"Goodbye" - how to spell it correctly? How do you spell "Goodbye"? Predicative. Exclamation during farewell as an action

"Goodbye" - how to spell it correctly? How do you spell "Goodbye"? Predicative. Exclamation during farewell as an action

Which is the correct spelling: "goodbye" or "goodbye"? The answer to this question will be presented to your attention in this article.

General information about the phrase

"Goodbye!" is a phrase used as a polite farewell. If such an expression is used, then it does not bring any discomfort during direct pronunciation. If in this way it is required to say goodbye in writing, then quite a lot of questions arise here, namely: “goodbye” or “goodbye”, “goodbye” or “goodbye”, “goodbye” or “goodbye”, etc. .?

How to spell correctly: together or separately?

Most of the questions about how to write "goodbye" are related to what exactly is "before" (preposition or prefix)? In other words, many people are interested in how this expression is written: together or separately? You will receive the answer to it right now.

It should be noted that the word "goodbye" in Russian does not exist at all. That is why this expression has two components, the preposition "before" and the noun "bye". And, as the spelling of the Russian language says, prepositions are always written separately from the main words. Accordingly, it will be correct not “goodbye”, but “goodbye”.

Correct ending "e" or "i"?

Now you know how to write goodbye. However, when using this expression in the text, many people are interested in the question not only of the fusion or separation of this word, but also of what ending it has. After all, a lot of mistakes are made here.

So, which would be correct: "goodbye" or "goodbye"? To answer this question, this expression should be analyzed in more detail. To do this, you need to go back to the origins. As you know, such a polite farewell literally means “see you soon”, “see you soon”, “see you soon and next date”. By the way, the last expression can also explain why it is written separately. After all, one or more words can be put between them. But back to our main question about endings. The fact is that such an expression, although it is official, it still obeys the rules that include the main words, that is, the preposition and the noun.

Thus, in order to understand how to write "goodbye", you need to ask the appropriate question: until (what?) goodbye. This will help you determine the case of the main word, and, accordingly, its ending. The question "what?" refers to In this form, nouns have the endings -а and -я. Therefore, at the end of such a polite farewell, it is necessary to write only the letter "I".

Other forms used in writing

Now you know how to write goodbye. This expression consists of two separate words, and the noun at the end has the letter "I". However, such a polite farewell can also be used in a completely different form - "goodbye." It should be especially noted that the presented word has every right to exist. Although most often it is used only in colloquial and poetic speech. In other cases, only -iya should be written at the end of this expression.

Should the expression be capitalized or lowercase?

As you dare to notice, despite its simplicity, this expression raises quite a few questions, especially at the time of its writing. We have given exhaustive answers to some of them just above. However, many people have another question about how to write "goodbye" correctly: with a capital or small letter?

Experts note that this expression should not be given any distinctive signs (quotation marks, etc.). After all, such a word is an ordinary farewell. If it is located in the middle of the text, then it must be written with a small letter. At the same time, it is not necessary to enclose it in quotation marks (unless it is direct speech). If such an expression is at the beginning of a sentence, then it must be written with a capital letter. Depending on the context, a dot may be placed at the end of the combination “goodbye”, etc.

Expressions similar in structure

It should be noted that many people have a huge number of questions not only about writing the farewell expression “goodbye”, but also about such words as “on demand,“ without knowledge ”,“ without request ”,“ in moderation ”, “at the end”, “on the side”, “to taste”, “abroad”, “after midnight”, “with fat”, “on the strength”, “cheap”, “in turn”, “more than”, "in appearance", etc.

All of the above words are written with prepositions separately. As for their endings, most of them are not questioned, and those that are are checked in the same way as "goodbye".

Exercises to consolidate the material

1. You should put all the missing letters:

Goodbye…… my friend, goodbye….

My dear, you are in my chest.

Destined parting……

Promises to meet in the future.

2. You should put all the missing letters, as well as punctuation marks:

  1. He said goodbye…… and left the house.

It is necessary to correct all existing errors:

  1. She was so upset that she didn't even say goodbye to us.
  2. "Goodbye!" Vasily Ivanovich called after us.
  3. The word goodbye is always used at the end of a letter.
  4. Why does he always say goodbye to me when he leaves instead of goodbye?

These exercises will help you learn the material better and remember forever how to write the expression “goodbye” correctly.

Which is the correct spelling: "goodbye" or "goodbye"? The answer to this question will be presented to your attention in this article.

