Article 25 years of marriage. Silver wedding (25 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS

Article 25 years of marriage.  Silver wedding (25 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS
Article 25 years of marriage. Silver wedding (25 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS

25 years of marriage, a quarter of a century of marriage, is usually called the silver wedding. This is not just a long period of time, most of which two people spent under one roof - they ate together, slept, watched movies, went to the store and made plans for the future. This date is primarily an indicator of such qualities of spouses as patience, respect, willingness to compromise, mutual assistance and understanding, and even friendship.

Love is a multifaceted feeling and capable of transformation. If at the beginning of a relationship this is usually passion or at least sexual attraction to each other, then at the turn of a quarter of a century it manifests itself in a completely different way. By this time, the husband and wife fully justify the popular proverb, which characterizes them as follows: “One Satan.” Spouses become best friends and truly family; without acquiring such shades of relationships, marriage does not survive for such a long time.

What kind of wedding is this?

25 years - silver wedding. This name for half a century of family life dates back more than one or two centuries; the roots of the holiday go back to the Early Middle Ages, to those times when the institution of the family, so carefully nurtured by the Christian religion of all denominations, was already quite strong and truly became a value and one of the pillars of society .

The names of weddings did not appear by chance; they were formed by the type of material of gifts for spouses. For example, on the first anniversary they gave simple “consumable” fabric and products made from it - the wedding began to be called calico.

And the type of gifts and what they were made of, in turn, determined not the number of years lived, but the needs of the family at the current stage of life. For example, at a “leather” wedding, families of both ordinary people and feudal lords most of all needed harnesses, elements of tools and clothing made from this material, and even hanging belts capable of holding a cradle with a baby.

Of course, the longer people lived in the world, the less they needed “consumable” gifts. Over the years, the need arose to acquire material assets that could emphasize the status of the family, its position in society and, of course, be passed on by inheritance.

That is why the wedding anniversary at 20 years was called “porcelain”, and at 25 - “silver”.

Are there any traditions?

Each holiday has its own traditions, and the 25th wedding anniversary is no exception. There are quite a lot of different features of celebrating this date; literally every village had its own customs for celebrating this day.

Common traditions found almost everywhere include the following:

  • the beginning of the day is a kiss: it was believed that if one of the spouses woke up earlier, got up and did not kiss the other half before getting up, then joyless and difficult times would come for the family;
  • washing - should be done together and use “silver” water, this was a ritual washing away of all grievances, secret discontent and complaints, everything bad that happened over the past years;
  • the presence of sweets on the table: sweets had to be present in the diet throughout the entire time, and not just during the evening feast.

The wedding anniversary - 25 years - has many more historical customs, but in modern life most of them are both irrelevant and difficult to implement. But today's realities have added a lot of new things to the ancient customs, which did not spoil the holiday, but, on the contrary, expanded its scope and made it one of the most desirable for all married couples.

Modern customs of the holiday

The main customs of celebrating this anniversary that have already become traditional are the repetition of the wedding ceremony and, of course, going on a romantic trip.

For the first time, a husband and wife from Texas celebrated a quarter of a century of marriage in this way back in 1960. Local newspapers wrote about this, praising the original idea of ​​the celebration and the bride’s outfit. But the credit for the fact that the option of holding the anniversary was picked up all over the world belongs not to the press, but to local television, which made a large hour-long film and a number of news stories telling how all the guests who were at the original wedding were gathered, how the costumes were thought out, and the most important thing is how permission was obtained for a repeat wedding ceremony.

Americans were moved by looking at their television screens, and the ratings of a small channel from Dallas rose to incredible heights. European television companies drew attention to this nonsense, and the story of the heroes of the day has already captivated viewers on the other side of the ocean.

It is possible that the 25th wedding anniversary of the family from the Texas ranch was celebrated in this way, but this incident gave rise to the widespread custom of celebrating the anniversary in this way.

What should children do?

Unlike the porcelain anniversary, the silver one not only allows for the active participation of children in preparing the celebrations, but also welcomes it.

Children can participate both financially and act as direct organizers of the holiday. The most important condition for their participation is maximum attention to the wishes of the parents and the implementation of exactly the celebration scenario that the older generation prefers, and not imposing their own vision.

