Message about the Andersen Christian. Hans Christian Andersen: brief biography, interesting facts about the life of the storyter, works and famous fairy tales

Message about the Andersen Christian. Hans Christian Andersen: brief biography, interesting facts about the life of the storyter, works and famous fairy tales
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Biography, Life History Andersen Hans Christian

The world-famous writer Hans Christian Andersen was born in Denmark in 1805 on April 2 on the island of Funen in Odense. His father - Hans Andersen was a shoemaker, Mother - Anna Marie Andersdatter worked as a laundry. Andersen was not a relative of the king, it is a legend. He himself invented that he was a relative of the king and played in his childhood together with Prince Frith, who later became the king. The source of the legend was the father of Andersen, who told him a lot of fairy tales and told the boy that they were king's relatives. The legend was supported by Andersen himself all his life. Everyone believed in her so that Andersen made the only one, except relatives, to the coffin of the king.

Andersen studied in a Jewish school, as he was afraid to go to a regular school, where children beat. Hence his knowledge of Jewish culture and traditions. He grew sophisticated by a nervous child. After the death of the Father in 1816 he had to make a living, working aside. In 1819 he went to Copenhagen, having bought the first boots. He dreamed of becoming an artist and went to the theater, where he was taken from pity, but then kicked out after breaking the voice. Working in the theater in the period 1819-1822, he received several lessons in German, Danish and Latin languages \u200b\u200bin private. He began to write tragedies and dramas. After reading his first drama "Sun Elf", the Directorate of the Royal Theater helped Andersen to receive a scholarship from the king for training in the gymnasium. He began to study in the gymnasium, where he was cruelly humiliated, as he was 6 years older than his classmates. Under the impression of studies in the gymnasium, he wrote a well-known poem "Dying Child". Andersen begged his trustee to pick it up from the gymnasium, he was determined in 1827 to private school. In 1828, Hans Christian Andersen managed to enter the University in Copenhagen. Classes at the university he combined with the activities of the writer. He wrote a waterville, which was set in the Royal Theater. In addition, the first romantic prose was written. Andersen went to Germany, where he met several interesting people and wrote a lot of works under the impression of a trip.

Continued below

In 1833, Hans Christians made a gift to Frederick's king - it was a cycle of his poems about Denmark, and received a cash benefit after him, which spent completely on a trip to Europe. Since then, he has continuously traveled and was abroad 29 times, as well as about ten years lived out of Denmark. Andersen met many writers and artists. On trips, he screamed inspiration for his work. He possessed the gift of improvisation, to put his impressions in poetic images. European fame brought him a novel "Improvisator", which was released in 1835. Then many novels, a comedy, melodrama and play fairy tales were written, who had a long and happy fate: "Oil-Lukoil", "more expensive pearls and zlata" and "elder matushka". World Glory Andersen brought his fairy tales for children. The first collections of fairy tales came out in 1835-1837, then in 1840, a collection of fairy tales and amell for children and adults came out. Among these fairy tales were the "Snow Queen", "inch", "nasty dot" and others.

In 1867, Hans Christian Andersen received the rank of Stat Counselor and the title of Honorary Citizen of his native city Odense. He was also awarded by the Knight's Order of Danebrog in Denmark, the Order of the White Falcon of the First Class in Germany, the Order of the Red Eagle of the Third Class in Prussia, the Order of St. Olava in Norway. In 1875, by order of the king, the writer was announced on the birthday of the writer that the monument to Andersen in Copenhagen in the Royal Garden will be delivered. The writer did not like the layouts of several monuments, where he was surrounded by children. Andersen did not consider himself a children's writer and did not appreciate his fairy tales, but continued to write more and more. He never married, did not get kids. In 1872, he wrote his last fairy tale for Christmas. This year, the writer happened misfortune, he fell from the bed and was very injured. From this injury, he was treated for the last three years of life. Summer in 1975 he spent on the villa from his friends, being seriously ill. On August 4, 1875, Andersen died in Copenhagen, his funeral day was announced in Denmark National Day of Mourning. The royal family was attended by the writer. In 1913, the famous monument to the Mermaid was installed in Copenhagen, who began to reckon with the symbol of Denmark. In Denmark, two museums are dedicated to Hans Christian - in Orense and Copenhagen. The birthday of Hans Christian - April 2, has long been celebrated as the International Children's Book Day. Since 1956, the International Council of Children's Book, since 1956, is awarded annually a gold medal of Hans Christian Andersen, which is the highest international award in modern children's literature.

