Modern wallpaper paintings on the wall: do-it-yourself master class. Master class on making modular pictures for your home Modular picture from wallpaper

Modern wallpaper paintings on the wall: do-it-yourself master class.  Master class on making modular pictures for your home Modular picture from wallpaper
Modern wallpaper paintings on the wall: do-it-yourself master class. Master class on making modular pictures for your home Modular picture from wallpaper

Having decided on the style, you can begin to select materials for the future work:

  1. Paint and canvas.
  2. Cardboard, designer paper, magazine clippings, old photos.
  3. Textiles, leather, ribbons, braid.
  4. Glass or crystals.
  5. Buttons.
  6. Dried flowers, shells.

Advice! Don't throw away old children's drawings, scraps of fabric, magazines, decoration- all this can become part of the picture. Store them in a separate box, reviewing and assembling from time to time.

We draw with paints

The easiest way to create an original painting for your interior with your own hands is to paint it. The theme is limited only by the imagination of the creator. Even in the absence of artistic skills, a masterpiece can turn out: use abstract techniques, study master classes and photos of finished works.

Oil, watercolors, acrylic paints will become faithful helpers in creating paintings for the interior. As a base, you can use both a professional canvas and ordinary thick paper or a primed board.

Advice! Inspiration can be drawn from nature, if there are picturesque places near the house. If you are not lucky with the place or the weather, feel free to draw your household, pets, fruit compositions - whatever. The accuracy of the reproduction of reality does not play any role, the main thing is to approach the process with a soul.

Modular paintings are suitable for almost any room: from kitchen before living room but it is important to choose the appropriate images. If you do not have time at all to create a masterpiece with your own hands, then we have good news for you - today you can buy them in any specialized store!

Photo printing

The technical side of the issue is taken over by a photo workshop, which can print a suitable image on almost any basis: canvas, paper, ceramics, etc. These can be ordinary posters depicting interesting places, people, ornaments.

Advice! A poster is not just a picture, it should carry a certain idea, correspond to the interior, the theme of the room and the character of the owners of the house. Recently, pin-up and retro posters have gained particular popularity.

If the poster is large-format, you can divide the image into several segments and, when combined into a single canvas, beat the joints, making it look like a modular picture.

If there is a child in the house, then you can scan his drawings and, choosing the appropriate color, shape,. A photo of the artist himself can complement such a poster. All that remains is to print the poster and place it in a frame that matches the color and style.

Collage of old and new family photos can be hung as a picture in the bedroom or living room, and posters with the image of the corresponding paraphernalia, fruits are suitable for the kitchen. Finally, it is worth noting that it is recommended to choose posters and panels for the kitchen in rich and bright colors, however, no one forbids you to go against the rules and create stylish ones.


From all kinds of scraps, fabric with a beautiful ornament, ribbons, braid or lace, you can create real masterpieces in patchwork style with your own hands... Fabric paintings are most often made using the applique technique. Dense textiles with restrained and inconspicuous ornaments (stripes, polka dots, etc.) are taken as a basis, and the main elements are cut out of bright patches.

Most often, kitchens and nurseries are decorated with textile products, since these rooms are characterized by a certain simplicity present in the application.

Advice! From felt, flannel and other fabrics that keep their shape well, you can cut fruits, animals, cars, houses. You can safely combine various textures and patterns on fabrics, use braid, decorative cord, buttons for decoration. For the living room, you can make a textile picture of crinkled silk with abstract patterns.

From buttons

With their help, you can create original things by sewing on or applique. This type of hardware is often used to depict leaves on trees. Buttons can be originally pasted inside any contour, for example, a silhouette butterflies or cats. In sewing stores, you can pick up parts of various shapes, colors and materials and lay them out like a mosaic, according to a previously prepared scheme. These button-like pieces will fit perfectly into the kitchen, however, they can also be used for the living room and bedroom.

Advice! Buttons can be glued around the perimeter of the picture frame, giving it a personal touch.

Wallpaper and panels

Often, after renovation, large pieces of beautiful wallpaper remain, which will be useful for making unusual interior paintings.

  1. Framed wallpaper is the easiest option for creating something like this panel... A piece of the desired shape is cut from the roll and placed in the frame. Moreover, the ornament may coincide with the pattern on the walls or differ from it. Such elements can go in a row of 2-3 pieces.
  2. To revive a boring canvas in a frame, golden paint and a stencil or small black and white photos, stylized in antique style, will help. Such wallpaper pictures will fit perfectly into

Modular paintings are a generally recognized trend in interior design, which is represented by several paintings united by a common idea or image. Today we will talk about being at home.
Modular paintings in the interior

The originality of products such as modular paintings is as follows:

  • they give the room a unique and complete look;
  • emphasize the taste of the owner of the house;
  • attract the eyes of visitors;
  • have high quality color rendering;
  • are a powerful source of energy;
  • create the illusion of movement in the room;
  • hide small surface defects, etc.

