Questions for children 5 6. The game "In the world of animals

Questions for children 5 6. The game
Questions for children 5 6. The game "In the world of animals

Olga Chusovitina
Fairy tale quiz for children 5-6 years old

Children's questions about fairy tales(with answers)

1. Fulfilled three wishes, But the old man as punishment For the old woman three mistakes I took everything back (Gold fish)

2. He was cooked out of dough, He was not afraid of anyone. But the fox was caught in the clutches of the fat round (Gingerbread man)

3. I brought it to the forest and left it under the tree. Tears freeze in the cold, but fairy tales an unprecedented end - Nastya was saved by the present (Morozko)

4. Amicably the animals lived in the house. It was only unaware, they let Mishka go in vain - Collapsed (Teremok)

5. Old grandmother, ancient grandmother, Black cat, bone leg, In Russians the villainess first... Children, it's the same (Baba Yaga)

2. Give each child five picture cards. fairytale heroes.

On cards: Serpent Gorynych Koschey the Immortal Geese-swans Sister-Alyonushka the Little Humpbacked Horse It is better to sign the cards. The teacher asks questions, and the children must pick up, instead of answering, a card corresponding to a particular character.


1. Which of fabulous characters three heads?

2. Who knows how to breathe fire if you make it very angry?

3. Who ate little porridge in childhood and remained thin and spiteful for their entire long, long life?

4. Who cannot be killed unless you find the needle and break it?

5. Birds that steal children for Baba Yaga?

6. Which of fabulous characters helps an evil old woman, flies through the air and is covered with feathers?

7. What character loved his brother very much and warned him not to drink water from a puddle?

8. A brave girl who was not afraid to go after her brother to Baba Yaga?

9. Which character eats oats and can jump over a high mountain? 1

10. Who saved Ivanushka from death in a boiler of boiling water ?.

3, 1. Who broke the golden testicle? (mouse)

2. Who planted the turnip? (Grandfather).

3. Where did the seventh kid hide? (in the oven).

4. What item did Cinderella have a carriage from? (from pumpkin).

5. Who Lost the Crystal Slipper? (Cinderella).

6. What did Mukha - Tsokotukha buy at the bazaar? (Samovar).

7. What musical instrument did the cat play near the fox hut to save the cock? (Gusli).

8. What kind of animal caught fish with its tail from the Russian folk fairy tale"Fox and Wolf?" (tail).

9. Whom did Thumbelina save? (swallow).

10. How many dwarfs did Snow White have? (seven)

11. Who did the Snow Queen steal? (Kaya).

12. Who did Ivanushka become after drinking water from a puddle? (kid).

13. What Masha baked for grandparents, from fairy tales Masha and the Bear? (Pies).

14. Whom did Emelya catch in the hole? (Pike)

15. The apparatus on which Baba - Yaga flew? (Mortar).

Quiz around the world (question answer)

1. What are the names of tall conifers that people usually decorate in winter for the new year? (spruce)

2. What color are the petals of chamomile? (white)

3. When it gets dark early: in winter or in summer? (it gets dark earlier in winter than in summer)

4. Is the deer a carnivore or herbivore? (deer is a herbivore)

5. What does a hare like to eat more than anything else? (carrots, cabbage)

6. Where can you find a real hedgehog? (in the forest)

7. Are the eagle and the fox friendly with each other? (no, the eagle is a bird, flies in the air, and the fox is an animal)

8. Boletus - an edible mushroom? (Yes)

9. And what about the fly agaric? (inedible)

10. Where does the blueberry grow? (in the forest)

11. Where does the strawberry grow? (at the grandmother's dacha)

12. What does a moose eat? (by grass and other plants)

13. What do cats like? (milk, fish, sour cream, valerian)

14. Where does the woodpecker live? (in the forest)

Astronomical quiz(question answer)

1. Name the satellite of the Earth? (Moon)

2. How many months in a year? (twelve)

3. How many days in a week? (seven)

4. Please list all the days of the week in order (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

5. Name the hottest star (The sun)

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Scenario of a children's quiz, games and contests, questions and answers for children

1: Birds of our land

1.Why was the bullfinch given a snowy name? (Bullfinches come to us with the first snow, and in the spring they fly north to their native lands.)
2. Why do rooks arrive first in the spring? (The first thaw is enough for the rooks to reach the larvae with their beak.)
3. In which bird does the chick hatch eggs? (Northern Snowy Owl. Owlets hatch at different times.)
4. What bird does not have a nest, and the chicks lie right on the bare ground? (At the nightjar.)
5. Why does the crossbill make nests in winter? (In winter there are many spruce seeds for chicks, but not in spring.)
6. Who plants trees with their nose? (Nutcracker - pine nuts, jay - acorns.)
7. What tree does the woodpecker drink? (Birch with its juice.)
8. Which bird has the largest family? (The gray partridge has 26 - 28 chicks.)
9. What migratory flock promises snow? (A flock of migratory geese. Expect snowfall in 2-3 days.)
10. Who has never taken a step? (Sparrow.)
11. What bird can tease? (Parrot.)
12. What bird is proud of its multicolored tail? (Peacock.)
13. What bird flies with "glasses" on the nose? (Owl.)