The article is devoted to the brief biography of Hans Christian Andersen - the Great Writer and Poet from Denmark. Andersen became world famous primarily as a fairy tale, but in his literary heritage there are many other works.

Andersen Biography: Children's Years

Andersen was born in 1805 in the small town of Odense. His parents were simple. Since childhood, the boy had a rich imagination and a penchant for fantasy. One of his fantasies was that his parents were the most qualities of the royal family. His favorite game was a puppet theater. When Andersen was only 11 years old, his father dies. A future writer becomes a teach student to be able to support the family.
At the age of 14, Andersen comes to Copenhagen in order to get a job in the Royal Theater. After a year of fruitless attempts, it is still taken to work as an actor of the second plan. However, soon the voice of a young man begins to break, and he is fired. During this time, Andersen was written the first play, which he tries to publish. Do not bring good luck attempts to sell the play in the theater so that I put a performance on it.
Andersen even writes a letter to a king with a request to publish his own play. Colleagues in the theater, seeing hopelessness of his position, also turn to His Majesty, but with another request. They describe the fate of the poor teenager and ask for him to be allowed to learn from the treasury. The request was satisfied and until 1827, Andersen is trained in the gymnasium. The future great writer with a severe feeling recalled years of study, which, apparently. did not go to the future. By the end of the life, he wrote with errors. However, he was paid a scholarship, which allowed him to reduce the ends with the ends. Over the years of study, Andersen was even able to publish his first book "Youth experiments."

A brief biography of Andersen: recognition and success

In 1828, Andersen enters the university. At the end of learning, he becomes a candidate of philosophy.
The first success comes to Andersen in 1833, when his small fantastic story was published. He receives a cash remuneration from the king, which can carry out a long-awaited journey abroad. Andersen visited Germany, France, Italy, England. The journey was not an empty time to the transmitting. The writer meets the famous cultural figures (writers, sculptors), not ceasing new works.
General Andersen was a very prolific writer. The literary heritage includes about 400 fairy tales, a large number of plays and other works. However, he often sends several times already written.
In 1835, Andersen publishes the novel "Improvisator", which brings him European glory. He followed a number of novels that increased the fame of the writer.
Since 1835, the collections of Andersen fairy tales begin to go out. In this genre, he finds his own vocation. The regular edition of the next collections begins under the same names of the "fairy tales". He takes a few more attempts in writing dramatic works, but they do not bring success to him.
From under the pen of the writer, all new fairy tales come out. Minimizing his glory. This leads to the author's statements that he hates fairy tales. Andersen is known as a children's storyteller, but again, according to his statement, he never turned directly to children in his fairy tales. Andersen was criticized for the lack of educational purposes in his fairy tales. At the same time, they were considered too simple for adults. In this unique combination and manifests the genius of the fairy tales of Andersen. Despite the constantly present motives of sadness and loss, they are full of infinite love and dedication. Heroes of his fairy tales are often poor and unhappy, but they always have hope and faith in a happy outcome. Probably, this is the expression of the author's own childhood.
Hans Died Hans Christian Andersen in 1875. Numerous fairy tales, who came out of his pen, entered the Golden World Literature Foundation. The best recognition of the merit of the writer can be considered the words of A. Strindberg, who said that speaking about Andersen enough to name one surname, because it is clear about whom it is in question.

Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875), Danish storyteller, author of more than 400 fairy tales, poet, writer, playwright, essayist, author of memoir essays Tale of my life (Mit Livs Eventir). Born on April 2, 1805 in the city of Odense on the island of Funes. Mother was a laundry. She dreamed her son to become a lucky tailor, and taught him to sew, draw and darken. Father was considered an unbelievable shoemaker and a carpenter. Most of all he liked to make the children's toys "From what will come in", enthusiastically to peel songs, read the son of a fairy tale from "Thousand and One Night" and play the scene with him from the comedies of the Danish playwright of Golberg. Forever struck the imagination of Andersen and his crazy, friendly grandfather, a big craftsman cut from the tree figurine of unknown winged animals and people with bird heads. His grandmother on the motherboard worked in the hospital for mentally ill, where a little Andersen spent a long clock and listened to the stories of the hospital inhabitants. At the end of life, he wrote: "I was made by the writer of the song of the father and speech insane." Not having time to record the Son in the city school, the parents gave him to study for the widow of the glove, but after the first sprawle he took his letter and proudly left.