Traditionally, it is children who purchase silver rings for their parents; this has been the custom since the origins of the holiday. This tradition should not be neglected, and everything else depends only on the celebrants’ own capabilities, imagination and desires.

How to congratulate your husband?

25th wedding anniversary is a reason to surprise, but to surprise on a large scale. This is not the day when you can scatter playful notes around the apartment or hide funny trinkets in the most unexpected places.

A gift to a spouse from a woman, in addition to its tangible nature, must also correspond to the concept of being intended only for the husband. That is, you cannot give, for example, a silver ashtray if both people smoke or someone living under the same roof with the celebrants. You should not give anything that your spouse does not use. For example, a person who has been smoking cigarettes all his life does not need to be given a silver-plated pipe as a gift, but a cigarette case or lighter is quite suitable.

That is, on this day a woman should give a gift to a man, and not to an abstract spouse created over the years by her ideas and interpretations. A gift should tell a person that he is loved and important, that his desires and needs are attentive to, and that he is caring about the little things.

If the choice is difficult, or it is unpleasant for a woman to give something that her husband dreams of, then silver cufflinks would be an ideal option. It is advisable to add a new shirt to them; this will allow you to dress your husband up for the gala evening in the same style as you.

How to congratulate your wife?

What to give a woman for her 25th wedding anniversary is one of the nightmares of men. The stronger half of humanity often leaves the choice of a gift for the last few days and ends up buying the first thing that comes to hand.

The secret of a good gift is simple. The gift must be made of silver, intended exclusively for personal use and be accompanied by flowers. In principle, the gift may not be made of silver, but it may contain an element made of this material; in the most extreme case, it may be complemented by a trinket made of metal.

What can't be given?

Congratulations on your wedding day on 25 years of marriage completely exclude the following types of gifts:

  • Appliances;
  • gadgets;
  • items for one of the family members;
  • jewelry, with the exception of those given by spouses to each other and rings purchased by children;
  • furniture;
  • alcohol and food, even if it is a bottle of rare wine, the only one in the world.

The gift from those invited to the celebration must be significant, contain silver details or be made entirely of this metal, not consumable and intended for both spouses. A traditional set is a good solution, as are silver cutlery, because this is how family silver appeared in homes.

Nowadays people often give money, this is a good option, you just need to format such a gift correctly - the envelope should be silver, with a postcard inserted inside containing a laconic wish and signature. However, such a gift does not correspond to the traditions and foundations of the anniversary.

Do you need postcards?

A postcard is an indispensable and important element of congratulations. This is part of the gift that will be preserved and will remind the anniversaries of the person who congratulated them. But, unfortunately, it is precisely this that is often forgotten, both by those invited to the celebration and by professional holiday organizers.

“25th Wedding Anniversary” cards should be appropriate for the occasion. The best option would be a one-of-a-kind, handmade, elegant and simple greeting card, tucked into a matching envelope.

The congratulatory text should be short and concise, contain a list of wishes and a signature. Poetic texts are also acceptable, but they should not be formulaic. As a last resort, it is better to take an excerpt from a famous work that has a suitable meaning than to borrow lines from the Internet, which the celebrants themselves will certainly come across.

It is important to remember that the postcard is part of the present, and does not replace it at all.

What is important at a banquet?

The tradition of celebrating this day is to include sweets in the family’s diet. Therefore, a banquet in the form of a main course includes desserts, the main one of which is, of course, cake.

A cake for the 25th wedding anniversary is not the final and, in general, unnecessary part of the feast, as on the wedding day, but the apotheosis of the entire celebration. With a competent professional approach to organizing an anniversary feast, the menu will be quite light, regardless of what form the celebration is planned - a banquet, buffet, reception or some other form.

The cake does not appear at the end of the celebration, but at the beginning of its second part. The first half of the anniversary is devoted to gathering guests, presenting gifts, congratulatory speeches, 5-10 toasts and light snacks.

