Construction trading platforms. Conducting tenders (competitions) for construction

Construction trading platforms.  Conducting tenders (competitions) for construction
Construction trading platforms. Conducting tenders (competitions) for construction

Having owned a country plot, the owner sooner or later begins to think about building a private house and adjacent buildings. And here the question arises of finding a construction team that would meet all the customer’s requirements. Of course, you can take advantage of the offers of little-known private companies, which, as a rule, place advertisements on advertising sites. But the risk from such a choice is too great - this is the low professionalism of the builders, delaying the construction period, as well as an increase in the amount of payments during the work process. The All-Russian Association of Professional Builders is radically changing the situation and invites everyone to participate in tenders for the construction of low-rise buildings. By leaving a request on the site, the visitor can be sure that he will receive many responses from trusted companies who will fight for the right to build his facility.

Advantages of open tenders for construction.

The only non-profit association of professional builders in Russia offers participation in private tenders for the construction of low-rise buildings on the most favorable terms.

  • Conducting a construction tender is completely free, in addition, the participant receives a certificate in the amount of 100,000 rubles, which he can use immediately after choosing one of the 338 companies that are members of the association.
  • The Association strictly monitors compliance with construction standards and the terms of the agreement between the organization and the customer.
  • If violations of building codes are detected, the association pays compensation to the customer taking into account the damage caused. For this purpose, a compensation fund is provided, the size of which in 2017 amounted to 200 million rubles.
  • All members of the association are active organizations that carry out the construction of low-rise buildings or are manufacturers of screw piles.

Anyone can submit online construction tenders; to do this, you need to fill out the appropriate application or call the phone number listed at the top of the site.

Procedure for holding a tender for construction.

To participate in a tender for the construction of facilities in Moscow and the Moscow region, a site visitor fills out an application on which he indicates the type of construction, the number of floors, the estimated amount of the budget for construction, provides additional information, attaches a file with a project for the future building and indicates contact information. After that, he presses the “announce tender” button. From now on, hundreds of interested companies will compete in competition for the right to build this facility. The company that offers the most favorable conditions for the customer will win. Private tenders and construction orders are a way to protect consumers from offers from unscrupulous construction companies that have recently flooded the Internet. The All-Russian Association cooperates only with trusted organizations that offer high-quality services for the construction of low-rise buildings.

For construction-related work, but they should not be confused with tenders for repairs. A distinctive feature of construction tenders is that the organization has SRO approval. The organization must have experience in construction (commissioned buildings worth at least 25% of the initial maximum amount of the construction tender).

In the notice when submitting an application for the electronic auction, you will be asked to fill out Form 2. Along with Form 2, you will need to prepare a proposal containing everything that is needed to carry out the contract work. The proposal consists of two parts: technical and commercial.

In the technical part of the notice, they describe the construction project and provide a general plan, information about the installed utility networks, and architectural and construction characteristics of the facility.

In the commercial part of the application, pricing is described, for example, in the form of an estimate calculated according to GOST, the deadlines for completion and the conditions for carrying out the construction tender work are indicated. The application is reviewed by a tender committee consisting of construction industry specialists.

If, as part of the work, it is also necessary to prepare a project (perform design work), then electronic tenders are often held in the form of an open competition. In this case, the evaluation of the tender proposal takes into account work experience, business (construction) reputation, and the availability of existing completed construction projects.

Based on this, two conclusions can be drawn. The first conclusion: not every company can participate in construction tenders. The second conclusion is that not every tender specialist can prepare an application for a company, so you should turn to professionals for high-quality preparation of a tender application.

Given such a volume of tenders, there are countless Internet portals for construction tenders.

For the most part, portals duplicate each other, so the easiest way to search for government tenders is through the official government procurement website.

If you also want to participate in commercial ones, then you should use a program to search for tenders or order a tender monitoring service.

Pitfalls of construction tenders

One common type of collusion in construction tenders is the deliberate underestimation of the initial contract price.

The customer, in collusion with a specific contractor, puts up a tender for an electronic auction, the cost of which is unprofitable when performing the contract work specified in the notice.

However, during the work process, the customer, taking advantage of the clause on a possible price change in the event of force majeure or increasing the volume of work, changes the price after signing the government contract. The price may increase due to the discovery of facts not reflected in the project documentation. For example, during excavation work it turns out that where the road should go there is a cable that needs to be moved, and this is an additional cost.

There is no such thing in the field of commercial construction, but competitions without a starting price are more common. You should be wary of warranty clauses and compensation in case of static defects.

If such a clause exists in the contract, then the general contractor’s risks in monetary form must be included in the contract amount, otherwise the general contractor may find itself at a huge disadvantage after completing such a government contract.

In addition to estimators and specialists in the construction industry, the company must have competent lawyers who must, in the event of unprofessional actions of the customer, adjust the final contract.

At the same time, the warranty obligations of construction work should not be confused with errors made during the design. In this case, the organization that performed the design work bears responsibility.

If the designer also participates in the conspiracy, then after signing the government contract, he allows the use of other materials in construction at a lower price than originally planned. The contractor, when performing work, saves on materials, thereby making kickbacks to both: the customer and the designer.

Optimal actions when participating in construction tenders

The design of optimal actions when participating in construction tenders on the part of both the customer and the general contractor should lead to satisfactory construction results for both parties. The desire of one of the parties to earn as much as possible will ultimately be reflected in the construction site.

When submitting a construction tender, the organizer must clearly formulate the purpose of construction and requirements. To work out price proposals, the customer must provide the maximum possible volume of design documentation and organize unhindered access to the territory of the proposed construction. If the technical part of the documentation includes a developed statement with measurements, then tender participants have a good basis for a quality proposal.

The price can be found out by submitting a request through the electronic trading platform or simply by calling the customer. The application should be prepared according to the options depending on the proposed price (ideal, good, minimum). The company's management determines which application should be submitted to the construction tender.

A reduction in an electronic auction of more than 25% must be justified by relevant documents or leads to an increase in contract security by 1.5 times. After winning an electronic auction, you should not rush to sign the contract. It is necessary to re-analyze the contract and, if possible, eliminate any inaccuracies by contacting the customer directly.

You can invite a third-party specialist who is not affiliated with either party to make adjustments. This will ensure the formation of an equal contract.

Construction company strategies

Various strategies are possible when participating in construction tenders. This depends on many factors on the basis of which decisions are made. Not the least factor is the “personality” of the customer who decides to choose one strategy or another.

In general, the strategy of a construction company is related to making a profit based on the results of a construction tender. Only in some exceptional cases does profit not play a major role, for example, when, thanks to a low price for a given order, a more profitable and larger order can be obtained in the future, or when the reputation of a construction company will increase due to the construction work of this customer.

It happens that it is necessary to carry out a tender for a construction company in order to keep the company constantly busy. This allows you to keep the company’s current employees at work and avoid their layoffs or layoffs.

How and where to find construction tenders

The first step to concluding a profitable contract is to find the necessary tender.

A well-organized search for tenders helps the supplier company gain insight into competitors' deals. The construction industry is one of the most actively developing in Russia. 25% of government purchases are construction tenders. Where can you find profitable construction tenders and how to carry out this task correctly?

Where to find construction tenders

Today, the largest number of tenders are published on the Internet. There are specialized electronic platforms where government and commercial organizations post their offers. There are 6 federal platforms for placing government orders and many commercial ones.

Construction tenders can be found directly on the official websites of state, municipal or commercial structures. When choosing such a strategy, you need to view many thematic sites every day.

There are special platforms (portals) for construction tenders. Proposals presented on the Unified Construction Tender Platform ESTP, created jointly with the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the National Association of Builders, may be profitable.

A large number of commercial offers can be found on the construction portal (

How to search for construction tenders?

The abundance of information creates the main difficulties in finding the most profitable tenders.

