The means of connecting words in a sentence is a rule. Text

The means of connecting words in a sentence is a rule.  Text
The means of connecting words in a sentence is a rule. Text

With the concept of "text" each of us encounters regularly. However, not everyone can give a clear definition of this seemingly simple concept.
In the Russian language lessons, we have heard more than once that a text is a few sentences held together by a semantic and grammatical connection.

In this article we will find the answer to the question "What are the types in the text?". Let's refresh the theoretical knowledge and consider illustrative examples.

What are the sentences in the text?

Let us turn to the grammatical rules of the Russian language. In modern science, there are the following types of connection of sentences in the text: chain, parallel.

The most common way to connect phrases is the first one. Chain (its other names: sequential, linear) connection is widely used in texts of any type of speech. This is explained by the fact that the linear type does not conflict with the usual way of thinking of a person. With the help of a chain connection, the speaker has the opportunity to express himself consistently, gradually developing his thought.

Features of the chain type connection

For a chain type of connection are characteristic:

  • replacement of adjectives, nouns, numerals used in the first sentence with pronouns in the next one;
  • use of synonymous words and phrases;
  • lexical and syntactic repetitions;
  • pronominal adverbs;
  • conjunctions and allied words.

In order to easily determine the types of connection of sentences in the text, it is necessary to analyze several examples:

  1. Once I got seriously ill. The fever plagued me for several days. Completely exhausted by the disease, I called the doctor. He arrived in the evening, examined me and prescribed treatment.
  2. In a kingdom far, far away, there lived a beautiful princess. Her hair was golden as the sun. And the face is as white as fresh milk. The girl was more beautiful than the first spring flower.

Both texts are a vivid example of a linear relationship. Each sentence is connected to the next one with the help of synonyms, pronouns, lexical repetitions.

Parallel communication

As we know, there are two common ways to connect sentences in a text. Let's move on to the second one.

With parallel (centralized) they do not depend on each other. Each phrase is considered independent in its content. But it can also be part of an enumeration, comparison, or opposition.

Parallel connection is most often used in descriptive and narrative texts. This is due to the fact that the centralized type is perfect for a one-time story about several phenomena, objects, events.

For proposals using a parallel type of connection, the following are typical:

  • the same construction structure (the same word order);
  • the use of verbs of the same form in each phrase.

Let's consider several examples of sentences with a parallel type of connection. This practice will help you cope with tasks from the category: "Identify the types of sentence connections in the text."

  1. It was a beautiful summer day. The sun illuminated the dusty road with warm rays. Bright glare merrily ran through the green foliage. Somewhere in the distance, birds sang softly.
  2. Varvara rode in an old bus to work. The weather was gloomy. It has been raining non-stop for several hours now. And the girl already began to feel like it would never end. But suddenly the clouds parted, and a modest ray of sunshine appeared.

The examples presented refer to two and narration. The offers in both are independent. They are not a direct extension of each other.

The phrases are similar in their construction model: first comes the subject, then the predicate. In addition to the characteristic parallel structure, in each example verbs were used in the singular or plural form of the past tense.

Are there other types of sentence connections in the text?

In some Internet sources, a third type of combination of independent phrases in the text is distinguished - attachment. With this type of connection, part of the statement becomes independent, concretizing and supplementing the basic information.

This type can be recognized by the use of its characteristic coordinating and connecting conjunctions: even, mainly, moreover, first of all, in particular, for example, first of all.

Let's consider a few suggestions:

  1. Every item in the room, especially clothes and books, was sloppily scattered.
  2. Everyone in the house was extremely embarrassed, especially my uncle.

On the example of these phrases, it can be seen that the part of the statement responsible for detailing the main idea becomes isolated, independent. However, it does not turn into an independent proposal.

From the works of famous Russian linguists L.V. Shcherba, V.V. Vinogradov, one can learn that the addition works only within a phrase and does not apply to the types of connection between sentences in the text.

Combination of types of communication

It should be remembered that parallel and chain types of connections can occur not only one by one. Quite often come across voluminous texts with various types of communication.

Depending on what the author wants to say, he uses a certain type of sentence connection in the text. For example, to describe nature, he will choose a parallel way. And for a story about how the day went - chain.

