Turkish lessons. How to teach Turkish: tips for beginners

Turkish lessons. How to teach Turkish: tips for beginners

The development of a foreign language is a rather complicated and time consuming. It was not an exception and study of one of the most common languages \u200b\u200bin the Arab world - Turkish. They speak it today not only in Turkey: you can hear this rich language in Northern Cyprus, in Macedonia and Bulgaria, in Greece and Iran. Those who at least once visited Turkey fascinates the rich culture, the ancient traditions, the hospitality of the inhabitants and the melodic sound of local speech. I want to learn how to learn about this wonderful country, and familiarity with the language is the best way to know Turkey.

We study the Turkish language in a short time

Many it seems that Turkish is unusually difficult to master, because most words are perceived extremely hard on rumor. How to quickly learn Turkish language? It is important to choose the right type of learning and persistently go to the goal.

  • Lighten the basics of the tongue - learn the alphabet and the basic rules. The letters of the Turkish language are written by Latin and will not cause difficulties from those who are familiar with English. However, there are several specific letters, the memorization of which it is worth paying special attention.
  • Good language courses will help you. You can choose both the overall training program and individual shape. The effectiveness of the latter is an order of magnitude higher. With language courses, the dialogue is beneficial and convenient, and the conversational club will help consume the knowledge gained.
  • Speak in Turkish aloud from the very first day of learning. You do not have to be afraid that phrases are placed wrong, and words are hurry. Little practice, and your level of language knowledge every day will be better.

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Tips that will help quickly master the basics of Turkish

So, how to learn Turkish yourself?

  • Place the Turkish language on your gadgets - new words will become an excellent exercise on the way to the goal.
  • Quickly learn the Turkish house of the house will help watch movies and TV shows in Turkish. Initially, it is better to choose movies with Russian subtitles, and gaining experience, go to films with subtitles in Turkish. A little practice - and most of the dialogues will be perceived by rumor, the need for subtitles will disappear. In addition, Turkish TV series is not only useful, but also very interesting.
  • Listen to the songs in Turkish. Another way that helps to master the basics of the tongue at home. Multiple listening to the same song will improve pronunciation and memorize phrases. On the Internet you can find the translation of your favorite compositions, it will be easier to assimilate grammatical structures.
  • Read books on Turkish. You can start with children's books, and, developing your level, go to more complex reading. If you first need a translation of the literally of each word, then in a month-second daily classes from scratch, contact the dictionary you will be much less likely.
  • More communication. Perfectly, if you are scheduled for a trip to Turkey - you can practice in pronunciation.

We can get acquainted with the native speakerphone or chat in our conversational club. Do not forget that the speaking speech may differ from the language of films and television shows. In addition, there is a whole mosaic of adventures and dialects, even within the Istanbul himself - do not panic, if you do not immediately understand what the interlocutor tells you, over time your hearing adapt and any dialect will become legible.

Turkish from scratch can be quickly learned, thanks to the lessons to study the Turkish language for beginners. In order to realize their capabilities in different areas (travel, business, training, etc.) in the wonderful country, Turkey, it is simply necessary to learn Turkish, an annoying attracting people of all countries of the world. Now millions are already free to communicate in Turkish, standing in the first rows in terms of the number of carriers among other Turkic languages.

Study of the Turkish language from scratch

Study Turkish from scratch today is easy at any convenient place with the newest technologies presented on the Internet and on mobile devices. Distance learning has advantages by providing a chance to gain knowledge at any point of the planet, with different social status and employment at work.

Turkish tongue for beginners is training special materials helping to get used to the Turkish pronunciation and contributing to communicating in domestic situations (hotel, airport, shop, restaurant, etc.). On various sites, you can find online materials for studying the Turkish language from scratch.

How to learn Turkish from scratch

To comprehend this difficult language, it is necessary to learn the basics of grammar, grammatical designs and understand exactly how to deal with, gaining "your" vocabulary. Exclusive materials will help not only learn the language and not lose interest in this process, but also push to comprehend other languages \u200b\u200bafterwards. And spoken practice will become a real exam and the final practical result of training.

