blueberries. We also ask you to take into account that it is recommended to cook this berry jam not in a slow cooker, as many people usually do, but on a regular stove. We wish you good luck in your cooking!

Step-by-step recipes for healthy blueberry jam with lemon, raspberry, apple and strawberry with the addition of gelatin on the stove and in a slow cooker

2018-07-25 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0.5 gr.

0 gr.


57 gr.

235 kcal.

Option 1: Classic blueberry jam recipe

As a rule, healthy blueberries are used to make jam, not jam. Although the first preparation is quite popular among our housewives. Why is this happening? This berry quite strongly colors not only the dishes, but also the teeth and tongue in a characteristic purple color. That is why, nevertheless, it is recommended to prepare blueberry jam, which is then excellent as an addition to ice cream, cookies or sweet pies.


  • 1700 grams of blueberries;
  • 2000 grams of sugar;
  • 4-5 grams of citric acid;
  • 1 cup boiling water.

Step-by-step blueberry jam recipe

Pour small blueberries into a basin, where you must first pour cold, clean water. Rinse the berries in a circular motion, picking out emerging leaves and twigs.

Scatter the washed blueberries on a towel to dry a little. When this happens, add in batches and grind the berries to a puree-like consistency.

At the same time, pour the planned amount of sugar into a wide basin. Immediately pour a glass of water there.

Boil the syrup until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved. After this, carefully pour in the blueberry mixture.

While actively mixing with a long spatula, simmer the blueberry jam over low heat for 35-45 minutes until the desired thickness is achieved.

Now pour the contents of the basin through the thinnest sieve into another container. Once again, bring the resulting berry mixture to a boil with the addition of citric acid. At the end, pour the jam into the jars and immediately tighten the lids and cool.

It is better to strain the mixture to remove small seeds at the very end, so that the jam turns out more concentrated and rich. But here it’s a matter of taste! But it is imperative to bring the sweet preparation to a boil a second time before pouring it into jars. Otherwise, the jam may spoil before you are ready to serve it.

Option 2: Quick blueberry jam recipe


  • kilogram of blueberries;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • half a spoon of citric acid;
  • half a glass of filtered boiling water.

How to quickly make blueberry jam

Place all fresh blueberries in a colander. Wash immediately, discarding any leaves as you go.

Now pour clean berries into a medium-sized bowl. Sprinkle everything with sugar on top. Pour in water. Place a large burner.

Boil the berries in the syrup over maximum heat for ten minutes. Then pour the resulting mass into a sieve in small batches and wipe off the small, small seeds.

Return the homogeneous sweet mixture to the washed and wiped dry basin and bring to a boil again. Boil everything at the same high temperature to a strong consistency, which will take no more than a quarter of an hour.

Mix hot blueberry jam with citric acid and pour into jars. Screw on the lids and cool completely. The sweet preparation is ready to be moved to the storage location.

You can further reduce the cooking time, especially if you don’t mind the presence of small seeds. To do this, it will be enough to grind the boiling mass directly in a basin with an immersion blender, eliminating grinding in a sieve, which takes quite a few minutes.

Option 3: Blueberry jam with lemon

What can replace citric acid? The first thing that immediately comes to mind is fresh lemon. It is permissible to squeeze the juice out of it or grind it whole into a porridge-like mixture with the seeds removed.


  • large fresh lemon;
  • 1000 grams of small blueberries;
  • 1500 grams of white sugar;
  • half a glass of water.

How to cook

Sort out small fresh berries, peel and wash in a bowl of water. Then, shaking off any moisture, transfer the blueberries to a bowl.

Immediately add white sugar to the main jam ingredient. After this, add boiling water.

Place the container with the berry mixture over high heat. While it is bubbling, grind a large, thoroughly washed lemon in a meat grinder or blender. Select the bones and pre-cut the “butts”.

As soon as the blueberry jam starts to boil, add the lemon mixture. Mixing and skimming off a thin layer of foam, boil for fifteen minutes.

Then rub the berry jam in a sieve and return it to a clean bowl. Continue cooking for another fifteen to twenty minutes until the traditional thick consistency.

At the end, pour the aromatic sweet and sour jam into boiled jars, roll up and place in the pantry after complete cooling.

Using lemon in its entirety will add deep bitter notes to our winter preparation. If you don't like this taste, squeeze the juice out of the fruit, dilute it with water to make a glass of liquid, and pour it into the mixture of berries and sugar.

Option 4: Blueberry and strawberry jam

We will make the next version of jam with the addition of juicy strawberries. This berry will not only provide an amazing aroma, but also diversify the jam with unique flavor nuances.


  • a kilogram of strawberries and blueberries;
  • two and a half kilograms of fine sugar;
  • teaspoon (without top) of citric acid.

Step by step recipe

Sort out the strawberries and blueberries. Discard rotten or severely damaged fruits. Do the same with leaves and small twigs.

Wash the prepared berries. Shake off the moisture and transfer to a suitable container. Using a blender, grind into a heterogeneous mixture.

Transfer the blueberry-strawberry mixture into a bowl. Add the entire planned amount of white sugar.

On a large burner, bring the blueberry jam to a vigorous bubbling. As soon as this happens, skim off all the foam and lower the temperature.

Simmer the contents of the basin for a quarter of an hour, then grind with a spoon in a fine sieve. Return the finished mixture to the stove, add all the citric acid.

Boil the jam until it becomes thick, keeping in mind that it will harden even more during storage. So, pour the finished sweet mixture into jars. That's all!

Before using strawberries, taste them for sweetness. Depending on the variety, size and ripeness, you may need to reduce or increase the amount of sugar slightly.

Option 5: Blueberry jam with gelatin and raspberries

Don't want to boil the mixture for a long time until it reaches the desired consistency? Then prepare jam with gelatin.


  • a kilogram of raspberries and blueberries;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • 2000 grams of fine sugar;
  • 15 grams of gelatin;
  • 4-5 grams of citric acid.

How to cook

Wash the raspberries and blueberries very carefully in a bowl of cold water. Dry the clean berries briefly on a linen.

Once the moisture has disappeared, transfer the main blueberry jam ingredients into a bowl. Add sugar and grind everything together with a blender.

Boil the resulting berry mixture for approximately 15-18 minutes, and then grind it, placing it in a thin sieve.

During this time, steam the planned amount of gelatin in warm (but not boiling water) water. After 10-12 minutes, heat the swollen gelatin again, mixing to obtain a homogeneous mass.

So, pour the sweet ground mixture into the basin. Boil a second time. Remove the foam and add the gelatin mass. Immediately remove the basin from the heat. Mix well, adding acid at the very end.

Pour exceptionally aromatic jam into scalded jars and roll up.

After adding the gelatin liquid to the workpiece, do not cook it further. Otherwise, adding this ingredient will not make sense, because with prolonged heating, gelatin will lose its properties.

Option 6: Blueberry jam with apples in a slow cooker

We suggest cooking the last version of jam in a slow cooker. And this time we recommend taking sweet and sour ripe apples as an additional ingredient.


  • 1000 grams of apples and blueberries;
  • 2000 grams of regular sugar;
  • a spoonful of citric acid (up to 5 grams);
  • 205 grams of boiling water.

Step by step recipe

Wash the apples. Remove the core and skin by cutting in half. Cut all prepared parts into small slices.

Transfer the fruit to a bowl. Sprinkle with white sugar. After this, wash the blueberries thoroughly.

Shake the berries out of the water and add them to the apples. Add almost a full glass of boiling water.

At this stage, snap the lid and turn on the multicooker in the “Stew” mode. Cook the sweet apple-blueberry mixture for half an hour.

Then pour the contents of the bowl in batches into a fine mesh sieve and grind with a spoon. Return the resulting liquid to the washed bowl. Add citric acid.

Without covering the lid, boil the blueberry jam, without changing the previously set mode, to a thick consistency.

After about a third of an hour, pour the sweet mixture directly from the bowl into glass jars (scalded or pre-sterilized, of course). Roll up and cool.

Since we, as always, use citric acid, try to choose sweet apple varieties. If you take sour ones (like Semerenko), then eliminate or significantly reduce the volume of citric acid.

If you want to make blueberry jam, the winter recipe presented in the article will help you with this. Blueberries are a delicious dark blue berry that has beneficial and healing properties. The advantages of this berry can be listed for a long time, but the main one is its antioxidant content. With regular use, the condition of the skin improves, immunity increases, blood vessels are strengthened and toxins are eliminated. But, provided that the blueberries were grown in an ecologically clean area.

You can also make amazingly delicious jam from blueberries. Not only tasty and appetizing, but also healthy, rich in vitamin C and has an antibacterial effect, just like raspberry jam.

Ingredients for jam

  • Blueberries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 600 g (for those with a sweet tooth, you can slightly increase the quantity).

Making blueberry jam

Preparing for the process of making jam will not take much effort and time. To do this, it is enough to have a good mood and a couple of necessary utensils. The ideal option would be to have stainless steel utensils, a saucepan or a basin, better with a “double” and even “triple” bottom. The advantage of such dishes is that they do not oxidize and the preserves in them do not burn.

And one more, no less important element, a wooden spoon. If she also has a long handle, that’s great. Doesn't scratch dishes and doesn't heat up. You can also use it to pour jam into jars.

And, of course, jars for storing jam, which need to be prepared in advance, namely sterilized. So, preparation:

Sort the blueberries from stalks, leaves and other debris and wash.

Grind the berries. You can do this in a blender, or you can grind it through a meat grinder. The main thing is that the mass is homogeneous.

Place the blueberries in the prepared bowl, add sugar little by little, stirring and tasting. There are blueberries, the jam from which was made without sugar, and the taste was amazing. It's better to play it safe so as not to over-sweet.

Bring to a boil over medium heat, reduce to low and simmer for 1.5 hours, stirring if necessary.

Pour the hot jam into sterile jars; small half-liter jars are best. Close with sterilized lids, turn the jars upside down and leave until completely cool. When the jam has completely cooled down, only then will it will reach a thick jelly-like consistency.

Whenever you wonder what to make from blueberries, preparing them for the winter will turn out surprisingly tasty and healthy. And also, blueberry jam, made from sweet berries, without sugar, is extremely useful for people with diabetes. After all, blueberries lower blood sugar, another remarkable property.

We hope you enjoy blueberry jam - we have selected the simplest and fastest recipe for the winter. If you have your own options for cooking delicious food, share them in the comments.