The Thing: Manuals and Passage. Passage of The Next Big Thing

The Thing: Manuals and Passage. Passage of The Next Big Thing

Before you break into the whirlpool of events taking place on the Country of 31, lost in the snow of Antarctica, the authors of the game offer you to pass the battle baptism and at the same time learn how to manage a small group of companions. There are no creatures or enemies on the first two levels, and you can safely deal with the game management; The only one's enemy is frost, therefore, especially admiring the surroundings.
Dress up warmer and remember that nerve cells are not restored. Ah, yes, do not forget to explosives, she definitely does not hurt you.

Outpost 31.

After arriving at the outpost 31, you will be given two tasks: "Collect evidence and find survivors", and the second - "so that all members of your team are survivors."
In place of the disembarkation, turn 180 degrees and somewhere in a pair of tens of meters you will find MR5, cartridges and 4 signal rockets (you can wear 5 signal missiles with you). Then run to the outpost and enter the main door. Inside the outpost Turn left and enter the open door. You can not choose in principle, since the entrance to another part of the building blocks the explosion.
Opposite the door through which you entered, you will see a broken box of controlling the doors. Go close to her close and following the instructions, replace it. If you are too lazy to fix yourself, you can ask for it to make your engineer, just select it from the control menu and click on the repair icon. After the door opens, enter inside. Baba! Some joker mined the computer, and you have a bit contusted. Not trouble, it's time to seek medical care. To fix health, just come to the doctor in your team, and he to treat you completely free. Unfortunately, the doctor himself, as well as other members of the team, can not be treated independently, and you will have to take into account that taland aid kits for everyone.
In the room with a computer, take a gun, cartridges to it, as well as ammunition for MR5. Go back to the hall.
As soon as you find yourself in the lobby, the repeated explosion clears the passage to the outpost. Go to the farthest end of the hall and turn left. Go through the destroyed room and try to open the door to the right. The door is closed, and you will have a new task - "Find the key from Lazaret."

Keys from Lazaret

Go across signal lamps that are standing around the edges of the path. On the way you will meet the wreckage of the helicopter and the snowpressure. Finally you get to a huge funnel or hole in the ground. Go down. Right in front of you there will be a shelf with an ammunition, and a little ahead of a small yarn, where you can get a fire extinguisher. Then turn around and go to the left until you find another niche with signal missiles. If there is a place in the inventory, then take them with you. Continue to go around the funnel clockwise until you stick to the remnants of Macredy's radiors. Come inside and launch Macrodi's record, which could be heard in the film itself. Then leave the radio and go to the cave. Inside you will find Blair ship (Blair), as well as the key from the Lazaret, which lies here on the table. Return to the door to the lazaret and enter inside.


Turn left in the climb and see the next broken box with wires. Your knowledge will not be enough here, so ask your engineer to fix for you. To the right of you will be the door with the code. Your task: Find access code.
Stroll by Lazareu, where you can read some documents, as well as to climb on the computer. Work at the computer and get the access code. It is not necessary to memorize it, it is introduced automatically.
As soon as your team get closer to the corpses to the right of the computer, your doctor will start terribly shaking from fear (strange, do not the torture to doctors show the corpses?). Be that as it may, calm the doctor can be very simple - making it the injection of adrenaline or forcing everyone to quickly leave the lazaret.
Click on the door lock on the door and leave the climb. Turn left and on the wall you will see the first aid kit. Take from there as much as you can carry (but not more than three). On the right there is another faulty mechanism. Repair it yourself or ask the engineer. The room contains a recording device that allows you to save the game. That's what you do. Go out through the door to the street.


Go along the lanterns with lanterns until you see the ruins of the house where the Corpse of Childs is located. Talk to Colonel Whitely (Whitely) about the Child's corpse and UFO. Whiteley will give you the last task - "pick up explosives and undermine the remains of the outpost."

After talking to the colonel, go along the second track with flashlights to the place where there are bins with explosives. This place can also be marked with red smoke raids, and the remnants of the helicopter lie next to. Take the explosive. Now you need to minister the outpost. One Packing C4 attach to the wall in the climb (the place where the explosive is marked with red), and the other is in the first room next to the main entrance.
After the outpost is styled by explosives, collect your team together and run to the place where there were drawers with C4. You must pick up the helicopter.

Norwegian outpost - north

After you fall around near Norwegian outpost, run to the building ahead. The first thing you see is a high voltage lattice. So far, do not turn off the electricity, walk along the grille is strictly prohibited. Go to the right from the lattice and enter the open door. Go straight along the corridor to the broken door control box. Repair it and enter inside.

Door access code

In the upper left corner of the room you will find Carter (Carter), one of the fighters of the alpha team. Carter is wounded and will not help until you treat it. If you do not have a firstly aid kits, then inspect the room, it lies somewhere there. In addition to the first aid kit in the room there is still a lot of useful things: flashlight, cartridges for MR5 and fire extinguisher.
Return to the Carter and shade it. Carter will begin to trust you, but not so much to obey your orders. To win his trust and love, give him one of his pistols and a little cartridges. Now you can force the crankcase to fix the broken wiring for the computer and the control panel. Box with wiring is on the right in the corner near the closed door with the code.
While Carter is reinforcing the wiring, go to the place where the fighter of the alpha division saw first. Nearby is a door blocked by two jackets with fuel. Speach in barrels. Exploding, barrels will open the door. Use the flame fire extinguisher to enter the room. In the room you will find a soldering iron, a canister with fuel and 3 closures for MR5. Return back to Carter.
When the carter finishes with the repair, electricity will appear in the room. The computer has data on mental and mental state of outpost personnel. The recording device will give the opportunity to record the game.
To get access code to a closed door, you must enter the camera control program that you can run from the remote control. The camera is installed in the room behind the closed door. Your task: Find an access code that is written on the bulletin board - simply direct the camera lens there and increase the image. The door is open!

Transition to the southern part of the outpost

Come in the now open door. In the room you will meet another alpha-cruise team fighter (Cruz). Talk to him and give weapons. Now under your leadership three. In the room, a hotel is a modest corpse, from whom to take the key from the room at the entrance to the outpost. In the area there is a switch, turning which, you turn off the voltage on the shedding grid. Before you can do it, the crankcase must repair the switch. Go to the hall.
Finally you attacked you! It happened in the first, but not the last time.
After you clean the hall from the creatures, enter the room on the left. In the room you will find 3 aid kits, 5 for a row for a gun and 4 grenades.
Go outside and turn left. Go along the path with lanterns, which leads down. Perhaps you will be attacked, but it is not necessary. Below, you will find another, who became the usual corpse, from which you can pick up: ammunition for a gun, MP5, 2 closures to MR5, as well as a first-aid kit.
Return to the top to the base and already de-energized lattice. Boldly go forward.

Norwegian outpost - south

After you moved through the grille, run along the path with lanterns to the hangar with radio equipment, over which a huge antenna rushes. As soon as you enter, the creature will pop up from the box. Kill it and feel at home. In the hangar you can get a fire extinguisher.
Get out of the hangar and run along the track right to a small structure in front. You will be attacked again, but do not delay, but they will wonder. Wire wiring at the door and enter. Inside you will find flamethrower. Use the fire extinguisher to repay the flame at the boxes. Then take 3 fuel canisters. Get out of the structure and come back to hangar with radio equipment. Touch the creatures on the road.

Come in the hangar and make fool. Get out and run to the building on the left.

Blood test

As soon as you give to the building, a video will start, which will help you open the door. Around the corner from the door there is a bunch of wooden boxes. Palf in them a couple of times to get to the wiring (shoot along the lower boxes, it will save you the cartridges). Repair wiring and enter the building. Here you will meet the next Pierce Specnas (Pierce). Pier does not want to believe that you are a person, and will require you blood test. The room also includes: key, fuel canisters and saved. Get out of the building.
Run to small buildings that dispersed behind the hangar with radio equipment. Be careful, since this place is occupied by creatures. In addition to creatures there are many different useful things here. In the first building on the right there is a first-aid kit, which lies on the table. If you are shooting boxes in the building, you will find two more first aid kits. The building on the left also has one first aid kit. In the penultimate building there is a box with wiring, which must be fixed. Inside the building are: 3 clips for a pistol and for MR5, as well as 2 signal missiles. Return to the first building on the right where you found the first aid kits. Go around the building from the back and climb the ramp upstairs. Open the door and enter. At the far end of the room in the box you will find 3 adaptations for blood test. Take them out and return to the pier.
Go to the pier close to start taking blood tests. First check yourself, and then check your counterpart. It seems to be all right with your blood, but everything is not so simple with the rest.
After you again seal the situation, take the abandoned ammunition and go out.

Norwegian research center

After the video, go to the tower. Here you will meet another warriory on the surname Pace (race). Pace will tell you that he and Williams (Williams) drove someone and lost each other from the view. Inside the tower, take: grenades and cartridges to MR5. Exercise the cartridges between themselves and the pace - should be enough on both. Get out of the tower.

Searches Williams

Run along the lanterns with flashlights to the next building. Here is the next box with the wires that you have to fix. As soon as you begin to repair it, you will attack creatures that will get out of the water pipes. So that this does not happen before starting to repair, palter a couple of times along the pipes and destroy them, then the creatures will not get out. After fixing wiring, enter inside. Here you will be attacked again. Go to the left until you find a box with cartridges for MR5 for yourself and Pace. Look out the window to get the following task. Go back to the hall to the door with a broken wiring. Take: 2 grenades that lie on top of the barrels with fuel. Repair wiring and enter the cafeteria. To the left of the door is the computer and two boxes that do not want to open. Read the documents on the computer, and then palter on the bottom drawer. In the box you will find a Tser (Taser).
In the corner of the room you will find Williams. Like others, Williams will refuse to help you until you kill three "ghosts", which roam next door. You do not have to look for them, they will find you.
If you have no flamethrower, go to the kitchen. Kill the creatures and take the flamethrough from the box. From the locker on the wall, take the canister with fuel. Near the stove is a device for blood test. The sane is also located here.
Return to the cafeteria where the first "ghost" is already waiting for you, which breaks the wall to enter. To kill the "ghost", you need to first shoot it out of ordinary weapons, and then fry from flamethrower. After killed the first of the "ghosts", go to the hole he did. Kill the next "ghost" that breaks the door. Go to the next room and disappear with creatures. A syringe with adrenaline will be on the table. It's time to proclaim and go to search for the last robe.
Find a room where the bed is standing, and the third "ghost" will appear from the adjacent rooms. After you kill him, explore the rooms where he came from. The first room contains boxes, shooting into which, you can get a shotgun. In the next room you can find a box with three packs of cartridges to a shotgun. Come back to Williams. Take Williams with you and head to the room with radio equipment. Repair wiring to work sacrop. As soon as you decide to use the radio transmitter, 2 "ghosts" and a couple of creatures will be attacked. Disappear with them. After that, follow the Williams, which will bring you out of the center. Be prepared for the fact that you will simply not be released.

Norwegian medical center

The center is a complex of five rooms. In the beginning of the level you will be in the main room. Here you can deal with cartridges for MR5, which lie on the diagnostic table. Go to rooms on the left. Here you are waiting for a cool disassembly with creatures and a new look - with tentacles that hang on the walls. Clean the room and replace the wiring for the room with radio equipment. Go out to the main room. The radio is the room on the right. The room is poorly illuminated, but you have to find a sacrist on the bed in it, a couple of canister with fuel and a torch. At the far end of the room there is a box where, in theory, a radio should have been. There is no radio there, but it is full of creatures.
After you work out the medical center and you will already barely breathe, two "ghosts" will be attacked on you, which break through the front doors. Kill them and go out. When you give up to the last span of the stairs, you will see a person who runs along the path with lanterns. Before rushing to the chase, turn right and kill the next "ghost". Go to the right until you find two flamers and a bunch of canister with fuel. Then run away from the medical center in any direction.

Meteorological station

Upon arrival, you will see that the stranger ran to the warehouse. Unfortunately, you are not included in the door to the warehouse. Run along the path with lanterns to the place fenced by the fence. Go to the right along the fence before the construction, in front of the entrance to which the corpse is. Inside the construction, you can make it easy and read the cartridges for MR5, pistol and the pistol itself, which are on the corpse. Go outside and go to the place illuminated by lanterns.

The main building

Climb the stairs to the building on the right. Warri waiting inside you. Find a room with a staircase. Under the staircase drawer with cartridges for MR5. Climb the stairs to the roof. Turn right on the roof and jump over the next building.
Shot a grid on the roof and enter the building. Ghosts and creatures are waiting for you in the building. Your task: to find the keys from the main station building. When you find, leave the building and collect your people.
The man you chase you to run to the main building. Go behind him. Between the main building and the warehouse there is a corpse from which you can remove flamethrower and a couple of canisters with fuel.
Inside the main building, we have all the lockers, you will see - there is a lot of useful. In one of the rooms there is a retainer, but it is usually guarded by creatures. Find a room with a staircase, near which the corpse is. Take the gun from him and enter the kitchen. The kitchen has cartridges for MR5 and shotgun, but beware! A fire will begin in the kitchen, and you will have to quickly run into the corridor. After the fire system will exhaust fire, you can return to the kitchen. In the far corner there is a key, and on the walls on the left side are decomposed: ammunition for sniper rifles, fuel canisters and shotgun cartridges. Get out of the kitchen and go up the stairs.
Upstairs you expect a "ghost" with buddies, some of them are not yet familiar with you. In the toilet in the lockers you can find first aid kits. Then come back to the main room. In the corner of the room there is a computer. Read the documents on the computer and go up the stairs to the dome.
After the video, a hotel is a good room for a sniper rifle and cartridges. Use the computer to find out what makes the box next. Use eyepiece for a telescope.
Get out of the dome, go down the stairs. Look at the door that leads to the roof. Shot a barrel with fuel. The explosion poured an antenna, and you can move to the roof of the warehouse. When you find yourself on that side, turn left and go upstairs, on the path of crumbling creatures. Upstairs shoot the lattice and go to the next level.

After a video, old familiar and new "ghost" about four feet will attack you. Kill everyone and go to a small yarn to fix the wiring. Then go to the office and talk to Collins. Use the computer and get a new task. Give Collins weapons and cartridges. It's time to launch a crane.
Go down the stairs under which the box with wiring is located. There is a small army of creatures and "ghosts". You will have to climb back the stairs and kill everyone. Then go down. Right in front of you closed door. Here are the cartridges for MR5 and shotgun. After the creatures attack, go to the room opposite the stairs, where there is a corpse with a note. From the note you will learn that you need a room key nearby.
Call Collins Card Wiring for Crane. When the crane earns, climb up the ceiling, where there are transverse beams. Close to the beams and go along the roof of the private office. There is a hole on the roof where you are climbing.
In the office, take the access card and read the documentation on the computer. Get out of the office and go to the closed door with the corpse. Inside is the retainer. Go on the Hall. Here Collins will decide to reincarnate, and your task is to do it. After that, the first boss awaits you.

Kill him!

Pyron Sub Alfa.

The level begins not far from the hole in the floor. Jump in it and turn left. Go to the place where there will be three doors. Remember the numbers on the doors and find out what is behind them. Come back from where they came.
Now go along the next passage. You will attack creature. If you are fast, you can block the passage. Get up to two doors. The left door is open. Come inside.
Climb the ramp on the right and stay there and stay. When the fire fills the room, use the fire extinguisher to get around the round tube. Continue to clean my way to the door at the far end of the room. Inside you are waiting: cartridges for MR5, cans, fire extinguisher and first aid kit.
Take the fire that closes the entrance to the room, turn left and go to a short corridor. Come on the door on the left - this is the operator.
Inside the set of controlled cameras, a computer, sane and control doors. Use the computer to get the access code. Activate the door number 4. Go through the hall, open the door and continue to walk along the corridor until you reach the end. Here you are awaiting a kind of labyrinth. At the other end of the labyrinth, the hydraulic switch. To quickly pass the labyrinth, keep the right side. Observe with grinding creatures. Turn the switch and return to the operator.
In the operator, open the door to the laboratory (Prep. Lab) and the room near (RM2). When the door in the room opens, a fire will begin in the lobby. Open the room (RM3). Go to the hall and disperse with the "ghost" and fire. In the room with a "ghost" is a grenade launcher.
Come in the laboratory and turn left. Go through the door, on the hall to the next level.

Pyron Sub Beta.

At this level, your main task is to find Dr. Faraday (Faraday). After disassembling with creatures, go to the edge left door from the entrance. There you will meet a pier who will tell you about people who have fallen into trouble in the premises for tests.
In the rooms next door, dial as much as you can carry and go down the stairs down. Below are: Save, computer, camera control and doors. The correct combination for doors: 9, 8, 6, 3 and 2. Open the first four doors and kill monsters. Door Number 2 Open later - for her dock Faraday. Take a doctor and cut your way back to the laboratory up the stairs. Go to the hall.

Strata Medi Lab.

You start the level unarmed. Peel from the diagnostic table and go to the next room. Repair the generator. The study room has a computer and two cameras. Use them to find out where the "ghost" is located.
Go to the door in the hall and open it. Then quickly hide behind the diagnostic table. Wait until the "ghost" does not enter the room, and then run away in the hall and close the door behind you.