There are many Turkish tutorials for beginners. For example, Sidorina N.P. Tutorial For beginners from scratch without a tutor, it will make it possible to control the knowledge gained knowledge with the help of various tasks, checking yourself with answers. With the help of training materials (films, audiobooks, dictionaries, television, voice engines (Speech synthesizers, speech synthacators), computer programs) You can not only expand the vocabulary, but also learn a lot about the Turkish culture, nravas and customs.

Teach Turkish for beginners on audio

Very productive to learn Turkish audio record language (audio controllers, audioliterators, audio allowance, audio courses) when there is an excellent understanding and mastering combinations of letters and proper pronunciation. Only player and headphones are needed. Despite the easyness of the lessons provided, the Turkish language is very difficult for mastering. Do not postpone in a long box. We learn Turkish from scratch and go to exercise your plans and opportunities! Good luck!

It is largely extremely logical, consistent and understandable, despite the fact that it is significantly different from the usual system of European languages \u200b\u200band therefore at first glance it seems frightening-confusing. Today we will analyze those aspects of Turkish, which are easiest to be given to those who begin with a "zero" level, and tell me how to facilitate life in the development of Turkish.

  • Manual for beginners Study Turkish

I looked through textbooks and manuals in terms of understanding for someone studying the tongue from scratch, and realized that, undoubtedly, the best option would be "COLLOQUIAL Turkish: The Complete Course for Beginners" (authors - AD Backus and Jeroen Aarssen).

In this textbook, a logical sequence is given the most necessary grammar and basic vocabulary on all areas and topics, which allows for the first chapters to read full-fledged original passages in Turkish. In addition, the focus is on precisely, in contrast to the formal "academic" language variant.

This manual does not repeat the answers and translations of what has already been once explained or analyzed that it encourages to turn to the already studied and learned information.

  • Read in Turkish is very easy

The first thing to be noted is: Turkish language is a language of phonetic writing, and in modern Turkish is a Latin alphabet. Before the "Revolution of Ataturk" and the reform of 1928, during which the Latin alphabet was adapted to the Turkish pronunciation of sounds, the Turkish language used the Arabic alphabet.

So, in Turkish, each letter corresponds to one sound, there are no combinations of consonants (such as SH, CH, GHT), so each letter is pronounced separately. The pronunciation generally corresponds to what you see in the written text, with the exception of the following moments:

- c. pronounced English j. (j.aM) so the word sadece. (only, only) pronounced sAH-DEH-JEH.

- ç pronounced English ch (charge), do not confuse with french ç which is pronounced as s..

- ğ - Non-crisp of the letter (lengthens the previous vowel sound)

- ş pronounced English sh .

- ı - looks like i. Without a point. Confusing the fact that in the Turkish capital ı - this is i (as the i title in English), but the title Turkish I. - this is İ so the city where all tourists turn out, not I. stanbul (Istanbul), and İ stanbul. ı pronounced neutral vowel sound.

Survey ö/ü pronounced in German.

Knowing these rules and exceptions, you can already read something in Turkish, although be prepared for the fact that local residents can pronounce words a little differently. For example, I found that the letter "E" was pronounced by many as "a".

  • Many Turkish words are already known to you

I was very glad to discover in Turkish many familiar words that I learned instantly. As with all languages, you tend to start with a base of thousands of words before even start learning the language. The Turkish language borrowed many trademarks and technological terms from English, like most other languages.

But much more curious I found that a huge amount of borrowed words from other languages \u200b\u200bappeared in Turkish, the most amazing (and useful for me) is borrowing from French. One source I discovered claims that in Turkish there are approximately 5,000 words that came from French. For comparison, 6500 words - from Arabic, 1400 - from Persian, about 600 came from Italian, 400 from Greek and about 150 from Latin. In many cases, borrowing has a Turkish analogue, which is considered more preferable in everyday communication, but in some cases the borrowed word is the only designation of the word or concept, and sometimes both words are used (as şehir. and kent for the city where şehir. It is a non-Naturetsky word).