General information about the phrase

"Goodbye!" is a phrase used as a polite farewell. If such an expression is used in oral speech, then it does not bring any discomfort during direct pronunciation. If in this way it is required to say goodbye in writing, then quite a lot of questions arise here, namely: “goodbye” or “goodbye”, “goodbye” or “goodbye”, “goodbye” or “goodbye”, etc. .?

How to spell correctly: together or separately?

Most of the questions about how to write "goodbye" are related to what exactly is "before" (preposition or prefix)? In other words, many people are interested in how this expression is written: together or separately? You will receive the answer to it right now.

It should be noted that the word "goodbye" in Russian does not exist at all. That is why this expression has two components, namely: the preposition "before" and the noun "bye". And, as the spelling of the Russian language says, prepositions are always written separately from the main words. Accordingly, it will be correct not “goodbye”, but “goodbye”.

Correct ending "e" or "i"?

Now you know how to write goodbye. However, when using this expression in the text, many people are interested in the question not only of the fusion or separation of this word, but also of what ending it has. After all, a lot of mistakes are made here.

So, which would be correct: "goodbye" or "goodbye"? To answer this question, this expression should be analyzed in more detail. To do this, you need to go back to the origins. As you know, such a polite farewell literally means “see you soon”, “see you soon”, “see you soon and next date”. By the way, the last expression can also explain why it is written separately. After all, one or more words can be put between them. But back to our main question about endings. The fact is that such an expression, although it is official, it still obeys the rules that include the main words, that is, the preposition and the noun.

Thus, in order to understand how to write "goodbye", you need to ask the appropriate question: until (what?) goodbye. This will help you determine the case of the main word, and, accordingly, its ending. The question "what?" belongs to the parent. In this form, nouns have the endings -а and -я. Therefore, at the end of such a polite farewell, it is necessary to write only the letter "I".

Other forms used in writing

Now you know how to write goodbye. This expression consists of two separate words, and the noun at the end has the letter "I". However, such a polite farewell can also be used in a completely different form - "goodbye." It should be especially noted that the presented word has every right to exist. Although most often it is used only in colloquial and poetic speech. In other cases, only -iya should be written at the end of this expression.

Should the expression be capitalized or lowercase?

As you dare to notice, despite its simplicity, this expression raises quite a few questions, especially at the time of its writing. We have given exhaustive answers to some of them just above. However, many people have another question about how to write "goodbye" correctly: with a capital or small letter?

Experts note that this expression should not be given any distinctive signs (quotation marks, capital letters, etc.). After all, such a word is an ordinary farewell. If it is located in the middle of the text, then it must be written with a small letter. At the same time, it is not necessary to enclose it in quotation marks (unless it is direct speech). If such an expression is at the beginning of a sentence, then it must be written with a capital letter. Depending on the context, a dot, an exclamation point, etc., can be placed at the end of the combination “goodbye”.

Expressions similar in structure

It should be noted that many people have a huge number of questions not only about writing the farewell expression “goodbye”, but also about such words as “on demand,“ without knowledge ”,“ without request ”,“ in moderation ”, “at the end”, “on the side”, “to taste”, “abroad”, “after midnight”, “with fat”, “on the strength”, “cheap”, “in turn”, “more than”, "in appearance", etc.

All of the above words are written with prepositions separately. As for their endings, most of them are not questioned, and those that are are checked in the same way as "goodbye".

Exercises to consolidate the material

1. You should put all the missing letters:

Goodbye…… my friend, goodbye….

My dear, you are in my chest.

Destined parting……

Promises to meet in the future.

2. You should put all the missing letters, as well as punctuation marks:

  1. He said goodbye…… and left the house.

It is necessary to correct all existing errors:

  1. She was so upset that she didn't even say goodbye to us.
  2. "Goodbye!" Vasily Ivanovich called after us.
  3. The word goodbye is always used at the end of a letter.
  4. Why does he always say goodbye to me when he leaves instead of goodbye?

These exercises will help you learn the material better and remember forever how to write the expression “goodbye” correctly.

The well-known stable combination "goodbye" acts as an interjection or predicative. As an interjection, it means an exclamation before parting for some indefinite period. Close words in meaning - see you soon.

For example: "Goodbye, Marya Ivanovna, I do not apologize to you: you are not bored in the dark with your knight." (A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter").
As a predicative, it is an exclamation during parting as an action. For example: “Now, goodbye. Really, there is no time to write more. (F.M. Dostoevsky "Poor people").
Many often ask the question: how do you spell goodbye? There is a rule. Adverbial combinations with prepositions without, in (in), from, on, behind, to, by, under, with are written separately. Therefore, if you look at goodbye as it is written, then the expression should be written separately, just like, for example, combinations half to death, see you, see you tomorrow, to hell, beyond recognition, until midnight, etc.

