What is the meaning of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving Day in the USA: traditions and history of the holiday

What is the meaning of Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving Day in the USA: traditions and history of the holiday
What is the meaning of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving Day in the USA: traditions and history of the holiday

Not every person knows what Thanksgiving Day is. The history of the holiday begins, of course, in America. Despite the fact that many peoples of the world have a tradition of celebrating the end of the harvest and a wide variety of work related to agriculture.

This custom appeared quite a long time ago. In the past, people could not enjoy the abundance of products that are available in various supermarkets today. They had to use only what they grew themselves. Of course, the harvest was not always rich, because weather and other circumstances are important factors. People were worried about what the next year would be like. Therefore, they were always happy about a good harvest. Thanksgiving was created so that people could say “thank you” to higher powers, so that they could ask for good luck for the next year. People sincerely believed that this would help.

Thanksgiving Day. The history of the holiday goes back a long way...

This celebration appeared in America back in 1621. What was the main reason for organizing Thanksgiving? The history of the holiday began with the fact that a ship arrived from England on which a group of people were fleeing religious persecution. Travelers arrived in America only on November 10. It was already too late to sow anything at this time. Accordingly, the first winter spent here was too harsh and hungry. Fifty people died because of this. Local Indians rushed to help the others.

With the arrival of spring, they began to cultivate the land, sowing corn and bread. Already in the summer it was absolutely clear that a very rich harvest would soon await everyone.

This is exactly why Thanksgiving was created. The history of the holiday says that the celebration lasted for three days. The British celebrated it together with the Indians. They had a real feast on the tables - turkey, fish, fruits, and corn. Rejoicing and enjoying the abundance of food, they thanked God for the magnificent harvest.

A little later, the holiday spread to other states of America - as soon as new settlers arrived here. They liked this idea. As a result, 150 years later, Thanksgiving Day was celebrated throughout the country. The official holiday was recognized by George Washington in 1789. This event is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

Holiday traditions

What can you say about the features of this event? Many traditions distinguish Thanksgiving among other events. The history of the holiday has a lot of customs. However, as always, you can miss something, and add something... But there is also something you can’t do without!

Firstly, on this day all relatives gather at the festive table. The owners of the house always serve fried cheese and pumpkin pie. Secondly, on this day holiday services are held in churches. Thirdly, people thank God not only for a generous harvest, but also for prosperity and peace, for family happiness.

Traditional decorations for this holiday are also known. These are garlands and wreaths made of branches and flowers, hung on windows and doors, stuffed animals made of straw, rag dolls and other cozy home things.

Thanksgiving Day is one of the most beloved holidays in America.

Of course, many special occasions are celebrated by people all over the world. Americans are, however, especially fascinated by the history of Thanksgiving, which became an official holiday in the 18th century. It was assigned to the fourth Thursday of November thanks to a bill passed by the US Congress in 1941.

Americans celebrate this holiday with great pleasure with friends or family, enjoying traditional tender roast turkey, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie and a variety of dishes made from corn.

By the way, US residents also love the solemn “pardon” ceremony. For this, two turkeys are selected. The “national” bird chosen on the White House website is being favored. The second - “vice turkey” - is prepared and served at the government’s holiday dinner.

The popularity is well deserved

The history of Thanksgiving is known to every American. This holiday is one of the three most popular. It is celebrated as widely as Easter or Christmas.

Residents of the states look forward to this day every year. They all honor the memory of those Indians who once responded to the requests of newly arrived neighbors and helped them improve their lives and start farming.

To date…

Harvest holiday... Thanksgiving is one of the most warm congratulations, hugs from relatives - without all this it is impossible to imagine this event.

Today, a variety of charitable events and events are also held. At almost every metro station, for example, you can see tables on which money, food, and things for homeless people are placed. The press publishes many advertisements about how many suffering people can be helped if you donate at least one dollar that day. In a word, people are not allowed to remain indifferent to the problems of others.

The most significant symbol

The history of Thanksgiving in America is described in many sources of information. Each of them, of course, mentions the most significant symbol of this holiday - the traditional turkey. The fact is that it was her distant ancestors who were primarily presented by the Indians as a gift to their new neighbors. Of course, the most well-fed and beautiful representatives of the turkey family get to see the “President”.

By the way, they even planned to place this “symbol” on the national emblem of America. The “Holiday Bird” could not compete with the proud eagle, but every person in the United States associates it with Thanksgiving. That is, this festive event is not complete without turkey.

This holiday is a bright and cheerful event!

