Yuri loza biography family. Yuri Loza: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

Yuri loza biography family.  Yuri Loza: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo
Yuri loza biography family. Yuri Loza: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

Yuri Eduardovich Loza is a very famous and still beloved musician by many. First a Soviet, and later a Russian songwriter and musician. At one time, he collaborated with such notorious groups as Integral, which was produced by Bari Alibasov, Primus (Yaroslav Angelyuk) or Zodchie.

In the eighties of the last century, he took up his own career, creating in 1993 a personal recording studio, which he called: "Studio of Yuri Loza." He wrote such famous hits of the eighties as "Raft", "Winter" or "I can dream."

Height, weight, age. How old is Yuri Loza

Even fans from the eighties and nineties, who paid more attention to the direct work of the artist than to himself, may still be interesting in such interesting facts as height, weight, age. How old is Yuri Loza is easy to calculate.

The musician was born in 1954. Now he is already 63. Yuri is a rather tall man. His height is all 185 centimeters. And with this impressive height, he weighs 90 kilograms. By the way, the presence of a little extra weight does not spoil its colorful appearance.

Biography and personal life of Yuri Loza

Yuri Loza was born in Sverdlovsk on February 1, 1954. The family of the future artist had no connections with the stage. Yura's mother worked as an accountant, his father was a design engineer who, in his free time, simply played the accordion with the motives of his favorite songs. But from early childhood, Yura showed a predisposition to the field of music - a beautiful child's voice and a fine ear for music. When he was seven, his family moved to the village of Shelek in the Almaty region. The musician spent his entire childhood in this village. While still in elementary school, he became a member of the school choir, and also began to independently learn to play the guitar. Much later, the singer, with a nostalgic smile, recalled that at his debut performance in this choir, he became worried and fainted.

In the future, the biography and personal life of Yuri Loza developed successfully. The first song that he learned was "Girl" by the Beatles. It is noteworthy that he sang it in the original, although he did not know the language, since he taught only German at school. Good guitar playing skills and a repertoire, which included not only rock, but also lyrics, gave Yuri an excellent reputation. After school, he became a student at the Kazakh State University, Faculty of Geography. As a student, Loza fell in love with sports, he even became the owner of the highest category as a football player. For a while, he could not even make a choice between the roads of a professional athlete and a musician, but his love for music still turned out to be stronger than his attraction to sports. Therefore, at the end of the first year, he said goodbye to his university.

Later, Yuri became a soldier of the rocket forces, he also became the leader of a soldier's orchestra there, and later created a whole military ensemble. After demobilization, Yuri tried his hand at such ordinary working specialties, but for the most part he performed music in restaurants or at celebrations, at the same time studying at the school. Tchaikovsky in Almaty. Thanks to his amateur performances, Loza gained fame in certain circles.

Very soon he became a member of the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Integral". It was then produced by Bari Alibasov. In this group, he performed for six years - 77-83 years. In 1980, the ensemble became a laureate of the All-Union Rock Music Festival in Tbilisi. They performed on a par with venerable stars.

Having received such recognition, the young talent decided that he was finally ready to pursue a career on his own. He was never abandoned by his own ambitions and over a hundred texts that Yuri composed, but could not release in the repertoire of the former ensemble.

After completing his work at Integral, Yuri moved to the capital. This period of life turned out to be the most difficult for the artist. The point is not only that the Soviet rock stage was going through difficult times: former idols either fell apart or could not perform due to the same crises in creativity, and young performers still did not dare to fully enter the big stage. In Moscow, Loza was left without an apartment and money. The first attempt to enter GITIS was a failure. The artist lived on the remnants of the earnings that Integral brought him, and, since there was no permanent job either, from time to time Yuri used musical instruments.

Without a doubt, the real musical bestseller in Loza's work was and remains the ballad "The Raft", which was written by Yuri in the 82nd year, but was presented to the audience only five years later. For the reason that the colleagues from "Integral" did not appreciate this song. The ballad reached its peak in popularity in '88, appearing in the album "What is said is said." Even in spite of the fact that many years have passed, this composition is still considered to be a kind of musician's business card. Although it differs from the rest of his songs.