The question arises and, speaking of goodbye, how to spell the end of the word. Since the noun date belongs to the second declension, in the genitive singular it can have the ending -а or -я. In this case, "goodbye" is written separately with the letter i at the end.

Good day! It is unlikely that there is already some kind of rule, so the question is more of an advisory than requiring an exact answer. In colloquial speech of adolescents, the expression "high five" is often used to accompany the corresponding gesture. What do you think, colleagues, how best to put it in a letter? Let's say in children's literature to describe this gesture.

This expression is found in the literature. Usually it is self-explanatory because it is clear from the context. Here are some examples:

“Great, Styopka,” I say. - Give me five ... (Just don’t press, otherwise my hands are swollen ...)[L. Kassil. Konduit and Shvambrania (1928-1931)]

Well, old man, let's make up. High five. Do not want? Well, to hell with you! Goodbye.[V. Kataev. A Million Torments (1930)]

The guy took out his hand from the deep bowels of his pocket and held it out to me. Bare, unarmed hand. - High five! he said grimly. I gave. - You are my favorite artist![R. Nakhapetov. In Love (1998)]

Hello. whether the word is used in colloquial speech and literary - to lie down, that is, to sleep, if not, then indicate which forms are used in the present, future, past tense. Thank you. goodbye.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Verb go to bed is part of the Russian literary language, its use is correct.

Question #273735
Is it permissible to use the expression see you, in cases of farewell or other situations. And is it equal to the expression goodbye? Thanks to.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

As occasional - perhaps. But not as a literary, commonly used option.

Question #272922
Good day! The son's teacher corrected the drivers for the driver. Is she right? Maybe there are some changes in the rules? Is there such a word as "goodbye"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The teacher is wrong. Literary norm: drivers, option chauffeur there is in the language, but it is colloquial and professional. The words goodbye does not exist, correct: goodbye.

Question #253198
I want to confirm my belief in the correct spelling of the phrase
"goodbye an * ya" - through and, as I often see on various photos and typographical
postcards "Goodbye Anya, Kindergarten!". Some of them are printed in Ukraine, but
when this is repeated in Russia on a massive scale, they involuntarily creep in

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both options are orthographically correct, but preference should be given to the option goodbye, which is stylistically neutral. Option Goodbye more typical for colloquial (as well as poetic) speech.

Question #248852
Tell me, please, is it legal to use the words of farewell "All the best!", "All the best!" instead of the most common and familiar "Goodbye!" when saying goodbye to people you see often?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Yes, these words are used in casual communication.

Good day! Is a comma placed after the words "at the same time" in the sentence: "At the same time, the analysis of the performance of the work showed ...". If put, then why. In my opinion, this is an introductory word and a comma is needed. Thank you in advance for your response. Goodbye.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The words _together with that_ are not introductory and are not separated by commas.
Question #233185
Hello! Tell me, please, what part of speech is the word goodbye in this sentence: "Farewell, friends." Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

If you mean "goodbye", then this is an interjection.
Question #232845
Hello! A few days ago I asked you a question, but for some reason you did not answer me. Answer please. In addition to the spelling gentleman accepted by dictionaries, in practice the variant gentleman is often encountered. What kind of variation in pronunciation is behind these two spellings? It is very IMPORTANT for me to get the correct answer to this question!!! Thanks a lot Goodbye

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question No. 232191
Do I need to quote the word "goodbye" in the sentence: "Katya also hugged Lyuba and said goodbye to her." Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both options are possible: _told her goodbye, anya_ and _told her: “Goodbye, anya”_.
Question #228228
Please answer the question: are the commas placed correctly in the sentences. - Hello, Tatyana Vasilievna. - Hello Tatyana. - Goodbye, Igor. - Farewell, Vadim. That is, the whole expression is an inversion or only proper names? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The punctuation is correct, only proper nouns are used here.
Question #221999
Hello! I ask for your help in resolving this situation. For the title of the festive poster, a quote from N. Dobronravov's song "Goodbye Anya, See you again!" Because the quotation marks in the title of the poster are not appropriate, they have been omitted. My opponent argues that writing the word "goodbye anya" through a soft sign is a mistake. Question. 1. Is it possible in this particular case to use the author's version? (quote without quotes for the title of the poster) 2. Is it really a mistake to write a word through a soft sign?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

1. Maybe. 2. This is not a mistake.
Question #217688
You can not put an exclamation point after such words as: thank you, goodbye, nothing. You can only put a dot.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language