After this, it is time for the cultural program, which includes a demonstration of various moments in the life of the spouses, starting from the stage of their marriage. Of course, various competitions and other fun are allowed. This is a kind of intermission, during which you can go out, visit the sanitary room, have a smoke break, or just get some fresh air.

After the entertainment part, the cake appears. It must be a masterpiece, made in the appropriate style and not decorated with figures of the bride and groom. The right to cut remains with the celebrants, but only if the confectionery product is not made up of many different cakes, which is extremely popular in Europe. In this case, the heroes of the day simply take a cake.

If the 25th anniversary of a joint, married life comes, then you probably know what kind of anniversary is 25 years old and what kind of wedding it is. Of course, you cannot forget about such a date, because it is almost a quarter of a century. The spouses prepare for such an event in advance, because the date is serious, which means it is worth celebrating beautifully, and the gift to your loved one on their wedding anniversary should be made not symbolic, but very practical and necessary.

If you have lived together for twenty-five years, the wedding is called a silver wedding.. On this anniversary it is customary to give silver. Presents can be completely different: from jewelry, spoons to silver candlesticks. Of course, the gift won’t be cheap, but isn’t such a date worth it?

How to choose a gift for a silver wedding

If this holiday has come not to you, but to your friends, and you don’t know what to give for your 25th wedding anniversary, then these tips are definitely for you.
  • The best gift for such an event is silver;
  • If there is a gift option that is much more practical, give it;
  • You should not focus your attention exclusively on this precious metal;
  • Remember, basically all guests will give silver, distinguish yourself with a more practical gift and congratulations;
If your close friends are having a holiday, then you probably know what exactly they would like to receive from you on such a date.

It is worth remembering that no matter what kind of wedding there would be after 25 years of marriage, the newlyweds are no longer children, and they will have no need for symbolism. Adults value two things: attention and practicality. Therefore, it is worth taking into account their preferences and making a wonderful surprise, delighting loved ones on this day.

How to choose a gift for your spouse for your twenty-five wedding anniversary?

Men always appreciate any gifts, be it socks, perfume or a razor. Yes, fortunately, they are accustomed to the fact that we cannot surprise them with originality. Men who are not picky do not expect gifts for their anniversary, do not hope for a joint trip to the seaside, and generally do not expect anything from this holiday.

That is why it is worth surprising them in order to show and prove to your loved one once again that he was not mistaken in choosing his soul mate, and that during the years you have lived in marriage you have gotten to know him better than anyone else.

For you, we have selected several options for gifts for twenty-five wedding years:

  • It could be a clock that will clearly chime every second lived together;
  • Perhaps some device for your loved one’s car;
  • New covers for the car;
  • New perfume;
  • Silver finger stamp;

  • This is only a small standard selection; it is better to choose a gift that matches the interests of your partner: a new fishing rod, fishing rod or spinning rod, wrenches, etc.

    Having received such a gift, your spouse will be pleasantly surprised and, undoubtedly, happy with such a surprise.

    How to choose a birthday gift for your wife?

    Which is not surprising, but women look forward to all sorts of holidays more than anything else in the world, because this is an occasion to once again gather the whole friendly family at the festive table, congratulate their beloved husband, and celebrate this date together. Every man notices that the weaker sex gets great pleasure from this whole holiday atmosphere, when everyone is happy, there are no quarrels or troubles, and you can just sit and enjoy the day.

    To make the holidays even happier for women, men masterfully prepare surprises in advance. But in order to choose the right gift, you need to remember that you have been together for 25 years and what kind of wedding this is. Yes, it is customary to give silver on this date. But when choosing a gift for your life partner, you need to start not from the event, but from the preferences of your beloved. Of course, your chosen one will be happy with any kind of attention, be it a cake, just a family dinner, or a ring. But the brightest surprises are those that you dream about for years.

    It is very flattering for ladies when men know for sure about dreams and desires, only then can one feel real, spiritual intimacy. Of course, a dream come true will be a wonderful gift for your 25th wedding anniversary. What kind of wedding can there be if the bride is not happy?

    When choosing a wedding anniversary gift for a woman, you need to consider:

  • Preferences and tastes of a woman;
  • Her ambitions and dreams;
  • You need to know well what she doesn't like;
  • It is worth remembering that you have been together for 25 years. What wedding would be without silver?