Narrow your search to tenders advertised in your region only. Local contractors and subcontractors have the best chance of winning construction tenders, especially for construction work in small towns.

You will incur lower costs due to proximity to the site, minimize logistics costs and be able to contact these organizations directly for information and learn about planned purchases.

In order to cover all sites where construction tenders are placed, as well as to find tenders that best satisfy your needs, it is possible to use special tender search programs.

Such systems save time searching for the right tenders. The next task for the organization is to assess the attractiveness of the tenders found.

Conducting tenders for construction involves holding a specially organized auction between contractors and customers. This is necessary to grant the right to enter into a work contract or supply agreement. A variety of orders for certain types of work, which must primarily be related to construction and repairs, can be put up for auction.

The main list of possible works during a construction tender:

  • construction and installation,
  • supply of building materials,
  • design and estimate work.

There are two main parties involved in such a bidding process: the customer and the contractor. The customer can be a legal entity or an individual who assumes the right to announce a tender. The contractor can be a natural or legal person who has the right to participate in the competition. The construction tender may take the form of an open or closed auction, requests for quotation or a regular competition.

Construction bidding process

During the event, a clearly planned drawing plan is necessary. First of all, the customer must announce the event in order to find suitable construction organizations. They agree to voluntarily perform work under conditions that include time, volume and price. All construction auctions imply a reduction in the initial price set by the customer. This process occurs due to the natural selection of competitive contracting companies that want to fulfill orders.

After the operation, the customer is given the opportunity to save his own financial resources. Direct participation in the tender for contractors ensures constant volumes of work performed, stable income, and the opportunity to take on all significant and important objects. All these points have a positive impact on the reputation of any construction company.

Legislative regulations in the field of construction tenders

To finally figure out how to conduct a construction tender, you need to read the current laws and regulations.

The construction tender today is regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The main part of the legislative framework consists of the Federal Law, Orders of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and Orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

The main list of laws is as follows:

  1. Next year the law “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs” will come into force.
  2. Law “On placing orders for the supply of goods, provision of services and performance of work for municipal and state needs.”
  3. Federal laws that are directly involved: “On Electronic Signature”, “On Protection of Competition”.

Classifiers OKVED and OKDP may also be needed.

Organizational work for a construction tender

First of all, the customer must prepare all the necessary documentation, which will provide a complete and detailed picture of the financial and technical aspects of the order. The main list of technical documents usually includes calculations, estimates, drawings and many other projects that will help each participant to imagine the nature, volume and agreed terms of the necessary work. Each tender organizer has every right to set his own conditions in advance for all candidates applying for contract work. These may include: work experience, license, number of full-time employees, participation in self-regulatory organizations, complete absence of debt, tax penalties and many other requirements.

The tender documents must additionally be accompanied by a written explanation of the bidding procedure for the contractor. Each announcement of an upcoming auction must be published on a special Internet portal or in the media. For the state customer, other basic provisions and a certain publication procedure were developed.

All construction organizations that have decided to take part in the competition must carefully study the competition documentation that was submitted by the customer. Within the established deadlines, participants in the upcoming competition send directly to the customer an application in the requested form with the required documents attached.

Thanks to modern electronic ordering systems and electronic platforms, you can easily and quickly track the status of a tender and application in real time. Each participant must remember that a government order requires a financial guarantee, which means that the contract is secured as a percentage depending on the total cost of the entire order.

We invite you to take part in open construction tenders on the MirStroyek.Ru Moscow portal. Along with tenders, demand announcements are published in the section: “buying”, “looking for”, “wanted”.

Individuals and companies can post construction tenders for free and act as a Customer after registering on the website. Any visitor to the portal, including unregistered ones, can be a participant.

You can receive notifications about new tenders using our Telegram channel -, as well as to your email by subscribing to our daily newsletter. The frequency of the newsletter is once a day from 19:00 to 21:00 Moscow time!

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  • 29.04.2019

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