Thanks to the spectrum "Abellino - a terrible gangster", which showed Copenhagen troupe in Odense, Andersen loved the theater. Three months with the help of a father who made him a special box for her presentation, he invented his first play, cutting out the puppet artists from the Chumbachkov, sewed costumes from Loskutkov, learned to led on the ropes of his characters. He never graduated from elementary school, and read and write only to ten years. At eleven years, he received a gift - that Pieces of Shakespeare and began playing the scenes from Macbeth. After the death of his father, the family barely reduced the ends with the ends, and the twelve-year-old Andersen was given to the apprentices, first on the cloth factory, then to the tobacco. Soon a troupe came from Copenhagen in Odense, which the statists urgently needed urgently, and Andersen received a wagon role of Kucher, causing that the theater was a vocation. In 1819, the Fourteen-year-old Andersen, earning some money and bought the first boots in life, went to conquer Copenhagen. Thanks to the help of patrons, he visited a ballet school, received free Latin lessons, German and Danish languages, began to seriously for the study of world drama and poetry.

And constantly composed, living in the corners and injigned. The dreams of the theater career came the end after the sentence of the actor Lindgren: "You have a lot of feelings, but the actor of you will never succeed." Overcoming despair, began the tragedy of robbers in Wissenberg. The first act published the ARPA newspaper, and for the first time he received a literary fee. Inspired by luck, took over the tragedy "Alfsol". By this time, the Copenhagen celebrities begin to lead him, including the physicist Ersted, the director of theater Y. Collin, Poet Raabek, the famous playwright Elensleger. Thanks to the efforts of Y. Colliel received the royal scholarship and in 1822 went to Slagels, where he was enrolled in the second class of Latin gymnasium, where he had no relation to her rector. He writes a lot, and his poem evening and dying child are honored with high evaluation of criticism. In 1828 he entered the University of Copenhagen, where among beginners university poets was unanimously recognized as the first, at the end of the training passed two exams on the title of philosophy. In 1829, the first romantic prose of Andersen was published - the journey on foot from the Hol-Men-Channel to the East Cape of the Amaager Island, where the author paroded himself in the form of a "skinny cat in a raincoat over the night shirt." The Danish Danish Troyville, Essurage Geiberg, later called the book with a musical fantasy.

The acting start, who helps Andersen mentally reincarnate in his characters, brought long-awaited fruits. His water wake love in the Nicholas Tower (1829) had a noisy success. In 1831, he went on the first journey in Germany, the total of which is the essay-thinking "shadow paintings" (1831) and the collection of poems "fantasies and sketches". For two years, 4 collection of poems came out. In 1833 he gave the king Frederick cycle of poems about Denmark and received a small manual for traveling in Europe. It began his "era of wanderings." In Paris, he met Heinrich Heine, in Rome - with the famous sculptor Torvaldsen, also began to write his first novel "Improvisator." After Rome went to Florence, Naples, Venice, wrote an essay about Michelangelo and Raphael. In England, friendship with Charles Dickens is tied.

In France, I got close to Viktor Hugo, met O. De Balzac and Alexander Duma. Andersen's poems wrote Romances Schuman and Mendelssohn. Andersen to carry out every idea for a long time, but wrote relatively quickly, but I rewrote and rewrote and ruled, tormented by cruel doubts. And the Danish criticism accused him of negligence and imitation, literary slurry and the poorness of the plots. At the same time, he lived very poorly, since the income was brought only small literary earnings. In addition to poetic writings, travel notes and philosophical essays, creates the novels "Improvisator" (1835), which brought him European fame, "just a violinist" (1837), "to be or not" (1857). The recognition was received by his comedy "Firstborn" and witness mulatto "Mulat" (1840). Long and happy fate fell to the share of play fairy tales more than pearls and zlata, elderly mother, Ole Lukee. The worldwide glory and love of readers brought Andersen his fairy tales. In May and December 1835 appeared the first two issues of fairy tales told for children. The third fabulous collection was published in April 1837.