  • Of course, celebrations and a lot of guests will flatter the lady, but she will be more happy only when you support her and understand her. Yes, help in everyday life will also make her happy; there has never been a woman who would not be happy about a tidy house, washed dishes, a warm dinner and flowers.

    When making surprises for your loved ones, do not forget: the main thing is not the gift, but the attention. And even if you don’t buy her a thousand roses or give her a fur coat, he will appreciate your concern if you just make her coffee and sincerely tell her about your love, which has not subsided after years of living together. Be more attentive, and your holiday will bring only happiness and pleasure to everyone in the family.

    Preserve the warmth of your relationship by bringing care and respect through your lives. Give love, surprise and stay together despite all the adversity. Be close, support each other, and then your family life will sparkle like silver.

    A strong and happy marriage of 25 years is a solid achievement that not every couple can boast of.

    A quarter of a century is collectively called the Silver Wedding. How best to celebrate this joyful event and what guests traditionally give to the heroes of the occasion - you will learn from our article.

    origin of name

    The tradition of assigning the name of a particular material to a marriage originates in Europe. The material is selected taking into account the characteristics of marital relationships during this period of time. Paper, leather, tin - many associations are associated with marriage at first. But the union of spouses acquires its highest value precisely after 25 years. That is why the anniversary is called silver.

    Silver is an amazing metal. In addition to obvious advantages (for example, value and beauty), it has healing properties and is able to protect its owner. In exactly the same way, family ties with such a long history presuppose taking care of the spouse and ridding him of all sorts of ailments. Silver is durable. No small troubles can destroy family happiness. Many crisis milestones have been passed, and it seems that nothing can destroy the marriage.

    Silver also has a sad property - without proper care and attention, over time it becomes dull, and then turns black. This is an excellent metaphor for family relationships that spouses should not forget about.

    25 years of marriage - what a wonderful date and what a serious occasion! Therefore, as a rule, the “young” cannot escape the noisy celebration. The holiday can be held:

    • At the restaurant. It will be especially symbolic to receive guests in the same establishment where they were 25 years ago, and to all remember together what a wonderful wedding it was.
    • At home, because you can’t find a more comfortable place. In addition, preparing for the celebration together will help the spouses get even closer together.
    • At the recreation center. This option is ideal to celebrate the anniversary of a “summer” marriage.

    If we turn to traditions, they dictate that the number 25 should become the real leitmotif of the celebration. A husband can give his wife a bouquet of 25 roses, there must be at least 25 guests at the table, and if other references are possible, you should not miss the chance (for example, if there is an establishment in the city whose name includes this number).

    The celebration should be decorated in silver and look luxurious. It is not at all necessary to spend fabulous sums, you can get by with materials that imitate silver - highly polished cutlery, serving dishes, balloons, foil decorations... However, one silver object should still lie on the table to serve as an embodiment of the value of marriage .

    If life circumstances have developed in such a way that the “young people” cannot afford a feast for the whole world, you can spend the holiday together. For example, have a romantic dinner for two or go on a trip with your children. As a rule, the latter at this time are at an age when they are able to make their financial contribution to the trip.

    No matter how you celebrate this day, you need to start it with a strong kiss from your other half. It is believed that the longer this kiss lasts, the more happy years the couple will have together.

    Since ancient times it has been said that the Silver wedding should in many ways repeat the Green wedding (that is, the wedding day itself). This is explained by the fact that the holiday is the beginning of a new life for the spouses. You can take care of festive outfits for the “groom” and “bride” in advance, and be sure to invite your groomsmen and friends. The latter must “account” for the value of the marriage they witnessed 25 years ago. Well, what would a wedding be without the cherished “Bitter!” "? During the celebration, this exclamation should be heard literally after every toast.

    Gifts for a silver wedding

    What to give to parents? The choice of a gift for your parents’ 25th wedding anniversary depends on your financial situation. Gifts can be valuable:

    • tickets to a romantic trip for two;
    • decorative items with silver elements;
    • silver jewelry (for example, a bracelet for the mother and a ring for the father);
    • custom-made silver souvenirs (such as engraved jewelry or a specially minted medal).

