Nutrition of the zodiac sign Aquarius. Nutrition according to the zodiac sign Aquarius woman What can Aquarius eat and not gain weight

Nutrition of the zodiac sign Aquarius.  Nutrition according to the zodiac sign Aquarius woman What can Aquarius eat and not gain weight
Nutrition of the zodiac sign Aquarius. Nutrition according to the zodiac sign Aquarius woman What can Aquarius eat and not gain weight

Your nature is extremely contradictory. This is largely due to the opposition of the ruling planets of your sign. So, Uranus is associated with change, freedom and the assertion of individuality, while Saturn is associated with frames, restrictions, serious karmic tasks. But, paradoxically, it is these conflicting qualities of your ruling planets that make you a good candidate for a successful program to get rid of extra pounds. First, you are too independent in nature to remain a prisoner of your own body fat. Secondly, you are realistic enough to follow a properly organized and rationally built diet.

You are used to always making your own choices and following your own rules and attitudes in life. Well, you now have a good chance to make the right choice and free yourself from unhealthy eating patterns and bad eating habits. And you really have a chance to wear a smaller size, because you are a decisive person: once you make a decision, you rarely back down until you put it into practice.

Your body's signals about its states, in particular about the degree of satiety, do not always reach your brain in time. This happens for the reason that a wide variety of thoughts can reside in your head at any given moment. You are used to living with your head, focusing on it and on what is happening in it, all your attention. For the same reason, you may not notice health problems for a long time and run to the doctor at the very moment when the symptoms become too obvious. Therefore, you should very carefully cultivate in yourself an attentive and respectful attitude to the life of the body, to your health, persistently develop useful habits and skills in yourself. Diet should become part of your lifestyle.

Aquarius is usually associated with circulation, knees and calves. This means that you must be especially attentive to your legs and, in particular, to such a disease associated with excess weight as varicose veins. Various types of aerobic exercise are suitable for you as the most acceptable physical exercises. Try to exercise regularly and as often as possible. Give your body at least a few minutes each day.

People born under the auspices of air signs usually become your friends and your joint ventures often become long-term and successful, since it is primarily a collaboration of minds. You don't just speak the same language, you always have something to discuss. In addition, you treat with mutual respect the need for free space for maneuver, characteristic of all air signs. Therefore, an "air" partner in a campaign to get rid of extra pounds will be a very good find for you.

What unites you with representatives of earth signs is the ability to realistically consider the possibilities of your cooperation. If you have enough in common and made a firm decision to act in a certain way, then the campaign is likely to be successful. The "earthly" partner is able to provide you with very serious support in everything related to compliance with the regime.

People born under the auspices of fire signs, like you, enjoy social interaction and the challenges of life. Their desire to be constantly ahead can provoke a manifestation of stubbornness on your part. Be that as it may, if someone from your household is the representative of the fire signs, you can very well rely on his understanding and assistance in your dietary plans.

As for representatives of water signs, despite the almost complete absence of points of contact in worldview and perception, you are attracted to these people, one of them may even become your spouse or closest friend. Their intuition, hypersensitivity, the ability to feel the momentary mood have a magical attraction in your eyes. If your "water" friend or friend does not lose weight with you, then their sincere sympathy and care can pose a real threat to your figure. Since the representatives of water signs are arranged in such a way that they understand care, first of all, as concern for the food of the one they patronize. And if you decide to lose weight, regardless of your close water person, keep in mind that you won’t be able to do it so easily: water people hate to feel unnecessary.

Nothing stimulates your activity and general vitality as much as the presence of a challenge, a problem that needs to be resolved. Well, accept the need to get rid of extra pounds as a challenge, and you are guaranteed inevitable success.

In general, Aquarians are very social people. A wide circle of friends helps you protect yourself from acute bouts of loneliness, which you, unfortunately, are subject to, despite your sociability. It is these periods that are most dangerous for your figure. To ward off danger, try to focus on one of your many hobbies, preferably in good company.