Borrowing words with which I personally faced includes kuaför, şans, Büfe, Lise (Lycée), bulvar, Asensör, Akseesuar, Kartuş, Ekselans, Sal ... and I am sure that they are much more. Of course, they are sometimes difficult to know, because they are written in accordance with the rules of Turkish transcription, but during pronunciation they are very similar to French words (although there are no French nasal sounds). Even if you do not speak French, then you will definitely learn many of these words, since many of them are well mastered in English.

It's funny that I even learned the Spanish word banyo. In Turkish!

As for the vocabulary, which is unique and original Turkish, - it can be surprisingly quickly, if you simply apply the effective memory methods for or downloading a selection of basic vocabulary, download to the application for memorizing and develop words and will regularly run it to start it to maximize it Get used to new combinations of sounds. The roots of words in Turkish are usually short, it is even easier to remember them and then based on them to decipher more complex derivatives.

  • Suffix will help you in expanding the active dictionary.

Returning to derivatives, it is important to note that the key skill in the work on the expansion of the dictionary will be an understanding of how the structure of the word is arranged and how "works". In this regard, the vocabulary and grammar are quite closely related to each other: you will not be able to see the majority in the dictionary as they are written in the text, but if you know the main grammatical structures, you immediately define the root of the word and you can watch in the dictionary.

One of the fastest ways to expand their vocabulary - remember Standard suffixes. Many of them perform important functions: transformation of nouns into adjectives (or vice versa) or verbs (infinitives ends on -Mek / -mak), or the symbol of a person who belongs to a particular profession, for example, with the help of suffixes -CI / -CI. (Öğrenci. - Student from the verb Öğrenmek. - to study).

Another important suffix is \u200b\u200bthe suffix of the formation of a mature form. You will encounter it everywhere, so learn to recognize it. For example, IstikLal - This is the name of the main street / prospectus, or cadde., next to which I lived, so the street is called IstikLal Caddesi.. Suffix -si. here reflects the value of the attractiveness, and the word IstikLal means "independence". (Consider an English example: it turns out that it is preferred to speak in Turkish Avenue of Independence, but not Independence Avenue.). In the same way in the names of all universities (Üniversite) in the city Üniversite. sI .

Thus, Turkish suffixes express the meanings that in other languages \u200b\u200bwould be transmitted by certain words, for example, pretexts.

Another important observation relating to all suffixes and words in general: the laws of the harmony of vowels, which will have to be used to get used to. I met this also in Hungarian, but in other languages \u200b\u200bsuch a phenomenon is practically not found, so it is necessary to teach yourself to a completely different movement of thoughts. Like many other aspects of Turkish, the harmony of vowels is easier than it seems, but it takes time to develop the habits to build vowels in a certain order. By the way, at the initial stage in a conversation you will still make mistakes, but people in most cases still will understand you.

  • Fold words and suggestions like mosaic

One moment, which requires some "restructuring" of thinking with orientation to the Turkish language, is that the usual verbs "be" or "to have" in Turkish is simply not. It may sound absurd, but I'm getting used to the fact that you need to say "My car exists" instead of "I have a car", you will understand what.

Another "strange" aspect of Turkish is the order of words. For example, verbs tend to go at the end of the sentence. So, you say: Türkçe Öğreniyorum - "I study Turkish." In my opinion, it is even more logical than in English, because it is more important that you are learning than what you study it. It is very important to remember that the method of "processing" of information is different in languages, and do not panic if something in the language does not fit into our familiar model of thinking.

It is only worth thinking about some designs and realize how they work, and they will become logical and obvious. For example:

Nerelisin (IZ) means "Where are you from?" We will analyze in parts: Ne-Re-Li-Sin (IZ): -sin \u003d you -siniz \u003d You (polite form / shape of a plural), -Li. \u003d from, suffix space, -ne. \u003d what (or just nere \u003d Where). Since there is no verb be, The meaning of the phrase is made up of certain meaning components of the word.

The same in the case of the word nereye.which means "where?" ( nere + E. (to) and letter "U" For separating two vowels).