Means of communication. What are they like?

We learned what types of connection sentences exist in the text. Identified their characteristic features and learned to recognize. Now let's move on to the second part of our plan.

They are divided into three large groups: lexical, morphological, syntactic. We will get acquainted with each of them and consider examples for better assimilation of the topic.

Lexical means of communication

This group in modern Russian includes:

  1. Lexical repetitions of words or phrases. This technique is used quite often, as it gives the text a special expressiveness. Example: “A boy took a book from the library for home reading. The book was very interesting."
  2. in neighboring sentences. For example: “Spring day was so beautiful! No wonder spring is called the most beautiful time of the year.
  3. Synonyms. Often found in fiction and journalistic texts. Make speech more expressive, colorful. For example: “His novel was well received by critics. Loyal readers also appreciated the work.
  4. Antonyms (including contextual). Here is an example: “He had many friends. Enemies are an order of magnitude smaller.
  5. Descriptive turns replacing one of the words of the previous sentence: “He looked at the sky. The blue dome struck the young man with its immensity.

Morphological means of communication

Consider what morphological means of connecting sentences in the text we can meet:

  1. Third person personal pronouns: “I've been waiting for my best friend for an hour. She was late as always.
  2. Demonstrative pronouns. For example: “I really like the red dress. It seems that in such an outfit it is impossible to go unnoticed.
  3. Pronouns. Let's give an example: “Alexander just needed to pretend that he was in a great mood. That's how he behaved."
  4. Particles, unions. Consider an example: “Everyone really liked Mom’s soup. Only my brother, as always, refused to eat the first course.
  5. Compliance with the unity of the form and tense of verbs. For example: “We decided to have a romantic dinner. Prepared a delicious dessert. They set the table. They lit the candles."
  6. Comparative adjectives and adverbs: “It was a wonderful day. It seemed like it couldn't get any better."
  7. Adverbs with the meaning of time, place. Example: “Today he looked wonderful. Not at all like five years ago.”

Syntactic means of communication

The group of syntactic means includes:

  1. Introductory words and constructions. For example: “First of all, he was too young. Second, too stupid.
  2. Incomplete offers. For example: “The weather was terrible today. Because of the pouring rain."
  3. (using the same construction to build adjacent sentences). Example: “You have to be wise. You have to be responsible."
  4. Parceling (dividing a sentence into several parts for greater expressiveness). Consider an example: “To be successful, one must become responsible, purposeful. We need to change our approach."
  5. A combination of forward and reverse word order: “I will be waiting for you to return. You will return and we will live happily.”
  6. Use of staple sentences starting with "let's move on to the next part", "this has already been discussed above", "as noted earlier".

We learned what are the means and types of communication between the sentences of the text. And they consolidated theoretical knowledge by examining examples.

Now, having stumbled upon the task "Determine what are found in and means of communication", you can easily cope with it.

Structural means of communication sentences in the text are pronouns, lexical repetitions, synonymous substitutions, conjunctions, syntactic parallelism and etc.

Pronoun- this is a part of speech that points to objects / phenomena / living beings, but does not name them. In other words, pronouns replace the names of objects, phenomena and living beings - this is how we avoid repetition in speech.

Andrey has already seen House, unlike the others. He was built of beautiful thin bricks in twoMs.

In the first sentence of the above text, a common noun denoting an object is House is replaced in the second sentence by the personal pronoun he.

Lexical repetition- it's by repetition of a word or expression. Lexical repetition in speech is used as bright expression.

Word- case great. Great because word you can connect people word you can separate them word you can serve love word one can serve enmity and hatred. beware of this the words that separates people.

The repetition of the word " word» in its different cases ( word- I.p., word- etc., the words- R.p.). Repeat " word” makes the text more “chased”, expressive, bright and figurative.

In addition, in the first and second sentences of the text, we find the repetition of the adjective " great».

When trying to find lexical repetitions and pronouns in the text as means of communication, pay attention to the fact that not only the main members of the sentence can be repeated(most often the subject), but also secondary.Don't miss it!

In order to avoid unnecessary repetitions in the text, you need to use synonymswords that are close in meaning; descriptive turns(For example, Peterman with checkered umbrella) for the name of the same subject of speech.