Although you are avid for everything new, old habits can significantly slow down your diet plans. Try to fight it. So, for example, if your diet lasts a week, try to choose your own set of vegetables for each day. Experiment with combinations. The same goes for fruits. You can also try fruit combinations with various meat dishes: bananas with fish, orange with chicken, pineapple with ham, apple with fish, etc.
Sugar and cream added to tea and coffee serve as a source of extra calories. Try to eliminate these supplements and replace them by experimenting with different herbs. Jasmine, mint, lemon balm, thyme, St. John's wort, raspberry leaves, blackcurrant sprigs - tasty and healthy; do not forget about the lemon, viburnum.

Aquarians belong to the category of people who should exclude everything sweet from their diet - cakes, buns, sweets and pastries.

The most useful fruit for Aquarius is pomegranate.

Dairy products will be a good breakfast, and a glass of kefir can perfectly replace dinner.

Never deny yourself light vegetable salads.

Aquarius should be very careful with alcohol, as it shatters his already weak nervous system. A little champagne or nutmeg will help relieve stress and become a sedative.

Featured Products:
Meat: seafood.
Fruit: cantaloupe, melon, quince.
Vegetables: beets, eggplant.
Spices: cardamom, licorice, cumin, mint, sage, vanilla, parsley.

What will help you:

  • You are one of those lucky people who really eat to live, not live to eat. And since food does not dominate your mind, it will not be so difficult for you to get rid of the accumulated excess fat. You will always find something to do besides food: your favorite activities, communication with people, etc. You will need to adhere to a rational diet also because now you do not have to cruelly rack your brains over what to buy and cook today or what to order for lunch. Now you have a list of certain products and this, in theory, should please you.
  • A good help for your plans can be such a quality as honesty with yourself. You are always ready to take responsibility for the consequences of your actions. Having found signs of extra pounds on your body, you will not blame everything on the fact that the “environment is stuck”, but accuse yourself of shameful connivance and take on the elimination of the consequences. You are also able to track how others influence your way of eating, and what situations are potentially dangerous for your figure.
  • Your independence from the opinions of others will help a lot: you are used to belonging exclusively to yourself and have a clear idea of ​​​​the state of your figure. So neither flattery nor blasphemy will prevent you from correctly assessing the situation.
  • If you are a true representative of your sign, then you probably know your worth and at the same time have the ability to instantly evaluate others. You try not to sell cheap either in work or in love. This strong sense of self-worth can create a very stable incentive to keep yourself in good shape and successfully complete the program to get rid of extra pounds.
  • Aquarius is one of the three fixed signs, which in fact means the presence in your nature of a firm beginning, perseverance, reaching stubbornness and obstinacy. And this is your strength: once you make a decision, you rarely back down or back down.
  • For you, an important incentive is always the opportunity to demonstrate to the world by your own example the correctness of one or another of your cherished beliefs. In this case, you can prove to everyone around you how important it is to look after your figure and demonstrate all the benefits of a well-groomed body.

What will interfere:

  • The lack of reverence for food, which was mentioned above, can be a double-edged sword. Since food for you is not a source of pleasure, but, first of all, a “refueling” for the body, you consume it accordingly, without thinking about extra calories. The main thing is that the feeling of hunger does not interfere with living and working. So, due to the lack of a conscious rational approach, excess body fat accumulates. The thing is that snacking as an acute feeling of hunger causes the stomach to shut up for a while, but beware if your body seems to lack vitamins and nutrients. The feeling of hunger will arise again and again, and extra calories will be fixed on your waist and hips in the form of fat layers. Make it a rule to eat at more or less fixed times in a relaxed atmosphere, while thinking only about food and chewing slowly.
  • From the "Aquarius" neglect of the processes of nutrition, another potential danger follows. You don't really like to bother buying and preparing food. Therefore, quite often you take semi-finished and instant products in the nearest store and without thinking twice throw them into the pan. In addition to the presence of various harmful additives, such products are fraught with a lot of extra calories.
  • Another obstacle may be the rebellious uranium energy, which generates in you resistance to all sorts of rules. Therefore, it is not in your rules to follow the exact recipes for cooking. Each of your dishes should be unique and unrepeatable. In order to become slim, you will have to curb this adventurous culinary spirit a little and stay within certain foods and certain quantities.
Aquarius governs the circulatory system, lower leg, calves and ankles.