  • Grammar will seem extremely logical

How it happened to me. The language is so few exceptions, and the lifting and word formation is so consistent that it is very easy to get used to the grammar system: a simple time, two real time (one is similar to English long, and the other is a standard present), future time, etc.

One of the examples of the formation of the present time using the end -er. There will be verb dönmek. (rotate), which in the form of a third party sounds like familiar to everyone döner.

Yes, there is a difference with English or Russian, but based on my experience in learning other languages, there are much fewer exceptions in Turkish and absolutely unimaginable and illogical structures.

In addition, there are no grammatical genus in Turkish, certain or indefinite articles, and there are no incorrect forms of the plural (in some cases it is not necessary to even add a plural suffix -Ler / -larIf the value of the plural is clear from the context, for example, when used with numerant).

The only case that can cause you some problems at the beginning is the accumulation that has already sang a lot of nerves in German. If the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe battery confuses you, then I strongly recommend that you resear the Esperanto at least a few weeks: the use of the battery in Esperanto helped me realize it better than any theoretical explanations in Turkish or German, besides, it is almost the only "complex" »To understand the grammatical design in the whole language.

Using ĉu in Esperanto also helped me intuitively understand the question with suffix / particle mi / Mı / Mü In Turkish. This particle is added to questions that require a simple response yes / no (in English we would simply show this difference with the help of intonation). It is actually very easy to understand, but it is not easy to get used to it, so the study of this phenomenon for starters in a simpler language can indeed give you a "push" in understanding.

For example, a word çalışıyor. So "she works", and çalışıyor Mu.? - "she works?"

Want to learn Turkish? We have collected a selection of useful resources for those who study or want to learn this interesting language. Add to Favorites Links to explore the Turkish language in order not to lose!

  1. http://www.turkishclass.com/ - a free resource for studying the Turkish language online. Several groups are available for learning a language, both the initial and mid-level. Works a forum where you can consult about the correct translation of phrases and expressions to Turkish. Additionally, you can work with the vocabulary and pronunciation, as well as talking on Turkish in a special mini chat.
  2. http://www.umich.edu/~turkish/langres_tr.html - an invaluable meeting of various ways to learn Turkish from Michigan University: electronic lessons, educational materials, exercises and tests, dictionaries and modern literary works. The resource also allows you to study in the form of various games - from the compilation of words before the practice of the ability to count.
  3. https://sites.google.com/site/learningturkishsite/home - a resource for studying grammar, which explains many different grammatical rules, but the most valuable thing is an application that can automatically hide the verbs online.
  4. http://www.turkishclass101.com/ - Studying Turkish at all levels through podcasts. Here you can find audio and video tutorials (which can be immediately discussed on the forum), detailed abstracts of lessons in PDF format, as well as various tools for replenishing the vocabulary stock. The developers were released both mobile applications and a computer program.
  5. http://www.hakikatkitabevi.com/turkce/sesesdinle.asp - free audiobooks on the Turkish, which can be listen online or download to your computer in MP3 format.
  6. http://ebookinndir.blogspot.com/ - a resource containing a large number of free books on Turkish, which can be downloaded in PDF format. In the blog you can find various writers - from Dostoevsky to Coelho and Meyer.
  7. http://www.zaman.com.tr/haber - the main daily newspaper Turkey. The newspaper covers regional and global economic, sports, cultural and other news. Public and political figures are also conducted on her site. Some materials are also submitted in the video format.
  8. http://www.filmifullizle.com/ - Resource where you can download movies in Turkish. By clicking on the link, you will find both the latest novelties of film distribution and the classics of cinema.
  9. http://filmpo.com/ - the resource that gathered both new and old films in English with Turkish subtitles. Links to film guards will lead you on YouTube, where you can watch them online or download in various quality.
  10. - online Turkish textbook from the University of Arizona. Its main feature is that almost all Turkish words in the lessons are recorded by language speakers and are available for listening.
  11. http://www.tdk.gov.tr/ - The site of the Turkish linguistic society, which provides users with many dictionaries, including a dictionary of terms, proverbs and sayings, Turkish dialects, and even gestures. On this site, the latest scientific publications and the other, most different, information for enthusiasts, for example, on foreign words in Turkish has been placed.
  12. http://www.seslisozluk.net/?word\u003dcare&lang\u003dTR-En is a great dictionary of Turkish with pronunciation of words. Translation is available from both English (US / Great Britain / Australia) to Turkish and vice versa. Works better than Google Translate J

In the modern world, knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis an indisputable advantage. More and more people choose independent learning or hiking hobbies to a special school.

