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Funny Jokes Stories Quotes Aphorisms Poems Pictures funny Games. Subscribe to promotions and bonuses

1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………… 3 2. Subject-subject interaction of students and teachers in the educational process of the university ……………… …… 4 3. General approach to organizing the “student-teacher” dialogue …………………………………………… 9 4. Conclusion ………………………………… ………………………… ..11 5. References ………………………………………………… .12


The intensive socio-political and economic renewal of Russian society has a real impact on the development of all educational institutions. The goals, content, methods of teaching and upbringing of youth are changing, but the teacher remains the main character in the system of upbringing and educational activities. The most interesting content, the most progressive pedagogical technologies cannot significantly improve the quality of education, if the subject-subject interaction of the individuals participating in the educational process is weakly expressed. Such interaction is effective if the teacher, using his personal potential and professionalism, organizes creative life activities with students, where students become real subjects of all types and forms. Reforming the socio-economic structures of the state, the establishment of civilized market relations, the imposition of high requirements for the professional status of university graduates capable of self-improvement and self-realization, caused the need to create a personality-oriented paradigm of higher education, built on the humanization of relations between students and teachers, creating conditions for manifestation and the development of the personal potential of students.


In conclusion, let us summarize the main conclusions of our work. The educational activity of a student in a higher educational institution is only one of the sides of the holistic professional and personal formation of a person. The educational activity of a student is understood as a purposeful, regulated by plans and programs, a controlled process of assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills, the development and formation of a student's personality. In the process of educational activity, the student acts as its subject, i.e. carrier of subject-practical activity and knowledge. Teachers play a huge role on him, it depends on how the student leaves the university and what kind of treasure of knowledge he will have in his head. But it should not be denied that not only teachers, but also students themselves have an impact on the learning process. It depends on them what will be the approach of the teacher to the learning group as a whole and to each of the students separately. The main task of the teacher and the student is to find the "golden" optimal middle for them, in which their interaction will be much more successful and fruitful. The need to seek a compromise, to make contact, to be more loyal, to enter into each other's positions and situations is a necessary requirement for well-coordinated interaction, a clear vision of possible problems and their solution.


1. Afanasyev, Yu.N. Developing pedagogy in a universal educational environment / Yu.N. Afanasyev. - M.: Nauka, 2009. 2. Bondarevskaya, E.V. Pedagogy: personality in humanistic theories and educational systems: textbook. pos. / E.V. Bondarevskaya, S.V. Kulnevich. - Rostov on / D., 1999. 3. Vazina, K.Ya. Collective thought activity - a model of self-development / K.Ya. Vazin. - M.: Pedagogy, 1990. 4. Kazarenkov, V.I. Higher school: social and pedagogical interaction / V.I. Kazarenkov, T.B. Kazarenkova // Pedagogy. - 2000. - No. 5. 5. Orlov, A.A. Professional thinking of a teacher as a value / A.A. Orlov // Pedagogy. - 1995. - No. 6. 6. Serikov, V.V. Education and personality: Theory and practice of designing educational systems / V.V. Serikov. - M.: Pedagogy, 2005. 7. Skok, G.B. On the problem of education quality / G.B. Skok // Quality of education: concepts, problems, assessments, management: Abstracts. All-Russian. scientific_method. conf. - Novosibirsk, 1998.

I read an article by P.N. Malofeev on the Internet. "Student and teacher rules of dialogue"... Interesting thoughts and observations are given by the author, but it is so. Your work, your relationship, mutual assistance in the class depends on how you find mutual understanding not only with the teacher, but also with the student himself.

The dialogue between the student and the teacher, initiated by the student, is partnership, mutual understanding, exchange of views, ideas, positions, etc. It occurs under certain conditions, not immediately, gradually. The appearance of a dialogue is preceded by the student's orientation in the teacher, his personal and professional qualities, manifestations. As a result, students form (with varying degrees of awareness) models of interaction. In them, the teacher is offered different roles, different activities, different mechanisms of interaction, reflecting both the measure of understanding, and the measure of trust, and the measure of interest, value, and necessity shown to him by students.

Student and teacher. Dialogue rules.

Basic rules and mistakes of the "student - teacher" dialogue.

How good it was at the age, which Korney Chukovsky defined as "from two to five"! We say what we think, without any thought that we can make ourselves worse. To strangers - immediately on "you", with parents we play on the nerves. All emotions - both tears and joy - are near. And so - to the nursery, to the kindergarten.

And then there is the elementary school, then it is the secondary school, and, finally, the university. It is here that a "selfish" psychology is formed in our country, based on an ongoing dialogue throughout the years of study. "Teacher - student" and then "Student - teacher"... How to build it and where not to make a mistake?

The student must learn a few unwritten rules. One of them is duplicated in other spheres of life (for example, in marketing, in journalism, during military service) - "The teacher is always right" ... Even when it isn't. This has several consequences at once:

  • do not argue with the teacher in public , in class - it may be fraught later, especially if you run into a touchy and vindictive person,
  • solve all issues in private , alone - and also without undue emotions. Stay after class, invite to dialogue, take the right tone.

Many of us, going through life, act according to the principle: agree, but do it our own way. Should you do this when communicating with a teacher? In some cases. When he gives the go-ahead for the expression of personal opinion. But if he says in plain text: “Nobody is interested in your opinion - we read criticism and assimilate the established material,” then we will have to endure. This is not the case when you should show your teeth - you can and get on them, albeit not in the literal sense. After all, some, as they say, do not feed bread, just give the power to show ...

Since time immemorial, a situation has been known when a student who has poorly prepared for an oral exam in a subject begins to "press on pity", while saying something like "put yourself in my place - how would you do?" Reception, of course, effective, to be sure. However, forbidden, like a blow below the belt. After all, they are in different age categories - student and teacher. And, perhaps, there will never be one in the place of another. Secondly, the exam requires a final score, and here emotions are already inappropriate - a serious matter.

Fortunately, among the teachers, there are still true devotees of their work - even despite the catastrophically low salaries and increased formal requirements. But they sometimes strive - willingly or unwittingly - to make a behavioral mistake, becoming "in a pose" and saying or making it clear that, they say, my subject is the very best, and in adult life without it - just nowhere. And why all this melodrama and excessive pathos? Do you love the subject? So prove it with all the structure of your attitude towards him, "infect" the pets with positive energy. Words, after all, have a habit, like money, to devalue, depreciate in the bud.

Yes, and, of course, there is another "pose" - they say, I'm smarter than you! Standing in it, it is even easier to "get burned" - when one day a seemingly ordinary student can easily catch his arrogant teacher in an elementary ignorance of the material. And then try to rebuild your reputation ... By the way, often beginner interns do not know how to put themselves correctly - they break into outright hysterics, then they take airs where the question of an egg is not worth a damn. But even yesterday such a person was not Maria Ivanovna, but Masha, who graduated from the university a couple of months ago, and even far from having a "red" diploma, and did not shine with exemplary behavior. Where does that come from ?!

Finally, we need tax-paying accuracy in the execution of written works and their timely submission for verification. Teachers love diligent students, take note of them, begin to approach them individually. It is possible that they will help to remain in teaching after graduation. And if this is your vocation - then a textbook in hand, and experience is a gain! The sooner a system of knowledge develops in my head in at least one of the areas of knowledge, the easier the practice will be.

Pavel Nikolaevich Malofeev ©

Abstract *

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1 General approach to organizing student-teacher dialogue ... 4

2 Basic rules and mistakes of the teacher in the dialogue "student-teacher" ... 6

3 Basic rules and student mistakes in the "student-teacher" dialogue ... 10




The socio-economic and socio-cultural changes taking place in modern society have exacerbated the problem of human relationships. More and more often people do not find a common language, the number of conflict situations is increasing. Young people who are characterized by maximalism are most often the instigators of conflicts. Over time, the goals, content, methods of teaching and upbringing of youth change, but the teacher is also the main character in the system of upbringing and educational activities. The dialogue between the student and the teacher is successful, firstly, if the teacher uses his personal potential and professionalism; secondly, it organizes creative life activities jointly with students, where students become real subjects of all its types and forms.

Today, higher educational institutions are solving the problem of providing the country with such specialists who not only possess deep scientific professional knowledge, but are also capable of personal, spiritual, value and creative interaction in various spheres of life.

The organization of a correct dialogue has enormous potential for the socio-cultural development of the individual, since the dialogue creates the basis for respectful and friendly relations between students, contributes to fruitful cooperation of all subjects of the educational and upbringing processes.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the literature on the culture of pedagogical communication, and to highlight the basic rules and possible mistakes when conducting a "student-teacher" dialogue.

Fragment of work for review

1 General approach to organizing the student-teacher dialogue

The teacher asks questions for mass discussion. Questions should be clearly formulated so that specific answers can be given. You can answer either at will or on call. There are two possible scenarios for the development of events. The first option - a complete answer to the question posed has been received. The teacher addresses the audience with the question: "Does everyone understand?" If there is a misunderstanding, then the respondent is invited to clarify certain provisions of the answer. With full understanding, they move on to the next question. The second option is that the answer is either absent, or inaccurate or incomplete (which happens, as a rule). In this case, the teacher addresses the audience and asks to supplement or clarify the answer. A dialogue can unfold between the first responder and the one who clarifies the answer.

2 Basic rules and mistakes of the teacher in the dialogue "student-teacher"

The art of eloquence is manifested in the ability to organize a dialogue. The importance of the ability to build a dialogue is best conveyed by the words of LN Tolstoy: "If you want to be smart, learn to ask intelligently, listen carefully, calmly answer and stop talking when there is nothing more to say."

In pedagogical communication, it is immensely important for the teacher to adequately understand the students and the students of the teacher. In the organization of correct mutual understanding in the process of pedagogical communication, emotional identification and empathy play a significant role, as the ability to emotionally (and not only rationally) perceive another person, penetrate his inner world, accept him with all thoughts and feelings.


The main task of educational institutions is the development of a person who is able to express his creative abilities without conflicts, easily establish a dialogue with others and adapt to a new social environment, treat himself and others with respect, behave with restraint in various conflict situations, that is, a person with high level of social and cultural development.


  1. Ageev, B.C. Intergroup interaction: socio-psychological problems. M .: Publishing house Mosk. University, 1990 .-- 240 p.
  2. Grekhnev V.S. The culture of pedagogical communication. - M .: Education, 1990 .-- 144 p.
  3. Zubareva N.S. Communication skills as the basis of optimal pedagogical communication // Theory and practice of developing education. - M .: Gnom, 2001 .-- 354 p.
  4. Kovalev and V.I. Motives of behavior and activity. - M .: Nauka, 1988 .-- 192 p.
  5. Krivtsova S.V., Mukhamatulina E.A. Training: skills of constructive interaction with adolescents. - M: Genesis, 2002 .-- 184 p.

Please, carefully study the content and fragments of the work. Money for the purchased finished work due to the discrepancy between this work and your requirements or its uniqueness will not be returned.

* The category of work is of an evaluative nature in accordance with the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the provided material, which is not a scientific work, is not a final qualifying work and is the result of processing, structuring and formatting the collected information, but can be used as a source for preparing the work of the specified topic ...

Student: Two.

Today there was a dialogue between the teacher and one student after the end of the seminar:

Teacher: Well, what should I put, you answered only once or twice during the whole seminar ...
Student: Two.
Teacher: Okay ... Two means two ...

One student of the RCTU shared photos about life in a hostel. Those who lived in a hostel during their studies will understand this selection and will remember a lot. They all have approximately the same student years and are remembered with pleasure.

Dialogue between two gopniks in a trolleybus:
...- Hey, where is Vasyan, you can't see him?
- Damn, it's in the hospital
- What's with him?
- Concussion, broken jaw, 6 ribs, arm and leg.
- Oo ???? , and he cho, screwed up the stairs?
- Yes, no, got drunk, went out into the street, dug into some student and
tore his Whatman paper.

xxx: how did you end up playing games?
yyy: in general, I slept peacefully on the matan, and suddenly I wake up in a cold sweat from the fact that I do not have a castle, and I have 7 days left, or else I will cease to exist ...

case at the labor law exam.
Dialogue between a woman teacher (P) and a student guy (C).

P: what holidays for the restoration of labor function do you know?
S: uh ... maternity ...
P: I wish you so much rest ...
A curtain.)))

Two students came to receive a credit in physical education. There is no teacher,
waited a little, went to the store to buy cigarettes. Saleswoman passed
delivery of lollipops. They returned, sucking lollipops. The teacher comes:
- Well, guys, are we getting ready? Come on, come in one at a time ...

From the life of a KSE teacher (another part)
1. Again a session, again students anneal.
Teacher (P): Okay, I ask the last question. Answer - I'll put
three (to myself: and go away, otherwise you really want to go home) Bring
examples of substances that are conductors of electric current.
Student (S): For example, a tree ...
NS. ::?((
S.: Well, another person ... (Hastily) If he sticks his fingers into the socket,
2. On the cabinet are busts of a Cro-Magnon (with a beard) and a Neanderthal (with
shaggy hair). While I interview one student, the rest
talk among themselves:
C1: These are scientists, in my opinion, biologists or chemists there ...
S2: What are you, these are writers - Tolstoy and ... Turgenev (?) ... Dostoevsky

Until now, I am tormented by the question: which of them is Tolstoy?

"The student's task is to please the teacher's ears ..." This is aka a preamble ..
I sit, I take credit from the group by right .. the group is heavy, mostly
girls from the series of the old joke "WE HAVE ALL FRESH BREAD !!!" ...
I practically no longer listen, for the delirium is terrible, and my beloved
sorry ... One of the last comes up .. In the eyes of longing and boundless
emptiness ... Sinks like the cruiser "Varyag" .. I give her one last chance .. "Girl,
tell us about the legal relationship, and I will leave you alone "... Asks for permission
tell by example .. I nod ..

I hear: "Two people take part in legal relations: a teacher and a person ...".

The same group (already at the delivery of philosophy): "Myths are the most ancient form
human life "..." As the great ancient Chinese philosopher said
Mao Zedong .... "

This article belongs to the section: Designing individual self-educational activities for mastering the method of dialogue interaction with students "Preparing for a dialogue with students" Designing individual self-educational activities for mastering the method of dialogue interaction with students "Preparing for a dialogue with students." It contains suggestions for working with students in classroom lessons.



Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region

State educational institution of higher education of the Moscow region "State Humanitarian and Technological University"


Likino-Dulevo Polytechnic College - branch of GSTU

Saraeva Natalia Viktorovna

Topic: "Dialogue with students during lectures and the role of the teacher in this process"

Zonal educational and methodological seminar

"Designing individual self-educational activities for mastering the methodology of dialogue interaction with students" Preparing for a dialogue with students "


2017 Nov.

This report examines the issue of relationships in the "teacher-student" system. The importance for teaching students of such a form of organization of teaching as a lecture, and, in particular, the technology of dialogue in the process of a lecture, is considered. The reasoning based on the technology of the lecture dialogue is confirmed by the results of the questionnaire survey of students. (Key words - lecture, dialogue, questionnaire.)

One of the main conditions for successful pedagogical activity is the establishment of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and students. Each student strives for this, since on the basis of these relationships and interactions, the goals and objectives of training are much more efficiently achieved. Two aspects of the educational process - teacher and student - combine and coordinate their activities (teaching and learning); mutually activates, induces and motivates, united by a common learning goal.

The central and leading figure in this process is and should be the teacher. When teaching students from different age groups, his role differs in specific features and nuances, but the importance of the teacher is always decisive.

This characteristic also applies to the teaching of students, despite their more mature age, conscious motivation and the presence of learning skills.

Modern pedagogical technologies give students a more active role in the pedagogical process. More varied and new methods and forms of teaching are being observed.

Despite this, the lecture educational form has not lost its significance and has a number of advantages. Especially at the beginning of the course and in the case of some theoretical academic disciplines.

But the lectures must meet the modern requirements of science and a high degree of awareness and the needs of the younger generation. This implies the use of some innovations and improvement of the way of teaching the educational material during the lecture course.

First of all, the teacher should perceive students as equal participants in the educational process, as an audience of knowledgeable and well-formed personalities who expect to learn something new, interesting and useful, as well as prepare for future professional implementation. This trend is confirmed by a number of data obtained as a result of our own research and analysis. The news that young people expect to learn requires an appropriate teaching approach. One is impressed by an interest in knowledge that is directly related to future professional realization.

This is why educational content should be taught in a metered, accented manner, without unnecessary detail and a lot of detail. The teaching material should be taught in an intriguing, attractive manner (in the good sense of the given concept). Repetition with information in textbooks or with classical performances studied in closely related disciplines should be avoided.

The most important thing is that the teacher should not read his notes, but speak, explain, summarize and emphasize the main thing that maintains the interest of the audience. In this regard, the lecture should be carried out in the form of a dialogue

Dialogue is a form of communication, as well as a mechanism of pedagogical interaction. This is where its significance and meaning for pedagogy is manifested.

What does the dialogue include during the lecture? It contains discussion with students on some of the key aspects of the lecture material; feedback from students, through which the teacher gets an impression of their opinion and possible recommendations. This creates a creative atmosphere, activates students for discussion, increases their self-esteem and creates a positive attitude towards learning. Dialogue engenders interest in discipline and provokes questions.

Conducting a dialogue during a lecture requires serious preparation on the part of the teacher. He should definitely be informed about the emergence of new literature on the topics under discussion, offer data from scientific research, illustrate theoretical material through relevant examples from theory and practice. This technique contributes to the formation of incidents for solving and discussion issues. For the formation of the teacher's authority among students, experience in the teacher's own research is also important.

In connection with the above, skillful teachers preliminarily outline some points in the lecture where it is possible to conduct a dialogue with students, and this can be carried out both in the introduction and in the presentation and conclusion.

Another approach is also possible: setting tasks for independent work in the previous lecture (reading articles, identifying incidents, giving examples, etc.), which are discussed together at the lecture.

Successful dialogue in educational activities depends to a large extent on the pedagogical skill of the teacher, as well as on his personal qualities.

To confirm the above, we can give an example of a survey of third and fourth year students in the specialty "Economics and accounting (by industry)".

The survey was carried out by students in the amount of 50 people, for the purpose of the research the questionnaire “Student portrait of a teacher” was used.

Analysis of the results indicates that students value the erudition and broad scientific culture of teachers above all (88.3%). In second place is the requirement for ethical teachers with students and colleagues (85.7%). The ability of the teacher to establish contact with the audience is highly appreciated by students (85.3%).

Some differences in the assessments of third and fourth year students that they give to teachers are impressive. For example, third-year students show more exaggerated requirements for the teacher and his attitude towards them, for his ability to conduct a dialogue with the audience, as well as for the quality of the information offered, for the erudition and personal qualities of the teacher.

On the basis of the review, the thesis is once again approved that there are no unimportant aspects in pedagogical activity. It also reveals the fact that dialogue during classes with students gives a high result of teaching students and plays a huge role in educating specialists of a new generation.