    Inexpensive gifts for parents to please include:

    • theater or cinema tickets;
    • a table reserved for two in a cozy cafe;
    • congratulations made in multimedia format.

    This last point deserves to be discussed in more detail. Video, audio, photo congratulations are a wonderful gift! It often does not require any costs, but has every chance of becoming the highlight of the program. Record a song for your parents (if you have the appropriate talent, of course) or prepare a video presentation. For this purpose, you can go to all the friends and relatives of your parents, let them also take part in the congratulations. You can use everything from children's photographs and excerpts of surviving letters to good wishes for the couple.

    What to give to friends and family?

    If you are holding in your hands a treasured invitation to your friends’ anniversary, then it’s time to think about what to give them for such a special occasion. 25 years of marriage is a serious date. And what is the date, so should the gift be. Therefore, you will have to fork out a lot. The most common gift options:

    • silver photo frames with photographs of spouses;
    • family tree inlaid with silver;
    • dishes (plates, trays, glasses);
    • cutlery;
    • silver jewelry.

    If the holiday is just around the corner, and the financial situation is not the best, give preference to symbolic gifts that will be meaningful to the newlyweds: memorable photo souvenirs; love stories in digital format, etc.

    What to give each other?

    Traditions and customs contain many answers and allow you not to think about what to give. On the 25th wedding anniversary it is customary to give silver. Therefore, a variety of jewelry made from this metal are suitable as a gift for your other half. For example, as a gift for your wife you can choose:

    • silver box;
    • ladies' mirror or powder compact;
    • silver chain;
    • bracelet;
    • brooch;
    • earrings;
    • pendant or pendant;
    • medallion with a memorable photo.

    Whatever gift you choose, complement it with a chic bouquet of roses.

    Giving a watch to your lover is considered a bad omen. According to legend, this is how you doom your couple to break up their relationship. Therefore, if you consider yourself superstitious, refuse such a gift.

    The best gift for your husband would also be a silver item. There is an opinion that it is much easier for a woman to choose a precious item. We assure you that this is not the case. For your husband’s 25th wedding anniversary, you can give the following silver items:

    • ring;
    • cufflinks and tie clip;
    • a variety of key rings for house or car keys;
    • silver flask;
    • cigarette case;
    • silver-plated handle, decorated with a commemorative engraving.

    A “male” gift for 25 wedding years will be complemented by homemade cakes. If your husband has a sweet tooth, you can bake or order holiday cupcakes. If your spouse doesn’t like sweets, please him with a meat or fish pie.

    In addition to the main one, new wedding rings should be an additional gift to each other. From now on, “newlyweds” should wear neat silver rings on their middle finger without removing them.

    There is no need to get hung up on traditions. If you have long dreamed of buying something “for the family” or your other half is dreaming of a digital gadget or a newfangled device for his hobby, give him what you want. After all, the main function of a gift is to please its recipient, and not to settle any formalities.

    What not to give

    When thinking about what to give for your 25th wedding anniversary, don't forget that some gifts should not be given to spouses. Popular rumor ascribes mystical, frightening properties to many objects. Gifts with bad energy can affect relationships or even the health of spouses. Even if you are not a superstitious person, before you buy one of the items listed below as a gift, make sure that “young people” are skeptical about omens. Otherwise, you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation. So, you cannot give:

    • piercing and cutting objects: in ancient times it was believed that evil spirits lived on their edges;
    • wall clocks: according to legend, they count down the time until lovers separate;
    • wall mirror: unlike a ladies' mirror, such a mirror constantly “looks” at its owners and performs an energy exchange; mirrors for your home should be chosen exclusively by yourself;
    • pearls: this stone is called “widow’s”; To give pearl jewelry, wait until the pearl anniversary;
    • medical devices.

    If you unknowingly purchased a “bad” gift and found yourself in an awkward situation, don’t be upset. Invite the heroes of the occasion to “buy” the item from you for a coin. Such a symbolic payment will neutralize the bad omen, since the item will no longer be considered a gift.

    A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of any couple. With its atmosphere, it brings together relatives and friends who are not indifferent to the happiness of the young under one roof. Wedding anniversaries are no less solemn - on this day, spouses celebrate their family's birthday and enjoy each other's company. Preserving and carrying love through a quarter of a century, through troubles, omissions and worries is the highest good. Therefore, try to make this holiday at the highest level!

    silver wedding- this is whole 25 years of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is silver, which in turn is a precious metal. A twenty-five year marriage is also a jewel in some way. Spouses who have lived together for a quarter of a century will never part again, their love has been tempered over the years, they value, respect and love each other.

    For a silver wedding, the husband and wife must exchange silver rings with each other, which will henceforth be worn on the middle finger of the right hand, next to the wedding ring. Also, in addition to the rings, the spouses exchange bouquets of 5 flowers.

    Invited guests should also donate silverware, including jewelry and tableware. You need to celebrate your anniversary without skimping on treats. Guests, in turn, should not skimp on gifts. After all, the value of gifts should correspond to the value of a twenty-five-year relationship.
    It is recommended to celebrate this celebration in the same place where the spouses first exchanged rings. On this anniversary, among guests, the spouses remember the best moments of their married life.

    Today is your anniversary
    And a wonderful date.
    How many months and days
    It's been a while since you were married!

    Oh, how I want to scream
    To such a wonderful couple, “Bitter!”
    What is “twenty-five”?
    You live this much a hundred times.

    Today is the silver holiday
    And silver is a sacred metal.
    Let your head turn silver
    And the feelings will remain unchanged.

    It's the twenty-fifth anniversary,
    But it seems not so much.
    But the feelings are stronger and brighter,
    The road has already been trodden.

    We wish you not to break
    Of those ties that bound you tightly,
    And don't be sad and don't be bored,
    Even if they got tired somewhere.

    And there’s another stage ahead,
    Now we must strive for it -
    Live until the golden wedding
    And enjoy this moment.

    Happy beautiful, wonderful anniversary!
    You have been together for 25 wonderful years.
    May your life remain happy,
    And keep the secret of joy!

    As before, walk hand in hand
    Along life's long path,
    Respect each other, adore each other,
    To save love from different storms!

    Congratulations, my dears, on a wonderful date - 25 years of happy married life! You have already been through a lot: both good and bad. But these circumstances did not break your family idyll, and I want to wish you that it will be like this for many more decades. Let everything be great for your family: income increases, love increases, trust grows and doubts never arise about each other. Many, many positive and bright days to you, kind, gentle words. Continue to love and go through life only together, without opening your family’s hands. Happy silver wedding!

    How quickly the years fly by -
    They cannot be returned or caught up.
    You have a silver wedding,
    You are together exactly twenty-five!

    You are an example for us to follow,
    Anyone will envy you.
    Now we wish you the main thing -
    Live until the golden wedding!

    Fate brought you together for a reason,
    She led difficult roads.
    But if hand in hand and heart are sweet,
    The couple will be together forever!

    We cordially congratulate you on your anniversary,
    It's no joke - a quarter of a century is outside the window.
    How important it is to meet a person in life
    And share a common home with him.

    Silver wedding is a date.
    A span of life of as much as twenty-five.
    Kiss, hug like you used to,
    Well, turn back these years!

    We wish you the best, love and respect,
    But, really, we know that it’s all with you.
    The key to family comfort is the height of patience.
    Today all the words sound for you!

    You have come a long way together,
    The two of us reached silver
    Let's quickly raise our glasses,
    So that your home is full of happiness!

    I wish you stress-free
    Now to get to the gold!
    And only great pleasure
    Always get something out of life!

    Your family is twenty-five today!
    How many years have passed since the cherished date,
    Today we want to wish you,
    So that you are rich in life:

    You are rich in love and understanding.
    Rich in children, grandchildren, friends.
    May you have enough tenderness and attention.
    You create your own happiness.

    You have lived a quarter of a century
    Only in harmony, in love.
    Happy anniversary.
    This holiday is for two!

    Let the silver wedding
    It will only give you peace.
    We wish you a lot of happiness
    And live until golden!