2: Clever and clever

The teacher asks the student a question, who within a certain time (1 minute, for example) must give the correct answer. The guys who quickly and correctly answered the questions receive the honorary title of "Clever" or "Clever", ...

1. "Who goes to visit in the morning, he acts wisely ...". - Which of the fairy-tale characters belongs to such a wise saying? (Winnie the Pooh)
2. What was the name of the little wooden man who really did not want to study and even sold his "ABC" for a few gold pieces? (Pinocchio)
3. What was the name of the jolly, fat man with the propeller on his back who loved Jam Days and adventure? (Carlson)
4. Name the musical instrument on which daddy Carlo. (Sharmanka)
5. What was the name of the tiny boy from the tale of Ch. Perrault? (Boy-with-Finger)
6. What is the middle of spring? (April)
7. This title was given to an old woman from a goldfish after purchasing a hut. (Noblewoman)

3: forest dwellers

Pupils are asked a series of questions to which they must answer. The best connoisseurs receive a "prize".

1. Who hibernates in winter? (Bear)
2. The tale "... Tsekatukha". (Fly)
3. A small, grayish, delicacy for cats. (Mouse)
4. Green, small, pond dweller. (Toad)
5. Redhead, cunning and lives in the forest. (Fox)
6. Gray coward. (Hare)
7. Groom of the chicken. (Rooster) .

4: Guess Country

This quiz is designed to be held in junior (1-2) grades at the beginning of the educational code.

1. What is the name of the youngest girl from a fairy tale? (Thumbelina)
2. What time of year is it? (Autumn)
3. What falls from the trees in autumn? (Leaves)
4. Where do the children go to study every morning? (To school)
5. What falls in winter? (Snow)
6. Supplement the song: "May there always be sunshine, may there always be ..." (Sky)
7. Which girl has blue hair? (Malvina)
8. What animal in the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" broke an egg? (Mouse)
9. What color is the snow? (White)

5: ABC of roads

1. The police unit that monitors the traffic order. (Traffic police)
2. The place where the roads cross. (Crossroads)
3. What is the road trip called? (Drive)
4. The person who drives the car. (Driver)
5. A person who travels to a place with a driver in transport. (Passenger)

6: Journey through fairy tales

1. Who wrote the tale "The Ugly Duckling"? (Hans Christian Andersen)
2. In what fairy tale is the fox not red, but blue? (Painted fox)
3. What heroine of a fairy tale could fit in a walnut shkarlup? (Thumbelina)
4. Which hero of the fairy tale wore red boots? (Puss in Boots)
5. What was Pinocchio made of? (Log).

7: Travel and Discovery

This quiz is designed for high school students.


1. Which of the following people is the inventor of scuba gear:
- captain Nemo
- Kruzernstern
- Jacques Yves Cousteau
Answer: Jacques Yves Cousteau

2. In boxing, judges are called:
- referee
- breakers
- ringers
Answer: referee

3. How was money in denominations of 15 rubles made of silver called in Russia?
- pound
- imperial
- incom
Answer: imperial

4. Which of these words did Kai put out in the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"?
- Snowflake
- eternity
- warmth
Answer: eternity

5. Why did Arab travelers, setting off to distant countries in a caravan, move through the desert at night?
- to navigate by the stars
- to avoid meeting with robbers
- because it's cooler at night
Answer: to navigate by the stars

6. Which of these goods were usually transported along the Great Silk Road?
- wood, cotton, iron
- shoes, socks, slippers
- porcelain, jade, spices
Answer: porcelain, jade, spices

7. Which of the Europeans first reached Australia?
- Captain Cook
- Dirk Hartoch
- Abel Tasman.
Answer: captain cook

8. What disease can be prevented by eating lemons?
- scabies
- rabies
- scurvy
Answer: scurvy

9. What is the climate on Mars?
- very hot
- very cold
- about the same as on Earth
Answer: very cold

10. What are the huge chunks of moving ice called?
- hummocks
- ice fields
- polynyas
Answer: ice fields

8: The World Around Us

The teacher asks the children for the previously drawn up questions, and they must answer them within a minute.
1. What time of year is summer? (Autumn)
2. Which tree is the same color in winter and summer? (Christmas tree)
3. What is the name of the birdhouse? (Nest)
4. What animal hibernates in winter? (Bear)
5. Who collects pollen from flowers? (Bee)
6. Which animal does not like the sun? (Mole)
7. Which tree is considered slender? (Birch)
8. Which flower has thorns? (The Rose)

9: Summer red started singing

1. When are the longest school vacations? (Summer)
2. Do they swim in the sea in winter or summer? (Summer)
3. Is it warm or cold in summer? (Warmly)
4. What time of the year are the days longer than the night? (Summer)
5. When do hares change the color of their fur? (Summer)
6. When the sun warms better? (Summer)

10: Gate of Discovery

1. ... currants. (Bush)
2. Red flower. (Poppy)
3. It is washed in it. (Taz)
4. Disco for princes and princesses. (Ball)
5. What did the swan, cancer and pike share? (WHO)
6. Scratch. (Cat)
7. Where do the actors work? (Theatre)
8. They write on the board. (Chalk)
9. "Hey!" (Call)
10. Tall build. (Tower)
11. Kings live in it. (Lock)

Equipment and materials:

Sweet prizes, medals for all participants, quiz winner medal, tokens.