This year White mushrooms showed up early. Immediately behind the spikelets went strong mushrooms. On the edges, however, white came across infrequently: mushroom hid under the fir trees, in their damp darkness.

In the reviewed text porcini called mushroom(by gender) or abbreviated - white or mushroom.

Sentences in the text can be related unions. Recall that unions- This is a service part of speech that performs the function of connecting words, sentences and parts of sentences.

It was a hot day. But around the village, in the expanse of yellow fields covered with shocks, there was already something pre-autumn, light, clear.

These two sentences, in fact, could turn out to be one compound sentence if we put a comma before the but instead of a period. But we are still dealing in two sentences, so the union but acts as a means of communication of sentences, while expressing adversarial relations (similar to unions ah, yes (a), but (but) and etc.).

Syntax parallelism- it the same order of the same members of the sentence.

Last day before Christmas passed. Winter clear night has come. Month majestically rose to shine on heaven for good people and the whole world.

Note that all three sentences have the scheme " subject + predicate»; in addition, in the first and second sentences, the pattern “ definition + subject + predicate».

Due to syntactic parallelism, the text becomes more " slender”, accurate in terms of its structure. In addition, the same arrangement of certain members of the sentence structures information and facilitates the process of establishing links between phenomena.

Despite the fact that syntactic parallelism is very common in the text, it should not be “invented”: traditionally, parallelism is “visible” through identical forms.

As a rule, most of the texts that will be presented in more than two or three sentences are characterized by combination means of communication: this means that along with repetitions in the text there can be pronouns, syntactic parallelism, etc. Therefore, when working with a text, you should always be careful: in addition to flair and it is necessary to arm yourself with knowledge of the rules and experience when working with different texts.

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Text- this is a message in oral or written form, characterized by semantic and structural completeness, a certain attitude of the author to the reported, purposefulness and pragmatic setting of the message.

Any text is primarily a coherent structure. The coherence of the text is manifested in the fact that each subsequent sentence is built on the basis of the previous one, absorbing one or another part of it. What is repeated in the next sentence from the previous one is called “given”, and what is reported additionally is called “new”. "New" is usually logically stressed and placed at the end of a sentence.

For instance: dug in the yard well. Near the well(given) settled frog(new). She(given) sat all day long (new) in the shade of a well log house. The role of the "given" is to connect sentences with each other. The role of the “new” is in the development of thought in the text.

According to the nature of the connection between sentences, all texts can be divided into three types:

  • texts with chain links;
  • texts with parallel links;
  • texts with links.
  1. Chain (serial, linear) connection, perhaps the most common way to connect sentences (cf. the sequential connection of subordinate clauses in a complex sentence). The widespread use of chain links in all styles of speech is explained by the fact that they are most consistent with the specifics of thinking, the features of connecting judgments. Where thought develops linearly, sequentially, where each subsequent sentence develops the previous one, as if follows from it, chain connections are inevitable.

Among the various types of chain communication, according to the method of expression, the most widespread are:

  • pronominal connections (nouns, adjectives, numerals are replaced in the following sentence by pronouns and pronominal adverbs);
  • lexical and syntactic repetitions;
  • synonymous substitutions.

As an example, let us cite an excerpt from the story of I.S. Turgenev "County doctor":

One autumn day, on my way back from a field I was leaving, I caught a cold and fell ill. Fortunately, the fever overtook me in a provincial town, in a hotel; I sent for the doctor. Half an hour later the county doctor appeared, a man of small stature, thin and black-haired. He prescribed the usual diaphoretic for me, ordered me to put a mustard plaster on, very deftly slipped a five-ruble note under his cuff, and, however, coughed dryly and looked aside, and was already quite ready to go home, but somehow got into a conversation and stayed.

When constructing this text, each subsequent sentence develops the previous one, and the most significant information in the previous sentence is repeated by various means in the subsequent one, becoming the basis for introducing new information. And this new information is repeated again in the next sentence, becoming the basis for the next new information.