    You got the silver
    You have lived twenty-five years
    Together husband and wife,
    Happy anniversary, happy important day!

    We wish you to keep it up
    And don’t give up your positions,
    May you live with interest
    And golden before the wedding!

    We wish you not to be bored,
    Don't get tired of each other
    So that love always reigns,
    May she give you joy, happiness!

    Twenty five wonderful years
    Your little world will be warmed with happiness!
    I send at this glorious hour
    Congratulations to you!

    I wish you well with all my heart
    And great love without end,
    Lots of joy, prosperity,
    May you always have a sweet life!
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    25 years of marriage after marriage.

    The symbol of the holiday is silver. It denotes the value and beauty of the relationship between spouses. We are no longer talking about fragility. 25 years of marriage have brought the family together so much that the couple now cannot separate.

    According to tradition, husband and wife give each other silver rings on this day. They put these jewelry on top of the wedding ring and wear it for a year, until the next anniversary. According to another tradition, spouses bring 5 flowers as a gift to each other as a symbol of the value of their marriage.

    The anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale. Neither guests nor married couples skimp on gifts and the festive table. Usually exactly 25 people are invited - in honor of the anniversary date. Moreover, invitations are sent out 25 days before the celebration. Witnesses, parents and children of the celebrants must be present. The holiday takes place outdoors or at home - as you like. The table must be set with silverware - in honor of the symbol of the anniversary.

    Gifts for 25th wedding anniversary

    In honor of such a significant date as 25 years of marriage, guests bring silver items as gifts to the married couple. Gift options for congratulating spouses:

    • items for table setting: cutlery, glasses, sugar bowl, coffee pot;
    • jewelry: earrings, bracelets, chains, cufflinks;
    • decorative elements: engraved wall clocks, paired candlesticks, figurines, vases.

    Gift for husband/wife

    Traditionally, spouses exchange silver rings on this day. If you want to pamper your significant other with a more substantial gift, then you don’t have to get attached to the anniversary symbol. You can give your wife expensive earrings or a necklace, a telephone, a fur coat. The husband will be delighted with a good purse, briefcase, and perfume.

    Gift from guests to spouses

    Guests present the spouses with gifts on a “silver” theme, as well as any practical things. For example, you can give your wife silver items - jewelry, a box, a powder compact or a mirror in a silver frame. The husband will appreciate a flask, cigarette case or lighter made of silver.

    A non-standard gift - silver commemorative coins for this anniversary. You can also present a professional photo shoot, a hot air balloon flight or a trip to the sea for two. A painting in a silver frame or with silver items painted on it is suitable as an original gift. A good gift is an icon in a silver-plated frame. Such a gift is suitable if the family does not consider itself to be of another religion or atheism.

    Gift from children to parents

    It is advisable for children to come up with a sincere gift for their parents that will show their feelings and love. Those celebrating the anniversary will be delighted to see a collage of memorable photos, videos about love, and a story about their relationship in prose or poetry. Such a gift will become the most expensive and will be remembered for a long time.

    Congratulations and toasts

    To congratulate the heroes of the day, it is advisable to prepare a mini-speech in advance. It is better to create options based on the anniversary theme:

    Our dear anniversaries!
    Today you are celebrating the anniversary of your love, which is no less than a quarter of a century. Your relationship was able to survive all the pitfalls of marriage. So let your home be full of happiness and warmth! Enjoy loving each other!
    Dear spouses!
    You are a role model for many. You have been together for 25 “silver” years. You were able to maintain love and understanding. Let your hearts continue to be connected by an invisible thread, and everything in your life succeeds. Lightness, harmony and family happiness to you!


    To entertain guests, they are invited to participate in interesting games. Competition program options:

    1. “Who has more silver”
    Guests are divided into 2 teams and count all the silver items or just silver-colored items that they have. The team that has more of these things wins. As a gift, the winners will be presented with a candy in a silver wrapper.

    2. "The Princess and the Pea"
    Only representatives of the fair sex participate. Objects (buttons, combs, keys, etc.) are laid out on several chairs and covered with a cloth. Participants sit on chairs and try to guess what is hidden under the canvas. The most quick-witted person is awarded a small sweet prize.