The lower part of the leg symbolizes active movement.

In addition, Aquarians are progressive people with innovative thinking.

As a rule, they are strong and healthy, have good coordination and beautiful legs with thin ankles.

They are more active intellectually than physically.

Aquarians who do not watch their weight tend to be slightly overweight.

Their health can suddenly and dramatically deteriorate and just as quickly recover. Aquarius diseases appear for no apparent reason.

The ankle and ankle are very vulnerable parts of the body of Aquarius. Sometimes they swell up and cause trouble.

Aquarians often suffer from varicose veins and spasm of the leg muscles.

Their calves, ankles, and ankles are more prone to cuts, bruises, sprains, and fractures than other parts of the body.

Aquarians suffer from circulatory disorders, vascular sclerosis, anemia and low blood pressure.

Cold weather is especially dangerous for Aquarius due to possible frostbite.

Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, governs the circulatory system and the pineal gland.

The exact purpose and functions of this organ, located at the base of the skull, remain unknown. In ancient times, it was believed that the soul is in it, and it itself is a vestige of the "third eye".

Therefore, Aquarius is associated with extraordinary and mystical knowledge.


To maintain vitality and optimal weight, Aquarians need the right diet.

They like to immerse themselves in various projects and activities, which leaves little time for a balanced diet.

Aquarians often eat whatever they want and on the run.

Aquarius cell salt is sodium chloride, or ordinary table salt, which, however, does not mean that Aquarius should heavily salt any food. This can lead to swelling, kidney dysfunction, vascular sclerosis, and poor circulation.

On the other hand, lack of salt in the blood is fraught with dehydration.

Aquarians should get sodium chloride from sensibly chosen foods, such as ocean fish, lobster, tuna, shellfish, spinach, radishes, celery, cabbage, lettuce, corn, zucchini, lentils, almonds, pecans, walnuts, apples, peaches , pears, lemons and oranges.

Aquarians should eat a protein-restricted diet and benefit from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Aquarians will benefit from such foods - chicken, veal, beets, broccoli, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, pineapple, pomegranate, figs, dates, buckwheat, wheat, yogurt and cheese.

For Aquarius, fresh air and physical activity are important, relieving stress and restoring energy.

However, they should take care of their calves and ankles.

Walking at a fast pace is a great exercise for Aquarius, which increases blood circulation in the legs.

Aquarians should not run, even when they are in a hurry; they are prone to falling.

Daytime sleep gives them energy.

Aquarians should cut down on their nervousness-inducing coffee.

Aquarians have gray hair early, but they should not think that this indicates premature aging.

Of great importance for the well-being of Aquarius is maintaining the purity of the blood and its normal circulation, so they will benefit from food that has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood. It is very useful to eat a lot of fish, cereals, soybeans, beans, buckwheat. The diet should contain enough milk and dairy products, especially hard cheeses. Apples, lemons, turnips, all kinds of greens Aquarians should be actively consumed during periods when they are not in very good shape.

Proper nutrition of Aquarius implies the presence of eggplants, peppers and other products with a bitter taste. The body will be fed with energy from "solar" foods - yellow and red apples, strawberries, strawberries, pears, pineapples, all citrus fruits, honey, hard cheese, pumpkin, turnips. A special place in the diet of Aquarius is occupied by fresh fruits, the "king" of which for them is an orange. You can consume not only the pulp, but also the peel, using it in various ways, for example, rub the meat with it before sending it to the pan. The very smell of oranges will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Another very welcome guest in their diet is nuts, among which almonds and peanuts are of particular importance.

It is very good for those born during this period to satisfy their hunger with a variety of light soups. Excitable Aquarius is undesirable to use stimulating appetite, spicy food. Often they have increased acidity, which makes even more adverse effects on the body of fatty, fried, spicy foods. It is advisable for Aquarians to forget what deep-frying is, and generally switch to steam cooking if they often have an upset stomach. Aquarians like products with a pronounced taste, which is often achieved through chemical additives, but they are especially harmful, chronic ailments quickly aggravate under their influence.

Heavy food of animal origin can be present in the diet of representatives of this zodiac sign a maximum of once a day. If Aquarians do not want to be vegetarians, then the food horoscope advises to stop choosing chicken and veal. And if you can still put up with the presence of meat in the diet, then cakes, cakes, sweets, high-calorie pastries should be crossed out from there. Sweet carbonated drinks are also not suitable for Aquarius, as well as beer. Their digestive system is tolerant of alcoholic beverages, provided they are consumed in reasonable amounts. Cocoa is of great benefit to them, as well as herbal teas. They should displace black tea and coffee, which contribute to overexcitation that is harmful to Aquarians.

Minerals, trace elements, vitamins for Aquarius

Aquarians really need phosphorus, which can be obtained from mushrooms, fish, chicken eggs, liver, meat, dairy products, milk, coarse bread, peanuts, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, honey, oatmeal. It is important for them to have a sufficient amount of iron, as well as calcium, and the balance of the calcium-sodium pair is important, which can be achieved by eating cottage cheese and other dairy products, soy, legumes, almonds, celery, spinach, carrots, radishes, asparagus, cabbage .

The most significant vitamins for Aquarius are C, E, U, PP.

Nutrition Aquarius: important nuances

Breakfast born during this period should be quite satisfying. After the sun rises, they need to eat as little food as possible. The most intense nutrition should be in the third lunar phase; at this time it is strongly not recommended to starve. Aquarius will definitely benefit from a vegetarian diet or at least abstaining from meat.

How to lose weight Aquarius on an astrological diet? What can you eat and what can't? What are their taste preferences, weaknesses and body features? Unloading day, sample menu. Everything for the independent and inventive!

By temperament, Aquarians are lyrical sanguines. They are characterized by a desire for novelty, revolutionary views, love of freedom, altruism, idealism.

What they like: they eat a lot, but they can eat nothing at all - it all depends on the mood and the environment. They do not like to live according to established standards and do not tolerate routine. They creatively approach the issue of table setting, like to experiment and invent unusual recipes. They prefer fried meat, sweets, smoked meats, exotic dishes, seasonal vegetables.

Body features: dark blond or red hair, light complexion, harmoniously built body, medium height, disproportionate face.

Weak points: ankles, muscles, lower leg. Smoking has a strong impact on health. More often than others, they have problems with urination.

How to lose weight. The usual daily diet of Aquarius should contain foods high in iron - apples, buckwheat, beans (learn about), peas and other legumes. To improve the functioning of the bladder, it is recommended to drink more plain water and herbal teas.

What to avoid: sweets - sweets, cakes, pastries, buns, canned food and various smoked meats, pickles and pickled foods, fatty meats.

What is useful: a balanced diet with enough fruits (apples, pomegranates (), quince, plums are desirable) and vegetables (beans, cabbage, beets, spinach, eggplant). Dairy products must be present in the diet (kefir, fermented baked milk (learn about), fat-free cottage cheese).
It is preferable to choose low-fat varieties of meat, fish (hake, pollock, pike, etc.), as well as cook various cereals (buckwheat, millet, corn, oatmeal).

The energy salt of this zodiac sign is magnesium phosphate. It is found in buckwheat, cocoa, beans, soy, peanuts ().

Unloading day of Aquarius - Saturday.

Aquarius Diet Menu

  • Breakfast: pumpkin, celery and egg yolk soup (200 ml), a slice of bran flour bread with butter (0.5 tbsp), a cup of coffee
  • Lunch: a glass of freshly squeezed juice (preferably a mixture of apple, carrot and celery)
  • Dinner: vegetable soup (large portion), seasoned with 2 tbsp. l. cream + coleslaw
  • Afternoon snack: cocoa in milk without sugar with oatmeal cookies
  • Dinner: thick soup of beans (lentils) and vegetables (portion - 200 ml). Before going to bed, drink yogurt or kefir (250 ml).
Drink Aquarius - cocoa. It contains magnesium phosphate, which maintains the mineral balance in the body at the proper level.

From herbs, Aquarius is suitable for parsnips, snapdragons, tansy, cumin, mint, yellow sweet clover, holly.

Astrologers believe that Aquarius is one of the most emotionally unstable signs. Here and with nutrition, they are all very “different”. The natural tendency to high organization helps them to sit on different diets, but when the diet ends, “feasts” are quite possible, at which the representative of this sign almost does not deny himself anything. The “weakness” of Aquarius is social meals, that is, eating at a party, at banquets, various traditional dishes. Often, members of this sign suffer from depression and related dietary strategies.

What foods should be excluded from the diet for Aquarius

The main problem of Aquarius is sweets, pastries, chocolate, cakes, etc. Representatives of this sign may well drink sweet tea with chocolate, have a snack with some fruit ice cream from the series “with the taste of sugar and chemistry”, throw a handful of sweets into their mouths, and even collect all the mini-cakes at any buffet table. If they are not reminded of the importance of simple, ordinary food, they will very quickly slide into "typically female nutrition" - sweet yogurt in the morning, sweets in the afternoon, cookies before dinner, dinner ... what dinner? so, except perhaps waffles with tea. “Removes” sugar cravings with simple foods with plenty of fiber and sufficient protein. Salt is recommended to limit, but caffeine - if possible - to exclude.

In fact, there is nothing "light" in sweets. With such an ephemeral diet, it is quite possible to “eat up” a serious 3000 kcal / day and not notice how this happened. Aquarians often get stuck in a bad mood, which is also not very conducive to harmony and health. Their figure changes cyclically - the "bright" period and enthusiastic Aquarius begins to eat only fruits, or selects for himself some alternative food system such as a raw food diet. "Dark" - and in the diet again there are only sweets.

Weaning from sweets will have to be an effort of will. Aquarius may well apply their organizational skills to the diet. Moreover, "replace with honey" usually does not work, the strategy "to interest yourself in ordinary food" is preferable. The craving for the exotic can be satisfied by buying different vegetables and fruits, and the diet itself can be made as diverse as possible.

It is useful to carry out unloading days, astrologers believe that it is best to “unload” on Saturday.

From sources of protein, low-fat dairy products are preferred, as well as fish and all seafood. In the "second place" - a bird, especially low-fat, as well as egg whites. You can also eat meat, but in limited quantities. Cheeses are recommended as an "emergency product" for quick recovery after physical and emotional stress.

Of the sources of complex carbohydrates, buckwheat, buckwheat cereal, cereal bread in general, and various products with this cereal are especially good. Soybeans are also recommended, but in pure boiled form, and not in the form of derivatives such as tofu, and soy milk.

Any fruits and vegetables are encouraged. Especially useful are apples, turnips, celery, asparagus, carrots, figs, strawberries. This is one of the signs that boiled or baked potatoes are useful.

Sample Diet Menu for Aquarius

  • Breakfast: a portion of buckwheat porridge, with any mixed salad dressed with yogurt.
  • Snack: a glass of kefir and an apple.
  • Lunch: a portion of boiled or baked potatoes, fish, cucumbers and greens, or stewed vegetables.
  • Snack: berries, or carrot salad with lemon juice.
  • Dinner: any fish, meat, poultry, plus a large mixed vegetable salad.

Aquarius training should be aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system. For weight loss, astrologers recommend jogging, aerobics and cycling or hiking.

Important: before you go on a diet for Aquarius, consult your doctor.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova