State mortgage program for doctors. Preferential mortgage for health workers

State mortgage program for doctors.  Preferential mortgage for health workers
State mortgage program for doctors. Preferential mortgage for health workers

Welcome! Preferential mortgages for doctors are a very important social project. Today we will tell you the conditions of this program, how and where a mortgage for doctors is issued, as well as what package of documents you need to collect to participate.

The category of doctors and medical workers as a whole remains socially unprotected to this day. Buying a new home and solving the housing problem for such citizens is, for the most part, an unbearable burden. Since medicine and, accordingly, employees of medical institutions receiving funding from the state and regional budgets is a priority and socially significant area of ​​our economy, special preferential mortgage lending programs are being implemented to provide doctors with housing.

Often, the only option for purchasing a home or improving your living conditions may be to take out a mortgage. Doctors are no exception. Mortgage programs on preferential terms have been developed and implemented for them for several years now.

Until the end of 2014, such a program was administered by the federal authorities. Starting from the beginning of 2015, the targeted program “Mortgage Loan for Young Doctors” was phased out.

IMPORTANT! Mortgages for medical workers are now one of the tasks of regional authorities. You can get such a loan in certain regions of the Russian Federation.

Mortgage loans for healthcare workers are issued within the framework of the “” program, developed by the regional Government in order to attract valuable personnel to work in their medical institutions.

Key features of the Physician Mortgage Loan Program are:

  • preferential (reduced) interest rate – no more than 9% per annum;
  • subsidizing the cost of purchased housing from the regional budget;
  • the dependence of the amount of subsidies and loans on the composition of the doctor’s family and the average cost of housing in the region per 1 sq. m.

The parameters of a preferential loan for medical workers are given in the table below:

The essence of the program is that the Government of the Moscow Region pays 50% of the price of the purchased housing for a medical institution employee and additionally compensates for the remaining amount of the principal debt in the form of monthly payments. That is, the borrower will only have to pay interest on the use of borrowed funds, which can become a completely feasible item of expenditure for the family budget.

Participant requirements

To participate in the program in question, a health care worker must meet certain requirements. Among them:

  1. Availability of Russian citizenship.
  2. The borrower's age limit is no older than 50 years (previously it was no more than 45 years old).
  3. Availability of a professional diploma in the field of medicine and the first qualification or highest category, as well as an academic degree.
  4. Positive or neutral credit history (the main condition is that there are no negative financial relationships with banks and other lending institutions).
  5. The doctor and his family members do not own residential real estate in Moscow and the Moscow region.
  6. Work experience in state and municipal healthcare institutions for at least 3 years.
  7. Willingness and possibility of concluding an employment contract to work in a medical institution near Moscow for a period of at least 10 years.

In the Moscow region, many hospitals, medical and perinatal centers have recently been built and reconstructed, which need the best and most qualified personnel. The social mortgage program is designed to fill the existing shortage of workers. In this way, the Moscow Region government helps not only to find a stable job, but also to solve housing problems.

The qualifications of a health worker are also subject to requirements established by law. Participants can be employees of medical institutions of the following specializations and areas:

  • emergency doctors;
  • therapists;
  • surgeons;
  • functional diagnostic doctors;
  • pediatricians;
  • obstetricians-gynecologists;
  • neonatologists;
  • ultrasound doctors;
  • pathologists;
  • endocrinologists;
  • doctors of cardiovascular surgery;
  • urologists;
  • neurologists;
  • anesthesiologists;
  • radiologists;
  • phthisiatricians;
  • ophthalmologists;
  • psychiatrists, etc.

It is the medical workers of the listed specialties that hospitals near Moscow most need.

List of documents

To apply for a preferential mortgage loan, healthcare workers must collect a set of the following documents in advance:

  • diploma of higher education (copy);
  • an application requesting participation in a social program and inclusion in the appropriate register;
  • documents confirming completion of additional postgraduate training (residency and internship);
  • certificate of assignment of a qualification category (copy);
  • characteristics from work;
  • a copy of the work book (certified);
  • application form with photographs with an autobiography attached;
  • listing of practical and scientific works created by the applicant;
  • copies of marriage and birth certificates of children (if any);
  • an extract from the home book or a certificate from the HOA on the date of submission of documents.

Additionally, other documents may be required depending on the specific case.

Also, along with the above package, the potential borrower must provide documents for the purchased housing, including a certificate of ownership, a contract of sale/donation/me, etc.

Where to contact

All necessary information about the conditions of the mortgage program for doctors is presented on the official website of the AHML. Quite recently, an additional website for the program itself was created with statistical data and key requirements.

To apply for a preferential mortgage, you should contact the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region along with the collected set of documents. In this authority, a potential participant will be able to clarify all the parameters of the loan being issued and decide on the property to be purchased.

All further actions will have to be coordinated with this Ministry. The agent bank Gazprombank will issue a direct loan.

Program for doctors at Sberbank

Several years ago, even before the start of the economic crisis in the country, Sberbank was actively involved in processing several social loans, including doctors, teachers, and scientists.

Of the socially oriented projects, only 2 remain today:

  • military mortgage;
  • mortgage for a young family.

If a medical worker does not meet the conditions and requirements for participation in a social mortgage for residents of the Moscow Region, then an alternative option for improving housing conditions may be to obtain a mortgage for young families. The conditions for it are also considered preferential:

For this product, registration using two documents is possible, but the rate will be slightly higher - from 9.6 to 10% per annum.

Spouses will act as co-borrowers under the loan agreement.

Features of mortgages for young families are:

  • providing a deferred payment of the principal debt upon the birth of a child;
  • use of free government subsidies - allocating 30% of the cost of housing for families with children (5% is added for each child born);
  • age limit of borrowers is from 21 to 35 years;
  • the need to confirm the need to improve housing conditions (putting on a waiting list with local authorities).

That is, at Sberbank, doctors and other health workers can use only one of two options for obtaining a mortgage: a program for young families or a standard loan. In the latter case, of course, no subsidies are provided. Here it is important to calculate all the available options and choose the most suitable and profitable one for yourself.

Mortgages for medical workers do not currently exist at Sberbank as a separate product.

Program for health workers in the Moscow region

The conditions for preferential mortgage lending to medical workers discussed above in the article relate to the social mortgage program for residents of the Moscow region. This program is being implemented within the framework of the federal Housing program. It is the basis of all developed and operating subprograms at the regional level.

Many doctors and employees of healthcare institutions in our country are ready to move from other constituent entities of the Russian Federation to the Moscow region if they are provided with a job and assistance in obtaining comfortable housing. This is especially true for health workers in small and remote settlements, where there are serious difficulties with finding employment and solving housing problems.

A qualified doctor with experience living in a remote village in the province can hardly count on building a successful career and receiving a decent salary there. Therefore, it is quite logical that this program is in demand among medical workers, especially since the allocated subsidies and benefits are a serious help and significant material support.

A simple example: buying an apartment in the Moscow region worth 3 million rubles will not greatly impact the doctor’s family budget, since you will only have to pay accrued interest (8.75 or 9% per annum, depending on the type of housing purchased). In total it will be about 20 thousand rubles. The loan is issued at Gazprombank with all conditions and nuances specified in the loan agreement and in the mortgage agreement.

As an additional alternative to obtaining a mortgage for employees of a medical institution, you can consider filling out an application at VTB Bank of Moscow. It presents a special loan product “People of Action” for doctors, teachers and civil servants. The main conditions for issuance are given below:

The offered interest rate is quite competitive, since for standard mortgage programs it is slightly higher (on average by 0.5 percentage points). The minimum amount of borrowed funds is 500 thousand rubles, and the maximum is largely determined by the level of income of the health worker and the property owned.

VTB Bank of Moscow, by analogy with Sberbank, offers a method of registration using 2 documents for those clients who do not have the time and opportunity to collect an extended package. This may be relevant when urgently purchasing a specific property.

Another option for solving housing problems for doctors is participation in the “Zemsky Doctor” program, which provides:

  • allocation of a subsidy in the amount of 1 million rubles, which can be used for the construction or purchase of housing in rural areas;
  • obtaining a plot of land with favorable conditions for building your own home;
  • allocation of a house as a property;
  • calculation of a salary supplement.