Thus, one of the most famous dates in America is Thanksgiving Day. The history of its origin is very interesting and unusual. People honor this holiday and happily support all the ancient traditions associated with it. They take part in folk festivals, enchanting parades, and carnivals with great pleasure. Theatrical and circus performances dedicated to the first settlers also delight Americans with their brightness and beauty. Well, recently another Thanksgiving tradition has appeared in the United States. Americans hold final football matches on this holiday.

So, Thanksgiving is an event that residents of the United States look forward to every year. It is celebrated beautifully and interestingly, and also brings a lot of positive emotions and lifts your spirits!

Remember the first words you learned in English? Most likely it was: good morning ( good morning ), My name is ( my name is… ), well, how are you? ( how are you? ). Also, one of the first things we teach is usually - thank you ( thanks ). Thanking people for their kind words and deeds is an important part of American culture. That's why in the USA there is such a holiday - Thanksgiving Day ( Thanksgiving ) - a whole day when people say words of gratitude to each other. Yes, you've probably heard about this, haven't you?

It's a celebration of food, family and gratitude for the good things in life, and is one of the most important holidays for Americans. For people who do not live in America, this holiday seems strange at first. To understand it, you need to study the history of its origins and how people celebrate it today.

Here are 25 Thanksgiving words you can use to impress your American friends if you're invited to a Thanksgiving dinner.

When is Thanksgiving celebrated?

Like many holidays in the United States, Thanksgiving does not have a specific date; it is celebrated on fourth Thursday of November, this year (2015) it falls on November 26th.

What does celebrating this day mean?

The celebration of this day began in 1621. That year, a group of Englishmen who came to America experienced enormous difficulties getting used to their new country of residence.

And there was a group of Native Americans who were helping the English harvest crops and survive the difficult winters, so the former English decided to have a big dinner to thank their Aboriginal friends and also to celebrate the fact that they were still alive. This first Thanksgiving is captured in a painting by Jean Leon Jerome Ferris

The main reason for celebrating Thanksgiving today is the wonderful time you can spend with your family and friends, have fun and eat delicacies.

Who celebrates Thanksgiving?

Most Americans celebrate it today! Americans living in other countries (expats and expatriates) often celebrate with their friends and other Americans by preparing traditional Thanksgiving dishes.

There are many religious holidays (such as Christmas, Easter, Ramadan, etc.) based on religious traditions and faith, but Thanksgiving Day is considered secular ( secular) , it is not associated with any particular religion. And, although many people say a prayer before this festive meal, anyone can share it - Christian, Muslim, and atheist.

Canadians also celebrate Thanksgiving, but in October, and its history is completely different.

Thanksgiving Vocabulary

First, 10 words common to the holiday, then 10 words about delicious food, since it is the prepared delicacies that are the most important part of this holiday. And finally, 5 bonus idioms and expressions related to this day.

1. Thanksgiving thanksgiving, grateful

Expressions such as Thanksgiving dinner, Thanksgiving break, Thanksgiving program. Americans often say: “Happy Thanksgiving!” - wish you had a good day.

Last year Thanksgiving Day was on November 28th. (Last Thanksgiving was November 28th.)

2. Holiday - holiday, day of rest

Everyone seems to know this word, but there may be some confusion here. Official holidays for the entire country as a whole are declared by the government. They are celebrated by the majority of the population and are usually on weekends: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day and Thanksgiving Day.

If holidays fall on Monday or Friday, then another day is added to the usual weekend: Saturday and Sunday, and everyone loves it - a long weekend.

Some people use the word holiday even if they are forced to work that day. For example, many will say that , and Christmas are holidays, but they may be unofficial holidays, that is, not accepted by the government, so they will most likely be working days.

There are many States in the USA, each of them has its own laws, so weekends may also differ.

(This is an unofficial holiday, but many still celebrate St. Patrick's Day every year on March 17th by dressing in green and eating Irish food.)

If you are talking to the British then holiday - it's more like a vacation or a trip. Americans call it - vacation .

Consonant pronunciation of two separate words holy and day. They mean Holy Day - a religious holiday. For example: Christmas ( Christmas ) and Easter ( Easter ) these are Holy Days.

Finally, there are two more concepts: free day And day off This is an informal designation for non-working days. Break usually more than one non-working day.

3. Settler - settler

He's a pioneer pioneer or explorer). These words express that settlers are developing new territories, sometimes these territories are first occupied by a group of people.

4. Colony - the colony

This is territory controlled by another state. For example, the USA and Canada were once colonies of Britain, and Brazil was a colony of Portugal. People who create colonies are called colonists ( colonists ).

Plymouth that was the name of the British colony in the USA, now it is modern Massachusetts. Thanksgiving was celebrated there for the first time.

5. Pilgrim - pilgrim

In the context of Thanksgiving, the word Pilgrim usually denotes a settler in the Plymouth Colony. The Pilgrims of Plymouth were settlers from England who immigrated to America in the 1600s. They were religious people, Christians belonging to the branches of the Puritans ( Puritan ) and methodologists ( Methodist ). However, they had one thing in common - they were separatists ( Separatists ). Their differences with the Anglican faith forced them to immigrate to new lands far from England. Another interpretation of the word pilgrim - pilgrim, person making a pilgrimage ( pilgrimage ) to holy places.

Examples of using these expressions:

Mayflower was the name of the ship on which the first pilgrims arrived in America.

7. Native American native Americans

Native Americans are tribes that lived in America before the first colonists from Europe began arriving there in 1492.

We often call them "Indians" ( Indians ), since Christopher Columbus believed that he had arrived in India. In English there is no such distinction as we have: by changing only one letter in the word Indian, we got Indians. Americans prefer to call Native Americans by their tribal name ( tribe ) to which they belong.

The first tribe to celebrate the first Thanksgiving was the Wampanogue Tribe. the Wampanoag tribe ).

8. Harvest harvest

Actually, Thanksgiving was originally a harvest festival ( harvest festival ), which the pilgrims were very happy about, since it was extremely difficult to grow this crop in an unusual climate and land for them.

9. Fall / Autumn - autumn

We are accustomed to the word autumn in English ( autumn ), and in America autumn is also called the word fall - a fall. Since Thanksgiving is celebrated in the fall, it is symbolized by falling leaves and the colors orange and brown.

10. Cornucopia / Horn of Plenty - cornucopia

This is usually a horn-shaped basket made of natural materials and filled with various delicious fruits and vegetables, a symbol of the harvest.

Expression horn of plenty can also describe anything that contains a large number and surprising variety of things.

Thanksgiving Food

There are words that are common to this holiday, although different families may have different traditions and prepare their own favorite dishes for the holiday.

11. Feast feast

A feast is a very rich table, it is also characteristic of some other holidays, but for Thanksgiving it is the main attribute.

12. Blessing - blessing

In general, this is what we are lucky with in life, for example, for some, children can be their blessing, but blessing is also a prayer said before eating. Religious people often say a prayer before a holiday meal to show that they are grateful to God for having so much good food to eat, and on Thanksgiving Day, non-religious people also say a blessing, since it is an attribute of the holiday, people want to show that they are grateful for their delicious food. This prayer is also called grace and say a prayer- to say grace.

13. Turkey - turkey

We finally got to the food! Turkey (turkey ) - This is a traditional product that is especially often consumed on Thanksgiving Day. It is said that 45 million turkeys are eaten at Thanksgiving! You can find the American recipe in English and Russian.

For vegetarians there is a soy product tofurkey , which was developed as a turkey substitute in appearance and taste. So anyone can celebrate!

14. Gravy c ous, gravy

Gravy made from the juice of cooking meat, add flour, salt, maybe butter, and other ingredients to taste. A vegetarian and vegan g ravy prepared on the basis of liquid from boiled and fried vegetables.

15. Cranberry (Sauce) - cranberry syrup

Cranberries are usually very acidic, so they are prepared with added sugar. This is not very common in our cuisine, but this sweet syrup is served with turkey meat.

A few examples of the use of names of dishes we have already studied:

16. Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream - pumpkin pie with whipped cream

Pumpkin pie is the most popular Thanksgiving dessert. It is served with whipped cream, the cream must be whipped very well so that it turns almost into a solid substance.

17. Yams or Sweet Potatoes - yam or sweet potato

Sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes are slightly different from each other, but most people don't see much difference between them. This typical Thanksgiving dish is prepared by mashing boiled tubers and adding brown sugar and other ingredients, such as marshmallows.

18. Mashed Potatoes - mashed potatoes

Well, this dish is also typical for our cuisine - mash boiled potatoes, add butter, salt, you can also add herbs and spices to your taste.

19. Stuffing ( in some dialects Dressing) - minced meat

When the turkey is cooking in the oven, you can add some ingredients to taste. This type of turkey will be called stuffed. Americans stuff the turkey with celery, herbs and cubes of bread. But not everyone likes “turkey guts,” so sometimes this stuffing is prepared separately.