(Everi, Fortalte for Born, BN. 1-3, 1835-1837). The collections included a well-known Russian Fairy Tale Fairy Tale, the princess on the pea, mermaid, and others. From this time, the collections were regularly published, which were just fairy tales. The flourishing of creativity falls on W. floor. 1830-1840, when the famous Tales of the Snow Queen were written, a resistant tin soldier, a nasty duckling, a girl with matches, shadow, mother, nightingale and others. Perceived and rated they were far from immediately, the author criticized for mistakes in spelling and innovation In style, for the fact that his fairy tales allegedly lightweight for adults and are not sufficiently asked for a children's audience. But the physicist Ersted immediately after the release of the first release of fairy tales, the prophetically remarked: "You will see" the improviser "to glorify you, and fairy tales will make your name immortal." L.N. Tolstoy, reading the fairy tale five of one pod, responded about it like this: "What a mischievous and wise fairy tale. One such is enough to stay in the history of literature. " One of the paradox fairy tales Andersen is that even the most sad and tragic of them have an amazing property to give hope and treat the soul.

The personnel of selfless love has become for millions of people Andersen Mermaid, a symbol of Copenhagen, where a monument is set. A new dress of the king, ridicuing the holway-slave psychology of loyal, generating the cult of insignificant, "bare" kings is rendered again. Or Magic Irony of Kalosh Happiness and Mocking Associativity, Thin Humor and Magicness of Swine and Princess on Peas and Merry Nrava. In the best fairy tales, high poetics is organically intertwined with reckless mockery, and romantic irony - with mysticism. Such are the fairy tales shadow, a resistant tin soldier, lightning, storm moves the signboard. The uniqueness of Andersen in that, he endowed a wonderful gift not only a mermaid. He wondered and convincingly fired the power of the Spirit of the Earth Fragile Girls. Such as Gerd from the Snow Queen or Elsa of Wild Swans, whose disinterested heroism and sacrifice eclipses the acts of even mighty heroes. For their inconspicuous little babies are preferred, whose souls permeates and moves great selfless love, fonding millions of children's hearts. Andersen with reliability endowed inanimate objects with human properties. And most importantly - the soul, thereby opening the unknown world for his reader earlier, the immense world, awakening the "feelings of good" to flowers and trees, erased coin and aublodnyy sinph, to a sliding-troll or a loser. On the immortality of the creative principle and the reality of miracles tells the priest-multidimensional tale of Len.

This is the story of a blue flower who came from ancient Egypt, whose weightless petals are similar to the wings of the moth. There are many transformations with a wonderful flower. Here is his dried stems crucified and stretched into the threads. From the threads there are clothing warming in Stuzh, giving coolness in the heat. But clothes wear out. However, the rag is suitable for washing floors and erasing dust. And when turns into a dust, then paper is creating. Paper turns into books - spacious wisdom and light. And even if the books fall into the fire, then the ash and ashes, fertilizing fields, again give rise to myriads of blue colors. Everything is repeated first, definitely disagreeable life. An example of a fairy tale equal to a high, light tragedy, a fairy tale-parable mother. Death stole a child's mother. In order to find out the road to the controversial, the mother gives her eyes to the lake. Putting to the chest, heats the frozen thorns, so that it begins to be green and flourish.

She gives her beautiful black hair in exchange for gray-haired old women-gatekeepers to enter the magic garden of death and save their child. Andersen was also interested in the problem of true and false in art, which tells the tale of the nightingale. The originality of Andersen's fairy tales is that, contrary to literary traditions, he used in his stories elements of a spoken language, combined imaginary with universal, taken from folk legends, as well as in the peculiarities of the description of landscapes - spiritual, dynamic and at the same time accurate. In the fairy tales of "Danchanin with the shoulder cheeks" we meet biblical heroes and characters from the myths of ancient Egypt, Tristan with Isolde and those who tell the Koran. It was organically merged by the West and East and there is a sacrament, which is difficult to explain, and given only to the soul. Some of the best children's fairy tales in world literature - they are addressed to equally and adults that the author himself was aware. Andersen's life is impossible to imagine without love, most often unrequited. The last and deepest love came to him in the fall of 1843, when the famous opera singer Ienni Lind arrived in Copenhagen. It seemed that it was so long-awaited "consonant souls." But this meeting turned out for Andersen spiritual pain, and all his life he lived a bachelor. Two months before death, he learned from the English newspaper that his fairy tales belong to the number of the most readable worldwide. He died on August 4, 1875 in Copenhagen. Swedish writer and playwright August Strindberg said so: "We are simply talking to Andersen in Sweden. Without initials. For we know only one Andersen. He belongs to us and our parents, he is our childhood and our maturity. As well as our old age. " In connection with the 200th birthday of 2005, UNESCO was declared the Year of Andersen.