All these conditions will be available only if the main factor is met - it is necessary to conclude an employment contract to work in a medical institution in a rural area. The term of such an agreement cannot be less than 5 years.

The targeted programs for preferential mortgage lending to doctors that existed until the end of 2014 have proven their effectiveness and targeted assistance to socially vulnerable categories of the population. However, due to the economic crisis, the implementation of these programs was curtailed. In 2019, medical workers can get an affordable mortgage only within the framework of regional programs.

An example is a social mortgage for doctors in the Moscow region, developed by the Government of the Moscow Region. Thanks to it, a doctor will be able to buy housing in the Moscow region, receive a free subsidy in the amount of 100% of the price of the purchased property and pay only accrued interest. A prerequisite is the conclusion of an employment contract in a hospital near Moscow or other medical institution for a period of at least 10 years.

We will be glad to see your questions in the comments. If you need help getting a preferential mortgage, we recommend scheduling a free consultation with our mortgage lawyer.

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The housing problem is relevant for many citizens of our country. Various programs created by the state in this area contribute to its solution. One of the areas of their development is supporting young specialists, in particular, medical workers. We will tell you further about how preferential mortgages are provided for doctors.

Types of state assistance for doctors - what programs are available

Doctors, like other residents of our country, can participate in existing housing programs if certain conditions are met.

For example, young families of doctors can receive an interest-bearing mortgage loan on more favorable terms. However, separate support measures are also provided for them. The following programs are available to health workers:

  • mortgage for health workers;
  • mortgage for all young professionals;
  • zemstvo (rural) doctor.

Each of the listed programs helps solve the housing issues of this category of workers. In the first case, they are provided with preferential mortgage loans that allow them to purchase housing. Professionals who have received appropriate education and are young can also count on a more favorable mortgage.

Doctors are entitled to assistance in their work in rural areas. It can be expressed in the provision of land for the construction of a private house, the purchase of housing, the payment of allowances from budget funds, and the allocation of service apartments.

Service housing for doctors

Health care workers who do not wish to participate in housing programs or do not qualify for their conditions may be provided with official housing. It is allocated to specialists for the period of their activities.

WITH Office housing for doctors is allocated under the conditions established in a particular region.

For example, in the Moscow region, doctors of the most in-demand specialties who work permanently in medical municipal and state institutions of the region and who need housing can receive such housing.

Social mortgage for doctors

The social mortgage program is designed to help certain categories of borrowers. Among them are state employees, whose income often does not allow them to take out a conventional mortgage.

Social mortgages for doctors provide them with the opportunity to acquire their own housing. After all, in this case the state itself guarantees for the borrowers. Not all public sector employees can receive loans on special terms, but only those who meet certain conditions.

Social mortgage - who is eligible for it?

The social mortgage loan is designed for public sector employees of various specialties. Moreover, in the healthcare system, this can be not only doctors. Under the terms of this program, persons who have a diploma of completed higher (secondary) education in their profession will be able to participate in it.

In some regions, additional requirements are imposed on candidates.

For example, let's deal withsocial mortgage in the Moscow region, in particular, we will consider who is entitled to it. According to the Decree of the Regional Government, it can be received by doctors of the specialties specified in this document, as well as paramedics of emergency care. Moreover, they must have at least three years of experience, the highest or first qualification category, and an academic degree.

The age of candidates is limited to 45 years.

Conditions for doctors to obtain a mortgage

Not only medical personnel, but also other health workers can take advantage of the preferential program. The main criterion is the presence of a special specialized education. It can be not only the highest, but also the average. Other conditions for obtaining a loan are:

  • young age (on average up to 35 years);
  • Russian citizenship ;
  • medical work experience (from one year);
  • need for housing improvement;
  • willingness to work in the region for several years (usually five).

In addition, when purchasing housing, you should proceed from the norm of eighteen square meters per person. It should be borne in mind that the program in each region may have its own characteristics. Therefore, the required age, length of service in the profession and period of service in the region may vary.

Conditions may also vary from bank to bank. Some of them do not issue loans for old housing stock.