Family and children of Yuri Loza

Most of his life, Yuri Loza lived with one single woman - Svetlana Merezhkovskaya, who was previously a singer and, like Yuri, performed on the Soviet stage. In 1986, Svetlana gave her husband a son, Oleg, who also showed musical inclinations throughout his childhood and eventually decided to follow in his father's footsteps, linking his life with the music scene.

Yuri always speaks about his family with genuine warmth and love. The family and children of Yuri Loza were and remain for him significant support and support.

Son of Yuri Loza - Oleg Loza

Oleg was born, as mentioned above, in 1986. He is now 31 years old. Since childhood, having begun to show love for music, after school, Oleg successfully graduated from the Gnessin School, specializing as a choir conductor. And then the Moscow State Conservatory. Tchaikovsky majoring in opera performer and vocal teacher.

The son of Yuri Loza, Oleg Loza, began his career in Zurich. At first he worked at a local opera house as an assistant director, and now he is already acting as an opera performer, baritone.

Yuri Loza's wife - Svetlana Merezhkovskaya

The wife of Yuri Loza - Svetlana Merezhkovskaya, like her husband, performed at one time on the Soviet stage. Many people knew her under the pseudonym Suzanne. On account of Svetlana, several musical records, as well as an award received in the All-Union Competition of Artists.

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Yuri Loza is a Soviet and Russian singer, composer and songwriter. Fame came to the artist as part of the "Architect" group, but the famous song "Raft" was already performed solo.

Yuri was born in Yekaterinburg into a family of employees. My father worked as a design engineer, and my mother was an accountant. Almost immediately after the birth of the baby, the parents moved to Verkhniy Tagil, and at the age of 7, Yura ended up in the then capital of Kazakhstan.

In Almaty, Loza first became interested in music. At the age of 13 he independently learned to play the guitar and even performed at the evenings of amateur performances as part of the ensemble of the production association "Remstroytechnika". Hobby played a decisive role in the formation of the biography of Yuri Loza. But there were still four years left before the crucial step.

At that time, the young man did not see himself as a professional performer, so he entered the geological faculty at the Kazakh State University. After two years of study, Yuri dropped out of college, went to the army, and after demobilization he entered the Alma-Ata musical school.

The young man studied at the percussion department, but did not receive a diploma here either, since he moved to Moscow, where he began his professional career as a guitarist and vocalist. In 1983, Yuri Loza tried to enter GITIS, but did not pass the competition. The musician managed to get a higher education only twenty years later - in 2003, the man graduated from the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics.


Upon arrival in Moscow, Yuri Loza played and sang in the capital's restaurants. The musician's repertoire consisted of Soviet and foreign hits. Then the singer got into the Kaleidoscope ensemble, from which he moved to the Integral group. As part of the band, Loza took part in the Spring Rhythms rock festival in Tbilisi, which became a landmark in the history of Soviet rock music. The musician collaborated with Integral for 5 years, but Yuri was upset that his own songs were not included in the repertoire. Only one composition "Reserved Places" was sung at a concert and later recorded in the studio by another group VIA "Ariel".

Loza leaves the ensemble and, with the help of the musicians of the Primus group, records the first album, Journey to Rock 'n' Roll, which was released in 1983 on magnetic tapes. In the same period, the song "Raft" was written, which later became the singer's calling card, but the composition only got on the disc in 1988. The artist included the hit in the collection "What Is Said Is Said", where the songs "Mother Writes", "Winter", "I Can Dream" were also collected.

After the debut album, Yuri Loza joined the Zodchie group, where Valery Syutkin, the future frontman of the Bravo rock'n'roll ensemble, had already performed. For four years of work in the "Architects" Loza wrote about a hundred songs, many of which formed the backbone of the collective's repertoire. In 1986, Yuri released a solo studio album "Love, Love", which included the tracks "July Night", "Midnight Blues", "One Hundred Hours".

A year later, the artist gave his first solo concert and finally left the "Architects". In 1990, Loza, being the administrator of the Ryazan Philharmonic Society, delighted fans with the disc "All Life is a Road". After the disc was released, Yuri decided to open his own recording studio, and in 1993, Yuri Loza's Studio appeared.

Yuri Loza's songs were especially popular when the singer began his solo career. The end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s became a golden time for the artist. Musical compositions, which are a cocktail of the author's song, traditional pop and rock music, were in demand and often hit the top lines of the charts.

