Conditions for putting the house into operation. Putting a building into operation - algorithm of actions

Conditions for putting the house into operation.  Putting a building into operation - algorithm of actions
Conditions for putting the house into operation. Putting a building into operation - algorithm of actions

The commissioning of a real estate property after completion of its construction or reconstruction is a full-fledged step-by-step procedure. Its purpose is to certify and document the fact of completion of construction work in accordance with the planning documentation. Permission to put a non-residential building into operation makes it possible not only to ensure that the project complies with all legal requirements, but also to register the owner’s ownership rights to this property. This, in turn, protects the property, as well as operate and enter into various transactions according to the law.

Permission to put a facility into operation is a special document that confirms that the construction is completely completed and there are no deviations from the plan for which the go-ahead was received. In fact, without this document, real estate simply does not exist, and it cannot be used by law.

It is agreed between the contractor and the building owner when the final inspection will be carried out. At the same time, all documents for the property must be submitted to the state construction supervision.

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Commissioning act

The State Inspectorate of Architectural Construction Supervision carries out a full check of the submitted documents within ten days and, if no comments are identified, the applicant will be issued an appropriate certificate based on the submitted act. The certificate gives the owner the right to operate the building.

If a refusal is received, then its reasons can be eliminated and the documents can be resubmitted to the state inspection or a claim can be filed in court.

It is important to note that, having received the completed certificate, you must contact your local government within seven days to enter the relevant information about the new property.

What is necessary

For non-residential real estate, obtaining permission to put an object into operation includes several main stages:

The collected package of documents must be submitted to the state inspectorate for construction and architectural supervision. However, after permission to put the facility into operation is received, you will need to contact this institution again to complete this procedure.

Rules and nuances

Despite the simple sequence of actions for putting real estate into operation, this process will require a lot of time and effort. A specially formed commission of experts, which directly includes the owner, is inspecting the non-residential property and its documents. At the request of the parties, it is allowed to include independent experts and officials from government agencies in the commission. However, the latter is possible only if permission must be obtained for a building of national importance.

The sequence of the procedure and its nuances:

What to prepare for

First of all, you need to remember that the sooner all the necessary documents are collected, the faster the permit will be obtained. Neglect of this point is one of the most common reasons for temporary delays in the commissioning of real estate, which in the future leads to even more problems. In addition, knowing the clear sequence of the procedure itself will help reduce time.

For example, you may need to clarify the boundaries of a new building by submitting an appropriate application to call cadastral engineers to the site. They will take all the required measurements and document them. Afterwards, the application is submitted to the executive bodies to call a special commission to accept the object. At this point, you will need to have in your hands the title papers for the land and the official document received in advance.

Then the object’s passport and the request for its inspection are submitted to the inspector of the urban planning organization at the location of the new building. Work performed by this organization will need to be paid for. Further inspections are carried out by fire services, energy and gas specialists, from whom it is also important to obtain permits. If these stages are completed smoothly, the final point of registration is permission to enter and obtain a certificate of ownership.

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In recent years, shared construction has become very popular. The cost per square meter of a building under construction increases depending on the stage of construction of the facility.

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Participation in shared construction allows you to purchase an apartment on favorable terms in 2019. However, real estate can only be transferred to a person’s possession after registration of ownership. Before deciding to participate in shared construction, it is worth considering some features regarding the delivery of new buildings.

General information

Putting a facility into operation is a responsible step, since the procedure is carefully controlled by government agencies in order to prevent possible unpleasant consequences.

The developer must obtain appropriate permission from regulatory authorities in order to allow residents to move into the new building.

For many future residents, all the mandatory procedures before putting a house into operation seem extremely vague. Basically, consumers are concerned about only one question - when will they be able to move into their home and begin renovations in their new apartment.

Commissioning of a new building

After completion of the construction process, the developer must deal with the preparation of certain documents. These papers are intended to confirm the safety of operation of the house and its appropriate quality. Documentation is the basis for the transfer of individual apartments to their future owners.

In 2019, the commissioning of buildings is regulated by Art. 55 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. This regulatory document states that the appropriate permission must be provided by local authorities.

In fact, the developer needs to obtain two documents:

  1. Conclusion on compliance. The paper certifies the fact that the object meets all the requirements of design documentation and technical regulations.
  2. Permission to put the facility into operation. The permit document gives the developer the right to move residents into the new building.

After receiving the last document, it is considered that the object has passed the state inspection, and all construction work has been carried out in accordance with existing standards.

This gives residents a guarantee regarding the safety of their stay in the new building. After receiving permission, the object is registered with the state, which means it is assigned an address.


What are the stages of commissioning a new building:

  1. Completion of construction and installation work and installation of all necessary communications by the time the new building is commissioned. Also, by this time, the developer must carry out landscaping of the adjacent territory and enter into contracts for the operation and maintenance of networks - sewerage, gas supply, electricity, water supply, heating and others.
  2. Departure to the location of the facility by technicians from BTI. Carrying out measurements of areas of buildings and apartments by competent specialists. The data obtained will be required for issuing technical passports.
  3. Conducting a meeting by the acceptance committee. If the results are positive after its completion, a permit is issued to the developer. The document contains information about the compliance of the new building with the declared general plan and the Town Planning Code.
  4. Registration of technical passport by the design and inventory bureau.
  5. Acceptance of construction by the authorities that provided technical conditions for construction.


  1. The future owner studies the documentation provided by the developer.
  2. The premises are being inspected. If any deficiencies are discovered during the inspection, they should be recorded on the inspection sheet.
  3. If the future owner does not find any deficiencies, or the developer has already eliminated them, then an acceptance certificate is signed. When a citizen leaves a signature on it, it is considered that all the obligations of the developer have been fulfilled. Accordingly, if shortcomings are later revealed, the owner will correct them on his own.

If shortcomings were identified and recorded in the inspection sheet during the inspection of the premises, the following further options are possible:

  • independent elimination of flaws by the developer;
  • elimination of defects by the owner and receipt of compensation for repairs from the developer;
  • reducing the cost of the apartment by the amount required for repairs.

In practice, it is not possible to accept an apartment immediately in all cases. After signing the transfer and acceptance certificate, one of the copies of the document remains in the hands of the owner, and the second is taken by the developer.

Registration of ownership

After signing the acceptance certificate, the owner receives the keys to the apartment. After this, he can use the living space at his own discretion. At this stage, it is necessary to prepare a certificate of ownership.

A certificate of ownership is the main document that gives the owner the right to sell, donate or inherit an apartment.

According to the law, it is prohibited to make any changes to the configuration of the facility until the certificate is received.

This is due to the fact that in order to obtain a title document, a cadastral passport must first be issued. In turn, to obtain it, repeated measurements of the premises may be required.

Measurers may be hampered by various design elements - decorative arches, sheets of drywall, etc. In this case, they can legally demand their removal. If the owner refuses to comply with the surveyors' demands, obtaining a certificate of title may be jeopardized. Dismantling, in turn, will result in the homeowner incurring significant costs.

What does the ownership order look like:

  1. The future home owner prepares a package of documents and applies to the Registration Chamber.
  2. An authorized specialist enters data into an electronic form and generates an application, which is later signed by the future owner.
  3. The citizen is issued a receipt for payment of the state duty in the amount of 1000 rubles. It can be paid at the bank.
  4. The documents are taken from the future owner and in return they are given a receipt indicating their receipt. The day on which the owner will be able to receive the certificate is determined.
  5. On a certain day and time, the owner appears at the Registration Chamber to receive a certificate. The original documents provided are given to him. The citizen must have a receipt and passport with him.

If there are several owners, each of them must come up with their documents and pick up their original certificate. In this case, you can come to receive the document later than the established date.

To use the constructed/reconstructed structure for its intended purpose, it is necessary to obtain permission to put the house into operation. It confirms the completion of all construction work, as well as the compliance of the condition of the building with the requirements of the provisions of the Town Planning Code and regulations.

Residential building permit

As mentioned above, this document confirms the completion of construction activities at the site. The scope of work must correspond to the values ​​​​specified in the project and the permit for its implementation.

Article 10 (in paragraph 1) of the Civil Code establishes that buildings whose construction has not been completed are considered objects of unfinished construction. All rights to them must be registered. Moreover, if the construction of a multi-story structure has not been completed, it cannot be used for its intended purpose. To do this, commissioning must be carried out. And only after receiving the relevant papers can the owners move in.

The legislation also requires that a site be inspected by a special commission if state construction supervision is not provided for the structure.

Receiving paper

According to the rules of the Town Planning Code, as well as the provisions of Federal Law No. 131, the issuance of a permit for the reconstruction/construction or commissioning of a facility located within the territory of an urban settlement is carried out by the local administration. To do this, the interested subject applies to the authorized body that issued him the papers for the construction of the building.

Application and attachments to it

The Town Planning Code establishes a list of papers required by the applicant putting the house into operation. The documents that the subject must provide are the following:

  1. Statement.
  2. Title papers for the site.
  3. Urban development plan.
  4. Construction permit.
  5. Acceptance certificate. This document is provided if work is performed under the contract.
  6. A paper certifying the building’s compliance with the requirements of technical regulations. It is signed by the developer.
  7. The layout of the constructed, repaired or reconstructed building, as well as the adjacent engineering and technical communications and the planning organization of the territory. These documents are also signed by the developer.
  8. Papers certifying the structure’s compliance with technical specifications. They are certified by representatives of enterprises providing maintenance of engineering and technical communication networks.
  9. Conclusion of the state construction supervision commission (if the corresponding procedure is provided for the facility). This document indicates the building’s compliance with the requirements of the project and technical regulations, including regarding the parameters of equipment with metering devices and energy efficiency. For individual objects, an opinion from an environmental control commission is additionally provided.

Providing engineering communications

To put a residential building into operation, it is necessary to improve it. First of all, we are talking about laying utility networks. Putting a house into operation is carried out with ready-to-use systems:

  • Water supply - the structure must be connected to the local or central mains. In the first case, it may be a well or a borehole.
  • Electrical supply - power lines must be installed and connected.
  • Sewerage - the specifics of the connection will depend on where the residential building is located. Commissioning can be carried out in rural areas or within the city. In the first case, as a rule, there is no centralized sewage system. An autonomous system is suitable for each structure. In the city, sewerage is centralized.
  • Heating - the choice of system also depends on the location. As a rule, gas, stove, and boiler heating are used in the suburbs.

Convenient access to the building is also important. This can be an asphalt or gravel road.

individual housing construction

The commissioning of the house is carried out by a special commission. To exclude any claims to the structure, a number of rules must be followed. First of all, you need to visit the cadastral chamber at the address of the object’s location to call an engineer to clarify the existing boundaries and record the fact of the construction of the building. The house must already have windows, doors, a roof, a porch, and interfloor ceilings.

In order for the commission to arrive, you must send an application to the territorial authority. It is accompanied by a building permit and title papers for the site.

An application for inspection and a passport for the structure should be submitted to the town planning department. The latter is issued by a cadastral engineer. The executive body must obtain a list of institutions with which the documentation needs to be coordinated. Control structures include, in particular, fire, gas, and electrical services.

Having received approval to put the house into operation, having paid the established fee for completing the survey, all papers are submitted to the town planning service.

Important nuances

While waiting for specialists who will inspect and put the house into operation, it is advisable to contact the Unified State Register of Real Estate to receive a request for restrictions, arrests and easements on the site. Upon receipt, you must carefully check all data. If any inaccuracies or errors are discovered, you should immediately contact the appropriate official. The Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture is a must-see. This body is provided with:

  1. to the site.
  2. Extract from the Unified State Register confirming the absence of restrictions, arrests, easements.
  3. Construction permit.
  4. Scheme of the location of objects on the site at the time of application.
  5. Project.

After receiving all the agreed documents, you must go to the local administration. A statement is written there. After this, you need to go back to the urban planning department. Here you should write the final statement about the commissioning of the structure.

If, after checking the submitted papers, no shortcomings or errors are found, you can pick up the act after a month. After this, all documents are submitted to the BTI.

Simplified version

The essence of this approach is the simplicity of the preparatory stage. This procedure does not involve supervision of construction. There is no need to coordinate a package of papers with different structures. The list of documents for simplified and regular commissioning is the same.

The interested party must also visit the town planning department at the local administration. All collected documents are transferred to the relevant employees. They check them and then make a decision a month later. The application will be granted if, in accordance with the documentation, the structure is built and connected to utility networks.

To make sure of this, government officials come to the site and inspect it. The report drawn up based on the inspection results will be sufficient to put the structure into operation.

Normative base

In accordance with Article 48 (clause 3) of the Civil Code, in order to carry out construction work or reconstruction activities there is no need to develop and approve a project. Article 54 of the Code provides for cases in which state construction supervision is not required.

In particular, it is not implemented in relation to individual housing construction objects. The Town Planning Code, in Article 8 (clause 4), establishes the possibility of carrying out a simplified procedure for putting a structure into operation. The same norm explains the specifics of obtaining the necessary documentation. When constructing a building from scratch, you also need paper for the site. The latter must contain the characteristics of the allotment.


The process of putting a structure into operation is quite labor-intensive and takes some time. Difficulties may arise at the stage of coordinating papers with control services.

To put the house into operation, you will need certificates of compliance of the structure with sanitary, construction, and environmental standards. These papers are signed by the engineer responsible for the construction. A mandatory document is a certificate of compliance with fire regulations.

The simplified procedure saves the interested party from numerous trips to control organizations. However, in any case, an inspection of the structure must be carried out by representatives of the local administration.

Particular attention is paid to the equipment of the building. The house must have water, electricity, sewerage, and gas connected (if any). After commissioning the house, operation can be carried out in normal mode. The owner must register the rights to the building. Having received the certificate, the owner can carry out any legal transactions with the structure.

Commissioning is a mandatory procedure after the completion of construction of a residential building, both private and multi-apartment. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is strictly mandatory for all types of residential buildings with the exception of garden houses. In addition, only after commissioning you will be able to register ownership of residential real estate.

However, there are situations when putting buildings into operation is associated with certain difficulties, both for individuals and legal entities. What difficulties can arise here and how can they be avoided?

Features of housing commissioning

The commissioning of a residential building indicates that the object has moved from the “under construction” category to the “commissioned” state. This is only possible provided that the building complies with sanitary, hygienic, fire and other standards and regulations, including those specified in the Town Planning Code. This is also confirmation that the house was built in full accordance with the technical design documentation. Which, in turn, is prepared and agreed upon by government agencies at the stage of obtaining a construction permit.

Before commissioning, a residential building must be equipped with all necessary communications. Heating is especially important - if it is absent, the building qualifies as non-residential. Access to the house must be provided. The premises must have windows, doors and equipped floors. It is also necessary to have a completed roof and interfloor ceilings.

Putting housing into operation: features and procedure

The commissioning of housing in New Moscow has its own characteristics due to the fact that the former territories of the Moscow region officially became part of Moscow. This means that the previous certificate of land ownership is outdated and needs to be replaced with a new document. In which it will be indicated that from now on your property is located in Moscow (and not in the Moscow Region).

  • Request in the prescribed form to the Moscow State Construction Supervision Committee.
  • A passport or power of attorney on behalf of the developer for the person who will handle the paperwork.
  • Cadastral passport and extended cadastral extract in the form KV1-KV6. It is possible to receive them both in electronic form (with digital signature) and in paper form.
  • A technical plan signed by a cadastral engineer or a BTI employee (who will most likely have to be invited to the construction site to inspect the site and building).
  • Document of compliance with all technical standards, SNIPs, regulations. Issued by the construction organization that erected the house.
  • Documents that all communications comply with the requirements of operating organizations, that is, fire, gas, and electrical services.
  • A plan diagram indicating all engineering and technical communications is also required.
  • An acceptance certificate signed by the customer (owner), provided that the construction was carried out on the basis of a contract.
  • Title documents for a land plot and a building permit, a town planning plan - these documents are not required by law to be provided, but at the same time it is highly desirable.
  • Commissioning - commissioning of non-residential premises, objects, putting a building into operation. Acceptance into operation of attached and built-in premises is carried out separately from the building and is carried out by a specially formed acceptance committee after completion of construction, reconstruction or redevelopment work.
  • 〉 Pre-project documentation for Moscow:

      floor plans and explications


      about the archaeological significance of the territory

      on the historical boundaries of a cultural heritage site

      on engineering and environmental surveys on the territory of the land plot where the facility is located

      fragment of the historical and cultural basic plan of the city of Moscow

      historical information about a cultural heritage object (an identified cultural heritage object or a historically valuable city-forming object)

      obtaining information from the City Register of immovable historical and cultural monuments and their territories

      cadastral certificate for a land plot

      cadastral plan of the land plot

      engineering-topographic plan M 1: 500 (geobase)

      situation plan M 1: 2000

      engineering-geological conclusion on the condition of the soils of the construction site

      development of a technical report based on the results of an engineering survey of the technical condition of the building (structure) structures

      documentation on engineering and geodetic survey of the land plot

      documentation on the inspection of a land plot for compensatory landscaping

      obtaining initial information from the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest" at the location of the object

      technical conditions for connecting the facility to utility networks:

      placement of the object in the security zone of utilities

      water supply and sewerage


      heat supply

      gas supply

      power supply

      laying utilities

      relocation of existing utilities

  • 〉 Contents of project documentation (87 PP):

      No. 87 RF PPDesignationSection name
      Project documentation
      1 PZSection 1 "Explanatory Note"
      2 ROMSection 2 "Scheme of planning organization of a land plot"
      3 ARSection 3 "Architectural solutions"
      4 KRSection 4 "Constructive and space-planning solutions"
      5 Section 5 "Information on engineering equipment, engineering support networks, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions", including:
      5.1 IOS1Subsection 5.1 "Power supply system"
      5.1.1 EM1Part 1 "Power supply. Input device (TP, ASU)"
      5.1.2 EM2Part 2 "Power electrical equipment"
      5.1.3 EM3Part 3 "Lightning protection and grounding"
      5.1.4 EOMPart 4 "Electric lighting (internal)"
      5.1.5 ENPart 5 "External electric lighting"
      5.2 IOS2Subsection 5.2 "Water supply system"
      5.3 IOS3Subsection 5.3 "Water disposal system"
      5.4 IOS4Subsection 5.4 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks"
      5.5 IOS5Subsection 5.5. "Communication networks"
      5.5.1 SCSPart 1. "Structured cabling system"
      5.5.2 SRFPart 2. "Radio system"
      5.5.3 midrangePart 3. "Electric clock system"
      5.5.4 SKPTPart 4. "Collective television reception system"
      5.5.5 STSPart 5. "Telephone system"
      5.5.6 LANPart 6. "Local Area Network"
      5.5.7 MMSPart 7. "Multimedia system"
      5.5.8 ACSPart 8. "Access control and management system"
      5.5.9 SOVNPart 9. "Video surveillance system"
      5.5.10 SOTSPart 10. "Security alarm system"
      5.5.11 SSOIPart 11. "Information collection and processing system"
      5.5.12 SPAPart 12. "Automated parking system"
      5.5.13 SVDTSPart 13. "System for identifying sabotage and terrorist means"
      5.5.14 ASUZPart 14. "Automated building management system"
      5.5.15 SKUPart 15. "Room control system"
      5.5.16 ASDUPart 16. "Data center automation and dispatch system"
      5.5.17 ASUEPart 17. "Automated system for metering electricity consumption, water consumption, heat consumption"
      5.5.18 AOBPart 18. "Automation of the ventilation and air conditioning system"
      5.5.19 ACS central heating centerPart 19. "Automation of the central heating unit control system"
      5.7 IOS7Subsection 5.7 "Technological solutions"
      6 POSSection 6 "Construction Organization Project"
      7 UNDERSection 7 "Project for organizing demolition and dismantling work"
      8 OOCSection 8 "List of environmental protection measures"
      9 PBSection 9 "Fire Safety Measures"
      9.3 AGPTPart 3. "Automatic gas and powder fire extinguishing system"
      9.4 SAPSPart 4. "Automatic fire alarm system"
      9.5 SOUEPart 5. "Warning and evacuation control system in case of fire"
      9.6 SPPAPart 5. "Fire automatic system"
      10 ODISection 10 "Measures to ensure access for people with disabilities"
      10.1 EESection 10 (1) “Measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements and requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for energy resources used”
      12 Section 12 "Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws"
      12.1 Technological regulations for the process of handling construction and demolition waste
      12.4 Requirements for ensuring safe operation of a capital construction facility
      12.5 ITM Civil Defense and Emergency Situations
      12.6 Measures to ensure anti-terrorist security
      12.7 Traffic management project
      12.10 SMIS (SMIC, SUKS, SSP)
      12.11 Dendrology
      Working documentation
      1 General plan
      2 Architectural solutions
      3 Constructive decisions
      4 Internal engineering systems, including:
      4.1 Power supply system
      4.2 Water supply system
      4.2.1 Domestic pumping station
      4.2.2 Fire pumping + automatic fire extinguishing system
      4.3 Drainage system
      4.4 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks
      4.4.1 Thermomechanical solutions (central heating point)
      4.5 Communication networks. Automation and dispatching of systems
      5 Technological solutions
      6 Security and protective deratization system
      7 Measures to ensure anti-terrorism security
      8 SMIS, SMIC, SUKS
      9 PPR for dismantling work
      10 PPR for the preparatory period
      11 Stroygenplan
      Radiation drainage and CLD
      External networks for heat supply, water supply, household and storm sewerage, low-current sewerage, electricity supply
      Measurement work
      Inspection of load-bearing and enclosing structures
      3D scanning
      Inspection of connection points for external engineering systems
      Color passport of existing buildings
      Album of architectural and urban planning solutions (formation of a regulatory album in accordance with the requirements of the Moscow Architecture Committee)
      Special technical conditions for design and construction regarding fire safety
      Construction supervision
      Author's supervision engineering
      Building Operating Instructions
      Technical regulations on building safety
      Instructions for the operation of engineering systems (TP, ASU, CTP, pumping, ventilation chambers, server rooms, etc.)
  • 〉 Coordination and approval of project documentation:

      OPS GBU "Mosgorgeotrest"




      State Unitary Enterprise of Moscow:


      NIiPI General Plan


      "Moscow subway"



      Moscow Cable Network (MKS)

      Prefectural districts

      GBU "Zhilishchnik" district

      District government

      Office of Urban Planning Regulation of the Administrative District (UGR)

      Moscow City Heritage

      UPSP Moskomarkhitktury

      Rostekhnadzor (Mosenergonadzor)

      Moscow City Department:




      Social protection

      GKU TsODD

  • 〉 Stages of work:

      Free consultation

      Signing the contract

      Delivery of initial data for design

      Coordination of the project with the customer

      Coordination or support of the project with competent organizations

      Delivery of project documentation to the Customer.

  • 〉 Agreement:

      Name of serviceDates / months / from.Cost, rub. / from.
      1. Construction2 150 000
      2. Project documentation4 150 000
      3. Construction with the airport and the Federal Air Transport Agency4 300 000
      1. PZZ8 negotiable
      2. Master plan8 negotiable
      3. GPZU with the necessary TEP4 150 000
      1. Technical conditions2 100 000
      2. Commissioning permits4 150 000
      3. Initial - permitting documentation4 150 000
      Services for developers4 150 000
      Passing the state examination2 30 000
      Legalization of unauthorized construction4 150 000
      Technical customer services- negotiable
      Registration of a building permit2 60 000
      Registration of real estate objects for cadastral registration2 60 000
  • 〉 Coefficients of MU No. 620 dated December 29, 2009:

      Reduced deadlines:

      10% - 1.2 times, clause 3.11.

      30% - 1.4 times, clause 3.11.

      40% - 2 times or more, clause 3.11.

      Major renovation:

      50% - development of design (working) documentation for major repairs, clause 3.5.

      Linking standard or reused design documentation without making changes:

      65% - above-ground part, clause 3.2.

      80% - above-ground and underground parts, clause 3.2.

      50% - unique objects, clause 3.3.

      50% - reconstruction and technical re-equipment, clause 3.4.


      2% - performing the function of general designer, clause 3.9.

      30% - design with installation of imported main technological equipment used by the design organization for the first time, clause 3.8.

Commissioning is a set of measures aimed at accepting the commissioning of a real estate object with completed construction. It provides the opportunity to register ownership of an object and conduct legally permitted operations with it.

In general, this is the final stage of construction. The legislation provides for a final inspection by state construction supervision before putting a facility into operation. It consists of a visual inspection of a capital construction project after construction, reconstruction or repair. The inspection includes individual works, building structures, materials used and sections of utility networks. In addition, instructions and acts on the elimination of violations that were identified during construction control are checked. As a result of supervision, an act is drawn up. On its basis, a conclusion is drawn up on the compliance of the constructed facility with the design documentation and the requirements of technical regulations. More details about this procedure can be found in the section on project approvals and reconstruction. A permit to put an object into operation is a document certifying the completion of construction, reconstruction and major repairs in accordance with the design documentation, construction permit and urban planning plan of the land plot.

To obtain permission, the developer must contact the authority that issued the construction permit and submit the appropriate application. A number of documents are attached to it. These are documents establishing the right to a land plot, the urban planning plan of the site, as well as a building permit. In addition, it is necessary to attach an acceptance certificate for the capital construction project, as well as a document that confirms the compliance of the object with the requirements of the regulations.

It must be signed by the person who carried out the construction. A document is required that confirms the compliance of the parameters of a capital construction project with design requirements - including energy efficiency parameters. This includes the requirements for equipping the building with energy metering devices that will be used. The document must be signed by the developer and the customer. It is also necessary to present documents confirming compliance with the technical conditions of engineering networks, signed by representatives of the relevant operating organizations. The package of documents must contain a diagram that shows the location of the facility and utility networks within the boundaries of the land plot, as well as the planning organization of the site. The scheme is signed by the developer and the customer. Copies of these documents, after receiving permission to operate, are entered into the city's urban planning information system. As already mentioned, it is imperative to attach the conclusion of the state construction supervision body on the compliance of the capital construction project with the requirements of technical regulations and design documentation. In addition, the conclusion must contain data on the standard values ​​of indicators that are included in the energy efficiency standards of the facility.

Accordingly, it is necessary to reflect the actual values ​​of these indicators, which are determined in relation to this object after research, examination, measurements and tests. The legislation establishes the possibility of requiring other documents to register an object with the state in order to obtain the full amount of information. The authority that issues a construction permit is obliged, within 10 days from the date of submission of the application, to check for the availability and correctness of documentation, as well as inspect the facility.

Based on the results of this work, a decision will be made to issue a permit or refuse to issue it, indicating the reasons. In this case, the inspection of the building is a check of the object’s compliance with the standards established in the building permit and the urban planning plan of the site. Compliance with the requirements of the design documentation is also checked. But in the case of state construction supervision of the facility, this inspection should not be carried out. There are several grounds for refusing to issue a permit for commissioning. This is the absence of the above documents, the object’s non-compliance with the norms of the urban planning plan or the requirements of a construction permit or the parameters of the design documentation. A refusal may be granted if the customer fails to comply with the requirement to transfer a number of documents free of charge to the authority that issued the construction permit. It must be transferred within ten days from the date of receipt of the permit. The package of documents includes copies of project documentation, information about the height, number of storeys, area of ​​the facility, and utility networks. In this case, permission to enter into operation will be issued after the above documents are submitted to the government agency. A refusal to issue a permit can be challenged in court.

Based on the permission to commission the facility, it is registered with the state. If reconstruction was carried out, appropriate changes are made to the state accounting documents. Despite the stringency of state requirements for the commissioning of facilities, it becomes obvious that construction without shortcomings to one degree or another is impossible. Therefore, there is a concept of acceptable deficiencies. They are associated with maximum deviations that are provided for in technical regulations. There are also disadvantages that go beyond regulatory limits. We are talking about some types of work that are not subject to a detailed forecast - for example, it is impossible to accurately take into account the dynamics of the natural environment. These shortcomings must be taken into account when accepting a facility with the condition of mandatory monitoring during the life of the building.

In order for a completed construction project to be put into operation, it is first necessary to obtain the appropriate permit. In essence, this is a special document that confirms that all construction work on this facility was completed in full and, importantly, in accordance with the permit for its construction.

In addition, the object must comply with the land plan, as well as all documentation related to the project.

To obtain permission to operate an object, it is necessary to fully complete construction work, obtain a technical passport for the object from the BTI and organize its acceptance. For this purpose, a special commission is created, for the organization of which the developer is required to submit an appropriate application.

In this application, he needs to express in writing a request, in fact, to create such a working commission. As a rule, it includes representatives of government authorities, members of the organization that issued the construction permit and subsequently monitored it, and a representative of sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

In order for the commissioning of the facility to take place, the selection committee must carefully inspect it; identify how well it corresponds to the design documentation; assess whether the object is suitable for immediate use. As a rule, the period for carrying out this procedure is 10 days, but often it does not go as smoothly as the developer would like. If one of the members of the working commission, for objective reasons, refuses to sign the acceptance certificate, the entire process will have to start over again after eliminating the identified shortcomings.

It is worth noting that obtaining permission to operate a rebuilt facility is a rather difficult task. In addition to organizing the commission, it requires collecting the necessary certificates and other documents, for which non-professionals and even experienced managers of construction organizations may simply not have enough time or energy. That is why, in order to ensure that you obtain a permit as quickly as possible, you need to contact only an experienced company that offers to carry out all the relevant processes for this.

We have been successfully helping many construction company managers in resolving this issue for several years now.

Commissioning is the commissioning of non-residential premises after completion of construction, reconstruction or redevelopment work; the finished object is transferred by the contractor for acceptance by the customer of the work in the manner established by the contract and the project. The date of the final inspection is determined. During the inspection, the as-built documentation for the facility is transferred to the state construction supervision body.

After receiving the conclusion of compliance, the documentation is transferred for permanent storage to the customer. Copies of documents are also kept by the performer of the work (contractor). In case of unintentional loss of documentation on load-bearing and enclosing structures during work, provided that the work was carried out on the basis of a construction permit, a technical inspection is allowed. First, you need to obtain permission from the state regulatory authority and contact a licensed organization. She will conduct an inspection of structures, determine their stability and reliability. A positive conclusion based on the results replaces the lost documentation. A similar procedure can be applied to buildings that are already in use if they have not been put into operation in the prescribed manner. It should be recalled that properly executed as-built documentation reflects the technical condition of the facility, gives a clear picture of any type of work performed, thereby facilitating the process of operating the building.

This is a set of text and graphic materials that reflect the process of implementing design decisions, as well as the position of the object and its elements during the process of reconstruction or construction. The procedure for maintaining executive documentation is regulated by law. A number of documents are classified as executive. Their format and principles of completion are regulated by state regulations. This is a general work log, quality control logs, designer supervision (if any). This also includes acts of: acceptance of geodetic alignment base, hidden work, intermediate acceptance of structures, acceptance of engineering systems, testing of devices, systems and equipment.

A set of diagrams is also attached: diagrams of erected structures, elements and parts, underground structures and utility networks, location of the facility on the ground. The as-built documentation includes working drawings with notes on the compliance of the work performed with them, as well as taking into account the changes made. It is also possible to use other documents if they reflect the implementation of project decisions taking into account the specifics of the work being carried out. At each construction site it is necessary to maintain a general log of work. This is the main primary production document, which reflects the technological sequence, quality of execution, terms and conditions of work. It is carried out during the reconstruction or construction of one or more objects that are located on the same construction site. The general journal must be kept by the senior workman or other person responsible for the work. The document is filled out from the first day by him personally or by shift managers, on his behalf. Upon completion of work and commissioning of the facility, the general log is stored by the customer. When the facility is put into operation, the log is transferred to the storage of the operating organization. During the construction or reconstruction process, a number of special work logs are maintained. Their list is established by the general contractor in agreement with the customer. The purpose of the journals is to provide timely and reliable supervision over the execution of work. Special journals include: a log of installation of building structures, a log of welding work, a log of concrete work, etc.

If construction supervision is carried out, it is necessary to keep an appropriate log. It is compiled by the design organization and transferred to the customer. The journal can be maintained both for the object as a whole and for its individual elements. It is filled out by managers and specialists carrying out architectural supervision directly by the customer or an authorized person. Each fact of supervision is recorded in a journal, and the corresponding entry is certified by the signatures of representatives of the contractor and the customer. The instructions are presented clearly, with references to regulatory documentation. If there are no comments on the work, this fact must also be reflected.

The magazine format is A4, it must be numbered, laced, signed on the title page and secured with the customer's seal. After acceptance of the object, the contractor is obliged to transfer the log to the customer. Construction or reconstruction involves intermediate acceptance, as well as testing of critical structures, confirmed by the relevant acts. They confirm the suitability of structures for use. The list of structures subject to acceptance and testing must be included in the project. The tests are carried out by a commission. It consists of representatives of the customer, the contractor, and sometimes the design organization. The basis for testing is an order issued by the customer. To conduct tests, the following documentation is required: technical passports for structures (factory), as-built drawings, quality certificates for the materials used, work logs, etc. Having studied the documents, the commission carries out inspections and tests, drawing up a report based on the results. The facility's engineering systems are also subject to testing. Upon completion of all work, the contractor issues a notification that the facility is ready for delivery. In addition, he prepares certificates of completed work and other as-built documentation, the list of which is specified in the contract. Acceptance of the contractor's work performed is carried out by the customer in terms of volume and type in the form of signing certificates of delivery and acceptance of work. The customer reserves the right to reasoned refusal of acceptance in case of failure to fulfill one or more contractual obligations.

Commissioning - commissioning of an object, acceptance of objects ready for operation is carried out depending on their group. The customer presents objects of the first group first to the working commission, and then to the state commission. Objects of the second group are accepted without holding a working commission.

The methodology for acceptance and commissioning is regulated by legislation, as well as construction standards and GOSTs. Any deviations from the requirements of regulatory documentation are not allowed, except in cases of acceptable deficiencies. Design, technological, architectural and constructive solutions must fully comply with the design documents. If deviations were made during the implementation of projects, they must be formalized and agreed upon with the design organization. Only a facility with a completed scope of work and the availability of a full set of required documents is allowed to be put into operation. In this regard, the legislation prohibits the operation of facilities before their acceptance in any way.

Acceptance into operation of attached and built-in premises is carried out separately from the building. Commission acts are drawn up separately for each premises. Both the customer, developer, design organization, and representatives of regulatory government bodies are responsible for the work done and the range of services provided. Any party that commits violations may be subject to disciplinary or administrative liability.

Working commissions, which are held before the acceptance of certain categories of objects by state commissions, are appointed by order or instruction of the customer. Their order, composition and duration are determined by the customer in agreement with the contractor. The duty of the commissions is to check the compliance of construction work, labor protection and fire safety measures, and other measures provided for by the project, for compliance with standards and building codes. In some cases, testing is permitted. In addition, representatives of working commissions check equipment, structures and components for the possibility of presenting them to the state commission. The customer is obliged to provide the commission with a number of regulatory construction documents: magazines, acts, diagrams, as well as a list of organizations that performed work at the site. It must indicate all types of work, as well as the details of the engineers responsible for their implementation. As a result of a set of checks, a report is drawn up on the readiness of the object for presentation to the acceptance committee. Commissioning - commissioning of the facility is carried out by a specially formed acceptance committee. It must include representatives of the designer, customer, contractor, state supervisory and local government bodies, operating organization and other specialists, at the discretion of the chairman of the commission and the customer. Only a senior official - a representative of the relevant government body - can be appointed as the chairman of the commission. The customer and the contractor provide the commission with a package of documents required for acceptance. The presence of errors in any of the documents leads to commissioning failure.

For the work of the commission, the following documentation is required: design assignment, technical indicators of the object (certificate), construction permit, the entire package of drawings with recorded changes, etc.

In addition, a package of permits from the SES, energy supervision, etc. must also be ready by the day the commission works. In addition to inspecting and studying the compliance of the object with the design documentation, the commission assesses the degree of suitability of the building for operation in accordance with the stated purpose, and conducts testing (individual and comprehensive). If this is a production facility, testing may be possible. In addition, in the case of commissioning of production-type facilities, it is necessary to provide the commission with permission to operate the equipment. They are formalized by the relevant state supervisory authorities. The competence of state supervision representatives during the acceptance and commissioning of a capital construction project is established at the legislative level. The distribution of responsibilities of the commission members and the procedure for its work is determined by the chairman. The costs of organizing events related to the commissioning of the facility are borne by the customer of the work (investor). The act of acceptance of the object, which confirms the result of the commission’s work, is signed by all its members, bearing responsibility for their actions and decisions in accordance with a certain competence. The act is signed by the chairman and handed over to the customer (investor).

If any of the commission members refused to sign the act, as confirmation of his decision, he is obliged to provide the chairman with the conclusion of the body of which he is a representative. The conclusion should contain comments related to the fulfillment of the requirements of the design and regulatory documentation for the accepted facility.

If the commissioning certificate for the facility is not signed on time, the facility is considered unready and is subject to re-inspection after the comments are corrected.

A week is allowed for approval of the acceptance certificate. The document is drawn up in the prescribed manner and approved by the body that appointed the selection committee. Afterwards, the completed act, together with the attachments, is transferred by the customer for archival storage to the architectural and construction supervision body. The powers of the state commission end from the date of registration of the document on the commissioning of the property. All work by representatives of government agencies on the acceptance and commissioning of a capital construction project must be carried out free of charge. The law prohibits any agreements between the parties on mutually beneficial services.