In the lobby you will find a switch to the security zone, but it will not be possible to fix it. Take 2 closures for MR5 from the corpse and go to the nearest room. Repair the device for sterilization to enter the room where Falcheck is located. Give him cartridges and order to follow you.
Spend it along the corridor past a mined computer. In the boxes next to the exploded computer there is also a clip for MR5. Go along the corridor while you are not attacked by creatures. Kill them. Native a corpse for documents. Return to the room where the "ghost" locked.
Open the door and run to the sterilization room, to the souls. When the "ghost" appears in the shower, as soon as possible run past it and slam the door. Take the Falkhek and replace the northe area of \u200b\u200bthe northern zone (North Area Power Box). Go to the apartments of personnel. There is a computer through which you need to find out the favor of the weapon warehouse.
Go to the room where the level began. Go to the next door. You will be attacked, but the felchek will figure them out. In a small locker, you will find a flashlight and documents.

Repair the next generator on the wall to enter the neighboring room. Cave the Falkhek to Dixon (Dixon), and then take it to the command. You will attack, but if you come back quickly quickly and close the door, trouble can be avoided.
Go to the guard switch in the lobby. Cut the Dixon to repair. Go to the weapon warehouse, along the way to make an adrenaline injection and biting a first-aid kit. In the warehouse there is everything that your soul. Especially do not glaze, grab weapons and give it to Dickson, for you will attack. While Dickson shoots creatures, type the weapons and go out in the hall.

Gate guard

Here you are waiting for the old buddy, Carter. Take it to the team. Go to the guard goal. To deactivate the gate, click on the first and last switch. Go to cameras. Use the computer to find out where the FISK is located. Find it the camera and open. Check the Fisk using blood test. Mda, again twenty five ...
Find the camera with a lattice from behind and shoot it. Go through the pipe until you enter the room with two ghosts - kill them. Get out of the room and bring Dixon to repaid the generator. Then use the computer to get the access code to the elevators. Go to the elevators and go to the next level.

Cloudy weather, cheese snow whirl and burning polar station. The tape recorder with the last record of the pilot, the diaries of the physician, the hardened bottle of Chalds, the Norwegian, who cut her throat, and the inhuman cry, sinking somewhere among the torosa of the ice desert ... Twenty years later, "something" returns to large screens of home monitors. The continuation of one of the most religious films of the last century in one of the best games of the current presentation. Meet The Thing.. "Where the film ends is the real nightmare just begins."


The Thing is not exactly the usual 3D Action, which combines both the classic productions of the genre and something completely new for the world of three-dimensional action. And if you previously played the games of this genre, then the development of management is unlikely to take you a lot of time, but some important gameplay features The Thing are absolutely unique, so do not be lazy to learn our guide and be sure to go through the Tutorial mode in the game. Otherwise, then it will be only worse.


Basic interface

The game interface consists of the following main parts:

1. The game screen on which basic events occur.

2. Cold Indicator (Blue) and Health Indicator. When during the game you find yourself on the cold Arctic air, the cold indicator begins to slowly decrease, leading in the end to a tangible loss of health.

3. Menu of the selection of the current weapon. Here the first digit shows the number of cartridges in the store, and the second is the total number of ammunition of this type.

4. Additional items selection menu. These include: grenades, aid kits, fire extinguishers, testers syringes, flashlight, and the like.

Manual team

During the game, other characters will be connected to the main character, the NPC of all NPCs are three types: doctors (help to restore health to other team members), engineers (can repair complex mechanisms) and military (perfectly own any type of weapon).

The command manual interface consists of the following parts:

1. Character information window. The red bar shows the current level of health, the green is the degree of confidence in the character to you. If trust is too little - the character refuses to obey your orders and can behave very aggressive. You can increase the confidence of the character, giving him any weapon, having praised (if he was injured) or applying a syringe tester.

2. Switch commands "Follow me" and "stay in place". It applies to all team members.


Actions and orders

After selecting a specific character, the menu of action and orders, consisting of the following parts:

1. Character information window.

2. Command switch "For me" and "stay in place" for a particular person.

3. Menu orders. Engineers have to repair the broken equipment in the visibility zone, the doctors to treat people.

4. With this button, you can take away the available weapon from the character. Caution! May lead to a sharp loss of trust.

5. Information about weapons exhibiting the selected character.

6. Weapon issuing menu. By clicking this button, you can choose from personal inventory and give the necessary character any weapon, as well as ammunition to it.



Portable hand electric shock. The most useless weapon in the game. It is except that for the pacification of particularly nervous team members, but such actions very negatively affect the trust of the "shocked" character to you.


The gas burner is in second place for useless after electric shock. Too small radius of action, too insignificant abdomen ... Suitable for use. Is that in those cases when the charges ended to the flamethrower.


Army pistol. Very accurate and comfortable weapon when it comes to combating small rocks "Something" or point shots to the head of Homo Sapiens representatives. It is very good for weaponing the partners (if you give something more sorry for something).


A machine, weapons with whom we begin and end the game. The most common (practically no ammunition problems), the most frequently used gun, universal absolutely in everything. The queue marked in a flock of small "spiders" pauses in a matter of seconds.


Army shotgun - the best means to make the enemy during battles in the near distances. At a longer distance, alas, almost useless.


Flamethrower - the first sponner of the polar explorer in the difficult struggle with "something". It has two unpleasant features: leaves the burning mark on the floor and acts only in the near distances. On the other hand, only with the help of flamethrough, you can finally kill larger alien creatures.

Sniper Rifle.

Sniper rifle - almost no comment. Unprecedented range radius, strong slaughter force and extremely long recharge period. Point weapons applied only in the first-person view mode.

Grenade Launcher.

Grenadeomets - shoots pomegranates by parabole for considerable distance. It is much more accurate than throwing them manually.

Other equipment


Oddly enough, grenades in "something" are attributed to "other equipment" ... there are three types: discontinuous, stunning and incendiary. The latter are especially good when it is required to kill a large alien individual, but approaching a close distance with flamethrower is too dangerous.

Medical Kits.

Aid kits restoring scarce health. They are always small, they are always needed and they are quite rare.

Adrenaline Hypos.

If someone from your partners suddenly begins to be nervous, to fill in everything, throw a weapon or just to panic - make it an adrenaline injection. Will help.

Blood Test Hypos.

Testers syringes that determine the presence of "something" cells in the body. If suddenly someone from the team members do not trust you, use a syringe-tester on him in front of him.


Signal rockets. Serve to illuminate dark premises, with lanterns lose their entire value.


The flashlight is the most useful device in dark labyrinths of polar databases and de-energized meteorological complexes. It has an endless charge.

Fire Extinguisher.

Fire extinguisher - allows you to lie down a raging flame and discover relatively safe "paths" in fire fire.


In addition to live rivals (who play a secondary role in The Thing), the mysterious alien "something" will become the main inadequate. It is not identified and not divided into subspecies, but from the entire variety of alien creatures (or rather, mutants - because all these monsters consist of the usual human flesh), found in the game, one can distinguish three main types of enemies.


The most numerous subspecies of "something" are small arachnoids who can jump over long distances and quickly run around the walls and ceiling. Dangerous only because of their numerous. Most often are found near the broken corpses. Sometimes during the game there are "spiders", not entering into the near battle, and a mepto spindle-sprinkled liquid.


Unlike "spiders", with "stubble" can not be divided only with firearms. To finally finish the enemy, you will have to go into the course flamethrower. The most "harmless" "walkers" - those that have not had time to lose the human appearance until the end; Further, the so-called "uterus" - "walkers", collecting human flesh and generating new "spiders" go on the danger. The most dangerous variety of "something" is the combat "walkers", which finally lost the human form, armed with sharp spikes and quickly moving in terms of level. They also come across the "walkers", which took the form of the appearance of polar dogs - they are not as dangerous as their spout colleagues, but they can suddenly attack large flocks and run much faster than any living being.


Fit just three times in the whole game. These are huge clusters of living organic organics, most often protecting approaches to particularly important areas of level. The tactic of combating each boss will be described in detail in the following passage.

You can save the game only in specially designated places. For recording serve sometimes occurring tape tape recorders.

If in the game you will meet objects with which you can perform various actions (for example - to fix the electrical stopper or read the records on the computer), then a large palm icon will occur at the bottom of the screen.

In order to kill "something" larger "spider", it is necessary first of all to shoot it from automatic weapons, and as soon as its level of health falls to a critical mark (the scope will become red), it is additionally good to deliver from the flamethrower.

If you are not satisfied with the elected game the principle of the fire automation, you can always choose an alternative view of the first person. The accuracy of firing in this mode increases at times, but, alas, mobility is lost.

When the standard belief methods do not act on your partners, you can resort to a power solution: Switch to the first person view and move the crossbar of the character's head. Trust will not improve you from this, but at least people will perform orders.

Shoot all wooden boxes on the way. They often contain something really useful inside.

By sending a streaming jet to the floor, you can create a protective wall from the flame around you. Representatives of the alien reason are panicly afraid of fire - remember it always.

Saved games

During the passage of the game, you can simultaneously use only eight cells to save, so the preservation for The Thing. I had to divide into two groups. The first are preservations from early levels, in the second - respectively, with the latest levels. Take the ones that you need, and use the sovereign.

To use the saved games, unpack the file archive and copy all its contents to the subdirectory. \\ bin. In the directory with the installed The Thing.. You can download saved games from the Load Game subparagraph in the main game menu.


Scene and basic actors

The story The Thing is a logical continuation of the John Carpenter's simultaneous film. The action takes place in Antarctica, where a group of Norwegian polar explorers during the excavation accidentally finds the raging many thousands of years in the loose UFO with the body of an alien creature on board. After some studies, it turns out that the creature is still alive and its biological structure is extremely dangerous for a person. A sufficient one alien cell to get into the human body, as "something" is born inside, after a while completely subordinating the body and consciousness of man. "Something" affects the whole base, and one of the infected dogs resorts to the American Research Station No. 31, where "something" gradually subordinates almost all polar explorers, but dying during a massive fire committed by the pilot Mackage. The station has not been connected with the mainland for a long time, and a rescue expedition is sent there a few weeks later. From this point on, the game itself begins ...

Major Blake - Our alter-ego in the game, the commander of the "beta" squad of the Arctic rescue expedition.

Colonel Whitley - Head and coordinator of the entire rescue operation. A person who triggers some of his plans for a locked in Antarctica of an alien creature.

Captain Pierce - Blake colleague, alpha squad commander, conducting direct reconnaissance of the terrain.

Dr. Faraday - Polar researcher and prominent scientist, closer than all the mystery of "something".

John Male - Hero Kurt Russell, helicopter pilot from station №31 and central character of the film John Carpenter. In the game Mackage is given an episodic, but extremely important role.

Level 1 - Wrecked Stations №31

The helicopter, which arrived in the Cold Arctic Desert, brought on board four people - engineer, doctrine, soldier and you, Major Blake, Major's "Beta" commander of the rescue expedition sent to the Polar Station No. 31, which for several weeks has not been in touch. The polar town turned into a pile of smoking ruins, Colonel Whitley gives the last side fairs, and our squad remains one to one with the unknown.

So, first of all, look around the sides and from the boxes left by the helicopter, take the machine, are somewhat row of cartridges and signal missiles. Do not delay in the cold, move forward and enter the singular door. The fire is raging, and the road forward seems to be blocked. Turn left and go into a small room. Now is the time to get acquainted with our team: after the role is distributed, proceed to inspect the room. First of all, repaired the electric boards next to the locked door. When the repair is completed, come inside and ... OPS! .. Damned computer as if waiting for our arrival. Come to the doctor and wait until the dock will make a dressing. Return back to the room, take a gun and ammunition from the box and go out to the main corridor.

After an accidental explosion will release the passage, move forward along the corridor and through the destroyed rooms go out into the street. Pay attention to the surviving door leading to the second sector of the polar complex. She was locked, but we need to get inside. Therefore, you have to look for the key. Pay attention to the light path from small poles with flashlights upstairs - it is the polar explorers that are focused on such unacceptrons, so as not to get off the road during snow storms. Move along the track until you see the left of a small "crater" with some facilities at the bottom. Boldly jump inside and look carefully.

On the bookshelf, in the middle of the "Crater" will be reached by additional ammunition, and in the cave there are several boxes with equipment, fire extinguisher and signal rockets. Be sure to capture the fire extinguisher, go out and continue to explore the terrain. Inside the collapsed house, on the table for the collapsed cabinet lies an inconspicuous tape recorder. You can include it and listen to the latest entry from the audio industry pilot Mackage, one of the two survivors after the incident at the station. In another cave inside the crater, there is something more interesting - the remnants of the most alien ship, which twenty million years ago failed in Antarctica and brought "something" into our world. Carefully examining the ship, take the key from the wall at the wall and leave the crater. Blake will receive a message from the pier, the "Alpha" squad commander - it seems that the guys got into the alteration.

Return to the locked door in the second sector of the complex. Once inside the new room, throw a warning rocket to the floor, look left and try to see the broken electrical switch on the wall. Ask your engineer to fix it, light will turn on, and ... well, who would have thought that the Medic will hand over the first. Go to the table in the middle of the room, take the syringe and make a good adrenaline injection with a good Weldon. After he has come to himself, turn on the computer next to the confused corpse and carefully examine the recorded document. Now we know the access code to another room. Go to the locked door near the electric boiler and activate the digital console.

Repair the next electrical panels and take three hiking aid kits from the locker on the left wall. In the new room that opened on the table is a tape recorder of the game - Save, turn left and loosen through the door to cold Antarctic air. Go along the light path until you see a dilapidated shed - this is the place where at the end of the film with a bottle of whiskey was Mackage and Childs. Childes frozen in the cold, but Mackage is not visible. After a small conversation with the authorities, pass a little along the light path and approach the place marked with signal missiles. Take two explosion from the dropped drawer and come back inside the complex. You need to install two explosives - one in the room where the computer exploded, and the other in the laboratory, where Weldon saw the first corpse. The place where the explosive is installed is marked with red backlight on the wall. Having finished his dirty case, together with the team, return to the evacuation zone (that site with signal missiles, where we took explosives).

Level 2 - Norwegian Polar Station

Despite the threats of the colonel, Blake still comes to the aid of the "Alpha" squad, sending his guys to the base. So, we are on the very Norwegian station, with which the invasion of "something" on Antarctica began. To warm up a bit, run forward until it is complete on a big break in the fence and two hanging wires under the voltage. It is better to do between them, so to begin we will find a way to cut the electricity. Run along the wall right and enter the first open door. Yeah, fresh alarm rocket - here are clearly people. Go along the corridor in the corridor of the room (pay attention to the locked door to the right - she will soon need it) until it turns on the broken electrical wheel. Repair it and go to the opened door.

There is already someone inside. Engineer is wounded, scared and not very inclined to trust us. After a small conversation, to be counted the first-aid kit and to finally conquer his trust, hand it one of your pistols - now he is ready to follow Blake. Inspect the room and take everything that you find on the shelves - ammunition, fire extinguishers and, most importantly, a pocket flashlight - it is still great for us. Pay attention to the door with the code lock and the non-working equipment on the table with the computer. Take the crankcase in the opposite corner of the room and order to repair the sparkling electrical panel. After repair, the technique will earn, and now you can save on the tape recorder and read the records on the computer. Do not touch the control panel of the security chamber - we still have other things. Pay attention to the barrels that Carter hid. After several automatic queues, they will fly into the air and open the passage to the new room. Clean the fire with a fire extinguisher and collect all ammunition from the shelves. Leave the engineer in the room, and yourself go along the corridor back and go out on the frost.

Once on the street, turn left and go down the sloping slide down. Behind the blocked door lies someone's corpse, carefully climb his pockets, pick up a few automatic subsidiaries and come back to the carder. Now is the time to look for the code to the locked door. Go to the control panel next to the computer and turn on the camera. With the camera, inspect the room and maximize the image on a wooden shield near the door. See blue numbers? After Blake informs that it seems to have a code, turn off the camera, open the locked door and go to the next room.

Will you know anything? This is the very ice block, from which in the film Norwegians got the body of the victim of the collapse of the aliel. After a small conversation with Cruise, the last alive of the Alpha detachment, let him some weapons, and then ask the Carter to fix the broken electrical wheel. Do not forget to also choke the pockets of the corpse, resting in the opposite corner of the room - he has a key from a locked room in the corridor. Collect your people and move to the exit.

On the way, as soon as you leave the corridor, what you were afraid of so long - "something" will be thrown into the attack. The attackers of the alien reason are rather weak, so for complete destruction of each of them there are enough two-three hits from the pistol. In order to facilitate her work - let's shoot a barrel with a flammable in the corridor corner, and half of the aliens will burn alive. When the attack is repulsed, approach the locked door and indoors, go around all the discharge lockers - useful ammunition can be stored in them. Going out, turn right, run to the prolve in the fence (where the high-voltage lines hung) and go to the other side.

Level 3 - Southern Sector of the Norwegian Station

Do not delay in the cold and move along the light path to a small booth. Leave your people outside, and you yourself take a ready-made machine and carefully go inside. Running malicious "spider", run out to the street and help Cruz and Carder get rid of other creatures. When the last newcomer leaves in the snow, go back to the booth and save the game on the tape recorder. Ontieving again in the midst of the Purgi, turn left and the whole team run along the light path until you reach the big house with a locked door. The toggle switch does not work, but to the right of the door there is an imperceptible electrical stopper, made by wooden boxes. We will split boxes in small sins and ask the engineer to repair the electrical protection. After completing the repair work, go inside, and ...