In addition to “Rafting”, it is worth highlighting such hits as “Sing, my guitar”, “Winter”, “I can dream”, “Tosca”, “In memory of Vysotsky”. As mentioned above, in 1993 the singer created his own recording studio "Studio of Yuri Loza". The last studio album of the artist "Reserved Places" was released in 2000. The artist presented new tracks to fans - "Station", "Children's eyes", "There is far away". Since the early 2000s, only songbooks have been released.

The artist's video library is not rich in clips. With the exception of the videos that appeared at the beginning of the singer's creative career - "Winter", "Irresistible", "Not so", in 2003 there were clips "Moscow for you" and "A year has passed." The last video for the song "City Courtyards" appeared only in 2015.

The artist devotes the 2000s to creative searches. Yuri Loza appears in a number of cinematographic and television projects - the film "Multiplies Sadness", the sitcom "Who is the Boss in the House?" and the comedy detective Kings of the Game.

In 2009, the singer tried his hand at the role of a musical playwright and wrote the play "Culture-Culture". The performance on the text of the musician's work was shown by the Jewish Folk Music and Drama Theater "Kogelet" in 2014.


Loza said that the significance of the Russian singer has been exaggerated many times over. Also, the musician criticized the classics of world rock - the guitar virtuoso and the groups "Led Zeppelin" and "Rolling Stones". Yuri Eduardovich accused British musicians of being unprofessional, saying that they did not even know how to tune their own guitars.

And on Cosmonautics Day, Loza criticized the content of the first ever radio signal to extraterrestrial civilizations, sent into space in 1962. The artist said that even if the aliens receive this message and are able to decipher, the words "Peace - Lenin - USSR" will give them absolutely nothing to understand.

Personal life

The artist's personal life has developed well. The only wife of Yuri Loza was and remains Svetlana Merezhkovskaya. The wife is also a singer in the past, has released several albums of the author's song and was even a laureate at the All-Union contest of pop artists. Now a woman is more realized as a poetess. Svetlana edits and criticizes the lyrics of her husband's songs.

The son Oleg was born in the family in 1986. The boy turned out to be musically gifted, he graduated from the Gnessin College and the Moscow State Conservatory named after. He currently performs as an opera singer.

Yuri Loza now

Now Yuri Loza is mastering the newsmaking niche, pushing his musical career into the background. As before, the singer performs in solo and group concerts dedicated to the music of the 80s and 90s. The performer is often seen at private parties. The last time the artist visited Kamchatka on this occasion. The journalists took a photo of Yuri Loza at the airport of the peninsula, and then found out that the star of the 80s flew to a concert on the occasion of the birthday of the local oligarch, deputy Roman Granatov.

In November, Yuri Loza again surprised the subscribers of his blog. The musician spoke positively about the activity, calling the girl honest. In this Yuri Eduardovich was in solidarity with, and. But after the performance of his son Oleg at the television competition "Success", where the rapper and Philip Kirkorov condemned the opera singer, Loza entered into a controversy with the latter. Yuri mentioned that his son, unlike the jury members, is a practicing vocal teacher.

Yuri Loza could not leave aside the application for running for president of Russia. The singer is sure that the girl will be supported by the required number of people - 300 thousand, whose votes will allow Xenia to get on the coveted list. The musician is sure that there will be people in the country who support the policy of the collapse of Russia and who will be interested in seeing the TV presenter in the role of president.


  • 1983 - A Journey to Rock and Roll
  • 1984 - "Concert for Friends"
  • 1984 - "Stage Lights"
  • 1985 - Tosca
  • 1986 - "Love, love ..."
  • 1990 - "All life is a road"
  • 2000 - "Reserved places"
Yuri Eduardovich Loza is a famous Soviet and Russian songwriter and composer who collaborated with such groups as "Integral" by Bari Alibasov, "Primus" by Yaroslav Angelyuk and "Architect" by Yuri Davydov. Since the mid-80s, he has been pursuing a solo career, in 1993 he founded his own recording studio "Studio of Yuri Loza". He is the author of the hits "Raft", "One Hundred Hours", "I Can Dream".