Hans Christian Andersen (in many publications in Russian, the name of the writer is indicated as Hans Christians, dates. Hans Christian Andersen; April 2, 1805, Odense, Danish-Norwegian Ulya - August 4, 1875, Copenhagen, Denmark) - Danish Prose and Poet, The author of the world-famous fairy tales for children and adults: "Nasty duck", "New Dress of the King", "Resistant Tin Soldier", "Princess on the Pea", "Ole Lukee", "Snow Queen" and many others.

Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in Odense on the island of Funen. Andersen's father, Hans Andersen (1782-1816), was a poor shoe, and the mother Anna Marie Andersdatter (1775-1833) was a launcher from a poor family, she had to ask for a child as a child, she was buried in a cemetery for the poor.

He grew up very sophisticated by a nervous child, emotional and susceptible. At that time, physical punishments of children in schools were commonplace, so the boy was afraid to go to school, and his mother gave him to a Jewish school, where physical punishments against children were banned.

At the age of 14, Hans went to Copenhagen; Mother let him go, as it hoped that he would come there a little and return. When she asked the reason for which he rides, leaving her and the house, the young Hans Christian immediately replied: "To become famous!".

Hans Christian was a long-standing teenager with extended and subtle limbs, neck and the same long nose, as well as out of pity, Hans Christian, despite ineffective appearance, was adopted at the Royal Theater, where he played minic roles. He was offered to learn from the good relation to him, seeing his desire. Syflocked by the poor and sensitive boy, people petitioned in front of the King of Denmark Frederick VI, who allowed to study at school in the town of Slagels, and then at another school in Elsinor at the expense of the treasury. Pupils at school were 6 years old under Andersen. He later recalled about the years of study at school as the most dark sum of his life, due to the fact that he was subjected to the strict criticism of the rector of the educational institution and painfully worried about this day until the end of his days - he saw the rector in nightmarish dreams.

In 1827, Andersen completed study. By the end of the life, he did in the letter many grammatical mistakes - Andersen never overwhelmed the diplomas.

Andersen was never married and had no children.

In 1829, a fantastic story published by Andersen "Hesy Traveling from the Canal Holman to the eastern tip of Amagra" brought the writer fame. Andersen writes a large number of literary works, including in 1835, the "fairy tales" glorified him. In the 1840s, Andersen tried to return to the layout, but without much success. At the same time, he confirmed his talent, making a collection of "Book with pictures without pictures."

In the second half of the 1840s and in the next years, Andersen continued to publish novels and plays, trying in vain to glorify as a playwright and a novelist.

In 1872, Andersen fell off the bed, he was very prayed and no longer recovered from injuries, although she lived for another three years. He died on August 4, 1875 and was buried at the Copenhagen Copenhagen.

List of famous fairy tales:

Storks (Storkene, 1839)
Thumbelina, Wilhelm Pedersen, 1820-1859.
Gudfaders Billedbog, 1868)
Angel (Engelen, 1843)
Anne Lisbeth (Anne Lisbeth, 1859)
Grandma (BedStemoder, 1845)
Flek and Professoren (Loppen Og Professoren, 1872)
Wandering lights in the city (Lygtemændene Ere I Byen, Sagde Mosekonen, 1865)
God will never die (Den Gamle Gud Lever Endnu, 1836)
Big Sea Snake (Den Store Søslage, 1871)
Bronze Caban (Used) (Metalsvinet, 1842)
Eldemoer, 1844)
Bottle Gorlashko (Flaskehalsen, 1857)
On the day of death (Paa Den YDERSTE DAG, 1852)
In the nursery (I Børnestuen, 1865)
Merry temper (et godt humeur, 1852)
The wind tells about Valdemar before and his daughters (Vinden Fortæller Om Valdemar Daae OG Hans Døttre, 1859)
Windmill (Veirmøllen, 1865)
Magic Hill (Elverhøi, 1845)
Collar (Flipperne, 1847)
Everybody knows my place! (Everything is your place) ("Alt Paa Sin Rette Plads", 1852)
VEN and GLEN (VæNø OG Glænø, 1867)
Ugly duck (Den Grimme ælling, 1843)
Hans Churban (or Durge Hans) (Klods-Hans, 1855)
Buckwheat (Boghveden, 1841)
Two brothers (to Brødre, 1859)
Two girls (to Jomfruer, 1853)
Twelve passengers (TOLV MED POSTEN, 1861)
Yard rooster and vane (Gaardhanen Og Veirhanen, 1859)
Deva Ice (IISJomfruen, 1861)
Girl with matches (Den Lille Pige Med SvovLstikkerne, 1845)
The girl who came to the bread (girl coming on bread) (Pigen, Som Tradte Paa Brødet, 1859)
Day of Moving (FlyttedAgen, 1860)
Wild Swans (De Vilde Svaner, 1838)
Director of the Puppet Theater (Marionetspilleren, 1851)
Days of the week (UGedagene, 1868)
House and hostess (Nissen Og Madamen, 1867)
Lantley Merchant (Nissen Hos Spekhøkeren, 1852)
Road comrade (Reisekammeraten, 1835)
Daughter of the Swamp King (Dynd-Kongens Datter, 1858)
DRIADA (Dryaden, 1868)
Thumbeline (Tommelise, 1835)
Jew (Jødepigen, 1855)
Spruce (GRANTRæET, 1844)
Bishop Berglum and His Rami (Bispen PAA Børglum OG Hans Frænde, 1861)
There is also a difference! ("" Der Er Forskjel! ", 1851)
Toad (Skrubtudsen, 1866)
Bride and groom (Kjærestefolkene or Toppen Og Bolden, 1843)
Green crumbs (de Smaa Grønne, 1867)
Evil prince. Tradition (Den Onde Fyrste, 1840)
Golden Boy (Guldskat, 1865)
And in a pinch sometimes hiding happiness (Lykken Kan Ligge i en Pind, 1869)
IB and Christine (IB OG Lille Christine, 1855)
From the Laddle window (Fra Et Vindue I Vartou, 1846)
True truth (Det Er Ganske Vist!, 1852)
History of the Year (Aarets Historie, 1852)
History of one mother (Historien OM EN MODER, 1847)
How the storm moved the signboard (Stormen Flytter Skilt, 1865)
How good! ("" Deilig! ", 1859)
Happiness Kalosker (Lykkens Kalosker, 1838)
Water drop (Vanddraaben, 1847)
Gate key (Portnøglen, 1872)
Something ("NOGET", 1858)
Bell (Klokken, 1845)
KlokKedybet, 1856)
Bell Stantian Ole (Taarnvægteren Ole, 1859)
Comet (Kometen, 1869)
Red Shoes (De Røde Skoe, 1845)
Who is happier? (HVEM VAR DEN LYKKELIGSTE?, 1868)
Swan Nest (Svanereden, 1852)
Lucky (Hørren, 1848)
Little Claus and Big Claus (Lille Claus Og Store Claus, 1835)
Little Tuk (Lille Tuk, 1847)
Moth (Sommerfuglen, 1860)
New Century Muse (Det Nye Aarhundredes Musa, 1861)
On dunes (en Historie Fra Klitterne, 1859)
On the edge of the sea (Ved Det YDERSTE HAV, 1854)
On the tomb of the child (Barnet I Graven, 1859)
On the bird's yard (I Andegaarden, 1861)