Minimum income level honey. employee to receive benefits

The advantage of this program is that banks do not take into account the level of income when applying for mortgage loans. After all, such lending is provided with the participation of state support, and the state bears part of the costs.

However, if you intend to enter the program, you need to thoroughly assess your ability to repay your loan payments on time.

What do social participants get? mortgages

The advantages of this type of mortgage are as follows:

  • the mortgage loan rate has been significantly reduced (around 7%);
  • the amount of the first payment is reduced to 10%;
  • The mortgage repayment period can be up to thirty years;
  • assigning part of the mortgage costs to the state;
  • no income requirements;
  • guarantee from the state for the obligations of health workers.

Which banks provide social benefits? mortgage for doctors

Not all credit institutions are partners of this program. They must meet its requirements and be prepared to provide loans on special terms. The most famous lending institutions working with the program. are:

  • Sberbank;
  • Gazprombank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Uralsib;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Revival;
  • Bank of Moscow;
  • Raiffeisenbank.

However, in a particular city, local banking institutions may also be involved in the implementation of this program. Therefore, it is worth finding out which banks issue such loans in your city (region).

Package of documents for the bank

Purchasing housing on favorable terms is possible subject to compliance with the conditions for candidates for social security. mortgage, providing banks with all required documents. Each credit institution may have its own list of documents required for registration. In general, it looks like this:

  • statement;
  • passport (other identity document);
  • TIN and SNILS;
  • educational documents (diploma);
  • employment history;
  • information about existing living conditions;
  • income certificates;
  • documents about marriage and children (if available).

In some cases, other documents may be required. A complete list of them should be found in a specific credit institution in your city.

Registration procedure

If you decide to take advantage of the program’s bonuses, you should check whether you meet its conditions. One of them is the need for more comfortable housing. This status must be officially confirmed.

Therefore, first you need to join the local administration in the queue of those in need of improved housing. Next you need to proceed as follows.

  • Submit an application to the municipality for assistance in receiving social benefits. mortgages. For this purpose, papers are provided about the applicant’s identity, his living conditions, education, place and length of work. Having received a positive hand decision, you can go to the bank.
  • You should first find out about all the banks operating in the region under the program, the conditions of social services provided in them. loans With the certificate received from the administration and the list of papers indicated above, you need to go to the selected bank. After writing an application, you should wait for a positive response. While waiting, you can look for housing options if they have not yet been found.
  • Then comes the direct registration of a social mortgage. In addition to signing the contract itself, you will need to evaluate the selected property and obtain the bank’s consent to purchase it.
  • With the consent received, a purchase and sale transaction is concluded. The transfer of rights under it should be registered in Rosreestr. The mortgage is also subject to registration and insurance.

Pros and cons of participating in a mortgage

The undoubted advantages of social mortgages are its special preferential conditions. Reduced rates and down payments, a guarantee and participation in state expenses allow state employees with low incomes to solve their housing problems. In addition, this program partially contributed to solving personnel problems in regional medical institutions.

The disadvantages include strict requirements for candidates and the need to work in the regions for a long time. In some, this figure reaches ten years. If you quit such a job early, you will have to return the funds allocated for the mortgage to the budget.

Unfortunately, the monthly income of most Russian doctors does not allow them to provide personal comfortable housing for themselves or their families. Therefore, in order to increase the number of doctors provided with apartments, special government projects are being created that make mortgages more affordable for this irreplaceable category of citizens. This article discusses government programs for subsidizing medical personnel, as well as the conditions and requirements for entering into housing projects.

The purpose of subsidizing medical workers for the purchase of housing is to attract young specialists to the industry and provide highly qualified medical personnel to distant regions of the country. approves two federal ones aimed at preferential mortgage lending for medical staff:

  1. Zemsky doctor.

Features of receiving benefits when purchasing housing for health workers in 2019

The conditions for providing subsidies are determined independently by regional authorities. Benefits for doctors when purchasing a home in 2019 are limited to two main areas:

  1. Providing preferential loans for building a house. In this case, the land plot is allocated free of charge.
  2. Purchasing housing in a new building.

State support in general comes down to either easing the credit burden or forming a down payment.