So, the first suggestion: One autumn day, on my way back from a field I had gone away, I caught a cold and fell ill.- can be conditionally divided into two parts according to the type of information transmitted. First, a description of the general situation is given ( one autumn, on the way back from the departing field), and then the most meaningful part, characterizing what, in fact, happened ( I caught a cold and fell ill). In the second sentence: Fortunately, the fever overtook me in a provincial town, in a hotel; I sent for the doctor- this information is repeated. Noun ( fever) correlates with information conveyed earlier by verbs of the same thematic series ( got cold and sick). New in this sentence and therefore the most significant is the information that the narrator sent for the doctor. In the next sentence: Half an hour later, the county doctor appeared, a man of small stature, thin and black-haired.- this information is repeated again (for this, a synonymous replacement is used: doctor → doctor), and the new one is the description of the doctor. This is followed again by a reference to the previous text (for this, the pronoun he), and the actions and behavior of the doctor are reported as new information.

Chain connections are very typical for business, scientific, journalistic speech, that is, they are present wherever there is a linear, consistent, chain development of thought.

  1. In texts with parallel (centralized) communication semantically related sentences usually have the same subject (cf. complex sentences with a parallel connection of subordinate clauses). Naming actions, events, phenomena located nearby (adjacent), parallel connections by their very nature are intended for description and narration.

The most typical for texts with parallel connection is the following structure. First comes the opening, containing the thought-thesis of the entire text. Then follows a series of sentences that reveal this idea, and the syntactic features of these sentences are:

  • parallelism of their structure;
  • unity of forms of expression of predicates.

Only in the ending is usually allowed to change the time plan and lack of parallelism.

As an example, consider an excerpt from the story of I.S. Turgenev "Khor and Kalinich", in which the author gives a comparative description of his heroes:

Both friends did not resemble each other at all. Khor was a positive, practical man, an administrative head, a rationalist; Kalinich, on the contrary, belonged to the number of idealists, romantics, enthusiastic and dreamy people. Khor understood reality, that is: he settled down, saved up some money, got along with the master and with other authorities; Kalinich walked around in bast shoes and got by somehow. The ferret spawned a large family, submissive and unanimous; Kalinich had once had a wife whom he was afraid of, but there were no children at all. Khor saw right through Mr. Polutykin; Kalinich was in awe of his master. Khor loved Kalinich and patronized him; Kalinich loved and respected Khor... Khor spoke little, laughed and reasoned to himself; Kalinich explained himself with fervour, although he did not sing like a nightingale, like a brisk factory man...

The first sentence is the opening thesis: Both friends did not resemble each other at all. Each following sentence contains a contrast between Khory and Kalinich (there are two subjects, but they are combined into one whole in the beginning - both buddies) on some basis, and this opposition is given through a system of parallel constructions. The parallelism of structures is manifested, in particular, in the fact that sentences are complex non-union constructions, the first part of which characterizes Khory, the second - Kalinich, and their names, repeating, open each part. This is usually followed by a predicate group, and all verbs are in the past tense, usually imperfective: was, belonged, understood, got along, walked, revered etc. Since the purpose of the description is to prove the complete opposite of the characters of the characters, then I.S. Turgenev uses a system of parallel contextual antonyms: a practical man, an administrative head, a rationalist - an idealist, a romantic, an enthusiastic and dreamy person; he understood reality, settled down, saved up some money - walked around in bast shoes, got by somehow; spawned a large family - there were no children at all; saw through Mr. Polutykin - was in awe of Mr. etc. Thus, narrative contexts reveal closely related phenomena.

  1. The third type of connection between independent sentences is accession. This is such a principle of constructing an utterance, in which part of it in the form of separate, as if additional information is attached to the main message, for example: Efremov's wife was known as a woman not stupid -and not without reason (Turgenev); I don't need to justifyand it's not in my rules (Chekhov).

Attaching structures usually contain additional information - by association, in the form of an explanation, commentary, etc. They imitate live speech with its ease, naturalness, etc. G.A. Solganik in the manual "Text Style", as a characteristic illustration of this type of connection, cites an excerpt from an essay by K.I. Chukovsky "Chekhov" And to such an extent he was an artel, choral person that he even dreamed of writing not alone, but together with others, and was ready to invite the most unsuitable people as co-authors. “Listen, Korolenko... We will work together. Let's write drama. In four steps. In two weeks." Although Korolenko never wrote any dramas and had nothing to do with the theater. And to Bilibin: “Let's write a vaudeville together in 2 acts! Come up with the 1st action, and I - the 2nd ... The fee is divided in half. And to Suvorin: "Let's write a tragedy..." And to him a few years later: "Let's write two or three stories.

The sentences in the text are interconnected both in meaning and grammatically. A grammatical connection means that the forms of words depend on other words in the adjacent sentence, which are consistent with each other.

Lexical means of communication:

1) Lexical repetition - repetition of the same word.

Around the city on the low hills spread forests, mighty, untouched. In forests I came across large meadows and deaf lakes with huge old pines along the banks. Lexically justified repetition. Behind the garden is pond. V pond geese and ducks swim.

One-word words.

Of course, such a master knew his own worth, felt the difference between himself and not so talented, but he knew perfectly well another difference - the difference between himself and a more gifted person. Respect for the more capable and experienced is the first sign talents. (V.Belov)

3) Synonyms. In the forest we saw moose. Elk walked along the edge and was not afraid of anyone. Contextual synonyms. It was master forests. man was 40 years old.

4) Antonyms.Nature has a lot friends. Enemies she has much less.

5) Antithesis(use of lexical and contextual antonyms, adversative union. From heating iron expands, but from cooling it narrows. A hundred years ago people didn't know TV. Now not a single family can do without a TV, c) Cheryomukha has long faded. But but the lilac was fragrant.

Descriptive phrases.

built highway. Noisy, swift river of life connected the region with the capital. (F. Abramov)

7) sayings in the first sentence, a replacement by a word in the second. The sun hasn't set yet. This helped Oleg finish the job.

8) The presence in the second sentence of an indication of part of the whole referred to in the first sentence. tree I stood naked. Apple trees and birches still kept the leaves.

Grammar means of communication:

1) Personal pronouns. 1.And now I'm listening to the voice of an ancient stream. He cooing like a wild dove. 2.The call for the protection of forests should be addressed primarily to the youth. Her to live and manage on this earth, her and decorate it. (L.Leonov).3. He unexpectedly returned to his native village. His the arrival delighted and frightened the mother. (A. Chekhov)

2) Demonstrative pronouns(such, that, this). one. Above the village floated a dark sky with bright, spiky stars. Such stars only come in autumn.(V. Astafiev). 2. They shouted with a distant, sweet twitch corostels . These corostels and the sunsets are unforgettable; pure vision preserved them forever.(B.Zaitsev) - in the second text, means of communication - lexical repetition and demonstrative pronoun "these".

3) Possessive pronouns(ours, mine, yours). These experts have long been studying the mysteries of the ocean. Their research attracts the attention of scientists around the world.

4) Pronominal adverbs(there, so, then, etc.).

He [Nikolai Rostov] knew that this story contributed to the glorification of our weapons, and therefore it was necessary to pretend that you did not doubt it. So he did(LN Tolstoy "War and Peace").

5) Unions ( predominantly composing). It was May 1945. Thundered spring. The people and the earth rejoiced. Moscow saluted the heroes. AND joy soared into the sky with lights.(A. Alekseev). With the same accent and laughter, the officers hurriedly began to gather; again put the samovar on the dirty water. But Rostov, without waiting for tea, went to the squadron.(L.N. Tolstoy)

6) Particles(most often exactly, only, only). The "breath" of the world's oceans can be detrimental to humanity. Exactly this problem requires research and solution.

7) Introductory words and constructions (in a word, so, firstly and etc.)

Young people spoke about everything Russian with contempt or indifference and, jokingly, predicted the fate of the Confederation of the Rhine for Russia. In a word, society was pretty nasty. (A. Pushkin).

8) Change of circumstance(noun, adverb) adverbs there, here, there, etc. In the woods was good. There the birds sang. I love to come back home. There I'm always drawn.

9) The unity of the species-temporal forms of verbs - the use of the same forms of grammatical tense, which indicate the simultaneity or sequence of situations.

Imitation of the French tone of the time of Louis XV It was in vogue. Love for the Fatherland seemed pedantry. The then nerds praised Napoleon with fanatical subservience and joked over our failures.(A. Pushkin) - all verbs are used in the past tense.

10) Incomplete sentences and ellipsis, referring to the preceding elements of the text:

Gorkin cuts the bread, distributes slices. Puts me too: huge, cover your whole face(I. Shmelev)

11) Syntactic parallelism - the same construction of several adjacent sentences. Knowing how to speak is an art. Know how to listen - culture. (D. Likhachev)

The connection between the sentences of the text can be chain (contact) or parallel (remote). What is each of them?

Chain connection - thought moves from one sentence to another and is usually carried out in the repetition of a word from the previous sentence, its deployment in the subsequent sentence.

Parallel communication - the use of sentences in which the same word order, the same grammatical forms of expression of the members of the sentence, species-temporal correlation.


1. Which of the sentences is related to the previous one using syntactic parallelism?

(1) Good poems, poems that carry poetic information, are poems in which all elements are expected and unexpected at the same time. (2) Violation of the first principle will make the text meaningless, the second - trivial. (3) To one degree or another, only texts that are highly informative for it can fulfill the function of “good verses”. (4) And this implies a conflict with the reader's expectation, tension, struggle and, ultimately, the imposition on the reader of some more significant artistic system than the usual one. (5) But, defeating the reader, the writer undertakes to go further. (6) The winning innovation turns into a template and loses its information content. (7) Innovation is not always in the invention of something new. (8) Innovation is a significant attitude towards tradition, at the same time restoring the memory of it and not matching it.

2. Which of the sentences is connected with the previous one with the help of a union?

(1) Recently, while reading Marina Tsvetaeva’s notes “My Pushkin”, I remembered our readings of The Captain’s Daughter and was surprised at the dissimilarity of impressions. (2) Pugachev struck the rebellious soul of the future poet in this book, he seemed to her mysterious, alluring, beautiful. (3) But, as I remember now, Savelyich amazed and delighted me most of all in this book. (4) Not only me, I'm sure, but the whole class.

(5) In the image of Savelich, Pushkin arranged a feast for himself, which he could not always afford in life. (6) Here devotion appears in all guises. (7) The greatest feeling, the beauty of which Pushkin sang so many times in poetry.

3. Which of the sentences is connected with the previous one with the help of a pronominal adverb?

(1) It is known that at various times many great naturalists have brought tribute to occult affairs. (2) For centuries, astrology, for example, was intensively cultivated as a completely decent occupation, and therefore many scientists were involved in it. (3) From the depths of history comes a passion for alchemy, which for a long time remained the guardian of chemical knowledge. (4) The idea of ​​telepathic communication turned out to be in the field of attention of a number of our outstanding compatriots, intriguing V. Bekhterev and K. Tsiolkovsky. (5) And the famous chemist A. Butlerov, in collaboration with the writer S. Aksakov, even published the Rebus magazine, in which telepaths and spiritualists found shelter. (6) So great scientists were captured by great occult passions.

4. Which of the sentences is related to the previous one with the help of a possessive pronoun and a contextual synonym?

(1) Chekhov's plays do not immediately reveal their poetic significance. (2) After reading them, you say to yourself: “Good, but ... nothing special, nothing stunning. (3) All right. (4) Familiar ... true ... not new ... ”(5) Often the first acquaintance with his works is disappointing. (6) It seems that there is nothing to tell about them after reading. (7) Plot, plot? .. (8) They can be summarized in a nutshell. (9) Roles? (10) There are many good ones, but there are no winning ones, for which the actor will chase for the role of good roles (there is one). (11) Most of them are small roles, "without a thread" (i.e. in one sheet that does not require thread for stitching). (12) I recall individual words of the play, scenes ...

5. Which of the sentences is related to the previous one with the help of an antonym and lexical repetition?

(1) Having laughed, they caught themselves. (2) The smile of laughter melted away and was replaced by a smile of politeness. (3) Their faces acquired an extremely intelligent and in-depth expression, as happens in a conversation with foreigners in a bad language, when the more stupid the conversation, the more significant the intonation, and nodding and assenting cannot be restrained by any force ... (4) After such conversations, the muscles of the face ache and neck from unaccustomed, unnatural work.

(5) Only in your native language you can sing, write poetry, declare your love ... (6) In a foreign language, even with excellent knowledge of it, you can only teach the language, talk about politics and order a cutlet. (7) Almost so, that the more subtle and talented the poetic and living knowledge of the native language, the more hopeless the knowledge of someone else's, and the gap is irreparable.

6. What sentence is connected with the previous one using a particle and a personal pronoun?

(1) The idea that everything in our life is predetermined by heredity is very old - older than scientific biology. (2) It was on them that the caste system was based, where the social position of the individual was determined only by the position of the parents. (3) Representatives of the opposite concept believed that the mind of a newborn child does not contain thoughts and principles, everything arises from sensory data and life experience.

(4) The scientific knowledge accumulated since then allows us to say that the truth lies in the middle. (5) No trait can develop if such a possibility is not inherent in the genotype. (6) But if development proceeds under different conditions, then the manifestation of the genotype will vary. (7) And most importantly, each sign must be helped to develop.

7. Which of the sentences is connected with the previous one with the help of a particle and lexical repetition?

(1) I am convinced that Russian literature, Russian culture supported us in the war: “Wait for me” by Simonov, “In the dugout” by Surkov, the same “Terkin” ... (2) And Shostakovich's seventh symphony - she helped Leningrad survive!

(3) Russian literature is, among other things, an antidote to vulgarity and moral deformity. (4) It is impossible for the teaching of literature to turn into "information", for "Eugene Onegin" to be regarded only as an "encyclopedia of Russian life." (5) After all, the meaning of teaching is not to teach how to write as brilliantly as Pushkin, or to enjoy stylistic beauties in your free time from serious matters. (6) The lessons of literature, first of all, should introduce to a high culture, to a system of moral values.

8. Find a sentence that is related to the previous one using a contextual antonym.

(1) Archeology, deciphering writings, anthropology and other sciences, through which we learn about the events of the past, play and will continue to play a big role in our life. (2) A hundred years ago, the monuments of art of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome were considered unsurpassed. (3) Nowadays, art historians place masterpieces of earlier eras much higher. (4) The discoveries of archaeologists have made a real revolution in the views on art that existed earlier.

Similar information.

The sentences in the text are related in meaning and grammatically.
Accordingly, lexical and grammatical means of communication can be distinguished.
Lexical means of communication
1. Lexical repetition
For instance: Clusters of rowan bent over earth. Land as if she was also reaching for the tree.
2. Root words
For instance: Gratitude It's a way to show others your attitude. be able to thank- Be smart and understanding.
3. Synonyms.
For instance: The whole field that opened before our eyes was dotted with daisies. Flowers expanded to the horizon.
4. Antonyms.
For instance: rancor makes a person unhappy. A kindness and kindness On the contrary, they make life easier.
5. Descriptive phrases.
For instance: a lion doesn't like being interrupted. terrible king animals are not accustomed to the fuss.
Grammatical means of communication
1. Personal pronouns.
For instance: On Tuesday Sergei came again. He I wanted to see Olga again, to see her eyes and brown hair.
2. Demonstrative pronouns (such, that, this)
For instance: You can buy a plane ticket online. Such the method is very convenient: it saves you time and allows you to calmly make a decision.
3. Pronominal adverbs (there, so, then, etc.)
For instance: I love and at the same time hate the old, abandoned villages. There I have a strange and conflicting feeling.
4. Unions(mostly writing)
For instance: Michael left. But Anya, though upset, remained.
5. Particles
For instance: In the morning he bought a ring and a huge bouquet. Really did that day come?
6. Introductory words and constructions (maybe, first of all and etc.)
For instance: All tickets were sold out. May be, and that's for the best.
7. The unity of the tense forms of verbs
For instance: smelled fresh grass. warmed up rays of the sun.
8. Incomplete sentences and ellipsis, referencing previous text elements
For instance: We have planned a walk in the park tomorrow. The day after tomorrow - a visit to the children's exhibition.
9. Syntactic parallelism
For instance: These people did not buy groceries in stores. These people did not wear their usual clothes.