Not only English is popular, even Turkish has become in demand. This is explained by good relations between Russia and Turkey, as well as the cancellation of the visa regime. In addition, Russian businessmen often cooperate with the Turks, so knowledge of the language will be only a plus.

Interest in culture, traditions and customs of Turkey came to Russia quite recently. This country gave the Russians an affordable and high-quality vacation without difficulties with a visa. The Turkish TV series, especially the "magnificent century", also got the interest. It was watched by millions of people around the world who were able to get acquainted with this country and her story.

If you want to learn Turkey's language, first of all, you need to determine the goal. From this will depend on the method of learning: independently or with the teacher.

@ Gurkanbilgisu.com.

Independent study

If you just want to learn how to learn the culture of this country, travel around Turkey without language barriers or watch movies without translation - Self-learning is suitable.

Before starting learning, it is important to know that Turkish is significantly different from English or German. If you have studied only European languages, when you meet Turkish, you will have to get rid of all templates. It looks more like mathematics with formulas and examples, has a clear logic that can be traced in each sentence.

Study with the help of online courses or home learning is suitable for those who have strong motivation. This language is quite complicated, so effort will have to make.

At the beginning of the training will have to spend about 30-40 minutes to classes daily. Independent lessons will be enough to master the skills at the level of domestic communication.

Why not learn a new language for a cup of famous Turkish tea?

Who can't without a "mentor"

If you need to learn Turkish for work or business, as well as far from mathematics and do not like puzzles, then teaching Turkish to go with a professional.

This language is not built as English, French or German. The main complexity causes the presence of affixes in a huge amount. In one word, up to 10 affixes can be increasing, and each of them can radically change the meaning of the word.

For you need to change your thinking to a new way, then the language will become understandable. That is why many students have difficulty learning when leaving the comfort zone arise. If you need to learn the language quickly, then it is better than the method than classes with a tutor, just not to find.

Despite the complexity of Turkish, from all oriental languages, it is considered the easiest. He survived the global reform in 1932, when the Turkish linguistic community was created. From it were removed by foreign-language borrowing, and the tongue itself became more modern and easy.

Pros and cons both methods

  • When learning with a tutor, prepare for the fact that it will take time and means. When classes with the teacher, you will need to allocate a sufficient amount of time for both homework and homework.
  • A clear plus classes with a tutor - you don't have to catch through the debris of the Turkish rules alone. A professional will build a process depending on your knowledge, linguistic abilities and goals.
  • With independent training, you will not spend money and you can distribute time as convenient. However, then the learning process will be held longer. In addition, you need a serious motivation in order not to quit classes and devote time to them daily.
  • The main difficulty in independent study of the Turkish will be restructuring on new thinking. The first time will be difficult due to the fact that it is radically different from the languages \u200b\u200bof the Indo-European Group. To begin with, all these affixes will have to just memorize, only after stubborn classes you will learn to determine the meaning of the word at a glance.

Bodrum, Turkey

The study of Turkish is often compared with mathematical formulas. It is necessary to understand the algorithm, systematically consolidate knowledge, and then training will be much easier to undergo - all words will obey the already visible formulas.

How to make a choice

  1. First of all, you need to define goals and motivation. If you need to learn the language to conclude a contract with a partner from Turkey, there can be no speech about independent training. For training in connection with the work, study or business, it is better to give this process in the hands of a professional.
  2. If you are just in love with, you want to travel around the country, without having difficulty, you can start learning without leaving the house. Then the process will be a little more complicated and longer, but with due effort to learn the language.

Now on the Internet there are many online courses that will help learn Turkish, both with a teacher and independently. And it is possible to consolidate your knowledge just on the travel around the country and communication and the inhabitants of Turkey.