The “Zemsky Doctor” project is aimed at attracting young specialists to rural areas (Article 51, paragraph 12.1). Under this program, the purchase of housing can be replaced with “lifting” in the amount of 1 million rubles.

Advantages of a social mortgage for doctors:

  1. Low annual loan interest.
  2. Down payment of 10% of the cost of purchased square meters.
  3. Possibility of partial subsidization of the loan amount by the state.
  4. Possibility of combination with other social programs, for example, with maternity capital for partial repayment of a medical mortgage.
  5. The income of a health worker is not considered when considering a loan application, since the state is the guarantor of repayment of the mortgage debt.

There is one distinctive feature of the medical subsidy program: after receiving a preferential loan, a specialist must work for five to ten years in the region.

Mandatory requirements for program applicants

for health workers is designed for young professionals who meet the following requirements:

  1. Age category up to 35 years (in some regions candidates under 40 years of age are considered).
  2. Having a higher education or specialized secondary education.
  3. Minimum 1 year of experience in the medical industry.
  4. Work in the public sector. Specialists working for commercial non-governmental organizations are not considered as candidates.
  5. The need to improve living conditions has been confirmed by municipal authorities.
  6. Willingness to work in a regional medical institution for 5 to 10 years.

The procedure for applying for benefits when buying a home in 2019

First of all, it provides for obtaining the status of “in need of improved housing conditions.” You can prove this at the local administration by providing the following documents:

  • about family composition;
  • all information about the common living area in which the family lives or about the lack thereof in the property.

A special housing commission will assess the living space and draw up a report if deviations from recognized social and living standards are identified. This may be a lack of square meters for each family member, or non-compliance with sanitary living standards (dilapidated, unsafe or unsuitable premises). Based on the received act of the housing commission, local authorities issue a certificate, which is a document confirming the status of a person in need of improved living conditions.

Application procedure for participation in the medical staff support program in 2019

To obtain the coveted participant status and receive a subsidy for the purchase of housing, health workers must collect a package of documents:

  • a copy of the potential candidate's passport;
  • a copy of the marriage registration certificate, if the candidate is in a registered relationship;
  • birth certificates of children (if any);
  • a diploma confirming higher or secondary vocational education;
  • a copy of the work book, certified by the employer, confirming the length of service and place of work;
  • a certificate confirming that the candidate is on the municipal queue to improve living conditions;

The list of documents can be expanded, and it depends on the program that the potential candidate chooses. For example, in some regions they may request a copy of an employment contract confirming an indefinite employment relationship with a medical institution, or request documents on additional education or advanced training. All collected documents are transferred to the regional social security department, which, within 30 calendar days, will decide whether to include the medical applicant in the chosen program or not.

The result of the first stage of collecting documents will be inclusion in the program to receive a subsidy, the result of the second stage will be the conclusion of a mortgage loan with the bank. To successfully complete the second stage you must:

  • assess your own financial capabilities, since you must allocate your own funds monthly to repay the loan;
  • determine the list of new buildings offered under the preferential lending program;
  • decide on a partner bank working with government programs;
  • prepare documents required by the financial institution;
  • conduct an assessment of the purchased property;
  • draw up a purchase and sale agreement;
  • arrange insurance for the purchased property.

Partner banks and the conditions they offer for the purchase of housing by healthcare workers in 2019.

  • Sberbank is a leader in preferential lending and regularly expands its offers of preferential mortgages to state participants. programs.
  • Gazprombank offers young doctors a loan term of up to 30 years, and, subject to making an initial payment of 50 percent, a low loan rate.
  • Rosselkhoz Bank is an active participant in the Zemsky Doctor program.
  • The Bank of Moscow, a participant in the regional “Young Doctor” programs, offers a loan period of up to 50 years if certain conditions are accepted by the borrower.

Mortgages for medical workers in these banks can be subsidized by the state program up to 40% of the cost of the purchased housing.

You can calculate the preliminary cost of a mortgage and monthly payment using the mortgage calculator on the website of the selected bank. It should be noted that calculations using the calculator on the website will be approximate and a personal application to the bank is preferable, since bank specialists can offer lending conditions on more favorable terms, taking into account the submitted documents and an individual approach.

The bank takes from five to ten working days to review and evaluate the submitted documents. It is important to understand that a credit institution may refuse to provide a preferential loan after assessing the solvency and (or) reliability of the potential borrower independently.

Disadvantages and advantages of receiving a subsidy for doctors in 2019

The state program, due to its scale, cannot fully satisfy all participants. There are also pitfalls in special projects to support medical staff. Significant disadvantages include:

  1. Age limit. Obtaining a professional level corresponding to the first or highest category for physicians is possible only after a certain period of development in the profession. Consequently, the salary level of a young public sector specialist will be low for 10 or 15 years, which means that the monthly mortgage payment will remain “unaffordable.”
  2. The mandatory period of “settling of life” in case of obtaining a mortgage loan limits young professionals from moving, and therefore reduces the number of people wishing to take advantage of the medical support program.
  3. The economic situation of the region is not always conducive to active housing construction of subsidized housing, which leads to increased waiting times.
  4. Restrictions on the choice of purchasing living space. Subsidizing involves concluding transactions only in new buildings. Housing from the secondary fund is not considered by banks as lenders.

Experts note positive aspects.

There is no separate federal program aimed only at doctors. Some regions have developed their own projects to help medical workers. For example, in Vladimir there is a loan “Mortgage for medical workers”. The state allocates 350,000 rubles to pay the down payment, and then helps with interest payments for 5 years.

Mortgage programs for doctors

Employees of government agencies can also receive a social mortgage. A young doctor can receive a preferential loan through AHML (Home Mortgage Lending Agency). AHML cooperates with, compensating credit institutions for unfavorable conditions for them. Doctors receive a loan with a low interest rate, a small down payment amount and a long repayment period.

Doctors under 35 years of age who have worked in their specialty for at least one year can participate in the Mortgage for Young Professionals. Young professionals need to write an application at their place of work to get in line to receive a preferential loan.

To find out what conditions are available for obtaining a mortgage for medical workers in the regions, contact your local authorities.

The country's financial institutions periodically offer preferential mortgages for certain categories of citizens, including medical workers. In addition, there are government programs that significantly improve lending conditions. Housing for doctors may become cheaper, since some part of its cost may be covered by the federal/regional budget.

How to take advantage of benefits in 2019? More on this later in the article.

The essence of the problem

How else does the government help?

Additionally, doctors and nurses can participate in other projects. For example:

  1. Providing housing for young professionals.
  2. Zemsky doctor.
  3. Mortgage for doctors.

Some regions allocate plots of land to doctors without requiring reimbursement of their cost. In addition, social or service apartments are offered to specialists.

Regional measures to provide doctors and medical staff with housing come down to:

  • reducing the credit burden;
  • formation of the initial contribution.

Selection criteria for participants

  1. Participants in the state program receive a corresponding document.
  2. They provide it to the bank, where a mortgage has already been issued on standard terms.
  3. Based on this document, the financial institution is reimbursed the amount of the first installment from the budget.
  4. Interest is repaid to the account of the program participant. The salary includes the initial amount that the borrower deposited into the bank.
  5. The financial institution calculates the difference and informs the budgetary organization that makes payments to the doctor.
Only an employee receiving a salary from the budget can apply for preferences. Private physicians are not accepted into the program.

Where to apply for funds

Government agencies manage the allocation of funds. You need to go to the local administration and find out about the presence of an existing program in the region. If there is one, you should write a statement. It is recommended to have with you all the documents proving the need for improved living conditions.

In addition to passports and birth certificates of children, these include:

  1. Certificate that the family is in line.
  2. Mortgage agreement.
  3. Work record book (prove experience).
  4. Educational diploma (demonstrate that you have the necessary qualifications).
  5. Documents about your current place of residence (or lack thereof).
  6. Preferential certificates (if available).

Are only doctors entitled to preferences?

The official documents of the state program indicate that state assistance is available to people who have a diploma in special education. This means that in addition to doctors, junior medical staff and pharmacists can take part in it.

Housing for medical professionals is an event aimed at a wide range of workers. However, in fact, it is mainly used by doctors with higher salaries.

There are other programs in the country, the conditions of which may be more suitable for people with low incomes.


Let’s briefly consider what needs to be done to acquire housing with the help of the state.

  1. Find out whether there is a preferential lending program for specialists in the relevant profile in your region of residence.
  2. Submit an application for participation with the attached package of documents.
  3. Receive a certificate for a state subsidy.
  4. Choose a bank and check if it works with the budget.
  5. Find out what documents you need to provide to apply for a mortgage.
  6. Collect them and take them to the financial institution.
  7. Conduct an assessment of the property proposed for purchase and coordinate it with the bank.
  8. Draw up a purchase and sale agreement.
  9. Register a mortgage.
  10. Carry out property insurance.

Negotiations with a credit institution will take at least a month. Specialists will examine all documents and provide an answer. They will also recommend a home appraiser, although you can use your own.

Even if you count on budget support, think carefully about whether you can pay your part of the loan.

What documents does the bank require?

You will need to prove Russian citizenship, since banks are reluctant to work with foreigners.

It will be necessary to report all family income and expensive property owned. Documents of all family members must also be provided, as well as SNILS and TIN.

The bank takes care of its funds, therefore, it issues them only to solvent citizens. For this purpose, a copy of the work record book is provided. Another required document is a diploma of education.

About the obligations of the recipient of assistance

When considering whether to take the risk and take out a jumbo loan, there are two important things to remember:

  1. You will have to pay your part for a long time (according to the terms of the loan).
  2. You will have to work for at least five years in the place where you are currently employed.

Transfer to another job is made only with the consent of the government agency where the subsidy was issued. If you conceal the transfer, you will have to return the entire amount of assistance to the budget within a month.

The subsidy is targeted. If the money is not used to improve housing, they will be forced to return it, and a criminal case may be initiated.

Additional repayment options

There are ways to get rid of debts provided by other programs. Maternity capital can be used to repay the loan balance or part of it. In addition, in the regions and at the federal level there are measures in place that allow people to apply for mortgage subsidies in the event of the birth of children. An amount equal to the cost of 18 square meters is issued. meters or partially repay the loan.

The right of a citizen to participate in only one housing program is legally established. This does not apply to maternity capital. If there are two specialists in a family, then everyone can participate in programs, for example, in the “Zemsky Doctor”.

When thinking about a new apartment, look for as much information as possible about programs operating in your area.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

Practice has shown that with budget support, doctors can get apartments much easier. People can pay off credit institutions and improve their standard of living.

State guarantees allow you to feel more confident in your relationships with banks.

Good news

A social mortgage is given only if a protocol of intent is signed between local authorities and a medical institution.

Thus, the employer is also an indirect guarantor of payments. It creates conditions for the borrower to have normal work, including well-paid work.

Specific conditions in the regions are regularly reviewed and supplemented, and preferential categories are expanded. For 2018, the budget included an amount of one trillion rubles for state support for the acquisition of housing by citizens.

Underwater rocks

At the same time, concluding an agreement with a creditor requires special attention of all parties. Often banks only care about their own interests. Experts recommend paying attention to the following points:

  1. Is it stated in the paper that the conditions cannot be unilaterally changed? If there is no such clause, then the borrower runs the risk of finding out over time that he owes much more than before.
  2. Look at all the additions and specifications: do they have seals, signatures and other required details?
  3. The above documents must not diverge from the terms of the contract.
  4. There should be no insurance commissions, since there are state guarantees.
  5. Level of penalties. They must not be discriminatory.
Use the services of a specialist when checking the terms of mortgage securities.

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To quickly resolve your problem, we recommend contacting qualified lawyers of our site.

Last changes

In April 2019, a regulatory act on “mortgage holidays” appeared, according to which borrowers who find themselves in difficult life situations have the right to count on a grace period of six months. Within the latter, citizens will be able to suspend loan payments or reduce their size.
These rules will begin to apply to people who have lost their jobs, received 1-2 groups of disability, or lost their breadwinner. Including for existing credit legal relations.

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Preferential mortgage for medical workers

February 3, 2017, 2:44 pm May 5, 2019 10:28 pm