Course of the lesson:

(leading - educator)

Hello guys. Today we will play with you. Our game will not be simple, but intellectual. I suggest you take part in the cartoon quiz. What do you think this quiz is, what will it be about? (children's answers).

I will ask you questions about cartoons, and you will answer quiz questions, receive tokens for correct answers. At the end of the quiz, we will find out which of you knows cartoons and their heroes best of all. The one who has the most tokens among you will become the winner of our game, a connoisseur of cartoons, and receive a prize. And all participants will receive incentive prizes.

Quiz questions:

1. What were the names of the three heroes from the famous Russian cartoon? (Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets, a series of cartoons about heroes).

2. What words did the cat Leopold say to the mice? ("Guys let's be friends! ") .

3. What is the name of a friend of Cheburashka (Crocodile Gena).

4. In which cartoon are the main characters - little people who are engaged in the repair of various kinds of equipment and technology? ("Fixies").

5. What is the name of the cartoon, the main character of which is Masha, and different stories happen to her? ("Masha and the Bear") .

6. What was the name of the talking horse in the cartoon series about the three heroes? (Julius).

7. Remember and name the cartoons in the names of which there are numbers? ("Three heroes on the distant shores", "Ali Baba and 40 robbers", "38 parrots", "12 months", "Seven-colored flower", "101 Dalmatians", "Snow White and the 7 dwarfs", "3 little pigs" and etc.).

8. In which cartoon 4 heroes - turtles, and they are all superheroes? ("Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles").

9. In this cartoon, the main character is a superhero. He can save those in trouble, fight evil, climb walls, fly, weave a web. Going to the next business, he wears a special suit with the image of an insect, the name of this insect is also in the title of the cartoon. ("Spiderman").

10. What is the name of the fat mouse, who loves cheese very much, from the cartoon "Chip and Dale Rushing to the Rescue"? (Rocky).

11. In a series of these cartoons, metal structures turn into robots, come to life, perform various actions, and fight enemies. ("Transformers").

12. What are the names of the characters from the cartoon "Smeshariki"? (Losyash is an elk, Krosh is a hare, Hedgehog is a hedgehog, Nyusha is a pig, Barash is a lamb, Kopatych is a bear, Kar Karych is a crow, Sovunya is an owl).

13. What is the number of spotted puppies from the famous Dalmatian cartoon? ("101 Dalmatians").

14. In what cartoon did the father have 3 daughters, each of them asked the father to bring her a certain gift from the city? ("The Scarlet Flower") .

15. Name the famous (and beloved by your parents in childhood) cartoon about a wolf and a hare. ("Wait for it") .

16. In this cartoon, the main character is a veterinarian. He treated animals, reached the sick on an eagle, on a whale, etc. ("Doctor Aibolit".)

17. What are the specialties of people who invent and make cartoons? (screenwriter, director, artist - animator, voiced by their actors).

18. In this cartoon, the main character is green, with a big head and belly. He fell in love with Princess Theona, married her, lived in a palace, and helped Theona rule the country. ("Shrek").

19. In this cartoon, the squirrel was looking for a nut throughout the cartoon. ("Glacial period") .

20. The main character of this cartoon is a boy, a man who was raised by the jungle and animals. ("Mowgli", "The Jungle Book").

21. In this cartoon, based on the tale of H. H. Andersen, the evil queen bewitched her brother, separated him from his sister. The little sister looked for him for a long time, went through a series of tests, was able to find her brother and melt the ice (fragments of ice, mirrors) in his heart. ("The Snow Queen") .

22. In this cartoon, the action takes place during the life of cavemen. According to the plot, it was many, many millions of years ago. ("The Croods") .

23. In which cartoon the horse turned into a magic horse and fulfilled wishes, helped its owner? ("The Little Humpbacked Horse") .

24. What is the name of the hero who asked the fish to make wishes come true, saying the following words: "By the dictates of the pike, at my will." (Emelya from the cartoon "By the Pike's Command").

25. In which cartoon did the king's youngest son throw an arrow into a swamp? What is the name of the cartoon and the name of the king's youngest son? ("Ivan from the cartoon" The Frog Princess ").

26. What is the name of the cartoon in which the main character is a turtle named Selly? ("Move your flippers").

27. The heroine of this cartoon lost her golden shoe at the ball. What is this cartoon and what was the name of the main character? (Cinderella from the cartoon of the same name).

28. What was the name of the big black cat - the panther from the cartoon about Mowgli? (Bagheera).

29. How many sons do a father have in fairy tales and cartoons? (3 sons, usually the eldest is a smart fellow, the middle one is so and so, the youngest is a fool).

30. In which cartoon are the characters - animals of Africa? ("Madagascar").

31. What heroes pulled a vegetable in the garden? ("Turnip", heroes: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse).

32. In this cartoon, the grandfather and the woman had trouble - the mouse broke a golden egg, which it touched with its tail, dropping it to the floor. ("Ryaba Chicken")

33. The main character of this cartoon is a wooden boy, cut out of a log by Pope Carlo. What was this boy's name? (Pinocchio, "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio").