Types and schemes of modular paintings

Today there is a wide variety of modular paintings, differing in size and shape. So they can have horizontal, vertical, asymmetric displacement, and also be segmented and divided into several separate images (diptych, triptych, penaptych, etc.).

A special place is occupied by modular paintings on glass, made with the help of special paints and printers.

How to make a modular painting with your own hands

You don't have to be a talented artist and designer to get a unique piece. It is enough to choose any picture you like and print it using special equipment on fabric, paper or other sheet material. After that, all that remains is to cut the image into the appropriate elements and fix them.

The process of creating a painting from modules
Method # 1

To make a modular picture for the kitchen, it is necessary to prepare several frame wooden structures of various sizes and fix the finished printed image on them using a furniture stapler. In this case, keep in mind that the frame itself must remain on the seamy side.

in the absence of the possibility of printing and independent painting of pictures, a patterned bright fabric can be used as a canvas;

if desired, the frame can be replaced with a piece of chipboard or rectangular plywood.

Method # 2 (Modular painting "Flowers")

1. Prepare oil or other paints that do not fade and are used for writing batik, paintings on canvas.

2. Take several canvases and frame structures of a certain size. In this case, keep in mind that the latter should be slightly smaller than the fabric, otherwise you will not be able to fix the resulting image.

3. Secure the curtain to each frame with a furniture stapler.

If acrylic paints are used, then it is better to work with them on cotton fabric or silk (batik technique). The advantage of this method is that you sketch the sketch first on a piece of paper and then place it under the fabric.

On the reverse side, be sure to mark the order of the individual modules.

5. After the schematic drawing is ready, you can proceed to color design.

6. When the canvas is dry, install it on the wall.

If your modular painting "Orchid" will be located in a dark place, then install additional illumination on the side, or light coming "from the inside".

Today, a modular painting is considered a modern and rather stylish piece of furniture. Its main feature is the fact that it is divided into several parts that belong to one composition. Such products can be purchased both on the market and in specialized or online stores. But if you want to create a truly original and non-standard interior with budget savings, we will tell you how to make modular paintings with your own hands.

Modular paintings and their types

A modular picture is a decorative element of the interior, consisting of several separate parts, which are united by a common idea or style direction. This decor is placed mainly on the wall. As a rule, such decorations have a certain thickness, regardless of the material. For example, the depth of the modules can be the same or different. In the second variant, the difference in volume allows achieving the effect of a three-dimensional image.

Most often, the following materials are used as a basis for making modular paintings with your own hands at home:

  • Plain or photo wallpaper;
  • Various photographs;
  • Colored paper;
  • Canvas;
  • The cloth.

Important! The most original paintings are those that were painted with their own hands on canvas or paper.

The arrangement of modules can be linear, abstract, or diagonal. As for the shape of the elements, it can be completely different - from standard square or oval, to completely arbitrary.

Important! For home making modular paintings, it is best to use a rectangular shape. This is because a rectangular base is much easier to work with, especially for a beginner.

Where is the best place to place the finished product?

Each room has its own characteristics, goals and objectives. Therefore, the correct choice of various decorative elements will allow you to emphasize not only all the advantages of the room, but also to minimize its disadvantages.

Living room

This is ideal for a variety of experiments with vibrant and saturated colors. As for the size of the elements, it is best to select them in accordance with the area of ​​the room. For example, in a room with a small area, it is better not to hang large paintings, as they will look simply ridiculous, and vice versa - in a large room, small modules will simply get lost on the wall.

Important! It is best to place modular paintings above the sofa, as this is the most frequently visited place by family members.


For this room, all decorative elements should be selected carefully. It is best to give your preference to abstract images or tranquil landscapes. They can help you take your mind off your worries and relieve stress, making your sleep much more restful.

Important! In order to achieve complete harmony, choose images in which the primary colors will be in complete harmony with the overall color palette of the interior decoration.

Children's room

In this case, bright colors should be avoided. Try to choose modular paintings with images of animals or fairy-tale characters. As for abstraction, the kid will simply not be interested. Another original option is to create a modular painting from photographs of the owner of the room.

Important! If the room belongs to a teenager, you should invite him to make his own choice. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that your favorite musician or film actor may appear on the canvas.


It is most appropriate here to use the most simple images. This is due to the fact that the family is quite rare here, so you and your guests simply will not have time to stand and look at complex works.


For this room, you should select stylish, juicy and bright combinations. In this case, you can feel free to experiment. The most important thing is that the compositions fit harmoniously into the overall interior of the room.

Important! If your kitchen is small, it is best to ditch various accessories in favor of more functional shelves or shelving.

Master class on making a modular picture from photo wallpaper

Such decorative elements made from photo wallpaper look very unusual and original, and most importantly, you can make them yourself. To make a modular painting, you will need the following materials:

  • White or colored paper;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Cardboard;
  • Photo wallpaper;
  • Stationery knife;
  • PVA glue;
  • Threads;
  • Scissors.

Important! You can make do-it-yourself modular paintings from photomurals on completely different bases. For example, for a more accurate image, you should use wooden dies, and for a more voluminous one, use foam. The most important thing is that they harmoniously fit into the overall interior of the room and be combined with other decorative accessories.

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  • Select the required wallpaper.
  • From the wallpaper, you need to cut out a fragment of the shape you need.
  • Cut the previously prepared fragment into several elements.

Important! It is best to make a picture for 3-5 modules.

  • Glue parts of the picture with PVA glue on the pieces of foam.
  • Cover the sides with paper of the same color as the image.
  • Attach loops to the back of the finished product so that it can be hung on the wall.

Important! If you could not choose the wallpaper you need, you can find the picture you like on the Internet and print it in the size you need.

DIY modular paintings from ordinary wallpaper - master class

If after the repair you still have wallpaper linens that are no longer needed, but it's a pity to throw them away, you can turn them into original paintings that will become an excellent decor element in the interior of the room.

To do this, you will need:

  • Colored paper (to match the wallpaper);
  • Scissors;
  • Styrofoam or cardboard;
  • Old wallpaper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Threads;
  • Stationery knife.

As soon as all the materials are prepared, you can safely get to work:

  • Choose several wallpaper with different patterns, but kept in the same color scheme.

Important! Since high-quality wallpapers are quite expensive and not everyone can afford, you can purchase canvases that are in the rest of the store's warehouse. They are in no way inferior in quality, but the price is much cheaper.

  • Cut out a few pieces of the size and shape you want.
  • Glue the elements you cut out on cardboard or pieces of foam.
  • On the sides, glue the joints with colored paper.
  • Make eyelets from the back of the product.

Do-it-yourself master class on making fabric modular paintings step by step

The basis for such a product can be designed independently and printed, ordered from a designer, or purchased ready-made. In this case, everything depends purely on your desires and financial capabilities. Once you have decided on the main part, you can start making a modular picture.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • First you need to make a frame. Take wood slats and cut them down to the length that suits you.

Important! Pay your attention to the fact that it is necessary to cut the slats at an angle of 45 degrees.

Modular paintings consist of several parts (of two or more) connected by a common theme or plot. Due to the division of the whole image into parts, such pictures are also called segmented. Segmented picture modules are hung on the wall at a short distance from each other.

This is an avant-garde trend of art, therefore, modular exhibitions are considered to be somewhat "modern": they look great in modern interiors.

The design of the picture can be very different, so segmented expositions are suitable for many premises: home, workplace, entertainment venue, etc.

Modular paintings have long become fashionable in Europe, but the fashion for them in Russia has appeared only recently. Russian artists-designers quickly and rather successfully master the technique of modular art, therefore, the basic principles have already been developed by them.

First steps in creating modular paintings

Determine the number of segments. The first thing an artist does when he starts painting a modular painting is to determine how many segments there will be. This is done based on the size of the wall and the specifics of the image. There can be plenty of segmented picture shapes. There are usually three or four blocks, but there can be more (3-4 is the most optimal number of them).

Mark out the canvas. As a rule, modular expositions are painted with oil or acrylic. By the beginning of work, there should be a canvas prepared for the modules, approximately marked with the drawing that will subsequently be drawn.

Where will the painting be? Many artists, while writing their creation, do not think about where this picture will be located, and this is actually the most important thing. Modular paintings are mostly interior items, so it is necessary to develop in advance a color scheme that will ideally match the interior of the room. For a hospital, for example, sky blue or beige tones are suitable. And for a university, for example, something brighter: orange, red, yellow, all warm colors.

A few words about the performance of the picture. Of course, paintings are also painted with oil or acrylic. But sometimes, when creating a modular picture, authors use conventional printers or printers for fabric, with the help of which they print ready-made images. If the technique is good, at first glance it will not even be noticeable that the picture is artificial. Most designers, after printing, finish their creations just with the help of paints.