The early years of Yuri Loza

Yuri Loza was born in a simple Soviet family from Sverdlovsk: his mother is an accountant, his father is a design engineer, sometimes playing his favorite tunes on the button accordion "for the soul". But the boy, in early childhood, showed a clear voice and excellent hearing.

When Yura was seven years old, his family moved to the Kazakh village of Shelek in the Almaty region. Here Loza spent his childhood: he went to the first grade, in the fourth grade he joined the school choir, began to independently study the wisdom of playing the guitar. Later, the singer recalled that at the first performance in the school choir he fainted with excitement.

The first song he learned was the Beatles' "Girl" - he sang it in English, which, by the way, he did not know, since he studied German at school. Excellent guitar playing skills, as well as a wide repertoire, which included both provocative rock and lyrical ballads, made Yuri a welcome guest in any company.

After leaving school, he entered the geological faculty of the Kazakh State University in Alma-Ata. During his studies, Loza showed interest in sports, in particular, received the first category in football. Coaches noted his excellent game thinking, quick reaction, enviable endurance. Loza even thought about a career as a professional athlete, but the attraction to music still outweighed the balance. Moreover, after the first year, Yuri left the university for the sake of playing music.

When he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army, he served in the missile forces, and in the intervals between military training and exercises he was engaged in creative amateur performances: he led a soldier's brass band, and later initiated the creation of an army ensemble.

The beginning of Yuri Loza's musical career. "Integral"

Returning to "civilian life", he tried himself in different professions: he was a milling machine operator for a short time, then a surveyor, but for the most part he played at weddings and in restaurants, while receiving a musical education at the Tchaikovsky Alma-Ata Music School. Thanks to the "tavern" performances, Loza quickly became famous in narrow circles and even received the nickname "singer of the urban slums."

Soon he found himself a place in VIA "Integral", which at that moment was headed by Bari Alibasov. As part of this group, Yuri Loza performed since 1977, and in 1980 his first success awaited him - the musicians became laureates of the All-Union Rock Festival "Spring Rhythms" in Tbilisi, performing on the same stage with such rock giants as Boris Grebenshchikov and Andrei Makarevich.

After the recognition, the talented young man felt that he was ready to embark on an independent voyage. Creative ambitions haunted him, because for five years of stage performances the artist had accumulated an impressive amount (more than a hundred songs) of musical material, which could not be realized within the framework of Integral.

In 1983, Yuri Loza broke off relations with Integral and Bari Alibasov and moved to Moscow. It was a difficult period for the musician, and not only because the domestic rock stage was experiencing a crisis: the old "giants" either disintegrated, like "Sunday", or experienced a creative crisis, like the "Time Machine", and the younger generation of musicians had not yet got out of the "underground". In the capital, Loza found himself without housing and permanent work, tried to enter GITIS, but did not pass the competition. I had to survive on the remnants of "integral" earnings, sometimes using musical instruments.

Chance helped: by the will of fate, Loza ended up at the rehearsal base of the young group "Primus", led by Slava Angelyuk, an old acquaintance of Yuri from "Integral". This is how the musician met Alexander Bondar and Igor Plekhanov, the guitarist and keyboardist of Primus.

Visiting new friends, Loza began to play around with electronic recording equipment, which was rare at that time: he learned to build a simple beat and create various rhythmic patterns, played along with the resulting tune on the guitar. It turned out well, and Yuri invited Primus to perform a couple of songs from his own repertoire together.

This is how one of the most scandalous albums of the 80s was born - "Journey to Rock 'n' Roll" (1983). The record turned out to be very hooligan - its track-list included "life" compositions like "Morning with a Hangover", "My friend is blue", "Got it", "Girl in the bar". The author of almost all the provocative texts was Yuri Loza. The album quickly found its fans also thanks to the perky musical accompaniment, which, perhaps, reminded in places of the passages of Chuck Berry and Bill Haley, but perfectly “went” to the Soviet youth hungry for fresh music.

Before the release of the album, Angelyuk pasted into the tape an excerpt with the phrase "The Primus group sings their songs for you", which really hurt Yuri, because the lyrics, music, and voice belonged to him, and he did not consider himself to be a member of "Primus" ... As a result, he stopped working with Angeluk and the company, and this album remained the only fruit on the tree of the creative union of Vines and Primus.

Yuri Loza and the "Architect"

In the same 1983, Loza began to collaborate with the Zodchie group, where he later invited Valery Syutkin, who had previously played in the Telefon rock ensemble.

The next year Loza released a solo album "Tosca", followed by another one - "Love". In parallel, Yuri Loza continued his collaboration with the "Architects", which turned out to be very fruitful. In 1986, the group was invited to the "Morning Mail" program, and Loza's songs "Mannequin" and "Autumn", as well as three compositions by Syutkin, were first played on Soviet television. This performance brought the collective all-Union fame, and by the end of 1986, "Architects" were included in the five most popular Russian groups.

Yuri Loza and "The Architects" - "Italian Parodies" ("Morning Mail")

The style of VIA "Zodchie" was difficult to drive into a specific framework. Loza himself compared their work with a patchwork quilt, sewn from different scraps, but, nevertheless, warm. However, the majority of listeners agreed that the main genre of the collective is parody, a kind of musical "jokes", diluted with more serious and successful songs by Loza. Of course, this image was unpleasant for the rest of the participants. Perhaps that is why (the official reason is still unknown) in October 1987 Loza left the "Architects" and devoted himself entirely to his solo career.

Solo career of Yuri Loza. Small "Raft"

When in some interview Yuri Loza is asked why he left rock and roll after the success of Travel, he invariably replies that he never gave himself completely to this genre, preferring to experiment with sound and meaning. So, after breaking off relations with "Primus", he released the album "Concert for Friends" (1984), recorded in the chanson style. The songs were no less vital than on the previous disc, but in place of the "black" everyday sketches about a wife sitting in the liver, fashionable jeans and a cruel hangover came lyrical and thoughtful stories in an elegant musical cut. Loza dedicated one of his compositions to the memory of Vladimir Vysotsky.

Undoubtedly, the leitmotif of all Yuri Loza's work is the ballad "Raft", presented to the inhabitants of the USSR in 1987. However, the real date of her birth is 1982 - the musician wrote it as part of Integral, but then colleagues in the group rejected the song. The "Raft" gained wide popularity in 1988, being included in the album "What Is Said Is Said". Many years later, this composition still remained the hallmark of Yuri Loza, despite the fact that it was very different from the rest of the musician's repertoire.

Yuri Loza - "Raft" ("Song of the Year 1990")

Years later, in 2007, director Alexei Balabanov included "The Raft" in the official soundtrack for the film "Cargo 200". The life-affirming song was included in the picture to "break" the audience's templates while watching the terrifying drama.

Yuri Loza about the song "Raft", the film "Cargo 200" and "Star Factory"

In 1993, Yuri Loza, tired of recording numbered albums, created his own recording company, which received a very simple and laconic name - “Studio of Yuri Loza”. From that moment on, the singer preferred to release and promote individual compositions, rather than entire records.

In the same 1993, the musician tried himself in a somewhat new role for him and wrote several songs for the Russian comedy "The Choosy Groom". After that, there was a certain lull in his work. Only in 2000, Yuri Loza returned to his musical activity: he began to appear frequently on various TV shows and festivals, in which he performed mainly old hits, and also presented a new album "Reserved Places" (2000). Over the next four years, he presented seven greatest hits compilations to fans.

Personal life of Yuri Loza

Most of his life, Yuri Loza lived with one single woman - Svetlana Valentinovna Merezhkovskaya. In her youth, the girl performed on the stage under the pseudonym Suzanne, but did not achieve wide fame. After the end of her stage activity, Svetlana Loza devoted her life to literature. Her collection contains several collections of poetry and essays.

Yuri and Svetlana have a son, Oleg (born 1986). He graduated from the Moscow Gnesinka (specialty "choral conductor") and the Tchaikovsky Conservatory ("opera singer", "vocal teacher"). For some time he worked as an assistant director, and then began a singing career at the Zurich opera.

Yuri Loza now

Currently, Yuri Loza still gives concerts in Russia and the CIS countries, however, unfortunately for connoisseurs of his work, new compositions appear in his repertoire quite rarely.

In recent years, Yuri Loza, together with his longtime friend Valery Syutkin, often appears on the stage of the Tyumen Philharmonic, and also tries himself in the field of literature - in 2009, the artist published on the Internet a play of his own authorship "Culture-Culture". He also maintains his blog in LiveJournal, where he leaves notes about life, religion, country, people, as well as an author's column on the Moskovsky Komsomolets website.

In 2015, Yuri Loza delighted fans with a video for the song "City Courtyards" - an event out of the ordinary, because in his entire previous career, the musician released only 4 music videos (for the songs "Winter", "Not so", "To you, Moscow" and “A year has passed”).

Yuri Loza - "City Courtyards"

In 2016, Yuri Loza shocked the public with a number of scandalous statements. In March, on the air of Zakhar Prilepin's author's program "Salt", he spoke negatively about the groups Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones: “80% of what is sung by Led Zeppelin is impossible to listen to, because it is played and sung badly. At that time it was all perceived, I liked everything. The Rolling Stones never tuned a guitar in their entire life, Mick Jagger never hit a single note, well, what can you do. Keith Richards did not know how to play then, and still does not know how. " The phrase was partly taken out of context, but caused a storm of emotions among the public, in particular, after that the presenter Mikhail Kozyrev and blogger Rustem Adagamov (in LJ - drugoi) “walked” through Loza's work.

Yuri Loza on Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones and Deep Purple

No sooner had viewers forgotten this episode, as Loza gave the media another news lead. This time he said on the air of the Zvezda channel: “Gagarin was the first. Gagarin did nothing, he was lying. He is the first most important cosmonaut. The Beatles were the first to get to the right place at the right time. " Although literally the next day, the musician commented on his phrase, noting that journalists distorted the meaning of his words and that in fact the singer had no intention of offending the first man in space, Internet users left a lot of hard-hitting comments on his account. After this incident, Loza promised that he would stop all communication with the press.

Yuri Loza about Gagarin and The Beatles

As a result of these events, Yuri Loza received the unofficial status of a "truth-bearer of Russian show business." Probably, it was on this wave that the press called him with a request to comment on the loss of Leonid Slutsky's national team to the Slovakian team at Euro 2016. Loza gave a detailed answer and even quoted the poet Alexander Vulykh: "But then Vasya Berezutsky hit the corner of his head with a ball!"

In 1971 he entered the Kazakh State University at the geological faculty, but a year later he dropped out, then served in the army, in 1975-76 he studied at the department of percussion instruments of the musical school in Alma-Ata, which he also did not finish.

Since 1977 he worked at INTEGRAL (together with B. Alibasov), in 1983 he moved to Moscow and at the end of the year began to play and sing in the ZODCHIE group (together with V. Syutkin and Yu. Davydov).

Since 1987 he began an official solo career. However, it is Yuri Loza who owns one of the most famous "underground" magnetic albums of the Soviet period - "Journey to Rock and Roll" (1983), and the name of the "group" was invented by the singer's friends, who pasted the following text at the beginning of the recording: "For you the group "PRIMUS" sings its songs. Among the songs from this album - "100 hours", "Baba Lyuba", "Mother writes".

In the period from 1983 to 1987, Lohse was forbidden to perform songs under his own name, and even the famous "Raft" was often attributed to other authors. As part of "INTEGRAL" the singer performed at the legendary rock festival "Tbilisi-80" (together with "AQUARIUM", "AUTOGRAPH" and other Soviet rock performers).

He toured Germany six times (worked for a Russian-speaking audience).

Among the most popular songs by Yuri Loza are "Sing, my guitar"; "Road"; "I can dream"; "Midnight Blues" (in the latter, the word "sex" was used for the first time in Russian-language song poetry).

The musical style of Yuri Loza tends to a synthesis of rock and bardic songs, differs in simplicity and sincerity with a fairly wide stylistic range - from sentimental ballads to ironic rock and roll.


* What Is Said Is Said (Firm Melody, LP, 1987)

* All life is a road (Firm Melodiya, LP, 1991)

* For the soul (Anima Vox, CD, 1994)

* Archive. Journey to Rock and Roll (Anima Vox, CD, MC, 1994)

* For the mind ... (Studio Soyuz, CD, 1995)

* Collection. Albums 1983-86 (Longing. Travel to rock and roll. Concert for friends. Love, love) (Studio Soyuz, 4 CDs, 1997)