Dung Beetle (Skarnbassen, 1861)
Meal Book (Den Stumme Bog, 1851)
Non-good boy (Den Uartige Dreng, 1835)
New Dress King (Keiserens Nye Klæder, 1837)
Night cap of the old bachelor (Pebersvendens Nathue, 1858)
What was the old woman of Johanne (Hvad Gamle Johanne Fortalte, 1872)
Pearl Thread Pearl (Et Stykke Perlesnor, 1856)
Ole Lukoye (Ole Lukøie, 1841)
Sibliya Paradise Plants (Et Blad Fra Himlen, 1853)
Couple (Kæressefolkene, 1843)
Cowgirl and Peduchist (Hyrdinden Og Skorsteensfeieren, 1845)
Peter, Peter and Per (Peiter, Peter Og Peer, 1868)
Feather and inkwell (Pen Og Blækhuus, 1859)
Dances, doll, dances! (DANDSE, DANDSE DUKKE MIN! 1871)
Cancer (Venskabs-Pagten, 1842)
Under Yes (under Piletræet, 1852)
Snowdrop (Sommergjækken, 1862)
Last Sleep of Old Oak (Det Gamle Egetræes Sidte Drøm, 1858)
Last Pearl (Den Sidte Perle, 1853)
Pradedushka (Oldefa "ER, 1870)
Greach Birds Ancestors (Hønse-Greethes Familie, 1869)
Beautiful Rose of the World (Verdens Deiligste Rose, 1851)
Princess on the pea (Prindsesen PAA æRTEN, 1835)
Pagger ("HUN DUEDE IKKE", 1852)
Jumpers (Springfyrene, 1845)
Psyche (Psychen, 1861)
Bird of folk song (Folkesangens Fugl, 1864)
Phoenix Bird (Fugl Phønix, 1850)
Five of one pod (fem fra en ærtebælg, 1852)
Paradise Garden (Paradisets Have, 1839)
Solskins-Historier, 1869) stories
Children's chatter (Børnesnak, 1859)
Rose with the grave of Homer (En Rose Fra Homers Grav, 1842)
Chamomile (Gaaseurten, 1838)
Mermaid (Den Lille Havfrue, 1837)
From a serf tree (et Billede Fra Castelsvolden, 1846)
Gardener and gentlemen (Gartneren Og Herskabet, 1872)
Song candle (Tællelyset, 1820s)
The most incredible (Det Utroligste, 1870)
Candles (Lysene, 1870)
Svinhad (Svinedrengen, 1841)
Piggy Bank (Pengegrisen, 1854)
Cardiac Mountain (HJERTESORG, 1852)
Silver coin (Sølvskillingen, 1861)
Seat (Krøblingen, 1872)
Hurtigløberne, 1858)
Snowman (Sneemanden, 1861)
Snow Queen (Sneedronningen, 1844)
Hidden - not forgotten (GJEMT ER IKKE GLEMT, 1866)
Nightingale (Nattergalen, 1843)
Sleep (en Historie, 1851)
Neighbors (Nabofamilierne, 1847)
Old gravestone (Den Gamle Gravsteen, 1852)
Old House (Det Gamle Huus, 1847)
Old street lamp (Den Gamle Gadeløgte, 1847)
Old church bell (Den Gamle Kirkeklokke, 1861)
Resistant Tin Soldier (Den Standhaftige Tinsoldat, 1838)
Fate of Revik (HVAD TIDSELEN OPLEVEDE, 1869)
Sunduk-plane (Den Flyvende Kuffert, 1839)
Sausage Stick Soup (Suppe Paa En Pølsepind, 1858)
Happy family (Den Lykkelige Familie, 1847)
Son of the gatekeeper (Portnerens Søn, 1866)
Talisman (Talismane, 1836)
Shadow (Skyggen, 1847)
The thorny path of glory ("ærens Tornevei", 1855)
Turatka (MOSTER, 1866)
Tenta Toothpone (Tante Tandpine, 1872)
Ragging (Laserne, 1868)
So what a hubby will do, then okay (what a hubby will do, everything is fine) (HVAD Fatter Gjør, Det Er Altid Det Rigtige, 1861)
Snail and roses (snail and pink bush) (Sneglen Og Rosenhækken, 1861)
Philosophical Stone (De Vises Steen, 1858)
Holger Danske (Holger Danske, 1845)
Little Flowers (Den Lille Idas Blomster, 1835)
Kettle (Theepotten, 1863)
What will not come up with ... (what can come up with) (HVAD MAN KAN Hitte Paa, 1869)
In a thousand years (Om Aartusinder, 1852)
What the whole family said (Hvad Hele Familien Sagde, 1870)
Skal Needle (StopPenaalen, 1845)
Elf of pink bush (Rosen-Alfen, 1839).

In the city of Odense on the island of Funen in Denmark in the family of a shoemaker and bars.

In 1819, after the death of the Father, the young man, dreaming to become an artist, went to Copenhagen, where I tried to find myself as a singer, an actor or dancer. In 1819-1822, working in the theater, he received several private lessons of Danish, German and Latin languages.

Three years later, Andersen decided to write the play of the unsuccessful attempt to become a dramatic artist. After reading his Drama "Sun Elf" The Board of Directorate of the Royal Theater, noting the glimpse of the talent of young playwright, decided to ask the king on the appointment of the young scholarship to study in the gymnasium. The scholarship was obtained, the staff of Andersen became a member of the Directorate of the Counselor Jonas Colin, who accepted active participation in the future fate of a young man.

In 1822-1826, Andersen studied in the gymnasium in Slagels, and then in Elsinor. Here, under the influence of a difficult relationship with the school principal, the memorandum of a dying child, which later, together with his other verses, was published in a literary and art journal, and brought him fame later.

At the persistent requests of Andersen Kollin to pick it up from school that in 1827 organized private training in Copenhagen for the ward.

In 1828, Andersen entered the University of Copenhagen and graduated from a candidate of philosophy.

Classes in the university he combined with writing activities, and as a result, in 1829, the first romantic prose of Andersen was published "Travel on foot from Holmen-Canal to East Cape AMEGER." In the same year, he wrote the waterman "Love on the Nikolaova Tower", which was put on the scene of the Royal Theater in Copenhagen and had a great success.

In 1831, accumulated a small amount from the fees, Andersen went to his first journey through Germany, where he met writers Ludwig Tikom in Dresden and Adalbert von Shamisso in Berlin. The result of the trip was the essay-reflection "Shadow Pictures" (1831) and the collection of poems "fantasies and sketches". In the next two years, Andersen released four collection of poems.

In 1833, he gave Frederick's king to Denmark's cycle and received a monetary allowance for this, which he spent on a trip to Europe (1833-1834). In Paris, Andersen met Heinrich Heine, in Rome - with a sculptor Beretel Torvaldsen. After Rome went to Florence, Naples, Venice, where he wrote an essay about Michelangelo and Raphael. They wrote the poem "Agneta and Sailor", a fairy tale-story "icy".

Andersen more than nine lived outside Denmark. He visited many countries - Italy, Spain, France, Sweden, Norway, Portugal, England, Scotland, Bulgaria, Greece, Bohemia and Moravia, Slovenia, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, and America, Turkey, Morocco, Monaco and Malta, and In some countries, he has been to many times.

In the impressions of travel, dating and conversations with famous poets, writers, composers of that time he screamed inspiration for his new works. In travels, he met and talked with composers Ferinets Sheet and Felix Mendelsson-Bartholdi, writers Charles Dickens (with whom he was friendly and even lived with him during his trip to England in 1857), Viktor Hugo, Onor de Balzac and Alexander Duma and many Other artists. Directly traveling Andersen dedicated the works of "Bazaar Poet" (1842), "in Sweden" (1851), "in Spain" (1863) and "Visit to Portugal" (1868).

In 1835, the novel of the writer "Improvisator" (1835) was published, which brought him European fame. Later, Hans Andersen wrote novels "just a violinist" (1837), "Two Baroness" (1849), "to be or not" (1857), "Petka-lucky" (1870).

The main contribution of Andersen to the Danish drama is the romantic drama "Mulatto" (1840) on the equality of all people, regardless of racial affiliation. In the fabulous comedies "more expensive pearls and zlata" (1849), "Ole-Lukee" (1850), "Buzny Mother" (1851) and others. Andersen embodies the folk ideals of good and justice.

The crown of Andersen's creativity is his fairy tales. Andersen's fairy tales are chanting the mother's sacrifice ("History of one mother"), a feat of love ("Little Mermaid"), the power of art ("nightingale"), the thorny path of knowledge ("bell"), the triumph of a sincere feeling over the cold and evil mind ("Snow Queen "). Many fairy tales autobiographical. In "Zadkom Duckling", Andersen describes its own way to glory. The best fairy tales of Andersen also includes "Resistant Tin Soldier" (1838), "Girl with matches" (1845), "Shadow" (1847), "Mother" (1848) and others.

In total from 1835 to 1872, the writer released 24 collection of fairy tales and stories.

Among the works of Andersen, published in the second half of his life (1845-1875) - the poem "Agasfer" (1848), the novels "Two Baronesses" (1849), "to be or not" (1853) and others. In 1846, he began Writing your artistic autobiography "Tale of my life", which he graduated in 1875, the last year of his life.

On August 4, 1875, Hans Christian Andersen died in Copenhagen. The day of the funeral of the storyboard was declared the national day of mourning.

Since 1956, the Gold Medal of Hans Christian Andersen is awarded the International Council of Children's Book (IBBY) - the highest international award in modern children's literature. This medal is awarded Writers, and since 1966, artists, for their contribution to children's literature.

Since 1967, on the initiative and decision of the International Children's Book Council on April 2, on the birthday of Andersen, the International Children's Book Day is celebrated.

In connection with the 200th anniversary of the Birth of the writer, UNESCO was declared the year of Hans Christian Andersen.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources