Friendship day in kindergarten in the summer. Senior group

Friendship day in kindergarten in the summer.  Senior group
Friendship day in kindergarten in the summer. Senior group

The scenario of the holiday of friendship for preschool children

Borodavina Irina Mikhailovna, musical director of the MBDOU Kindergarten No. 38, o. Samara.
Material Description: The material will be useful to educators and music directors when organizing leisure activities with preschool children on the street. A bright and colorful holiday will not only teach friendship, but also leave positive impressions and emotions in children.
Target: the formation in children of ideas of kindness, joy, friendly relations, the creation of a positive emotional mood among preschoolers.
- to form the ability to understand and evaluate the feelings and actions of others, to explain their judgments,
- stimulate joint musical and artistic activity, develop emotional responsiveness.
- enrich vocabulary, consolidate the ability to participate in a joint game, conduct short dialogues in situations of creative and gaming communication,
- create conditions for the development of children's communication skills,
- to cultivate the need for friendship and friendly communication with each other, the desire to do good and give joy to people.
Facilities: a ball, a seven-color flower, a tape recorder with recordings of children's songs and cheerful music.
Site layout: The playground is decorated with balls.
Festival participants: host - musical director, Vraka-Zabiyaka - senior educator, clown Smeshinkin - educator, children.

Holiday progress:

Children gather on the playground with cheerful music.
1 child. Hello! Hello! Hello!
We are happy to greet you!
How many bright smiles
We see on faces now.
2 child. Today the holiday brought us together:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
Here the holiday of friendship has come
And he invited everyone to the circle of children.
3 child. May brought a cheerful holiday,
The music flows all around.
We are this holiday today
Let's call it Friendship Day.
4 child. Kindergarten celebrates the holiday
Come dance, folks!
How many of us are funny, different,
Let's get up in a noisy round dance!

Leading. Today we have a fun holiday dedicated to Friendship. After all, it is in kindergarten that we have our first friends and girlfriends.
Child. I love my kindergarten
It's full of guys.
One, two, three, four, five…
Too bad we can't count them all.
Maybe a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we are together!
The song "What is a kindergarten?" (K. Makarova)

Leading. I want to check if you know polite words.
The game "Tell me a word."
1. If you meet a friend, even on the street, even at home,
Do not be shy, do not be cunning, but say louder ... (hello).
2. If you ask for something, then first do not forget
Open your mouth and say… (please).
3. If you don't want to be considered ignorant,
I beg you, be wise
Begin your request with a polite word:
Be ... (kindly), be ... (kindly).
4. If a company met, not hastily, not in advance,
Then at the moment of parting, tell everyone ... (goodbye).
5. If, by word or deed, someone has helped you,
Feel free to speak loudly, boldly… (thank you)

Leading. I want to know if you can tell good deeds from bad deeds.
Good-bad game
The host calls an example of an act, the children indicate the correct one with applause: he tore his clothes, protected the weak, quarreled with his mother, warmed and fed the kitten, plucked a branch from a tree, broke a toy, broke a vase, helped the baby get dressed, shared candy, offended the girl, thanked for the help) .

Vraka-Zabiyaka enters to the music.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Hello everyone! Aha! This is where I need to be! (rubs hands).

Leading. Where is "here"?

Vraka the Ruffian.Where, where ... Yes, here, where there are a lot of children. I will make my assistants out of them.

Leading. Who are you?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. I am Vraka the Ruffian. I heard you have some kind of holiday here?

Leading. Not some kind, but the Holiday of Friendship, the holiday of true friends. And we're here to have some fun.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Are these shorty kids friends? Can they be friends? Oh, laugh! (laughs).

Leading. Wait, wait, Vraka-Zabiyaka, to find out if our guys really know how to be friends, you need to test them in games, in dances, in songs.
Vraka-Zabiyaka. Check, right? You are welcome! (Pulls out the ball.) Here is the ball. Whoever does not catch him has not grown up and, therefore, has not learned to be friends!

Starts randomly, deceiving children, throwing a ball at them.

Leading. Oh no! Will not work! If you play it, then for real.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. How is it for real?

Leading. It means - according to the rules. Look, we will now take the ball and we will pass it in a circle, and you catch up. Deal?

Game "Pass the ball around"
Vraka the Ruffian: Well, I don't play like that. It's not fair. Now, if I played alone with the ball, and you all ran after me, it would be great!

Leading: Do you want to play an interesting game “How do you live?” with the guys. Let me teach you guys.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Well, we'll see who teaches whom. Well, I don't know that kind of game.

Game "How are you?"
Children use movements to show what the text says.

How is it going? - Like this! (put thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (go on the spot)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How do you run? - Like this! (run in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)

The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.
Vraka-Zabiyaka plays incorrectly, the host asks her to see how to play.

Leading. Guys, I know with whom I need to introduce Vraka-Zabiyaka so that she stops playing pranks and becomes kind and cheerful. With the clown Smeshinkin. But in order for him to appear here, you need to laugh out loud, from the heart. Let's laugh together!

Children laugh. Vraka-Zabiyaka hides to the side, plugs his ears.
The clown Smeshinkin enters to cheerful music.

Smeshinkin. Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really guys?

Children. Yes!

Smeshinkin. Do you have a holiday, fun? How I love it all!

Leading. Yes, Smeshinkin, we all met today and decided to have some fun.

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Yes, how! Shorty babies!

Smeshinkin. Ah, Vraka-Zabiyaka, are you already here and doing mischief again?

Leading. Can you imagine, Smeshinkin, Vraka-Zabiyaka claims that our boys and girls are still quite small and do not know how to make friends.

Smeshinkin. And I think it's quite the opposite. For example, do you know, Vraka-Zabiyaka, what to do in the morning?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Of course I know! They are still asking. You get up in the morning and immediately start doing all sorts of nasty things, lying and playing pranks.

Smeshinkin. But no! We will now teach you what to do in the morning.
"Fun Charge"
Vraka-Zabiyaka. It’s in the kindergarten that you are so grown-up, but when you come home ... There you can’t do without me, what will you do without me so pretty, mischievous?

Leading. But nothing like this, our guys are not only friends in kindergarten, but they are also friends with moms and dads and always try to obey them

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Eh, you! It did not work out of you my assistants. Why am I so unlucky?! Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with me?! (Crying).

Smeshinkin. And you still ask?! Look at yourself: is it possible with such a mischievous face, on which there is never a smile, to find friends?

Leading. But Smeshinkin is right. Only other people are drawn to a kind, cheerful person. Here, listen to what a good, good song our guys will sing to you.
Song "You and Me"
(lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Ivanov)

Vraka the Ruffian(claps hands). What a wonderful song! I haven't heard this one yet!

Smeshinkin. Friends, a miracle happened! Vraka-Zabiyaka told the truth for the first time!
Vraka-Zabiyaka. How? It can't be! What is it with me?! Who will I be now if I forget how to lie? (Whimpering).

Leading. You will become good, kind and cheerful with us. We will give you a new name. Want?

Vraka the Ruffian(embarrassed) Well, I don't know... Can I...?

Smeshinkin. You can, you can! And we guys will help you.

Leading. Guys, let's give Vrak-Brawler a new good name - Veselushka-Laughing ..

Smeshinkin. But from now on, you should only do good deeds and always smile. Agree?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. And how to do these good deeds? I do not know.

Smeshinkin. Here's one of them to get you started. I picked up different colors along the way. But they are unusual. Each of them contains a riddle. Here are some flowers for you, and these for me. Now we will take turns guessing riddles for the guys. Deal?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. I'll try.

1. He got leeches
I sold Karabas.
The whole smell of swamp mud.
His name was ... (Pinocchio - Duremar)
2. He walked boldly through the forest.
But the fox ate the hero.
At parting, the poor thing sang.
His name was ... (Cheburashka - Kolobok)
3. Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,
He is looking for a magic key.
He has a terrible look.
Who is this ... (Aibolit - Karabas)
4. Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years.
Finally saw the light.
He has grown a beard
This kind ... (Santa Claus - Old Hottabych)
5. .He somehow lost his tail,
But the guests brought him back.
He is grumpy like an old man.
This sad... (Piglet - Donkey Eeyore)
6. He's a big naughty and comedian
He has a house on the roof.
Boastful and arrogant,
And his name is ... (Dunno - Carlson)

Smeshinkin. Well done boys! And you said (referring to Vraka the Ruffian) that our children don't know anything. How could kids solve such difficult riddles?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Now I really see that the guys have grown up and wiser. Do you know why? Because I'm slowly turning into Cheerful Laugh.
Dance "Friendship" (Group "Barbariki")

Smeshinkin. Well, Veselushka-Laughing, did you like our holiday?

Vraka-Zabiyaka. Still would! After all, I became completely different!

Leading. And our guys helped you with this.

Smeshinkin. And it’s time for us with Veselushka-Laughter to our fairy-tale country of Laughter. And as soon as we hear your fervent friendly laughter, we will always be guests in your kindergarten.

Smeshinkin and Vraka-Zabiyaka. Till!

Under cheerful music heroes leave.

The script of the holiday in the preschool educational institution "Friendship Day"

author: Akhmadeeva Olga Vladimirovna, teacher of MADOU "DS No. 18 of Chelyabinsk".

Entertainment script for preschool children

the formation in children of ideas about kindness, joy, friendly relationships;
creating a positive emotional mood in preschoolers.
to clarify children's ideas about what it means to "be able to be friends";
develop communication skills with each other;
develop positive social behavior skills;
develop the ability to manage their emotional state;
foster a friendly attitude towards peers and adults;
create a joyful mood, a sense of celebration in children.
preliminary work: Examination of illustrations, conversations, reading fiction on the topic of friendship.
Equipment: Music center, machine with soap bubbles (you can replace the basin with 5-10 liters and a racket for playing badminton), liquid for soap bubbles.
The course of the holiday.
The hero's exit to the music (gr. Barbariki "Friendship is not work!)
Zabiyalkin and tolkalkin:
Today the holiday brought us together:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
Here the holiday of friendship has come
And he invited everyone to the circle of children.
Hello guys! I'm zabiyalkin and tolkalkin came to you for a holiday. Do you know what it's called?
Children's answers:(friendship day)
Zabiyalkin and tolkalkin: That's right "Friendship Day"! I came to teach you to be friends!
Want to?
Children's answer:Yes.
Zabiyalkin and tolkalkin: Now I'll tell you what true friendship is and you listen carefully! Show that your ears are open (shows the ears with the movement of the hands, and the children repeat).
In the morning I came to kindergarten, met a friend in the locker rooms - be sure to push!
And if there are girls, pull the pigtail!
Took a toy to play do not share it with anyone!
Fight with half the guys on walks!
You will then be the best friend in the world!
Right guys?
Children's answers:Not.
Zabiyalkin and tolkalkin: How is it not?! Do you think it should be different? but as?
Oh, I can't hear you! Let's, who knows how to be friends, raise his hand, and I'll come up. Deal?
(the hero approaches different children listens to their answers)
Children's answers:
Zabiyalkin and tolkalkin: That's how you surprised me! It turns out, I did everything wrong! Therefore, no one ever shares toys and sweets with me. But I'll fix it. And now I propose to play the game "How do you live?. The rule is very easy, I ask you, and you show me the answers to my questions with movements. Are you ready?
Children's answer:Yes.
The music turns on (Musical game "How do you live")
Zabiyalkin and pushers:
How is it going? - Like this! (put thumb forward)
How are you going? - Like this! (go on the spot)
How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)
How do you run? - Like this! (run in place)
How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)
Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing)
Are you threatening? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)
The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.
Music turns off
Zabiyalkin and tolkalkin: you taught me to be friends, but you also know polite words?! Now I will check you!
The game "Tell me a word."
1. If you meet a friend, even on the street, even at home,
Do not be shy, do not be cunning, but say louder ... (hello).
2. If you ask for something, then first do not forget
At the beginning of the request, say ... (please).
3. If you met a friend or a whole company,
Then at the moment of parting, you will say to everyone ... (goodbye).
4. If, in word or deed, someone helped you,
Feel free to speak loudly, boldly… (thank you)
Zabiyalkin and Tolkalkin: Well done, and I also have a riddle for you
Joy has a friend
in the shape of a semicircle,
She lives on the face;
It will suddenly go somewhere,
Then suddenly return
Let melancholy be afraid of her!
Children's answer:smile.
Zabiyalkin and tolkalkin: I propose to play and jump a little! We play the game “to each other” while the music is playing, we dance, as soon as it stops playing, you need to snuggle up to the friend of that part of the body that I will name. Ready?
Children's answer:Yes.
They turn on the music (gr. Barbariki “Friendship is not a job!”)
Shoulder to shoulder;
knee to knee;
back to back;
ear to ear;
palm of the right hand with the palm of the right hand.
Zabiyalkin and tolkalkin: You also know how to play, and you play together, together, without pushing or kicking. Let's check how you know proverbs about friendship. Suggestions need to be added.
The next task: "I will start, and you will continue."
- An old friend, ... (better than a new friend)
- Friendship is friendly, but ... (service by service)
- A friend in need is a friend indeed)
- Strong friendship and ... (you can’t cut it with an ax)
- Tell me who your friend is... (and I'll tell you who you are)
- With whom will you lead, ... (from that you will type)
Zabiyalkin and tolkalkin: Our friendship holiday has come to an end.
You are very friendly guys, you know a lot of things and can do it. And they taught me a lot. In parting, I prepared a surprise for you! Bubble. Goodbye! Catch!
Start the machine with soap bubbles and turn on the music. The hero leaves
The music is playing “Because there are friends” (music by A. Pereskokov, lyrics by N. Vlasov)

Summer musical and sports entertainment "Day of Friendship" in the senior group.

Vitskova Marina Viktorovna, educator of the MBDOU "Kindergarten "Golden Fish" of the Astrakhan region of the Chernoyarsk region.

This event will be useful for educators, music directors during summer holidays with children of senior preschool age.
Target: the formation in children of ideas about kindness, joy, friendly relations, the creation of a positive emotional mood among preschoolers.

Tasks:- to clarify the ideas of children about what it means to be able to be friends.
- to develop communication skills with each other,
Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and adults. Create a joyful mood, a sense of celebration in children.
To the music of V. Shainsky "Together it's fun to walk" children enter the music room and stand in a semicircle.

Children(in chorus)
“Good morning sun!
We are glad to see you.
Here we are awake
Gathered together:
And Katya is here, and Kolya is here,
And Vova is here, and Masha is here...”
We welcome you all!
Leading: Guys! Today we have gathered to celebrate a wonderful holiday dedicated to Friendship Day. Do you know when this holiday is celebrated?
Children. July 30th.
Leading: That's right, well done.
Leading: Children, what do you think friendship is?
1. I have many friends:
Lena, Tanechka, Sergey.
We sing songs with Lena,
With Tanya we will go for a walk,

2. And Seryozhka all day
We are not too lazy to tease!
We live together at school:
Together we learn, we grow,

3. We learn about everything in the world,
About other such children,
How do they live and what
Do not be lazy to deal with them.

4. Everyone needs to be friends -
Anya, Vite, Nastya, Dima,
We are all best friends
We cannot live without each other.

5. We are getting smarter and growing,
We have fun at school.
Let the teacher believe -
We won't let her down!

The song is performed: “We divide everything in half”, music by V. Shainsky.

Leading: Yes, guys, when people are friends, they are always ready to help each other, they try to do good deeds for their friends. Now we are going to play a game.
The didactic game "Evaluate the act" is being conducted. Squares of two colors are laid out on the tables, yellow - positive heroes, red - negative heroes. The teacher shows cards with the heroes of fairy tales, the children must name the hero, and determine which category he belongs to, depending on his actions. (For example, the Gray Wolf is a negative hero, because he ate goats).
Presenter: Tell me guys, what should friendship be like in your opinion? How do you think?
Children: Strong, faithful, kind, real, "do not spill water."

The song is performed: "If you went on a journey with a friend."
Children read poetry.
The breeze is friends with the sun,
And dew is with grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly,
We are friends with you.
All with friends in half
We are happy to share!

Only to quarrel with friends
Friendship is a warm wind
Friendship is a bright world
Friendship is the sun at dawn
A fun feast for the soul.
Friendship is only happiness
Friendship is one thing.
With friendship
not afraid of bad weather,
With friendship -
Spring is full of life.

A friend will share the pain and joy,
A friend will support and save.
With a friend - even an evil weakness
In an instant, it melts and leaves.

Believe, keep, appreciate friendship,
This is the highest ideal.
She will serve you.
After all, friendship is a precious gift!

Leading: Yes, children, friendship is a valuable gift, you correctly noted this in a poem. I see that you are friendly and courageous.

A cheerful dance "Kindness" is performed.
Dramatization of the poem.

We had a fight with a friend
and sat in the corners.
Very boring without each other!
We need to reconcile.

I didn't offend her
I only held Mishka,
Only with Mishka ran away
And she said, "I won't."

I will go and make peace.
I'll give her a Bear, I'm sorry
I'll give her a doll, I'll give her a tram
And I'll say: "Let's play!"
Leading: If friends, girlfriends quarreled, which sometimes happens, then they must make up. Children, do you know mirilki? (Yes).
Children tell mirilki.
1. The sun will come out from behind the clouds,
A warm ray will warm us.

2. But we can’t swear,
Because we are friends.

3. Finger for a finger
We'll take it tight
Used to fight
And now for nothing.

4. Don't fight, don't fight,
Well, make up quickly!

Leading: Well done, children, wonderful mirilki told. I am sure that
you will cherish friendship, because it is very difficult to live in the world without a girlfriend or friend.

The dance is performed: "We reconciled."
To the music of E. Uspensky "Who helps people", the old woman Shapoklyak appears.

Shapoklyak( sings a song). Hello, and here I come to you here. (rubs his hands).
Leading: Where is "here"?
Shapoklyak: Where, where. Yes, where there are many children. I will make my assistants out of them.
Leading: What helpers?
Shapoklyak: I need helpers to help me do bad things.
Presenter: No, no, our children do not want to do bad things, they are not your helpers in this matter. Our guys love to be friends with each other, help each other.
And today we have a wonderful holiday dedicated to Friendship Day.
Shapoklyak: Is it these kids - shorties - friends? Can they be friends? Oh, laugh! (laughs).
Leading: Wait, wait, Shapoklyak, to find out if our guys really know how to be friends, you need to test them in dances, games and songs ..
Shapoklyak: - Check, huh? You are welcome.

Now we will check how friendly you are. You need to answer my questions out loud.
Are you guys all friendly? (Yes)
Will you quarrel? (Not)
Will you be silent? (Not)
Will you dance? (Yes)
Will you play? (Yes)
Can I put you to sleep? (Not)
Leading: What guys you are great! They answered kindly.
Shapoklyak: Now let's find out how you can help each other. Games will help us with this.
1 "Tie and Untie" competition
Players tie and untie the ribbon.
2. Game: "Who will bring the ball to a friend faster"(two children compete).
Shapoklyak: Oh, yes, you guys really showed that you are friendly, funny and know how to support your friends. I also really wanted to make friends.
Leading: We offer you our friendship. Our guys will now read poems for you about their beloved friends.

1. I love my friends,
Compliments do not regret.
He, she, you and me
A friendly family together.
Let's all be friends
And we will not grieve.

2. We suddenly want to play,
Let's jump and jump.
Let's sing songs together
Let's go for a walk in the street.
Let's get some oxygen there
We are not afraid of frost.

3. Well, if we are friends,
We can't freeze.
If suddenly trouble came,
We will always help each other out.

4. We live very cool.
We won't get discouraged
Let's do everything for five
And then any business
We can do everything with confidence!
Come join our group
We will teach you how to be friends.
Friendship is to be treasured
So it's more fun to live in the world!
Shapoklyak: What guys, well done, read such good poems about their friends.
I also wanted to be friends with you. Accept me?
Children: Yes!
A round dance of friendship is performed.
Leading: How glad I am that the guys in kindergarten are friendly.
After all, when the guys are friends, this is happiness.
If everyone in the world is friends -
People, animals and forests
Round dances of friendship are circling,
So there will be kindness!
The song "Smile" is performed.
All children go to the group to the music, where a festive treat awaits them.

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, educator of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Material Description: The material will be useful to educators and music directors when organizing leisure activities with preschool children on the street. A bright and colorful holiday will not only teach friendship, but also leave positive impressions and emotions in children.

Target: the formation in children of ideas of kindness, joy, friendly relations, the creation of a positive emotional mood among preschoolers.
Tasks:- to form and develop thinking and ingenuity;
- promote team building;
- develop friendships;
- education of moral values, respect of girls for boys, boys for girls, children for adults.
Preliminary work: learning songs, poems; conversations about friendship, about the rules of friendship, reading fiction, looking at illustrations.

Program progress:

Educator: Guys, do you know that there is a holiday - Friends Day? We celebrate this holiday on July 30th. What do you think friendship is?
Educator: Listen to what Shakespeare wrote about friendship.
True friend everywhere
Veren: in happiness and trouble;
Your sadness worries him.
You don't sleep, he can't sleep
And in everything without distant words,
He is always ready to help.

Educator: Tell me, do you have many friends?
Educator: How do you understand the words "faithful friends"?
Educator: Can you have many friends?
Educator: I invite you to play today in honor of the holiday. First we need to split into two teams and have a competition. You need to be careful and most importantly remember that you need to be friendly.
Children are divided into two teams.
Educator: Each team must come up with a motto and a name.
The first command will be called: "Funny Friends", our motto:
We are funny friends!
We can't live without each other!
And our motto is simple:
For each other we are a mountain!

Second command: "Faithful friends".
Motto: If a friend gives a word,
Will never let you down!
Educator: I propose to start our game program. To be friendly, you need to know the rules. Let the teams take turns recalling and naming these rules. First, we discussed together, and only then we answer. Whose team will be ready, you need to raise the flag up.
Competition: "Know the rules of friendship and strictly observe them."
The teams take turns saying the rules of friendship:
- Do not quarrel;
- yield;
- Do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you offended a friend;
- To be polite;
- Do not get angry;
- Do not be greedy;
- Help a friend;
- To be honest;
- To be attentive.

Educator: You know the rules very well, but I wonder if you always follow them all?
Educator: Guys, where does friendship begin?
Educator: Of course, with a smile. The next contest you need to remember the words of songs about friendship and sing at least a few lines.
We give the floor to the team "Faithful friends".
- Strong friendship will not break,
Will not fall apart from rain and blizzards.
A friend in trouble will not leave
Do not ask too much -
That's what real means
True friend!

"Jolly Friends"
- A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much,
That's what a true true friend means. ("A true friend" (m / f "Timka and Dimka")
Team "Faithful friends"
- What is snow to me, what is heat to me, what is pouring rain to me,
When are my friends with me? ("When my friends are with me" (film "In secret around the world")
"Funny Friends"
- Sunday, Saturday, friendship is not work, Friendship is not work!
There are friends, but friends have no days off for them! (“Friends.” Group “Barbariki”)
"Faithful friends"
- You and me, you and me, You and I are friends!
You and me, you and me, You and I are friends! (“You and I” (m / f “Barboskins”)
"Funny Friends"
- From the blue stream, the river begins,
Well, friendship starts with a smile.

Educator: You know a lot of songs, but you know how to play? Do you play well?
Educator: Today the holiday brought us together:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
Here the holiday of friendship has come,
And he invited everyone to the circle of children.
Guys, I invite everyone to the circle.
Game "How are you?"
Children use movements to show what the text says.
How is it going? - Like this! (put thumb forward)
How are you going? - Like this! (go on the spot)
How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)
How do you run? - Like this! (run in place)
How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)
Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing)
Are you threatening? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)
The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.
Educator: You also know how to play, and you play together, together, without pushing or kicking. Let's check how you know proverbs about friendship. Suggestions need to be added.
Next task: "I will start and you will continue."
- An old friend, ... (better than a new friend)
- Friendship is friendly, but ... (service by service)
- A friend in need is a friend indeed)
- Strong friendship and ... (you can’t cut it with an ax)
- Tell me who your friend is... (and I'll tell you who you are)
- With whom will you lead, ... (from that you will type)

Educator: The next task is difficult, you need to concentrate and remember the words with root "friend".
Teams take turns answering.
- Friendship;
- friendly;
- friendly;
- to be friends;
- friend;
- friendly.

Educator: Guys, what should a friend be like? What qualities should he have?
Educator: You are very friendly guys, you know a lot of things and can do it. And do you know how to dance?
Child: Kindergarten celebrates the holiday
Come dance, folks!
How many of us are funny, different,
Let's get up in a noisy round dance!
Children sing a song and dance to it.
1. We are dancing today, smiling at each other
Everyone is in a great mood. Tsk, tsk. (Clicking tongue)
Because girls, because boys,
They love jokes, music and laughter.
La-la-la, clap, clap,
La-la-la, clap, clap,
This is my cheerful song tsok, tsok, tsok.
La-la-la, clap, clap,
La-la-la, clap, clap,
This is my wonderful song tsok, tsok, tsok.
2. We know how to say goodbye, we know how to apologize,
They taught us how to play in the kindergarten.
We protect the weak, we respect adults,
And we try to be polite.
3. We will say a kind word, we will show how to laugh,
Let the song make us happy too.
We wink at each other
And we will drive away boredom
Our mood is great.
Educator: Guys, I have a surprise for you. I have balloons here, now each of you will take a balloon and draw your friend or girlfriend on it. And while you are painting, I will read a poem to you.

Educator: I want to have
Were true friends
To come to the rescue
If suddenly trouble struck,
They did not let you down in difficult times,
They would always help.
And I can, without a doubt,
Save your friends
Because I can do it myself
Be a true friend to them.
(E.V. Dmitrieva)
Educator: Our holiday of friendship has come to an end. I am sure that you have learned well what is needed for friendship to be strong, what true friends should be, and most importantly, friends need to be rescued, helped and respected.
You can give your balloons to a friend or girlfriend, and I invite you all to drink tea together and continue our conversation. And at the same time, we will all watch the cartoon “If you are good” from the Leopold the Cat series.

Scenario of entertainment in kindergarten "Day of Friendship"

Target : Clarify children's ideas about what it means"be able to make friends".

Build communication skills with each other.

Develop positive social behavior skills

Develop the ability to manage your emotional state.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and adults. Create a joyful mood, a sense of celebration in children.

preliminary work: Examination of illustrations, conversations, reading fiction.

Material : 4 relay balloons, cardboard flower petals, friendship songs for children.


V : Today is our holiday collected :

Not a fair, not a carnival!

Here the holiday of friendship has come

And he invited everyone to the circle of children.

Children enter to the music"If with a friend went on the road"

Guys! Today we have a fun holiday dedicated to the Day Friendship . We will sing, play, dance.

Let's all say together:

Hello golden sun!(Hands up)

Hello blue sky!(Hands up)

Hello my friends!(Greeting each other)

Very glad to see you - Me!(Spread hands to the sides, smile at each other)

Leading : Guys, today we celebrate Friendship Day . Let's say our motto holiday : "One for all and all for one".

Listen to riddles:

* Living in the world is very tight

No girlfriend or...(friend)

* In half - sorrows, troubles,

Happiness, joy and victory.(Friendship )

V : How do you understand the word" friendship " ?

Children : This is when a faithful friend is nearby, when you help a friend in difficult times, you keep shared secrets.

V : Nastya will tell a poem.

- Friendship is a warm wind,

Friendship is a bright world.

friendship - sun at dawn

A fun feast for the soul.

friendship - it's just happiness.

Friendship is one.

WITH friendship is not afraid of bad weather, WITH life is full of friendship in spring. V : I propose to sing you a song about friendship. (Song "We are friends")

V : What a good and kind word - friendship ! There is probably no person who would not appreciate friendship.

What can be friendship ?

Children : Strong, faithful, real, etc.

V : -And who can with whom be friends?

Children : A boy with a girl, a boy with a boy, a girl with a girl.

Host: Be friends can children and adults, people at different ends of the earth. Be friends can the peoples of different countries.

V : And, of course, we all know that the most important friend of every person is a mother.

Mom is the best friend! Everyone around knows this.

If we can't bear it at all, Mom can help us.

We get sick - mom is nearby, moms know what we need.

Let's cry - they will take a nap, mothers love us very much!

Even the most faithful friend can offend us suddenly,

Only mothers can turn our troubles into victories.

That's why, friends, you can't not love your mother,

Even the best friend will not replace the mother - a friend!

Also, people can make friends with animals, flowers, trees, sky and sun...

B: - And what friendship cannot be?

Children : Evil, dishonest...

Vanya will tell us a comic poem:

How do I start eating candy?

My friends are uncountable.

And the candy is gone

And there are no friends.

For a candy each friend

So he tears it out of his hands.

Why do I need this friendship?

I myself love candy.

B: Such friendship is not fair.

Guys, sometimes it happens that friends quarrel. let's get a look a scene.

V : Who offended whom first?

R1: He me

R2: No, he is me

V : Who hit whom first?

R1: He me

R2: No, he is me

V : You used to be like that were friends

P1: I was friends

R2: And I was friends

V : What didn't you share?

R1: I forgot

R2: And I forgot

V : If friends quarreled then they must make up. What tricks do you know?

Finger for a finger

We'll take it tight

Used to fight

And now for nothing

Let's make peace with you

And share everything.

And who will not reconcile,

Let's not deal with that

Take care of your friends friendship and you will be happier.

Zabiyaka enters to the music.

Bully : - Hello everyone! Aha! This is where I need to be!(rubs hands).

Q: Where is "here"?

Bully : - Where where. Yes, where there are many children. I will make my assistants out of them.

V : Who are you?

Bully : - I - Bully. I heard you have some kind of holiday here?

V : - Not some, but a Holiday friendship , a holiday of true friends. And we're here to have some fun.

Bully : - These are these kids - shorties - friends? They are able be friends? Oh, laugh! (laughs).

V : - Wait, wait, Bully, to find out if our guys really know how to be friends , you need to check them in games, in dances, in songs.

Bully : - Check, huh? You are welcome.

Now we will check what you are friendly . You need to answer my questions out loud.

You are ready? (Yes)

Shall we celebrate the holiday?(Yes)

Will we be silent, bored?(Not)

We will dance together? (Yes)

We will we play together? (Yes)

Can I put you to sleep?(Not)

V : What guys are great! you really showed what you are friendly .

And Zabiyaka look like guys dance together. (Dance "Friendship")

Bully : You dance well, and now let's see how you can play.

1 Game "Friend to friend" .

In this game, you need to do everything very quickly, listen carefully to the tasks.

As soon as I say the phrase"friend to friend" , you must find a partner for yourself and shake his hand, and then greet those parts of the body that I will call. Every time I speak"friend to friend" you will have to find yourself a new partner.

Ear to ear;

nose to nose;

forehead to forehead;

knee to knee;

elbow to elbow;

back to back;

shoulder to shoulder

2 The game "Bring the ball"

3 Game "Dance on the Ice"

Bully :- You really showed what you are friendly , funny and know how to support your friends. I also really wanted to make friends.

V : - We offer you our friendship.

Masha: Friendship - it's only happiness

Friendship is one.

WITH friendship is not afraid of bad weather,

WITH friendship - life is full of goodness.

Vika : A friend will share pain and joy,

A friend will support and save.

With a friend - even an evil weakness

In an instant, it melts and leaves.

I, too, proverbs about I know friendship. Here listen:

Do not have a hundred rubles ....(scratches head).

Oops, I forgot guys, help me please. Let's play. I will say the beginning of the proverb, and you will say the end.

Do not have a hundred rubles ... but have a hundred friends.

No friend looking .... but found take care.

Die yourself ... and help a comrade out.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

A tree is supported by roots .... and a person is friends.

It's bad without a friend who is lost .... but it's bad with a friend who is not faithful

(The bully says goodbye to the guys.)

V : Oh guys. I completely forgot the envelope in my basket for you. And what lies there? Multi-colored petals, in order for them to form into a flower, you need to name the rules friendship . Guys, do you know what rules you need to follow in order to be friendly? (children name the rules, the teacher lays out a flower on the flannelograph)

Don't quarrel


Do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you offended a friend

To be polite

Don't be angry

Don't be greedy

Help a friend

To be honest

So let's be friends , do not quarrel, always help each other and then we will have many friends.

In a day sunny when friends are near,

Life is beautiful with dances, songs.

Always with close friends

(Dance "Barbariki")

V : How glad I am that the guys inkindergarten friendly,

After all, when the guys are friends , this is happiness for the country.

And so that we can end the holiday merrily,

I want to treat the guys with sweets!

And the basket is not empty, there is something in it.

And in the basket, children, sweets were hidden.