Pier, commander of the destroyed "Alpha" squad, is clearly very determined. Before you deserve his trust, you need to prove that inside us I have not yet settled "something". You can only do this in one way - to get a tester syringe and test blood test. In addition, the pier flames in the hands, so that "alternative" ways of conviction, alas, also do not affect. Well, we go to search for syringes. Collect all ammunition from the shelves in the room, take the key and save the game on the tape recorder. Coming out on the frost, go around the house on the back and move to the cluster of small sheds.

In this area, you will be subjected to a massive attack "Paces", so be careful and do not lose sight of your colleagues on a team. Attacks will continue as the territory will be incorporated. On the way, do not miss a single Saraike - look inside and shoot wooden boxes near the walls, there may be many more useful things in them, from fire extinguishers and aidhechki to deficient ammunition. Do not forget to periodically supply cartridges and your comrades - they are fairly worn, so you will have to be tugged without their help. The entrance of one of the houses is blocked, so before getting inside, ask your engineer to fix the electric boards next to the door, and you yourself prepare to protect it from the aliens called it from all sides. After beating the attack, go inside and exhaust all ammunition from weapons. When all representatives of "something" in the area are destroyed, you can search for ill-fated syringes. Somewhere in the center of development there is a dilapidated building without a roof, but with a whole door. Open this door, climb up the steps and inspect the box in the center of the room. Taking the syringes from it, you can safely return to the pier.

As expected, Blake was in perfect order, but when it came to Carter and Cruz ... After your former friends turned into huge pieces of aggressive organic matter, the main thing is not a panic. Trying not to approach creatures, carefully treat splasters from the machine, and as soon as their health drops to a critical mark, give the pier to it to thoroughly fry creatures to a golden crust. Do not forget to pick up an ammunition from them from them and releave the pier on the street before going out into the street. Do not pay attention to its perturbed cries, believe me - it will be useful to us at no less.


Level 4 - Research Center of the Norwegian Station

The visibility is zero, the meteo conditions are practically none, and the frost continues to be stripped. Blake and Pier lost each other in the blizzard, and to top off all the troubles, someone especially nervous throws us with grenades from the observational tower. What people! This is our old friend, engineer Pace. During a short conversation, it turns out that he also lighted all comrades in the fog and now desperately shoots from all living beings falling into the visibility zone. After the end of the conversation, collect all the ammunition in the drawers on the tower, pour with grenades and signal missiles, gently arms the engineer and go out into the street.

Move through the light path until the next building. The entrance is blocked, so you have to repair the electrical panels next to the door. We charge this work to Pash, and you yourself take a ready-made machine and wait for the guests. As soon as the engineer starts to dig in the shield, start shooting the "Paces" approaching it. When with damned organoids will end, finish the repair and go to the house. Through the door, move along the corridor in the only possible direction, shooting all the alien creatures falling along the path. Try to define those places from where the "spiders" begin to fall, and carefully treat them with grenades. Do not hurry to repair broken electrical panels, for starters, stroll a little left and, being in the impasse of the corridor (you could see this place, for the first time hitting the house), collect all numerous ammunition next to the corpse.

Go back to the shield and, after a short repair, through the open door, go to the new room. Left near the computer - a small journey of wooden boxes; Carefully separate them into pieces and take the electric shock from the box, useless against "something", but very effective against naughty colleagues weapons. At the opposite end of the room, bent into three deaths, the next frightened polar star sits. He already visited other rooms of the building and extremely does not advise you to repeat his mistakes. In long-distance premises, including in the room of communication, where we need to penetrate, at the moment there are three huge creatures, three "walkers", collecting live flesh and generating new "spiders". It is long to wait for a long time - the sloping doors will not stand the pressure of these creatures ...

Very soon, the "uterus" will already be in your room, so you can not lose a minute - run into the opposite corner of the room, send several "packs" and deliver flamethrower from a huge box - give it to Pace (you already have one, taken away from the pier) And at the same time from the locker on the wall, take several cylinders with napalm. Save the game on the tape recorder lying on the table, and go to the versatility.

Get out of the room and turn right into the corridor to the locked doors. Take a preparation of the weapon and wait - the crackle of the tree will soon be heard, and one of the "walkers" will break the door. For your safety, it will be useless to block the fireplace wall corridor from flamethrough, and then from the distance to shoot the creature until its stocks of vital energy runs out. Order Peisa to stay in the corridor, and go through the break into the complex of the residential premises. After some time, the second "Khodun" broke through the next closed door - run from him to the corridor, again create a fiery barrier and shoot all those who have selected from the defeated creature "Paces". And again go to the complex, walk through the rooms (they are a bit and they are all interconnected, so you are hardly getting lost) until you notice the last "walker".

After all the "walkers" are defeated, be sure to visit all the rooms and collect all ammunition from the shelves. Carefully inspect all the accumulations of wooden boxes - under one of these dawn hides a chest with a shotgun and several cartridges for him. After graduating, return to a frightened polarist and after a small conversation, go along with him to a broken electric folder, a tape recorder for saving games and a radio station. Putting the battle, write down the game and try to contact the center. After an unsuccessful attempt to establish communication, you will be subjected to an array attack of aliens. Order your people stay in place and keep a long defense, shooting from a shotgun flying off from all sides "Puchkov" and with the help of a flamethrower creating a barriate wall of fire to protect against larger enemy individuals. As soon as the last enemy hizzly gives his soul to his alien God, your new friend will indicate the road to the exit. Follow him with Pais for the next level ...

Level 5 - medical complex of the Norwegian station

Quietly, as before the start of the nuclear war ... Take advantage of the respite and conveniently armed your partners - take another machine from the operating table and do not skimp on the cartridges. If you are confident in your friends - you can give someone and flamethrower. Turn to the right, enter a small room and look around. See another door to a small utility room? Arm yourself with flamethrower and enter inside. While your partners shoot malicious "spiders", focus fire on two large organic growths on the floor. As soon as they are destroyed, the attack will stop, which will give you some more time for the respite. You can do it even easier - leaving your partners by the walls, quickly open the door - to quit inward one or two grenades and hide behind the wall. Usually it is enough to fully reduce the alien presence in the room to zero.

As soon as the enemy is destroyed, replace the electrical wheel and through the door open in the main room go to a new room. Save the game on the tape recorder and collect all the ammunition scattered through the medical center. As soon as you try to get closer to the radio station, the massive attack of the aliens will begin. Order your people stay in place, throw a shotgun and conduct a teaching shot "Paces" jumping out into the window. The enemy will attack from all sides - keep defense only on some one site by providing other partners. For a short time, the attacks of the aliens will sink - use such a hand to run into the main room and locked all the doors. So subsequently it will be much easier to cope with the aliens who traveled from the street. When the last attack is successfully repulsed, two massive "wanders" are broken into the medical complex. Pretty treat them from the flamethrough and, gathering colleagues, go through a barn door to the frost.

As soon as you find yourself on the street - you will see the silhouette of an unknown, from all the feet of the flying from the medical complex. Carefully go around the whole building, fry the next aliens, not until the end of the human traits, and from this place run into the darkness, towards the snowstorm and away from this damned place.

Level 6 - Norwegian meteorological station

All, deadlock. Now you will not leave!

After a stranger hits the big building to the left, do not try to run behind him - he still locked the door behind him. Move through the light path to the right, go under a small canopy and aimed the body of the next invasion victim. Beating ammunition, go out of the shelter and on the iron steps the stairs rise to the second floor of the building on the right. Your partners will refuse to go further, so take the ammunition from them (but do not take away weapons) and enter inside. In the room, take away the weak attacks of "Paces" and, having passed to the next room, climb the stairs up on the roof. Once on the cold, jump onto the roof of the building on the right, shoot the ventilation grille and jump inside, not forgetting to pre-shoot the spider jumped out of the ambush.

Inside with the help of a shotgun, take away the next attack of the aliens and shoot any grille on the floor. Do you hear this suspicious rustle at the bottom? Before jumping through the grid, throw down two or three grenades, and ... Yes, at the bottom, it seems that there was a lot of barrels with a flammable. Just in case, army flamethrower and, jumping down, the achieve the survivors of the "stamps". Native the whole room for ammunition and other useful things, but most importantly - do not forget to take the key from the meteorological station building, where the unknown stop. As soon as there is no more useful in the room, go to the cold, run to the central entrance to the meteorological station and come inside. In the room, take away the small attack "Puchkov" and collect ammunition from clothing lockers, first-aid kits and syringes testers. Record the game on the tape recorder. And go right to the next room.

Do not hurry to climb the stairs, we have a polarist's body near the doorway, shoot several small aliens and pick up an overhexlike gun from the floor. Through the door, go to the kitchen and from this moment be extremely careful. As soon as you go away from the door, the fire will break up on the floor, and the flame will begin to slowly fill the entire room. From all legs run into the right corner of the room and hide in a small opening between the wall and a cutting table. Select the key from the edge of the table and continue to calmly wait. After some time, a fire extinguishing system will work, the flame will go out, and you can calmly collect ammunition scattered in the kitchen, cans with napalm and cartridges for sniper rifles.

Having finished the inspection of the room, go out from the kitchen and climb up the stairs. Wow, everything has already been prepared for a solemn meeting. Study a shotgun and for starters, shoot on all couples carrying "Paces" on all pairs. As soon as the combat "walker" comes to the rescue, immediately descend down the stairs, block the descent of the wall of the fire and carefully treat the sacuostate from the safe distance. As soon as the sound of the struggle subsides, again rise up the stairs and go to the room toilet left. Take the aid kits from the locker on the wall, but be careful - from the cabins at this point there will mark the next obviously unfriendly "warder". Quickly fry the evil spirits from the flamethrough and a very well-plated corpse in the corner for useful things.

Coming out of the toilet, you will find new guests - on the table in the center of the hall there are three "spine" sprinkled by poisonous alien. After all the aliens are finished, up the stairs. Close to the top floor of the building, open the door to the roof and ... The mysterious stranger, who fled from us from the most medical complex, turned out to be a pier. However, he fled not so much from us, how much from himself. Inside the captain, the "something" is already ripening, he lasts a trigger for the last time ... Yes, it was the right decision, buddy.

Choose a pistol of the pier and do not forget to pick up a sniper rifle from the room and several ammunition stores. Get out of the room outside, go down the stairs and thoroughly look at the terrain. See these suspicious barrels with flammable? Give them several queues, the explosion of the antenna, and according to the resulting "bridge" you can switch to the roof of the neighboring building. On the small eaves, go around the whole building, shooting out the path of sluggish "spiders." Continue the move until you see the grille. Shot to it, crush your fingers for good luck and jump inside.

Level 7 - hangar

Having entered the ventilation, you turned out to be inside a huge hangar, where a few "spiders" and aggressively tuned "Khodun" are already going to devour some kind of non-historical engineer. Get rid of all the unclean (do not forget about the barrier wall of the fire - "Khodun" trained very quickly to run) and replace the electrical wheel on the wall. At the top level of the hangar, where you fell, getting out of the ventilation, there are two small booths - one of them is locked up, and in the second I hid the Collins engineer. After a small conversation, give him some weapon from your arsenal (and do not skimp on the cartridges - they will need him), bow to the aid kits from the locker on the wall and use the computer on the table.

After the goal of the mission at this level will become more or less clear, go out with Collins from the booth and widespread down. At the very end of the Position, order Collins stand still, and go later to the center of the hall themselves. At this point, spiders are frightened from all the cracks, and three combat "walkers" will jump from the ambush. Immediately relate to the platform and start shooting the barrels with a flammable, in abundance placed at the lowest level. Using the flamethrough, create a barrier barrier and destroy everyone who decides to get closer. When the battle subsides, again go down to the lower level and carefully wait all the warehouse shorts - among the boxes are hidden somewhat row to the machine and shotgun. Also, do not lose vigilance - some of the minor aliens still sits in shelter.

After collecting trophies, order Collins to repair the electrical panel under the platform, leave it to guard this place, and go upstairs yourself and climb the crane to the ceiling. Carefully stepping on the reinforcement, move towards the locked cabin at the second level of the warehouse. Once right above her, jump down and across the hole in the ceiling jump inside. Near the computer, take the magnetic key from the table, go down and along with Collins come to the locked door opposite the peel. Once in a new premises, the first thing to save the game on the tape recorder, and begin to go down gently to frozen steps. In this place, Collins in your eyes will turn into "something" - do not break for a second, catch the flamethrower and carefully root the former partner. After a short violence, take his weapon and along the corridor move to the door, followed by the first truly serious enemy.

The main rule during the battle with the boss "something": no panic! Everything is much easier than it may seem. Cry a shotgun, squint your back into the door you closed and start a huge carcass systematically. Do not approach the "something" and do not move around the room. Do not get distracted especially and on the room "Puchkov" - they will appear infinitely until the boss alive. As soon as the strip of the vital energy of the creature rolled to zero and someone's temple-free torso appears from the organic mess, translate fire to the top of the carcass. Do not pay attention to the tentacles trying to get you out of the opening in the right wall. Stay in place, and they will not hurt you. When the energy of the boss drops again to a critical level, make the final jerk and, not paying attention to the hiking tentacles, thoroughly treat "something" from the flamethrower.

After the enemy is a shapeless breast, the organic is mounted on the floor, repair the electrical wheel and through the opened door run to the next level.

Level 8 - hangar: Sector "Alpha"

Job a little ahead and through the opening in the floor, jump on the lower level. If you go left - ahead will be a dead end with three numbered doors. We will need us a little later, so you can safely go through the opposite corridor. On the way, the packs of "spiders" will be sprinkled on the head - lead the fire on the defeat and do not forget to make a good corpse from the flamethrower on the floor, in which the damned creatures have already managed to organize something like a nest. When the danger passes, keep moving in the only possible direction until you reach the room with two doors. Right locked, so use the left and prepare the fire extinguisher in advance.

Take up the parapet, and as soon as the room starts filling the fire, smoothly move back until the fuel flame will drive you on a relatively safe area. After the explosion of the barrels with a flammable, start slowly to extinguish the fire, moving into the opposite edge of the room towards the door. In the opening room, collect all ammunition and first-aid kits and, capturing another fire extinguisher, finally get rid of the fire in the main place. Through the released door, go to the next room, turn left and move to the nearest door to a small corrode. In the new room, first of all write the game on the tape recorder, and then learn the records on the computer. Having received the access code to the locked door, go to the control console and activate the lever at number "4".

Come back and run along the corridor. At the very end, open the door and try not to get lost in the trickle of the corridors (remember the main rule of any labyrinth - while driving constantly hold on one side), shoot the "Paces" falling along the path and do not stop until you reach a small room with massive Toggle switch and "walker" - automotive. Getting rid of the cheap, activate the toggle switch and return to the room with a recorder tape recorder.

Open the door to the laboratory and get ready to resist the raging inside the flame. Do not regret the fire extinguisher - his charges should still be enough for a couple of such fires. Go to the next room, disperse with a bored "walker" and for the only possible way go to a new room. Carefully wait a room and do not forget to grab a grenade launcher - it is great for the next level. Move along the corridor and go to the laboratory. On the left side of the open door from you - go inside and move towards a new level.

Level 9 - hangar: Beta sector

The plot takes an unexpected turn ...

Go ahead along the corridor and go to the door. Immediately take a briefly flamement and create a "protective ring" from the flame around yourself - in the sooner time is expected to be a serious confrontation. First of all, shoot off jumping out of the corners of the "Pauccov" (pay special attention to that vile arachnoid, which from the table telesses you with acid) and only then take on the "woduns". Under the protection of the ring from the flame you will have time to treat them from a shotgun, and then finish with incendiary grenades. Having finished with the enemies, collect aid kits from the locker on the wall and go through the left door.

Having learned from the next NPC about problems in the research complex, arming your new friend and go to the room together, where you disassembled with "walkers". Ask him to open a locked door and thoroughly clean the weapons warehouse from the opposite side. Go down to the steps and get ready to beat several weak "sparse" attacks. Wow, room, eh? And why only about such mega-complexes are not spoken in popular science programs about the polar studies ... However, we were distracted. Record the game on the tape recorder, standing near the big console, and carefully consider all monitors connected to the accommodation cameras in the complex rooms. Having studied the numbering of the doors and defining a room in which a certain gray-made subject, you will not be difficult to activate the door management console and without problems (not counting, of course, the permanent attacks "spiders") go to it through all glass chambers of the complex. Be extremely careful - in the chambers with numbers 4, 5 and 7, cunning aliens have hid out, so it will be more prudent to do not open them at all. In the first chamber you will meet a frightened to death. Take a surgeon to the team and continue your way until you reach the last room in which it was locked that the oldest entity.

Meet - Dr. Faraday, one of the best specialists in the study "Something". Armed professors with a machine gun and return to the room with a tape recorder, and from there up the stairs to the room with which the level began. By beating the attack of the "spiders", run to the corridor, in which you came to this level, while shooting the tentacles from the walls (do not regret the charges - they, alas, you will not be suitable for you), the physician and turned into a cunning "something" and cheeky "Khoduna" at the very end. Go out through the door to the extensive room, and ...

Level 10 - Secret Research Complex

Good luck clearly left Major Blake. Not only was the colonel Whitley turned out to be a member of a monstrous conspiracy, so now the pharades died and locked in reliable cells "something" finally broke out to be freedom. In addition, we turned out to be closed in the laboratory with absolutely without weapons, and somewhere in the next corridor already walking the giant "chakun". Well, you will have to act a cunning.

First of all, take several machine guns from the corp in the corner, study all the information on a personal computer in the room and carefully inspect the corridor using panels that go to the tracking cameras. Make the Kojuna route, rubbing in the corridor, and as soon as he will be near your room, unlock the door that there is a spirit carrying from the creature around the operating table, and as soon as the "something" protrudes to the room, lock the door behind you. Once in relative security, turn right and repair the electrical protection. Open the door to a new room and talk to Dr. Falkec. Give him all the existing ammunition and together head on the corridor, shooting all the "spiders". Repair the next electrical wheel on the left wall and move along the corridor to a small room with a tape recorder. Save the game, order false to stand still on the spot and, not paying attention to his protests, select the machine and all ammunition.

Return to the corridor and stop near the room with a locked "walker". Now you need to act quickly: Release the "walker" to freedom, and yourself hide in the room to the right (and do not forget to close the door behind you). As soon as the monster goes to his usual promenade along the corridor, activate the control panel on the left side of the room, the security system will work, and the stationary fire "Khodun" fell under the massive fire will be locked in the corridor corner. Get out of asylum and come back to the starting room. Taking a ready-made automatic, with the help of the remote on the wall, unlock the door and go to the next room. Inside, shoot the "Spiders" jumped from the ambush (try to save the cartridges - to the nearest warehouse of ammunition for a long time) and be sure to find the flashlight. Repair the next electrical panel on the wall and enter the new room. After conversation with the engineer Dickson, give him one of the first-aid kits and quickly until the room was filled with omnipresent "spiders", run back to the corridor. Make the door behind you and come back to the false.

You never know who can attack the back at such a moment.

Surely you have already paid attention to the console in the corridor, which can not repair Blake. Order Dickson to carry out repair work and enter inside. Wow, yes this is a weapon room! Collect everything that can be carried - pistols, automata, shotguns, aid kits, grenades and the like. Do not forget to arm and your friends. As soon as we break with a flamethrower, come back on the corridor into a small room, where they were hidden from the "walker", disabered by the console, turn off the stationary cannon, return back and fry the alien locked in the corner to the crispy crust. Having collected the whole team, move to the end along the corridor, unlock the door, Pierce the next vile aliens and turn left.

Another puzzle: how to turn off the protective laser in the corridor. On the wall on the right four buttons, the combination is only two. An experienced way is easy to determine what is the first and fourth. After freeing the passage, go along the corridor into an extensive room and beat the attack of revealed "spiders." Once all the creatures are hissing on the floor, carefully inspect the cameras on the second floor of the room. To determine which of the two locked upstairs NPC is infected, check each with a tester syringe. Healthy will be a fiscal, excellent warrior - arms it and continue research. Behind the door of one of the chambers will be a ventilation grille. Shot it with a short queue and fill in a narrow vent tunnel. Move forward forward and only forward until you find yourself in a room with two "walkers". Aliens can not get you on the top tier, so we will have to be somewhat abused by the position: on the platform where you turned out to lie two incendiary grenades. Pretty treat "woduns" from the machine, and then just throw pomegranates to the lower tier. After a small fire, all dangers will remain behind, and it will be possible to go down with a clean conscience.

Through the only door, return to your team, order Dickson to follow you and lead it into the room in which two "wanders" have just burned down. Ask it to repair the console and carefully examine the information on the computer standing in the corner. Having received the access code, go to the elevator (it is in the corridor, next to the place where you were picking up a combination for a protective laser), and ... so guests! On the elevator we decided to visit several special forces of Colonel Whitley. Shoot the unreasonable guests, go into the booth and go down.

Level 11 - Secret Research Complex: Part 2

During the descent, carefully check the weapons and ammunition of your people - now there is a small but serious skirmish. As soon as the door of the elevator opens, run out and shoot the flew from the door to the right special forces. Go to where they came from, and continue to move around the room, methodically shooting all the homo Sapirens coming down. We do not hurry particularly: if the joke will acquire a protracted turnover, better hurry for drawers and go to the positional defense. Having passed along the corridor to the end, you will notice a fairly spacious room. Close up the stairs and carefully wait all the rooms for the presence of ammunition and aidhechk. Going back, order Dickson to fix the console near the door. Once in the next room, collect grenades and come back to the corridor, where before that they fought with special forces.

Continue moving forward, no for a moment without losing the vigilance and shooting the opponent from afar. Special attention is paid to those individuals that, ignoring your fire, try to reach the button mounted in the wall and turn on the alarm. Sooner or later, a stationary turret will arise on the way. Do not try to go to the frontal - will come only worse. Order your colleagues to stay for the nearest shelter, and ourselves, switching the review in the appearance of the first person, carefully tighten from behind the corner and shoot the turret with short queues. As soon as the danger remains behind, collect your people and move to the end of the corridor.

So: a dead end. The door is closed ahead, and two "walker" is hoarsed behind the bulletproof glass ... Carefully inspect the right wall and shoot the ventilation grille, and behind it and several spiders broken. Use the ventilation tunnel and jump into the floor in a small room. There is practically no time to meditation - after a few seconds a fire will flash in the room, so turn to the right and that there are strength run up the steps, and then left along the corridor. On the way, you will meet a lonely "walker" - not paying attention to him, continue to move forward until you give up to the door. Quickly fly inside and also quickly squeeze it. Further, the fire will not go, and "Khodun" will roast inside. Once at the Control Center, take away several "sparse" attacks, and when everything subsides, inspect the room. The recording tape recorder does not work without electricity - a pretty joke, you will not say anything. Open the door behind which the "wodun" remained, and with the help of the fire extinguisher, we discharge the way back to that room in which you found yourself after the journey on the ventilation. Collect all grenades from the box, go back to the control center.

See for the glass of your people? They needed by anything to be held in your room, bypassing locusted in the next room "Khodunov". Clicking togglers will not give any effect - there are not enough pressure in hydraulic lifts, so leave the room through the only unlocked door and move forward along the corridor. Shot along the path of several "spiders", you will eventually find yourself in a small stitching with two doors. Open the door leading directly, quickly cast inside the grenade, run away along the corridor and hide around the corner. Wow explosion! The room was literally stuffed by barrels with flammable. Open the door again, with a fire extinguisher, clear the track to the electric tailor among the flame, repair it and return to the corridor. Now you can also go to the door to the right. Having opened it, shoot all the "spiders" pipes and repair the next console. Pressure is restored, the system works, you can return to the control center.

Please note that all the sinks are numbered. First, click on which "1" is written - the flamets in the room with "walkers" are included. As soon as the damned creatures will give soul to their alien God, open the rest of the doors, start the control center of your people. Order Dickson to repair the batter, and (well, finally!) You can save the game on the tape recorder standing on the table. Click the toggle switch under the number "4" and go to the opened door. Do not regret the cartridges, beat the attack of special forces, hiding behind the boxes scattered along the floor and not forgetting the pomegranates in time. Move forward along the corridor until you turn on the next stationary gun. Get rid of it in the manner described above, and, reaching the end of the way, ask Dixon to repair the electrical panel. The elevator will rise, the surprised special forces will jump out of it, and as soon as the road is free, sneak into the booth and go down.

Third Page

Level 12 - Secret Research Complex: Part 3

Coming out of the elevator, first of all, extend the "walker", rubbing in the hall among the boxes between two huge furnaces. Getting rid of danger, repaired console on the right wall immediately behind the furnace. Come into the open door and first turn out to the lower level of the hall several grenades. Carefully go along the wall to the stairs, go down and get everyone who remains in living soldiers. Collect the ammunition, go upstairs again and order Dickson to repair the console near the door at the left wall. Come on the inside of the room and, after a small dialogue, give a frightened physician one of your first-aid kits, carefully arms it, do not forget to capture a sniper rifle from the box and activate the security console in the same room. Watch the camera? In the hall that you just cleaned the special forces flew another party of soldiers. Shoot the disease with the help of stationary turret and leave the room.

Go down to the lower tier, go away a little left along the stove, go down the steps and with the help of Dixon, repair the next electrical wheel. Come to the new room, collect ammunition and write a game on the tape recorder. Click two bedrooms in the far corner of the room and disperse with the swakes soldiers. Come in the new room and go down the screw staircase. On the way you will get attached to the wall of explosives with a laser sensor. Just go to a sufficiently large distance and from afar to shoot it out of the machine. At the bottom, do not forget to collect aid kits from the locker on the wall and distribute as many ammunition as possible to your partners. Release through the door.

Once in a huge and disgustingly illuminated tunnel, be alert. The tunnel is literally teeming by special forces, but they have already taken comfortable firing positions and are in no hurry to issue their presence. On one side of the tunnel, an army truck is located - but we don't need it. Go exactly in the opposite direction, keeping the partners at a considerable distance and take time in a timely manner. Before moving forward, all the time study the area through the optical sight of the sniper rifle. Do not stop moving even when the "Khodun" is being brought ahead. Pass the sacrifices from afar incendiary grenades and try not to enter into the near battle.

As you will see a small branch to the room in the tunnel to the right, immediately run there, activate the stationary turret and shoot everyone who could not get during an honest battle. Having reached the end of the tunnel, ask Dixon to fix the console and go out of the tunnel through the door to a spacious room. First of all, spend a solid stripping of the room - while your partners eliminate "spiders", focus the fire on the "walkers". When the battle's noise calms, read the atmosphere well. On the right side of the entrance, the box is hidden among the drawers with so necessary in the further incendiary grenades and a grenade launcher. Just to demolish the challenge will not work, so take any grenade, throw it through the boxes and after the canister will be exploded with a flammable, come and collect trophies.

Engineers have a pronounced paranoia. We'll have to distribute.

Close up the stairs into a small control booth and replace the electrical panel. From the bottom there will be a heartbreaking screaming, with the help of a flamethrower, block the approaches to the stairs and shoot all the advancing "spiders" from the safe distance, accompanied by "walker". Return to the booth, write the game on the tape recorder, go down, open the wide garage door and ...

Hmm, this miracle will be most stronger than the first boss. But again, the main tactic in the fight against it is clearly well-coordinated and fast actions, no panic. First of all, repaired the electrical protection and carefully look where the wires of wiring are going. See the toggle switch on the opposite wall? Here it is just the same with electricity, passing to the electricity through the iron grille, on which the boss sits. The action plan will be as follows: first army shotgun and that there is a spirit run to the opposite wall and click the toggle switch. While the boss beats in electrical agony, give it two volley from the shotgun and activate the toggle switch again. If you do everything quickly and right, then "something" will not even be able to hit you. Finally, as soon as the scale of the vitality of creatures will bloom threateningly, charge pomegranate with incendiary grenades and finally recycle the damned aliens.

As soon as "something" will leave the Spirit, go for a huge carcass and click the switch on the wall. The last door will open - next to the one from which you went to the hall. Go to a small warehouse, fix the electrical on the wall ... And that's what else? So so, it turns out, the whole base is already mined, the detonator crushed, and the counter is ticking. You have exactly thirty-five seconds to leave the territory of the complex before it takes off the air - time went. Run through the hall and a dark tunnel, where you disappeared from paratroopers until you see the corridor on the left (the one in which you relatively recently crumbled sugains from stationary turret). Fold in this corridor and run into an open elevator. Explosion, outbreak ... And again we stayed alone.

Level 13 - hangars

After a long break, we turn out again on the street. Run until you see the silhouette of a huge hangar. Shot down two guards at the entrance and run to heal inside the room. Having collected the ammunition scattered in the vicinity and devouring the first-aid, through the door on the left, go inside the warehouses of the runway. Come in a new room and first of all detectrates paratroopers running to the power button on the security alarm. The cherished tape recorder of the record in the next room is still disabled, so go by and head to the next room.

At this level, you will have to fight quite a lot and mostly with people, so a shotgun will be the best weapon - the benefit that there will be no problems with the ammunition. Move in the only possible direction from the room into the room, shooting along the path to the special forces, until you reach the room with a broken electrical wheel (the engineer is required for the repair) and the computer. Be sure to remember this place - it still has to return. Carefully learn information on the computer and go out into the corridor. Shooting several "spiders", move to the opposite door, in a new room, fought a fierce attack of special forces and immediately after that we will deal with the released "walker" (it is recommended to throw it with grenades before it sees the deadly distance).

Continue to move along the neighboring corridor, bypassing the premises and moving through the only possible path. When hear the shots and someone's shouts - be especially alert, in the room right the military are trying to finish the miracle of the Powela engineer's invasion. Eliminate the aggressors and, after a short conversation, hand over your new friend machine and ask to repair the broken terminal. Save the game on the tape recorder and go through the open door. Collect all ammunition and return to a common corridor through the room. Move straight, and after the door, turn left and at the end of the corridor shoot two soldiers. Take a fire extinguisher from the shelf and go through the door in the opposite side of the room.

Shot from "Spiders", run down the stairs, downstairs pass through the doors and ask Powela to repair the console. Through the open door, move around the room, then, bypassing the barrier cordons of the special forces, run through the corridor and so until it reaches a broken terminal. Order Powel to repair, save the game on the tape recorder and move into the room in the opposite end of the room. Now the doors from the weapon warehouse are open. Come inside, take the key and unlock the next door. Collect the shelves with plastic bags (only four explosions) and prepare for a new phase of confrontation.

Punch the road back, methodically shooting the tracks from the shelters and escaping the "walkers". In the end, you need to return to the very room with a broken electrical wheel and a computer in which we were already almost at the very beginning of the level (remember, I also asked to remember this place). Once around the battery, make Powel (you can even under the gun gun - the engineer is nervous) produce repair. Go to the opened doors and disappear with the measure of the violent "walker". Go to the main entrance to the hangar, on the way, deny the two guards on the way, go out on the street and without stopping the run forward.

Level 14 - Flight Management Center

Continue to run until the right or left will not notice the huge silhouette of the hangar. Come in any of them, eliminate a few security (usually two or three special forces) and mini the front wheel standing inside the cargo plane. All the same do in the opposite hangar. Wide a wide building with an observational tower and from the opposite side to do the entire surgery in two hangars (all differences are that this time "spiders" will be attacked). In addition, carefully shaking the hangars, you will surely find a lot of useful things, like aidhechki or additional ammunition.

After the aircraft are mined, it remains to find a convenient position for the shelling. Go around the management center building and enter through the only open door, after removing two guards at the entrance. Inside the corridor is already being worn by the "wodun". Fee from the soup by the wall of the fire and shoot the aliens from the safe distance. Repair the console near the door, enter the inside and a highlight someone's damaged body - now we have a key. Be alert - as soon as you graduate, you will suddenly appear "Khodun", accompanied by several "spiders". Reflecting the attack, examine information on the computer and write down the game on a regular tape recorder.

Go out into the corridor and, turning to the left, go to the room with a broken electrical wheel. Ask Powell to eliminate breakdowns, go to the open door and start the planned stripping room. Be careful with those corridors in which barrels are pressed with a flammable - one careless shot, and you will burn alive with all the enemies. At the end of the way, the polar star falls to you, which is unsuccessfully struggling with the "walker". If you have time to come to the rescue - a medical doctor will appear in your team. Return back to the main corridor at the lower level of the tower and turn right. On the long staircase, start slowly climbing up, shooting from the "spiders" flying from the ventilation mines. Once at the very top of the tower, carefully examine the two rooms connected by the corridor, find the "Wardune" stitching near the control panels and do not forget to keep the game on the tape recorder.

From this point on, you need to act very quickly and promptly. So, through the optical sight of the rifle, hangars and the explosives installed on airplanes are well. As soon as you get at least one of them, an explosion will be heard, and the security system will automatically shut the doors of all four hangars. The trick is that it is necessary to have time to shoot in all four explosions before the doors will close. And for this you will have to quickly run from one room at the top level of the tower to another, and at the same time it is quite aptly shoot. As soon as all four aircraft are disabled, a whole platoon of angry special forces bursts into the tower. Go to the exit to the lower tier and at the moment when you hear the football boots on the stairs, throw down a couple of-other grenades, and then seek survivors with more standard methods.

Go down and run to that complex of rooms where you beat a physician from "something." There you are already waiting for the next "Khodun" with a retinue of several "spiders". Steaming with aliens, go out through the black stroke of the building on the street. Once on a small fenced area, jump into the ventilation hatch on the ground ...

Level 15 - Approaches to the Armory Laboratory

Selecting from ventilation, you will fall into a poorly lit bunker somewhere deep underground. Turn on the flashlight and carefully study the area: the elevator is not working, the door to a small shed locked, and in a small booth broken electrical wheel. Repair and get ready to repel the "Waunt" attack, which joined the Saratik. After dealing with them, thoroughly go around the room and take away all sorts of cartridges, grenades and other ammunition.

Bypassing the elevator on the right, climb on a small slope. Top, turn left and fill it into a ventilation shaft. Once inside the tunnel, be extremely vigilant - "spiders" have an unpleasant feature to attack the back or jump right on the head. As soon as you get out of the mines, some polar star will be used by you with screams. On the pavement run behind him to the very top, you urgently arie it with something useful and prepare for a protracted shootout. With the lower levels, the detachments of unfriendly well-minded special forces are already running towards you. After the first wave of the attackers will be repulsed, start gradually descending down the walkways. Do not hurry, but do not delay for a long time in one place. From each confused body on the floor, the "spiders" will pop up on you (without exaggeration), and after each second turn will notice an enemy stationary turret. If everything is more or less clear with the "spiders", then the turret is best to delve from the upper levels, it fell pregnant this miracle of technology from sniper rifle. The main thing is not to fuss, and everything will succeed.

Once at the bottom, enter with the "Wait" and carefully look at the next room. See Triculus under the ceiling? Just do not run past so past. Shoot a small box that supports the door, very quickly jump inside and activate the toggle switch on the wall. Guns are deactivated, and you can move on. In the following two rooms, do the same operation: carefully looking out due to the angle, determine the location of the cherished toggler, which is a spirit carrying to it and deactivate guns. Comedy the situation is that there are not two in the third room, and four guns, but the tactic does not change. To begin with, run to the right wall, turning off the first tandem of turners, and then to the left. Passing all obstacles, pass through the last door to the cherished laboratory ...

Level 16 - Armory Laboratory

After the dramatic scene with two paranoid engineers, we calmly go past and take a rack on the right side of the syringe tester. Take the blood test from one of the disputes and, if the result is positive, it means that his colleague is a disguised monster. When only one colill is left, arms it carefully and go to the next room together. Ask him to repair the console and write the game on the tape recorder. On a small ramp, climb into computers, ask for colills to fix the electrical stopper and read all the information on the computer on the table. Suddenly breaks the wall on the right, and the furious "walker" will jump into the room. Getting rid of the aliens, approach the survey terminal a security chamber and listen to the colless plan carefully. When it runs out, activate the Celebration Console and watch the corridor carefully. As soon as Polls appears in the visibility zone, press the button on the door control panel, it will have time to slip into and block it on the reverse side. Follow him and, as soon as the explosion thunders, with the help of the fire extinguisher, extinguish the fire in the room and shoot all the "spiders" wander around in the district, as well as the creature, which is another minute ago it was an engineer in collapse. Go through the door at the end of the corridor and watch the next cunning betrayal.

So, we again in the Western: the room is slowly filled with gas and we have thirty seconds to escape. The computer is almost useless (the only message on it is: "Breathing deeper, Blake!"), So quickly run to the electrical tailor and restore its performance. After that, it is also quick to be brought to the stationary gun management console and, switching to the view from the Tourca Camera, move the review to the right and shoot the gas tanks. The explosion unlock the door, and we are again free. Collect ammunition and first aid kits and come out of the ill-fated room.

Save the game on the tape recorder and come back to the security station, this time turning right. Go to the room with a stationary turret and click the toggle switch to its panel. Continue moving, repair the console and pass to the next door. Move forward until you come across two bored special forces. Pretty cheer their pair of queues from the machine, clean the wheel and rise up the steps. Speaking with the engineer, give him something from your ammunition and move to the laboratory with a wandering "walker." Getting rid of aliens, take the key from the table and go through the door at the far end of the room. Ask your engineer to repair the console above the door, enter inside, carefully obscure all the shelves from the ammunition and keep the game on the tape recorder. Move the door near the improvised shooting with targets, go to the next room, and ...

The last boss, he is difficult ... In principle, the recipe for the fight against the creature is quite simple: grenades, garnets and once again grenades. Try to constantly move around the room, throwing the damned aggressor with all types of grenades (except for the incendiary, which will come in handy), and as soon as its life strip will turn red - enter incendiary grenades in battle and finally finish the monster. As soon as the "something" falls by a lifeless carcass, get rid of several suddenly announced soldiers and prepare for the final jerk and run from the damned laboratory.

Familiar corridors rush to where you started. During escape, be extremely careful - the flame is raging, one incorrect movement - and you are instantly burning alive. When you reach the end of the level, the previous one will automatically plunge, but the task will remain the same - to escape. Move the same as they walked, only now climbing the bridges upstairs. At the very end of the way you will come across two soldiers and two "walkers", something not shared with each other. Wait when the "walkers" will observe, and then do not rush to fry them from the flamethrough. Reaching the top of the mosquito, boil the boxes to the ventilation hole and jump inside.

Recognize the tunnel? Move to the earthen bunker, but do not hurry to jump down the mound. Here you are already waiting for four extremely aggressive "walker", so you quickly protect all the approaches of the jet of flame retardant, shoot aliens from afar, and throw all the crown of incendaneous grenades. Clearing this way, keep your way to the elevator and go upstairs ...

Level 17 - Field Tests

Whose silhouette was flashed away? Isn't our old familiar Colonel Whitley? Run after the renegade, until you find yourself in a narrow snowy gorge. Ahead is the hordes of the special forces, on the street - minus 40 degrees Celsius, so it is impossible to break. No specific tactics for the passage of this level can not be given, because the road is only one, and the enemies are numerous and not too smart, so this episode is a kind of testing of all your combat skills accumulated during the passage of the game. Go forward, methodically shooting soldiers from a sniper rifle, and finishing automatic queues in the near battle. Do not regret the pomegranates on the major accumulations of the enemy and do not forget to periodically allocate in safe niches (two of all two are at the very beginning of the level and a small cave on the left side of the gorge).

That Met Metal ...

In the end, choosing from the gorge, you will achieve a huge building under the dome. Come inside through the only door and, after a short, but a mean conversation with Whitley, get ready for the final jerk. Save the game on the tape recorder, collect all the first-aid kits and ammunition from the shelves and start not in a hurry to move towards the opposite way out. There are two corridors to him: left and right to choose - to solve you, they are exactly the same. Moving along the corridor, with the help of a shotgun, shoot soldiers from the corners from the corners and try to neutralize touch mines from the safe distances. If you still have grenades - you can safely spend everything, they will not need more. Constantly go in one direction, and you do not get lost.

Once at the exit, collect all the cartridges from the boxes, use the last first aid kits and (which is extremely recommended) Do not be lazy to run back and save the game. Coming out on fresh air, carefully inspect the design on the right side of the complex. For unfinished fittings hid the platoon of snipers. Carefully penetrating from behind the corner, remove the shooters with one way and boldly run to a small shed near the ruins. Stewed, go back to the wind and run into a small scatter between the rocks.

Level 18 - Whitley

In the meantime, the colonel finally lost his human face and mutated ... in something completely unimaginable. We just managed to prevent the invasion of infection to the "Greater Earth". Now it's time to donate with "something" and in Antarctica. Patrol helicopter turned out to be as if it is impossible. Once in the air, it is time to figure out the alien inflave forever.

The helicopter will constantly spin around "something" into which the colonel has become, and your task is that it is not for this mutant to grow a long tentacle (constantly shoot the coronal growth in the middle of the "body" of the creature). Each time, entering the turn, the helicopter will fly past the barrels with flammable, which is standing near the founding of the "body". After you bring all four barrels, an alien invasion will come an end. The helicopter slowly flies over the horizon, Major Blake rests in the cockpit, and he sits behind the steering wheel ... Do you still have no guessed? That the most john Male ...

1 2 3 All


In this subsection, we will consider the main types of weapons, occurring along the game:

1. Pistol - the weakest weak weapon, there is in your arsenal from the very beginning of the game. You can apply against small mutants and special forces, if there are no cartridges for other weapons.
2. Avtomat - much more serious weapons. You can also use it against small enemies, especially if there are many of them.
3. Scotgan - Pretty powerful weapons, effectively against small enemies and special forces.
4. flamethrower - it is very useful to you during battles with large mutants and bosses. Using flamethrower, be careful: Do not harm yourself.
5. Electrosker - will find in the second half of the game, efficiently only at close range.
6. Grenade launcher is a very powerful weapon, shoots grenades: effectively against large mutants and guards. I advise you not to use this type of weapons in small premises - you can blow up yourself.
7. Grenades are several species. The best - incendiary, just do not use them in narrow corridors and rooms - you can go hurt or even burn with nonsense.

Sleep a few words about the enemies that you will meet in the process of passing the Thing. Conditionally, all enemies can be divided into five species:

1. Little mutants - meet from the very beginning of the game. Meet in several versions. They can attack either one by one, or at once a whole pack. In this case, be careful. Try to run away away and shoot them - best of the machine.
2. Large mutants are very dangerous enemies, there are also several subspecies. Try not to let them too close to yourself - during the fight, use grenades and flamethrower.
3. Mutted people - even your colleagues can turn into them if they had contact with mutants. Treat them a good jet of flamethrough.
4. Guards - ordinary people, armed with automata, shotguns or flamethroughs. A pistol, automatic or hard drive can be used against them. Two accurate hits will be quite enough.
5. Bosses are the strongest and powerful enemies. You will have to spend a lot of time to defeat them. Total bosses in the game four, read detailed tactics with them below.


After watching the screensaver, go to the door to the right, and in the corridor, head to the left of the left. After the video fees, go to the door opposite and activate the shield on the left. Then open it and go to the room.

After the explosion, take the gun and ammunition, medicus you cure. Return to the corridor and look at the next video fee - the explosion will thunder, so the way is further free. Move forward (run faster - your character can not be in the cold for a long time) until the next drank, then roll to the left and go to the closed door. Run to the left - in the ravine over a broken helicopter. Jump down and follow the left side: Take the lighting rockets, go later further into the collapsed structure and listen to the message recorded on the tape recorder. Return to the street and go later to the right, in the cave, not far from the lift. Inside, after the video charge, take the key from the table.

Return to the street and go left - take the cartridges from the shelf, find the fire extinguisher and rocket in the cave. Go back up and open the door key. In the room, fix the shield to the left of the entrance to be light. Take from the table opposite the adrenaline and document. Then go ahead and inspect the corpse. After the video charge, work on the computer, read the report and get the code - 1138. Step left and take the document from the sink. Follow and on the second table, take another paper. Open the doors using the code, and ask the engineer to fix the shield to open the room opposite.

Here you will find a tape recorder with which you can save the game. Go to the door to the right. Once on the street, follow the left side, hold on the signal lights and just see the dilapidated structure. Go inside and discover the dead body there. After the video fees, follow the right (hold the signal lights) and take the helicopter from the box from the box. Looking ahead, I will say that it is here that you will have to return when you follow the mission. Go to the room where you previously saved the game and go on the door to the left. In the room with the corpse, install explosives on the wall at the entrance.

Go through the next door, left and head to the radio. Install there explosives and come back to the place where you took C4. After the screensaver you will find yourself on the second base. Follow the right - a fence under tension, here you have not to go. Step further until you see the entrance. Go ahead along the corridor until you find yourself in a small room. Browse the next screensaver and activate the switch on the left to open the door. In the next room you will meet the engineer. It seems that the guy is wounded and it needs your help. Take the first-aid kit from the table at the door and give him. Go to the dark part of the room and examine it. Ask the Carter to dig in the shield, then save the game on the tape recorder, read the message on the computer and look at the chamber of tracking on the left - turn it right and close to the sign on the wall (W) - get the code. Go to the door and open the code lock. Follow the courtyard, take the key from the corpse and go to the control room. Ask the engineer to turn off the shield - it will de-energize the gate so that you can get to the northern part of the base. Return to the room where you saved the game and go to another door: in the corridor you will deal with the first enemy - a small mutant.

Follow with the weapon, the enemies will not wait for a long time. Shoot them all and go to the room to the left of you (not far from the exit). After replenishing the ammunition, go back to the corridor and disperse with two mutants. Behind the corner kill two more enemies, put the fire with a fire extinguisher, go out to the street and run to the right side - to the goal. If the ammunition is needed, go to the ravine on the left - you will find several useful items that comes from doubt to you during battles with numerous mutants. Go to the courtyard through the gate and, after downloading, go ahead, sticking to the signal lights to the booth.

Go inside with a weapon of a preparation and shoot creatures that will appear from the boxes. Save the game, take the fire extinguisher. Go out into the street and follow the structure on the contrary (hold onto the blue lights). Crashing with the enemies, ask the engineer to open the door (remote to the left).

Inside, smear the fire and take the flamethrough from the drawer on the table. Return to the booth and go from it to the right - to another building. Shoot the boxes to the right of the entrance and find the second shield. Open the door (switch left) and go inside. In the barrack you will meet Pretker, but he will not trust you and thinks that you are infected. To conquer his trust, you need to get empty samples and test blood test. Talking, take the key from the table to the right and fuel for flamethrough from the table ahead. If necessary, save the game and return to the booth, where you have saved before that. Now follow the north with weapons. Thographing and go to the first door - the enemies will not make themselves waiting for a long time. Please admit them to lead, and then, having extinguished the fire, go to the room. Take the first-aid kit from the table, go out and follow the destroyed structure on the right. Inspect the boxes on the contrary, but as soon as you want to take a sample, the enemies will attack you. Obschery yourself with everyone, take the necessary things from the box and go on the door. Cut the angle to the right and follow the passage between the two containers.

Go away a little further and inspect the shield - only an engineer can open it. Return to your partners and order the engineer to follow you. As soon as he approaches the shield, the enemies will attack you. Having understood with all the enemies, go to the warehouse and take the lighting missiles and ammunition there. Go back to the shipping place and follow the eastern part of the base - to the barrack where you met Pearle. Inside you will have a little shoot. Having understood with two creatures, which were previously faithful partners, save the game and go to the exit. As soon as you go out, look at the video fees, after which you will find yourself on the tower. Take the ammunition, order the guy to follow you and go down the stairs. Follow the forward, holding the signal lights, and go to the barrack. Ask Pretker to fix the shield on the left, open the door by activating the switch on the panel on the right and go inside. Follow through the hallway to the next door, disperse with creatures in the lounge and go to the room opposite. In the corrider, take the fuel for flamethrough from the barrels, activate the remote on the wall on the right and follow the door. In the kitchen, read the message in the computer and go forward - behind the drawers you will meet another commando, but it seems that he trusts you little. After conversation with him, go left, disperse with small creatures, save the game and go to the entrance door. When a big mutant appears, use flamethright against it, and best try to lure the sacrore in the corridor to the barrels. Retire away and shoot them - the barrels will explode, leaving the monster only unpleasant memories. Complete to the resulting break in the wall - you have to deal with another same creation. It is best to fry the enemy from the flamethrough, then when you deal with this, one more, obviously misinterpreted against you configured. Having understood with a large mutant, as well as with several small, take the ammunition and come back to the kitchen. Now the Medic trusts you and can improve your health and your partner (if he is still alive). Save your achievements and come back to the rest room.

Sanitary will open the doors, get ready for the hot battle - two large mutants will not make themselves waiting for a long time. Showing them who is the main, save the game. Go through the hall and in the next corridor go left, in a break in the wall. Go outside through any door and move right and the corner. Now go to the next building. After the screensaver you and your colleagues will be in a small room. Complete the door opposite the entrance and pick up a shotgun, ammunition and aid kits. Return to the first room by closing the door behind you, and go to the left door (if you look at the entrance).

Open the next door to the right and make the weapon - strangers here more than enough. Having understood with everyone, fix the shield on the wall on the right - so you will get access to the radio. Return to the first room by closing the door behind you, and go to the third room, which was previously closed. Save the game (I strongly recommend) and go to the broken window on the contrary. After the video fees, get ready for a fight - enemies will not wait long for a long time. Over the next five to ten minutes you have to make a shooting of small mutants who will jump into open windows. As soon as the enemies ended in the same room, close the door and go to another. During disassembly with the enemies, your partners will help you, so it will not be so difficult. After some time, two big enemy break down at the door. Cohere them with fire and run in a break in the wall. Go down and look at the short video fees, then go left and in a small structure behind the barrack you will find a lot of useful items. Go out into the street and follow the right side of the barrack, holding the signal lights. Go forward to the courtyard and see how someone entered the hangar. You still do not get there, so follow the structure in the right side of the yard.

Climb the stairs and go through the door with weapons at the ready. Understand the mutants and follow the passage to the right - there you will be waiting for several more enemies. After a couple of strangers becomes a story, take the lighting rockets from the box and follow the passage to the left. Kill a small spout, take the ammunition under the staircase and go up to the roof. Passing one span, shoot in a burning barrel so that it explodes, and go ahead.

Go to the next roof and disperse with a mutant, which will jump out of the hatch. Go to the opened passage and kill the bottom of two little enemies. Now you have to deal with two large creatures that go downstairs. In the inventory, select Grenada and set up to the lattice in the floor at the window. Slide it (use a shotgun) and throw a grenade down. From the explosion, the barrels with flammable are detonated, and monsters will split into small pieces. Wait when the fire goes out, and jump down. Observe a pair of small mutants (if you stay) and take the key in the drawer from the opposite wall. Go outside and go to the opposite structure. Now you will see how someone entered the booth at the top. Go to the door - there is nothing special in the next room, so go on. In the corridor, shoot small enemies and go around the wall lockers on the left: you will find a weapon and a first-aid kit, then go to the next room. Go to the tape recorder on the table and ... the enemies will not wait long to wait - kill them and save the game. Could kill two more small mutants around the corner. Straight, past the stairs. Observe another two enemies. Enter the room, select a fire extinguisher in inventory and follow. When the fire begins, extinguish the fire and run into the previous corridor. Then the fire alarm will work and hang fire, go back and take the ammunition and the key from the barrel to the left of the refrigerator. Return back to the corridor, go up the stairs with weapons. Observe with a big mutant (use flamethrower, just be careful, do not be frozen by yourself). Go on the left, take the first-locker the first-locker at the wall and go back. I do not advise to look at the toilet - there was another enemy there. If you do not want to fight it, leave back and go to the computer on the table under the stairs. Read the message and on the roof.

You will find yourself on the top of the tower. After one of your colleagues will bring abacus with life, letting a bullet on my forehead, inspect the drawer and take the sniper rifle and cartridges out of it. Read the letter on the computer and look at the telescope. Go outside and disperse with the enemies. Go to the door under the stairs, kill three small mutants and take the ammunition. Go to the roof and explode the barrels on the left. Go through the opened pass, left and over the corner. Go straight (carefully, do not fall down), and after the next corner you will be waiting for a couple of small mutants. After soothing these - unfold and shoot another couple of small enemies. Roll over the corner and run forward, then turn over the angle again and go up to the next cornice. Behind the next turn, shoot the grille and climb inside. You will find yourself inside the hangar. Kill two small mutants and roar from the flamethrough of a large beast. Head to the second office (the door to the first is closed on the other side).

Read the message on your computer and take the first-aid kits from the green locker outside the door. Give the guy weapons and ask for you. Get out of the room, go left and fix the shield to light the light. Then go ahead and go down the stairs.

Order the engineer to activate the shield under the stairs - do not go there, otherwise many enemies will appear, clearly unfriendly against you configured. Go to one span up and go along the crossbar on the other side.

Jump on the iron platform, go to the right and follow on the beam under the roof - be careful, do not fall down. When you reach the intersection of two beams, first go left and take the ammunition in the box, then return to the intersection and follow the other side. Jump on the roof of the first office and go down to open hatch. In the room, take the key and read the message on your computer. Go out through the door, and go down the stairs. Run to the door, opposite the entrance - the enemies will not make themselves waiting for a long time: three large mutants are immediately and many small. In order not to spend the forces on this ohma, run into the room, save the game and go down - ahead of the meeting with the first boss.

Go through the underpass and follow the door - and here is the first boss.

Fighting tactics: Constantly move and shoot it, then the tentacles will get out of the wall to the right - drop it on the left side (at that time the creature does not touch you) and shoot them. Then the little mutants will appear - go to the right corner and shoot on them, after a while small enemies run out, then open the fire on the boss. Then browse the video fee, how the human body gets out of it. Further feed it with a napalm, shoot a lead, burn the ferry (lever on the wall on the right) and after a while he will perish, and you can open the shield and go further. In case you have enough health (the indicator is full + first-aid kit in stock), you can avoid meeting with this beast and, as soon as you go into the room, run to the door and open the shield. The boss, of course, will attack you that will bring damage to your well-being, but you have time to run forward. In the next corridor, go ahead and jump down. After the video key, go to the pass on the right and deal with a bunch of small enemies. Go through the room with a ferry and head to the passage on the other side. In the corridor, go on the door to the left and get into the control room. Save the game here, open the doors 2, 3 and 4, activating the levers on the consoles by the window - you can't open the door 1. Read the message on the computer at the wall and look at three monitors on the table. Return to the corridor and go to the opposite door - activate the shield to open the code and you can go further.

Go down and go through the next door. Prepare a weapon and carefully follow the enemies will not wait long. Having understood with everyone, run on one of the corridors - if the cartridges are needed, then on the left. Having passed a little ahead and rash with several small strangers, follow further. There will be two developments - first go left and take the cartridges. Then return to the branch and go to the other side. In the next corridor from ventilation, several more enemies will come out. Shot them and prepare flamethrower - ahead of meeting with a big mutant. Roll over the angle and go to the passage to the left - torsize the creature from the flamethrough and activate the switch. Then come back to the room where you saved the game. In the corridor with the door 4, you will wait another big enemy - you caress it, then, if you want, save the game and, through the room with a ferry, come back to the first corridor. Complete the other side and kill the stranger, then take the cartridges and grenade launchers in the room. Extinguish the fire in another room and take the cartridges there for flamethrough. Return to the corridor and go to the door 1 - to the laboratory. There is nothing special here, so follow the door on the left. Job forward to the second door to the right - try to keep you the monsters. Go down to two levels down and go to the door - there you will meet a physician who can restore your health. Return back to the first room and disappear with all the twists. Inspect the first door to the right - you do not open it to fix the shield, you need an engineer. Take the first aid kits on the wall on the left (as many as 10 pieces!) And go to the door nearby - you will find an engineer there, but it looks like a guy does not really trust you. Give him some weapon as a sign of appreciation, and he will gladly repack you all that you wish. Go to the storage room and type a bunch of ammunition. Then go back to the room with the staircase and go down one level down. In the control room, save the game, read the message on the computer and activate the levers from the number 9 by number 2 - the first as always does not work.

Go down the stairs and go to the room where you met the doctor - now you can go to the next door. Inspect the cameras, and simultaneously deal with strangers until you meet another man. Return back. Save the game in the control room and follow the stairs up. In the first room, shoot a few small creatures and go on the door through which you hit the level - your colleagues better leave in the corridor. In the laboratory, we deal with the tentacles (left-to the right of the entrance) and with a big mutant. Then take your friends with you and open the next door. Shot hanging on the ceiling and walls of strangers and run forward. Roll over the corner and look at a rather long video fees, after which our hero will come to the research laboratory. As you can see, not the first-aid kits, you do not have a weapon - what can you do, you will have to get everything again. Go to a small room and fix the shield to be light. Return to the first room, read the message on your computer and look at the monitor tracking camera. Now go to the door leading to the corridor where a big enemy goes. Wait until it leaves, and go to the room left. Activate the button to the left of the tracking camera monitor, and wait when the beast leaves the angle. The alarm will work and the creature will be under powerful fire - of course, it will not kill it (against them in general the best weapon: flamethrower), but it will delay at least for a while. Ask a physician to go with you, go out into the corridor and follow the back to the laboratory where you started the game. Discover the opposite door, the sanitary will understand with small mutants, and you read the note by the wall and take the lantern. Repair the shield to access the next room where you meet the engineer. It seems that the guy is wounded, but the medic will cure him. Return to the corridor with the mind, ask your new friend to repair the shield on the contrary and you can get into the room with a weapon. Take the first-aid kit from the table, then you have to go through the lasers so as not to raise the alarm: pay attention, they blink alternately. Sit down and wait when the beam is above your head, then you can pass. Type in the room weapons and ammunition and return to your friends - disperse with small mutants, and then exit the corridor and disconnect the alarm in the room where you met the doctor. Fulfing a large animal from the flamethrough, pass the corner (carefully, the computer on the table in the corner will explode and can cause you damage) and replace the shield. Follow the door to the left - in the corridor. Shoot small mutants. Go to the room to the right, save the game, read the message on the computer and take the aid kits from the locker on the wall.

Return to the corridor, where they killed a big enemy, and go through the door at his end. The second Medic is infected and mutated on your eyes. Check it with flamethrower and go through the next door. Click the first and fourth switches to turn off the lasers, then you can go further. Open the door and disperse small enemies, then read messages on two computers. Climb the stairs and go to the second camera on the left. Select the grille using the weapon, drill down and climb into the ventilation passage. Go ahead and find yourself in a small room in which two mutants go. Take grenades and throw them down. Then, if you did not finish, you can fry them from the flamethrough, then inspect the shield on the wall in computers and go through the door to the corridor. Go forward, past the room where you saved the game and in the next corridor. Ask the engineer to fix the shield to launch the elevator.

Return back to the elevator and activate the bar on the right.

Get ready for battle - roast two special forces and follow the door to the left of the elevator. Go ahead along the corridor, passing off from the attacks of enemies. Go to the warehouse and ask the engineer to fix the shield on the wall on the right. Take a weapon and a bunch of ammunition from the opened room. Climb the stairs and in the control room, take the fire extinguisher from the console and aid kits. Return to the elevator and disperse with several small mutants that jump out of ventilation pipes. Carefully follow further, and the opposite door. As soon as the sensor distributes you, raise the alarm - activate the panel on the wall on the right. Then carefully pass the corner - representatives of special forces are already here, and they are clearly unfriendly against you. Obschery yourself with everyone and if possible, do not let them go to the shield on the wall on the right. If it happened, look carefully from around the corner and shoot a machine gun on the ceiling. Go forward - as you can see, the door is closed, so follow the ventilation move on the right. Understand inside with a couple of small enemies and select the second grille with a gun or machine gun. Now jump down and quickly run on the stairs up, behind the corner and go to the door - if you do not have time, you can die and you have to start everything from the very beginning. In the room, take the fire extinguisher from the console and go to the door of the shelves on the left - pick up the first aid kits, go back to the room and go to the door behind the unit on the opposite side.

Understand with small mutants and go to the room on the right - climb the stairs, kill enemies and take the first-aid kit and ammunition. Then go down and activate the switch between the two boilers. Return to the corridor and go to another door with weapons at the ready. Shoot the mutants, put out the fire (if the barrels were lacquered) and activate the second switch. Return through the corridor into the room with switches and activate them. Then go to the aggregate and press the switch on it to fry two yasts. Now you can return to the corridor, where your colleagues are waiting for you and spend them in the control room. Ask the engineer to fix the shield on the wall on the left, and you can save the game. Go to the door with fire and put it up - go ahead, go down the stairs and pick up ammunition there. Return to the room and follow the right door on the right - on a dark corridor. Kill the special forces and shoot the autopulum in the angle. At the end of the corridor, you will find an elevator - ask the engineer to open a shield and kill two enemies seated in the elevator, just be careful, do not fall into explosive barrels at the wall on the right. Then go to the elevator. After the screensaver, you will find yourself differently.

Burn a monster, which wanders in stock, step forward and ask the engineer to open the door. Activate the switch to the right of the gate, and you can go further. Now, if Sanitary has survived, he mutirs and try to kill you. Flamethrower - this is the solution of all problems. Carefully follow the forward - a few more special special forces littered in the hall. Having understood with everyone, go left and ask the engineer to fix the shield on the wall. Discover the door and in the room will find another physician. Take it to be a first-aid kit, then inspect the control monitor and shoot from the guy machine gun, take the sniper rifle in the box at the wall on the left. Get out of the room and go through the other side - there are another room there: shoot the enemy and give weapons to your new partner. Then go down, go to the door to the right - we are dealing with a couple of small mutants and take a few aid kits. Then go to the door under the stairs - ask the engineer to activate the shield on the wall. Go to the room, save the game and take the ammunition. Return to the hall and go further - to the goal to the right of the stove. Open the two switches, disperse with the enemies, go forward and on the door to the right. The stairs descend to one span and inspect the bomb on the wall at the bottom (with a laser). Go to first-person mode (Left Shift) and shoot it. Below, first go under the stairs and take the first-aid kit from the box. Now go to the door - your friends are better to leave in the room.

You will find yourself in the tunnel - first go to the right, disperse with small mutants and turn the light: To do this, fix the shield on the wall on the left. Now return back and shoot four guards - use drawers as a shelter. Follow the room to the right and look at the monitor - shoot in the barrels to clear the passage and go to the tunnel with a weapon. Obschery with several special forces and a large mutant that fell in boxes. Return to your friends and spend them to the goal on the left side of the tunnel, and ask the engineer to open them.

In stock, deal with small enemies and an infected person. Go up the stairs and shoot the enemies that appeared. Save the game, activate the shield and discover the gate under the control room - ahead of the meeting with the second boss. It's not so difficult to defeat him - try to spend the doctor in the room, and then fix the shield on the wall. Run ahead and pull the chopper so that the boss hit the current, then fry the animal from the flamethrough and return to the doctor for the boxes so that he should be done so several times, and the boss will become a story. Activate the second switch on the wall and exit the garage. Go to other gates, take the ammunition on the closet to the left and activate the switch. After the screensaver, you have only 30 seconds to leave the level, very soon everything takes off to the air. Go to the room with a control monitor (where you shot from the machine gun to clear your way) and sit down in the elevator. You will find yourself on the street. Run ahead, sticking to the signal lights, and in the entrance we will deal with several guards. Go right and the boxes will find ammunition. Return back, take the first-aid kit from the container. Go to the next door, there is nothing special in the room, go on the door to the left. In the next room, we deal with the enemies and go to the door to the right.

Completely through two rooms and indoors are dispersed with two guards, then follow the left and read the message on the computer. Door in the second pass on the left you do not open, so stepping to the right. In the corridor, kill several small mutants and go to the next door with weapons. Shoot several guards - carefully, two of them are armed with flamethrower, then collect the ammunition left by them and take the first-aid kit from the locker on the left. In the next corridor you will be waited for several more guards configured against you clearly unfriendly. Show them who is the main and go through the next room - go ahead and on the left side. Shoot your enemies and walk on - in the room you will meet the engineer. After the video fee, give him a weapon to trust you, and ask him to repair two shields in the room so you can save the game and open the door to the right. In the warehouse, shoot minor mutants and take the weapons and ammunition. Return to the corridor and go forward - disperse with enemies in the next room, go to the door and go down the stairs, while shooting small mutants, getting out of ventilation. Below, ask the engineer to activate the shield and go to the door to the right. In the corridor, disperse with the enemies. Around the corner look into the monitor - see the key at the corpse? Excellent, activate the switch and go to another room. Observe the enemies and ask the engineer to activate the shield. Save the game. Open the damper - shoot two small creatures and take the key. Return to the room and go to another door - type the ammunition and activate the shield on the wall on the right to turn off the lasers. Grab C4 and run back. Shoot the emerging guards and come back to the very beginning of the level, passing out with new enemies. In one of the rooms that will be now open, you will find a grenade launcher and save the game. Then go through the corridor and shoot a few guards at the exit. Then follow the street. When the level is loaded, run to the left, along the fence until you reach the hangar.

Shoot the special forces - do not allow him to cover the hangar, otherwise everyone will have to start from the beginning, and install an explosive on the plane. Native here everything, and then check the other three hangars in the same way and install explosives on airplanes. Go to the entrance to the control center and kill the two guards that will elate it. Inside, disperse with the enemies and go through the passage to the left of the entrance. Ask the engineer to activate the shield and take it away away. Go to the door, save the game, read the message on the computer and take the key from the corpse. Then deal with several small twars and one big and follow the door in the opposite passage - kill enemies there and go to the corridor on the right. Tear a big creature and blow it off, firing in the barrels. Go forward and give the doctor a first-aid kit. Return back to the O-shaped corridor and follow the door, not far from the toilet. Climb the stairs and shoot small enemies. Upstairs you will have to deal with several small enemies and one big. Then select the sniper rifle and, using the approximation, shoot into explosives on all aircraft. Make everything quickly. Otherwise, the gate will come in the hangars, and you will have to start everything from the very beginning. Save the game. Go out into the corridor with weapons. Understand the security and go down the stairs. Below run to the door where the physician found. Kill a big mutant and a few small, and then go out into the street and jump into the ventilation hatch. Go for ventilation forward and jump down. In the cave, go to the right, take the grenade from the ground and activate the shield in the booth on the right. Observe with a big mutant and several small. In the booth, type the aid kits and ammunition. Go to the elevator, as you can see, it does not work, and you follow the passage to the left.

Shoot small enemies in ventilation and climb there, with weapons at the ready. Wrap around the corner and get ready for a pallet, a few small creatures will not make yourself wait long. Then click forward, to the exit. In the air ducts you will fall into the underground plant, there you will meet the physician. Go behind it until you reach the ventilation stroke. Be careful not to fall under the jets of the steam coming out of the pipes - you can pate health. Observe with small mutants at the top and try to not infect your new friend, otherwise then you will have to be tight. Kill three guards and descend back to the ventilation move through which you got here. Go ahead and over the corner. Observe with small creatures and blew up the chamber of tracking, firing in a barrel under it. Follow the next turn to deal with several enemies. Sick in barrels from the next camera tracking, and they will explode.

Go forward, shoot small enemies and with the help of a fire extinguisher extinguish the flame. The next Radar has a couple of guards, clearly unfriendly against you configured. Using their ambition lead and throw a couple of grenades to blow the device. Bloom the barrels on the contrary. Now go ahead, along the way, shooting small enemies, and see a big mutant. Best return back to the boxes. There it will not pass, and you can quietly roar him. Right run forward, ignoring small enemies, and head straight at the door. Jump for boxes on the left and blew two radar. Then shoot the boxes and go to the door on the left - save the game there, take the cartridges to the shotgun, the gun and activate the button on the wall on the left. Return to the corridor and go through the next door. Operate it and shoot the left radar, then quickly run forward and hide behind the boxes on the left side - so the second sensor will not be noticed. Shot it from a pistol or sniper and deal with a small mutant that will drop out of the ventilation hole. Pass for drawers and pick up the cartridges and the first-aid kit there. Activate the shield on the wall and go to the door, opposite the entrance. Take the ammunition, come back to the corridor and follow.

Pass on the door to the left and run to the boxes. At first, shoot two security devices at the door through which you entered, then one on the wall on the left and the next door. Go to the room on the right, take the ammunition and activate the shield. Return to the corridor and activate the shield on the wall on the left - do not pay attention to small enemies and run forward to the next door. Browse the video fees, go ahead, take two aid kits and ammunition. Read the message on the computer and wait, when one of your new acquaintances mutirs. Put it from the flamethrough, after which the other will trust you.

Collecting useful items, go to the door to the right. In the next room, take the cartridges from the box from the cabinet on the contrary and ask the engineer to fix the shield on the wall on the left. Go to the room, take the ammunition and save the game. Go up and order your partner to make a shield on the wall on the contrary. Go down, look at the video camera monitor and wait until the engineer is suitable for the closed door in the first hall. Activate the lever next to open it - your new acquaintance will pass inside and explode the door. Climb up and read messages on all computers and at the same time deal with creature, which will appear, breaking the wall. Return to the first Hall and go through a break in the wall. Observe with small mutants and shoot three cocoons on the floor. Extinguish the fire and go on the door to the left - torsize from the flamethrough of a mutated person and take the cartridges. Follow the other door and look at the long-lasting video fees, after which you will find yourself in a gas room. You have only 30 seconds to free myself: First, activate the shield on the wall on the left, then run on the other side and turn on the monitor on the second table on the right - turn the camera to the right and shoot the ventilation hatch from which green gas is coming. An explosion will occur, after which you can get out of the room, but before you do, activate the computer at the next table, collect aid kits and ammunition and read the message on the computer by the window. Go to the first room and save the game, then go back to the first hall. Go to the opened corridor and shoot the radar on the ceiling. In the next corridor, we deal with small tweaks and activate the shield on the wall on the left. Go ahead and disperse with two guards, fix the shield on the wall and climb the stairs. In the control room you will meet the engineer - look at the camera monitor on the right and left. In the monitor on the left you can control the machine gun - shoot in the barrels at the door, take the engineer with you, go down the stairs and go to the entrance door. Observe with a mutating person, take the ammunition, and then ask the engineer to open the shield to the left of the break, you can open on your own. Native two rooms: Look into the monitors, take the cartridges and in the room on the left you can save your game achievements. Now go to the shooting - there is another door where you were not. First, collect ammunition from the shelves to the right and aimed fireproof positions, you will also find several boxes with cartridges. Go to the door with weapons. Thographing and in the room shot two guards, follow the next door - you will have a meeting with the third boss.

Kill the monster pretty easily - at the beginning run around it and shoot from the machine, and when it flies, throw two incendiary grenades under the ceiling. Then get ready to deal with a big mutant and, as soon as the boss dies, the door will explode, and two special forces will appear in the room. Consider their incendiary grenade, disperse with a mutant, grab the key from the corpse and leave the room. Save the game and follow the first hall, then go to the door through which you hit the level. Now you need to quickly run forward, so as not to burn - there are few enemies at the level, you just need to evade fire. So, go through the room and in the corridor, we deal with two small mutants, which jump out of ventilation. Take the last minute drawers and run to the next door.

In the corridor, go ahead and again rise to the top - to the ventilation hole. Before entering the ventilation hatch, you will have to deal with two guards and two large mutants. Cool into the duct, move forward and jump down. We use the pipe and again you will find yourself in an underground cave - here you have to deal with four large mutants. I advise you to attract their attention and climb into ventilation - they will not get you there, and you can fry them from flamethrough. Then go down to the cave and sit down in the elevator. After you find yourself on the surface, view the screensaver and take the ammunition at the wall on the left. Next, you have to deal with the whole bunch of guards. During the battle, I advise it more often to look at the blue indicator at the bottom of the screen, as you are on the street, you can die not from the bullets of enemies, but from supercooling, so you have to constantly return to the beginning of the level and warm up. So, go out to the street, and with the help of snipers, destroy three special forces (shoot in the head - one cartridge for everyone will be enough). Carefully move forward and over the next corner meet several more enemies. Try to attract their attention, and then when they go to you to meet, shoot them one by one and palter on the barrels with gasoline to kill the guy standing a little further. Quickly run forward and hide behind the indent to the left, hence the enemies seized in the meadow. The guard can be laid out of the sniper rifle - go back a little back to the rock, sneeze on a squat and from here you can shoot it. Go to the entrance to the right and take the aid kits and incendiary grenades in the cave. Boil and get ready for one fight. Enemias will not make themselves waiting for a long time: use sniper and pomegranate against them. Get out of the clearing and follow, here you will be waiting for three more enemies: two below and one at the top. Shoot two guards, and kill the third with a sniper rifle. Go ahead and come around the corner of many more enemies - and do not touch them. Having passed a little further, you will see three more guards - remove the first of the sniper, then the others will notice and break into the pursuit: back back and shoot yourself. Run ahead and exit the second clearing: kill the guard on the left and run into the structure. Look at the screensaver, after which you can save the game on the tape recorder on the left, and take the first-side aid kits and ammunition.

Go to the passage on the left and disperse with the protection. Step forward and shoot a few more enemies. Then go to the passage to the left, blow the laser and carefully look out due to the corner. Attract the attention of the special forces and shoot them one by one. Follow, take the ammunition left by your opponents, go squatting and move forward. Around the angle will see several enemies - position them from sniper. Go to the clearing and go to the next passage - two security guards will be resorted to the noise: the first will explode on mine, you will have to deal with the second person. Around the angle you will be waiting for another special forces - and do not touch it. Stand on and see the laser - wait when your enemy explodes, and run forward, the second laser will happen the same. Remove the rear from the third laser and deal with three enemies - tactic tactics: Attract their attention, and then lidery the hosts one for the right death.

Take the cartridges and go to the door around the corner - you will again find yourself on the street. Hide the drawers and use sniper with the guards in the destroyed structure. Run forward and replenish your ammunition in the container (and at the same time getting getting). Now follow the pass to the left. After the level is loaded, go forward directly to the final boss.

Go further - find yourself on a helicopter. Now it is necessary to deal with your chief enemy - blow the barrels with gasoline around it and mercilessly shoot the machine gun, the benefit of the cartridges are infinite. When he approaches, the pawing on the tentacles and after a while, the end will come to the end, and you get along more comfortable and enjoy the final screensaver.

Kill the paratroopers. Take the Monte (Monte). Complete the rooms to find the room with a staircase. At the bottom of the stairs - the door to which not approach due to laser protection. Just throw down a couple of grenades that will destroy this defense. Go down.
In the corner lies a first-aid kit. Take it down and enter the door. You are in the tunnel, in which there is a colors of creatures and something. Go slowly, and everything will be fine. Turn the right and turn on the flashlight, and you will not see anything. Somewhere on the right there will be remnants of tanks with flammable. Not coming close, shoot them. If you're lucky, it will destroy something. Then go out the balances of the fuel truck and take grenades while your engineer will repair the generator in the tunnel. When he does it, the light will light up in the tunnel. Go on the tunnel and kill everyone who will meet on your way.
Find a small room with video surveillance. Use a managed tool to deal with paratroopers and blow up barrels with fuel to clear the passage through the tunnel. Kill more than one more fighters of the invisible front and pour the cartridges. Cut the engineer to fix the generator and enter the room.
Inside you awaits an unpleasant surprise and a bunch of creatures. When you figure it out, we have a room for cartridges and grenades.
Climb the stairs and replace the generator. Kill the creatures. Then take the fire extinguisher, cartridges for a rifle and savor.
Go down and get ready for a meeting with something.

Open the door, but do not rush to run to kill the boss. Repair the generator, and then go back to the door. Look out due to low boxes. Switch to the first person view and throw grenades in the boss. Then arm with a grenade launcher and run around the boxes. Your task: to aim well and palp the boss in the neck area.
When the boss gives the ends, shoot the switch behind it - it will open the next room. Inside, replace the generator and look at the video. When the timer starts, run off all your feet. You have 35 seconds to reach the elevator (it is on the road that was cleared earlier to the gun).

Transit hangar 1.

The mission begins in the snow, and your task is to reach the hangar as soon as possible. Kill two paratroopers near the hangar, and then one more inside. On the left there is an open container where the first is the first-aid kit.
Go to the right to pick up the rifle cartridges. Left will be the door leading deeper into the hangar. Go through the room and kill the paratrooper earlier than he will turn on the alarm. Take a walk around the rooms next door. Kill the paratroopers and find the computer. Use the computer to learn about the explosive storage. Around the corner from the computer there are switches that require the attention of the engineer. You will return to them later. Go along the corridor with creators to the door at the end. Through this door, I advise you to pass as soon as possible, and kill paratroopers. It will help you avoid a meeting with the Ghost. The room has first aid kits.
Go along the branched corridor and shoot in the paratroopers. At the end of the corridor, another fighter awaits you behind the door. If you try, then it can be shot at him from a sniper rifle earlier than he will notice you.
Go to the room on the left and kill paratroopers before they shot Powell (Powell). Give Powell Weapons and make Cold Storage Cold, as well as the terminal for saving.
In the freezer there are cartridges for a pistol and MP5.
Go along the corridors to the stairs. On the way, paratroopers will attack you, so do not yaw. At the bottom of the stairs on the corpse you can get a first-aid kit. Go through the doors and make Powell fix the control of the security doors. Come on the neighboring rooms, collecting ammunition and shooting paratroopers.
In the room with MR5, cartridges and video surveys, notice that there are also door switches. Use video surveillance to look at something outside the door.
Go to the hall and find the room with a sacrop. Let Powell repaid it. In one of the rooms you are waiting for creatures. You can not understand with them, but just throw a couple of grenades and quickly slam down the door. When they feed, go to the room and take the key from the explosives warehouse.
Enter the next door where the explosive is. After you deactivate the alarm, paratroopers will attack you. Your task: to shoot yourself the way back to the main entrance to the hangar.
When you give up to the content zone (Holding Area), make Powell fix the door wiring. The problem is that Powell will be frightened and can lose all means with reality. So that this does not happen, do everything quickly: they ran, fixed, ran out. If necessary, then across it adrenaline.
When it replaces the terminal, you will receive an access code to the save room. Run there, on the way shooting from creatures. Inside the room there is a grenade launcher and saved. As soon as you enter inside, the agent will fall into the room. Kill him.
Run to the main doors of the hangar to the next level.

Again, everything starts in the snow, so you need to rush. Run forward until you see the buildings of two hangars. Each of them is guarded by the paratrooper. Try to kill them as quickly as possible (sniper rifle should help).
Enter the hangar on the right and install explosives in it. Do the same in the hangar on the left. In the hangar on the left, kill the paratrooper and collect ammunition.
Go to the hangar that stands behind. Install C4. Finally, go to the last hangar. Here you will have to sweat with creatures and install explosives.
Then go to the main building that is guarded by two paratroopers. Kill them and enter inside. Inside the "Ghost" and fix the access box in the staff room. Go inside. On the corpse will find keys and flashlight. You will attack creature. When you deal with them, sax and use the computer. Get out of the room.
Turn left and go to the door at the end of the corridor. Come and replace wiring. The management of the room with data requires the fixing by a specialist (I hope that Powell is still alive).
Go first to right, then go back and left. All who will see - kill. When you go to the left, then you will see a barrel with a flammable. It must be blown up from a safe distance. A chain reaction will begin, which will kill something and, possibly in the "ghost". Go forward and achieve the "ghost" before he kills Reed (Reed). Riddle a first-aid kit, which lies with his feet, and give weapons. You will attack creature.
Go to the bathroom. From there you can go to the tower. When you start climbing the tower, you will attack creatures from pipes. Climb at the top and kill the creature at the entrance. Come in the room. Here are two rooms: in one "ghost" and saved, in another you can see the video. First you will continue, only then begin subversive activities.

Undermining C4.

The whole focus is that it is necessary to shoot and run quickly. As soon as you shoot, the hangar door will begin to close. The best tactic is to first shoot on C4 from one room, and then quickly run into the neighboring and repeat everything. Like as soon as possible and do not waste time.
After you shoot in all C4, the video will start. Run out of the room. Paratroopers will meet you on the stairs. Go down and kill creatures. Run to the back door. Get out and climb the pipe system leading to the next level.

Weapons Security

Go through the pipes until you find yourself in the cave. Find two buildings. Wire a wire in one of them. From the neighboring house will get out "Ghost". Kill it and take the ammunition and a first-aid kit from the house.

Run to the elevators where the creatures will attack you. Elevators will not be able to use. Go up the earthen ramp to the grid. After the explosion, kill the creatures and climb into the pipe.
At the second turn, you will be attached from all sides. For the third, the cartridges for MR5 will lie. As soon as you get out of the pipe, you are waiting for one of the greatest battles. The new hero - Koen (COHEN) will appear from behind the back and queries up the ramp. Your task: give him a weapon and run behind him. At the top, make it followed and kill all paratroopers who will start to attack you. Now start slowly descending down, methodically shooting creatures that climb from the corpses. Clock implements will be waiting for you just below. Before jammed under the gun, try to destroy it from afar (blow up a barrel or just shoot).
When you get to Niza, the "ghost" and creatures will attack you. Kill them. Then give Kena cartridges and leave it before the next room. Your task is to run into the room and hide in a small corner on the right, where the guns will not be able to get you. Shot a small box that blocks the door, and run inside. Rinse the switch on the wall - it deactivates guns. Collect weapons and save.
Return to Cena and leave it in this room. Go to the next room. Go to it and immediately head to the room. Turn off the guns. Bring Coen. Near the second gun there is a first-aid kit and cartridges for a rifle.
The third room is the greatest. In the room four guns. The switch on the right deactivates the tools in the far corner, but will run the guns next to the door. The second switch does the same with the exact opposite. The solution is simple - run into the room and immediately dive into the room right. Then you look out because of the door and shoot the nearest guns. Now quietly press the switch. Take the cartridges and bring Coen. Go through the door at the far end of the room.

Arms laboratory

Ryan (Ryan) and Stolls (Stolls) cannot decide which of them the alien. Your task to help them. Come in the room and take two aid kits and Taser. On the other side of the room, take the device for blood test. Use it on Raien. Kill him!
Cut the columns to follow you into the robots room. Take the cartridges and order a column to fix the box with data number 1. Come into the room, save and take the cartridges for a shotgun.
The corner has a video surveillance system, on the floor fire extinguisher and door control. Climb over ramp and make colills fix the generator.

After Dan Murray's reporters and Liz Elleir drove up to the Fitzrandolf Fitzrandolf Villa, where the torn blonde noticed by the Great Albert mansion, control over the heroes ...

After the reporters of Dan Murray and Liz Elleir drove up to the Fitzrandolf Fitzrandolf Ville, where the talking blonde was noticed by a big albert mansion, control over the heroine goes into your hands.

Liz Elleir - Villa

You can chat with Dan, but it does not burn with the desire to learn the causes of the incident just seen, so boldly head to the villa alone. Come inward through the front entrance to find yourself in the fit protrudolf and talk with it. As soon as the conversation end, Liz will be on the street at the car. Return back to the house and look in the lobby. The stairs to the top of the watchman robots-guards, but the side rooms of the first floor are free for your visit. For a start, go into the dressing room and talk there with Edgar. It turns out that the guy all his life wanted to be filmed into the movies, but his external data did not allow him to do this. Now pay attention to the cardboard figure of the actor "Vulkan Flash", similar to our sufferer, as if 2 drops of water - there is not enough small details. In the inventory, you will immediately have a figurine of Edgar, which you need to supplement the most details and show the desperate guy. To begin with, we leave the dressing room and take stylish glasses dressed on the pumpkin with a railing of one of the stairs. Now go to the door located for the wardrobe and look at the room. Take here a blue paint can, standing on the shelf at the desk lamp without a lampsier and grab skin with a railing. Now put the doll in your inventory in this vest and the points found earlier, not forgetting to smear it with blue paint. Show your creation Edgar, after which it will immediately change clothes by following your advice, and will give you your jacket. Intellite it in the inventory, finding 2 tickets to the boxing match in her pockets. Return back to your partner and hand it these tickets. Now he agrees to tear his fifth point from the car's chair and embrace with Fitzrandolf will go to watch the match.

Before returning back to the villa at a pretty prepare your inventory, taking the Dan's abrupt flask, standing on the wing of the car. Also look into the trunk and grab from there an oil canister. Heavily armed, go to the mansion and visit the empty fit of the Fitzrandolf. Since the owner went to the box, you can see here well here and pick up a crown handle for a patefone from his sofa. With this wealth, go through the doorway behind the curtain and find yourself in the corridor with three locked doors guarded by another robot. Touching with him a conversation, you find out that he cannot skip you into the Cabinet of the Secretary, as Liz does not have identification during the scanning of two parameters - the volume of the chest and the hips. And in what cases are all the advantages of women look more wetting? That's right if the observer is pretty drunk. However, the robot does not want to drink from the flask, so we will go to the trick. From the portion of the machine oil, it will definitely not refuse, so we mix alcohol alcohol to the canister with oil and calmly pour this poorest mixture into the robot. Now the test will be passed without problems and Liz will be able to enter the door broken by the guard. Great Albert escaped you, but you can calmly look in these two rooms. First, go to the next Beverly Room and take a pencil from a glass from the desktop. Now come back and inspect the gramophone. If you start it with the help of the handle found earlier, besides the music you will hear some movement in Beverly's room. Let's see what happened there. Ba! The office has become a real BooR! Take advantage of the sudden luxury and take the left of the bed the jar with a black caviar of Russian production.

Go outside and go to the dog booth. Using the caviar can, pull out a very extravagant animal from the coneres and take a notebook left here with great Albert. Strike his leaflet with a pencil, reading the inscription on the village-cut, then get ready for the heroine captivity.

Dan Murray - Villa

Once in a semi-fitting room, grab the thrown liz belt near the stove, right under the college. Go outside, pose from the doorway the cans with paint. Coming out on the other side of the villa, you will see a dormant Mexican wall. Put his case from the guitar to explore its contents in its inventory. There is no tool and in riser, but inside a complete set for a fun pastime - cactus, lemons, a bottle of tequila and stacks. We go further along the house and call you a wonderful dog Tobby. Since Tobby is, no matter how cool, dog, let him sniff the liz belt, suddenly he will bring you to the abducted partner? Hmm ... led, but only exactly at that very basement, where you are this belt and picked up. But the grille in the floor is now open, but Dan goes down at Dan, everything will not come out - too deep, so you need to find the rope for insurance. We go out on the street and close to the working Edgar, we discover the green leaf, which is "wool" Tobby. Get to your car and take a baseball bat out of her salon, and at the same time grab the watering device on the lawn near the road. Returning to the villa, pay attention to the small door, which is a little right from the Tobby booth. Freddie Kruger's glove stick to her, but Dano does not get out of her bare hands. Then they knock it off by a bat, and with a new acquisition we go to the pier (not far from the dormant Mexican). To the yacht, we have no need to go to the yacht, but to pay attention to the rope tied to the berth stands. And again, with bare hands to cope with the knot from Dan will not come out. But with the help of gloves with claws, you can easily seal the rope to descend to the sewer. Going to an open lattice, bring the rope to it and go down. There you will find the voice recorder Liz, receiving new information for searching.

Talking with Edgar about the temple of illusions, you need to find a way to penetrate. To do this, we return to the berth and pass on the yacht where the Laboratory of Professor Flame is based. He conducts experiments on teleportation and it needs a current entity for experiments. However, it will not risk valuable people, so the applicant must be a worthless member of society, not to have long life prospects, and besides this, testing personally from Professor. Try to project from the shining science you can right now. The meaning of testing is that you will show ink stains and ask what you see them. However, not knowing the right answers, to go through this test for "maybe" difficult, so we need to find someone with a developed figurative thinking who will throw us ideas for answers. But before leaving the yacht, go to the life expectancy meter, standing in the corner of the laboratory. When Dan smokes in it, the device will give an unacceptable for the applicant for the experience of magnitude. Then use a sheet from Tobby from inventory and safely pass the test by doing one of the three conditions of the professor. It remains only to grab a camera-breathing on the floor and you can go on fresh air.

On the berth sits a thoughtful type burning his hand with a magnifying glass. Suddenly it falls, and he utters a penetrated poetic line. It turns out that this is a poet, looking for insight and going to do so for him. Obviously, this guy with figurative thinking is full of order, it remains only to help him with Music, and ready-made responses for the test will be in your pocket. First, crush the Freddie Kruger glove on the graphite board, then give it a watering mechanism and cactus with lemon from its inventory. Remember all 4 lines, which he said - they are the right answers to the professor test. If you play a German version of the game, then they sound like this:

Eine Hollische Sonne Versengt Mit Die Haut: Prazise, \u200b\u200bGrausam Und Verschlagen;

It remains only to become an insignificant member of society. To do this, go to the car and scatter it with a baseball bat, photographed the result of your increasingness. As soon as the photos of a broken car and standing near her wreckage of Dan with a bottle of tequila fell to the table of the chef, he was immediately fired from work, so you are now useless for society a person. It is time to go back to the laboratory to the professor and call it from the ceiling to pass the test. Alternately, call the ink spots shown to you by the replicas, who heard the poet (see above in the text, if you have a German version of the game) and start experimenting on teleportation. We safely pass the experiment, ask the professor to transfer one teleportal chamber to that basement, where you found the Liz belt and enjoy how a lonely poet will fulfill this order. Now pull the camera with selected cans, masking it under the Egyptian sarcophagus. Let's go out and tell Edgar that they found a sarcophagus, after which it will be transferred to the temple of illusions, and you can move there without any problems. It remains only to hold a short dialogue in place and finish this game cut.

Dan Murray - Temple of Illusions

Having admitted to the Egyptian queen in love, Dan will raise it and start kissing, but at this time you need not to admire the process, but to quickly explore the Vase from which to get a coin. If you explore it in your inventory, you will see that the duck symbol is depicted on it. In total, on this location, you need to find 4 more subjects with images of hieroglyphic characters. Well, proceed. Go out to the main hall and talk to the guard at the top. You would not prevent his staff, but just there he would not want to give him. Then offer him an equal exchange - a bit in exchange for staff. So, now you can see the image of the eye on the staff. Go to the far end of the hall, where the fountain from the scarabs and two statues has a dual pass. At one doorway there is a room with 7 sarcophagi, in one of which lies mummy. However, by opening the coffin from which she jumped out a moment ago, you will not find anything there, but the scored creation pops up from the sarcophagus, which is in four coffins to the right of its previous "output". For this algorithm, it always acts, so, knowing it, you can easily take the right coffin and take the dagger from her, where the next image is drawn. Coming out of this room and go to the next doorway under the two statues, you will see a pyramid soaring in the air, but you will not get it without help. Magic. Then go to the entrance to the theater and make a conversation with one of the guards, asking to demonstrate some focus. Having admired how carrots miraculously change places with a rabbit toy, take a hat and a magic wand from the table and go back to the room with a pyramid soaring in the air. Cover it with a hat and click the magic wand. Focus Poko! Now the toy hare craits in the air, and the missing pyramid lies on the theater table. Return there and take the find.

It was time to visit oracles, whose door is located to the right of the stairs in the main hall. Before starting a conversation with a man behind the screen, pick up with a dummy a red plate near the door from the opposite wall, and only then tick the oracle. Alternately give him all the items found: a coin, staff, dagger, pyramid and a sign, filling out, thus, a special penalty for all 8 characters. But now get ready for a small test for attentiveness. You will be alternately demonstrated to the penalty with 6 different characters, and the list below shows the various names of the hieroglyphs. The problem is that only one of the names coincides with the real location of the symbol in the penalty. That is, if the hieroglyph with duck is the third on the left, then you need to choose its name only if the word "duck" is third in the list.

Below are the screenshots of the right solutions of some combinations so that you are easier to catch the essence of the test and the translation of the German names of the hieroglyphs, if you play the German version of the game, but do not know the Goethe language.

Die Kaputte Auge - Eye;
Das NotausGansschild - man under the arch;
Das SchoHundchen - Goat;
Das WeibSbild Im Profil Mit Hornern - Sitting Girl with Horn on the Head;
Die Schlage - Snake;
Die ENTE - Duck;
Die Zielscheibe - Spiral;
Die Krummen Striche - Wavy Lines

In a reward for your attentiveness, the shaman will give you a jar with a red scarab that you need to release to the fountain filled with his blue fellow. The bowl will empty, and you can get an old book from there, locked on the castle. However, it easily opens with the pyramid found earlier. After that, we complete the episode, pretty parrot Tsaritsa spells from the book of the dead.

Liz Elleir - airship

Updated on the Fitzradolf airship, take advantage of the moment and talk with his master. Widow talking, go out of the office in the hall and ask the robo-cook that he cuts out. After that, explore the freezer where the door is leading in the right corner of the room, where you admire the frozen skier and a huge stock of seafood. Returning to the hall, take a parachute wrench from the wall near the freezer chamber and grab a hefty tessel from a wooden stand near the opposite door. Now visit the remaining unexplored room in which hunting trophies are stored. From the stand with a weapon, take a gun and charge it with a dart with a sleeping pills, the box with which lies on the shelf from a target for playing darts. You can make a snorke of a white bear, but it's better to immediately shoot a dart inside the drawer suspended on the rope to calm the living creatures. Swop the box to the floor using the block and remove the belt from it. Before leaving this room, take a ski stick from the closet in the corner. Check out your inventory pretty, return to the fitsrandolf and order a seafood dish in a conversation. As soon as the robot goes to the freezer for the ingredients for the ordered dish, Liz will slam the door behind him so that the cook was the company to make a company to frozen skier. But now you can safely explore the empty kitchen table from which the culinary syringe for cream and baking shape should be taken. We return to the fit of the Fitzrandolf and pay attention to the safe in the corner. It would be necessary to embarrass him somehow, but how to do it? The owner is watching you, and throw it from the airship, without damaging the contents quite problematic. Let's solve problems as they arrive. First, combine in inventory with syringe with darts with sleeping pills to pour the medicine into the chicken tube of Fitzrandolf. Now, no one is watching you, so, having familiarized yourself with the content of the document on the table you can start kidnapping the safe. First, take the folding table for drinks and apply it to the safe. Tie a safe to the table with a fastening strap from the inventory and secure the parachute on this design. After that, go to the balcony, where with a pre-combined ski stick and baking mold you jerk by the top hook by opening the glass dome of the balcony. Return to the room and push the safe on the cart from the window, leaving it with you on a motorcycle.

Dan Murray - Lab (part 1)

This time Dan is in captivity. While we are only and we can, what to ask for a barn-locked in the cell of the Flant sprinkle to us on the belt holding the leg of the hero. With the help of the liberated limb, pull the lever and omit the cell with the professor below. Now give the villain of Celsius, sending a cursor pointer to the opening of the corridor, and wait for it to appear. Single-eyed doctor Poland to the professor and raise it to be tight back, after which it will be removed from the room. But now, the flue can spit again than you use, having freeing my hand, and then completely getting rid of the way. It remains only to be tested by a wrench on the head of Celsius and go to a fascinating and quite schizoid adventure on the subconscious of Liz.

Liz Elleir - subconscious (part 1)

Liz does not have anything left, how to go to the lift cabin subconscious appeared in black and explore its panel with buttons. While you are available only to three top buttons out of six, drive 80, 11 and 14 floors.

Now we go to the 80th floor and fall into some similarity of the studio, littered with boxes, where Liz sees himself behind the glass. But now you are talking to your double, so you cannot pick up a red notebook box from the table and remove the icon from a bathrobe hanging on a cactus game.

We return to the elevator and go to the 11th floor, where Molbert is talking to the artist, complaining about us for the absence of red paint. While we can help her, but from the hay's stack in the corner of the room you can take a set for sewing to sew two buttons from the inventory to empty places in the elevator panel instead of the missing buttons.

We attend the last floor available now - the 14th. There you need to twist the nozzle with the shower and take a motorcycle helmet with hangers at the entrance, as well as pay attention to the locked safe in the corner of the room. A man with his head under the arm in the portrait will refuse to call the correct combination for just so, so we will have to help him in exchange for code.

When all the available floors were investigated, it was time to sew two buttons on the elevator panel by filling out two empty buttons from left to right. Having done this, we go for 73 floor to the restaurant. Talking with Armando's robot, pick up the flask that is lying at the bar counter, and take the hand-cutting juicer lying on it. Before leaving, do not forget to grab a teddy bear suspended in the end all with the same rack.

Going down on the fifth floor, do not scare the huge head of the crocodile, and better pay attention to the dried tree with a flying tickets growing on it and standing along with a red fire extinguisher. Use the juicer on the fire extinguisher, thus squeezing, thus red paint and screw the shower nozzle right above the crown of the tree. Quickly return to the 14th floor and turn on the water in the bathroom, then feel free to descend back to the 5th. The tree bloom there, and you can break the invitation dance ticket from his crown, carrying you on 73 floor to the restaurant.

Again, talking to Armando, pay attention to the floral pot standing in the far right corner, which performs the functions of the orchestra. You need to run this intricate orchestra, alternately connects the 4 of its instrument, getting into the tact of the losing melody. The complexity is as follows. A total bouquet consists of 6 colors, and you need to activate only 4 of them, responsible for the sound of a piano, violin, double bass and drums.

The remaining two flowers are responsible for the sounds that have a very indirect attitude to music. To begin with, alternately turn on and turn off every flower to learn what tool it responds. Be careful! If you betray from the rhythm of the melody, the bunch of the flower tool will change and will have to seek what flower, as it sounds. The easiest way to first launch the piano, and only then in the pauses of the melody connect the remaining three tools to it. The main thing is not to hurry and feel the rhythm of the music, then you all turn out and the orchestra will play harrily. The award for these conducting airship will be half another button.

In the meantime, return to the artist on the 11th floor and give her alternately five items found: ivy bear, icon with the logo of the game, helmet, flask and notepad. For each subject, it will draw in the picture based on the memories of Liz, but the work will not be completed until you give it a jar with red paint. With her help, she will complete the picture of a man without a head, hanging on the 14th floor, and he will tell Liz into the award to LIZ a combination of cipher from the safe, and you can pick up a medal out of it. Go with her to the fifth floor and apply on the crocodile head, after which Liz will be fearlessly able to enter inside and find themselves in primitive jungle.

Dan Murray - Lab (part 2)

As soon as Professor Flya takes off to the ceiling, take the tea bag from the table and go to about the middle of the corridor, where the chain hangs. Here "click" the cursor at the bottom of the screen entrance to the laboratory and go to the metal slot door. Watch up the barrel with gunpowder and fill it with a selected bag of tea. Also take the robot broken head alone and go back to the laboratory. Climb up the stairs and go out into the film studio corridor, through the secret passage, disguised by the vending machine. After passing along the corridor, you will see three doors in front of you. We ignore large two-dimensional doors, but for two others worth paying their attention. The right of them is the Cabinet of Fitzrandolf. On the left there is a shooting area where you should go. Talking there with black and white actors, get a bracelet from the bag and tickets to the box, as well as read the piece of paper with a secret code lying on the chair. We knock on the Cabinet of Fitzrandolf and show him during the dialogue bracelet, after which we descend back to the laboratory, using a piece of code on the vending machine. We go to the table professor Flant and call it from the ceiling to give the scientist bracelet and the head of the robot.

Liz Elleir - subconscious (part 2)

After receiving a cobblestone from Neanderthal Dan, Liz breaks them the glass, separating it from his twin, sitting at the director's chair. After talking with myself, pick up the fastening belt and a magnet near the Sofita, and then speak again with Liz sitting in the chair. As soon as she leaves the studio, quickly climb her bag and get out of there tickets for boxing and bracelet. Having done this, go to the elevator and we go to the 52 floor marked with a red button, where the primitive Dan is waiting for you.

We pick up the drum standing near him and speak with a partner. As a result, he will decide to check your accuracy, giving a liz in the hands of the knife, and himself put an apple on his head. The first time you cannot get into the apple, as you do not try, so Dan will give you a fruit, taking a knife to yourself. Use the magnet on the apple, and then again sagitate Dan check your accuracy. This time, the knife will simply have nowhere to go, except to stimulate exactly in the apple in the literal and figurative sense, and you will get the same knife as a reward for your smell.

Go to the 30th floor, where you will meet with the Anna-Maria's pianist. Chat with her about the cult of voodoo, then take a purple jacket from the hanger and handle from the patefone located on the right side of the room on the table with the phone. Before returning to 52 floor to Dan, talk to the pianist and offer her to play Dan's drum. She will refuse, referring to the absence of the necessary score.

On the 52nd floor, talk to Dan and hand it on boxing tickets. He will rise up on Liane, giving you instead of a note for playing the drum.

Return to the 30th floor to the pianist and again offer her to fulfill the batch on the drum. This time she agrees and under the rhythms of Tamtam, a picture in this room suddenly will survive. Take advantage of this moment to go inside the canvas and pick up the Figurine of Voodoo Dolls.

Having thoroughly prepared, it was time to visit the 68 floor, where the villain Celsius exploits two robots that torments some mechanism. You need to stop his work, but will help you in this magic Voodoo. To begin with, cut the Dan's knife a piece of fabric from the Celsius Cloak. Now we have a voodoo doll into this fabric, implacing the raincoat of evil genius. To complete the image, a bracelet depicting the artificial eye of Celsius and tie her belt from the inventory.

Dan Murray - Film Studio

Giving tickets an actor on the set, try to penetrate the empty Cabinet of Fitzrandolf. As it is not surprising, but it is locked, so it's just not to get into it. We remember that you have a tea bag filled with powder in the inventory. Layout homemade explosives in the door lock and think that we would get it up. Come through the two-dimensional doors and start a long conversation with Fitzrandolph. As soon as Dan is in the corridor, come back to the director again and ask him to give you a smoking tube. With it, you can easily undermine the explosion on the locked door and take a device from there to clean the walls that Edgar used.

Go down to the laboratory and go out into the corridor, where in the right part you will see a large albert, a familiar poet and intangible person sitting behind the Glass partition. Just on it and you need to apply the found unit to enjoy the final roller of the game, from which you will learn about the further fate of the main characters of this story.