By the way: the exposition, made not on the canvas with your own hands, in the end loses little. There is an opinion that painting is no longer in vogue, that photography has replaced them. This is partly true, but I disagree. Still, painting is an art that will live forever. Oil, canvas - traditional noble materials that no modern photography can replace.

Things to consider when creating a painting

As mentioned above, before creating modular paintings, you should think about where they will be located.

Experts recommend making segmented paintings either darker or lighter than the main palette of the room. Exposures of the same color as the wall will be lost. In addition, there must be an obligatory bright element that will add zest to the interior of the room.

Too close-up
Better composition

In this picture, you can see a complete, complete image of the correct size. The color scheme of the picture with the decoration of the room and furniture does not match. However, there are sofa cushions, together with which the modular pattern creates a very different look.

Painting decoration

It is noteworthy that modular paintings are not required. Therefore, when painting a picture, you should consider how to make the ends of the picture neatly. Of course, you can frame your painting in a small metal frame that is barely visible. Or you can stick the scotch tape, which is removed after the painting is completed.

- all these items are able to transform the interior, bring with them a warm and friendly atmosphere. Pictures have been decorating the walls of apartments and houses for many centuries.

What are modular paintings?

A new look at the traditional art of steel segmented paintings, where a single canvas is divided into several parts. This approach allows you to create an unusual image that can be perceived differently each time. Modular paintings in the interior are an amazing mixture of age-old traditions and the latest trends. The most valuable are the models painted in oil... However, modular paintings made in the printing house by printing method are also noteworthy.

The undoubted advantage of this decor element is that it is not very difficult to make modular paintings with your own hands. We will describe below how to make a modular painting with your own hands from the available materials. But first you need to decide on the format and type of product.

Types and schemes of modular paintings

The variety of options will amaze even the most sophisticated art lover. Models vary in size and forms, direction and, of course, content. But the main difference is number of parts... There are only two segments in a diptych, in a triptych - three, in a pentaptych - five, and in a polyptych - six or more. You should not chase the number of segments, in any case, all of them should be only components of a single pattern.

If you do not know how to hang a modular picture, then refer to the picture. Individual segments should form a single pattern... But do not forget that between elements must be preserved. a gap of 1.5 - 2 centimeters... In order not to be mistaken in how to mount modular paintings, you need to consider each specific model.

How to choose a modular painting?

Each room has its own characteristics, tasks and goals. The correct choice of decorative elements will emphasize all the advantages of the room and minimize the disadvantages.

Living room

An ideal room to experiment and use bright and vibrant colors. Designers advise to select the size of the segments in accordance with the area of ​​the room. So, for example, small items can "get lost" on a large empty wall. At the same time, large segments will look ridiculous in a small apartment. Look great modular paintings over the sofa.


The picture for this room should be chosen carefully, weighing all the pros and cons. Give preference calm landscapes or abstract images... They will allow you to escape from worries, relieve stress and sleep peacefully. It is best to choose the image so that the primary colors intersect with the palette used to decorate the bedroom. Thus, you can achieve complete harmony and include a modular picture in the interior.


Do not overload the nursery with bright colors. If there are enough of them in the decoration of the room, then it is better to choose a picture in the same range... The kid will be interested figurines of familiar animals, but abstract patterns are best avoided.

If a teenager lives in the room, then invite him to make his own choice. Your favorite movie actor, musician or sportsman may appear on the canvas. Another interesting option is to create composition from their own photos.


For the hallway, designers are advised to select the most simple images... This is due to the fact that people rarely stay in this room. The owners and their guests simply will not have the opportunity to carefully examine the painting with an interesting abstract pattern. Remember that the hallway sets the tone for the entire interior of the apartment, so the drawing should emphasize the chosen style.


Juicy, bright and stylish - this is the perfect combination for the kitchen. You may not be afraid to experiment, but still the image should be combined with the interior of the room. Modular paintings for the kitchen are best post on a free wall... If there is not a lot of space, then it is better to abandon the decor and give preference to more functional shelves.

How to make a modular painting with your own hands: step by step instructions

If you have free time and a desire to decorate your home with an exclusive item, then pay attention to the modular picture. The volume of work is not very large, but the result will certainly please you.

Do you want to know how to make a modular painting with your own hands? Follow our step by step instructions.

Thus, you can make do-it-yourself modular paintings from photo wallpaper, fabric and pre-prepared printed images. If you know how to draw, then you can fix a regular canvas on the frame. In this case, the drawing is applied to it at the very last stage.

Will help you create interesting and effective modular video pictures Master Class.

Modular paintings in the interior: photo

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of decorative elements in the interior. It is best to mount modular paintings on a wall that is free of furniture. Choose images that emphasize the style and complement the atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.