20. Corncorn

Of course, we have all eaten corn and know what it is. For Thanksgiving, corn is more common as a symbol; the dried ears are associated with harvest time, so corn is often used as a table decoration.

Here are examples of the use of the names of the dishes we mentioned:

5 Bonus Phrases and Idioms About Thanksgiving
with examples of use

21. To be thankful for something - to be grateful for something

This is the most commonly used expression at Thanksgiving.

22. To be a turkey - be a turkey

It doesn't have much to do with Thanksgiving if you call a person a turkey. (Aturkey ) , you want to say that he is strange or funny.

23. Hot potato - hot potatoes

Hot potatoes are a difficult problem, or a situation that no one wants to solve, like a baked potato being thrown from one person to another from a fire, it burns your hands, and you want to get rid of it quickly. There’s even a game like this, but it’s not about throwing a potato, but a ball or another object, the main thing is to do it. as fast as possible.

24. Corny - corny

Adjective meaning: stupid, funny and not funny.

25. Black Friday - black Friday

We also already know about this day, it is associated with sales and discounts, and in the past, and even now in some places, many people were given two days off for Thanksgiving: Thursday and Friday. Together with Saturday and Sunday, you get four days off, during which you can travel or just have fun. In addition, you can spend a couple of days looking for Christmas gifts, since Christmas is just around the corner. Why is Friday Black - probably because the shops are full of people and the streets are dark from crowds of people.

And finally, I want to thank those who read this article, I hope you found it useful.

Happy Thanksgiving!(Happy Thanksgiving!)

Each country has its own traditions and reasons for celebrating particularly important events in history. For Americans, Thanksgiving Day has become the embodiment of several ideas at once: gratitude to God for what he gives to people, to one’s neighbor for his love, friendship and support, and to the ancestors who walked a long, thorny path that shaped the state as we see it to this day. .

Today we will learn the most interesting facts and traditions of celebrating Thanksgiving in 2018, which will help us become more erudite and loyal to foreign cultures.

What date is Thanksgiving?

By the way, Americans and Canadians celebrate this holiday at different times. So, for US citizens it is customary to say “thank you” in November, namely on the fourth Thursday of the last autumn month, and for Canadians it is customary to say “thank you” on the second Monday of October.

Thus, in 2018, the long-awaited holiday will be celebrated in the United States on November 22, and in neighboring Canada on October 8.

history of the holiday

It should be noted that Thanksgiving is one of the most ancient holidays in American culture. It was first noted back in 1641 by colonists who sailed to America. A ship with new settlers landed on the shores of an as yet unexplored continent at the end of autumn.

The illnesses and hunger that befell the ship's passengers severely damaged the health of some and claimed the lives of others. Therefore, the people who arrived on the new land were exhausted and fell into despair at the sight of a completely uncivilized continent.

The first winter in America turned out to be especially harsh for them. Of the small number of arrivals, there were very few people left who did not understand at all how to properly grow crops on the rocky soil of the new continent. Then the Indians, the local population, came to their aid, who taught them how to properly grow various crops, build houses and heal with local plants.

The first Thanksgiving, which is traditionally celebrated at the end of autumn, when the entire harvest is ripe and the bins are bursting with supplies, was celebrated by local residents together with the colonizers at the same table.

Now the holiday has lost its former meaning. From now on, Thanksgiving is family celebration, which is designed to unite people of all generations for the sake of common memory and gratitude to each other for the care, love and respect provided.

Thanksgiving Traditions

It is customary for US citizens to spend the holiday with relatives and closest friends. On this day, Americans usually gather for a family holiday dinner, which is held in the home of the oldest members of the family.

At the same time, such dishes as baked turkey in cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie are mandatory on the table; Thanksgiving Day is not complete without sweet potatoes. According to historians, the first settlers ate the same thing when they feasted with the Indians. The celebration also has its own traditional drink - apple cider.

By the way, before starting a meal, all family members, as a rule, thank God and each other for all the good things that have happened to them over the past year.

Another Thanksgiving tradition is pardoning the turkey. This ceremony is usually held on the White House lawn the night before the ceremony. As usual, in addition to the President of the United States, there are two more turkeys present: the main hero of the occasion - the “national turkey” and her backup - the “vice turkey” (in case something happens to the first bird). During the ceremony, the American leader traditionally reads out a decree pardoning the country's main turkey (her deputy, as a rule, is also left alive), and then the lucky one is sent to the zoo, where she lives until she dies a natural death.

By the way, “national turkey” and “vice turkey” are chosen by ordinary Americans. To do this, the White House holds a special vote every year, during which those interested are asked to choose the best bird from 30 feathered candidates.

In addition, on the eve of Thanksgiving, it is customary to do good deeds. In particular, the distribution of free lunches is very popular among philanthropists: in this way they try to give a feeling of celebration to those in need. Moreover, sometimes the president himself distributes plates of food to the homeless and poor.

Also traditional on this festive November day are costume parades. Thus, the parade organized by the Macy’s department store in New York is especially popular. This grand procession runs from Central Park to 34th Street (Manhattan), where the famous Macy’s is located, which has long become one of the city’s landmarks. At the same time, parade participants, among whom there are usually many celebrities, carry huge inflatable figures of characters from popular cartoons and comic books. Huge crowds of locals and tourists always gather to watch this action.

In addition, on the fourth Thursday of the last autumn month in the United States, as a rule, a festive football match takes place. That's why many American men spend some part of Thanksgiving in front of the TV, cheering for their favorite team.

It is also worth noting that Thanksgiving Day usually opens the New Year period, when Americans begin to actively prepare for Christmas and New Year. The fact is that immediately after the holiday in the United States, Black Friday comes and pre-Christmas sales start.

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the United States on the last Thursday in November. This holiday is one of the big six major holidays of the year. People of all faiths celebrate this day. They give thanks for the many good things in their lives.

Thanksgiving Day has been an official United States holiday since 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln, proclaimed that Thursday, November 26, should be a day of national gratitude. Before this holiday celebrated English settlers of the Plymouth colony, who had to endure a rough first winter in New England.

Thanksgiving Day is a traditional family holiday. So on that day families always come together, especially for the wonderful meal. A large roasted turkey with stuffing is the most common main dish of a Thanksgiving dinner, that’s why Thanksgiving is sometimes called “Turkey Day”. At Thanksgiving 2012, were purchased more than 46 million turkeys by Americans. Turkey usually served with sweet potatoes or mashed potatoes,vegetables, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin or apple pie. Apple cider is a traditional drink.

Before the meal begins, families or friends usually pause to give thanks for them blessings, including the joy of being united for the occasion.

If you stay in New York during Thanksgiving, don’t miss . Musical performances, dancers, clowns and giant character balloons appear in the parade. This parade includes more than 3.5 million spectators and 10,000 participants. It is one of the largest parades in New York. Santa Clause arrives at the end. His coming marks the beginning of the Christmas season.

Thanksgiving is a special day that asks people to help those who are in need. Charitable organizations serve dinners to needy people, visit nursing-homes and local children's hospitals. Ordinary Americans help poor people too. They invite poor friends for Thanksgiving dinner, send baskets of food to the elderly and sick or donate some food to local food bank.

Translation of Thanksgiving Day text. Thanksgiving Day

In the United States, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the last Thursday of November. This holiday is one of the big six main holidays of the year. It is celebrated by people of different religions. They thank God for all the good things in their lives.

Thanksgiving Day has been an official holiday in the United States since 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thursday, November 26, a day of national gratitude. Previously, this holiday was celebrated by the English colonists of the Plymouth Colony, who had to endure the first harsh winter in New England.

Thanksgiving Day is a traditional family holiday. Therefore, on this day, families always get together especially for a wonderful lunch. A large, roasted, stuffed turkey is the most common main course for Thanksgiving dinner, which is why Thanksgiving Day is often called “Turkey Day.” In 2012, Americans purchased more than 46 million turkeys for Thanksgiving. Turkey is usually served with sweet potatoes or mashed potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce and pumpkin or apple pie. Cider is a traditional drink on this day.

Before eating, families and friends usually pause to give thanks in prayer, including the joy of being united on this occasion.

If you're in New York City for Thanksgiving, don't miss the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Musical performances, dancers, clowns and giant aerial heroes appear in the parade. This parade includes more than 3.5 million spectators and 10,000 participants. This is one of the largest parades in New York. Santa Claus arrives at the end. His arrival opens the Christmas holiday season.

Thanksgiving Day is a special day on which it is customary to help people in need. Charities offer meals to the poor, visit homes for the elderly or disabled, or local children's hospitals. Ordinary Americans also help poor people. They invite poor friends over for Thanksgiving dinner, send baskets of food to the elderly and sick, or donate food to a local food bank.

Additional Expressions

  • Thanksgiving Day / Thanksgiving- Thanksgiving Day
  • faith- faith
  • to proclaim- proclaim, announce
  • gratitude- gratitude, gratitude
  • settler- settler, colonist
  • Plymouth– Plymouth (Devonshire, England, UK)
  • to endure- endure, withstand, endure
  • rough- harsh
  • roasted turkey– roasted turkey
  • with stuffing- with filling. stuffed
  • to purchase- buy, purchase
  • sweet potatoes– sweet potatoes, yams
  • mashed potatoes- mashed potatoes
  • cranberry sauce- Cranberry Sauce
  • apple cider– cider
  • to pause- take a break
  • blessing– blessing
  • for the occasion- on this occasion
  • the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade– Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
  • giant– gigantic
  • spectator– viewer
  • participant- participant
  • to mark– mean
  • to be in need- to live in poverty, to be in need
  • charitable organizations- charity organisations
  • needy people- poor people
  • nursing-home– home for the elderly or disabled
  • needy– needy
  • to donate- sacrifice
  • food bank– charitable food fund

The Complete Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2012

Holidays in Great Britain and the USA are part of English-speaking culture and civilization. By studying these celebrations, we come into contact with the customs and traditions of people who speak English. The history of the emergence and development of the United States of America is interesting and full of extreme events.

Thanksgiving Day - history of the holiday, films

The Thanksgiving holiday in America is not just a tradition, but also the history of the beginning of an entire state. As you already understand, today we are discussing Thanksgiving Day in the USA, the origin of this holiday, the customs of celebrating this day and everything connected with it.

Thanksgiving Day in America is celebrated not only in the USA, but also in Canada. Thanksgiving Day or Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and on the second Monday of October in Canada.

The history of this holiday goes back centuries, when the first settlers from England arrived to the shores of America in 1620 on the now famous ship “Mayflower”. The voyage was difficult and stormy; The settlers landed on a cold November day in Massachusetts.

Not everyone managed to survive the first cold winter. More than half of the approximately hundred people died from hunger, cold and disease. Those who survived founded the Plymouth Colony. Local Indians helped them survive, who taught them to cultivate the land and grow crops that were suitable for the rocky soil.

The next year, 1621, was surprisingly fruitful. The pilgrims, that is, the newly arrived settlers, decided to thank God for the bountiful harvest and had a meal. They invited the chief and 90 Indians to this meal because they had helped them in their time. Thus, the autumn harvest day became Thanksgiving Day. Subsequently, there was a good harvest and Thanksgiving was celebrated sporadically, it was not a permanent holiday.

After America won independence and a single US state emerged, the first President George Washington proposed celebrating Thanksgiving Day as a national annual holiday on November 26.

In 1941, the United States Congress passed a law stating that Thanksgiving would be celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.

Welcome to the Thanksgiving Day!

The customs and traditions of this holiday are very interesting. And they are still not violated.
According to ancient tradition, several generations of one family gather at the elders' house for a festive dinner. Each family member says words of gratitude for all the good things that have happened in his life. People ask God to protect their country and send it prosperity. On this holiday, modern Americans eat the same thing that their ancestors ate in the legendary harvest year of 1621.

Traditional dishes for this holiday have long become symbolic. Mandatory items on this day included stuffed turkey with cranberry sauce, sweet pumpkin pie, corn on the cob, chestnuts, oranges, apples, nuts ( nuts), grapes. All this personifies the abundance of autumn gifts of nature.

Customs and Traditions of Thanksgiving Day

Many cities host Thanksgiving parades, the most famous being the parade in New York. It involves large inflatable toys. In Canada, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated almost the same way, only dumplings stuffed with turkey are also served.

The day after this holiday is called “Black Friday”. On this day, pre-Christmas sales in stores begin.

If you want to know about this holiday...

If you want to learn more about the Thanksgiving holiday in the USA, then films will help you. The film is always fun to watch, especially with friends or the whole family. We bring to your attention a movie that introduces the viewer to the traditions and customs of this holiday.

Movie " Hannah and Her Sisters"is a tense love story that several main characters experience. Things get tense on Thanksgiving Day when everyone gets together.

Romantic Comedy " Thanksgiving Day" This film tells about the adventures of a family on this holiday. This is a movie the whole family can watch.

Famous film " Scent of a Woman" also touches on this topic. The fate of the blind man will not leave anyone indifferent. The film is about how people's lives can change forever.

Intense drama " The Ice Storm"reveals complex human relationships. The film is about a family drama in which everyone cannot find themselves. On the eve of Thanksgiving, the weather changes dramatically, as do the fates of the heroes.

You can find all these films on the Internet. See you again!