34. In a series of these cartoons, different stories are shown in which there are warnings, instructive and informative stories. The host of these stories is a superhero. State his first and last name. (Arkady Parovozov and the animated series of the same name).

35. Remember and name the plasticine cartoons. ("Last year's snow was falling", "Plasticine crow", "Good night, kids" screensaver).

36. What are the names of children's TV channels on which cartoons are broadcast? ("Children's", "Disney", "Carousel").

37. What is the name of the most famous American cartoonist who gave the world Scrooge McDuck and other famous mulheroes? (Walt Disney) .

38. Who was the animator of the beloved Soviet cartoon “Well, wait a minute? "(Kotenochkin).

39. What characters of the Soviet cartoon sang a song, lying on the sand, with the words: "I am lying in the sun, I look at the sun, everything is lying and lying, and I don't look at the lion cub ..."? (cartoon "Lion and Turtle").

40. What is the name of a bear who loved to eat honey, was friends with Piglet, sang the song "I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud, I am not a bear at all, how good it is for me, a cloud, to fly across the sky." (Winnie the Pooh from the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh and everything - everything - everything").

41. This insect is a girl. She walked around the field and found some money, bought a samovar for it and had a tea party. One of the guests, a mosquito, saved her from a spider. Who are we talking about and what is the name of the cartoon? (The main character is a fly, the cartoon "Tsokotukha Fly").

42. In what American cartoon does the king's wife turn into a bear after drinking a magic potion? ("Brave") .

43. The heroes of this cartoon - a donkey, a rooster, a dog, a cat - were driven out by the owners. They all set off to travel wherever they looked. This cartoon was filmed based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. ("The Bremen Town Musicians") .

44. In what cartoon was the cat able to deceive the cannibal, eat him, impersonate the subject of the Marquis Carabas? ("Puss in Boots") .

45. Remember and name the name of the cartoon in which the main character is a little girl who appeared from a seed, with whom various adventures and incidents took place: she was stolen by toads, she lived in a hole with a mouse, she was almost married to a mole. The swallow saved her and took her to the land of the elves. ("Thumbelina").

46. ​​In what cartoons and fairy tales was there a wicked stepmother, her 2 daughters, a stepdaughter? ("12 Months", "Cinderella", "Frost").

47. At what time did the carriage in one of the cartoons turn into a pumpkin, the coachmen - into mice, and a chic dress - into rags? (At 12 o'clock, the cartoon "Cinderella").

48. In this cartoon, the hero hatched from an egg. He was not like all the birds in the yard, he was ugly and "nasty". Over time, he turned into a beautiful bird - a swan, everyone admired him. What is this cartoon? ("Ugly duck") .

49. The main characters of this cartoon are pigs, each of whom built a house for himself. What was the name of the piglets and what kind of cartoon is it? (Nif Nif, Naf Naf, Nuf Nuf, cartoon "Three Little Pigs").

50. What cartoon hero flew to us from the moon? (Luntik from the cartoon "Luntik and His Friends").

51. What words did the wolf from the cartoon "Wait a minute" shout to the hare when the hare deceived him? ("Well, hare! Just wait!").

52. In which cartoon was Uncle Fedor one of the main characters? ("Adventures in Prostokvashino").

53. What are the names of the characters from the cartoon "Luntik and his friends." (Luntik, caterpillars Vupsen and Pupsen, Pchelenok is a little bee, Mila is a ladybug, Kuzya is a grasshopper, Uncle Shnyuk is a spider, Baba Kapa is a big old bee, Grandfather Sher, Shershulya is a hornet, Roots Korneevich is a worm), Ellina is a butterfly ...

54. A fabulous man with a propeller behind his back. (Carlson).

55. What is Carlson's favorite delicacy? (jam, buns).

56. In what city did Dunno live with friends? (In the Flower City).

57. What are the names of the dogs that flew into space? Russian animators shot the cartoon of the same name. (Belka and Strelka) .

58. What was the name of the housewives who lived in the apartment of the girl Masha? (Kuzya and Nafanya).

59. What was the name of the postman from the cartoon about Prostokvashino? (Postman Pechkin, Igor Ivanovich).

60. In which cartoon did the monkey and the parrot measure the length of the boa constrictor? (38 parrots).

61. What animal did the Viking tame? (Dragon in the cartoon "Train Your Dragon").

62. From which cartoon are these words: “Let's be afraid together? "? (From the cartoon "A Kitten Called Woof").

63. The largest animal from the cartoon "Ice Age". (mammoth).

64. What did the cat Matroskin call his cow? (Murka).

65. What color was Malvina's hair from the cartoon about the golden key? (purple).

66. Who got Winnie the Pooh stuck in the doorway? (at the rabbit, when l left the guests, overeating honey).

67. What was the name of the sea princess - the little mermaid from the cartoon "The Little Mermaid"? (Ariel).

68. Which character of the cartoon about Prostokvashino took pictures of animals from a photographic gun? (dog Sharik).

69. The boy is an onion. (Chippolino from the cartoon "The Adventures of Cipollino").

Lesson summary:

So our quiz has come to an end. All of you were great, you answered the quiz questions well, gave examples, helped each other. I see that you know and love cartoons and know their characters. Let's count the number of tokens you've earned. The one who has the most of them becomes the winner of the game, he is the best connoisseur of cartoons (rewarding). Keep on watching cartoons, you can draw your own, develop your interest, vision, memory. Goodbye.

Quiz for children 5-6 years old (with answers). Questions and Answers for Kindergarten Children | Not for show, but for friends

The Little Humpbacked Horse

It's better to sign the cards.

The teacher asks questions, and the children must pick up, instead of answering, a card corresponding to a particular character. Questions:

1. Which of the fairytale characters has three heads? 2. Who knows how to breathe fire if you make it very angry? 3. Who ate little porridge in childhood and remained thin and spiteful for their entire long, long life? 4. Who cannot be killed unless you find the needle and break it?

5. Birds stealing children for Baba Yaga? 6. Which of the fairy tale characters helps the evil old woman, flies through the air and is covered with feathers? 7. What character loved his brother very much and warned him not to drink water from a puddle?

8. A brave girl who was not afraid to go after her brother to Baba Yaga? 9. Which character eats oats and can jump over a high mountain? 10. Who saved Ivanushka from death in a boiler of boiling water?

It is better to ask questions out of sync in order to "confuse" the guys a little.

Kindergarten preparatory math quiz

"The Adventures of Masha the Cat and Her Kittens"

1. Our cat Masha is an excellent mother. She has four daughters and one more son. Girls and boys, bend our fingers How many kittens does she have? (five)

And now one more problem about the cat Masha and her kittens. Masha has five kittens. Three of them are red, like foxes, the rest are gray.

How many kittens does Masha's cat have? (two)

Two kittens drink milk, one plays. How many kittens sleep? (two)

3. Here came a huge dog, And let him outgrow Masha, She will show him! Two hide their nose under the porch, And three remained on the grass. I will ask the children: How many animals are there in the yard? (seven - a dog, a cat Masha and five kittens)

4. Mistress of the cat Masha So that she catches mice, Twice as fast as.

Masha caught five mice. Three kittens were also caught on the mouse, and two were not lucky - they did not get anything. How many mice were caught?

5. The cat Masha has five kittens. The children came up with the idea of ​​hanging bows around their necks, but argued which ribbons are more beautiful - blue or red. In order not to quarrel, the children decided that they needed to prepare ribbons of two colors at once.

How many ribbons, red and blue, will the children need to prepare?

6. Game for the knowledge of the basic geometric shapes by children.


The cat Masha climbed onto the roof to watch her playing kittens from above. The roof was like this (shows the "house" with his hands). What shape does the roof look like? (triangle)

The kittens were playing ball. What shape does the ball look like? (circle)

Suddenly the ball bounced, jumped and hit right in the window! What shape does the window look like? (Rectangle or square)

Grandmother looked out of the window and began to swear at the kittens: "Oh, you are so-and-so!" But she quickly forgave them, and took out a saucer of milk into the courtyard. What shape does a saucer of milk look like? (circle)

Grandfather came from the store and brought a box with a cake (shows a rectangle with his hands, because cakes can be round). What shape does the box look like? (rectangle)

Evening was approaching, it became cool, and grandmother threw a scarf over her shoulders (she puts a triangular scarf on her shoulders). What shape does the scarf look like? (triangle) .

The cat Masha puts the kittens to bed. There is a large yellow moon in the sky. What shape does the moon look like? (circle) .


Competition "Master of Multimedia Technologies - 2013"

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process at preschool educational institutions"

There are many ways to make the learning process in kindergarten more interesting and fun. For older preschoolers, a fairy tale quiz would be an excellent option.

With the help of a quiz, based on the fairy tales read, you can consolidate the material covered, develop the ability to dramatize. The competitive moment of quizzes stimulates the cognitive interest of children, and the realization that after some time a quiz awaits them, increases the motivation to memorize and learn.

In order to generalize and clarify the knowledge of older preschool children about Russian folk tales, I created a literary game "Visiting a Fairy Tale". I used this game in the quiz "Visiting a Fairy Tale".

Target: consolidation of children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.

Practical significance:

  • will help to consolidate knowledge about Russian folk tales;
  • will increase the interest in oral folk art in older preschool children;
  • will create motivation for independence;
  • will bring joy and emotional balance.

The target audience: I propose to use the presentation in organized educational activities, in leisure activities, in subgroup and individual work.

Appendix 2: Synopsis.

Quiz for Preschool Children

Preschool development, Educational games

In preschoolers, an involuntary type of memory predominates. Toddlers three to six years old best remember what they are interested in or attracted their attention. Therefore, the process of learning and cognition must be structured in such a way that the child is interested: bright books, exciting tasks, understandable and clear instructions.

It is good to use quizzes to consolidate the material covered. This form of survey allows you to identify the degree of the child's mastery of the material; quizzes are widely used in the classroom in kindergarten.

Quiz for preschool children, with answers

Astronomy quiz (question answer)

  1. How many months in a year? (twelve)
  2. How many days in a week? (seven)
  3. Please list all the days of the week in order (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
  4. Name the hottest star (Sun)

Math quiz (question answer)

  1. Misha had two chocolates. While Misha was going to drink tea, his girlfriend Masha came to visit him. Mom advised Misha to treat the girl with a chocolate bar and invite her to drink tea too. Misha put his girlfriend at the table and gave her one chocolate bar. How many chocolates does Misha have left? (one chocolate bar)
  2. Mom gave Vanya a set of six markers. Once, when the boy was drawing in his sketchbook, felt-tip pens scattered on the floor, and some of them fell under the sofa. How many markers did Vanya miss if it is known that he managed to collect only three markers? (three markers)
  3. 3. Two birds were sitting on the window. Soon two more flew to them. How many birds are there? (four birds)
  4. Mom brought a watermelon from the store. Dad came home from work and when they sat down to dinner, the watermelon was cut into ten equal parts. How many pieces of watermelon are left after dinner, if the whole family is known to have eaten nine pieces? (one piece of watermelon left)

Quiz about the world around (question and answer)

  1. What are the names of tall conifers that people usually decorate in winter for the new year? (spruce)
  2. What color are the petals of chamomile? (white)
  3. When does it get dark early: winter or summer? (it gets dark earlier in winter than in summer)
  4. Is a deer a carnivore or a herbivore? (deer is a herbivore)
  5. What does a hare like to eat more than anything? (carrots, cabbage)
  6. Where can you find a real hedgehog? (in the forest)
  7. Are the eagle and the fox friendly with each other? (no, the eagle is a bird, flies in the air, and the fox is an animal)
  8. Boletus - an edible mushroom? (Yes)
  9. Where does blueberry grow? (in the forest)
  10. Where does the strawberry grow? (at the grandmother's dacha)
  11. What does moose eat? (by grass and other plants)
  12. What do cats love? (milk, fish, sour cream, valerian)
  13. Where does the woodpecker live? (in the forest)

If the child finds it difficult to answer any question, you can use the hint method: ask a leading question and give the child time to think. Thinking aloud helps in this case. It is better not to give the child a ready-made answer, but to let him remember it himself.

A quiz for preschool children perfectly develops memory, attention, thinking, imagination. It is aimed at the formation of perseverance and interest in the surrounding reality.

It is advisable to conduct it in the classroom in kindergarten, but it can be used for home "lessons". To consolidate the positive result, read more fairy tales to the children, supplement the activities with educational games and books.

Quiz number 1 "Clever thoughts"

Remember from what fairy tales, poems, stories these quotes.

1. "The morning is wiser than the evening."

a) "The Frog Princess" +

b) "Princess-snake"

c) "Tsar Bear"

2. "You won't be full of songs, you won't get warm by chirping in winter."

a) "Fire"

b) "Thumbelina" +

c) "The Snow Queen"

3. “We must, we must wash

In the mornings and evenings! "

a) "Moidodyr" +

b) "Fedorino grief"

c) "Crocodile"

4. "The wind carries us directly to the north ... So, we will have to return back to the south."

a) "Know-the-know-the-savvy"

b) "Alice in Wonderland"

c) "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" +

5. “A person who is wasting time cannot replace himself.

it grows as it grows old. "

a) "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

b) "The Tale of Lost Time" +

c) "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

6. "I'll be smart and sensible."

a) "Cipollino"

b) "Boy with a finger"

c) "The Adventures of Pinocchio" +

7. "Although I am already in my ninth year, I only realized yesterday that the lessons still need to be taught."

a) "Main rivers" +

b) "Professor of sour cabbage soup"

c) "Where has it been seen, where has it heard ..."

8. "Choose yourself, my friend,

One some circle. "

a) "Chatterbox" +

b) "I grew up"

c) "First grader"

9. “You don't need to kill anyone. Animals must be loved. "

a) "Policeman"

b) "Dreamers"

c) "Three hunters" +

10. “Moms! Dads! Without you -

It's all the same that you are without us! "

a) "Feast of Disobedience" +

b) "Sleep with a continuation"

c) "I want to go home"

Quiz on the topic "Birthday and gifts"

1. What is your birthday jokingly called?

a) jam day +

b) cookie day

c) a day of fun

2. "Unfortunately, my birthday is only once a year ..." sang ...

a) Winnie the Pooh

b) crocodile Gena +

c) Leopold the cat

3. Whom did the birthday girl Mukha-Tsokotukha not invite to her holiday?

b) Spider +

c) Butterfly

4. How many tin soldiers were given as a birthday present to the boy in the tale of H. H. Andersen?

a) twenty

b) twenty five +

c) thirty

5. According to Winnie the Pooh, the best gift is ...

a) a bouquet of flowers

b) balloon +

6. Who presented the golden cockerel to Tsar Dadon from the fairy tale of Alexander Pushkin?

a) astrologer +

b) general

7. What did Pippi Longstocking treat Annika and Tommy at her birthday?

a) gingerbread, rolls and hot chocolate +

b) gingerbread, buns and marmalade

c) gingerbread, rolls and tea

8. If this year there was a cake with eight candles at the Kid's birthday, then next year there will be candles ...

b) eight

c) nine +

9. Which of the Smeshariki was late for Nyusha's birthday?

a) Losyash and Sovunya

b) Barash and Pin

c) Krosh and Hedgehog +

10. “If you sing songs, it's more fun with them, but when it's the other way around -

boring!". Who hummed like that in the cartoon "Birthday of Leopold the Cat"?

b) Leopold the cat +

c) the cat's grandmother Leopold

Quiz №3 "Magic words and spells"

1. What was the name of the hero who uttered the words: "By the pike's command, by my desire"?

a) Emelya +

c) Vasily

2. Who in KI Chukovsky's fairy tale “hit the copper basin and cried out:“ Kara-baras! ””?

a) Hippo

b) Crocodile +

c) Moidodyr

3. "One, two, three, pot, boil!". After these words, what did the pot cook in the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm?

a) thick jelly

b) sweet porridge +

c) rich soup

4. In what fairy tale by V. Hauff, in order to turn into any animal and understand the language of animals, you need to pronounce the word "mutabor"?

a) "Dwarf Nose"

b) "Caliph-stork" +

c) "Little Muk"

5. "Bambara, chufara, loriki, yoriki, pickup, trikapu, skoriki, moriki!" Where were these words from the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" written?

a) on the lining of a gold cap +

b) on the heels of silver shoes

c) on the cover of the Magic Book

Magic words and spells

6. "Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka! ..". What fairy tale is this spell from?

a) "Tsar Maiden"

b) "Bulat-well done"

c) "The Little Humpbacked Horse" +

7. Finish the storyteller's phrase: "Cribble-crab - ..!"

8. What happened in the Brothers Grimm fairy tale if the donkey was told: "Bricklebrit"?

a) gold rained down +

b) silver rained down

c) precious stones fell

9. In what Arabic fairy tale did the heroes utter the words “Sim-Sim, open up!”?

a) "Aladdin's Magic Lamp"

b) "The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor"

c) "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" +

10. What did the old man say to Pavlik in the ear in V. Oseeva's story "The Magic Word"?

a) "Please" +

b) "Thank you"

c) "Goodbye"

Quiz number 4 "Quotes from fairy tales"

Remember from which fairy tales these words are.

1. "Don't sit on a tree stump, don't eat a pie!"

a) "Masha and the Bear" +

b) "Two from the bag"

c) "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

2. "Sleep, peephole, sleep, other."

a) "Prophetic dream"

b) "White duck"

c) "Kroshechka-Khavroshechka" +

3. "Don't eat me, I'll sing you a song."

a) "Kolobok" +

b) "Three rolls and one bagel"

c) "Magic berries"

4. “- I am a mouse.

“And I’m a frog frog. And who are you?"

a) "Teremok" +

b) "Winter hut of animals"

c) "Animals in the pit"

5. "A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather ..."

a) "Turnip" +

b) "Morozko"

c) "Tereshechka"

6. "As I jump out, as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets!"

a) "The wolf and the seven kids"

b) "Hare, fox and rooster" +

c) "The Fox and the Pitcher"

Quotes from fairy tales

7. "Catch, fish, big and small."

a) "Little fox-sister and a wolf" +

b) "The Fox and the Crane"

c) "The Fox and the Hare"

8. "Who sat on my chair and moved it from its place?"

a) "Seven Simeons"

b) "Brothers-hunters"

c) "Three Bears" +

9. "Eat my forest apple - I'll tell you!"

a) "Geese-swans" +

b) "Golden Cockerel"

c) "Shepherd's pipe"

10. "You can go around half the world,

You will bypass, you will bypass,

You can't find a better home

You will not find, you will not find! "

a) "Three Bears"

b) "Three Little Pigs" +

c) "Three Fat Men"

Quiz number 5 "Quotes from poems"

Remember which verses these lines are from.

1. “Moms are needed differently,

All kinds of mothers are important. "

a) "What do you have?" +

b) "Sasha's porridge"

c) "About a girl who ate poorly"

2. "Instead of a hat on the go

He put on the frying pan.

Instead of boots, gloves

I pulled it on my heels. "

a) "Fairy tale"

b) "What was Petya afraid of?"

c) "That's how absent-minded" +

3. “Beauty! The beauty!

We are bringing a cat with us! "

a) "Song of Friends" +

b) "We are with a friend"

c) "One rhyme"

4. "Long live fragrant soap

And the towel is fluffy ... "

a) "Moidodyr" +

b) "Confusion"

c) "Miracle tree"

5. "The ponytail is on the pillow,

There are ears on the sheet. "

a) "Cat and Quitters"

b) "Children in a cage"

c) "Mustache-striped" +

Quotes from poems

6. “Oh, this is not an easy job -

Drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp! "

a) "Crocodile"

b) "Phone" +

c) "Barmaley"

7. "The bears rode

By bike.

And behind them a cat


a) "Cockroach" +

b) "Stolen Sun"

c) "Fly-Tsokotukha"

8. "And sisters and brothers

They play mouse and mouse with him. "

a) "Quiet Tale"

b) "The Tale of the Clever Mouse" +

c) "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse"

9. "To you, with your height,

We need to ride an elephant! "

a) "Dreamer"

b) "Uncle Styopa" +

c) "Cheerful tourist"

10. “Having turned the book over,

Wrap yourself on your mustache -

All works are good

Choose the taste! "

a) "Who to be?" +

b) "Younger brother"

c) "What is good and what is bad?"

Some questions are focused on the intelligence of a child under 5 years old.

Most of the questions are information-oriented. When a child is not familiar with an object or phenomenon, he finds himself in a dead-end situation, and the conclusion about the preparedness of the child may not be formed in his favor ... This is an unofficial list, therefore other questions may be asked ...
* - marked issues that insure the identification of the child.

The neuropsychologist asks when determining the level of development of the child and assesses the sociability ...
If a child is prepared, then he does not get confused ... When moving from nursery to kindergarten, from kindergarten to school ... When referring to him as a specialist ... Gradually, children learn about the world ...

You see what words: identification, testing, information basis! After reading the questions, and mentally answering some, I thought with a smile that some of them are really not so difficult. But, then I got stuck on the classification, for example on this one:
(28. What is superfluous in the group: chicken, crow, goose?) At first I answered, crow! Because they don't eat crows ... Then, on reflection, she replied that the chicken! Why? Because the chicken doesn't fly! ... That's the question! You might think that domestic geese fly. Those who kept domestic geese know how they cut their wings, and so do the chicken ... So, in my development I do not reach a 5-year-old child !?) I lived like this ... Maybe we, parents, should also be tested? Or maybe it's easier to look at such questions?

Let `s start?

A. personal identification (know from a very early age)

1. * State your last name, first name, patronymic.
2. * Full name, age.
3. * Name of parents.
4. * The city in which you live.
5. * Where do you live? State your address.
6. * What city do you live in, what country do you live in?
7. * Name the capital of our Motherland.

B. Time

8. Name the days of the week. What are the days off? What will start when the week is over? What day is after Sunday? (other options)
9. How many days in a week? What day is before Saturday? Which lasts longer: a week or a day? A week or seven days?
10. Name the seasons. Which season follows which?
11. What seasonal phenomena do you know? Describe the seasons
their differences, natural changes, animal behavior ... What time of year is it now? What will follow? After what time of year does winter come?

12. What time of year is it now? Prove it.
13. How many months are there in a year? Which? Which is longer: a year or a month, a month or a week, a day or a week?
14. Name the summer months, winter ...
15. When leaves appear on the trees (leaves fall), migratory birds fly (fly away). What birds fly in winter? What is leaf fall?
16. Name the migratory (wintering) birds. Where do migratory birds fly to?
17. What is a day? What is the difference between day and night?
18. At what time of day: sleep, have breakfast, lunch ... Is it morning? Day? Evening? Night? What do you do in the morning, in the evening? What comes before lunch or dinner?
19. How to distinguish: today, tomorrow, yesterday ...

B. Comparative concepts

20. Disassemble examples into concepts: more or less; wider or narrower;
older or younger; higher or lower; faster or slower, lighter or heavier, right or left, top, bottom, side, front or back, sooner or later, equally ...
21. Will you be older or younger in a year? How old will you be in a year, in two years. How old were you last year?
22. Who has more paws: a dog or a rooster? How much?

D. Classification

23. What unites a group of objects? (purpose, the presence of similar signs ...) Name 5 items of clothing (shoes, dishes, transport, animals ...)
24. Name the objects in one word: tools (saw, ax, screwdriver ...), clothing (coat, dress, trousers ...), transport (car, plane, train ...), etc.
25. Types within the groups: transport - ground, underground, air, water); animals (domestic, wild), furniture, clothing, electrical appliances ...
26. Name domestic animals, wild animals. Why are they called that? Name the cubs of a sheep, horse, dog, chicken….
27. Comparison of two groups of objects.
28. What is superfluous in the group: chicken, crow, goose? Monday, Tuesday, September? Why?…
29. Are there more pikes or fish in the river? What is more in the closet: plates or dishes?

D. Colors

30. Name the colors of paints, including shades (gray, violet, pink, red, blue, ...)

E. Outlook and logic

31. What cities do you know? Country?…
32. What is the difference between an airplane and a bird? A girl from a doll? Why does the car have brakes?
33. Why doesn't the tree fall?
34. Aunt has a daughter Masha, cat Murka, dog Druzhok. How many children does your aunt have?
35. What is the best and faster way to pick a watermelon from a tree?
36. Who will swim to the shore faster: a chicken or a duckling?

G. Development of speech

37. Read the poem by heart.
38. Make a riddle.
39. Compose a story based on a picture or several pictures.
40. The game is "vice versa" (day - night, black - white ....)
41. Name one word
42. The girl is playing. Is it a word or a sentence?
43. Add the sentence: "If it starts to rain, then ..."
44. Name the sounds and syllables in words: chair, porridge, table, smoke, etc.
45. How many syllables are in the word Masha, car? how many sounds are there in the word house?

H. Arithmetic

46. ​​Direct and reverse counting from 1 to 20, as well as counting within specified limits (from 3 to 7, from 7 to 3)….
47. Name the neighbors of the number 3.
48. Which is greater than 8 or 5?
49. Problems for plus and minus one (how much is more or less?)
You had three cars. Mom bought another one. How many cars have become? More or less? How much?
You had 5 sweets, you gave one to a friend. How many sweets have you got?
Is it less or more? How much?
50. The composition of the number 4, 5.
51. Level two numbers (how to make them equally) in two ways: +1 and -1.
51. Four legs are visible from under the curtain. How many kittens are behind the curtain?
52. Name the geometric shapes.
53. Grouping of geometric shapes by the presence of similar features.

I. Etiquette

53. Polite words and how they are used.